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  • af Rory Smith
    117,95 - 165,95 kr.

  • - Studier i den vestlige marxismes selvkritik, udvidelse og afvikling
    af Mikkel Bolt
    217,95 kr.

    På råbeafstand af marxismen analyserer et teorihistorisk forløb fra sidst i 1960’erne og frem til i dag inden for vestlig filosofi, politisk tænkning og kulturstudier. Et forløb kendetegnet ved en afsked med marxismen og med det revolutionære projekt, marxismen kan siges at være udtryk for. En opgivelse af en kritik af kapitalismen. Et forløb, hvor en vigtig selvkritik – den nødvendige analyse af klassekampens genkomst, forvandling og omslag i den anden halvdel af 1960’erne og begyndelsen af 1970’erne – hurtigt afløses af en opgivelse af det revolutionære projekt. Bevægelsen fra revolutionær selvkritik til opgivelse af marxismen og afsked med en analyse af kapitalismen er anliggendet for bogens tekster. Det er et forløb, der går fra revolutionært opbrud og den nødvendige udvidelse af marxismens historiske analyse til afsked med en sammenhængende systemkritik til fordel for en overdreven tiltro til økonomiens selvstyre.Bogen er tænkt som et bidrag til en genaktivering af marxismen og dens kritiske analyse (og afvikling) af det kapitalistiske samfund. At være ‘på råbeafstand af marxismen’ er at forsøge at ryste den fortrolighed, som kapitalismen antog i perioden, efter at den vestlige marxisme selvkritisk så nærmere på den historiske materialismes klassekategorier og historiefilosofi.

  • af Ken Blanchard
    195,95 kr.

    From the bestselling co-author of the legendary The One Minute Manager®, and a former Twitter executive, comes the ultimate guide to creating powerful mentoring relationshipsWorking within a mentoring relationship is a powerful way to grow in your career. Whether you're learning from a seasoned pro or passing along your wisdom, mentoring offers a host of benefits?from increased knowledge and skills to elevated energy and deep satisfaction.But how do mentoring relationships begin, develop, and thrive? And what are the guidelines for keeping a mentoring relationship on track? The answers can be found in this engaging business parable.Josh Hartfield, twenty-seven, has been in the same sales job for five years. He's burned out, his career has stalled, and he isn't even sure he wants to work in sales anymore. A chance encounter leads Josh to Diane Bertman, a high-performing sales executive about to turn sixty.Stretched too thin by a relentless schedule, she's beginning to wonder if she should retire. From their first meeting, Josh and Diane know they each have much to learn from one another. As their relationship develops, they discover the power of mentorship: Josh as he transitions to a new career path, and Diane as she reignites her passion for meaningful work. One Minute Mentoring provides practical tools for developing successful mentoring relationships. One Minute Insights at the end of each chapter and the MENTOR Model at the end of the book guide readers step-by-step to create lasting, beneficial mentorships.

  • af Cristal Glangchai
    187,95 kr.

    From an engineer and entrepreneur, a conversation-changing parenting book about how to engage young women in science, technology, engineering, and math, filled with practical advice for both parents and educators. As the female CEO of a tech startup, Dr. Cristal Glangchai was outnumbered twenty to one. At Google, Twitter, and Facebook, women currently fill just ten to twenty percent of technical jobs. While career opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and math have increased dramatically in the past twenty years, the achievement gap between men and women has only grown wider.In VentureGirls, Glangchai offers a unique solution based on her own experience as an engineer and entrepreneur as well as the founder of the VentureLab, an academy of entrepreneurship and technology for girls. Practical, accessible, and filled with success stories, VentureGirls argues that a key part of raising strong, confident young women is giving them the tools of entrepreneurship to engage in STEM. Entrepreneurship isn't just about starting companies, Glangchai writes, it is a skillset and a way of thinking that is particularly useful in the fields of science, mathematics, engineering, and technology. Entrepreneurship involves identifying needs, brainstorming creative solutions, innovating, and taking calculated risks. In short, it's about having a vision and making it a reality. The true value in learning and practicing entrepreneurship, Glangchai argues, lies in nurturing and growing an overall mindset?the ability to learn from failure and to work well with others to bring your ideas to life.Deeply informative, warm, and grounded in real-world experience, VentureGirls includes a plethora of activities and lessons that focus on strengthening kids' ingenuity and resilience. VentureGirls is essential reading for anyone who wants to raise girls and young women who realize their strength, engage in the world, and feel empowered to make a positive impact.

