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  • af Paul Vervé
    523,95 kr.

    Die gesellschaftspolitischen Instabilitäten nehmen global wieder zu. Menschenverachtende Geopolitik erhält gut erkennbar Auftrieb. Mit dem Aufkommen der Ukraine- und Israelkriese wird das Thema Krieg auch in Deutschland wieder gesellschaftlich hoffähig. Dazu zeigt unser Finanzsystem seine inhärenten Fehler immer unverblümter. Ist von einem Ende der "Corona-Maßnahmen"-Krise die Rede? Oder sprechen wir mit dem Beginn des Pandemiezeitalters lediglich vom Ende der ersten Runde und der Gong zur nächsten lässt nicht lange auf sich warten? Lassen wir uns überraschen...Im dritten Teil dieser dreiteiligen Reihe beschreibt Vervé die - speziell für ihn - relevanten Aspekte menschlicher Selbstorganisation. Mangel, Krieg und Ungerechtigkeit werden hier als organisatorische Defizite wahrgenommen. Interessenkonflikte zwischen ungemein mächtigen Minderheiten und ohnmächtigen Massen stellen wohl das auffälligste Symptom dar, während ein digitaler Zentralismus sich im Gewand des Transhumanismus zunehmend unbarmherzig global offenbart.

  • af Alonzo T. Jones
    113,95 kr.

    The separation of religion and the State is one of the most important questions that any people can ever be called upon to consider in connection with Christian patriotism; because the union of religion and the State has marked the greatest apostasies from God, and has caused more misery than any other thing in all history.The complete separation of religion and the State is Christian. Unswerving loyalty to this principle is Christian patriotism. This is not a mere sentiment or side issue of Christianity; it is one of the fundamental principles and chief characteristics of Christianity.

  • af Eskil Halberg
    193,95 kr.

    Genudgivelse af Eskil Halbergs Madpakker til revolution,hvori det vises, at kapitalismen har taget kontrol over maden til skadefor klimaet og alt levende, og at vi derfor står i en livsnødvendig kamp for at skabe en anden økologi.I vores del af verden, men i stigende grad overalt i verden, er mad i dag formidlet gennem verdensmarkedet. Vi er, paradoksalt nok,livsvigtigt afhængige af det system, som samtidig smadrer vores egnelivsbetingelser.— Eskil HalbergHalberg tager os med ud pålandet. Vi har vist ikke lyst til at blive derude, som det ser ud ligenu. Men det kan vi ændre på. “Det er næsten umuligt at gøre oprør fra en rapsmark.” Men det kan gøres fra et vildnis, fra et landbrugskollektiv, fra en byhave. Jeg fristes til at slutte af med et kampråb: Ingenklassekamp uden madkamp!— Mikkel ThorupMadpakker tilRevolutionen er lige præcis det øko-kommunistiske manifest vi har brugfor til at orientere os i kampen mod kapitalismens destruktiveorganisering af vores fælles naturgrundlag. En enestående analyse fra en af vor tids mest interessante kommunistiske tænkere!— Søren Mau

  • af Yana Meerzon
    211,95 - 605,95 kr.

  • af Rollo Romig
    193,95 kr.

    "A gripping investigation into the mysterious assassination of a journalist in India, revealing the courage and vulnerability of those who are fighting the decline of democracy around the world"--

  • af Jonathan Kopp
    523,95 - 833,95 kr.

  • af Robin Blick
    288,95 - 373,95 kr.

  • af Robin Blick
    218,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Franca Schneider
    228,95 - 398,95 kr.

  • af Paddy Walker
    273,95 - 818,95 kr.

  • af Catherine Evtuhova
    398,95 kr.

    Catherine Evtuhov resurrects the brilliant and contradictory currents of turn-of-the-century Kiev, Moscow, and St. Petersburg through an intellectual biography of Sergei Bulgakov (1871-1944), one of the central figures of the Silver Age. The son of a provincial priest, Bulgakov served first as one of Russia's most original and influential interpreters of Marx, and then went on to become the century's most important theologian of the Orthodox faith. As Evtuhov recounts the story of Bulgakov's spiritual evolution, she traces the impact of seemingly opposed philosophical and religious world views on one another and on the course of political events. In the first comprehensive analysis of Bulgakov's most important religious-philosophical work, Philosophy of Economy, Evtuhov identifies a "perceptual revolution" in Russian thinking about economy, a significant contribution to European modernist thought which both shaped and grew out of contemporary debates over land reforms. She reconstructs Bulgakov's vision of an Orthodox, constitutional Russia, shows how he tried to put it into practice in the wake of the February Revolution, and demonstrates its importance for a large and influential portion of Russian society.

