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  • - fra omkostningscenter til profitcenter
    af Bo Foged, Henriette Fynsk & Anders Liu-Lindberg
    610,95 kr.

    Økonomifunktionen har i stigende grad succes med at effektivisere og automatisere traditionelle kerneopgaver indenfor compliance og kontrol. Det efterlader os groft sagt med to udgangsmuligheder: 1: Vi kan overflødiggøre os selv eller 2: Vi kan udnytte de ressourcer, automatiseringen frigiver, på anden vis Vi mener, at en virksomhed, der har fokus på værdiskabelse, bør vælge det sidste. Økonomifunktionens faglige og analytiske kompetencer har potentiale til at skabe langt mere værdi, end tilfældet er i mange virksomheder i dag. I denne bog giver vi en komplet guide til, hvordan økonomifunktionen bliver en uvurderlig partner for forretningen og ultimativt går fra at være et omkostningscenter til at blive et profitcenter. Vejen dertil går gennem en systematisk opbygning af det, vi kalder forretningspartnertankegang. Det indebærer blandt andet at alle medarbejdere i økonomifunktionen udvikler en stærk forretningsforståelse og begynder at se kolleger og chefer i hele virksomheden som kunder, der skal serviceres med værdiskabende og partnerskabsfokuseret rådgivning. Ved bogens afslutning er læseren klar til at indlede en stille revolution af økonomifunktionens rolle og værdiskabelsen i virksomheden.

  • af Jørgen Ravn Elkjær & Kristian Hjulsager
    537,95 kr.

    Lær at læse og vurdere en årsrapport Årsrapporten er en af de centrale kilder til information om en virksomhed, og det er derfor væsentligt at kende årsregnskabsreglerne og regnskabsvæsenets opgaver. Denne bog er skrevet som en hjælp til ledere med overordnet ansvar for en organisations årsregnskab, men som ikke har regnskabsmæssig baggrund. Bogen giver en overkommelig og alligevel grundig indføring i årsregnskab, årsrapport og virksomhedsanalyse. Bogens 1. del beskriver de enkelte elementer i en årsrapport med fokus på virksomhedsregnskabets opbygning. Bogens 2. del handler om virksomhedsanalyse og giver eksempler på modeller og metoder, ud fra hvilke virksomhedens regnskab kan analyseres. Bogen giver en viden, som er nyttig ved f.eks.:Forhandling om f.eks. kreditgivningKøb af ejerandele i virksomhederAflønning af ledelsenÅrsrapporten som middel til at informere virksomhedens samarbejdspartnereFremskaffelse af informationer om en virksomheds økonomi, som ikke er tilgængelige i årsrapportenMålgruppe Bogen henvender sig til personer uden forkundskaber i regnskabsvæsen, der i kraft af deres job har behov for kunne vurdere, formidle – og ikke mindst varetage ledelsesansvaret for – en virksomheds årsrapport. Desuden kan bogen med fordel læses af folk, der har et vist kendskab til regnskab, da man trænes i at bruge og forstå de relevante ordvalg, metoder og begreber, der anvendes ved udarbejdelse, læsning og analyse af årsrapporter. Bogen har fokus på beslutningstagere og studerende på de videregående uddannelser. Nyt i 6. udgave Siden 5. udgave i 2008 har flere lovændringer nødvendiggjort en ny udgave af bogen. Foruden den nødvendige opdatering er der foretaget væsentlige ændringer i bogen, og flere afsnit om virksomhedsanalyse er blevet udvidet, herunder ved at inddrage flere metoder og beskrive metodernes begrænsninger. Om forfatterne Forfatterne er Jørgen Ravn Elkjær, lektor ved RUC, cand.polit., cand.merc. med revision som speciale, HD og Ph.D., og Kristian Hjulsager, kontorchef, cand.polit., redaktør af økonomiske lærebøger og censor ved de erhvervsøkonomiske uddannelser.

