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Undervisningsudstyr og teknologi, e-læring

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  • - At skabe og dele viden i udviklingsstøttende netværk
    af Birgit Kirkebæk, Sissel Sollied & Mette Christensen
    288,95 kr.

    Bogen henvender sig til alle, der ønsker at anvende video som arbejdsredskab i pædagogisk praksis. Alle mennesker kommunikerer fra fødslen og til livets ophør. Men for nogle er kommunikationen besværliggjort af funktionsnedsættelser. Omgivelserne kan derfor have svært ved at se deres signaler og udtryk som kommunikation og respondere på dem. Arbejdsmåden videoanalyse i team er en hjælp til at overkomme denne forståelseskløft.Video giver mulighed for, at man – individuelt eller i team – genoplever en hændelse, analyserer samspillet på videoklippet, reflekterer og fremsætter prøvende fortolkninger. Teorier peger ud fra forskellige synsvinkler på menneskers medfødte kompetencer til kontakt, samspil og kommunikation og på omsorgsgivers evne til at ydeomsorg og skabe rum for personlig udvikling.Bogen beskriver, hvordan videoanalyse i team er udviklet i et fagfelt, hvor fysiske og psykiske funktionsnedsættelser komplicerer den gensidige forståelse mellem de implicerede personer. Denne arbejdsmåde har desuden vist sig som et velfungerende og udviklingsstøttende redskab i andre typer af pædagogisk arbejde.Bogens kapitler er på henholdsvis dansk og norsk. Videoanalyse i team henvender sig i Danmark for eksempel til specialpædagoger og -lærere, fysioterapeuter, ergoterapeuter, tale- og hørepædagoger, audiologopæder, sygeplejersker samt studerende på tilsvarende uddannelser. I Norge for eksempel til lærere, førskolelærere, specialpædagoger, fysio- og ergoterapeuter, studerende i pædagogik og specialpædagogik, vernepleie, barnevernspedagogikk, sosionomutdanningen samt de praksisfelter, disse indgår i. Kan inspirere for eksempel ICDP-vejledere og -trænere, hvor videoanalyse er en central del af arbejdet.

  • af Katie Davis
    237,95 kr.

    "Davis addresses the "screen time" debate by recognizing that children's experiences of technology and social relationships are qualitatively distinct at different stages of development"--

  • af Michael Law
    973,95 kr.

    Learn the latest version of ArcGIS Pro with the newest edition of this bestselling series. Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro 2.8 introduces the tools and functions of ArcGIS Pro, the powerful desktop GIS application. Geographic information system (GIS) software is making a huge impact in businesses and organizations with mapping and analytic capabilities.  Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro 2.8 uses practical project workflows to teach best practices to readers of all skill levels. Readers will explore data visualizations, build a geodatabase, discover 3D GIS, create maps for web and physical presentations, and more. With more than 300 full-color images, Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro 2.8 clarifies complicated processes such as developing a geoprocessing model, using Python to write a script tool, and creating space-time cubes for analysis. Throughout the book, short sidebars about real-world GIS scenarios in specific industries help readers understand how ArcGIS Pro can be applied widely to solve problems. At the end of each chapter, a summary and glossary help reinforce the skills learned.  This edition has been completely updated for use with ArcGIS Pro 2.8. Other updates include new chapters on ArcGIS Online and geocoding. The Getting to Know series has been teaching readers about GIS for more than 20 years. Ideal for students, self-learners, and professionals who want to learn the premier GIS desktop application, Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro 2.8 is a textbook and desk reference designed to show users how they can use ArcGIS Pro successfully on their own.

  • af Mikkel Aslak Koudal Andersen
    348,95 kr.

