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  • af Ronaldo Munck
    268,95 kr.

    Latin America and the Caribbean, as with other regions, continue to face serious challenges, including fragility of democratic institutions and increasing social and economic inequality. In the past decades, access to higher education has been demonstrated to be key in furthering democratic societies and increasing participation. In the aftermath of the pandemic crisis, the role of higher education, in developing and sustaining a culture of democracy and participation, will be even greater. Higher education must be seen as an essential means through which to support and strengthen the values and structures of a just and inclusive society. This book seeks to engage the leaders, students and staff of higher education institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean in a conversation around how we might share best practice. We consider how universities can better address the issues of social inclusion and educational access with excluded communities, such as the original peoples and the Afro‐descendants, within a framework of democratic values.This book is an important step in the creation of this Learning Community and presents an overview of the democratic mission and civic engagement across higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean. It serves to bring together diverse voices and the experiences of different countries and higher education institutions. The decision to publish in English rather than Spanish, the language of the majority of the contributors, is a considered one as we see the book having a role in bringing the Latin American and Caribbean experiences and lessons to a wider global audience. Thus, Latin America and the Caribbean seek to join the global conversation on the democratic mission and civic engagement, referencing the region's own rich andvaried experience over the years.

  • af Anita Maria Albers
    338,95 - 578,95 kr.

  • af Alice Kingman
    123,95 kr.

    About the SeriesThe Kingman Comprehension Series aims to enhance students' essential reading skills and abilities to exercise critical judgment to help improve progressively their understanding of written texts.A traditional and contemporary approach is used by the author with questions set in the formats of:- Filling in the blanks- Underlining the correct answers- Multiple choice questions- True or false questions- Matching- Drawing inferences- Open-ended questions and- SequencingSuggested answers to the questions are provided at the back of the book.The series comprises six books catering to the levels and needs of the targeted students:Elementary Level - Book 3 (for students eight to nine years old)- Book 4 (for students nine to ten year old)Intermediate Level - Book 5 (for students ten to eleven year old)- Book 6 (for students eleven to twelve year old)Advanced Level - Book 7 (for students twelve to thirteen year old)- Book 8 (for students thirteen to fourteen year old)

  • af Jessica Roberts, S. Kay Gandy & Harmony Hendrick
    343,95 - 981,95 kr.

  • af Evan Ortlieb, Britnie Delinger Kane & Earl H. Cheek
    535,95 - 792,95 kr.

  • af Lucy Wynne
    208,95 kr.

    Sex education is not something you should have to learn along the way. We all need guidance sometimes, and when it comes to sex, it can feel difficult to ask for help. Shh... It Happens is a blog-turned-book that is based on sex education. Sex education is something that unfortunately does not seem a priority in a standard education setting, leaving a lot of people somewhat clueless when it comes to anything beyond condoms and periods. Sex ed is so much more than that.Author, Lucy Wynne is a sex-positive activist, a free thinker and has been a journalist for nearly a decade, and she has spent years collecting research and interviewing contributors in an aim to bring a real life, relatable aspect to the book, and to prove that no matter what you are going through, you are definitely not alone.Speaking about sex should not be taboo amongst consenting adults. Open conversations about sex create a gateway to a safer space, leading to more people feeling comfortable in talking about topics they would have otherwise shied away from, this is why Shh... It Happens was created; to speak openly, without judgment, and to inform on serious topics in an informative way. From sexual health concerns to squirting, to kinks and fetishes - nothing is off the cards with Shh... It Happens. Let's get learning, let's get talking, and let's get those important conversations flowing.

  • af Julie Allan
    278,95 kr.

    One size does not fit all when it comes to education.In modern society, education has been and continues to be shaped, informed, and driven by a so-called "grammar of schooling": an approach which completely ignores the many and diverse identities that learners own, are given, and encounter. Categorising students into neat, labelled boxes, splintering knowledge into strictly defined subjects, and fracturing learning - this grammar of schooling desperately needs rewriting.Through narratives from teachers, students, and their families, this book explores the lived experiences of those who are forced to live with the current approach, and the consequences for their lives, relationship, and education. It also asks the question of what creative and holistic alternative approaches might look like - when the rules aren't working, the rulebook can be rewritten.