  • af Hermann Simon, Nicolai Broby Eckert & Søren Leth
    187,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Hvordan prissætter man som virksomhed en vare eller ydelse, så man tjener mest muligt? Det giver denne bog svaret på. Den dokumenterer, at de virksomheder, der sætter sig ind i prissætningens psykologi og derefter lægger den rigtige prisstrategi, kan få en slagkraftig konkurrencefordel og opnå et markant højere overskud. Bogens forfattere, Hermann Simon, Nicolai Broby Eckert og Søren Leth fra det førende pris- og markedsføringskonsulentfirma, Simon-Kucher & Partners, beskriver, hvordan man finder en vares værdi, og hvordan man prissætter på baggrund af denne viden – i stedet for at tage udgangspunkt i virksomhedens omkostninger. De giver også svaret på, hvorfor kunderne nogle gange bliver forargede over en pris, mens de andre gange knapt nok bemærker den. Med eksempler fra danske og internationale virksomheder viser forfatterne på en lettilgængelig måde, hvordan man med en gennemtænkt prisstrategi og adfærdsvidenskabelig indsigt kan nå kunderne mere effektivt – både digitalt og fysisk – og frem for alt få bundlinjen til at vokse.

  • af Sarah Ophelia Møss & Jane Ibsen Piper
    197,95 kr.

    Dette er en bog til dig, der er den lille nystartede solo-iværksætter såvel som dig, der er den mere erfarne selvstændige. Her får du al den hjælp, du har brug for, når du skal starte og din virksomhed. TV-programmer som Løvens Hule har sat iværksætteri på dagsordenen. Med bogen får du som iværksætter serveret den fulde palette af viden, det kræver for at komme godt i gang. Bogen afmystificerer reglerne om iværksætteri, og med den i hånden bliver du klogere og mere sikker i den videre drift af din drømmevirksomhed. Bogen indeholder opdateret viden om alt fra oprettelse af CVR, regnskab, forsikringer, indbetaling af pension, og hvordan du bedst undgår de psykologiske benspænd, som frygten for at fejle kan stille op for dig. Som en ekstra bonus indeholder bogen også en gennemgang af de seks typiske iværksættertyper og seks interview med succesfulde og ærlige iværksættere, der fortæller deres egen historie om op- og nedture og giver dig bedste tips. Om forfatterneSarah Ophelia Møss er kommunikatør, sociolog og bestsellerforfatter. Hendes passion er via inkluderende kommunikation at udbrede kendskabet til nye områder, på en måde som alle kan forstå. I 2019 blev Sarah valgt af Berlingske som en af landets 100 mest indflydelsesrige kvinder og bliver ofte anvendt som ekspert i finansiel inklusion af de store danske medier. Jane Ibsen Piper er uddannet jurist og har de seneste 12 år arbejdet inden for den finansielle sektor. Jane har haft CVR-nummer i flere år ved siden af sit lønmodtagerjob. Hun har skrevet flere bøger, ligesom hun driver blog, podcast og Facebook-fællesskabet ‘Minimalisme og købestop’ med 40.000 medlemmer.

  • af Sebastian Mallaby
    152,95 kr.

    From an award-winning financial historian comes the gripping, character-driven story of venture capital and the world it madeInnovations rarely come from "experts." Jeff Bezos was not a bookseller; Elon Musk was not in the auto industry. When it comes to innovation, a legendary venture capitalist told Sebastian Mallaby, the future cannot be predicted, it can only be discovered. Most attempts at discovery fail, but a few succeed at such a scale that they more than make up for everything else. That extreme ratio of success and failure is the power law that drives venture capital, Silicon Valley, the tech sector, and, by extension, the world.Drawing on unprecedented access to the most celebrated venture capitalists of all time, award-winning financial historian Sebastian Mallaby tells the story of this strange tribe of financiers who have funded the world's most successful companies, from Google to SpaceX to Alibaba. With a riveting blend of storytelling and analysis, The Power Law makes sense of the seeming randomness of success in venture capital, an industry that relies, for good and ill, on gut instinct and personality rather than spreadsheets and data. We learn the unvarnished truth about some of the most iconic triumphs and infamous disasters in the history of tech, from the comedy of errors that was the birth of Apple to the venture funding that fostered hubris at WeWork and Uber to the industry's notorious lack of women and ethnic minorities.Now the power law echoes around the world: it has transformed China's digital economy beyond recognition, and London is one of the top cities for venture capital investment. By taking us so deeply into the VCs' game, The Power Law helps us think about our own future through their eyes.

  • af Barbara Stanny
    192,95 kr.

    Quietly and steadily, the number of women making six figures or more is increasing and continues to rise at a rate faster than for men. From entrepreneurs to corporate executives, from white-collar professionals to freelancers and part-timers, women are forging careers with considerable financial success. In Secrets of Six-Figure Women, Barbara Stanny, journalist, motivational speaker, and financial educator, identifies the seven key strategies of female highearners: A Profit Motive, Audacity, Resilience, Encouragement, Self-Awareness, Non-attachment, and Financial Know-How.Based on extensive research and hundreds of interviews, including more than 150 women whose annual earnings range from $100,000 to $7 million, Barbara Stanny turns each of the six-figure traits into a specific strategy for upping earnings. By rigorously fine-tuning them, readers can, step-by-step, climb the income ladder.

