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Monetær økonomi

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  • af Ben Armstrong
    206,95 kr.

    A fun and authoritative guide to bitcoin and the future of moneyIn Catching Up to Crypto: Your Guide to Bitcoin and the New Digital Economy, celebrated crypto and Bitcoin expert Ben Armstrong delivers an exciting and fresh new exploration of Bitcoin and digital currencies. He explains what Bitcoin is, how it works, and how and why we're all transitioning to a digital economy as we speak. He discusses the deficiencies of traditional fiat currency, how it's commonly manipulated, and how we can all benefit from the adoption of new, digital assets.In the book, you'll discover how Bitcoin operates in the real-world and how the underlying technology--known as the blockchain--operates. You'll also learn about:* The importance of decentralization, trust-less commerce and cryptographic consensus.* The humble origins of Bitcoin, as well as how it nearly died out, and how it went on to take over the world* How monetary and financial policy is being revolutionized by the introduction of Bitcoin and other crypto-assets.An essential and engaging review of Bitcoin, digital assets, and the new digital economy, Catching Up to Crypto is the hands-on and comprehensive introduction to crypto that investors, enthusiasts, the crypto-curious, and finance professionals have been waiting for.

  • Spar 17%
    - Historien om hvordan vi blev rige og endte ulige
    af Oded Galor
    248,95 kr.

    For et par hundrede år siden sker der noget afgørende i menneskets historie. Lige pludselig bliver vores levealder fordoblet og velstanden stiger eksplosivt. Op til da levede de fleste mennesker gennem tusindvis af år et liv, der kunne sammenlignes med deres forfædre. En landmand i begyndelsen af det 16. århundrede havde stort set samme levevilkår som en egyptisk landmand for 5.000 år siden eller en hyrde i Jeriko for 11.000 siden.Hvad forklarer den næsten utænkelig forvandling af livskvaliteten både hvad angår sundhed, rigdom og uddannelse? En ændring, der totalt overgår alt andet siden fremkomsten af homo sapiens.I DA MENNESKEHEDEN BLEV TIL tager den anerkendte økonomiprofessor Oded Galor os med ud på en rejse fra menneskehedens tidlige eksistens og frem til i dag. Han undersøger hvorfor mennesket er den eneste art, som nyder en levestandard, der langt overstiger andre arter. Samtidig går han i dybden med, hvorfor vi alligevel ser så megen ulighed verden over.

  • af Adam Smith
    620,95 kr.

    The Wealth of Nations offers one of the first collected descriptions of what builds nations' wealth, and is a fundamental work in classical economics. Smith explores such broad topics as the division of labour, productivity, and free markets.

  • - Den korteste og sikreste vej til at forstå basal økonomi
    af Henry Hazlitt
    248,95 kr.

    Bogen Økonomi i En Lektion, som er en dansk oversættelse af den internationale bestseller, Economics in One Lesson.Med over en million solgte eksemplarer er Økonomi i En Lektion en vigtig guide til det grundlæggende i økonomisk teori. Bogen er en international bestseller og er stadig den hurtigste måde at lære, hvordan man tænker som økonom.Bogen er skrevet i et meget let læseligt sprog, som gør det enkelt at forstå grundlæggende økonomiske teorier, og den anvendes derfor stadig bredt som lærebog blandt universitetsstuderende i hele verden. Bogen regnes blandt de absolut mest populære indenfor økonomisk teori, nogensinde skrevet.Økonomiske kommentatorer på tværs af det politiske spektrum har senest krediteret Hazlitt for at forudse sammenbruddet af den globale økonomi, som fandt sted mere end 50 år efter den første udgivelse af Economics in One Lesson.Hazlitts fokus på ikke-statslige løsninger og hans generelle vægt på frie markeder, individers økonomiske frihed og farerne ved statslig indgriben gør Økonomi i En Lektion lige så relevant og værdifuld i dag, som den har været siden udgivelsen.Bogen indgår i serien fra Paludans forlag som klassiske 5 stjernede bestsellere for ledelse, som ligeledes tæller: Vind venner, indflydelse og fremgang af Dale Carnegie, Peter Plys om ledelse af Roger E. Allen og En sælgers vej til Succes af Frank Bettger

  • af Hjarn von Zernichow Borberg & Robert Wederkinck
    248,95 kr.

