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L'idée de cet ouvrage est d'analyser les potentialités de la formation continue, réalisée dans le cadre du projet d'action spéciale, en lien avec le projet pédagogique politique de l'établissement, dans le cadre des heures collectives prévues dans la journée spéciale de formation. Nous présentons des catégories d'analyse basées sur le concept d'éducation permanente de Freire. La constitution du groupe ainsi que la construction du savoir, la formation des adultes et la construction de l'autonomie vers l'auteur sont présentes dans ce travail.
Catch Your Kids in Time for Educating! A Practical Guide to Quality Education for Future Generations aims to educate individuals on the importance of quality education and becoming a lifelong learner. The author emphasizes the role of parents, teachers, and the community in this process and provides practical advice on how to attain this goal. The book uses simple language and up-to-date examples to make the content accessible to readers of all ages and education levels. Reading this book can help you gain a deeper understanding of the philosophy of Total Quality Management in Education and how it can be applied in practice. Overall, the book presents a valuable perspective on education and personal development.
The book brings together diverse views from around the world and provides a comprehensive overview of academic integrity and how to create the ethical academy. At the same time, the Handbook does not shy away from some of the vigorous debates in the field such as the causes of academic integrity breaches. There has been an explosion of interest in academic integrity in the last 20-30 years. New technologies that have made it easier than ever for students to ¿cut and paste¿, coupled with global media scandals of high profile researchers behaving badly, have resulted in the perception that plagiarism is ¿on the rise¿. This, in combination with the massification and commercialisation of higher education, has resulted in a burgeoning interest in the importance of academic integrity, how to safeguard it and how to address breaches appropriately. What may have seemed like a relatively easy topic to address ¿ students copying sources without attribution ¿ has in fact, turned out tobe a complex, interdisciplinary field of research requiring contributions from linguists, psychologists, social scientists, anthropologists, teaching and learning specialists, mathematicians, accountants, medical doctors, lawyers and philosophers, to name just a few.Because of this broad interest and input, this handbook serves as the single authoritative reference work which brings together the vast, growing, interdisciplinary and at times contradictory body of literature. For both established researchers/practitioners and those new to the field, this Handbook provides a one-stop-shop as well as a launching pad for new explorations and discussions.
In the evolving environment of education, academic scholars face the daunting challenge of navigating a multitude of pedagogical approaches and technologies. The design of effective learning activities demands a nuanced understanding of didactic innovation, instructional design, and the integration of technology. As educators strive to meet the diverse needs of learners, the demand for innovative solutions to enhance teaching methodologies becomes more pressing than ever. Technological Tools for Innovative Teaching emerges as a comprehensive solution to the challenges educators encounter in the modern academic arena. The book unravels the intricacies of pedagogical scenarios, providing a step-by-step guide to designing learning activities that align with educational objectives. By addressing topics such as the pedagogy of error, flipped classroom strategies, and tech pedagogy, the book equips scholars with a diverse toolkit to revolutionize their teaching methods.
In diesem Buch werden die Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen von Forschungsarbeiten, die den Beitrag der Khan Academy Plattform zum naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht analysieren, im Detail untersucht. Untersuchung des Profils der Schüler und der von den Lehrern benötigten Fähigkeiten, um den aktuellen Bildungsanforderungen gerecht zu werden. Die Fallstudie, die in einer staatlichen Schule in Espírito Santo im ersten Quartal 2023 durchgeführt wurde, zeigt, dass die Khan Academy Plattform nicht nur die Motivation der SchülerInnen erhöht, sondern auch die Schaffung von Lernroutinen außerhalb der Schule fördert. In einem Szenario des sozialen Wandels und des technologischen Fortschritts erweist sich die Khan Academy als ein vielversprechendes Instrument zur Verbesserung der Qualität des naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts, das das Potenzial hat, die digitale Integration in öffentlichen Schulen zu fördern. Die in diesem Buch vorgestellten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Nutzung dieser Plattform eine bedeutende Rolle für den Fortschritt der SchülerInnen spielen kann und effektiv zur Verbesserung des naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts beiträgt.
