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  • - Hvordan vi genopbygger indbyrdes relationer og revolutionerer velfærdsstaten
    af Hilary Cottam
    317,95 - 354,95 kr.

    Velfærdsstaten var revolutionerende: Den løftede tusinder ud af fattigdom, gav anstændige hjem, god uddannelse og sikkerhed. Men i dag er den blevet til et omfattende og dyrt system til administrering af behov og risici. Velfærdsstaten er et industrielt system og dens institutioner og serviceydelser afspejler den æra, den blev udformet i. I dag står vi over for nye udfordringer. Global opvarmning, massemigration, demografiske forandringer, kroniske sygdomsepidemier, bekymringer for sikkerheden og voksende ulighed er problemer, som hører vor tid til, og de eksisterende systemer kan ikke håndtere og da slet ikke løse dem. Vores ressourcer er ændret. Denne bog handler om at gennemføre en radikal overgang, der opgiver det 20. århundredes besættelse af styring og administration og af at lappe folk sammen igen, når det er gået galt. I stedet skal fokus rettes mod at støtte den enkelte, familierne og lokalsamfundene i at udvikle deres egne kapabiliteter: lære, arbejde, leve sundt og tage kontakt med hinanden. Moderne velfærd er til for at kultivere sådanne kapabilitet, frem for at administrere menneskelig afhængighed. Bogen giver konkrete bud på, hvordan vi kan genforstå og re-designe velfærdsstaten til dette århundrede, ved at beskrive fem 'eksperimenter', der viser os et nyt design af familieliv, opvækst, arbejdsliv, sundhed og alderdom. Kernen i denne måde at arbejde på er menneskelige forbindelser. Radikal hjælp beskriver principperne bag tilgangen, designprocessen, som gør arbejdet muligt og udfordringerne ved overgangen. Det drejer sig om konkrete nye måder at organisere os på, der allerede har udviklet sig over hele Storbritannien. Radikal hjælp skaber en ny vision og en radikalt anderledes tilgang, der igen kan tage vare på os fra vugge til grav.

  • af Lise Hounsgaard & Frederik Alkier Gildberg
    237,95 - 270,95 kr.

    Hvad er kvalitativ analyse, og hvordan og hvorfor gør vi, som vi gør, når vi analyserer inden for de sundhedsvidenskabelige traditioner? Denne antologi har til formål både teoretisk og mere konkret og praksisnært at præsentere forskellige kvalitative analysemetoder inden for den humanistiske sundhedsforskning. Antologien tydeliggør de bagvedliggende traditioner og metodologier og demonstrerer, hvordan tradition, metodologi og den konkrete fremgangsmåde hænger sammen. Antologiens 16 kapitler er skrevet og fagfællebedømt af førende forskere i Danmark og udlandet. Kapitlerne sætter fokus på kvalitative analysemetoder inden for traditioner som pragmatik, hermeneutik, fænomenologi og kritisk teori.

  • af Kjeld Møller Pedersen
    227,95 kr.

    Prioritering i sundhedsvæsenet er et helt uundgåeligt tema. Det danske sundhedsvæsen står overfor komplekse udfordringer: en aldrende befolkning, stærkt stigende udgifter til sygehusmedicin og lavere vækstrater i samfundet. Dette kræver valg og fravalg – prioritering på et oplyst grundlag!Men den danske debat om prioritering i sundhedsvæsenet savner substans. Debatten er fattig på analyse, fattig på begreber og fattig på vilje til at imødegå situationens alvor. I vores nabolande behandles prioritering mere seriøst og frugtbart. Det kunne Danmark lære meget af.I denne bog argumenteres for, at vi i langt højere grad bør se systematisk på forholdet mellem sundhedsmæssig gevinst og omkostninger, end det er tilfældet i dag. Det vil være passende at indføre en prioriteringsmodel som den norske eller engelske, hvor man anvender internationalt anerkendte metoder.Mere konkret bør der oprettes et nationalt prioriteringsråd, der især skal diskutere de værdimæssige spørgsmål ved prioritering. Der bør også oprettes et institut, der gennemfører medicinske teknologivurderinger, som bl.a. anslår, hvor omkostningseffektive nye behandlingsformer er.