    "Bogens klarhed og struktur gør den til et super redskab, hvis man skal arbejde med elevproduktioner - lige fra den professionelle klang til den daglige brug i klassen. Det er en super guide, som bør være tilgængelig på alle skoler"- FolkeskolenPodcast i skolen er en håndbog, der trin for trin introducerer undervisere i grundskolen til podcasten som medieform og dens særlige virkemidler og potentialer i en didaktisk kontekst. Arbejdet med mundtlighed og kommunikation er centralt i alle skolens fag, og podcasts er en oplagt mulighed for at give eleverne stemme og indflydelse.Podcastproduktion er en kreativ proces med en bred spændvidde - alle elever kan bidrage, og der er rig mulighed for differentiering af opgaverne.Bogen har fokus på, at det at arbejde med podcasts i undervisningen ikke behøver at være vanskeligt eller stille særlige krav til udstyr eller rammer. Bogens eksempler og opgaver er primært rettet mod elever fra grundskolens mellemtrin og op, men principperne kan bruges på både ungdomsuddannelser og i voksenundervisningen.Til bogen er der en tilhørende hjemmeside med vejledninger og materialer til download på og en podcastserie til både lærere og elever.

  • af Birgitte Holm Sørensen & Karin Tweddell Levinsen
    268,95 kr.

    It får en større og større betydning i uddannelsessystemet, og derfor er der i de seneste år kommet et voksende fokus på didaktik. It-didaktisk design er dermed blevet et centralt begreb.Denne bog tager udgangspunkt i den digitale teknologi og beskæftiger sig med de forskellige it- og medieretninger, som har præget udviklingen. Forfatterne indkredser it-didaktisk design og præsenterer LEDD-modellen, der lægger op til iterative undervisnings- og læreprocesser og hvor grundideen er, at både lærere og elever er didaktiske designere.Den didaktiske model giver eleverne større indflydelse på deres arbejde i skolen og på design af deres læreprocesser – også ud fra dannelsesperspektivets fokus på teknologiforståelse. Dannelsesbegrebet omfatter således både det at agere i et demokratisk samfund og at fungere livsdueligt i uddannelsessystemet og i arbejdslivet. Modellen anvendes i nogle udvalgte cases og i forhold til at udvælge læringsressourcer og digital teknologi.Karin Tweddell Levinsen er ph.d. og lektor ved Institut for Kultur og Læring, Aalborg Universitet i København. Birgitte Holm Sørensen er ph.d. og professor ved Institut for Kultur og Læring, Aalborg Universitet i København og ved Institut for Læring, Grønlands Universitet.

  • - forløb og refleksioner
    af Peter Sippel
    268,95 kr.

    Siden årtusindskiftet har der hersket en forventning om, at de såkaldt digitalt indfødte automatisk vil lære at omgås teknologien på en hensigtsmæssig måde. Det har imidlertid vist sig ikke at være tilfældet. Forståelse af teknologien indebærer, at børn og unge ikke bare lærer at være forbrugere, men også bliver skabere og kritikere af den.Bogen her er en samling af undervisningsforløb til de lærere, der vil give deres elever en introduktion til de digitale platformes mange problemstillinger. Det handler om digital dannelse, og bogen giver en lang række konkrete værktøjer til at undervise skolebørn fra 1. til 9. klasse i teknologiforståelsens basale, komplekse, etiske og tekniske dimensioner.Du finder forløb, der lærer eleverne i indskolingen basal forståelse for computere og styre­systemer, og som med lege og lettilgængelige programmer illustrerer, hvordan vi mennesker sender beskeder til og imellem computere. Til mellem­trinnet og ud­skolingen er der desuden forløb om at kode og programmere, og forløb, der præsenterer eleverne for relevante overvejelser om, hvordan de lærer at tage vare på deres privatliv på inter­nettet.Teknologiforståelse i skolen er en undervisningsbog til lærere i faget Teknologiforståelse på alle klassetrin, men rummer også forløb, der kan bruges i matematik, samfundsfag eller dansk. Hvert forløb er sat op i overskuelige trin med illustrationer og links til gratis programmer og videoer undervejs.

  • - Dannelse, pædagogik og svedige håndflader
    af Bo Kampmann Walther
    198,95 kr.