In the book we explore in detail the results and conclusions of research analyzing the contributions of the Khan Academy platform to science teaching. Investigating the profile of students and the skills needed by teachers to meet current educational demands. The case study carried out in a state school in Espírito Santo during the first quarter of 2023 shows that the Khan Academy platform not only increases student motivation, but also encourages the creation of study routines outside of school. In a scenario of social change and technological advances, Khan Academy is emerging as a promising tool for improving the quality of science teaching, with the potential to boost digital inclusion in public schools. The results presented in the book indicate that the use of this platform can play a significant role in student progress, effectively contributing to the improvement of science teaching.
Dans ce livre, nous explorons en détail les résultats et les conclusions de la recherche analysant les contributions de la plateforme Khan Academy à l'enseignement des sciences. L'étude du profil des élèves et des compétences nécessaires aux enseignants pour répondre aux exigences actuelles en matière d'éducation. L'étude de cas menée dans une école publique d'Espírito Santo au cours du premier trimestre 2023 montre que la plateforme Khan Academy augmente non seulement la motivation des élèves, mais encourage également la création de routines d'étude en dehors de l'école. Dans un scénario de changement social et d'avancées technologiques, la Khan Academy apparaît comme un outil prometteur pour améliorer la qualité de l'enseignement des sciences, avec le potentiel de stimuler l'inclusion numérique dans les écoles publiques. Les résultats présentés dans ce livre indiquent que l'utilisation de cette plateforme peut jouer un rôle significatif dans les progrès des élèves, contribuant ainsi efficacement à l'amélioration de l'enseignement des sciences.
V knige my podrobno rassmatriwaem rezul'taty i wywody issledowanij, analiziruüschih wklad platformy Khan Academy w prepodawanie estestwennyh nauk. Izuchenie profilq uchaschihsq i nawykow, neobhodimyh uchitelqm dlq udowletworeniq sowremennyh obrazowatel'nyh potrebnostej. Tematicheskoe issledowanie, prowedennoe w gosudarstwennoj shkole w shtate Jespiritu-Santu w perwoj chetwerti 2023 goda, pokazywaet, chto platforma Khan Academy ne tol'ko powyshaet motiwaciü uchaschihsq, no i sposobstwuet sozdaniü uchebnogo rasporqdka wne shkoly. V uslowiqh social'nyh peremen i tehnologicheskogo progressa Akademiq Hana stanowitsq perspektiwnym instrumentom dlq powysheniq kachestwa prepodawaniq estestwennyh nauk, sposobnym rasshirit' ohwat cifrowymi tehnologiqmi w gosudarstwennyh shkolah. Rezul'taty, predstawlennye w knige, pokazywaüt, chto ispol'zowanie ätoj platformy mozhet sygrat' znachitel'nuü rol' w uspewaemosti uchaschihsq, äffektiwno sposobstwuq powysheniü kachestwa prepodawaniq estestwennyh nauk.
Nel libro vengono approfonditi i risultati e le conclusioni di una ricerca che analizza i contributi della piattaforma Khan Academy all'insegnamento delle scienze. Indagando il profilo degli studenti e le competenze necessarie agli insegnanti per soddisfare le attuali richieste educative. Il caso di studio condotto in una scuola pubblica di Espírito Santo durante il primo trimestre del 2023 mostra che la piattaforma Khan Academy non solo aumenta la motivazione degli studenti, ma incoraggia anche la creazione di routine di studio al di fuori della scuola. In uno scenario di cambiamenti sociali e progressi tecnologici, Khan Academy sta emergendo come uno strumento promettente per migliorare la qualità dell'insegnamento delle scienze, con il potenziale di aumentare l'inclusione digitale nelle scuole pubbliche. I risultati presentati nel libro indicano che l'uso di questa piattaforma può svolgere un ruolo significativo nei progressi degli studenti, contribuendo efficacemente al miglioramento dell'insegnamento delle scienze.