  • af Mark P Khurana
    363,95 kr.

    "Exploring the forces that determine the rate and direction of medical progress, this book brings together the worlds of scientific policy, economics, sociology, and innovation to describe the medical research landscape. Covers how issues, including incentive structures and lack of novelty in drug development, influence and impede progress"--

  • af Murat Durucu
    1.978,95 - 2.337,95 kr.

  • af Yossi Tal
    1.024,95 kr.

    Medical errors can have serious consequences, often resulting in harm to patients or even death. In the last decades the issue of the 2nd victim was raised, emphasizing the impact of being involved in an adverse event on the ability of caregivers to provide high quality and safe treatment. In 1999, the American Institute of Medicine (IOM) declared that rather than assigning blame for these errors, professional investigations should be carried out to identify what caused them and prevent similar events from reoccurring in the future focusing on systemic factors. It is estimated that in the US alone, there are between 250,000 to 400,000 preventable deaths annually due to medical errors, costing over 15 billion dollars per year. In response to this challenging issue, a team of medical professionals has created a comprehensive textbook on the subject of safety and risk management in medicine. This book covers a range of topics, including basic principles and concepts, the scope of iatrogenic harm, the development of risk management in medicine, and the organizational safety culture. Emphasis is placed on the human and organizational factors that contribute to medical errors, as well as practical methods and tools for coping effectively with this phenomenon. The book is based on extensive practical experience in promoting patient safety in a variety of medical organizations. In addition, the book includes a large chapter on risk management during epidemics, which has become increasingly relevant in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. This textbook is a must-read for anyone involved in patient care, including doctors, nurses, managers, pharmacists, psychologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and students in all medical professions. By promoting a culture of safety and risk management, we can work towards reducing the number of preventable medical errors and improving patient outcomes.

  • af Mario A. Pfannstiel
    607,95 - 987,95 kr.

  • af Marion Neubronner
    466,95 kr.

    This book brings together a collective of Women Leaders in Healthcare to share their real-life leadership journey in the Asian continent, from a personal angle (heart) and grounded on science (data). They are connected by a strong passion to help improve patient lives and advance women's leadership in this dynamic, emerging region of Asia, still swaying between tradition and modernity. This is not an academic book but a compendium of inspirational stories meant to provide authentic and pragmatic guidance for women who want to advance their careers in healthcare in Asia, to reduce gender inequality and give a new meaning to the leadership of tomorrow, truly inclusive and diverse.Beyond gender, aspiring leaders can find inspiration from this compendium to succeed in the Asia context, from Japan to India, South East Asia and the Middle East. Although the challenges shared were experienced by the women-authors from diverse backgrounds and leadership, women and men alike can relate to many of the topics covered in the book. The resulting reflections can help the readers more efficiently climb the corporate ladder and become better leaders, to shape a more equitable future. This book provides insights for organizations in their diversity, equity and inclusion endeavors, to develop policies that foster talents in Asia and provide better support to women in leadership positions. It is also a useful read for students and researchers of leadership and gender studies.

  • af Kate Kelland
    200,95 kr.

    A pacy, real-life page-turner by Reuters journalist on the global 100-days mission to identify and catch the next virus outbreak, codenamed DISEASE X, before it spreads worldwide.

  • af Ibrahim Adekunle Oreagba
    1.328,95 - 1.428,95 kr.