  • af Maurice Alpheus Bigelow
    183,95 kr.

    Sex-education in its largest sense includes all scientific, ethical, social, and religious instruction and influence which directly and indirectly mayhelp young people prepare to solve for themselves the problems of sex that inevitably come in some form into the life of every normal humanindividual. Note the carefully guarded phrase "help young people prepare to solve for themselves the problems of sex", for, like education in general,special sex-education cannot possibly do more than help the individual prepare to face the problems of life.

  • af Thomas Strohm
    623,95 kr.

    This textbook introduces special relativity with a focus on a profound understanding of the physics behind the theory. The main part of the book is targeted to undergraduates, for physics education, for undergraduate students in natural sciences in general, and even to interested laypersons. To serve these target groups, the book uses only basic mathematics and, in contrast to many other introductions to special relativity, the book is based on a pedagogical approach that relies on geometry and space-time diagrams to make the surprising predictions of the theory particularly clear. Special relativity is a geometric theory, and space-time diagrams are an efficient and easily understandable way to comprehend its implications.The textbook, however, is also suitable for advanced students and enthusiasts that already learned the basics of the special theory of relativity and want to know more. Special digression sections provide plenty of interesting material. Carefully selected problems with solutions and in-depth explanations for all key experiments help deepen the knowledge.

  • af Fatih Yilmaz, Jesús Martín Vaquero, Víctor Gayoso Martínez, mfl.
    1.996,95 - 2.198,95 kr.

  • af Werner Schindler
    217,95 kr.

    Using field-tested, carefully crafted units of study, the authors in this essential teach fundamental mathematical techniques that are relevant well beyond the elementary school years. In this Volume II, the Gaussian summation formula and a recursion formula are derived and applied. Tasks on divisibility, prime factors and divisors follow. For calculating with remainders, the modulo calculation is introduced and applied. Students learn to perform proofs in a variety of contexts. As in Volume I, "Graphs, Games, and Proofs," the tasks encourage mathematical thinking skills, imagination, and creativity. The detailed sample solutions are designed for non-mathematicians.This book is a translation of the original German 1st edition Mathematische Geschichten II ¿ Rekursion, Teilbarkeit und Beweise by Susanne Schindler-Tschirner and Werner Schindler, published by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature in 2019. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.

  • af Andreas Filler
    530,95 kr.

    Hans Schupp verstarb im Mai 2021 im Alter von 86 Jahren. Neben seinen weitreichenden Beiträgen zur Didaktik der Stochastik war er auch in der Geometrie substantiell breit aufgestellt und hat zahlreiche, didaktisch begründete, konstruktive Vorschläge zur Re-Geometrisierung des Mathematikunterrichts publiziert. In diesem Feld gibt es in der schulischen Praxis aber leider weiterhin Defizite und großen Nachholbedarf. Dies war Grund genug, um uns auf unserer Tagung mit dem Erbe von Hans Schupp und ¿ darauf aufbauend ¿ mit der Weiterentwicklung des Geometrieunterrichts zu beschäftigen. Dieser Tagungsband enthält daher zwölf Beitrage zu Themen des Geometrieunterrichts, die an Ideen und Arbeiten von Hans Schupp anknüpfen.