    Sidder du begejstret med svedige håndflader og styrer dinavatar gennem kugleregnen? Eller er du inderligt ligeglad med, om du levereller dør i et virtuelt splitsekund? Uanset hvad så navigerer du som lærer ogpædagog hver dag i børne- og ungefælleskaber, hvor computerspil for længst erblevet en betydelig og betydningsfuld kulturbærer.Denne bog er en introduktion til computerspillene. Men ogsåen bog om de døre, som computerspil åbner ind til de andre medier omkring dem.Medieforsker Bo Kampmann Walther tegner et kort i ægte 3D over udviklingen idet virtuelle landskab – fra de første grove pixels til nutidenshyperrealistiske grafik. Samtidig dykkes ned under overfladen. Ned tilanarkiet, til dilemmaerne, til selvopholdelsesdriften og den ofte temmeligsubtile morale i de forskellige kategorier af computerspil.Ludologi 3.0 betegner en modning fra et tidligere fokus påspillenes formalismer til spillenes forankring i en spillerkultur. Med dennemodning åbnes muligheden for en dannelsesdiskussion og for en facetteret,pædagogisk praksis. Forfatteren rejser samtidig spørgsmålet om – og ikke mindsthvordan – man som professionel kan bringe et analytisk, refleksivt niveau ispil uden dermed også at hælde en velment, men kvælende pædagogik ned overcomputerspillenes egne præmisser.'COMPUTERSPIL - dannelse, pædagogik og svedige håndflader’henvender sig til praktikere og studerende ved læreruddannelsen og områdetskole– og fritidspædagogik på pædagoguddannelsen. Og selvfølgelig til alleandre med interesse for nye medier, børnefællesskaber, ungekultur ogcomputerspil.Glem sikkerhedsselen. Game on! Engage!Om forfatterenBo Kampmann Walther, født 1967, er lektor ved Institut forKulturvidenskaber på Syddansk Universitet. Forfatter til mange bøger omcomputerspil og nye medier (og fodbold). Skribent ved Information,Weekendavisen, Føljeton og flere andre. Konsulent i reklame- ogadfærdsbranchen, foredragsholder og samfundsdebattør.

  • - mellem forbud og ligegyldighed
    af Jesper Tække & Michael Paulsen
    288,95 kr.

    Så kom den første forskningsrapport, der tematiserer den konkret udfordring, det er at etablere en god IT-kultur i en gymnasieklasse.Pba nationale og internationale forskningsresultater defineres og diskuteres de vanskeligheder og muligheder, de nye medier bringer med sig i forhold til undervisningen.Bogen kan inspirere alle i uddannelsessystemet lige fra folkeskole til universitet.

  • af Diosveni García Viamontes
    522,95 kr.

    El desarrollo de materiales en formato digital resulta en la actualidad una herramienta muy efectiva para lograr una mayor efectividad del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En la presente investigación se diseñó un sistema de ejercicios interactivos para favorecer la motivación y el aprendizaje de los contenidos de la asignatura Violencia y Maltrato Infantil. Para su diseño se utilizó el software Ardora y se adaptaron las actividades a los requerimientos didácticos de la Educación Superior. La aplicación de dichos ejercicios, en conjunción con la utilización de materiales audiovisuales en formato de video, posibilitó un incremento ostensible de los niveles motivacionales y de aprendizaje de los contenidos de la materia.

  • af Stefan Kottwitz
    412,95 kr.