  • af Jonathan Berk & Peter Demarzo
    994,95 kr.

    For MBA/graduate students taking a course in corporate finance. This Global Edition has been edited to include enhancements making it more relevant to students outside the United States Using the unifying valuation framework based on the Law of One Price, top researchers Jonathan Berk and Peter DeMarzo set the new standard for corporate finance textbooks. Corporate Finance blends coverage of time-tested principles and the latest advancements with the practical perspective of the financial manager. With this ideal melding of the core with modern topics, innovation with proven pedagogy, Berk and DeMarzo establish the new canon in finance. For programs and professors who would like a streamlined book that is specifically tailored to the topics covered in the first one-semester course, Corporate Finance: The Core is also available by Jonathan Berk and Peter DeMarzo.

  • af Ilya Strebulaev
    207,95 kr.

    FINANCIAL TIMES BUSINESS BOOK OF THE MONTH 'Full of powerful, practical lessons on changing how we think and act.'Eric Schmidt, former CEO and Chairman of Google'Many principles mentioned in the book helped us build Zoom, and they will help you as well.'Eric S. Yuan, founder and CEO, ZoomInspired by venture capitalists' unique way of thinking, The Venture Mindset offers a transformative playbook for delivering results in a rapidly changing world from a top Stanford professor and a technology executive.Venture capitalists are known for their extraordinary ability to spot opportunities. They know how to identify emerging trends, how to bring new industries into being, and when to hold them and when to fold. Their unique way of thinking has made them the force behind world-changing companies such as Amazon, Google, Moderna, SpaceX, and Zoom. Stanford Professor Ilya Strebulaev has devoted two decades to studying VCs' counterintuitive approaches to decision-making and the reasons behind the successes and failures of corporate innovations. Alex Dang has witnessed up close how VCs' thinking and mechanisms can create successful businesses at companies like Amazon and McKinsey. Combining their insight and extensive experience, they present nine distinct principles that will help you make better decisions, transform your business, and achieve remarkable results, no matter your industry. In The Venture Mindset, you'll learn:- One question VCs ask that will change the way you evaluate opportunities- Why you should encourage dissent and be wary of consensus- The number one killer of innovation in traditional corporate environments- Why it's crucial to learn when to 'pull the plug' on initiatives- Why failure is not just an option, but a necessity Packed with entertaining stories and scientific precision, The Venture Mindset is a must-read for anyone who wants to be better equipped for the era of uncertainty when industry, company, and career can be disrupted overnight. The Venture Mindset will teach you more than how to simply survive. It'll teach you how to win big.

  • af Michael Forsythe & Walt Bogdanich
    132,95 kr.

  • af Brendan Ballou
    253,95 kr.

    "Plunder is a startling investigation into the poorly understood, powerful force of private equity that is reshaping the American economy: raising prices, reducing quality, cutting jobs, increasing inequality, and shifting resources from productive parts of the economy to unproductive ones. Already transformative, private equity is poised to reshape the American economy in this decade the way that big tech did in the last decade, and subprime lenders the decade before that. And importantly, private equity is doing all of this not just with the acquiescence but the active support of the government. If you've ever wondered what happened to Toys R Us; why your doctor's bills are getting more expensive, why nursing homes are getting worse, why there is a housing shortage, why newspapers in Chicago and Los Angeles have gone downhill and local investigative reporting has dried up, Brendan Ballou's Plunder provides the reason why and provides a reform agenda spelling out how this industry can be stopped from wreaking further havoc. Brendan Ballou shows how private equity firms buy up companies using little or no investment, forcing them to take on huge debts and pay extractive fees, often wringing the life blood out of them, leaving them bankrupt or a shell of their former selves. Private equity's impact extends to the communities that have long depended on now- eviscerated companies for employment and prosperity. Perhaps most startling is Ballou's insight into how this is happening with the active support of government. Through vivid storytelling, Ballou's revelatory explanation of how private equity works shines a light on a part of Wall Street that is hastening the financialization of the American economy and increasing the power of banks and other institutions over companies that make and sell tangible products"--

  • af Dan McCrum
    105,95 kr.

  • af Sujeet Indap & Max Frumes
    175,95 kr.

  • af Matt Kennard
    225,95 kr.