  • af Katja Weirauch
    199,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch ist für alle TüftlerInnen geschrieben, die die Blaukraut- und Backpulver-Experimente aus dem Internet schon alle durchprobiert haben und denen der Chemiebaukasten auch nichts Neues mehr bieten kann. Ihr müsst nicht auf die nächste Chemiestunde in der Schule warten, um weitermachen zu können!Um Chemie zu betreiben, braucht man nicht unbedingt ein Labor. Chemische Experimente durchführen bedeutet aber auch nicht, einfach alles zusammenzuschütten, was der Putzschrank oder der Kühlschrank hergeben. Abgesehen davon, dass das durchaus gefährlich werden kann, passiert oft nichts. Oder es passiert etwas und keiner ist da, der einem erklären könnte, warum. Mit diesem Buch möchten wir euch Ideen und erste Anleitungen geben, mit denen ihr selbst weiterforschen könnt. Nach einer ersten Erklärung folgen mehrere Versuche, mit denen ihr eine chemische Untersuchungsmethode trainieren könnt ¿ die euch fit machen soll, um dann euren eigenen Ideen nachgehen zu können. Für die Versuche benötigt ihr zum Teil besondere Materialien, die man aber alle käuflich erwerben kann. Legt los!

  • af Martin Baker
    238,95 kr.

    Zwei Außerirdische beobachten auf ihren jeweiligen Heimatplaneten die Landung eines Raumfahrzeugs und versuchen, es zu erforschen. Im Inneren entdecken sie rätselhafte Experimente, die ihnen zeigen, dass die Welt sich nicht so verhält, wie sie es angenommen haben, und die ihr gesamtes Verständnis der Realität in Frage stellen. Die Vorgeschichte der Raumfahrzeuge enthüllt schließlich eine Bedrohung von galaktischem Ausmaß, die nur mit Hilfe der Quantenmechanik überwunden werden kann.Dieses Sachbuch in Form eines Science-Fiction-Romans führt erzählerisch und spannend in die Konzepte der Quantenmechanik ein. Zentrale Begriffe wie Welle-Teilchen-Dualismus, Verschränkung und Schrödingers Katze werden an nachvollziehbaren (Gedanken-)Experimenten erläutert.

  • af Kyunghee Pyun & Bokyung Kim
    1.705,95 kr.

    This volume challenges existing notions of what is ¿Indian,¿ ¿Southeast Asian,¿ and/or ¿South Asian¿ art to help educators present a more contextualized understanding of art in a globalized world. In doing so, it (re)examines how South or Southeast Asian art is being made, exhibited, circulated and experienced in new ways in the United States or in regions under its cultural hegemony. The essays presented in this book examine both historical and contemporary transformations or lived experiences of monuments and regional styles (sites) from South or Southeast Asian art in art making, subsequent usage, and exhibition-making under the rubric of ¿Indian,¿ ¿South Asian,¿ ¿or ¿Southeast Asian¿ Art.

  • af Karen Janette Murcia
    1.610,95 kr.

    This edited volume brings together international research that explores children¿s creativity in STEM inquiry. It takes the position that creativity is relevant in all aspects of life and is essential for adaptable and innovative thinking. The research informed content of the book, highlights both challenges and opportunities for growing children¿s creativity. The book focuses on fostering children¿s creativity and natural curiosity in the world around them through STEM inquiry. Through STEM inquiry, children are learning through a cross- disciplinary approach where they apply concepts from multiple fields as they are thinking creatively, problem solving and constructing solutions. Educators play a critical role in encouraging children¿s creativity by modelling creativity, providing creative projects for children and importantly, establishing rich culturally connected environments where children have the resources, conditions and opportunities for acting and thinking creatively. The book provides a lens for looking at children¿s creativity in a range of different cultural settings. It offers insight and guidance to future research and will build educators¿ capacity for developing children¿s creative practices.

  • af Marco Ceccarelli & Rafael López-García
    2.428,95 kr.

  • af H. Vasudeva
    333,95 kr.

    Physical education is an educational course related to the physique of the human body, taken during primary and secondary education that encourages psychomotor learning in a play or movement exploration setting to promote health. The idea of training is reflected in words, which are given to isolate parts of training. Training means are different physical activities and their articles, techniques and systems, which are utilized for the improvement, support and recuperation of execution limit and execution availability. Physical activities are the physical methods for training. Different methods are utilized not withstanding physical activities or independently according to prerequisite. Each preparation means has its very own particular impact on the presentation limit. This impact might be immediate or aberrant. Physical activities directly affect execution limit. Means like physiotherapy, autogenous training has backhanded impact (Singh, 1991).

