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  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    428,95 kr.

    Machiavelli draws on his historical knowledge and experience as a statesman to examine the reasons that Kings, Emperors, Dukes and governments have thrived or crumbled while highlighting the principles that guided them.

  • af Pier Paolo Battistelli
    166,95 kr.

    Enjoy a detailed examination of Operation Olive as US, British, Commonwealth and Allied forces seek to smash through the last German defensive line in Italy.The Italian theatre of operations post-summer 1944 was often (and incorrectly) surmised at the time as a quiet sector of World War II, populated with troops who were relieved not to find themselves fighting in North-West Europe. Yet the true nature of the hard fighting that took place here was soon revealed when the Allies began their assault on the Axis Gothic Line defences, known as Operation Olive. In this book, Italian military historian Pier Paolo Battistelli documents the dual Allied offensive spearheaded by American and British units to smash through what was supposed to be the final Axis defensive line in Italy before the Alps. The overall strategic aims of both the Axis and Allied leaders are explored, together with the organization of the forces committed.The expertly researched maps and 3D diagrams guide the reader through the progress of the phased battles in challenging terrain. Photographs and specially commissioned artworks show the soldiers that fought on both sides, including American, Canadian, Indian, Brazilian, Polish, New Zealander, British, German and Italian troops, as well as the materiel they employed. The result is an essential illustrated guide to a fascinating and complex late-war campaign.

  • af Miyamoto Musashi
    143,95 - 219,95 kr.

    This luxurious hardback presents The Book of Five Rings, a classic Japanese text by the undefeated swordsman Miyamoto Musashi, with gold embossing and gilded page edges. Shortly before his death in 1645, Musashi retreated to a cave to live as a hermit. There he wrote five scrolls describing the "true principles" required for victory in the martial arts and on the battlefield. Instead of relying on religion or theory, Musashi based his writings on his own experience, observation, and reason. The scrolls, published as The Book of Five Rings, have recently gained an international reputation in the business world as a means of resolving differences and achieving success. But their delineation of the psychological strength, rigorous self-control, and practical application necessary for dealing with physical and mental conflict also has a wider relevance and can be usefully applied to all our lives. This compact luxury edition with gold-foil embossing is perfect as a gift. ABOUT THE SERIES: Arcturus Ornate Classics are beautifully bound gifts editions of iconic literary works across history. These compact, foil-embossed hardbacks are richly illustrated and printed using deluxe ivory paper.

  • af Frode Lindgjerdet
    325,95 kr.

    A new complete history of the only American ground operation on Norwegian soil during World War II.

  • af Keir Giles
    283,95 kr.

    You may not be interested in Russia. But Russia is interested in you.Russia's 2022 attack on Ukraine saw confrontation between Moscow and the West spill over into open conflict once again. But Russia has also been waging a clandestine war against the West for decades. Hostile acts abroad, from poisoning dissidents to shooting down airliners, interfering in elections, spying, hacking and murdering, have long seemed to be the Kremlin's daily business. But what is it all for? Why does Russia consistently behave like this? And what does it achieve?In this book, Keir Giles explains how and why Russia pushes for more power and influence wherever it can reach, far beyond Ukraine - and what it means not just for governments, but for ordinary people. Bringing together stories from the military, politics, diplomacy, espionage, cyber power, organised crime and more, Giles describes how Moscow conducts its campaigns across the globe, and how nobody is too unimportant to be caught up in them. By lifting the lid on the daily struggle going on behind the scenes to protect governments, businesses, societies and people from Russian hostile activity, Russia's War On Everybody shows how Moscow's hostile intentions for the rest of the world are far broader and more ambitious, and the ways it tries to achieve them far more pervasive and damaging, than we realise.

  • af Gustav Schmidt Hansen
    198,95 kr.

