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Offentlig økonomi og beskatning

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  • af Cedric Sandford
    468,95 kr.

  • af I. McLean
    577,95 kr.

    The system for allocating public expenditure to the nations and regions of the UK has broken down. Money goes to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland by the notorious Barnett formula, but this is collapsing and cannot last long. Money goes to the English regions by poorly-understood formulae that work badly. People in every region think that the system is unfair to them. The Fiscal Crisis of the United Kingdom suggests how the system could be fixed, drawing lessons from Australia and Canada. It recommends a Territorial Grants Commission.

  • af Alberto Giovannini
    1.037,95 kr.

    As the global economy continues to evolve, events such as the unification of European markets have prompted economists and policymakers to consider whether the current system of taxing income is inconsistent with the trend toward liberalized world financial flows and increased international competition. To help assess the effectiveness of existing tax policies and incentives, this volume presents new research on how taxes affect the investment and financing decisions of multinationals today. The authors examine international financial management, business investment, and international income shifting. The first three papers focus on financial management. Chapter 1 analyzes how tax and non-tax factors affect the relative importance of portfolio equity investments versus foreign direct investments and finds that the composition of equity flows differs dramatically according to tax differences. The authors of the second chapter look at the impact of U.S. and Canadian tax reforms on the financing of U.S. multinationals operating in Canada. Chapter 3 uses new data from 1986 corporate income tax returns to examine the effects of taxes on decisions by foreign subsidiaries to repatriate dividends to U.S. parent corporations. The next three chapters address international business investment. The authors of Chapter 4 consider why most models fail to show how tax policy affects foreign direct investment, and they offer improved models. Chapter 5 models U.S. tax incentives for the level and location of R&D performed by multinationals, and reveals that changes in the after-tax price of R&D have a significant effect on spending decisions of U.S. multinationals. Chapter 6 offers descriptive evidencefrom a careful field study of location and sourcing decisions in nine U.S. multinational manufacturing corporations. The final two papers examine income shifting. In chapter 7, the authors consider the fact that foreign-controlled companies in the United States pay lower taxes than do domestically-controlled companies. Unlike other studies, this one uses firm-level data files, including the actual tax returns filed by foreign-controlled companies. The eighth paper quantitatively assesses the importance of income shifting of U.S. multinationals, using Compustat data for 1984 through 1988 as well as information from annual reports. This volume will guide the development of new theoretical models in public finance and international economics, as well as inform the ongoing policy debate about reforming the taxation of multinational businesses in the United States and abroad.

  • af Glenn W. Fisher
    358,95 kr.

  • af John B. Shoven
    1.123,95 kr.

    In the increasingly global economy, domestic tax policies have taken on a new importance for international economics. This unique volume compares the tax reform experiences of Canada and the United States, two countries with the world's largest bilateral flow of trade and investment. With the signing of the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement and the tax reforms of the 1980s, there has been some harmonization of tax systems. But geographic, cultural, and political characteristics shape distinct national social policies that may impede harmonization. As the U.S. and Canadian economies become even more integrated, differences in tax systems will have important effects, in particular on the relative rates of economic growth. Scholars from both countries examine the extent to which conformity between these national programs has taken place, focusing on tax reforms of the 1980s, and assess the effects over the long term. The authors carefully consider the policy environment in which social programs are established and implemented, including such aspects as property rights, incentive structures, the degree and kind of economic freedoms, and the systems of private and public decision making. By comparing these environments, the authors show that certain aspects of the tax systems of Canada and the United States are converging, while in other respects they are diverging. For instance, both countries exhibit similar corporate tax structures and income tax systems, but they have very different approaches to sales taxes and social security taxes. Another interesting conclusion from these investigations is that although tax policies differ, outcomes are often quite similar. For example, they generateroughly the same amounts of revenue, produce similar costs of capital, and produce comparable distributions of income. The methodology and results of this research will have significant implications for the analysis and development of trade policies among other nations, as well as for understanding domestic social policy in a global economy.

  • af Takatoshi Ito
    1.270,95 kr.

    The rapid emergence of East Asia as an important geopolitical-economic entity has been one of the most visible and striking changes in the international economy in recent years. With that emergence has come an increased need for understanding the problems of interdependence. As a step toward meeting this need, the National Bureau of Economic Research joined with the Korea Development Institute to sponsor this volume, which focuses on the complexities of tax reform in a global economy. Experts from Taiwan, Korea, the Philippines, Japan, and Thailand, as well as the United States, Canada, and Israel examine the major tax programs of the 1980s and their domestic and international economic effects. The authors provide overviews, country studies, and analyses of the effect of taxes on specific economic behavior, including saving and economic growth. The overviews include an examination of the link between taxes and domestic capital formation in open economies, and a look at the similarities and differences in the tax structure of eight East Asian countries. Other papers address broad issues related to tax policy and economic performance. Contributors evaluate the effects of changing the marginal tax rate on income from capital; analyze the relation between Korea's tax structure and its rate of economic growth; study the impact of tax reform and the aging Japanese population on savings; compare and contrast the gift and estate tax systems of the United States and Japan; and examine whether the tax systems of Korea and Taiwan, particularly the taxation of foreign capital, distort resource allocation. Studies of the political and economic interactions that underlie tax reform in the UnitedStates, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan reveal that in au of these countries domestic political considerations were far more important than international issues when deciding on tax reforms. Economists, policymakers, and members of the business community will benefit from these studies.

  • af Martin Feldstein
    854,95 kr.

  • af Martin Feldstein
    418,95 kr.

  • af Martin Feldstein
    418,95 kr.