Diese Monographie widmet sich dem Thema der Fehlerkorrektur im Deutschunterricht. In der Monographie wird untersucht, worauf bei der Ausbildung der Fehlerkorrekturkompetenz zukünftiger Deutschlehrer geachtet werden sollte. Die Monografie besteht aus zwei Paragrapfen: Theorethische und methodische Grundlagen zur Verbesserung der Fehlerkorrekturkompetenz der zukünftiger Deutschlehrern und Ansätze zur Klassifizierung von Fehlern im Deutschunterricht. Umgang mit den Fehlern von Sprachlernern ist ein integraler Bestandteil der Arbeit von jeden Fremdsprachenlehrern. Die Meinungen von Fremdsprachenlehrern zu Fehlern ist auch sehr unterschiedlich. Aber Fehler nehmen im Prozess des Sprachenlernens allmählich ab, und tatsächlich ist es eine positive Situation, die das Wachstum der Sprachenlerner zeigt. Basierend auf der Untersuchung der Fehlerursachen ist es angebracht, Fehler von Sprachlernern zu verhindern und bestehende zu reduzieren. Es ist von dringender Bedeutung, die Ursachen von Fehler, die Lerner, deren Muttersprache Usbekisch sind, beim Erlernen der deutschen Sprache machen, zu identifizieren und zu beseitigen.
No livro exploramos detalhadamente os resultados e conclusões da pesquisa que analisa as contribuições da plataforma Khan Academy no ensino de ciências. Investigando o perfil dos alunos e as habilidades necessárias aos professores para atender às demandas educacionais atuais. O estudo de caso realizado em uma escola estadual no Espírito Santo, durante o primeiro trimestre de 2023, evidencia que a plataforma Khan Academy não apenas aumenta a motivação dos alunos, mas também estimula a criação de rotinas de estudo fora da escola. Em um cenário de mudanças sociais e avanços tecnológicos, a Khan Academy emerge como uma ferramenta promissora para aprimorar a qualidade do ensino de ciências, com o potencial de impulsionar a inclusão digital nas escolas públicas. Os resultados apresentados no livro indicam que a utilização dessa plataforma pode desempenhar um papel significativo no progresso dos alunos, contribuindo efetivamente para a melhoria do ensino de ciências.
This book constitutes revised selected papers from the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEDU 2023, which took place in Prague, Czech Republic, during April 21¿23, 2023.CSEDU 2023 accepted 34 full and 54 papers out of 162 papers submissions. Out of these, 8 contributions have been selected for inclusion in this book. The papers included in this book contribute to the understanding of relevant trends in the current research on Computer Supported Education, with a particular focus on: eLearning Platforms, Portals, Feedback and Learning Support, Game-Based and Simulation-Based Learning, Active Learning, Tools to Assess Learning, Learning with AI Systems, Higher Order Thinking Skills, Flipped Classroom, Faculty Development and Constructivism and Social Constructivism.
Joshi S work, "Robotic Arm Control in 3D," takes readers into the intriguing realm of robotic manipulators in three-dimensional Euclidean space. This book provides an approachable manual for learning how to manage n-link flexible robotic arms.Joshi S simplifies difficult ideas into language that is easy to grasp, making this book suitable for a variety of readers, including professionals and students who are interested in robotics. The author explores the fundamentals of operating robotic arms, including dynamics, feedback control, kinematics, and motion planning. The comprehensive field of robotic arm control will be easier for readers to traverse with the help of useful tips and real-world examples. This book is a great resource for anyone interested in learning more about the technology behind these amazing devices, whether they are experienced roboticists or aspiring engineers. Expert in the area Joshi S provides readers with a thorough understanding of 3D robotic arm control by sharing his wealth of experience and knowledge. For individuals who want to utilise flexible robotic manipulators in a variety of industries, such as manufacturing or healthcare, "Robotic Arm Control in 3D" is a must-read.