    Ved Danmark besættelse 9. april 1940 ændrede betingelserne sig for dansk skibsfart. 6.300 danske søfolk blev afskåret fra Danmark og sejlede i udeflåden. Andre 6.000 danske søfolk kom til at sejle på skibe i hjemmeflåden.Det nyoprettede fragtnævn førte på samarbejdspolitikkens vegne forhandlinger med Fachgruppe Reeder. Den danske handelsflåde indenfor spærringen skulle først og fremmest dække det danske samfunds behov - først derefter kunne skibene sejle for tysk regning, men kun med ladninger, der ikke anfægtede Danmarks forhold til andre lande. Tyskland havde hårdt brug for malm til krigsindustrien, hvilket betød at danske skibe i hjemmeflåden også skulle sejle med malm fra Sverige til Tyskland. Fragtnævnet var klar over, at transport af malm var et kritisk punkt, og man måtte leve med et uophørligt pres fra besættelsesmagten, der konstant pressede på for at få stillet skibstonnage til rådighed. I denne bog gennemgås hele udviklingen og alle historierne. Bogen er illustreret med en række historiske fotos.

  • - Militær anvendelse af kunstig intelligens
    af Thomas G. Nielsen, Iben Yde & Rasmus Dahlberg
    296,95 kr.

    Moderne krigsførelse er uhyre kompleks, og beslutninger skal ofte træffes hurtigt på baggrund af enorme mængder ufuldstændige data. Til det formål er kunstig intelligens særdeles velegnet. Maskinlæring, algoritmer, neurale netværk og andre computerdrevne efterligninger af den menneskelige tænkeevne repræsenterer derfor en egentlig militærteknologisk revolution. I denne antologi leverer førende danske forskere og praktikere for første gang en samlet introduktion til teknologien bag og anvendelsen af kunstig intelligens i militære systemer og organisationer. Emner som logistik, kontrol- og kommandoforhold, cybersikkerhed og etik præsenteres på letforståelig vis og sættes i både historisk, nutidigt og fremtidsmæssigt perspektiv.

  • af Søren Nørby
    274,95 kr.

    Med fornøden dristighed. Ordene er tilskrevet den danske søhelt Peter Wessel Tordenskiold, der under Store Nordiske Krig 1709-1720 viste, at han ikke var bange for at tage chancer, når han mødte fjenden.Bag begrebet ”fornøden dristighed” ligger den filosofi, at vil man vinde i krig, så kræver det en aggressiv og offensiv holdning. Skibschefen skal balancere ansvaret for skib og mandskab op mod gennemførelsen af den pålagte ordre, og Søværnets historie har mange eksempler på situationer, hvor skibschefer, befalingsmænd eller gaster har udvist en fornøden dristighed.Flådens historie har dog også eksempler på det modsatte, og Med fornøden dristighed samler 12 af disse dramatiske beretninger. Fra linjeskibet Dannebroges eksplosion i Køge Bugt i 1710 over krigen 1864 til 1. og 2. Verdenskrig og vor tids indsatser for at redde søfolk i nød. Hermed føjes flere spændende historier til beretningerne om flådens virke i Søren Nørbys tidligere bog Hverken ubesindig eller frygtsom.

  • af Jan Lund Pedersen
    198,95 kr.

    En personlig oplevelse og beskrivelse af 40 års frivillig tjeneste i Hjemmeværnet

  • af Frank Bøgh
    93,95 kr.

    Præcis klokken 11 hylede sirenerne ildevarslende over hele landet. Det skulle blive en af de mest dramatiske dage under besættelsen. Da den 19. september 1944 var omme, var dansk politi sat ud af funktion, mens 2.000 betjente var på vej til en uvis skæbne i tyske koncentrationslejre. Af dem vendte mange hjem, men ingen uden ar på sjælen. Tidligere kriminalassistent og forfatter Frank Bøgh fortæller i denne bog historien om den 19. september 1944, som de danske politifolk selv huskede den. Time for time følger vi deres oplevelser under tyskernes ”Aktion Möwe”, som forandrede danskernes hverdag under besættelsen – til det værre. Frank Bøghs bog om 19. september 1944 er lettilgængelig, oplysende og fyldt med uafrystelige øjebliksbilleder fra en både kaotisk og skelsættende dag i Danmarkshistorien.

  • af Philip Christian Ulrich
    138,95 kr.

