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  • af Valentina Reitenbach
    813,95 kr.

    Die Dissertation widmet sich der lernförderlichen Interaktion beim Peer-Learning von Grundschulkindern. Dafür wurden Wirkmechanismen zwischen individuellen sowie gruppenbezogenen Merkmalen, der Interaktion und dem Lernerfolg im Peer-Learning untersucht. Einem Mixed-Methods-Design folgend wurde zunächst mithilfe von qualitativ kodierenden Verfahren die Elaboration als ein zentrales Interaktionsmerkmal beim Peer-Learning operationalisiert. Anschließend wurde mithilfe von inferenzstatistischen Verfahren die Bedeutung von Elaboration für den Lernerfolg beim außerunterrichtlichen Peer-Learning zum Thema Rechenstrategien untersucht. Darüber hinaus wurde inferenzstatistisch geprüft, inwieweit individuelle und gruppenbezogene Merkmale mit dem Lernerfolg zusammenhängen, sowie inwiefern die Elaboration den Zusammenhang zwischen diesen Merkmalen und dem Lernerfolg mediiert.

  • af Jennifer Friedrich-Haßauer
    922,95 kr.

    Die Ausgangslage dieser Analyse sind unterschiedliche Lernverfahren in der beruflichen Weiterbildung in Deutschland. Untersucht wird, wie diese sich auf den Lernerfolg der Lernenden auswirken. Es gilt, den Zielkonflikt zwischen den Anforderungen der Teilnehmenden und den Angeboten der Weiterbildungsanbieter zu lösen. Eine wesentliche Aufgabe ist es, die Lerntypen der Lernenden zu ermitteln und sich auf dieser Basis geeignete Lernverfahren zu erarbeiten. Daraus wird die Forschungsfrage abgeleitet, wie effizient und effektiv Blended-Learning-Lernverfahren sind und wie diese sich im Lernprozess auf den Lernerfolg auswirken. Das Ergebnis spiegelt sich in einer Empfehlung von Lernverfahren wider, die sich als effizient und effektiv aus der Sicht der Lernenden unter Berücksichtigung der jeweiligen Einflussfaktoren erweisen.

  • af David Gordon, Tracey E. Hall & Kristin H. Robinson
    323,95 - 485,95 kr.

  • af Bradford Strand
    188,95 kr.

    Optimal performance in sport occurs when athletes can focus their attention on relevant information, processes, and behaviors; while, at the same time, blocking out distracting or irrelevant cues. But how do you focus attention and block out distracting cues?In Optimal Sports Performance, author Bradford Strand lays out a model for helping athletes of all ages understand and learn how to reach optimal performance. Throughout the book, he uses Action Triggers to assist you in better understanding the challenges of your sport and have you complete Preloaded Responses which help eliminate decision paralysis in challenging situations. Identifying Preloaded Responses frees up mental bandwidth and makes your response reflexive and automatic allowing you to focus on other aspects of a game or contest. Optimal Sports Performance will provide you with the tools to practice smarter, think faster, and play better!

    828,95 kr.

    This Special Issue deals with a range of social and environmental applications of mathematics. First, articles deal with mediation analysis in studying the impact of socioeconomic factors on health, convergence analysis for assessing the sustainability of EU state economies using cluster analysis, access to economic independence using mutual information and kernel density information, verifying the impact of the location of residential properties in relation to poverty levels, ecosystem services in streets and spatial analysis in an economic model studying spatiotemporal interactions. The second topic discussed is environmental elements modelling, covering nonlinear models enabling the reconstruction of missing meteorological data, green and low-carbon rural development with the use of graph analysis and PM 2.5 and PM 10 prediction modelling with the Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous Model. The third is related to purifying the environment polluted by humans with the use of living organisms, and the fourth concerns the real estate market, utilizing a vector autoregressive model to identify the interrelationships between a housing market based on Google Trends and the housing process in Poland and using multiple linear regression to examine the residential real estate market based on intrinsic and extrinsic data.

  • af J. G. Cox
    558,95 kr.