La didactique joue un rôle fondamental dans la formation des enseignants. Selon des études antérieures de Libâneo (2010), Longarezi et Puentes (2010) et Sguarezzi (2010), la didactique connaît un déclin dans son domaine théorique et scientifique. L'objectif général de cette étude est d'analyser l'état de la recherche et de la production intellectuelle dans le domaine de la didactique, de 2004 à 2010, dans trois programmes d'enseignement de troisième cycle de la région sud du Brésil. Nous avons opté pour une approche quantitative-qualitative et utilisé la méthodologie des études de cas multiples. Nous avons effectué une analyse interprétative des formulaires CAPES utilisés pour évaluer les trois programmes et des CV Lattes de leur personnel enseignant. Comme source de recherche, nous avons utilisé les sites web des programmes et les CV Lattes pour collecter des informations sur les projets de recherche dans lesquels les professeurs sont impliqués et sur leur production intellectuelle. Nous avons construit une base de données pour le projet, au niveau national, avec le nom de chaque programme, ses lignes de recherche en didactique, ses projets, les professeurs responsables et leurs publications.
Didactics plays a fundamental role in teacher training. According to previous studies by Libâneo (2010), Longarezi and Puentes (2010) and Sguarezzi (2010), Didactics is experiencing a decline in its theoretical and scientific field. The general objective of this study is to analyze the state of research and intellectual production in the area of Didactics, from 2004 to 2010, in three Postgraduate Programs in Education in the southern region of Brazil. We opted for a quantitative-qualitative approach and used the multiple case study methodology. We carried out an interpretative analysis of the CAPES forms used to evaluate the three programs and the Lattes CVs of their professors. We used the programs' websites as a source of research and collected information on the research projects the professors are involved in and their intellectual output from their Lattes. We built a database for the project, at a national level, with the name of each program, their lines of research in Didactics, their projects, the professors responsible and their publications.
La didattica svolge un ruolo fondamentale nella formazione degli insegnanti. Secondo precedenti studi di Libâneo (2010), Longarezi e Puentes (2010) e Sguarezzi (2010), la didattica sta vivendo un declino nel suo ambito teorico e scientifico. L'obiettivo generale di questo studio è analizzare lo stato della ricerca e della produzione intellettuale nel campo della didattica, dal 2004 al 2010, in tre programmi di formazione post-laurea nella regione meridionale del Brasile. Abbiamo optato per un approccio quantitativo-qualitativo e abbiamo utilizzato la metodologia dello studio di casi multipli. Abbiamo condotto un'analisi interpretativa dei moduli CAPES utilizzati per valutare i tre programmi e dei CV Lattes del personale docente. Come fonte di ricerca, abbiamo utilizzato i siti web dei programmi e i CV Lattes per raccogliere informazioni sui progetti di ricerca in cui sono coinvolti i docenti e sulla loro produzione intellettuale. Abbiamo costruito un database per il progetto, a livello nazionale, con il nome di ogni programma, le sue linee di ricerca in Didattica, i suoi progetti, i professori responsabili e le loro pubblicazioni.
Didaktika igraet osnowopolagaüschuü rol' w podgotowke prepodawatelej. Soglasno predyduschim issledowaniqm Libâneo (2010), Longarezi and Puentes (2010) i Sguarezzi (2010), didaktika perezhiwaet upadok w swoej teoreticheskoj i nauchnoj oblasti. Obschaq cel' dannogo issledowaniq - proanalizirowat' sostoqnie issledowanij i intellektual'noj produkcii w oblasti didaktiki s 2004 po 2010 god w ramkah treh programm poslediplomnogo obrazowaniq w üzhnom regione Brazilii. My wybrali kolichestwenno-kachestwennyj podhod i ispol'zowali metodologiü mnozhestwennogo issledowaniq sluchaq. My proweli interpretacionnyj analiz form CAPES, ispol'zowannyh dlq ocenki treh programm, i rezüme prepodawatelej ätih programm. V kachestwe istochnika issledowaniq my ispol'zowali web-sajty programm i rezüme Lattes dlq sbora informacii ob issledowatel'skih proektah, w kotoryh uchastwuüt prepodawateli, i ih intellektual'noj produkcii. Dlq proekta my sozdali bazu dannyh na nacional'nom urowne s ukazaniem nazwaniq kazhdoj programmy, naprawlenij issledowanij w oblasti didaktiki, proektow, otwetstwennyh professorow i ih publikacij.