    Under valgkampen i 2016 lovede Donald Trump, at ”uforudsigelighed” ville være et grundlæggende træk for hans udenrigspolitik, hvis han vandt valget. Efterfølgende er præsidenten kommet med mange forskellige udmeldinger om udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitik. I denne bog udleder og forklarer Philip Chr. Ulrich nogle grundlæggende karakteristika ved Donald Trumps udenrigspolitik, og viser hvordan disse bryder med amerikansk udenrigspolitik siden 1945.Bogen giver empirisk og teoretisk materiale til diskussioner om den udenrigspolitik vi ser fra præsident Donald Trump.Philip Chr. Ulrich er udenrigsredaktør ved netmediet Han har skrevet e-bøgerne ”I Supermagtens Tjeneste – Amerikanske Veteraner i Krig og Fred” og ”Obama Doktrinen”. Derudover har han bidraget til en række bøger - herunder ”JFK100”.

  • af Jesper Hirtsgaard
    148,95 kr.

    Jeg var en del af en gruppe på 12 personer, som brugte ventetiden til at tale sammen om hvad der nu skulle ske, når vi kom til fremmedlegionens uddannelsesregiment i byen Castelnaudary. Det var blevet koldt i vejret og vi frøs, mens vi talte sammen. En korporal stak sit hoved ud af et vindue og sagde, at jeg skulle holde min kæft, jeg sagde med klar stemme javel, mens jeg smilede venligt til ham. Så tog fanden ved ham. Han kom farende hen imod mig, som om han var skudt ud af en kanon. Han tog mig om halsen og klemte til, mens han skreg, så mundsavlet ramte mig i ansigtet, at han ikke ville høre min stemme mere i dag. Det hele kom som et chok for mig, så jeg fremstammede med et nervøst lille smil på læben, at jeg nok skulle holde mund. Hvis han før var rasende, så blev han nu helt vild. Han skreg af mig, mens han slæbte mig ind i bygningen. Han skubbede mig ind i et tomt rum med en sådan kraft, at jeg faldt bagover. Han sparkede mig en gang i siden og mens jeg lå ned kunne jeg se vildskaben i hans øjne. Det nåede heldigvis ikke at udvikle sig til mere, da en anden korporal kom ind og sagde, at han skulle tage det roligt, for det var min første dag og jeg skulle lige vænne mig til denne levevis. På vej ud af bygningen sagde han på engelsk, at han ikke ville se mig grine mere, mens jeg var i legionen, hvilket han fik ret i.

  • - Slagmarkens forvandling fra 1. Verdenskrig til Irak
    af Martin van Creveld
    239,95 kr.

    Spændende beretning om krigens hæsblæsende og uhyggelige forvandling igennem de seneste hundrede år. På én gang et fængslende stykke historie og et øjenåbnende kig dybt ind i de konflikter, der præger verden i dag. Vi følger med fra Flanderns skyttegrave og Normandiets strande - over Mellemøstens ørkenkrige, Koreakrigens kolde bjerge og Vietnams jungle - helt frem til Sydlibanon og Bagdad, hvor moderne hære kæmper en ofte forgæves kamp mod guerilla- og terrorgrupper. Vi kommer tæt på krigens hoved- og bipersoner og ind i tekniske nyskabelser som panserkøretøjer og ubåde sammen med de svedende mandskaber - og oplever både slagmarkens voldsomme forandring og den moderne krigs lidelser.Martin van Creveld er en af verdens førende militærhistorikere. Han giver et enestående overblik over et århundredes krigshistorie og en mængde detaljerige dyk ned i dramatiske enkeltbegivenheder frem til i dag.Illustreret

  • - En dansk forsvarsattachés møde med Putins efterretningstjeneste
    af Carsten Rasmussen & Steffen Nyboe McGhie
    357,95 kr.