    Penge, valuta og de finansielle markeder – et overblik giver på en overskuelig måde et godt overblik over sammenhængen mellem den danske statsgældspolitik, pengepolitik og valutapolitik samt koblingen til de finansielle markeder og deres indbyrdes sammenhænge. Bogen beskriver de mest centrale begreber som eksempelvis renter, fordringer, penge og likviditet samt forskellen mellem rentespænd, rentemarginal og rentestruktur. Der gives også en detaljeret beskrivelse af Nationalbankens pengepolitiske redskaber og valutapolitiske redskaber til forsvar for den danske kronekurs samt statens indenlandske og udenlandske låntagning. Desuden indeholder bogen en kort og praktisk anvendelig gennemgang af de mest centrale forklaringsfaktorer for udviklingen i den danske valutakurs, statsobligationsrenter m.v. Penge, valuta og de finansielle markeder – et overblik er nyttig for alle, som gerne vil videre mere om penge, valuta, statsgældspolitik og sammenhængen mellem disse emner, som alle har betydning for globaliseringen af dansk økonomi. Den kan bruges både som lærebog inden for dansk valuta- og pengepolitik og sammenhængen med de finansielle markeder samt som opslagsværk for alle, som har behov for viden forud for analyser af de finansielle markeder i Danmark.

  • af Henry Dunning Macleod
    273,95 - 378,95 kr.

  • af Ben S Bernanke
    211,95 kr.

    In response to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the US Federal Reserve and central banks worldwide have deployed tools that past policymakers and economists might have considered radical. Programmes like large-scale securities purchases and a new policy framework remain a source of confusion for investors, journalists and ordinary citizens alike.Twenty-First Century Monetary Policy demystifies these opaque techniques to reveal how economic ideas, historical events and political forces have transformed the Fed's policies over several decades. From the stagflation of the 1970s to the Great Recession and the recent pandemic, Ben S. Bernanke masterfully examines how the Fed's policies-and the institution itself-may change as it grapples with persistently low interest rates, systemic financial risk, rapid technological change and polarised politics. With unparalleled depth of expertise and robust historical sweep, Twenty-First Century Monetary Policy is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding modern finance, investments or US economic policy.

  • af Olivier Blanchard
    392,95 kr.

    "A guide for fiscal policymakers in advanced economies to understand the appropriate policy response to an environment of high national debt and low interest rates"--

  • - Det decentraliserede alternativ til centralbankerne
    af Saifedean Ammous
    242,95 kr.

    Da en programmør under pseudonymet Satoshi Nakamoto i 2008 præsenterede bitcoin som “et nyt system til overførsler af elektroniske penge, uden afhængighed af tredjepart”, var der ikke mange der gav det opmærksomhed.Et årti senere, imod alle odds, leverer bitcoins decentraliserede software et ustoppeligt, verdensomspændende alternativ til de penge der udstedes af de moderne centralbankers trykpresser.Fra konkylier, perler og salt over metaller og pengesedler, går “Bitcoinstandarden” i dybden med penges historie. Bogen analyserer de egenskaber, der har gjort bitcoins enorme vækst muligt, og kigger nærmere bitcoins økonomiske, politiske og sociale betydning.Læseren vil få indsigt i hvad der adskiller bitcoin fra de over 10.000 kopier der er fulgt efter, og hvorfor bitcoin ikke kan kopieres eller kontrolleres.Siden forfatter Saifedean Ammous sendte bogen på gaden i 2018, er den udgivet på 30 forskellige sprog, og er etableret som det vigtigste litterære værk for de, der vil forstå bitcoin.

  • af Sarel J Oberholster
    124,95 kr.

