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Erhvervslivsstudier: generelt

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  • af Ricarda Antonie Kleine
    464,95 kr.

    In regelmäßigen Abständen stimmen Delegierte von internationalen Sportverbänden über die Vergabe von sportlichen Großereignissen ab. Mit einer solchen Vergabe treffen Sportverbände keine bloße Standortentscheidung, sondern setzen im Rahmen ihrer Wettkampforganisation mittels Austragungsbedingungen gezielt wirtschaftliche Interessen um. Dank ihrer Veranstalterposition und der daraus resultierenden rechtlichen Gestaltungsmacht können Sportverbände die wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen für eine Vergabe festlegen und sich exklusive Vermarktungsrechte sichern. Die bestmögliche Umsetzung der wirtschaftlichen Ziele ist für den veranstaltenden Sportverband ebenso bedeutsam wie die Qualität der angebotenen Leistungen. Dies macht Vergabeentscheidungen besonders anfällig für Korruption.Die Autorin zeigt in dieser Doktorarbeit auf, dass eine Vergabeentscheidung, die sich nicht allein nach Geeignetheit und Qualität der angebotenen Leistungen richtet, den leistungsbezogenen und lauteren Wettbewerb stört und befasst sich mit der Frage:Ist eine von Korruption beeinflusste Stimmabgabe bei einer Vergabeentscheidung über sportliche Großereignisse nach §¿299¿StGB strafbar?

  • af Michael Bloss
    912,95 kr.

    Wie faszinierend die Welt der Derivate und die damit verbundene, angewandte Mathematik ist, kann man im Fachgebiet des Financial Engineerings entdecken. Es ist ein spezieller Teil der Finanzwirtschaft, in dem die Grenzen zwischen Mathematik, Modellkunde und derivativen Instrumenten zu einer ganzheitlichen Strategie und Betrachtungsweise verschmelzen. Diese Vielschichtigkeit ist es, was das Financial Engineering so interessant und reizvoll macht. Das vorliegende Buch erarbeitet diese Strategien, Bewertungsmodelle und Risikomanagementsysteme und bindet diese aktiv in den Financial Engineering Prozess ein. Dabei wird der Ansatz verfolgt, neben der theoretischen Darstellung auch auf die praktischen Einsatzmöglichkeiten einzugehen, ohne die quantitativen Grundlagen aus den Augen zu verlieren. Erweitert wurde die Vorauflage um einen tieferen Blick auf die jeweiligen Instrumente, deren Modellrahmen sowie der eingängigen Risikoeinschätzung im Aggregat. Die Einführung von neuen Instrumenten, wie zum Beispiel der Daily Options an der Eurex, sowie neue Anforderungen, welche die Regulatorik und die ESG-Kriterien mit sich bringen werden ebenfalls aufgegriffen und besprochen.

  • af Luis Matosas-López
    872,95 kr.

    Digitalization has completely transformed marketing. It has changed consumption habits, consumer behaviour, and purchasing processes. In addition, it has modified marketing strategies, tactics, and processes, offering a wide range of mechanisms that allow companies, of all types and sizes, to enhance their commercial actions.The Impact of Digitalization on Current Marketing Strategies is the first volume in the Marketing and Technology: New Horizons and Challenges series. This publishes cutting-edge, high-quality, and original contributions that present results, theories, concepts, models, and applications of the latest technologies throughout the marketing domain.Subjects covered in this volume include the rise of social media as a marketing tool, customization of the online user experience, pricing strategies in the digitalization era, privacy and ethical considerations in the digital setting, the use of CRM solutions for customer-centric strategies, the importance of corporate digital responsibility, the role of social media influencers, or the use of AI and chatbots to interact with customers.Series editor Luis Matosas-López provides multidisciplinary references for researchers, instructors, and professionals interested in the most up-to-date research on the challenges connected with the expanding ground of digitalization and marketing.

  • af Wolfgang Stölzle
    482,95 kr.

    Die Bedeutung der Logistik für eine leistungsfähige Wirtschaft und zufriedene Kunden ist spätestens seit den Krisen der vergangenen Jahre breiten Bevölkerungskreisen bewusst geworden. Die besondere Rolle des Güterverkehrs wird indessen oft nur nebensächlich beleuchtet, obwohl Güterverkehr das "Blut im Wirtschaftskreislauf" bildet. Das Verständnis von Güterverkehr ist heute integrativ geprägt: Dies bedeutet, das Zusammenspiel der Verkehrsträger in den Vordergrund zu stellen. Güterverkehrsunternehmen agieren in einem komplexen Spannungsfeld aus nationalen und internationalen Märkten sowie der Verkehrspolitik. Aus einer schwerpunktmäßig logistisch-betriebswirtschaftlichen Sicht wird der Güterverkehr in dieses Spannungsfeld eingebettet. Die integrative Betrachtungsweise von Güterverkehr erstreckt sich auf verschiedene Verkehrsträger und zeigt sich in verkehrsträgerübergreifenden Lösungen. Beim Management von Güterverkehrsunternehmen liegt ein besonderes Augenmerk auf den Aspekten Nachhaltigkeit, Digitalisierung und Innovation.

  • af Heidi Haberl-Glantschnig
    526,95 kr.

