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Introducing 'The Big Con', a riveting masterpiece written by the renowned author, Mariana Mazzucato. Published in the year 2023, this book has quickly become a must-have on every reader's list. The genre of this book is not just confined to one category but transcends boundaries making it a unique read. The story unfolds with gripping suspense and keeps you hooked until the very last page. Mariana Mazzucato, with her exquisite storytelling, takes you on a journey that is both intriguing and enlightening. Published by Penguin Books Ltd (UK), 'The Big Con' is a testament to the author's prowess and creativity. If you are looking for a book that will keep you on the edge of your seat and make you ponder, then 'The Big Con' is the one for you.
Enorm rigdom og magt er i dag koncentreret i nye markeder, hvor overvågning af og forudsigelser om vores adfærd bliver købt og solgt. Shoshana Zuboff betegner fænomenet overvågningskapitalisme og kalder det for en lige så stor omvæltning af den menneskelige tilværelse i dag, som den industrielle revolution var det i det 20. århundrede. Der er tale om en hidtil uset magtkonstellation karakteriseret ved ekstreme koncentrationer af viden uden demokratisk tilsyn – og prisen er vores frihed. Med begrænset modstand fra lovgivning og samfund truer overvågningskapitalismen vores nutid og vil dominere vores fremtid – hvis vi tillader det. Anmeldelser “Læs den – den er fremragende!” ★★★★★★ - Altinget ”Det hidtil mest ambitiøse forsøg på at tegne det store billede og forklare baggrunden for digitaliseringens følger, som vi oplever dem som individer og som samfundsborgere ... En fortsættelse af traditionen fra Adam Smith, Max Weber, Karl Polanyi og – tør man sige det – Karl Marx.” – The Observer ”En tilbundsgående researchet, fængende skrevet fortælling om overvågningskapitalismens opståen og dens skadelige virkninger for vores samfund... – New York Times Book Review ”... alle bør læse denne bog som et digitalt selvforsvar. Med stort klarsyn og moralsk mod demonstrerer Zuboff ikke alene, hvordan vores hjerner støvsuges for data, men også hvordan de ændres undervejs, hurtigt og radikalt.” – Naomi Klein, forfatter til Intet bliver som før og No Logo Om forfatteren Shoshana Zuboff er amerikansk socialpsykolog, filosof og professor emerita på Harvard Business School samt ekspert i den digitale revolution. Hun har udgivet en lang række bøger i spændingsfeltet mellem teknologi, psykologi, filosofi og økonomi, og i 1988 skrev hun The age of the Smart Machine: the Future of Work and Power, som blev et skelsættende hovedværk om computeriseringen af vores arbejde og liv.
Økonomer forstår alt – undtagen kapitalismen. Sådan lyder det fra cand.polit. Karen Helveg Petersen. I 'Rentekapitalismen' undersøger hun, hvad der driver det kapitalistiske verdenssystem fremad, de politiske institutioners rolle i processen og om globaliseringen er ved at være nået en grænse i vækstens og profitjagtens navn.Den kapitalistiske økonomi har muliggjort frihed fra tvang og materiel nød, men bliver ved med at trampe naturgrundlaget og autonome sociale strukturer under fode og skabe nye former for fattigdom og elendighed.Helveg Petersen ser på den moderne, globale kapitalisme, og hun giver et indblik i den moderne imperialistiske situation: Råvarer hentes i Det Globale Syd, industriproduktionen er flyttet til Øst- og Sydasien, og de vestlige konsumsamfund bæres oppe af stadig mere hektiske finansmarkeder.Med udgangspunkt i klassisk-marxistiske grundbegreber analyserer Karen Helveg-Petersen de modsætninger og kriser, der driver det kapitalistiske verdenssystem fremad, og de politiske institutioners rolle i processen.Karl Marx' og John Maynard Keynes' teorier kombineres med neoklassisk teori og stilles kritisk op mod hinanden. Og forfatteren dykker ned i, hvordan de økonomiske hovedskoler begriber den virkelighed, de er sat i verden for at forklare og forudsige.Første del gennemgår konkrete udviklingstendenser i verden – ikke kun i Vesten. Anden del behandler grundbegreber i økonomisk teori, vare, værdi, pris, penge og kapital i alle dens mange former. Tredje del stiller skarpt på, hvordan grundrente, prisfastsætning på jord og naturressourcer kan forstås i sammenhæng ud fra arbejdsværditeorien. Fjerde og sidste del diskuterer krisen i 2007-2008 som et finansielt udtryk for underliggende dårligdomme, modsætninger i ’realøkonomien’ samt den nye imperialisme, hvor Vesten dominerer verdens produktion og råstofudvinding og skaber marginalisering og arbejdsløshed.Bogen giver en troværdig forbindelse mellem teori og virkelighed. Målet er – forhåbentlig – at bibringe læseren en bedre forståelse af det kapitalistiske samfund.Karen Helveg Petersen er ph.d. i økonomi fra State University of New York og har haft talrige konsulentopgaver i energi og offentlige finanser i ikke mindst Afrika. Hun har tidligere undervist på RUC samt været programrådgiver for FN’s Udviklingsprogram i Kenya, EU’s udviklingsprogram i Congo-Brazzaville og Den Interamerikanske Udviklingsbank.