    Where does money come from? This provocative question lies at the heart of a compelling narrative that delves into the intricate world of finance and governance. The book exposes the absolute monopoly held by governments in the creation of money, a process often shrouded in mystery and misconception. It reveals how governments, regardless of their form - be it empires, kingdoms, democracies, dictatorships, or other structures - have historically manipulated the money creation process. The narrative unfolds to show how governments, under the guise of independence, instruct central banks to generate money, thereby profiting the government at the expense of its citizens. This deception is likened to historical practices where Kings and Emperors debased precious metal coins for personal gain. In today's digital age, the technique has evolved, but the essence remains the same: governments create money digitally and introduce it as an unrepayable debt, effectively siphoning value and wealth from the populace. This insightful book not only uncovers the hidden mechanics of monetary systems but also sheds light on the real losers in this game: everyday individuals like you and me. It's a revealing exploration of how financial systems and governmental policies intertwine, impacting the wealth and well-being of global citizens.

  • af Stefan Schleicher
    278,95 kr.

    Die in ihrer Radikalität seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg nicht mehr erfahrenen Krisen und deren Neuheit und Gefährdungspotenzial motivieren eine Suche nach einem vertiefenden und verändernden Umgang mit der Wirtschaft.Stefan Schleicher, Professor an der Karl-Franzens-Universität in Graz, offeriert unter "Wirtschaft neu denken" eine Einladung, dafür gemeinsam zukunftsfähige Spuren zu legen.Robert Coen, Professor an der Northwestern University, unterstützt diese Suche aus der Perspektive eines Amerikaners.Tex Rubinowitz liefert für diese Suche hintergründige Cartoons.Die Spurensuche erfolgt in mehreren Dimensionen. Die inhaltliche Basis liefern vom Autor verfasste Kolumnen für die Wiener Zeitung, wodurch eine enge Verbindung mit der Praxis der Wirtschaftspolitik seit 2020 entsteht. Die dazu erstellten faktenbasierten Analysen sind innovativ, sowohl hinsichtlich der gewählten Daten als auch deren leicht zugänglichen Aufbereitung.Zusätzliche Aufmerksamkeit provozieren die begleitenden Cartoons. Die unter "Wirtschaft neu denken" gelegten Spuren verweisen auf neue Bausteine für ein vertieftes Verständnis der Wirtschaft, auf die notwendigen Updates für die Konzepte der Wirtschaftspolitik, auf Tests für deren Praxis, auf ein neues Verständnis für den Umgang mit dem Klimaproblem, sowie auf die Notwendigkeit eines Reset für den Umgang mit Energie.

  • af Benton Vasquez
    223,95 kr.

    Many people in the United States need help saving money and dealing with their growing debt. More than ever, individuals of all ages need to comprehend the significance of frugality and how their choices in the present will impact their futures. It does not matter what your present age is, what your financial status is, what your goals are in the past, or what your goals are in the future; this book will provide you with a plethora of advice, techniques, and suggestions for improved financial management.In the pages of this book, you will find detailed instructions on how to make a budget, save money, make intelligent investments, apply for grants and scholarships, take advantage of student discounts, avoid making common financial blunders, and a great deal more. Students will learn about credit ratings, student loans, and the process of constructing a solid financial foundation that will serve them well long after college graduation.Have you reached the point where you are sick of living paycheck to paycheck, being continually burdened by debt, and having difficulty making ends meet? If you want to take charge of your financial destiny and break free from the pattern of excessive spending, what are you waiting for? If this is the case, then "HOW TO MANAGE MONEY: A GUIDE FOR HEAVY SPENDERS" is the road map that will lead you to complete financial independence!

  • af Giuseppe Ruffini B
    363,95 kr.

    La inflación es una enfermedad degenerativa, asintomática y endémica de nuestra sociedad. Representa la mayor calamidad económica, que afecta a la clase media y a los trabajadores. Como un ladrón furtivo roba momentos de vida, destruye el valor de los ahorros y del patrimonio de los hogares de forma silenciosa pero inexorable.Las verdaderas causas que lo originan son mantenidas ocultas y su explicación es incompleta y parcial. Las autoridades monetarias y los institutos de estadísticas se limitan a registrar unos valores mensuales utilizando metodologías de análisis y observaciones de datos inadecuados, que distorsionan la realidad.Este libro analiza cuáles son las causas verdaderas y quiénes son los responsables de la inflación, así como la manera en que destruye los ahorros y el patrimonio de las familias.Una nueva teoría de la inflación y del empleo público, para comprender correctamente y lograr una nueva perspectiva de esta calamidad económica.