  • af Achim Schilling
    326,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich BWL - Rechnungswesen, Bilanzierung, Steuern, Note: 1,9, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Bestrebungen des Gesetzgebers, die laut einem DBA von der deutschen Steuer freigestellte Einkünfte doch noch der deutschen Steuer zu unterwerfen um eine doppelte Nichtbesteuerung zu vermeiden, sind vielfältig. Dass dabei bilaterale Verträge durch unilaterale Gesetze sozusagen unterwandert werden, wirft kein gutes Licht auf den deutschen Staat als Vertragspartner. Die Befürchtung, dass sich Deutschland durch ein solches Vorgehen in der internationalen Staatengemeinschaft unbeliebt macht oder sich sogar isoliert ist allerdings unbegründet. Viele Staaten, beginnend mit der USA in den 80er Jahren, versuchen durch eigene Gesetzgebung drohende, durch Abkommensvorteile ausgelöste, Steuerausfälle zu verhindern.Dabei stellt sich aber auch die Frage, inwieweit dieses Überschreiten eines völkerrechtlichen Vertrages dem deutschen Grundgesetz entspricht. Einhergehend damit muss also beleuchtet werden, wie sich das Verhältnis zwischen Völker- und Staatenrecht darstellt. Die Diskussion darüber wurde in letzter Zeit wieder intensiviert. Als ein erster Verfechter der Verfassungswidrigkeit eines Treaty Override nahm dabei Klaus Vogel eine führende Rolle ein. Durch den sog. Görgülü- Beschluss des BVerfG v. 14.10.2004 sah er sich in seiner Auffassung gestärkt. Zudem macht er auch geltend, dass eine Mehrheit der kontinentaleuropäischen Staaten bereits in ihrer Verfassung den Vorrang von völkerrechtlichen Verträgen zu innerstaatlichem Recht festgeschrieben haben. Dietmar Gosch, Vorsitzender Richter des 1. Senats beim BFH, hat sich ebenfalls dieser Meinung angeschlossen. Auch er bezieht sich dabei auf den oben genannten Beschluss des BVerfG. Mittlerweile hat der BFH seine Rechtsprechung geändert und in einem Normenkontrollverfahren dem BVerfG die Vorschrift § 50d Abs.8 EStG zur Prüfung vorgelegt. Diese Arbeit setzt sich in Anlehnung an den BFH ¿ Beschluss vom 10.01.2012 mit der Frage der Verfassungsmäßigkeit eines Treaty Override auseinander.

  • af Peter Loft
    178,95 - 278,95 kr.

    Efter stormen er en personlig fortælling om skattesagen og om 30 års udvikling i Skatteministeriet – om et embedsværk, der var objektivt og teknisk orienteret, men som langsomt har bevæget sig længere og længere over mod en politisk og ikke-faglig tilgang. Og så er det historien om en embedsmand, der blev ansat, mens Anker Jørgensen var statsminister, og som har været med hele vejen, lige til stormen ramte. Som har set ministre komme og gå, og som kender alle mekanismer, problemer, politiske initiativer og ikke mindst skattesystemet ud og ind. Da stormen, kendt som Helle Thornings skattesag, eksploderede, gik departementschefen på et split­sekund fra relativ grå anonymitet til stor berømmelse – for så bagefter at blive kastet tilbage i ingenmandsland. Efter stormen er Peter Lofts egen historie.

  • - Das umfassende und praxisorientierte Kompendium fur die Aus- und Weiterbildung
    af Gerhard Lippe, Jorn Esemann & Thomas Taenzer
    608,95 kr.

    Neben den Bankgeschaften werden Ihnen die wirtschaftlichen und rechtlichen Grundlagen des Wirtschaftsgeschehens als auch die unternehmerischen Aufgaben in einem Kredit- bzw. Finanzdienstleistungsinstitut klar und verstandlich dargelegt. + Kostenlosem Online-Aktualisierungsservice

  • - A Political Economy Perspective on the Responsibilities and Limitations of Government
    af Israel) Hillman & Arye L. (Bar-Ilan University
    674,95 - 1.513,95 kr.

    Public Finance and Public Policy offers an accessible introduction to the responsibilities and limitations of government, addressing the question of when, or the extent to which, a society should forgo the economic freedom of personal choice in markets and rely on government for efficiency and social justice.

  • af Søren Serritzlew & Peter Bjerre Mortensen
    143,95 kr.

    Aaron Wildavsky (1930-1993) var en af de mest betydningsfulde og produktive politologer i sin generation. Over en periode på knap 40 år var han (med)forfatter til mere end 30 bøger og 200 artikler, essays og bogkapitler. Mest kendt er formodentlig Wildavskys banebrydende analyser af offentlig budgetlægning fra begyndelsen af 1960 erne, som endnu i dag udgør den standard,som nye studier af budgetlægning vurderes op imod. Wildavsky leverede imidlertid også markante og varige bidrag indenfor en lang række andre politologiske emner såsom implementeringsforskning, policy-analyse, politisk kulturteori, miljø- og sundhedspolitik, præsidentvalg og risikoanalyse. Den røde tråd i Wildavskys forskning er en grundlæggende kritik af forestillingen om, at politik og budgetlægning handler om at finde og gennemføre optimale løsninger på givne problemer. Selv hvis en sådan løsning skulle eksistere, er det tvivlsomt om beslutningstagerne kan identificere den og næsten udelukket, at de skulle kunne enes om den. Først når forestillingen om optimalitet forlades, kan man forstå politiske beslutninger. Og træffe de rigtige. IndholdsoversigtRedaktionelt forord Kapitel 1. En kort biografi Kapitel 2. Politik og budgetlægningKapitel 3. ImplementeringKapitel 4. Wildavskys senere bidrag og betydning Kapitel 5. Wildavskys aktualitet Kapitel 6. Udvalgte tekster Litteratur

  • - begreb, teori og proces
    af Rolf Elm-Larsen
    117,50 kr.

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