Explains why the environmental crisis should lead to an abandonment of "free market" ideologies and current political systems, arguing that a massive reduction of greenhouse emissions may offer a best chance for correcting problems.
Økonomisk videnskabsteori for erhvervsjurister er en overordnet fremstilling af det metodologiske og videnskabsteoretiske grundlag for økonomi. Bogen består af tre dele. Del I. Virksomhedsteori, industriøkonomi og metode giver en ramme til at analysere de enkelte forskningstraditioner og forskellene mellem disse. Her analyseres en række af de vigtiste nyere forskningstraditioner som neoklassisk teori, behavioralismen, manegerialismen, transaktionsomkostningsteorien, m.fl. Afslutningsvis diskuteres betydningen af udviklingen i virksomhedsteori og industriøkonomi for erhvervsøkonomi og nationaløkonomi.Del II. Økonomisk videnskabsteori giver en grundig indføring i de forskellige økonomiske metodologier, der siden 1920'erne har præget opfattelsen af økonomisk forskning. Her følger en gennemgang og vurdering af økonomiske metodologier som induktivismen, den logiske empirisme, den moderate empirisme, instrumentalismen vs. realismen, falsifikationismen, forskningsprogram-metodologien samt Thomas Kuhns teori om paradigmer og videnskabelige revolutioner.Del III. Om forklaringer og forklaringstyper i økonomisk teori præsenterer, hvad en forklaring er og hvilke typer af forklaringsmodeller, som benyttes indenfor økonomisk teori. Foruden ligevægtsmodeller diskuteres funktionelle-adaptive forklaringer samt procesmodeller. Bogen afsluttes med et opsummerende kapitel om, hvordan man orienterer sig i det erhvervsøkonomiske univers. Bogen samler en række centrale kapitler fra værket Økonomisk metodologi bind 1-2, der her suppleres med et nyt kapitel. Kapitlerne er skrevet af Christian Knudsen og redigeret af Lasse Henningsen med særligt henblik på pensum på HA(jur.)- og cand.merc.(jur.)-uddannelserne.Christian Knudsen er forhenværende professor ved CBS og tidligere ekstern lektor i økonomisk metodologi ved Økonomisk Institut på Københavns Universitet.Lasse Henningsen er tidligere adjunkt og nu ekstern lektor ved Institut for Business Humaniora og Jura på CBS og underviser bl.a i økonomisk videnskabsteori.
These are the WTO's authorized and paginated reports in English. They are an essential addition to the library of all practising trade lawyers and a useful tool for students and academics worldwide working in the field of international economic or trade law. The form of citation for this volume recommended by the WTO is DSR 2019: I-III.
These are the WTO's authorized and paginated reports in English. They are an essential addition to the library of all practising trade lawyers and a useful tool for students and academics worldwide working in the field of international economic or trade law. The form of citation for this volume recommended by the WTO is DSR 2019: I-III.
These are the WTO's authorized and paginated reports in English. They are an essential addition to the library of all practising trade lawyers and a useful tool for students and academics worldwide working in the field of international economic or trade law. The form of citation for this volume recommended by the WTO is DSR 2019: I-III.
Decoding Global Growth is your comprehensive guidebook, offering a roadmap to navigate the intricate landscape of global expansion.
Chinäs economic achievements laid solid foundations for RMB's international standing. By the end of 2022, China accounted for 18.6% of the global economy and 14.4% of world exports.However, there is a huge gap between the yuan¿s growing prominence and its global use. RMB remains underutilized compared to the U.S. dollar. This book attempts to fill this gap from the view of the systemic importance of the RMB exchange rate, an angle that could be easily overlooked. We argue that pricing is too important to be relegated to an afterthought. The change of RMB exchange rate could have a systemic impact on the global financial system. Furthermore, we present substantial evidence that RMB is gaining importance globally and regionally as an anchor currency and safe-haven currency, indicating that RMB is becoming systemically important despite its relatively limited international use.It is important to understand in depth that the force that has helped fuel Chinäs rapid economic growth over the past few decades has been globalization and that market reform and opening up are the pillars of RMB internationalization. Currently, the new trends of anti-globalization and de-financialization have emerged. The global monetary and financial system must be reframed according to the financial needs of socially sustainable activities to prevent systemic instability and system-wide economic/social catastrophes. Against this backdrop, further internationalization of RMB should serve the real sectors in high-quality economic development.
