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Andre emner inden for krigsførelse og forsvar

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  • af Lars R. Møller
    197,95 kr.

    Det er aldrig uden omkostninger, når en nation sender sine soldater i krig. Oberst Lars R. Møller har skrevet en bramfri debatbog om Danmarks veteraner.At soldater dør eller såres er velkendt, men op gennem historien har man stort set ignoreret at der findes andre konsekvenser ved at gå krig. En stor del af de soldater, der ikke er blevet fysisk skadede, vender tilbage efter krigen med usynlige sår og samfundets evne til at tage sig af dem er i bedste fald ringe. At give Danmarks veteraner en ordentlig behandling er ikke en opgave for forsvaret, men for samfundet.

  • af Mikhail Zygar
    112,95 kr.

    'History is made up of myths,' writes the renowned Russian dissident journalist Mikhail Zygar. 'Alas, our myths led us to the fascism of 2022. It is time to expose them.' Drawing from his perilous career investigating the frontiers of the Russian empire, Zygar reveals how 350 years of propaganda, bad historical scholarship, folk tales and fantasy spurred his nation into war with Ukraine.A noted expert on the Kremlin with unparalleled access to hundreds of players in the current conflict - from politicians to oligarchs, gangsters to comedians (not least Zelensky himself) - Zygar chronicles the power struggles from which today's politics grew, and digs out the essential truths from behind layers of seductive legend. By surveying the strange, complex record of Russo-Ukrainian relations, WAR AND PUNISHMENT reveals exactly how the largest nation on Earth lost its senses. A work of history can't undo the past or transform the present, but sometimes it can shape the future.

  • af Franklin Díaz
    173,95 kr.

    Il 31 dicembre del 2001 sono state definitivamente abolite le prefetture del Venezuela. Si trattava di istituzioni regolamentate da una legge anticostituzionale, ingiusta e immorale: la legge dei vagabondi e dei malviventi. I prefetti erano autorizzati a ordinare l'arresto di una persona fino a 72 ore, o a farla rinchiudere a tempo indeterminato in terribili case di reclusione, senza alcun ordine giudiziario previo.Questa legge era stata ereditata dall'ultima dittatura che c'era stata in Venezuela, quella del Generale Marcos Pérez Jiménez, ed era stata quasi del tutto copiata da una simile che c'era in Spagna durante il franchismo.Secondo tale legge, tutti coloro che non avevano un lavoro noto potevano essere considerati vagabondi o malviventi, ed essere sanzionati dai prefetti. Perfino gli omosessuali venivano considerati in questo modo.Per quanto i fondamenti giuridici ed etici di questa legge fossero assurdi, essa era ancora in vigore, e i funzionari incaricati di applicarla non potevano rifiutarsi di farlo. Finché era in vigore, i prefetti erano obbligati ad applicarla e farla rispettare.Purtroppo o per fortuna, il destino ha voluto che fossi uno di quegli ultimi prefetti.Questi sono i racconti di alcuni dei casi più sorprendenti che mi sono trovato ad affrontare.

  • af Major Chuck Larson
    252,95 kr.

  • af Col. Frank C Foster
    172,95 kr.

    Welcome to Medals of America's military ribbons book covering all six of United States Armed Forces military ribbons. This book covers all military awards since the Civil War and shows each branch ribbon chests from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War, the Liberation of Kuwait, NATO actions, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and the Global War on Terror. All devices and attachments for every U.S. Military branch of service are shown in detail as well as their correct placement on all Ribbons and Medals. The ribbons of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Space Force and Coast Guard are displayed in correct order of wear with all of their possible attachments shown below each ribbon. This is the most complete and up to date ribbon wear guide available in the world.

  • - How War on Terror Veterans in Congress Are Shaping Us Defense Policy
    af Jeffrey S Lantis
    442,95 - 977,95 kr.

  • af Blue Seven Seven
    107,95 - 227,95 kr.

  • af Bushra al-Maqtari
    125,95 kr.

    Reminiscent of the work of Nobel Prize laureate Svetlana Alexievich, What Have You Left Behind? powerfully draws together civilian accounts of the Yemeni civil war and serves as a vital reminder of the scale of the human tragedy behind the headlines.

  • af Nicholas Stargardt
    247,95 kr.

  • af Colby Buzzell
    257,95 kr.

  • af Roger Cohen
    162,95 kr.

  • af Patrick O'Kelley
    322,95 - 412,95 kr.

  • af Philippe Denis
    322,95 - 932,95 kr.

    Pioneering study of the role of the Christian churches in the Rwandan genocide of the Tutsi; a key work for historians, memory studies scholars, religion scholars and Africanists.

  • af Stefan Rasser
    164,95 kr.