    Introducing our TExES History 7-12 Study Guide (233): Test Prep with Practice Questions for the Texas Examinations of Educator Standards! Cirrus Test Prep's TExES History 7-12 Study Guide (233) includes everything you need to pass the TExES History 7-12 (233) exam the first time.Quick review of the concepts covered on the TExES History 7-12 (233) exam2 full length practice tests with detailed answer explanationsTips and tricks from experienced educatorsAccess to online flash cards and moreCirrus Test Prep's TExES History 7-12 Study Guide (233) is aligned with the official TExES History 7-12 (233) exam framework. Topics covered include: World HistoryUnited States HistoryTexas HistoryFoundations, Skills, Research, and Instruction Pearson was not involved in the creation or production of this product, is not in any way affiliated with Cirrus Test Prep, and does not sponsor or endorse this product. About Cirrus Test PrepDeveloped by experienced current and former educators, Cirrus Test Prep's study materials help future educators gain the skills and knowledge needed to successfully pass their state-level teacher certification exams and enter the classroom. Each Cirrus Test Prep study guide includes: a detailed summary of the test's format, content, and scoring; an overview of the content knowledge required to pass the exam; worked-through sample questions with answers and explanations; full-length practice tests including answer explanations; and unique test-taking strategies with highlighted key concepts.

  • af William J. Boone
    1.823,95 kr.

    This edited volume presents latest development in applications of Rasch measurement in science education. It includes a conceptual introduction chapter and a set of individual chapters. The introductory chapter reviews published studies applying Rasch measurement in the field of science education and identify important principles of Rasch measurement and best practices in applications of Rasch measurement in science education. The individual chapters, contributed by authors from Canada, China, Germany, Philippines and the USA, cover a variety of current topics on measurement concerning science conceptual understanding, scientific argumentation, scientific reasoning, three-dimensional learning, knowledge-in-use and cross-cutting concepts of the Next Generation Science Standards, medical education learning experiences, machine-scoring bias, formative assessment, and teacher knowledge of argument. There are additional chapters on advances in Rasch analysis techniquesand technology including R, Bayesian estimation, comparison between joint maximum likelihood (JML) and marginal maximum likelihood (MML) estimations on model-data-fit, and enhancement to Rasch models by Cognitive Diagnostic Models and Latent Class Analysis. The volume provides readers who are new and experienced in applying Rasch measurement with advanced and exemplary applications in the forefront of various areas of science education research.

  • - Matematikkens dag - Danmark rundt
    af Medlemmer af Danmarks Matematiklærerforening
    1.288,95 kr.

    Bogen til årets tema - Danmaark rundt - giver inspiration til at eleverne får nogle gode læringsoplevelser indenfor emnet. I bogen er der aktiviteter og opgaver for alle trin. Fælles Mål er grundlaget for de enkelte temaer, og kredsene i Danmarks Matematiklærerforening, som har udarbejdet de enkelte temaer, har gjort sit bedste for at koble temaernes matematik med kompetencerne og de faglige områder i Fælles Mål. Det store materiale i bogen giver forslag til spændende undervisning og aktiviteter i ugen op til Matematikkens Dag, men kan også bruges i undervisningen generelt. Der er fyldige lærervejledninger med masser af ideer til planlægning af arbejdet og til differentiering af undervisningen. Eksemplarfremstilling elektronisk eller papirkopier/prints til undervisningsbrug er kun tilladt med en aftale med Copydan Tekst & Node indenfor de rammer, der er nævnt i aftalen. Ved køb af bogen tilsendes på e-mail link til download af materialet.

  • af Stephen Pollard
    1.604,95 - 1.613,95 kr.

  • af Angela Williams
    423,95 kr.

    The Find Your Voice program is designed to equip children ranging from pre-K to third grade with the necessary internal tools to prevent and combat various types of abuse including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. The program offers an educational curriculum that includes lesson plans for each book in the Adventures of Gracie & Grant series. The curriculum is aligned with the common core standards implemented in many school systems across the country and provides a rubric outlining the lesson summary, skills taught, and expected outcomes. The book series reinforces powerful themes covering important aspects such as personal safety, self-confidence, personal boundaries, and having a strong voice.By leveraging traditional, innovative, and research-based teaching techniques, The Adventures of Gracie & Grant series subtly imparts empowerment through its class-appropriate topics and lessons. The easy-to-follow lesson plans enable instructors to facilitate a natural conversation during the reading or following of this Dr. Seuss-style book series. The books are colorful, entertaining, engaging, rhyming books specifically designed to maintain a child's innocence while educating them on the important principles of personal safety.The Adventures of Gracie & Grant is destined to hold a place in the hearts of children who read them for generations.