    Explore practical LaTeX examples across various fields like mathematics, physics, chemistry, and computer science, and learn to quickly create tables, diagrams, and plots for your thesis, presentations, and articlesKey Features:- Work with ready-to-use document templates to write articles, books, a thesis, and more- Refine text, fonts, formulas, and tables, and optimize PDF properties- Create captivating graphics directly within LaTeX in 2D and 3D- Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook Description:The second edition of LaTeX Cookbook offers improved and additional examples especially for users in science and academia, with a focus on new packages for creating graphics with LaTeX. This edition also features an additional chapter on ChatGPT use to improve content, streamline code, and automate tasks, thereby saving time. This book is a practical guide to utilizing the capabilities of modern document classes and exploring the functionalities of the newest LaTeX packages. Starting with familiar document types like articles, books, letters, posters, leaflets, and presentations, it contains detailed tutorials for refining text design, adjusting fonts, managing images, creating tables, and optimizing PDFs. It also covers elements such as the bibliography, glossary, and index. You'll learn to create graphics directly within LaTeX, including diagrams and plots, and explore LaTeX's application across various fields like mathematics, physics, chemistry, and computer science. The book's website offers online compilable code, an example gallery, and supplementary information related to the book, including the author's LaTeX forum, where you can get personal support. By the end of this book, you'll have the skills to optimize productivity through practical demonstrations of effective LaTeX usage in diverse scenarios.What You Will Learn:- Utilize various document classes and incorporate bibliography, glossary, and index sections- Handle arranging and annotating images with ease- Create visually appealing tables and learn how to manage fonts efficiently- Generate diverse and colorful graphics, including diagrams, flow charts, bar charts, trees, and both 2D and 3D plots- Solve writing and drawing tasks across various scientific disciplines- Optimize PDF output, enhancing it with metadata, annotations, popups, animations, and fill-in fields- Leverage ChatGPT to improve content and codeWho this book is for:If you're a LaTeX user in school, academia, or industry with a foundational understanding of LaTeX basics, this book offers efficient solutions to expedite your tasks. Tailored to students, teachers, authors, and engineers, its example-driven format enables quick access to solutions. Familiarity with basic LaTeX syntax and using LaTeX with your preferred editor for compiling is recommended to make the most of this book.Table of Contents- Exploring Various Document Classes- Tuning the Text- Adjusting Fonts- Creating Tables- Working with Images- Creating Graphics- Creating Beautiful Designs- Producing Contents, Indexes, and Bibliographies- Optimizing PDF Files- Writing Advanced Mathematics- Using LaTeX in Science and Technology- Getting Support on the Internet- Using Artificial Intelligence with LaTeX

  • af Andre Schneider
    883,95 kr.

    Die Digital Change Summit bietet als Konferenzformat der Hochschule Mittweida eine jährliche Plattform für Wissenschaft sowie Praxis und ermöglicht spannende Einblicke zu Themen der digitalen Transformation.Im Tagungsband "Digitale Transformation in der Bildung" werden aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse, Good Practice Fälle sowie Trends aus dem Bereich des digitalen Wandels in der Bildung vorgestellt und diskutiert.

  • af Alice Keeler
    230,95 kr.

    Student engagement . . . Everyone says it, but what does that mean? It's very easy for one person to say a lesson is engaging while another person might view that same lesson as disengaging. Tech companies promise to "engage students" and "measure student engagement" when they are really only measuring the number of minutes students spend online. Some or all of those students, however, may have been bored out of their minds. Despite the ubiquitous use of the word engagement, there is little to no agreement on what that word means. Alice Keeler and Heather Lyon know a few important things about engagement: The first is that do not teach. The second key is that it's only when people are interested or absorbed that they are really engaged. So how do you create tasks that students want to do? That's where the fifty strategies that the engagement and Google tools experts share here come in. This book is full of templates, tips, tricks, and hacks for shifting engagement levels from disengaged to engaged using tools everyone can try. Learn how to use:Google Docs and Slides as collaboration toolsSpreadsheets in ways that are fun and creative. Google Classroom to recognize students as individuals Google Forms to quickly see where students are struggling.

  • af Sarah Elaine Eaton
    3.724,95 kr.

    The book brings together diverse views from around the world and provides a comprehensive overview of academic integrity and how to create the ethical academy. At the same time, the Handbook does not shy away from some of the vigorous debates in the field such as the causes of academic integrity breaches. There has been an explosion of interest in academic integrity in the last 20-30 years. New technologies that have made it easier than ever for students to ¿cut and paste¿, coupled with global media scandals of high profile researchers behaving badly, have resulted in the perception that plagiarism is ¿on the rise¿. This, in combination with the massification and commercialisation of higher education, has resulted in a burgeoning interest in the importance of academic integrity, how to safeguard it and how to address breaches appropriately. What may have seemed like a relatively easy topic to address ¿ students copying sources without attribution ¿ has in fact, turned out tobe a complex, interdisciplinary field of research requiring contributions from linguists, psychologists, social scientists, anthropologists, teaching and learning specialists, mathematicians, accountants, medical doctors, lawyers and philosophers, to name just a few.Because of this broad interest and input, this handbook serves as the single authoritative reference work which brings together the vast, growing, interdisciplinary and at times contradictory body of literature. For both established researchers/practitioners and those new to the field, this Handbook provides a one-stop-shop as well as a launching pad for new explorations and discussions.