  • af Eugene Roffe
    183,95 kr.

    ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo algunos logran multiplicar su dinero mientras tú estás luchando por llegar con vida a fin de mes? ¿Te gustaría saber los trucos financieros que tienen el potencial para cambiar tu vida? Entonces sigue leyendo..."El dinero no puede comprar la felicidad, pero puede hacer que la miseria sea mucho más cómoda". - Clare Boothe LuceProbablemente ahora mismo sientas que sigues cometiendo error tras error cuando de finanzas se trata y parece que no puedes salir de este círculo vicioso. Tener dudas sobre el dinero, tu responsabilidad financiera y tus habilidades para incrementar tu capital es completamente normal. Del mismo modo que no puedes perder 10 kilos en dos días, tampoco puedes hacerte millonario, o cualquiera que sea tu objetivo financiero, de la noche a la mañana. Toda meta requiere de tiempo y atención. Seguro te preguntarás ¿cuáles son esos trucos o secretos que los ricos y los que saben cómo controlar sus finanzas parecen pero tu no? Justo este libro viene a transformar tu relación con el dinero para saber aprovecharlo de manera óptima.En este libro descubrirás:Consejos efectivos y fáciles de aplicar para mejorar la administración de tu dinero.Diversas maneras en las que puedes incrementar tus ahorros. Aprende a cómo disminuir tus gastos y reducir tus deudas.Secretos para mejorar tus habilidades en las inversiones.Conoce las mejores maneras de entrenar tu mentalidad financiera.Y mucho más...De acuerdo a estudios recientes, el 78% de las personas vive al límite de sus ingresos, sin ahorros significativos.El 90% de las personas más adineradas del mundo ha logrado su riqueza por medio de inversiones bien planeadas y consistentes. Se estima que el 60% de las personas no sabe suficiente sobre sus finanzas personales. ¿De cuál porcentaje te gustaría formar parte?No dejes pasar la oportunidad de transformar tu relación con el dinero ¡Desplaza hacia arriba y añade al carrito de compra!

  • af Simon Amrein
    905,95 kr.

    "A sufficient amount of capital is vital for banking and economic stability. The book traces the role and relevance of capital in the United States, the United Kingdom and Switzerland since the 19th century. It is of interest for policymakers, academics and everyone interested in banking history and regulation"--

  • af V T Sreekumar
    343,95 kr.

    Unlock the secrets to true prosperity and financial triumph with "Money Magnet: Proven Techniques for Building Wealth and Success." This comprehensive guide is your roadmap to not just accumulating wealth, but transforming your life into a magnetic force for success.In this illuminating book, discover a wealth of proven techniques and strategies curated to empower you on your journey to financial abundance. Written by seasoned experts in finance, entrepreneurship, and personal development, "Money Magnet" goes beyond traditional wealth-building advice. It delves into the essential principles that shape lasting success, offering actionable insights that transcend monetary gains.Key Features:Holistic Wealth Building: Explore a holistic approach to wealth that encompasses financial, emotional, and relational well-being. "Money Magnet" guides you to build a foundation of success that goes beyond monetary achievements.Proven Strategies: Benefit from time-tested techniques that successful individuals employ to build and preserve their wealth. From investment strategies to philanthropic initiatives, each chapter is a treasure trove of practical wisdom.Entrepreneurial Insights: Learn the entrepreneurial mindset that propels individuals toward financial independence. Whether you're an aspiring business owner or an established entrepreneur, discover key insights to navigate the challenges and opportunities of entrepreneurship.Mindset Mastery: Uncover the power of mindset in shaping your financial destiny. "Money Magnet" explores the psychological aspects of wealth creation, helping you cultivate a mindset that attracts success and abundance.Philanthropy and Giving Back: Understand the transformative impact of philanthropy on true wealth. Explore how giving back can not only contribute to the betterment of society but also enhance your own journey to becoming a true money magnet.Navigating Challenges with Grace: Discover the art of navigating setbacks with grace and resilience. This book provides practical strategies to overcome financial obstacles, fostering a mindset that turns challenges into stepping stones toward lasting success.Legacy Building: Delve into the importance of leaving a legacy beyond monetary gains. "Money Magnet" explores how success, grace, and gratitude intertwine to create a lasting impact on individuals, communities, and future generations."Money Magnet: Proven Techniques for Building Wealth and Success" is more than a financial guide; it's a transformative companion on your journey to becoming a true money magnet. Whether you're a seasoned investor, a budding entrepreneur, or someone seeking a holistic approach to success, this book offers a wealth of insights to propel you toward enduring prosperity.Embark on a journey of self-discovery, financial mastery, and genuine success. Let "Money Magnet" be your guide to unlocking the secrets of true wealth and building a life that radiates success in every aspect.