    This book brings together conceptual, theoretical, policy-based, and empirical contributions from multidisciplinary lenses to bridge the existing knowledge gap in the field of medicine, entrepreneurship and health economics. This book serves as a much needed intellectual resource providing guidance to the entrepreneurial-minded medical doctors (Medipreneurs), social entrepreneurs, policymakers, academics on the subject matter with a view of applying the knowledge gained for reinvigorating the healthcare delivery system leveraging a business approach. The contributions serve as a guide to connect entrepreneurially with market opportunities, especially to provide relevant health-oriented products, services, technologies and other medical solutions for social impact in the developed and developing countries with the overarching goal of assisting policymakers to accelerate the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG3).Lukman Raimi is an Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship in the School of Business and Economics (SBE), Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD). He was formerly an Assistant Professor and the Chair of Entrepreneurship/Coordinator of the Graduate Program at the American University of Nigeria (AUN). He had also served as the Director Centre for Entrepreneurship in AUN. He is an Entrepreneurship Educator trained at the Entrepreneurship Development Institute (EDI), Ahmedabad, India under the World Bank-Step B Project. Ibrahim Adekunle Oreagba is a Consultant Pharmacist and Clinical Pharmacologist with a Masters and Doctorate degree in Pharmacology. He is a Fellow of the West African Postgraduate College of Pharmacists. He is a Professor and Head of the Department of Pharmacology, Therapeutics and Toxicology, College of Medicine University of Lagos Idi-araba. He is currently a team lead at the African Centre of Excellence for Drug Research Herbal Medicine Development and Regulatory Science University of Lagos. An immediate past Editor-in-Chief of the West African Journal of Pharmacy, one-time Editor-in-Chief of the Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, currently an Editor in the West African Journal of Pharmacology and Drug Research, and an Editorial Consultant for the Nigerian Quarterly Journal of Hospital Medicine, Journal of Basic Medical Sciences and the Journal of Basic and Social Pharmacy Research.

  • af Houneida Sakly
    858,95 - 1.317,95 kr.

  • af Peter M. Hermanns
    591,95 kr.

    Spezifisch zugeschnitten für die Kinder- und Jugendmedizin: Einheitlicher Bewertungsmaßstab mit aktuellen Punktangaben, Eurobeträgen mit dem erhöhten neuen Orientierungswert, Hinweisen auf entsprechende Leistungen in der GOÄ. Stand des EBM nach KBV mit den zahlreichen Änderungen der letzten 4 Quartale aus 2023 inklusive der Anhebung des Orientierungswerts zum 1. Januar 2024 auf 11,9339 Cent je Punkt. Alle relevanten Informationen für die erfolgreich optimierte Abrechnung im Praxisalltag: korrekt, verlässlich, vollständig.Kommentierung der einzelnen Leistungspositionen mit Ausschlüssen: Aktuelle Gerichtsurteile zur Gebührenordnung und vertragsärztlichen Tätigkeit.Praktische Abrechnungstipps, Auslegungshinweise, Beschlüsse, Richtlinien u.a. von KBV und regionalen KVen; G-BA; Sozialgesetzbuch (SGB).Plus: kurze Richtlinien und Übersichtstabellen einzelner Leistungsbereiche.UV-GOÄ mit Hinweisen und Abrechnung vonKita- und Schulunfällen.

  • af Ajay Garg
    1.689,95 - 2.337,95 kr.

    The hospital buildings are one of the most complex buildings/projects to plan, design, build, and operate. Hospital project planning involves site selection, Detailed Project Report (DPR) preparation, feasibility studies, room planning, hospital building zoning, and construction.This book provides in-depth knowledge and synchronization of the operational policies, licensing, services, equipment procurement, workforce recruitment, and establishing the set of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) before the start of hospital operations.This book helps enlighten site engineers and various in-charges to plan their hospital projects efficiently, completing all the jobs and activities well in time. This book narrates all the relevant issues and details about the hospital planning and construction activities in a tabular form and explains each activity extensively. Moreover, the tables provided in the book will also help the planners and executors assess the activity's progress and the person responsible for it.The key feature of the book is a very easily understandable English language that provides the best understanding to the students of Hospital Management, Para Medical Sciences, Architecture, Site Engineers, Site Supervisors, Hospital Promoters, Planners, and Designers.

  • af Thomas E. Woods Jr.
    317,95 kr.

    FOREWORD BY JAY BHATTACHARYA, MD, PHDYou remember the story: some locations did better than others on Covid because those places followed the rules, and others foolishly ignored them. Covid spread was your fault, you science hater!There is precisely zero evidence behind any aspect of this morality play, which is demolished by this book.Diary of a Psychosis is different from all other books on Covid: it traces the development of the government response as it happened, bit by bit, and subjects it to relentless scrutiny: did any of it do any good?It thereby preserves some of the crucial day-to-day details that other chronicles have forgotten. And it's those little details of the bizarre behavior of those years that, presented together, preserve for the reader the full horror of the madness of those dark days.The more people know the information in this book, the harder it will be for the ruling classes to do this to us again.