    Stefan R. Rasser was born in March 1945 near Chemnitz (Saxony) and grew up in Hannover - at that time part of the British Zone of post-war Germany. After successful completion of his commercial education he decided to gain international experience in direct sales and relocated to Great Britain and later on to Switzerland. From 1972 on he worked for a reputable subsidiary of Tyco Corporation close to Munich. In 2010 he retired and moved with his wife to her hometown Biberach/Riss - unsuspectingly how far he would be drawn into the history of this small Swabian town. Fascinated by the audacious escape of British officers from a local POW camp in September 1941 through a self-dug tunnel, in 2011 Stefan R. Rasser began researching the circumstances of this stunning endeavour focusing on the participating officers' lives during World War 2. After years of meticulous investigation, he discovered parts of the tunnel, including its exit. The exciting story of this discovery, intertwined with some biographies of the protagonists, was published in German in 2020 with the title "Wir sind durch!".

  • af Bernhard Schaffrath
    188,95 - 255,95 kr.

  • af Ehsan Sheroy
    297,95 kr.

    Step into the future where law enforcement meets innovation with "Automated Guardians: Futuristic Police Stations Unveiled." This groundbreaking concept ushers in a new era of policing, redefining the traditional image of police stations and law enforcement practices.The term "Automated Guardians" conjures images of advanced technologies seamlessly integrated into the fabric of law enforcement. These futuristic police stations leverage automation, artificial intelligence, and cutting-edge security systems to enhance public safety and streamline operations. Imagine a police station where smart surveillance systems, facial recognition technology, and predictive analytics work in harmony to prevent and combat crime.In this visionary setting, the traditional police station undergoes a transformation into a high-tech hub, equipped with state-of-the-art communication systems and interactive interfaces. Citizens can engage with virtual assistants, report incidents through user-friendly apps, and access services with unprecedented efficiency. The concept envisions a more accessible and responsive police force, breaking down barriers between law enforcement and the community.The unveiling of these futuristic police stations marks a paradigm shift in the approach to public safety. The emphasis on automation not only accelerates response times but also allows law enforcement agencies to allocate resources more effectively. The integration of robotics for routine tasks and advanced forensics technologies revolutionizes crime investigation, pushing the boundaries of what is achievable in the realm of law enforcement.However, this futuristic vision is not without its challenges and ethical considerations. The unveiling also brings to light discussions on privacy concerns, data security, and the potential misuse of advanced technologies. As these Automated Guardians take their place in the public eye, a broader conversation unfolds about balancing technological progress with safeguarding individual rights and maintaining transparency.In the realm of "Automated Guardians: Futuristic Police Stations Unveiled," the future of law enforcement emerges as a complex interplay between innovation, public safety, and ethical considerations. The unveiling of these cutting-edge police stations promises a future where technology becomes an ally in the pursuit of justice, creating a landscape where safety and privacy coexist in harmony.

  • af Anke Büttner
    277,95 kr.

    Das 2023 in München stattgefundene Festival »Female Peace Palace« widmete sich dem Mut, den Vorstellungen und den Kämpfen von Frauen in Krieg und Widerstand. Mit Theater, Literatur, Gesprächen, Vorträgen und Podcasts wurde ein Bogen von einem visionären historischen Ereignis während des Ersten Weltkriegs - dem Internationalen Frauenfriedenskongress 1915 in Den Haag - hin zu aktuellen Konfliktzonen gespannt. Im Vertrauen auf die Kunst und das Theater suchten die Autor*innen, Künstler*innen, Journalist*innen und Wissenschaftler*innen nach Beschreibungen für die Dilemmata und Höllen des Krieges und widmeten sich gleichzeitig der Kraft, aus der gemeinsames Handeln dagegen wachsen kann. Das internationale Festival war eine erste Einladung, ins Imaginieren und Sprechen zu kommen, wo angesichts von Krieg und Hass Worte und Vorstellungsvermögen fehlen. Das gleichnamige Lesebuch dokumentiert das Festival der Monacensia und der Münchner Kammerspiele und erweitert es mit neuen Beiträgen.

  • af Andrew Wisely
    1.517,95 kr.

    The Trial of a Nazi Doctor examines the life of Franz Bernhard Lucas (1911-1994), an SS camp doctor with assignments in Auschwitz, Mauthausen, Stutthof, Ravensbrück, and Sachsenhausen. Covering his career during the Third Reich and then his prosecution after 1945, especially in the Frankfurt Auschwitz trial, Andrew Wisely explores the lies, obfuscations, misrepresentation, and confusions that Lucas himself created to deny, distract from or excuse his participation in the Nazi's genocidal projects. By juxtaposing Lucas's own testimonies and those of a wide range of witnesses: former camp inmates and Holocaust survivors; friends, colleagues, and relatives; and media observers, Wisely provides a nuanced study of witness testimonies and the moral identity of Holocaust perpetrators.