  • af Paul Hockenos
    193,95 kr.

    An exhilarating journey through the subcultures, the occupied squats, and late-night scenes in the anarchic first few years of Berlin after the fall of the Wall Berlin Calling is a never-before-told account of the Berlin Wall's momentous crash, seen through the eyes of the divided city's street artists and punk rockers, impresarios and underground agitators. Berlin-based writer Paul Hockenos offers us an original chronicle of 1989's "peaceful revolution," which upended communism in East Germany, and the wild, permissive years of artistic ferment and pirate utopias that followed when protest and idealism, techno clubs and sprawling squats were the order of the day. This is a story stocked with larger-than-life characters from Berlin's highly political subcultures--including David Bowie and Iggy Pop, the internationally known French Wall artist Thierry Noir, cult figure Blixa Bargeld of the industrial band Einstürzende Neubauten, and a clandestine cell of East Berlin anarchists. Hockenos argues that the do-it-yourself energy and raw urban vibe of the early 1990s shaped the new Berlin and still pulses through the city today.

  • af Roman Vater
    286,95 - 1.028,95 kr.

  • af John Markoff
    211,95 - 569,95 kr.

  • af Tom Harris
    208,95 kr.

    'Harris reveals the history of an extraordinary animal rights campaign that I was proud to be associated with. A heartfelt and important account of a movement that inspired thousands' Benjamin Zephaniah, poet and activist'When DIY ethos plays out on a grand scale, it has the power to shake governments and change the world. This is a must-read for all contemporary activists' Moby, musician'A story of compassion and courage that was crushed by the state, and a powerful testament to the inspirational campaigns of people who stood for a world without suffering' Peter Tatchell, campaigner for human and animal liberationFor many people, the name 'Huntingdon Life Sciences' will live forever in infamy. In the early 2000s, Europe's largest animal testing laboratory provoked public outrage, and sparked a resistance movement like no other. Your Neighbour Kills Puppies tells the inside story of this remarkable campaign and the forces that rose up against it. It exposes a murky world of institutional animal exploitation, government collusion, corporate lobbyists, agent provocateurs and police spies desperate to silence dissent.Author and campaign veteran Tom Harris transports the reader into the heart of the action, through underground tunnels and illicit animal rescues, before detailing the brutal state-led crackdown which saw scores of activists violently arrested and imprisoned.Tom Harris has spent two decades in the animal liberation movement and is a former coordinator of Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty. He received a five-year prison sentence during the attempted 'elimination' of the anti-vivisection movement and is a named victim in the Miscarriages of Justice category of the Government's Undercover Policing Inquiry.

  • af Alexander Hamilton
    288,95 kr.

    "The Federalist Papers" written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, were a series of 85 essays published between 1787 and 1788 to promote the ratification of the United States Constitution. These influential essays served as a comprehensive explanation and defense of the principles and structure of the Constitution, addressing concerns about the proposed system of government. The authors passionately argued for the benefits of a strong central government, emphasizing the necessity of a balanced and well-structured union to ensure national stability and security. Through astute political and philosophical analysis, the papers elucidated the significance of checks and balances, the separation of powers, and the importance of representative government. The Federalist Papers remain an enduring classic in political thought, offering invaluable insights into the framers' intentions and the foundations of American constitutional democracy.

  • - gøgler, maler, ven
    af Bent Holm
    348,95 kr.