Die Didaktik spielt eine grundlegende Rolle in der Lehrerausbildung. Nach früheren Studien von Libâneo (2010), Longarezi und Puentes (2010) und Sguarezzi (2010) erlebt die Didaktik einen Rückgang in ihrem theoretischen und wissenschaftlichen Bereich. Das allgemeine Ziel dieser Studie ist es, den Stand der Forschung und der intellektuellen Produktion im Bereich der Didaktik in den Jahren 2004 bis 2010 in drei postgradualen Ausbildungsprogrammen im Süden Brasiliens zu analysieren. Wir haben uns für einen quantitativ-qualitativen Ansatz entschieden und die Methodik der multiplen Fallstudie verwendet. Wir haben eine interpretative Analyse der CAPES-Formulare, die zur Bewertung der drei Programme verwendet wurden, und der Lattes-Lebensläufe des Lehrpersonals durchgeführt. Als Recherchequelle dienten uns die Websites der Studiengänge und die Lattes-Lebensläufe, um Informationen über die Forschungsprojekte, an denen die Professoren beteiligt sind, und ihre intellektuelle Produktion zu sammeln. Wir haben für das Projekt eine Datenbank auf nationaler Ebene erstellt, in der die Namen der einzelnen Studiengänge, ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte im Bereich Didaktik, ihre Projekte, die verantwortlichen Professoren und ihre Veröffentlichungen aufgeführt sind.
In an era marked by the rapid integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into our lives, the discourse surrounding its implications has intensified. The Role of Generative AI in the Communication Classroom is a pioneering book that delves into the multifaceted dimensions of AI, specifically focusing on OpenAI's revolutionary Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (Chat GPT) and its profound influence on the landscape of communication education. This book navigates the intersection of technology, education, and ethics, shedding light on the imperative need for a collaborative approach to shape AI's evolution. AI's potential to reshape industries and human roles is undeniable. Rooted in the intricate workings of AI and its hallmark, Chat GPT, this book meticulously dissects the dynamic relationship between humans and machines. The discourse extends beyond technology and into the realm of education, asserting that the power to mold AI's trajectory cannot rest solely in the hands of developers. While revealing AI's transformative potential in the communication classroom, the book conscientiously explores ethical concerns and biases, fostering a balanced approach to its integration. This book is instrumental to the ongoing discourse on AI's role in education. The call for ethical considerations, inclusivity, and regulation serves as a guiding compass for educators, students, developers, and policymakers alike. The book ensures a holistic perspective on AI's integration by addressing privacy, citation, voice ownership, and overall digital ethics.
As the educational sphere witnessed an unprecedented shift to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, a pivotal transformation was set in motion. The surge in online enrollment, spanning synchronous, asynchronous, hybrid, and mobile formats, has established the digital domain as a formidable medium of education. However, this transition comes with a responsibility to uphold the principles of equality and accessibility, a responsibility that mirrors the concerns long prevalent in traditional brick-and-mortar classrooms. Designing Equitable and Accessible Online Learning Environments is a pioneering endeavor which delves into the multifaceted dimensions of online education and reveals a crucial revelation that students from disadvantaged backgrounds exhibit a pronounced affinity for online courses. This book magnifies the essence of this observation, venturing beyond the surface to uncover the means to cultivate a genuinely inclusive online pedagogical experience. Meticulously curated, this book amalgamates diverse perspectives from luminaries in the field. The ultimate aspiration is to empower educators, administrators, researchers, and students with a profound understanding of the symbiotic relationship between inclusivity and technology. From theoretical underpinnings to practical strategies, every chapter resonates with the heartbeat of equitable education in the digital age. Embarking on a comprehensive journey, this book is an exploration of design theories that embrace the ethos of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. Topics span the spectrum, from deciphering the architecture of accessible digital tools to unraveling the tapestry of culturally responsive teaching in the virtual classroom.
This book constitutes the First Segmentation of the Aorta Challenge, SEG.A. 2023, which was held in conjunction with the 26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2023, on October 8, 2023. The 8 full and 3 short papers presented have been carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. They focus specifically on robustness, visual quality and meshing of automatically generated segmentations of aortic vessel trees from CT imaging. The challenge was organized as a ¿container submission¿ challenge, where participants had to upload their algorithms to Grand Challenge in the form of Docker containers. Three tasks were created for SEG.A. 2023.