  • af Daniel R Faust
    162,95 kr.

    MESS, PAIN, WOUNDS, and TRIALS.We as people go through all these things.Life is already hard enough. Now you've been living in military life for 2 to 30 years, now you've been seriously rocked to the core. You are not alone !!!Leave No Veteran Behind shares the stories of 12 veterans that have gone through the mess, the pain, the wounds and the trials. We share so you experience a messageWe share so that you experience a purposeWe share that it's so you experience wisdomWe share so that you will experience a testimonyIt is all for youStop living and learningLearn & Live See you inside!!!

  • af Eltigani Ahmed
    152,95 kr.

    Stoning the Devil is a timely and comprehensive publication that explains the current armed conflict in Sudan and Africa by critically investigating the socioeconomic, sociopolitical, and sociocultural undercurrents that ignite the war.

  • af Abdulkadir Ali
    422,95 kr.

    The Covert Genocide is the first comprehensive account of the horrors that befell Ethiopia's Somali region during the reign of Abdi Mohamoud Omar-commonly known as Abdi iley-who ruled over the Somali inhabited parts of Ethiopia between 2010 and 2018. In this book Abdulkadir Ali 'Bureida' offers an incisive assessment of the Abdi iley years. His reign of terror claimed the lives of thousands of Somalis in Ethiopia. It lastingly damaged-physically, mentally and socially-a good part of the community. As the federal government's main pillar of the counter-insurgency against the reel Ogden National Liberation Front (ONLF) Abdi iley acted as a state within the state. On his and his officials' orders countless civilians, political competitors and suspected and real ONLF supporters were arrested, tortured and killed across the region. Drawing over 700 interviews with witnesses and survivors, The Covert Genocide provides the reader with an insider's account of the atrocities, arbitrary violence and terror that were the hallmark of the Abdi iley period. Making use of history, philosophy, psychology and his first-hand observations as a prisoner of conscience in the infamous Jail Ogaden, the author sheds light both on the systematic human rights abuses by Abdi iley's officials and paramilitary 'Liyu' or special police and the broad political context, which enabled it. Equal part historical account, political account, political analysis and human rights reporting, the book offers crucial testimony of the Abdi iley period. A powerful tribute to the victims of state sponsored violence, the Covert Genocide is a reminder that accountability for the many injustices committed continues to be wanting. Some readers will be tempted to discard or downplay the findings of this book as essentially a Somali problem. Nothing could be further from the truth. Ethiopia' former EPRDF government not only tolerated, but enabled the many atrocities against civilians that took place as part of the governments' counterinsurgency. The ongoing impunity of former and current officials and security forces-including parts of the ONLF-continues to be a major obstacle for reconciliation and healing not only in Somali region, but in Ethiopia altogether. Recent atrocities by warring parties in the Tigray conflict are a spark reminder that Ethiopia has so far failed to address or learn from its recent past. The Covert Genocide is a stark reminder that as long as political elites refuse to acknowledge these past injustices and their victims, they are likely to repeat themselves in the future.Tobias Hagmann, visiting professor, Roskilde University (Denmark) and Senior Programme Officer, Swisspeace (Switzerland).

  • af George Butler
    222,95 kr.

    While reporting on the war in Ukraine, George Butler has created striking and intimate illustrations to introduce us to the people behind the headlines. His drawings, made in a variety of places, from missile-scarred streets to nursing homes, vividly capture stories of family, tragedy and perseverance. These powerful portraits of war and conflict are a timely reminder of the humanity we all share and our universal need for peace. A stunning, illuminating and sensitive look at stories that deserve to be told.

  • af Américo Moreira
    192,95 kr.

    A Segunda Guerra Mundial, um dos eventos mais impactantes da história moderna, é desvendada de forma profunda e abrangente neste livro fascinante. Ao longo das suas páginas, o leitor é conduzido por uma análise multifacetada que explora as origens profundas do conflito, as estratégias das potências envolvidas e as consequências duradouras que moldaram o nosso mundo.

  • af Rishab Kapoor
    132,95 kr.

    This book is about the 1971 indo pak war and conspiracy. And the beginning of a new era for East Pakistan which later known as bangladesh. The brutality and hinious behaviour by West pakistan to their another continent and the dedication and sacrifices done by Mukti bahini is the main plot of the story.. Arround 25 lakh people were killed and 5 lakhs woman were dead. World media and UN strictly refused to help Bangladesh and restricted India to do any movement but India bravely moved an moment with support of Russia and Israel.

  • af Victor Montgomery Iii
    152,95 - 172,95 kr.