  • af Nicole Ann Mcmanus
    447,95 kr.

    In flus dissertation I analyze Victonan gynecology and literature and argue that texts m both of these fields betray a conflict between domument and subversive narratives about women their bodies, and their sympatlues. Wule it is well recomazed that sympathy played an important part in Victorian literature, mural plulosophy, and cultural consciousness, what is bol acknowledged in the literature on sympathy is its central role in Victorian efforts to gran knowledge about the female body It was churing the nineteenth century that the field of gynecology grew into a legitimate medical specialty, as such, a proliferation of work on the maatomy, physaology, and pathology of the female body occurred, in whach sympathy, bolh between individuals and within the female body itself, recurs repeatedly. The dominant narrative was expressed largely through the writings of male physiologists and gynecologists, who defined women and ther bodies as problematic barriers to the production of knowledge. Sympathy, both berween individual women and between their bodily organs, was theorized in these texts as a pathological and feminine condition that repeatedly hindered the progress of Victorian medicine and science. I also identify a connier- that contravened these medical chaumoses of fenamme sympallues. In fichon by George Moore, Arthur Conan Doyle, Mona Todd, and others, I show that Victorian writers self-consciously responded to medical discourses that identified feminine sympathies as problematic. Instead, many of them suggest that a woman's emotional and physiological sympathies could nid, rather than hunder, the production of medical knowledge.

  • af John Lok
    1.052,95 kr.

    Introduction How can organizations improve performance? What factors may influence organizations to improve performance? I will explain how any why effective department communication, excellent technological input, effective human resource development training, good employee motivation strategy and effective performance measurement strategy can influence any organization's overall performance to be more effective. I shall indicate the reasons to explain why above any one of these factors have indirect relationship to influence the organization's overall performance effectiveness. Readers can earn fresh opinions to acknowledge that these any one factors can be possible to influence organization's overall performance effectiveness.

  • af John Lok
    2.112,95 kr.

    Introduction Nowadays, human is experiencing high technology stage. Can human apply AI technology to help us to predict when economic growth or recession will come in this year or next year? If it is true, it brings this question: Who can make more accurate economic growth or recession analysis between human economists or AI robot machine? Can robots influence human behavior change? Does technology or human knowledge bring economic growth? Can organizations apply technological resource may help them to bring long term economic benefit. Introduction Many businesses had begun to apply internet to operate their online businesses. So, online business model will be very popular to let global online buyers can apply internet channel to buy any kinds of products, they are living far away from themselves countries. It implies that future e-commerce market competition will be very serious. However, some businessmen still feel shops and online-stores both sale mode may be attractive sale channels to let consumers to choose their products to buy. On another side, some businessmen only feel online-stores sale channel is the best sale mode or another side, some businessmen only feel visiting shop method is only the traditional best sale mode. In my this book, I shall indicate the most famous Amazon e-commerce organization will face what kinds of marketing competitive challenges, how Amazon ought implement its management and marketing both strategies to solve Amazon future possible competitive challenges. Does Amazon need facility management department? What function of benefits will bring when Amazon sets up one facility management department? If the Amazon lacked one facility management department, what the disadvantage it will bring to influence the Amazon organization's operation? Have they relationship between raising efficiency or improving performance and facility management to Amazon ecommerce department? I believe that Amazon is global the best famous and successful e-commerce organization. It needs to solve how to persuade online buyers to prefer to click its web-stores to choose to buy any kinds of brands products as well as how to persuade its any kinds of brands of sellers to choose to apply its online purchase channels to instead themselves online purchase channels. I hope my readers can have more clear understanding whether future what challenges that Amazon may face and how it can implement strategies to solve its future competitive challenges.

  • af Robbin
    257,95 kr.