  • af Khasanova Ozodakhon
    711,95 kr.

    Diese Monographie widmet sich dem Thema der Fehlerkorrektur im Deutschunterricht. In der Monographie wird untersucht, worauf bei der Ausbildung der Fehlerkorrekturkompetenz zukünftiger Deutschlehrer geachtet werden sollte. Die Monografie besteht aus zwei Paragrapfen: Theorethische und methodische Grundlagen zur Verbesserung der Fehlerkorrekturkompetenz der zukünftiger Deutschlehrern und Ansätze zur Klassifizierung von Fehlern im Deutschunterricht. Umgang mit den Fehlern von Sprachlernern ist ein integraler Bestandteil der Arbeit von jeden Fremdsprachenlehrern. Die Meinungen von Fremdsprachenlehrern zu Fehlern ist auch sehr unterschiedlich. Aber Fehler nehmen im Prozess des Sprachenlernens allmählich ab, und tatsächlich ist es eine positive Situation, die das Wachstum der Sprachenlerner zeigt. Basierend auf der Untersuchung der Fehlerursachen ist es angebracht, Fehler von Sprachlernern zu verhindern und bestehende zu reduzieren. Es ist von dringender Bedeutung, die Ursachen von Fehler, die Lerner, deren Muttersprache Usbekisch sind, beim Erlernen der deutschen Sprache machen, zu identifizieren und zu beseitigen.

  • af Bruce M. McLaren
    674,95 kr.

    This book constitutes revised selected papers from the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEDU 2023, which took place in Prague, Czech Republic, during April 21¿23, 2023.CSEDU 2023 accepted 34 full and 54 papers out of 162 papers submissions. Out of these, 8 contributions have been selected for inclusion in this book. The papers included in this book contribute to the understanding of relevant trends in the current research on Computer Supported Education, with a particular focus on: eLearning Platforms, Portals, Feedback and Learning Support, Game-Based and Simulation-Based Learning, Active Learning, Tools to Assess Learning, Learning with AI Systems, Higher Order Thinking Skills, Flipped Classroom, Faculty Development and Constructivism and Social Constructivism.

  • af Joshi S
    328,95 kr.

    Joshi S work, "Robotic Arm Control in 3D," takes readers into the intriguing realm of robotic manipulators in three-dimensional Euclidean space. This book provides an approachable manual for learning how to manage n-link flexible robotic arms.Joshi S simplifies difficult ideas into language that is easy to grasp, making this book suitable for a variety of readers, including professionals and students who are interested in robotics. The author explores the fundamentals of operating robotic arms, including dynamics, feedback control, kinematics, and motion planning. The comprehensive field of robotic arm control will be easier for readers to traverse with the help of useful tips and real-world examples. This book is a great resource for anyone interested in learning more about the technology behind these amazing devices, whether they are experienced roboticists or aspiring engineers. Expert in the area Joshi S provides readers with a thorough understanding of 3D robotic arm control by sharing his wealth of experience and knowledge. For individuals who want to utilise flexible robotic manipulators in a variety of industries, such as manufacturing or healthcare, "Robotic Arm Control in 3D" is a must-read.

  • af Ian Wild
    388,95 kr.