    The H2H Resuscitation model explores the psychological wounds of war, provides an in-depth guide to veteran-related networks, and offers uplifting, inspirational stories of rescue and redemption.

  • af Raï
    242,95 kr.

    In Navigating The VA, Raï extends a guiding hand to veterans transitioning to civilian life. Raï's narrative is one of wisdom, empathy, and invaluable insight - a beacon amidst the uncertainties that often accompany life post-service. This engaging read takes you through an exploration of uncharted territories, revealing the hidden gems that can enrich your new journey. Raï emphasizes the profound power of connections, offering strategies to foster relationships that could prove transformative in this novel phase of life. "Navigating the VA" is more than a book; it's a trusted friend and guide. It's an essential read for veterans and their loved ones, simplifying the intricate and often daunting journey that lies beyond service. Engage with it, learn from it, and let it guide you toward a fulfilling and prosperous life post-service. Your journey starts here. Are you ready to chart your course?

  • af Leiloni Caughell-Simpson
    192,95 - 272,95 kr.

  • af Russ Warriner
    122,95 - 332,95 kr.

    After serving a 1 1/2 year tour in Vietnam with the 1st Cavalry Division and surviving a total of 8 years, 9 months and 21 Days in the US Army, Russ Warriner learned he had PTSD. Dealing with the Combat Memories he calls Combat Demons is a lifelong struggle. Writing about my combat life and the aftermath has become one of his outlets. Becoming a life member of many veteran groups as well as starting a group that served in my type of unit and starting a POW/MIA weekend event has served me well to deal with the demons. Everyone who has PTSD deals with these demons in their own way. If this book can help at least one person to understand PTSD or help them deal with their demons, I feel it was worth the effort I put into writing it.

  • af David Shtockfish (Sztokfisz)
    477,95 kr.

    Zgierz is one of the oldest cities in central Poland, with the earliest known mention dating back to 1231. Jews first settled there in the mid-18th century. The town is about 73 miles from Warsaw and nine miles from Lodz. In the years prior to the Second World War, Zgierz was a city of about 40,000 people, of which 5,000 were Jews. About 80% of the Jewish population were employed in the textile industry. The others were involved with trade and business. The pages of this book, Volume II, are a supplement to the first Yizkor book of Zgierz that was published eleven years earlier in 1975. The editors of the first book announced their intention at the time to find a home for the large amount of material that remained unused in their hands. Its chapters brim with memories, stories, and personal testimonies regarding communal life, the town's glorious past, and the horrors of the Holocaust. The book begins with "Chapters of History" followed by an exploration of "Orthodox Zgierz," strongly dominated by Hassidic traditions and culture. Memories abound in the sections that include "Sketches of Personalities and Characters" and "Folklore." The accounts in the section on "Holocaust and Destruction" are a continuation of that section in the first book.

  • af Roberto Miguel Rodriguez
    222,95 kr.

    "Unmasking al-Qaeda Role" presents a meticulous exploration of the extremist group's profound influence on the political, social, and military landscapes of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. As one of the most formidable and influential jihadist organizations, al-Qaeda's ideologies and operations have significantly shaped the trajectories of conflicts in these nations, leaving an indelible mark on their histories.Central facets of the book include:Origins and Ideology: A deep dive into the emergence, foundational beliefs, and objectives of al-Qaeda, setting the groundwork for understanding its global ambitions.Afghanistan and the Birthplace of al-Qaeda: Exploration of the group's early days, its relationship with the Taliban, and its role in shaping the Afghan conflict post-Soviet invasion.Iraq After Saddam: Detailed analysis of al-Qaeda's infiltration into Iraq following the U.S. invasion, its evolving strategies, and its transformation into ISIS, resulting in a complex web of insurgency and sectarian violence.Syria's Civil War: Examination of al-Qaeda's infiltration and influence amidst the Syrian uprising, its rivalries with other jihadist factions, and its role in the broader Syrian conflict landscape.Tactics and Strategies: A look into al-Qaeda's evolving modus operandi, including its recruitment techniques, propaganda outlets, and its ability to adapt and regroup in the face of setbacks.Global and Regional Ramifications: Understanding the wider implications of al-Qaeda's actions on international relations, regional alliances, refugee crises, and global counter-terrorism initiatives.The Future of al-Qaeda: Speculative insights into the potential trajectories of al-Qaeda as global dynamics shift, counter-terrorism efforts intensify, and regional conflicts evolve.Combining comprehensive historical research with current events analysis, "Unmasking al-Qaeda Role" offers readers an insightful journey into the complex interplay of extremism, geopolitics, and regional conflict. The book stands as a critical resource for policymakers, security experts, historians, and anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the persistent challenge posed by extremist groups in the quest for regional stability and global peace.

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