    Silent Coup, written by the acclaimed author Matt Kennard, is a riveting book that will captivate your interest from the first page to the last. Published in 2023 by the renowned Bloomsbury Academic, this book is a must-read for anyone who enjoys insightful and thought-provoking literature. Silent Coup is a masterful blend of intrigue and suspense, showcasing Kennard's ability to weave a compelling narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. As part of the broader genre of contemporary literature, this book offers a unique perspective on the complexities of our modern world. In Silent Coup, Kennard challenges us to question our preconceptions and to engage with the world in new and unexpected ways. A testament to Kennard's storytelling prowess, Silent Coup is a book that will leave you pondering long after you've turned the last page. Don't miss out on this exceptional publication from Bloomsbury Academic.

  • af Vibrant Publishers
    487,95 - 722,95 kr.

  • af Michael O'Leary & Warren Valdmanis
    147,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • af Blaine Robertson
    158,95 kr.

    Mire a través de Internet y lo que encontrará son diferentes trucos sobre la mejor estrategia para ganar dinero en el mercado de valores. Algunos predican el evangelio del análisis técnico. Es decir, usar datos pasados como una indicación de lo que vendrá. Otros simplemente creen que es imposible vencer al mercado. Esta escuela de pensamiento cree que uno simplemente debe comprar cualquier índice bursátil y luego hacer lo que sea que haga el mercado.Estos enfoques y muchos más tienen fallas fundamentales por razones obvias. Para el análisis técnico, el precio pasado nunca es una indicación del comportamiento futuro del mercado. Por lo tanto, es difícil predecir qué haría el mercado en función de los precios anteriores. Además, aunque puede haber algo de lógica para comprar un fondo indexado, esto tampoco es sostenible. Hay momentos en que el mercado simplemente no logra obtener ganancias. Además, cuando se tiene en cuenta la inflación, las ganancias obtenidas al comprar índices de mercado se vuelven menos valiosas a medida que pasan los días.¿Cuál es entonces la forma correcta de acercarse al mercado de valores? La respuesta es invertir en valor. Con el tiempo, se ha demostrado que este enfoque es un generador de dinero constante en el mercado. Aunque valoramos a los inversores como Warren Buffett, se nos ha demostrado que este principio puede vencer al mercado de manera consistente si es seguido por un inversor disciplinado.Este libro explora el concepto de inversión de valor desde una perspectiva holística. Se le presentará el concepto y se le mostrará cómo se ha desarrollado el historial de lanzamientos. También estaría expuesto a los fundamentos de la inversión de valor y cómo puede explotar eso en su vida diaria de inversión. Finalmente, estaría preparado para un futuro invirtiendo en compañías de valor.

  • af Sami Basly
    1.667,95 kr.

    This book provides a comprehensive overview of the rapidly expanding field of decentralized finance (DF) and discusses how entrepreneurs can leverage it in their business activities.Decentralized finance (DF) is a system for exchanging value without centralized intermediaries. It relies heavily on peer-to-peer lending and borrowing, decentralized exchanges, trustless systems, and blockchain. Decentralized Finance is seen as a disruptive technology that could replace traditional financial systems in the future due to its advantages of being inclusive, non-discriminatory, resilient to risk management failures, cost-effective for lenders and borrowers to access the system and more efficient in terms of financial intermediation through automated trustless systems. This book explains the challenges and opportunities that these blockchain-based financial innovations present for both entrepreneurship and the broader financial system.

  • af Michael Dell
    212,95 kr.

    At nineteen, Michael Dell started his company as a freshman at the University of Texas with $1,000 and has since built an industry powerhouse. As Dell journeys through his childhood adventures, ups and downs, and mistakes made along the way, he reflects on invaluable lessons learned.Michael Dell's revolutionary insight has allowed him to persevere against all odds, and Direct from Dell contains valuable information for any business leader. His strategies will show you effective ways to grow your business and will help you save time on costly mistakes by following his direct model for success.

  • af Stefano Pascal
    242,95 kr.