  • af Otto Armin Smiseth
    333,95 - 359,95 kr.

    This book demonstrates how hospitals can be transformed into dynamic, patient-centered, and cost-effective organizations. It describes systems for providing safe, high-quality medical services and outlines the importance of data for health outcomes. In this regard, the book underscores the importance of decision-making and delegation, as well as the effective use of administrative staff, new technologies, and evidence-based medicine to benefit patients and boost efficiency. At the same time, it emphasizes the importance of applying metrics to improve cost-effectiveness.Although primarily intended as a hands-on book for clinical leaders, it also considers hospitals from a broader societal perspective, making it of interest to leaders at all organizational levels in hospitals and to policymakers alike.

  • af Githa S. Heggde
    1.228,95 kr.

    This book provides a comprehensive overview of the role of immersive technology with multiple sectoral perspectives, such as entertainment, education, health care, and more. It covers a detailed analysis of the latest trends and developments in the field. It encompasses practical insights on using immersive technology effectively through industry expert chapters, case studies, and real-world examples that demonstrate how immersive technology is being used in different industries. Chapters in this book are from academicians and industry professionals to create a fine balance of knowledge and practice perspective of today¿s immersive technology. It is written in accessible language that is easy for non-experts to understand. It focuses on the future of immersive technology, exploring its potential impact on society and the economy. It provides insights into the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead and offers predictions on how immersive technology will continue to evolve in theyears to come. It is a valuable resource for anyone learning more about immersive technology.

  • af Heike Köckler
    154,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch beschreibt den aktuell diskutierten und vereinzelt erprobten Ansatz der Gesundheitskioske. Gesundheitskioske stellen ein innovatives Angebot im Gesundheitsbereich dar, da sie den Zugang zu Versorgung, Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung insbesondere für solche Communities erhöhen, die sich mit Zugangsbarrieren konfrontiert sehen. Zugangsbarrieren können in der Kenntnis des Gesundheitssystems, Sprachkompetenz, den fehlenden gesundheitsbezogenen Angebote in der unmittelbaren Wohnumgebung liegen. In diesem Essential wird die Vielfalt der aktuellen Ansätze aus einer gesundheitsökonomischen, sozialräumlichen und pflegerischen Perspektive vor dem Hintergrund eigener Erfahrung im Aufbau und der Implementierung von Kiosken beschrieben. Denn zur Umsetzung eines Gesundheitskiosks ist immer eine spezifische Lösung am jeweiligen Ort zu entwickeln.

  • af Mustafa Polat
    1.392,95 - 1.428,95 kr.

    This timely book presents a collection of expert insights into the impacts of COVID-19 in a broader socio-economic context. In each chapter, the authors identify the current impact of COVID-19 by demonstrating transformative signals and project these signals to the future by considering their alternative futures and implications.The book emphasizes that dealing with major global pandemics like COVID-19 requires all countries and regions to take different, but synchronized measures to decrease its socio-economic effects in the short, medium and long run. The consequences of COVID-19 will go beyond medicine to cover all other aspects of life and are bound to change the nature of organizations. Moving beyond the medical viewpoint, the experts in this book discuss the topic from multi-dimensional and multi-disciplinary angles by focusing on the domains of technology, business, finance, marketing, law, public administration, and education. 

  • af Niccolò Persiani
    1.228,95 kr.

    In light of the Covid 19 pandemic and its impact on healthcare systems, this book examines health care innovations and service management models and discusses significant reforms and organizational and managerial changes in the healthcare systems of countries in the Balkans and Eastern Europe. It features contributions that shed new light on the impact of the pandemic on healthcare organizations and the lessons that can be drawn from this crisis for management practice.The book covers topics such as best practices in healthcare delivery, healthcare management, process and product innovation, digitization and information technologies, healthcare governance, collaborative healthcare experiences and networks, healthcare financing, and healthcare policy reform. It is aimed at scholars and practitioners in healthcare, as well as anyone interested in innovation in healthcare services and management.