    The Curse of Information OverloadIn today's fast-paced world, we are constantly bombarded with an overwhelming amount of information. From the moment we wake up to the time we go to bed, we are exposed to a never-ending stream of news, social media updates, emails, and notifications. This constant influx of information has led to what can only be described as the curse of information overload.Living in a knowledge-driven society, we have been conditioned to believe that more information equals more power. We are constantly encouraged to stay informed, to be up to date with the latest trends, news, and developments. However, what we fail to realize is that this constant craving for information can have detrimental effects on our mental and emotional well-being.One of the main consequences of information overload is the overwhelming feeling of being constantly overwhelmed. With so much information available at our fingertips, it can be challenging to filter out what is truly important and relevant. As a result, we find ourselves drowning in a sea of information, unable to make sense of it all. This leads to a sense of anxiety, stress, and even a loss of focus and productivity.Moreover, information overload can also lead to a phenomenon known as "analysis paralysis." With so many options and possibilities presented to us, we often find ourselves unable to make decisions. We become paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong choice, constantly second-guessing ourselves and seeking more information. This not only wastes precious time and energy but also hinders our ability to take action and move forward.In the quest for knowledge, we often forget the importance of ignorance. Ignorance, in this context, does not mean lack of knowledge, but rather the ability to be selective and mindful about the information we consume. By embracing ignorance as our superpower, we can free ourselves from the burden of information overload and harness true bliss.Ignorance is bliss because it allows us to focus on what truly matters. By consciously choosing what information to engage with, we can prioritize our mental and emotional well-being. We can create space for deep thinking, introspection, and genuine connections with others. Ignorance is not about being uninformed; it is about being intentional about the information we consume and the impact it has on our lives.In a knowledge-driven world, it is crucial to recognize the curse of information overload and embrace the power of ignorance. By doing so, we can reclaim our mental and emotional well-being, find clarity amidst chaos, and truly harness bliss in our lives. Ignorance is, indeed, our superpower.

  • af Charles Mendlowicz
    742,95 kr.

    Loucura. É assim que defino quando nós temos o propósito bem diante da nossa cara e não fazemos o que viemos fazer neste mundo. As pessoas querem fazer as coisas começando pelo final, mas é preciso começar pelo princípio. Então não adianta falar sobre ganhar dinheiro, trocar de carro ou comprar um imóvel se você não está fazendo o básico, ou melhor, se nem entendeu o básico ainda. Não existe atalho, é preciso viver o processo. Para se chegar a algum lugar, você terá que viver o processo, trilhar um caminho; e tudo que Charles Mendlowicz, criador do canal Economista Sincero, conta neste livro, de forma bem-humorada e sem meias palavras, nada mais é do que o seu processo, a rota que traçou e o que considera importante para chegar aonde chegou. Não é um caminho tranquilo; vai vir chuva, vento, tempestades, algumas vezes sol demais, mas o lado bom é que você terá finalmente um passo a passo a seguir. Na cultura judaica, o número 18 tem um significado especial, ligado a tudo que está vivo, em movimento e em constante processo de evolução. Partindo dessa constatação de que tudo está ligado a essa centelha divina que é a nossa própria vida, Charles decidiu compartilhar com todas as pessoas aquilo que vivenciou, as experiências e aprendizados que deram certo para ele e que precisam ser conhecidos por outras pessoas. Afinal, de nada adianta ter conhecimento se ele não puder de alguma forma ser compartilhado e ajudar alguém.

  • af Constantin Bratianu
    927,95 kr.

    Knowledge translation is a relatively new research topic originating in fields of health sciences and economic development. It is of great interest to knowledge management researchers and practitioners.

  • af Eric W. Schoon
    314,95 - 862,95 kr.

  • af Mark S. Ackerman
    157,95 - 327,95 kr.

  • af Eric A. Hanushek
    507,95 kr.

    A rigorous, pathbreaking analysis demonstrating that a country's prosperity is directly related in the long run to the skills of its population.

  • af Rui Zhi Dong
    147,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Hugh Taylor
    342,95 kr.

    5G and related digital revolutions will require tens of thousands of edge data centers. This book tells you how they work and how to get them built.We are in the middle of the edge computing revolution. Responding to demand for lower latency, telcos and others are moving servers and storage closer to end users-away from the "core" to "the edge." This requires the deployment of many thousands of tiny edge data centers.The edge is a big, growing business. Driven by 5G, connected vehicles, and industrial automation, the "edge economy" is projected to reach $4.1 trillion by 2030, with investment in edge data centers set to exceed $140 billion by 2028.What exactly is an edge data center? This book explains what they are and how they work. It's early in the edge computing life cycle, so there's time to get prepared for what's coming.If you work in an industry that's transforming through mobility, or any field that will leverage the edge for competitive advantage, this book will help you understand how the edge data center advances your strategic agenda.

  • af John Lok
    287,95 kr.