    Finanza Personale: Costruisci il Tuo Avvenire con le Fondamenta di Oggi Sei alla ricerca di una guida chiara e pratica per navigare nel vasto oceano della finanza personale? "Finanza Personale" è il libro che illumina il sentiero verso una gestione finanziaria efficace, fornendo strumenti essenziali per costruire una base solida e duratura. In un mondo dove la complessità finanziaria sembra una norma, questo libro ti guida passo dopo passo attraverso le basi fondamentali della finanza personale. Che tu sia un principiante alla ricerca di un punto di partenza o un investitore esperto in cerca di un ripasso, "Finanza Personale" offre una panoramica completa e accessibile per tutti. Ecco cosa imparerai: Fondamenti della Gestione del Budget: Scopri come pianificare, risparmiare e gestire le tue finanze con strategie testate e affidabili.Principi di Investimento Intelligente: Dai i tuoi primi passi nel mondo degli investimenti, comprendendo come bilanciare rischio e rendimento.Pianificazione per Eventi Significativi della Vita: Matrimonio, nascita di un figlio, acquisto della casaProtezione e Crescita del Patrimonio: Approfondisci come difendere e accrescere il tuo patrimonio nel tempo.Finanza Personale e Sostenibilità: Esplora come le tue scelte finanziarie possono influenzare positivamente l'ambiente e la società.Guida per i Giovani Investitori: Un'introduzione amichevole nel mondo della finanza per la nuova generazione."Finanza Personale" non è solo un libro, ma un vero e proprio compagno di viaggio nel tuo percorso finanziario. Sarà la tua guida quando ti troverai di fronte a decisioni importanti, assicurandoti che ogni passo sia fatto con conoscenza e fiducia.Prendi il controllo delle tue finanze oggi, non aspettare un altro giorno per iniziare a costruire un futuro finanziario più luminoso e sicuro.Scorri verso l'alto e aggiungi "Finanza Personale" al tuo carrello. Inizia oggi il tuo viaggio verso la tua libertà finanziaria.

  • af Arthur Levitt
    207,95 kr.

    In Take on the Street, Arthur Levitt--Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission for eight years under President Clinton--provides the best kind of insider information: the kind that can help honest, small investors protect themselves from the deliberately confusing ways of Wall Street.At a time when investor confidence in Wall Street and corporate America is at an historic low, when many are seriously questioning whether or not they should continue to invest, Levitt offers the benefits of his own experience, both on Wall Street and as its chief regulator. His straight talk about the ways of stockbrokers (they are salesmen, plain and simple), corporate financial statements (the truth is often hidden), mutual fund managers (remember who they really work for), and other aspects of the business will help to arm everyone with the tools they need to protect—and enhance—their financial future.

  • af Tobias Hüttche
    1.574,95 kr.

    Climate change, COVID-19, Ukraine: it seems that crises are here to stay, which poses major challenges for the financial management of companies. This book addresses these issues, and present concrete approaches to resolving them.Until recently, the past was considered a reliable basis for predicting the future. As this is no longer the case, financial calculation and management models must take uncertainty into account. This affects the entire discipline of financial management, whether it is the valuation of goodwill in accounting, the estimation of capital costs in company valuation, or the strategic controlling of an international group of companies. There are three main challenges to be overcome: first, uncertainty must be integrated into traditional models, then uncertainty must be quantified, and lastly, potential developments must be modelled. This requires not only a deep understanding of the respective field, but also the ability to suitably adapt traditional modelsand techniques. This volume discusses these issues and offers new insights into how financial management will evolve in light of the current developments.

  • af Hon Wei Leow
    476,95 kr.

    This book covers the most recent initiatives in the Malaysian capital market. In doing so, it discusses the Leading Entrepreneur Accelerator Platform Market (LEAP Market), and Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC).With regard to the LEAP Market, the book elaborates on its inception, value proposition, governance, performance, issues, and strengths. It also compares LEAP Market with the Main and ACE Markets, and draws the experience of the Korea New Exchange (KONEX) for LEAP Market to emulate and improve its operation, showing how KONEX provides valuable lessons for Malaysia's LEAP Market, as the former has two times more listed firms than the latter. Similarly, the book also includes discussions on the inception of SPAC, its features, volumes, risk, issues, strength, life cycle and time frame of SPAC IPO, and includes case studies of the four firms listed under SPAC IPO. Put together, the book offers a compilation of facts, analysis and insights from these new market initiatives, and provides a reference for the financial market industry, regulators, market practitioners, analysts, researchers, government authorities and universities.

  • af Stefan Brunnhuber
    803,95 kr.