  • af Marcus Robbins
    133,95 kr.

    The aim of this book is twofold: (1) to show how a so-called Octaikon graphic can be used as a life-long educational tool to help imagine all sorts of secular and spiritual ideas related to love (2) to summarise the author's Christian understanding of these ideas. The intended readers were the author's extended family. However, it's also for anyone, of all ages, abilities, beliefs or none who are curious about how they live and move and have their being. It's not an academic treatise, but written by an enthusiastic amateur in search for what is true, good and beautiful - in short, lovely! Whether you are an atheist, New Ager, well-being guru, integral philosopher, or conservative Christian, the author hopes you will find something of value in the book about their meaning and purpose in life.

  • af Neville Fletcher
    268,95 kr.

  • af Oana 536 & erban
    1.190,95 kr.

  • af Alain Kuzniak, Philippe R. Richard & Elizabeth Montoya-Delgadillo
    1.602,95 kr.

  • af Alejandra J Magana
    348,95 kr.

    Computation, modeling, and simulation practices are commonplace in the STEM workplace, yet formal training embedded in disciplinary practices is not as standard in the undergraduate classroom. Teaching and Learning in STEM With Computation, Modeling, and Simulation Practices: A Guide for Practitioners and Researchers gives instructors a handbook to ensure their curriculum bridges the gap between the classroom and workplace by equipping students with computational skills and preparing them for a rewarding career in STEM. Grounded in theory and supported by fifteen years of education research at the undergraduate level, this book provides instructional, pedagogical, and assessment guidance for integrating modeling and simulation practices into the undergraduate classroom.

  • af Nelda C. Toothman
    178,95 kr.

    Recognizing the Best in Children. Those who became educators entered this field to make a difference in the lives of children. Many have come to question possibility of doing so. Over the past decade the media have characterized the Nation's schools as seriously declining environments: reports of bullying, racial tensions, and escalating violence have become commonplace. Most teachers must battle another growing distraction: the high stakes test mania. The state threatens the district office personnel, who in turn pressure the principals, who pressure the teachers, who transmit the stress to students. Increasing numbers of teachers grow dissatisfied w/ their lack of autonomy & creativity & move to change careers. More talented & effective school principals forsake their leadership roles through early retirements, & there are fewer candidates seeking these administrative positions. These are times when growing children must learn how to be resilient, to emerge from the very dangers, setbacks & uncertainties that tend to cripple others, to lead healthy, productive lives. Studies of such resilient children have shown that most important factor in nearly every case was a supportive one-on-one relationship w/ a caring adult. The Teacher Within touches our complex, troubling days w/ its refreshing ray of hope. It should be required reading for all of us who need to get back in touch w/ our prime reasons for being. Whether we're teachers, managers, coaches/parents, Nelda Toothman's introspection motivates us to rethink our own lives & behaviors, to analyze how we will respond to the challenges we face individually. Dr. Marilyn KatzenmeyerTeacher, Educational Consultant, Co-author, Awakening the Sleeping Giant: Helping Teachers Develop as Leaders, 2nd Edition, Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2001

  • af Amy Frederick, Anne C. Ittner & Darl Kiernan
    499,95 - 697,95 kr.

  • af Penelope Baker
    1.091,95 kr.

    Primary Mathematics: Integrating Theory with Practice is a comprehensive introduction to teaching mathematics in Australian primary schools. Closely aligned with the Australian Curriculum, it provides a thorough understanding of measurement, geometry, patterns and algebra, data and statistics, and chance and probability. The fourth edition provides support for educators in key aspects of teaching: planning, assessment, digital technologies, diversity in the classroom and integrating mathematics content with other learning areas. It also features a new chapter on the role of education support in the mathematics classroom. Each chapter has been thoroughly revised and is complemented by classroom snapshots demonstrating practical application of theories, activities to further understanding and reflection questions to guide learning. New in this edition are 'Concepts to consider', which provide a guided explanation and further discussion of key concepts to support pre- and in-service teachers' learning and teaching of the fundamentals of mathematics.

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