  • af Thomas Städter
    1.299,95 kr.

    Dieses Herausgeberwerk vereint die Vorträge und zusammengefassten Diskussionen der 8. Transfertagung "eHealth & Society 2023" zum Thema: Wege zum neuen Gesundheitssystem - "Change by Design" oder "Change by Disaster¿?Alle politischen Lager sind sich seit vielen Jahren einig: Eine Reform des Gesundheitssystems muss her ¿ schnellstmöglich. Und tiefgreifend muss diese Reform zudem sein. Dann jedoch scheiden sich bereits die Geister. Als zu komplex und unflexibel für einschneidende Veränderungen erscheint das deutsche Versorgungs- und Vorsorgesystem. In zehn Beiträgen werden die anstehenden Aufgaben für das deutsche Gesundheitssystem umrissen, Konfliktlinien wie Problemlagen diskutiert und Lösungsoptionen skizziert für:- die Finanzierung von Innovationen bei sinkenden Kapitalreserven,- datentechnische Standardisierungen und Interoperabilität bei der Umsetzung der Digitalisierung,- die Stärkung der sektorenübergreifenden Leistungskoordination,- die Reform der Krankenhausstruktur,- den Pakt für den öffentlichen Dienst.Der Handlungsdruck steigt ¿ wird es den Akteuren des Gesundheitssystems gelingen, die anstehenden Aufgaben zu einem koordinierten, strukturierten und nachhaltigen Change by Design zu gestalten? Sie haben es in der Hand, nutzen Sie dabei auch die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse und gezeigten Handlungsoptionen dieses Buches!

  • af Jakub Valc
    699,95 kr.

    Das Buch befasst sich mit der Problematik der Abtreibung, wobei ihre menschenrechtlichen Aspekte und ihr Bezug zur Dienstleistungsfreiheit innerhalb der Europäischen Union im Vordergrund stehen. Mit anderen Worten werden zwei Dimensionen der Abtreibung erforscht. Die erste Dimension hängt mit dem immer noch umstrittenen Konzept der Abtreibung als ein Menschenrecht zusammen, einschließlich der Art und des Umfangs ihres institutionellen Schutzes. Die zweite Dimension ist unterschiedlicher Natur, da sie die Abtreibung nicht als ein Menschenrecht, sondern als eine Gesundheitsdienstleistung im Sinne des EU-Primärrechts betrachtet, und zwar in Bezug auf eine der Grundfreiheiten des freien Verkehrs. In methodischer Hinsicht wird nicht nur auf die Analyse des internationalen Rechtsrahmens für die Abtreibung und der damit verbundenen Rechtsprechung des EGMR und des EUGH, sondern auch auf den Vergleich der nationalen Abtreibungsrechtsvorschriften zurückgegriffen. In diesem Kontext wird auch dasPhänomen des Abtreibungstourismus in Betracht gezogen, das aufgrund der Garantie des freien Dienstleistungsverkehrs innerhalb der Europäischen Union schwer zu verhindern ist.

  • af Giovanni Mattia
    397,95 - 407,95 kr.

  • af Chester Chambers
    487,95 kr.

    This work prepares current and future managers and consultants focused on health care delivery systems to improve the efficiency of processes that deliver care. This material will help you manage capacity, improve patient flow, estimate process costs, and conduct experiments that lead to process improvement. Essential tools covered include process mapping and measurement, data collection and analysis, and the use of discrete event simulation as a tool for virtual experimentation and improvement. Tools are introduced with no assumption of prior training. Many examples of settings, problems, and solutions are presented, along with a generalized approach to process improvement that is specifically tailored to health care settings. Readings, exercises, and cases suitable for discussion or end-course projects are also provided. Writing is based on a decade of experience teaching at the MBA and MS levels, managing dozens of improvement processes, and a host of our prior scholarly publications, book chapters, and case studies.

  • af Stefan Kirkegaard Sløk-Madsen
    729,95 kr.