    How social change influences human behavioral change ? Why human behavior may be influenced by social change? Our individual behavior whether can be influenced to bring negative or positive attitude by social change? IIn my this book, I shall attempt to explain how and why ecommerce may be one kind network human job. Also, I shall indicate reasons to explain why human network behavior may bring direct or indirect influences to economy growth or recession in our global societies in macro and micro economy view. Why leisure changing environment may influence human behavior , even economic environment changes. I shall indicate cases to explain any possible human social activities may bring direct or indirect influences to cause our social economic growth or recession in consequency in possible.This book explains how nowadays technological development may bring human more online job and online business development, space tourism development ,such as internet invention, why robots may help countries development, how it excites human can have new chance to learn to attempt to do any clever behavior. Readers can bring new exicting to learn how new technology brings new human clever knowledge to continue to develop our societies.

  • af Christopher Clay
    207,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af Christine Monaghan
    187,95 kr.

    The 2023 Good to Greatness Experience is a collective contribution involving twenty business owners. The messages convey that beyond the illusion of good lies the liberation of greatness; you can influence greatness 1 percent better, daily; and, it's everyone's right to experience greatness. As visionary business leaders, we can liberate others from the world's storms. How? Through relentless contribution, collaboration, and service to the community. Partial proceeds go to Contributing Authors: Michelle Abraham; Chris Adlparvar; Monika Becker; Gwen Do; Ruth Elisabeth; Rachel Gooen; Margaret Johnson; Maggie Judge and Marla Ulstad; Samantha King, B.Ed.; Lesia Daria Kohut; Heather Leah; Sam Liebowitz; Rie Lowe; Whitney Merritt; Christine Monaghan; Celeste Pennington; Karen Strauss; Krista Temple; Jo-Anne Weiler; Christie Wengranowski.

  • af Mihir Jagruti
    132,95 kr.

    Friends, in this book I have taken advantage of various websites related to mutual funds and their references and the experience of various experts and their knowledge of mutual funds for various information, this book is intended to provide various information related to mutual funds in one book. Written in which I have given only information related to mutual funds based on my own experience, Note that none of my words are my own. For this I have used information and websites of various mutual fund companies and their knowledge centers.The information given here is based on assumptions and information only..this book does not endorse any kind of belief, information. Consult relevant expert before acting on any information or assumption.,

  • af Reginald Bullock
    282,95 kr.

    Who are you? Why are you, you? Do you like being you? Are you satisfied with who you are? Do you want your mojo back? What if you could design and become the best version of yourself? Would you be willing to walk that journey? What if you could have the power of increased self-confidence, self-awareness and self-respect? Would you take that leap of faith to discover your powers? This book will take you on the journey of discovering who you are meant to be. You will learn how to overcome in order to become the best version of yourself along with the byproduct of living in joy, peace and happiness every day.Becoming The Best Version of Yourself is a conscious process and a choice. We all deserve to experience this beautiful journey of discovery. It's not about how you started in life. It's about waking up to the realization of who you are, can and will become.__________"This book resonates on so many levels on the premise that we all seek to be the best version of ourselves, irrespective of the labels, titles or positions embossed upon or embedded within our DNA. "Becoming the Best Version of Yourself" is an introspection into the human psyche that compels one to be better, want better and understand what better even means. Thank you, Reginald Bullock, for this masterclass." - Sherinette Solomon, Ph.D.

  • af Mathew Mandeville Yunker
    664,95 kr.

    In epistemology there has been a recent upsurge of interest in the so-called 'value problem'.1 The genesis of this refreshing new body of work is the apparent intuition that knowledge is valuable, indeed something especially valuable. Attention to the value of knowledge raises a two-fold problem for contemporary epistemology. First, the original Meno problem itself (in the form of a prima facie puzzle about the relative values of knowledge and true belief) remains very much alive, and second, many contemporary analyses of knowledge, driven largely by increasingly specific and detailed responses and counter-responses to the Gettier problem, can seem baroque and complex, and to fail to capture the importance of knowledge for our lives. For these reasons, the issue of the value of knowledge looms particularly large today. Regarding the first point (that the problem is alive), it certainly seems true on the face of it that knowledge is more valuable than simply having the right belief about something (say, by accident). However, accidentally true beliefs seem to do a fine job getting us what we want in many situations. While epistemologists are still for the most part convinced that lucky guesses are not knowledge, lucky guesses seem to get us all the practical benefits of knowledge. Say that I find myself in a forest and I need to eat some mushrooms to survive. In this particular forest, there are only a few mushrooms that are edible; the rest are lethally poisonous. I can have the true belief "these mushrooms are edible" in a couple of ways: as a 'merely' true belief, or as an item of knowledge. If I randomly look at the edible group of mushrooms and form the belief, then I have a merely true belief by means of a lucky guess. If I have put in the time to research the edibility of various forest mushrooms, and use this preparation to identify the edible mushrooms, then I have knowledge that these are the edible mushrooms

  • af Treva Graves
    297,95 kr.