  • af Laurie Thomas Vass
    238,95 kr.

    A Civil Dissolution: The Best Solution to America's Irreconcilable Ideological ConflictThe transformation of the Democrat Party from an economic faction political party to an ideological social class and race war political party is a permanent change in American politics.The Democrat Marxists will never go back to being a political party that represented common citizens, as intended by Madison's constitution. Even if the Republican Party happened to win an election in the future, the Democrat Marxists will continue their quest to undermine the American political system in order to achieve permanent authoritarian power. The concentration of power that was reserved to the ruling class, under Madison's checks and balances, was obtained by the Democrats in the stolen election of 2020. The moral and ideological differences between Marxist Democrats and natural rights conservatives are irreconcilable. This book explains why the philosophical differences between the two groups of voters are irreconcilable and presents the argument that a civil dissolution of the nation into socialist slave and liberty free states is the best possible strategy to resolve the ideological conflict.

  • af Office of Management and Budget
    212,95 kr.

    Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2024 contains the Budget Message of the President, information on the President's priorities, and summary tables.Analytical Perspectives, Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2024 contains analyses that are designed to highlight specified subject areas or provide other significant presentations of budget data that place the budget in perspective. This volume includes economic and accounting analyses, information on Federal receipts and collections, analyses of Federal spending, information on Federal borrowing and debt, baseline or current services estimates, and other technical presentations.

  • af Francis E U
    208,95 kr.

    Financial stability and peace of mind is important to all of us. This collection of 1000 practical quotes and timeless wisdom keys from renowned financial leaders, philosophers, and thinkers throughout history will inspire you towards financial freedom and peace of mind. Compiled with a general audience in mind, you are sure to discover timeless wisdom, insightful quotes, and practical advice on all aspects of money matters. How '1000 Timeless Quotes & Wisdom Keys on Money Matters' can benefit you:¿ Empowering Guidance: Inspiring quotes, actionable wisdom, and valuable financial strategies shared from leading experts in the field. Discover irrefutable financial wisdom to spur meaningful change and guide you towards financial success.¿ Practical Insight: Simple, practical nuggets, steps, and real-world applications of financial principles to make you think, laugh, or get to action. Empowers you to take control of your finances, make informed decisions, and ultimately achieve long-term financial peace of mind.¿ Fun and Imaginative: Money matters don't have to nerve-wrecking. Many of these quotes will make you smile, laugh out loud, or simply get your creative juice flowing!

  • af Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
    125,95 kr.

    Why read this guide? Like many people, you may never have been a guardian of someone else's property before. That's why we created Managing someone else's money: Help for court-appointed guardians of property and conservators. This guide will help you understand what you can and cannot do in your role as a guardian. In that role, you are a fiduciary. For this guide, a fiduciary is anyone named to manage money or property for someone else. You'll find brief tips to help you avoid problems and resources for finding more information. This guide is for family and friends serving as a guardian of property, not for professionals or organizations. The guide does not give you legal advice. State laws vary, so you may have additional duties. Talk to a lawyer if you have questions about your duties.

  • af Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
    125,95 kr.