In diesem Open-Access-Buch wird die Entwicklung einer Definition, eines Modells und eines Erhebungsinstruments Digitaler Teilhabe von Menschen mit geistiger Beeinträchtigung beschrieben. Eine geistige Behinderung wird als Konstrukt verstanden, das durch die ganzheitliche Wechselwirkung zwischen personenbezogenen Faktoren, Gesundheitsproblemen sowie umweltbezogenen Barrieren entsteht. Für die Identifikation der Hilfebedarfe zur Realisierung von Teilhabe ist die ganzheitliche Betrachtung von heterogenen Ursachen, Formen und Ausprägungen unverzichtbar. Der Anspruch auf Teilhabe ist gesetzlich verankert, jedoch führt die digitale Transformation zu neuen gesellschaftlichen Ungleichheiten, die sich als Digital Divide manifestieren. Trotz geringer und heterogener Datenlage zu Ungleichheiten bei Menschen mit (geistiger) Beeinträchtigung sind bereits Hinweise auf eine Digital Disability Divide zu erkennen. Um dieses Forschungsdesiderat aufzuarbeiten, bedarf es eines einheitlichen Begriffsverständnisses Digitaler Teilhabe. Auch müssen Einflussfaktoren eruiert werden, um Ansätze zur Förderung Digitaler Teilhabe zu entwickeln und darauf aufbauend ein Erhebungsinstrument zu entwickeln. Entsprechend verfolgt diese Forschungsarbeit die Entwicklung einer Definition,eines Modells und Erhebungsinstruments Digitaler Teilhabe von Menschen mit geistiger Beeinträchtigung in der Eingliederungshilfe.
O "MODELO DE QUADRANTES DIDÁTICOS (MCD)" é um guia de orientação para estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação que precisam desenvolver sua tese para se formar. São muitos os estudantes que se encontram nesta situação, que apesar de terem frequentado cursos de metodologia de investigação ou seminários de tese, não sabem o que fazer ou como fazer a sua tese. Por esta razão, o MCD é proposto como um guia para organizar o processo de investigação à luz das condições exigidas pelos regulamentos das instituições de ensino superior. Fazer uma tese de forma rápida, divertida e eficaz com pouca experiência é possível com a utilização deste modelo de quadrante didático criado sob a metodologia do Design Thinking. Fazer uma tese pesquisando - jogando - aprendendo sem stress em 4 meses, se possível apenas guiado pelo DCM. Não é necessário que um estudante de tese universitária seja um metodologista experiente para fazer uma tese de licenciatura no tempo exigido pela Universidade. PLAY....
Il "MODELLO DEI QUADRI DIDATTICI (MCD)" è una guida di orientamento per gli studenti universitari e postuniversitari che devono sviluppare la loro tesi di laurea per potersi laureare. Sono molti gli studenti che si trovano in questa situazione e che, pur avendo seguito corsi di metodologia della ricerca o seminari di tesi, non sanno cosa fare o come svolgere la tesi. Per questo motivo, il MCD si propone come una guida per organizzare il processo di ricerca alla luce delle condizioni richieste dai regolamenti degli istituti di istruzione superiore. Fare una tesi in modo veloce, divertente ed efficace con poca esperienza è possibile con l'uso di questo modello didattico a quadranti creato con la metodologia del Design Thinking. Fare una tesi di laurea ricercando - giocando - imparando senza stress in 4 mesi, se possibile solo guidati dal DCM. Non è necessario che un tesista universitario sia un esperto metodologo per fare una tesi di laurea nei tempi richiesti dall'Università. GIOCARE....