    I begyndelsen af 2022 rumler krigstrommerne over Europa. Russiske kampvognsenheder bevæger sig langs grænsen til Ukraine, og i syd rykker bombefly i stilling. I Moskva passer den erfarne danske forsvarsattaché Carsten Rasmussen sit arbejde og rapporterer hjem til København om de russiske troppebevægelser. Den danske ambassade har opdateret sine evakueringsplaner, men de vestlige diplomater kan stadig bevæge sig frit i den russiske hovedstad. De berygtede russiske sikkerhedstjenester, som ikke står tilbage for mord og anholdelser af vesterlændinge, har indtil videre ikke rørt de danske diplomater.Men en dag, da den danske forsvarsattaché forlader sin lejlighed for at spadsere til kontoret på den danske ambassade, står to civilklædte mænd på gaden og ryger cigaretter. Da Carsten Rasmussen runder hjørnet for at gå igennem den nærliggende park, er de to mænd sat i bevægelse, og nu følger de efter ham.Vor mand i Moskva beskriver, hvordan den danske forsvarsattaché Carsten Rasmussen pludselig befandt sig i kikkertsigtet hos den frygtede russiske sikkerhedstjeneste FSB, og hvordan han til sidst måtte flygte ud af Rusland en forårsnat i 2022.Carsten Rasmussen er kendt for sin ledende rolle i det internationalt anerkendte kampvognsslag i Jugoslavien kendt som Operation Bøllebank, den første større danske ildkamp siden Anden Verdenskrig. Han har før sin udstationering i Moskva arbejdet som Danmarks forsvarsattaché i Warszawa og Beijing.

  • af Andrew Harding
    126,95 - 133,95 kr.

  • af Richard Dunn
    468,95 kr.

    Richard Dunn adds a third dimension to the history of the New Guinea and Solomon Island campaigns by detailing the pivotal role of airpower.

  • af Noam Chomsky
    213,95 kr.

    "A conversation between public intellectuals examining the contentious interplay between the Cuban Revolution and U.S. empire"--

  • af Graham M Simons
    295,95 kr.

    The B-36 Peacemaker, a Cold War icon, was America's first intercontinental nuclear bomber with unmatched range and technological innovation.The story of the Consolidated B-36 is unique in American aviation history. The aircraft was an interesting blend of concepts proven during the Second World War combined with budding 1950s high-tech systems. The program survived near-cancellation on six separate occasions during an extremely protracted development process. It was also the symbol of a bitter inter-service rivalry between the newly-formed US Air Force and the well-established US Navy over which of which of the two organizations would control the delivery of atomic weapons during the early years of the Cold War.Entering service in 1948, the B-36 was a remarkable design. It was the largest mass-produced piston-engine aircraft ever built, having the longest wingspan of any combat aircraft in history. Importantly, in terms of the developing Cold War at least, the B-36 was the first bomber capable of delivering any of the weapons in America's nuclear arsenal without modification. To achieve this part of its role, the Peacemaker had an operational range of 10,000 miles, being capable of intercontinental flight without refueling.It is difficult to imagine a modern aircraft remaining airborne for two days without refueling - but such missions were relatively routine for the B-36 crews. while there were, at the time of its service, questions around its flight speed, the Peacemaker flew so high that this was considered of little concern - few fighters of its era could reach the same altitudes, and operational surface-to-air missiles were still in the future.The B-36, despite its seemingly conventional appearance, pushed the state-of-the-art technology further than any other aircraft of its era. Its sheer size brought with it structural challenges, while its high-altitude capabilities led to engine cooling and associated problems. However, all of these were finally overcome, and the B-36 served well as the first 'Big Stick' of the Cold War.

  • af Damien Lewis
    106,95 kr.

    In the bleak moments after defeat on mainland Europe in winter 1939, Winston Churchill knew that Britain had to strike back hard. So Britain's wartime leader called for the lightning development of a completely new kind of warfare, recruiting a band of eccentric free-thinking warriors to become the first 'deniable' secret operatives to strike behind enemy lines, offering these volunteers nothing but the potential for glory and all-but-certain death.The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare tells the story of the daring victories for this small force of 'freelance pirates', undertaking devastatingly effective missions against the Nazis, often dressed in enemy uniforms and with enemy kit, breaking all previously held rules of warfare. Master storyteller Damien Lewis brings the adventures of the secret unit to life, weaving together the stories of the soldiers' brotherhood in this compelling narrative, from the unit's earliest missions to the death of their leader just weeks before the end of the war.

  • af Graham (Illustrator) Turner
    318,95 kr.