    Dario Fo var et kunstnerisk fænomen. Skuespiller, dramatiker, instruktør, scenograf, billedkunstner, aktivist... en rabiat satiriker, der sammen med sin partner i livet og på scenen, Franca Rame, tog nogle kampe, de betalte en høj politisk og personlig pris for. Men Fo opnåede også en pris. I 1997 modtog han Nobelprisen i litteratur. Fos groteske komik vandt en særlig genklang i Danmark. Som oversætter, tolk og forsker fulgte Bent Holm hans arbejde gennem et halvt århundrede, hvor der også udviklede sig en personlig relation imellem dem. Bogen skildrer Fos brogede liv og værk fra opvæksten blandt fiskere og fabulanter over hans tid som kontroversiel kritiker af et forbenet regime, altid i anarkistisk opposition, og sluttelig frem til hans fokus på kunst, kultur og historie. Alt sammen indsat i et landskab af Italiens nyere politiske historie, hvor grænserne mellem utopisme, ekstremisme og terrorisme skred fatalt – og tilsat forfatterens egne oplevelser med fænomenet Fo

  • af Neil Johnson
    198,95 - 358,95 kr.

  • af Aladdin Meier
    158,95 kr.

    Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Proto-Semiten (Mazirer und Semiten) sowie von Nordafroasiaten (Mazirer, Semiten und Kuschiten). Einflüsse der Arabischen Liga auf die Welt. Die Stellung Saudi-Arabiens und der Arabischen Liga in der Welt. Arabischer Sozialismus mit den Ablegern Nasserismus und Gaddafismus.

  • af Tom O'Lincoln
    273,95 kr.

    A moving political memoir through Berkeley radicalism, socialist organising in Australia in the Whitlam and Fraser eras and international mass struggles. This is not a nostalgic memoir of reminiscence, but an inspiration for all activists.

  • af Célestin Bouglé
    158,95 kr.

    Lorsque, en 1925, Bouglé publie Qu'est-ce que la sociologie ?, il ne propose pas seulement un manuel, mais aussi et surtout un ouvrage traitant, à travers différents écrits, tant de la division du travail que des rapports de l'histoire et de la science sociale, ou des théories de Cournot et l'idée avant-gardiste de "sociologie populaire". Un regard jeté en passant sur les aphorismes de la sagesse des nations, sur les formules de nos littérateurs, sur les maximes courantes de notre propre conduite suffit à le constater il existe d'ores et déjà, aussi bien qu'une météorologie, une "sociologie populaire" .

  • af Célestin Bouglé
    188,95 kr.

    Le "solidarisme" semble en passe de devenir, pour la troisième République, une manière de philosophie officielle. Il est le fournisseur attitré de ces grands thèmes moraux qui font l'accord des consciences, et que le moindre personnage public se sent obligé de répéter aux occasions solennelles. Célestin Bouglé

  • af William Bolívar Pedraza
    538,95 kr.

    Drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles, are transforming the way war is waged, becoming a fundamental weapon in contemporary armed conflicts. They have been used by US armed forces and intelligence services, not only in reconnaissance operations but also in controversial attacks against civilians in the US-led fight against terrorism, mainly in the Middle East and Asia. This paper seeks to highlight the relevance and topicality of the debate surrounding the use of armed drones for targeted strikes as a means of combating terrorism, considering that the parameters for assessing and determining the legality of this type of action differ depending on the legal regime applicable to each specific case.

  • af International Communist Party
    208,95 kr.

    The Communist Party in the Tradition of the Left is a comprehensive journey through our party's rich history, born out of the pivotal moments of internal strife that defined our path. It emerged as a response to the significant splits that shaped our trajectory. It all started with the schism in 1951, followed by the emergence of a separate organization aligned with "Il Programma Comunista," and culminating in the tumultuous 'dirty' split of 1973. These events are the backdrop against which this text was written, tracing the evolution of our party's core principles and our steadfast dedication to revolutionary Marxism.This book serves a dual purpose: firstly, it acts as a meticulous historical record, chronicling our passage through turbulent times marked by ideological shifts and organizational transitions. Secondly, it underscores our resolute dedication to preserving the essence of our party-the unique program that has guided us for decades. Through this exploration, we aim to offer readers profound insights into our party's history, characterized by an unwavering pursuit of doctrinal unity and continuity, regardless of the challenges we have faced.This book is more than a historical account. It's a manifesto for a new generation of readers, a testament to the enduring strength of a party that seeks to shape the future. It calls for the study of Marx and Lenin, those luminaries who have guided the party's course throughout history. This work is a call to action, a rallying cry for the preservation of the revolutionary spirit.

  • af William Lawrence Drake
    149,95 - 233,95 kr.

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