  • af Julia Maria Aguirre
    318,95 kr.

    Help students see their whole selves in the math they¿re learning with culturally responsive teaching. Cultivating Mathematical Hearts: Culturally Responsive Mathematics Teaching in Elementary Classrooms, aims to re-center mathematics as a humanizing endeavor because putting children and their humanity at the heart of mathematics education can result in more engaged, meaningful, and joyful learning. This book introduces a model and a tool for Culturally Responsive Mathematics Teaching, constructed to create a safe, inclusive space where all learners can come together in their own educational journey and develop a love for math that centers their experiences and comes from the heart. Implementing the Culturally Responsive Mathematics Teaching Tool (CRMT2) will help you cultivate and sustain meaningful, rich, and rigorous mathematical learning spaces for all your students-experiences that foster mathematical curiosity and joy. The book walks you through each aspect of the framework and tool, guiding you to consider how your classroom structures, lessons, tasks, and assessments: Honor the existing cultural strengths, experiences, and lived realities of all your students Elicit diverse mathematical thinking and ideas Support equitable access to rigorous mathematical learning and discourse for all students Invite a sense of agency in each student's learning experience Promote high engagement and excitement while learning mathematics Nurture an understanding that mathematics is a powerful tool for making sense of the world By weaving these strategies into classroom lessons, teachers can humanize mathematics instruction to successfully build a love for math while providing equitable learning opportunities that empower student voice and promote success in mathematics.

  • af Keri Watson
    1.204,95 kr.

    This book examines the role of the visual and performing arts in higher education and argues for the importance of socially engaged transdisciplinary practices, not just to the college curriculum but also to building an informed and engaged citizenry. The first chapter defines and offers an outline for conducting transdisciplinary research. Chapters two through five present examples of transdisciplinary projects facilitated in Central Florida between 2017 and 2022. Topics and methodological frameworks include ecocriticism and climate change, migration, poverty, and displacement, ageing and disability, and systemic racism and mass incarceration. Each chapter includes descriptions of the projects and outlines how they integrated the essential learning outcomes articulated by the American Association of Colleges and Universities in the Liberal Education and Americäs Promise report. A concluding chapter offers reflections on the value of transdisciplinary collaborative work and poses questions for further discussions on the role of the arts in higher education. The book is designed for graduate and undergraduate students, faculty, and non-academics interested in engaging in transdisciplinary projects to address complex societal issues.

  • af Anja Schierbaum
    920,95 kr.

    Der Band stellt zentrale Theoriefiguren der Kinder- und Kindheitsforschung zur Diskussion und führt historische, theoretische und empirische Beiträge aus Geschichts-, Sozial- und Erziehungswissenschaften zusammen. Gegenstand sind kindheitsbezogene Problemstellungen wie Agency, Chancengleichheit, Partizipations- und Ressourcengerechtigkeit, Wohlbefinden, Flucht, Migration, Kinderrechte und Kinderschutz. Darüber hinaus werden die Bedingungen des Aufwachsens und die Lebenslagen von Kindern mit Bezug zur Forschung mit Kindern und zu Kindheit(en) reflektiert.

    883,95 kr.

    This Special Issue "Design and Sustainability" aimed to foster discussion on the design and development of products, services and PSS that are socially, economically and environmentally sustainable. It is crucial to consider various facets of design and sustainability in a broad range of sectors and countries, while providing attention to often overlooked 'softer' dimension of social sustainability.

  • af William J. Robinson
    208,95 kr.

    Woman Her Sex And Love Life, By William J. Robinson, an American Physician who is remembered as the first American physician to advocate birth control and contraceptive knowledge.The author starts the book with the interesting topic of how woman was created in the universe, based on the Hindu mythology, which ends up in a note of "Man neither lives with nor without Woman". The author adds knowledge on sex is more important to women than men knowing about sex. In the preceding chapters which are well organized chronologically, the book explores the paramount need of women to acquire knowledge on sex, the women anatomy, the sexual organs, the Physiology of female sex organs, Puberty, Marriage, Intercourse, birth, etc.

    713,95 kr.