    This book outlines the origins of Danish Capitalism and prosperity, from a poor and devastated minor state in the 19th century to a consolidated universal mixed economy welfare state at the end of the 20th century. The book argues that firm-based innovation drove Danish prosperity and redistributive capacity. It is a comprehensive but manageable examination of the institutions and choices that shaped a highly innovative and wealthy nation. The book relies on history and economic theory, presents commonly accepted narratives and theories, and contributes new explanations. Therefore, the book also traces both antecedents and the current state of 20th-century capitalism in Denmark and particular outcomes and critical institutions such as firm age, the labor market, and pension schemes. The book will be of interest to academics in business history and economic policy, as well as policymakers and all those interested in mixed economy studies.

  • af Manfred Cassens
    196,95 kr.

    Spätestens seit Ende der 1990er Jahre zeichnete sich über eine für normal befundene Nutzung des Internets eine Gruppe von stoffungebundenen Verhaltens- als Abhängigkeitsstörungen ab, die mit dem Internet in Verbindung gebracht werden. Dies sind: Computerspielen, die pathogene Nutzung sozialer Netzwerke, das Online Shopping und der Cybersex. Gegenwärtig (2023) ist jedoch lediglich das Computerspielen in das aktuelle Klassifikationsinstrument der Krankheiten, die ICD-11, aufgenommen worden. Aktuelle diagnostische Tools basieren dabei vor allem auf psychologischen Testmanualen und klinischen Abklärungsgesprächen. Dieses essential reflektiert die aktuelle Gesamtsituation auf Basis epidemiologischer Erkenntnisse und diskutiert darüber hinaus indizierte diagnostisch erweiterte Optionen.

  • af Lawton Robert Burns
    459,95 kr.

  • af Michael F. Cannon
    162,95 kr.

    A quick¿¿reference guide to reforms that state and federal policymakers must enact to make health care better, more affordable, more secure, and more universal.Health care in the United States is not a free market. In many ways, U.S. residents are less free to make their own health decisions than residents of other nations. Government controls a larger share of health spending in the United States than in Canada, the United Kingdom, and most other advanced nations. State and federal governments subsidize low¿¿quality medical care and penalize high¿¿quality care. They block innovations that would otherwise reduce medical prices. Congress even funds veterans benefits in a way that increases the likelihood of war.Fortunately, there are corners of the U.S. health sector where market forces have had room to breathe. In those areas, markets have made health care better, more affordable, and more secure. They have made health care more universal-both in the United States and in nations that supposedly already had universal health care. Sometimes, market forces develop such innovations despite government policies that exist explicitly to block them.Those sorts of innovations should be exploding across the United States and the world, bringing affordable health care to low¿¿income patients and driving high¿¿cost and low¿¿quality providers and insurers out of business. But they aren't.Recovery shows that making health care as universal as possible requires ending all barriers that government places in the way of better, more affordable, and more secure health care.

  • af Sepehr Ehsani
    579,95 kr.

    The past decade has brought to the fore the critical need to constantly envision and consider various scenarios where ongoing trends and sudden changes could together alter the provision of healthcare and the direction of medical research. This book brings together scholars whose areas of expertise represent different themes that are essential to understanding how healthcare might change and evolve over the next decade. What lessons can one take away from current and past developments? The themes explored by the book rest on four pillars. The first is the rapid pace and ubiquity of technological advances in areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, additive manufacturing and wearable electronics. The second pillar concerns healthy aging, longevity and the management of chronic diseases. The third is the imperative to remain cognizant of the ethical dimensions of medical decisions, adapting bioethics to ongoing changes in healthcare provision. Finally, the fourth pillar relates to how uncertainty in different domains of medical knowledge can be mitigated and translated into clinical practice. For example, how should uncertainty with the results of clinical trials for a new treatment be dealt with? What cost-benefit analyses would be most appropriate for the situation? Chapter authors identify respective challenges and promising opportunities, discussing how these could contribute to envisioning the future scope of healthcare when it comes to providing medical, economic and ethical values to human societies.Chapters 1, 4, 12, and 20 are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

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