    A highly illustrated history of the Wars of the Roses based on the medieval art of Graham Turner.The period of civil strife in the second half of the 15th century known as the Wars of the Roses is one of the most dramatic in English history. It is rich with political events, outstanding protagonists, battles and campaigns, and culminates in the defeat of Richard III, brutally killed at the battle of Bosworth in 1485, and the rise to the throne of the House of Tudor.Since first being inspired by a visit to Bosworth battlefield over 25 years ago, renowned historical illustrator Graham Turner has built a worldwide reputation for his renderings of this colourful and intense era. This new study contains a unique and comprehensive collection of his paintings and drawings, which provide meticulously researched details of arms, armour and settings, while at the same time bringing to life the human stories behind the turbulent events. Fully illustrated with artwork and prints prized by historians and collectors for their dramatic and atmospheric compositions, The Wars of the Roses is an unmissable visual tour which showcases the technical, contextual and human facets of one of England's most dramatic historical periods.

  • af Edward M. Young
    168,95 kr.

    An exciting account of the aerial battles fought by the USAAF's P38 Lightnings and the Jagdflieger's Bf 109Gs for dominance over North Africa and the Mediterranean.USAAF fighter pilots experienced a baptism of fire when flying the technically advanced but fragile P-38 Lightning over North Africa in the wake of 1942's Operation Torch. Their opponents were battle-hardened jagdflieger of the Jadgwaffe, flying the tried and tested Bf 109 in its very lastest Gustav iteration. Responsible primarily for escorting USAAF bombers attacking Afrika Korps installations in Tunisia, the P-38 units in North Africa had to develop effective tactics to defend the bombers against Luftwaffe fighter attacks. For several months the Lightning squadrons had to also cope with shortages of aircraft and spare parts, steady losses and a lack of replacement pilots. To survive, American aviators had to learn quickly. While it is difficult to definitively attribute victories in air combat, in the air battles over Tunisia and later over Sicily and Italy, the claims made by Lightning pilots were comparable to Luftwaffe claims for P-38s destroyed. Edward M. Young turns his attention to the bitterly fought air war in North Africa and the Mediterranean in 1942-43. Using original archival sources, official records and first-hand accounts from both USAAF and Luftwaffe veterans, as well as newly commissioned artwork and 50 carefully selected photographs from official and personal archives, this book sees two of the most iconic piston-engined fighters of their era pitted head-to-head for control of the skies in a key theatre of World War II.

  • af Raffaele DâEUR(TM)Amato
    146,95 kr.

    Richly illustrated, this title describes Anglo-Saxon monarchs, warlords and their warriors and households in Anglo-Saxon Britain, from the first post-Roman mercenaries to the Norman Conquest.In a country fragmented by Roman withdrawal during the 5th century AD, the employment of Germanic mercenaries by local rulers in Anglo-Saxon Britain was commonplace. These mercenaries became settlers, forcing Romano-British communities into Wales and the West Country. Against a background of spreading Christianity, the struggles of rival British and Anglo-Saxon kingdoms were exploited by the Vikings, but eventually contained by the Anglo-Saxon king, Alfred of Wessex. His descendants unified the country during the 10th century, however, subsequent weak rule saw its 25-year incorporation into a Danish empire before it finally fell to the Norman invasion of 1066. Scholars of the early Church have long known that the term 'Dark Ages' for the 5th to 11th centuries in Britain refers only to a lack of written sources, and gives a false impression of material culture. The Anglo-Saxon warrior elite were equipped with magnificent armour, influenced by the cultures of the late Romans, the Scandinavian Vendel people, the Frankish Merovingians, Carolingians and Ottonians, and also the Vikings. In this volume, co-authors Raffaele D'Amato and Stephen Pollington access their extended knowledge to paint a vivid picture of the kings and warlords of the time with the aid of colour illustrations, rare photos and the latest archaeological research.

  • af Steven J. Zaloga
    126,95 kr.