    Archaeology, geography, and the Earth sciences are an integrated field devoted to researching nature, the environment, humanity, and the social sciences. Remote sensing systems have been widely applied for data acquisition at various spatial scales. Innovations in image and signal processing, IoT, big data, and deep learning models induce new potentials in the reconstruction and exploration of ancient people's material culture and lives. This Special Issue focuses on applying remote sensing techniques coupled with a data mining method to analyze and discuss humanity-, geography-, and environment-related contexts. The formal integration of archaeology and geography has been conducted over the past twenty or thirty years. In spite of this, continuous innovations, whether in imaging spectroscopy and multimodal imaging or in imaging computing using deep learning models, still motivate scholars to address related issues. The aim of this Special Issue is to compile the latest achievements in the field and to open up a forum where scholars can contribute their unique findings.

  • af Mora Claramita
    2.189,95 kr.

    This book is a collection of the best scientific research presented during the First International Conference of Indonesian Medical and Health Professions Education (INA-MHPE Conference 2022) hosted by the Departments of Medicine, Health Professions Education, and Bioethics in the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing at the Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in Indonesia. The conference was held in co-operation with the co-hosts of Department of Medical Education at Universitas Indonesia (UI) and the Medical Education Unit in the Faculty of Medicine at Universitas Airlangga (UA), who will host the forthcoming INA-MHPEC in 2024 and 2026, respectively. This collection presents selected papers presented by health professionals and bioethicists from these leading institutions in Indonesia, focusing on the theme of character building in the context of health education for medical professionals in the twenty-first century. It considers effective learning strategies for character building, appropriate methods of character assessment, means of assessing and improving the learning environment in the community, clinics, university classes and hospitals, and addresses the role of the healthcare educator in providing resources, program evaluations, and effective medical management to support the development of healthcare professionals¿ characters, and their modus operandi, in the future. The book is relevant to medical and public health professionals in Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and beyond.

  • af Terry Locke
    1.311,95 kr.

    This book explores intersections between sense of place, the formation of identity, indigeneity and colonisation, literature and literary study, the arts, and a revisioned school curriculum for the Anthropocene. Underpinning the book is a conviction that sense of place is central to the fostering of the change of heart required to secure the survival of human life on earth. It offers a coherent overview of seemingly disparate realities on a geographically and historically sprawling canvas.The book is a work of literary non-fiction, drawing on a range of sources: literary works and criticism, theoretical research, empirical studies and artworks. Of its very nature, the book enacts an extensive cultural critique. After establishing a cross-disciplinary foundation for ¿sense of place¿, the book describes its relationship to identity with reference to such terms as attachment, dispossession, reclamation and representation. It shows how a hopeful narrative for planet stewardship can be developed by the uptake of indigenous and traditional discourses of place. It concludes with the envisioning of a place-conscious curriculum, and ways in which an activist agenda might be pursued in the Anthropocene.

  • af Marcella Mandanici
    513,95 kr.

    This book offers an overview of the complex world of digital materials for music education and of their possible use in the everyday practice of music teachers. It presents a multidimensional taxonomy of digital materials for music education. Through the taxonomy it is possible to derive a clear framework of the whole field and to perform analysis of the state of art. The book shows the use of this flexible and powerful knowledge tool for reviewing the digital materials in the various domains and dimentions. The book provides researchers and designers with an overview of what has already been designed, proposed and tested in the field. It also offers music teachers a wider perspective of the possibilities connected to current technologies in the field of music education, and it suggests possible interrelationships between research and music education practices.

  • af Ying-Shao Hsu
    1.802,95 - 1.812,95 kr.

    This book explores innovative approaches to teacher professional learning, examples of teaching enacted in classrooms, and factors affecting the promotion of quality teaching in socio-scientific issues and sustainability contexts. Since educational settings and cultures influence teaching, the different approaches and perspectives in various cross-national contexts enable us to appreciate the diversity of different countries' practices and provide insight into seminal approaches to socio-scientific issues-based teaching internationally. The book consists of three parts: innovative professional development programs, innovative teaching approaches, and issues relating to student engagement with socio-scientific issues and sustainability education. The book targets those who can be expected to develop curriculum, enact teaching practices, and facilitate teachers' professional development in socio-scientific issues and sustainability education.

  • af Henrik Kureer
    453,95 kr.