    Why read this guide? Like many people, you may never have been a representative payee or VA fiduciary before. That's why we created Managing someone else's money: Help for representative payees and VA fiduciaries. This guide will help you understand what you can and cannot do in your role as a representative payee or VA fiduciary. In both these roles, you are a fiduciary. For this guide, a fiduciary is anyone named to manage money or property for someone else. You'll find brief tips to help you avoid problems and resources for finding more information. This guide is for family and friends serving as a representative payee or VA fiduciary, not for professionals or organizations. The guide does not give you legal advice. State laws vary, so you may have additional duties. Talk to a lawyer if you have questions about your duties.

  • af Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
    125,95 kr.

    Why read this guide? Like many people, you may never have been an agent under a power of attorney before. That's why we created Managing someone else's money: Help for agents under a power of attorney. This guide will help you understand what you can and cannot do in your role as an agent. In that role, you are a fiduciary. For this guide, a fiduciary is anyone named to manage money or property for someone else. You'll find brief tips to help you avoid problems and resources for finding more information. This guide is for family and friends serving as an agent, not for professionals or organizations. The guide does not give you legal advice. State laws vary, so you may have additional duties. Talk to a lawyer if you have questions about your duties

  • af Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
    150,95 kr.

    Why read this guide? Like many people, you may never have been a trustee under a revocable living trust before. That's why we created Managing someone else's money Help for trustees under a revocable living trust. This guide will help you understand what you can and cannot do in your role as a trustee. In that role, you are a fiduciary. For this guide, a fiduciary is anyone named to manage money or property for someone else. You'll find brief tips to help you avoid problems and resources for finding more information. This guide is for family and friends serving as a trustee, not for professionals or organizations. The guide does not give you legal advice. State laws vary, so you may have additional or different duties. Talk to a lawyer if you have questions about your duties.

  • af Mark Eglinton
    208,95 kr.

    The inside story of the man who claims to have invented Bitcoin, and his battle to protect it. “Fans of cryptocurrency, and perhaps forensic accountants, will want to give this a read.” —Kirkus

  • af Ryan a Bourne
    218,95 kr.

    "Was inflation's recent spike exacerbated by corporate greed? Do rent controls really help the needy? Are U.S. health care prices set in a Wild West marketplace? Do women get paid less than men for the same work, and do they pay more than men for the same products? The War on Prices is an eye-opening book that answers all these burning questions and more, as top economists debunk popular misconceptions about inflation, prices, and value. Market prices are under siege. The war on prices is waged most obviously with damaging government price controls and the harmful effects of central bank monetary mismanagement, as we saw with the recent inflation. Yet these bad policies are propped up by widespread, misguided public beliefs about the causes of inflation, the effects of price controls, and the inherent morality of market prices. Breaking down these complex issues into three distinct sections -- inflation, price controls, and value -- this book both sheds light on long-standing contentions and brings economic theory and evidence to bear in today's most contentious debates. Threaded through the book is a revealing truth: too many of us misunderstand the origin, role, and worth of market prices in our economy. The old insult goes that 'economists know the price of everything and the value of nothing.' The War on Prices shows that good economists -- and soon, you -- can appreciate the value of unshackled market prices in delivering prosperity."--

  • af Vangile Makwakwa
    278,95 kr.

    When it comes to money matters, are you a lioness who leads the tribe, a dolphin who ducks and dives, or an ostrich who buries its head in the sand? This first-of-its-kind book explores and unpacks the intricate world of money archetypes in Black families in South Africa.Discover the secrets behind your unique money personality and unravel the intricate web of cultural, generational and personal influences that shape your financial behaviour. Eye-opening anecdotes, relatable case studies and expert insights empower you to understand, embrace and transcend your money archetype.What's Your Money Personality? will change the way you view and manage your individual and family finances.

  • af Nelson Elemi
    128,95 kr.

  • af Andrew McFarland Davis
    323,95 kr.

    Andrew McFarland Davis's work on old Chinese paper money is a fascinating exploration of Chinese culture and finance. Presented to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1915, this book offers a unique perspective on Chinese history and currency.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

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