    Tackle advanced platform security challenges with this practical Moodle guide complete with expert tips and techniquesKey Features:Demonstrate the security of your Moodle architecture for compliance purposesAssess and strengthen the security of your Moodle platform proactivelyExplore Moodle's baked-in security framework and discover ways to enhance it with pluginsPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook Description:Online learning platforms have revolutionized the teaching landscape, but with this comes the imperative of securing your students' private data in the digital realm. Have you taken every measure to ensure their data's security? Are you aligned with your organization's cybersecurity standards? What about your insurer and your country's data protection regulations?This book offers practical insights through real-world examples to ensure compliance. Equipping you with tools, techniques, and approaches, Moodle 4 Security guides you in mitigating potential threats to your Moodle platform. Dedicated chapters on understanding vulnerabilities familiarize you with the threat landscape so that you can manage your server effectively, keeping bad actors at bay and configuring Moodle for optimal user and data protection.By the end of the book, you'll have gained a comprehensive understanding of Moodle's security issues and how to address them. You'll also be able to demonstrate the safety of your Moodle platform, assuring stakeholders that their data is measurably safer.What You Will Learn:Measure a tutoring company's security risk profile and build a threat modelExplore data regulation frameworks and apply them to your organization's needsImplement the CIS Critical Security Controls effectivelyCreate JMeter test scripts to simulate server load scenariosAnalyze and enhance web server logs to identify rogue agentsInvestigate real-time application DOS protection using ModEvasiveIncorporate ModSecurity and the OWASP Core Rule Set WAF rules into your server defensesBuild custom infrastructure monitoring dashboards with GrafanaWho this book is for:If you're already familiar with Moodle, have experience in Linux systems administration, and want to expand your knowledge of protecting Moodle against data loss and malicious attacks, this book is for you. A basic understanding of user management, software installation and maintenance, Linux security controls, and network configuration will help you get the most out of this book.

  • af Sanae Elmoudden
    1.893,95 - 2.598,95 kr.

    In an era marked by the rapid integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into our lives, the discourse surrounding its implications has intensified. The Role of Generative AI in the Communication Classroom is a pioneering book that delves into the multifaceted dimensions of AI, specifically focusing on OpenAI's revolutionary Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (Chat GPT) and its profound influence on the landscape of communication education. This book navigates the intersection of technology, education, and ethics, shedding light on the imperative need for a collaborative approach to shape AI's evolution. AI's potential to reshape industries and human roles is undeniable. Rooted in the intricate workings of AI and its hallmark, Chat GPT, this book meticulously dissects the dynamic relationship between humans and machines. The discourse extends beyond technology and into the realm of education, asserting that the power to mold AI's trajectory cannot rest solely in the hands of developers. While revealing AI's transformative potential in the communication classroom, the book conscientiously explores ethical concerns and biases, fostering a balanced approach to its integration. This book is instrumental to the ongoing discourse on AI's role in education. The call for ethical considerations, inclusivity, and regulation serves as a guiding compass for educators, students, developers, and policymakers alike. The book ensures a holistic perspective on AI's integration by addressing privacy, citation, voice ownership, and overall digital ethics.

  • af Jennifer L. Robinson
    1.983,95 - 2.598,95 kr.

  • af Antonio Pepe
    572,95 kr.

    This book constitutes the First Segmentation of the Aorta Challenge, SEG.A. 2023, which was held in conjunction with the 26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2023, on October 8, 2023. The 8 full and 3 short papers presented have been carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. They focus specifically on robustness, visual quality and meshing of automatically generated segmentations of aortic vessel trees from CT imaging. The challenge was organized as a ¿container submission¿ challenge, where participants had to upload their algorithms to Grand Challenge in the form of Docker containers. Three tasks were created for SEG.A. 2023.

  • af Joanna Albrecht
    538,95 kr.

    In diesem Open-Access-Buch wird die Entwicklung einer Definition, eines Modells und eines Erhebungsinstruments Digitaler Teilhabe von Menschen mit geistiger Beeinträchtigung beschrieben. Eine geistige Behinderung wird als Konstrukt verstanden, das durch die ganzheitliche Wechselwirkung zwischen personenbezogenen Faktoren, Gesundheitsproblemen sowie umweltbezogenen Barrieren entsteht. Für die Identifikation der Hilfebedarfe zur Realisierung von Teilhabe ist die ganzheitliche Betrachtung von heterogenen Ursachen, Formen und Ausprägungen unverzichtbar. Der Anspruch auf Teilhabe ist gesetzlich verankert, jedoch führt die digitale Transformation zu neuen gesellschaftlichen Ungleichheiten, die sich als Digital Divide manifestieren. Trotz geringer und heterogener Datenlage zu Ungleichheiten bei Menschen mit (geistiger) Beeinträchtigung sind bereits Hinweise auf eine Digital Disability Divide zu erkennen. Um dieses Forschungsdesiderat aufzuarbeiten, bedarf es eines einheitlichen Begriffsverständnisses Digitaler Teilhabe. Auch müssen Einflussfaktoren eruiert werden, um Ansätze zur Förderung Digitaler Teilhabe zu entwickeln und darauf aufbauend ein Erhebungsinstrument zu entwickeln. Entsprechend verfolgt diese Forschungsarbeit die Entwicklung einer Definition,eines Modells und Erhebungsinstruments Digitaler Teilhabe von Menschen mit geistiger Beeinträchtigung in der Eingliederungshilfe.