    Lærebogssystemet International økonomi A består af to grundbøger – Bind 1. National økonomi og Bind 2. Global økonomi – samt et arbejdshæfte. Global økonomi sætter fokus på den globale økonomi: den globale handel, Danmarks handel, konkurrenceevne, globalisering, udviklingslande samt de internationale økonomiske organisationer med hovedfokus på EU og WTO. Konkurrenceevnen tildeles stor opmærksomhed, bl.a. ved en grundig gennemgang af Porters diamant samt den øgede betydning af social kapital og social tillid for konkurrenceevnen. Desuden er handelsteorier, udviklingsteorier og bistandspolitik behandlet indgående. Endelig er der en grundig gennemgang af de udviklingskendetegn, som typisk anvendes, når man beskriver et lands udviklingsniveau. Bøgerne henvender sig til ungdomsuddannelserne men kan også anvendes som supplerende litteratur på en lang række videregående uddannelser. Til A-niveau bøgerne kan der tilkøbes et arbejdshæfte.

  • af Henrik Kureer
    648,95 kr.

    Lærebogssystemet International økonomi A består af to grundbøger – Bind 1. National økonomi og Bind 2. Global økonomi – samt et arbejdshæfte. National økonomi tager udgangspunkt i det økonomiske kredsløb med fokus på produktion, indkomst og forbrug, arbejdsmarkedet, velfærdsstaten, den finansielle sektor, den offentlige sektor og ikke mindst de nationaløkonomiske politikker. Desuden er finanskrisens konsekvenser et gennemgående tema i bogens kapitler. Bogen introducerer centrale begreber som betalingsbalance, inflation og valuta og tegner derudover et billede af de væsentligste økonomiske skoler; den klassiske økonomiske liberalisme med Adam Smith, den keynesianske skole med John Keynes samt monetarismen og den nyliberale skole. Samtidig belyses aktuelle samfundsøkonomiske problemstillinger. Det gælder eksempelvis den øgede betydning af social kapital og social tillid for konkurrenceevnen. Bøgerne henvender sig til ungdomsuddannelserne men kan også anvendes som supplerende litteratur på en lang række videregående uddannelser. Til A-niveau bøgerne kan der tilkøbes et arbejdshæfte.

  • af Francis Niyi Akinola
    308,95 kr.

    Do you question yourself and the path you are on? Do you feel you are always taking ones step forward and two steps back? Would you like a map to help guide you through the chaotic times? Blooming Through Chaotic Times provides a road-map and practical action plan for moving forward in spite of the challenges we face today, which are formidable, both on an individual basis, national and global. Clearly mapped into two parts: The Journey Back and The Journey Forward, Francis takes you back into Chaos and Coherence and on into Blooming and Becoming. The Journey Back suggests the right attitudes to have, damage control principles to implement, and ideas on how best to manage and mitigate risks when we go through difficult times. The Journey Forward explores principles to be applied during periods of breakthrough and booms and offers ways of maximizing advantages and achieving the highest potential when things are good during this period. Through a mix of cultural and actionable advice, Francis takes the reader on a journey through memorable stories and surprising suggestions, towards developing and cultivating a practical means for progress, freedom, and liberty in an increasingly distracted world and this book will point the way to overcome negative thought patterns, reduce stress and live a worry-free life.Stop agonizing over the past and try to live in the present and stop ruminating and dwelling on negative thoughts.How to be aware of your negative spiral triggers. Identify and recognize your inner anxieties.How to keep the focus on relaxation and action.Learn to declutter your mind and find focus.Unleash your unlimited potential and start living.If you enjoyed these books; 12 Rules for Life by Jordan B. Peterson, The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel, Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins, Beyond Order by Jordan B. Peterson and The Almanack of Naval Ravikant by Eric Jorgenson, then you may also enjoy this book.

  • af Ronald A. Beghetto
    1.030,95 - 1.410,95 kr.

    This edited volume brings together a group of international researchers and theorists from various intellectual and analytic traditions to explore the role uncertainty plays in creativity, learning, and development. Contributors to this volume draw on existing programs of research as well as introduce new and even speculative directions for research, theory and practice.Learning and life are filled with uncertainty. Although the experience of uncertainty can cause emotional discomfort or cognitive rigidity, uncertainty serves as a catalyst and condition for change. In this way, uncertainty represents a core facet in the interrelationship among creativity, learning, and development. Considerations for both the benefits and potential costs of uncertainty will be addressed in this volume with an aim of understanding how uncertainty can be better understood in light of creativity, learning, and development. Taken together this volume stands to contribute to our collective understanding of the role that uncertainty plays in learning and life and highlights how conceptualizing and studying uncertainty in new ways can promote positive and lasting change.

  • af Jane Addams
    158,95 kr.