Welche Anforderungen werden an eine robuste und gesellschaftlich anerkennenswerte Soziale Arbeit gestellt, die in ihrer wissenschaftlichen Disziplin, in der Anschlussfähigkeit ihrer Theorien und in der Anerkennung ihrer Profession überzeugt und dabei noch in sich konsistent ist? Im internationalen Vergleich der Theoriebestände und praktischen Bezüge von Sozialer Arbeit herrscht eine große Diversität und Vielfalt, die sich durch unterschiedliche gesellschaftliche und nationalstaatliche Makro-Bedingungen herausgebildet haben.Gleichzeitig globalisieren sich die Krisen wie Kriege, Pandemien, Klimawandel, Armut und Hunger in einer beschleunigten Weise, welche eher eine pragmatische Theoriebildung und Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit im Sinne von globalen Wohlergehen und Menschenrechten herausfordert. In einer neuen und beschleunigten Anpassungsdynamik reagiert Soziale Arbeit eher darauf, als dass sie selbständig agiert.Kritischer Rationalismus, kritische Gesellschaftstheorie und ethische Orientierung der Sozialen Arbeit werden gerade im internationalen Kontext unter dem Einfluss neuer und schwer überschaubarer globaler Krisen und Herausforderungen noch stärker gefragt werden. In diesem Sammelband werden Beiträge von Autorinnen und Autoren zusammengestellt, die die möglichen Zukunftsperspektiven der Sozialen Arbeit erhellen sollen.
This book presents an overview of the development of China-Europe express train in the broader context of BRI. It analyzes the benefits to the regions along the route from the safe, smooth and stable operation of the train in recent years, involving the strong impetus for building a new pattern of dual cycle development and driving the recovery of the economy in the post-pandemic era. Based on in-depth case studies of the operations in many regions, this book proposes measures in order to promote the high-quality development of China-Europe train: to improve infrastructure and enhance port capacity; to unify international standards and improve the efficiency of train customs clearance; to open up the European market and actively organize the return source of goods; to standardize government administrative intervention according to market orientation; to strengthen the construction of digital infrastructure with the focus on connectivity; to cultivate international logistics talentsand build a high-quality China-Europe express train talent team.
Examining economic growth through the lens of poverty, social exclusion, and economic inequality, Harold Delfin Angulo Bustinza offers an econometric analysis of the effects of international trade between Peru and China, which has seen an average annual growth of 22% over the past two decades.China thus plays a key role in Peru's economic growth, whether in imports of primary goods, exports of capital and consumer goods, or direct investment. However, income and wealth inequality in Peru have not improved over the years. Even so, it has been found that growth in international trade between the two countries has the potential to positively benefit Peru's inclusive economic growth.With global development still on the rise, it is pivotal for us to ensure that all actors of society can benefit from that development, and not just the most privileged. Advocating for the importance of promoting openness in trade, International Trade and Inclusive Economic Growth highlights China and Peru's unique relationship to prioritize fair and equitable growth for all.
Tired of educational inequalities holding students back? This comprehensive guide equips you with the knowledge and tools to champion true equality in education. Dive deep into inclusive policy frameworks that cater to diverse needs and unlock the full potential of every learner.Within these pages, you'll discover:Why equality in education matters: Explore the ethical imperative and practical benefits of creating inclusive learning environments.Identifying barriers to equality: Unmask the hidden obstacles that hinder student progress, from socioeconomic factors to cultural biases and learning disabilities.Building a blueprint for change: Craft effective policies that address these barriers head-on, promoting access, participation, and success for all.Empowering educators and communities: Learn practical strategies for fostering inclusive classrooms, engaging families, and building a supportive school culture.Real-world examples and case studies: Gain insights from successful initiatives around the globe, inspiring you to implement effective solutions in your own context.This is more than just a guide; it's a call to action. Whether you're an educator, policymaker, parent, or concerned citizen, Equality in Education equips you with the knowledge and passion to create a learning landscape where every child thrives. Join the movement for educational justice and build a brighter future for all.
This book aims to investigate the global value chain (GVC) from a viewpoint of industrial development and examine how GVC participation, upgrading, and connectivity have affected structural transformation in developing economies. It first reviews the indexes to measure progresses in GVC participation and upgrading. Then it examines factors affecting these progresses, using original measures of connectivity, which are computed based on the complex network theory. Another distinguished feature of the study is its in-depth analyses on the relationship between economic development and GVC participation based on the hypothesis of nonlinear relationship which is drawn from authors past studies on Asian economies. Major findings include (1) inverted-U shaped relationship between backward participation and income levels, (2) U shaped relationship between forward participation and income level, (3) marginal but significant impacts of maritime and aviation connectivity on GVC participation, (4) significant and different roles of basic and advanced education on the upgrading in GVCs, and (5) the importance of technological intensities in export in sustaining economic growth.