    Is Self-Doubt holding you back from living the life you want?Self-Doubt Detox: 5 Steps to Beat Your Bully and Bloom Confidence is packed with compelling experiences to inspire, motivate and help guide you on your journey of healing to happiness.If your bully is blocking you from reaching your true potential, I'll show you how to quiet the inner critic and turn up the cheerleader inside of you. Regain your power using my #1 Branded Bloom Methodology and learn to be Confident, Bold and Brave!___"It takes conscious awareness and effort to become empowered and you can start today to free yourself from your internal and external bullies. Treva Graves offers 5 steps to help you detox your self-doubt and live the life you've always wanted." - Ashley Berges, Syndicated Radio Show Personality, Author of The 10 Day Challenge to Live Your True Life, Host of The Celebrity Perspective on Amazon Prime, Speaker, Mentor, and Live Your True Life Coach.

  • af David G. Henkin
    252,95 kr.

    Work is broken. But it can be fixed. Most employees are not engaged in their work. Turnover rates are increasing. Productivity is stagnating. Why? Because when designing work, we rarely consider the deep-seated human need for meaningfulness, autonomy, and feedback. Drawing from decades of research, executive and entrepreneur David Henkin and management consultant Thomas Bertels take us on an investigative journey to solve this problem and make work more productive, satisfying, and meaningful. Through their allegorical tale of a typical office with typical employees, they allow us to see ourselves in the characters while learning strategies to create better jobs and perform at higher levels. By empowering his team with these methods, manager Jerry provides a road map for us to fix what's broken at our own companies. Fixing Work is a clarion call for managers and executives at all levels. Instead of treating employees like automatons and discouraging creativity, ownership, and engagement, we should rethink how work gets done and structure jobs to be intrinsically motivating. Not only does motivational work design increase employee engagement; it also improves productivity and the customer experience, strengthening the company as a whole--a triple win.

  • af K. Hemachandran
    5.207,95 kr.

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is influencing the future of almost every sector and human being. AI has been the primary driving force behind emerging technologies such as big data, blockchain, robots, and the internet of things (IoT), and it will continue to be a technological innovator for the foreseeable future. New algorithms in AI are changing business processes and deploying AI-based applications in various sectors. The Handbook of Research on AI and Knowledge Engineering for Real-Time Business Intelligence is a comprehensive reference that presents cases and best practices of AI and knowledge engineering applications on business intelligence. Covering topics such as deep learning methods, face recognition, and sentiment analysis, this major reference work is a dynamic resource for business leaders and executives, IT managers, AI scientists, students and educators of higher education, librarians, researchers, and academicians.

  • af John Lok
    132,95 kr.

    In the first part, it explains what the different common interview methods are. The first chapter indicates what the common interviews are as well as explains why interviewers need to apply psychological methods to test any applicant behaviors in any interview process. The second chapter explains how to apply psychological recruitment strategies effect/manage in the recruitment process to achieve more effective and efficient interview as well as explains how to apply occupational psychological test method to test applicant's ability. The third chapter how selection assessment methods are applied to choose the best applicants to achieve the most effective and efficient interview result as well as how to criteria for selecting and evaluating assessment methods in interview which are the most reasonable support. The four charper explains how to apply suitational questions to select the most right applicant to do management position. The second part explains what the psychological interviews are , it concerns challenge of HR management it is as a HR specialist, what are the challenges you may face and what HR intervention mechanisms would you consider using in an attempt to drive individual and organization performance in a multinational company? Critically evaluate this question by utilizing the appropriate academic literatures.

  • af John Lok
    147,95 kr.

    Share market is often changing. Share price will often change due to market environment factor influence, e.g. competitors, strategy change, reorganization, sale growth or reducing etc. different factors. How share buyers can predict share price whether it will rise or reduce in short time. In this book, I shall indicate some external environment factors and company internal environment factors to explain how and why they will possible influence any company share price changes more easily. Readers can learn some useful knowledge to attempt to predict whether these factors can influence share price changes more easily in possible. Evaluation to any shares prices why and how and when they change, you can have more confidence to earn share profit in investment market.

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