  • af Michael E. Auer
    2.032,95 - 2.037,95 kr.

  • af Cândida Silva
    1.720,95 kr.

    This book showcases research and project results on technology, smart learning, and sustainability education and analyzes smart learning solutions for lifelong learning. It discusses their impact and potential for transfer and scaling and reviews how real solutions perform in the real world. Sustainable societies are built on twenty-first-century skills. Attaining the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals requires a focus on a new set of knowledge, skills, and attitudes, as well as novel and smart strategies that leverage state-of-the-art technologies and make these skillsets widely available in our societies to all groups of people, at any time in their lives, in professional as well as academic settings. This book serves as a helpful resource for researchers, academics, practitioners, and consultants from around the world who are involved in the study, management and development of educational technology, smart learning, sustainability education, and related issues.

  • af Andreas Rambow
    1.622,95 - 1.632,95 kr.

    This book explores open educational resources and open education through research conducted on this topic globally. This book engages with intersections between open educational resources, social justice and equality, as well as policy in terms of open educational resources. Numerous examples of open praxis are also included, ranging from open educational resources courses to the affordances of artificial intelligence, data-driven learning, and open textbooks in this context. Furthermore, chapters range from providing a broad overview of open educational resources international and regional initiatives in Africa, to cases of work done in the United States, New Zealand, Israel, and Hong Kong. The role of Wikipedia and Wikidata is also prominent. Finally, this book includes unique contributions, focusing on open educational resources and feminist pedagogy, as well as disabled learners¿ motivations for participating in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Academics and researchers working in the field of open education and higher education in general will understand the importance of this work.

  • af Reiko Yamada
    1.608,95 kr.

    This book examines several emerging trends in higher education, including artificial intelligence and the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on higher education transformation over the past couple of years. All higher education leaders and policy makers are dealing with the aftermath and continuing battle they face regarding higher education within the context of COVID-19. AI and the 4IR are also areas that impact every aspect of higher education, especially as disciplines are forced to provide credentials and relevance aligned to the workforce and economic needs. The chapters provide regional and country case studies from within the Asia Pacific Region.

  • af Serap Kurbano¿lu
    827,95 - 884,95 kr.

  • af Hugh Kellam
    1.320,95 kr.

    The book examines the intersections of online learning theories and models in the current research literature for teaching in digital environments in postsecondary education. It describes the connection between eLearning theory and practice to develop a pragmatic and adaptable model for the design, development, and implementation of interactive, personalized, and inclusive online learning experiences. The book discusses a model with three themes ¿ personalization, inclusiveness, engagement (the P-I-E model) ¿ that describe facilitation techniques, instructional design methods and evaluation tools to customize eLearning for higher education students. It offers theoretical underpinnings, implementation tips, a design checklist and evaluation questions for each of the model¿s sections. In addition, the book presents an implementation plan for the elements of the model based on principles of change management and program planning. The volume can be used as either a comprehensive systemto design an entire online course or as a reference guide to improve selected components of an existing program.Key areas of coverage include:Review of eLearning theories.Examination of the characteristics of individual learners, professors, and class communities in online environments.Recommendations for instructional design, assessment, and evaluation for online students.Best practices for learner engagement including scheduling, communication, and user interface design.Program implementation strategies and evaluation questions for all sections of the P-I-E model.Personalized and Inclusive Engagement for the Design, Delivery, and Evaluation of University eLearning is an essential resource for instructional designers, college instructors, and university professors to create, implement, evaluate, and improve personalized and inclusive learning for postsecondary students.

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