    A comprehensive, illustrated account of the new generation of advanced tanks to emerge during the last 15 years of the Cold War, showcasing major improvements in armor protection, gunsights, and fire-control systems.Focusing on the technology of the period, author Steven J. Zaloga explains how the demands of a potential Cold War battlefield spurred the development of the 20th century's most advanced tanks. He considers the final versions of the Soviet T-72, T-64, and T-80 and assesses their strengths and weaknesses. He also explores how the failure of the US-German MBT-70 project led to America's development of the M1 Abrams tank, and to Germany's all-new Leopard II. The British development of the Challenger tank is also considered, as is the lesser-known Leclerc tank developed by France, the smallest and lightest of any of the western designs. Featuring superbly detailed new illustrations and many photos, this volume pinpoints the key technology of the era, including turbine engines, APFSDS ammunition, advanced armor and high-tech fire-control systems, and describes how the rival tanks compared in the final stretch of the Cold War arms race.

  • af Mark Galeotti
    118,95 kr.

    The Financial Times - Best books of 2022: Politics 'The prolific military chronicler and analyst Mark Galeotti has produced exactly the right book at the right time.' The Times A new history of how Putin and his conflicts have inexorably reshaped Russia, including his devastating invasion of Ukraine. Putin's Wars is a timely overview of the conflicts in which Russia has been involved since Vladimir Putin became prime minister and then president of Russia, from the First Chechen War to the two military incursions into Georgia, the annexation of Crimea and the eventual invasion of Ukraine itself. But it also looks more broadly at Putin's recreation of Russian military power and its expansion to include a range of new capabilities, from mercenaries to operatives in a relentless information war against Western powers. This is an engrossing strategic overview of the Russian military and the successes and failures on the battlefield. Thanks to Dr Galeotti's wide-ranging contacts throughout Russia, it is also peppered with anecdotes of military life, personal snapshots of conflicts, and an extraordinary collection of first-hand accounts from serving and retired Russian officers. Russia continues to dominate the news cycle throughout the Western world. There is no better time to understand how and why Putin has involved his armed forces in a variety of conflicts for over two decades.

  • af E V Martindale
    176,95 kr.

    This book offers a detailed guide to the major types of battleships to fight in the two world wars. Explore HMS Dreadnought, the first of a class of fast, big-gun battleships to be developed at the beginning of the 20th century; find out about the destruction of HMS Hood, which exploded after exchanging fire with the Bismarck, which itself was sunk after a trans-Atlantic chase by a combination of battery fire and aircraft-launched torpedoes; and much more.

  • af Matthew Thomas
    223,95 kr.

  • - Vestens fald i Afghanistan
    af Nagieb Khaja
    258,95 kr.

    Nagieb Khaja har rejst bag Vestens linjer i Afghanistan, og i mødet med folket, forstår man Talibans sejr.Den 12-årige afghanske dreng stod omkranset af Kunar-regionens flotte bjerge, hvor ekkoet fra vildfarne missiler kort forinden havde sprængt idyllen. ”Min far og mor blev dræbt. Mine to brødre, to søstre, niecer, to svigerinder. Alle blev dræbt,“ fortalte drengen, som gav amerikanerne skylden. Nagieb Khaja kiggede på drengen og tænkte, at han stod over for endnu en kommende Talibankriger.Mødet med drengen fandt sted i 2007 og er en af de mange samtaler med lokale, som den dansk-afghanske journalist har på sin færd rundt i Afghanistan gennem to årtiers krig og modløshed.De farlige rejser på egen hånd har givet ufiltrerede fortællinger om de mange ofre for Vestens våben. Nagieb Khaja har også lagt øre til lokales historier om korruption, brutalitet og narkotika blandt afghanske politifolk.Men turene bag Vestens linjer fik Nagieb Khaja kidnappet af Taliban og tilbageholdt af afghanske sikkerhedsstyrker. Efter knap tyve års krig regerer Taliban igen, og Nagieb Khaja er ikke i tvivl om hvorfor. De lokale afghanere i landområderne opfattede dem som DE MINDST ONDE. Bogen er en opdateret og revideret 3. version af Historien der ikke bliver fortalt.

  • af Paul D Williams
    474,95 kr.

    Security Studies: An Introduction, 4th edition, is the most comprehensive textbook available on the subject, providing students with in-depth coverage of traditional and critical approaches and an essential grounding in the debates, frameworks, and issues of the contemporary security agenda.

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