MODEL' DIDAKTIChESKIH KVADRATOV (MKD)" - äto rukowodstwo dlq studentow i aspirantow, kotorym neobhodimo razrabotat' dissertaciü dlq polucheniq diploma. V podobnoj situacii okazywaütsq mnogie studenty, kotorye, nesmotrq na poseschenie kursow po metodologii issledowaniq ili seminarow po dissertaciqm, ne znaüt, chto i kak delat'. Poätomu MKD predlagaetsq w kachestwe rukowodstwa po organizacii issledowatel'skogo processa s uchetom uslowij, predusmotrennyh normatiwnymi dokumentami wysshih uchebnyh zawedenij. Bystro, weselo i äffektiwno wypolnit' dissertaciü, ne imeq bol'shogo opyta, mozhno s pomosch'ü ätoj didakticheskoj modeli kwadrantow, sozdannoj w ramkah metodologii Design Thinking. Sdelajte dissertaciü, issleduq - igraq - obuchaqs' bez stressa za 4 mesqca, po wozmozhnosti prosto rukowodstwuqs' DCM. Studentu ne obqzatel'no byt' äxpertom-metodistom, chtoby napisat' diplomnuü rabotu w trebuemye uniwersitetom sroki. IGRAT'....
The "MODEL OF DIDACTIC QUADRANTS (MCD)" is an orientation guide for undergraduate and graduate students who need to develop their thesis in order to graduate. There are many students who find themselves in this situation, who in spite of having taken research methodology courses or thesis seminars, do not know what to do or how to do their thesis. Because of this situation, the MCD is proposed as a guide to organize the research process in the light of the conditions required by the regulations of Higher Education Institutions. Doing a thesis in a fast, fun and effective way with little experience is possible with the use of this didactic quadrant model created under the Design Thinking methodology. Doing a thesis researching - playing - learning without stress in 4 months, if it is possible you should only be guided by the DCM. It is not necessary for a university thesis student to be an expert methodologist to do a degree thesis in the time required by the University. PLAY....
Das "MODELL DER DIDAKTIVEN QUADRANTE (MCD)" ist eine Orientierungshilfe für Studenten und Doktoranden, die ihre Abschlussarbeit schreiben müssen, um ihren Abschluss zu machen. Es gibt viele Studenten, die sich in einer solchen Situation befinden und trotz der Teilnahme an Kursen zur Forschungsmethodik oder an Seminaren zur Abschlussarbeit nicht wissen, was sie tun sollen oder wie sie ihre Abschlussarbeit erstellen sollen. Aus diesem Grund wird die MCD als Leitfaden für die Organisation des Forschungsprozesses unter Berücksichtigung der in den Hochschulvorschriften festgelegten Bedingungen vorgeschlagen. Mit Hilfe dieses didaktischen Quadrantenmodells, das auf der Grundlage der Design Thinking-Methodik entwickelt wurde, ist es möglich, eine Abschlussarbeit schnell, unterhaltsam und effektiv zu erstellen, ohne viel Erfahrung zu haben. Erstellen Sie eine Abschlussarbeit durch Forschen - Spielen - Lernen ohne Stress in 4 Monaten, wenn möglich nur angeleitet durch das DCM. Ein Student, der eine Diplomarbeit schreibt, muss kein Methodenexperte sein, um eine Diplomarbeit in der von der Universität geforderten Zeit zu schreiben. PLAY....
Le "MODÈLE DE QUADRANTS DIDACTIQUES (MCD)" est un guide d'orientation destiné aux étudiants de premier et de deuxième cycle qui doivent rédiger leur thèse pour obtenir leur diplôme. De nombreux étudiants se trouvent dans cette situation et, bien qu'ils aient suivi des cours de méthodologie de la recherche ou des séminaires de thèse, ils ne savent pas quoi faire ni comment rédiger leur thèse. C'est pourquoi le MCD est proposé comme un guide pour organiser le processus de recherche à la lumière des conditions requises par les règlements des établissements d'enseignement supérieur. Réaliser une thèse de manière rapide, ludique et efficace avec peu d'expérience est possible grâce à l'utilisation de ce modèle de quadrant didactique créé selon la méthodologie du Design Thinking. Réaliser une thèse en recherchant - jouant - apprenant sans stress en 4 mois, si possible juste guidé par le DCM. Il n'est pas nécessaire pour un étudiant en thèse d'université d'être un expert en méthodologie pour réaliser une thèse dans les délais requis par l'université. PLAY....
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