    In this compelling memoir, Jane Addams takes us on an unforgettable journey through the hallowed halls of Hull-House, an iconic institution that reshaped the social landscape of early 20th century America. "Twenty Years at Hull-House" is an inspiring testament to Addams' unwavering commitment to social justice and her tireless efforts to uplift the lives of the underprivileged.Step into the bustling streets of Chicago's immigrant neighborhoods, where Addams and her dedicated colleagues embarked on a mission to alleviate poverty, advocate for women's rights, and bridge the gap between different social classes. With vivid prose and poignant anecdotes, Addams paints a vivid portrait of the daily struggles and triumphs that permeated the lives of those within Hull-House's walls.As Addams chronicles her two decades at Hull-House, she unveils a tapestry of resilience, empathy, and solidarity. Through her vivid storytelling, she brings to life the vibrant tapestry of people who sought solace and support at Hull-House. From newly arrived immigrants grappling with the challenges of assimilation to destitute families yearning for a glimmer of hope, Addams sheds light on the complex human stories that shaped the course of social reform."Twenty Years at Hull-House" is not only a captivating memoir but also a call to action. Addams's groundbreaking work and unyielding dedication continue to inspire generations of activists, reminding us of the power of compassion, community, and collective action in the face of adversity.

  • af George Bevan
    373,95 kr.

    Discover the enchanting world of whales with our comprehensive guide, designed for enthusiasts and conservationists alike. Dive deep into whale ecology, learn to conduct photo-ID research, manage data, understand research methodologies, and develop skills to contribute to a whale watching and research station.Our guide serves as a beacon, shedding light on how increased awareness and involvement can lessen human impact on the oceans and whale populations. It offers tangible solutions to protect and restore whale populations in the Azores Archipelago and globally. We believe in the power of passionate individuals, action-oriented groups, and communities that have historically propelled ocean conservation efforts. Our aim is to further this legacy and champion environmental stewardship.Upon completion of this program, students will be equipped to conduct Whale Research Assistant program methods and contribute to data collection both within and beyond the region. Gain insights into whale ecology, understand the anatomical, physiological, and social differences across species, and master the art of identifying species and individuals. Learn about the threats, conservation measures, and ongoing research efforts aimed at protecting the dwindling populations.Experience first-hand the bustling environment of a research station and hone necessary skills for on-land and at-sea activities. Completion of this program opens doors to volunteering opportunities at research stations or to apply these skills globally through other citizen science programs. Embrace your passion for marine life and contribute to a cause greater than yourself. Let's journey together for the conservation of these majestic sea giants!

  • af E. Allen Driggers
    2.184,95 kr.

    This book tells the story of how chemists, physicians, and surgeons attempted to end the problem of urinary stones. From the late eighteenth to the early nineteenth centuries, chemists wanted to understand why the body formed urinary, pancreatic, and other bodily stones. Chemical analysis was an exciting new means of understanding these stones and researchers hoped of possibly preventing their formation entirely. Physicians and surgeons also hoped that, with improved chemical analysis, they would eventually identify substances that would reduce the size of stones, leading to their easier removal from the body. Urinary stones and other stones of the body caused the boundaries of surgery, chemistry, and medicine to blur. The problem of the stone was transformational and spurred collaboration between chemistry and medicine. Some radical physicians in America and Britain combined this nascent medical advancement with older disciplines, like humoral theory. Chemists, surgeons, and physicians in Charleston, Philadelphia, and London focused on the stones of the body. Chemical societies and museums also involved themselves in the problem of the stone. Meanwhile, institutions in Charleston, Philadelphia, and London served as repositories of specimens for testing and study as previously disparate practitioners and disciplines worked toward the comprehensive knowledge that could, perhaps, end suffering from stones. The primary audience of this book is historically-minded chemists, surgeons, physicians, and museum professionals.

  • af Global Healing
    128,95 kr.

    "Do you want an interactive workbook that will support you in following THE raw vegan healing protocol that has been proven to work time and time again? Then this book is for you!" This is a strategically composed workbook which contains a series of tips, pointers, and protocols which are geared towards healing you naturally. Through years of experience, we learnt a vast amount about human healing and we wanted to deliver this information to you in a practical and applicable way. With the help of this workbook companion, you will now be able to achieve your individual health goals easily. It is now your turn to experience instant positive changes in your life and health. Good luck on your journey.

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