    We are currently witnessing the emergence of a ¿third culture¿, driven by unprecedented developments that are changing the playing field. These include advances in AI, big data analysis and robotics. The traditional ¿two cultures¿ view (S. P. Snow) distinguishes between the sciences and the humanities. The wisdoms these two cultures offer are separated from each other, with little to no interaction or mutual comprehension. However, over the past two decades, and for the first time in human history, a new, third culture has appeared. This new culture, rooted in new technologies, not only pursues its own form of rationality but also supports advances in the original two cultures, deepening and expanding our individual and collective consciousness so that we can see more and do better. It will eventually give rise to new forms of consciousness based not on biochemical signals, but on copper wires and lithium chips. These new machine intelligences will change the world and force us to realise: we are no longer alone. The human species¿ position in the twenty-first century will be fundamentally redefined: not as a conductor leading the orchestra, but a single string player within it.

  • af Jean-Pascal Tranié
    563,95 - 811,95 kr.

  • af U. Steger
    565,95 kr.

    Social and environmental issues can be very complex and overwhelming for managers. A partnership seems like an obvious solution. But what type of partnership is appropriate, what are the pitfalls and how can they be overcome? The authors use the experiences of a number of experts in companies, NGOs and governmental bodies to find the answers.

  • af M. Lacity
    1.105,95 kr.

    A new look at nearly 20 years of theoretical and practical research on IT outsourcing. The book explores how good IT outsourcing theories shape practice and how effective IT outsourcing practices inform theory. It highlights the importance of examining theories borrowed from economics, strategy, and sociology to study IT outsourcing.

  • af Y. Yan
    565,95 kr.

    This book reports on foreign investments in transitional economies and the corporate governance of international strategic alliances in China. It throws new light on the relationship between ownership, corporate governance, international technology transfer, organizational learning and the performance of such alliances. The book reviews the problems encountered by these international strategic alliances, provides significant empirical evidence of foreign investment decisions and profiles corporate governance and organizational learning in strategic alliances. Based on research into 1000 firms in China, it draws important conclusions for theory and practice.

  • af Jonathan Trevor
    1.088,95 kr.

    Pay is a key element of the employment relationship and it has been advocated by some recently as a tool for enhancing organizational performance and sustained competitiveness. This book explores the realities of contemporary pay management in seven leading companies operating globally in the fast moving consumer goods sector.

  • af Sabrina Leo
    1.669,95 kr.

    This book showcases cutting-edge research on a variety of themes related to sustainable and impact investments. It sheds light, theoretically and empirically, on three particular contemporary challenges for sustainable finance: shifts in banking towards prioritizing sustainable growth, the rapid evolution of sustainable bonds, and the growing role of women in sustainable finance.The first section of the book explores the benefits for banks and the financial industry from integrating sustainable finance into their business processes, as well as the role banks play in allocating resources towards a decarbonized economy. Chapters discuss risk reduction and the reputational boost for banks, as well as assessing the impact of new regulation frameworks targeted at sustainable growth. The second part examines sustainable financial products, with a focus on green bonds, and discusses how they can be used for long-term financing for sustainable projects, encourage accountability andtransparency, stimulate market growth, manage risk, and benefit the environment and society more broadly. The final section of the book takes an internal look at sustainable finance and addresses the significant role that women play, helping to develop more creative and practical solutions, serving as role models, and increasing involvement in the financial sector. Combining academic analysis with practical examples from the industry, this book will be useful to students and researchers working in sustainable finance, banking, and financial regulation.

  • af Catharina Wrede
    703,95 kr.

    In den vergangenen Jahren rückte vermehrt die Bewältigung von Insolvenzen mittels eines Plans in den Fokus des Gesetzgebers. Angestoßen durch die am 1.7.2014 in Kraft getretene Gesetzesänderung zur Verkürzung des Restschuldbefreiungsverfahrens und zur Stärkung der Gläubigerrechte stehen im Fokus dieses Buchs diejenigen Planverfahren, die Verbrauchern offenstehen. Hierbei handelt es sich um das außergerichtliche Schuldenbereinigungsplanverfahren, das gerichtliche Schuldenbereinigungsplanverfahren und das Insolvenzplanverfahren. Bereits die Vielzahl an Möglichkeiten verdeutlicht, wie essentiell es für den Schuldner ist, frühzeitig ein bestimmtes Verfahren anzustreben und vorzubereiten. Dies nicht zuletzt, um die Gläubiger an einer Planlösung interessiert zu halten. Die Autorin liefert eine systematische Untersuchung der einzelnen Planverfahren mit besonderem Blick auf deren Anwendung im Fall der Insolvenz eines Verbrauchers wie auch Kleinunternehmers. Aufbauend hierauf werden die Vorzüge sowie Nachteile der Verfahren für diese beiden Schuldnergruppen umfassend analysiert.

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