Perspectives on Afghanistan's Trade and Development offers a rich and varied policy analysis for those who wish to design a policy to bolster exports from Afghanistan, and for academicians, researchers and students who wish to gain greater insight into this developing economy.
Embark on a riveting exploration into the heart of global finance with "Where Cross-Border Payments Fail: The Need for Ripple's XRP Ledger." This compelling non-fiction journey unveils the intricate web of challenges plaguing cross-border transactions, exposing the hidden pitfalls that hinder seamless financial interactions on a global scale.In this meticulously researched narrative, delve into the historical intricacies of cross-border payments, unveiling the cumbersome processes and archaic systems that have long fueled frustrations. Each chapter unfurls a different layer of the financial labyrinth, from the sluggish pace of international transfers to the exorbitant costs that act as barriers to economic growth.As the spotlight shifts to Ripple's revolutionary XRP Ledger, witness a transformative vision take shape. Ripple's solution emerges as a beacon of hope, addressing the very pain points that have plagued the industry for decades. The XRP Ledger's prowess in enhancing speed, reducing costs, and promoting transparency becomes evident, offering a glimpse into the future of cross-border transactions.With an expertly crafted narrative, this book transcends the mundane, inviting readers to understand the intricacies of financial systems and the pressing need for evolution. A call for modernization echoes throughout, backed by insights from industry experts, regulators, and the pioneers at Ripple. It's more than a book; it's a roadmap to a connected future, where cross-border payments are not just efficient but transformative. Brace yourself for a journey that challenges the status quo and propels you into the forefront of financial innovation.
Embark on a riveting journey into the future of finance with "Ripple's Roadmap: How Digital Assets Will Transform Cross-Border Payments." Delve into the origins of Ripple, a pioneering force reshaping the financial landscape, as we unveil the company's mission, values, and the pivotal role played by the digital asset, XRP.In the first chapters, explore RippleNet, a revolutionary network connecting payment providers globally. Discover the standardized technology, real-time settlement capabilities, and the myriad use cases across various industries. Dive into xRapid, where XRP takes center stage, transforming liquidity by minimizing costs and unlocking capital. Uncover the power of xCurrent, a cutting-edge Interledger solution, eliminating the need to move funds between ledgers and providing transparency into global payments.As the narrative unfolds, traverse the realms of xVia, a standard API streamlining payments globally, and witness RippleNet in action through real-world use cases. Beyond payments, unlock the doors to a new era with smart contracts, NFTs, and the Internet of Value, where RippleNet stands as the foundational network connecting the world's value.This book isn't just a roadmap; it's a gateway to understanding the future of cross-border payments. With insights into Ripple's innovations, principles, and the dynamic landscape of digital assets, readers gain a comprehensive understanding of how blockchain technology is revolutionizing finance. Whether you're an industry enthusiast, investor, or simply curious about the future of money, "Ripple's Roadmap" offers a compelling narrative that transcends boundaries, inviting you to envision a financial future transformed by RippleNet and XRP.
Dieses Praktikerhandbuch gibt einen praxisnahen Überblick über die Vorgaben der DSGVO und das deutsche Datenschutzrecht. Das Handbuch widmet sich unter anderem den organisatorischen und materiellen Datenschutzanforderungen, den Rechten der betroffenen Personen, der Rolle der Aufsichtsbehörden, den Schadensersatzanspüchen und den Bußgeldern nach der Verordnung, sowie deutschen nationalen Besonderheiten. Es enthält zahlreiche Praxishinweise und Anwendungsbeispiele sowie eine kompakte Übersicht zu den datenschutzrechtlichen Vorgaben für ausgewählte Verarbeitungssituationen mit hoher Praxisrelevanz, wie Cloud Computing, Big Data und Künstliche Intelligenz. Das Handbuch wurde für die zweite Auflage vollständig überarbeitet und berücksichtigt umfangreich neue datenschutzrechtliche Rechtsprechung und Behördenstellungnahmen.
The business world is changing every minute, the introduction of technology in the business world has brought tremendous changes in the way businesses and companies conduct their business operations. The introduction of social media channels as one reliable way of conducting business has brought in a lot of changes.The study therefore sought to investigate the impact of adverting through Facebook on individual consumers in Malawi. The study intended to investigate if advertising through Facebook has an impact on consumers behavior in terms of consumers attitude, perception and experience. The study also shows that consumers are totally satisfied with the experience of Facebook adverting. The study further showed that it is important for company to provide quality social media training management trainings to their employs on how to interact and engage with customers and management of social media accounts. And also, a company to engage in awareness campaign to make sure that a lot of their customers are fully aware of TNM Facebook adverting.
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