    Business Mentalcoaching kombiniert die besten Aspekte des Spitzensports und der tiefen Persönlichkeitsarbeit, um im Geschäftsumfeld maximale Wirkung zu erzielen. Erfolgskonzepte aus zwei bewährten und erfolgreichen Welten werden fusioniert und speziell für die Rahmenbedingungen im Businessbereich kombiniert. Mentale Arbeit hat im Spitzensport unverzichtbar an Bedeutung gewonnen und auch in anderen Bereichen erkennt man zunehmend die Wirkungskraft von gezielten mentalen Übungen. Heidi Haberl-Glantschnig und Katharina Janauschek haben eine Kombination aus Coaching und Mentaltraining im Business erfolgreich angewandt, um auf effektive und leicht zugängliche Weise bewusste/rationale, wie auch die unbewussten/emotionalen Anteile der Menschen anzusprechen und die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse in den strategischen Business-Alltag zu integrieren. Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg liegt dabei in der Anwendung von effektiven Methoden, die im schnell getakteten Business-Kontext niederschwellig und effizient umsetzbar sind. Die Autorinnen zeigen auf, wie Business Mentalcoaching auf einfache Art und Weise im Arbeitsalltag Platz finden kann, z.B. für Führungskräfte als effizientes Führungstool, für Personaler als Unterstützung in der Personalentwicklung oder für Mitarbeitende in der Zielorientierung von Projekten.

  • af Karl Michael Popp
    547,95 kr.

    This book addresses key issues during the creation of corporate strategy and M&A strategy by explaining how to define a complete and consistent strategy, use an all-encompassing scope for the strategy to avoid blind spots, include ecosystem and platform strategy, define M&A strategy and its exact relationships to corporate strategy, and how to define strategic fit of two companies. It also lays the foundation for a data-driven strategy.

  • af Charles Kai
    267,95 kr.

    The Link between Incarceration and EducationIn today's society, the issue of incarceration has become increasingly prevalent. As students, it is crucial for us to understand the link between incarceration and education. Education plays a pivotal role in both preventing individuals from entering the criminal justice system and rehabilitating those who have already been incarcerated.Firstly, let's delve into the importance of education in preventing individuals from becoming involved in criminal activities. Research consistently shows that individuals with higher levels of education are less likely to engage in criminal behavior. By providing quality education to all, we can equip individuals with the tools and knowledge necessary to make informed decisions, pursue meaningful careers, and contribute positively to society. Education acts as a protective factor, offering alternatives to crime and reducing the likelihood of individuals resorting to illegal activities.Furthermore, education plays a vital role in the rehabilitation of incarcerated individuals. The prison system should not solely focus on punishment, but also on providing opportunities for personal growth and development. Education programs within correctional facilities are essential in helping inmates acquire new skills, enhance their cognitive abilities, and develop a sense of self-worth. By offering educational opportunities, we can empower incarcerated individuals to break the cycle of crime and reintegrate successfully into society upon their release.Moreover, education in correctional facilities not only benefits the individual inmates but also has wider societal implications. Studies have shown that providing education to incarcerated individuals reduces recidivism rates, which means fewer individuals reoffend and return to prison. This ultimately leads to safer communities and significant cost savings for taxpayers, as resources can be allocated to more effective strategies instead of housing repeat offenders.As students, it is crucial for us to recognize the importance of education in both preventing crime and rehabilitating those who have been incarcerated. By advocating for educational programs within correctional facilities, we can contribute to building a more just and equitable society. Education as rehabilitation is a powerful tool that can transform lives, break the cycle of incarceration, and provide hope for a brighter future.

  • af John Lok
    662,95 kr.

    This book chapter one and two explain how and why student learning behavior and teacher teaching method which has close relationship ? I shall indicate these several aspects to explain the reasons. They include how to apply behavioral economic methods to solve classroom management discipline in order to let student individual to raise learning interest in the classroom; how successful persuasive teaching method can raise student individual learning behavior ; how effective school management behavior can raise student learning interest and how to improve financial education effectiveness which can raise student learning interest. In chapter 1, I shall research liberal studies subject teaching and learning need question, nowadays, foreign and Asian countries universities and high schools have liberal studies this subject in popular to be taught to let students to learn. In some Asian countries high schools , such as Hong Kong high schools, liberal studies subject is one essential subject to be taught in high schools as well as high school students must need pass this liberal studies subject, then they have chance to enroll to university to study in Hong Kong. So, liberal studies must be one important subject to influence Hong Kong students whether they have chance to enroll Hong Kong universities to study. Otherwise, liberal studies will be one select or choice of subject to some foreign high school students to study in some universities as Hong Kong, US, UK. So, liberal studies subject won't have bring serious influence to foreign students to enroll universities to study in some foreign countries. In chapter 2, I shall research whether any country's learning policy has relationship to influence itself country students' learning attitude, nowadays, Asian and Western countries have different or similar education systems, whether their education systems will influence their students' whole person long life behaviors to be better or worse, right or wrong view points to deal any matters directly? For recently Hong Kong young people force to crash or damage Hong Kong legistative building and HK police force building case example, due to many HK young people feel not satisfactory or angry to their HK government social performance or legislative reform. It causes their choose to do force crash or violence damage behaviors or anti-social behavior to let their HK government know their negative emotions. It brings this question: Has it direct relationship between HK young people anti-social behaviors and HK education system or education police ? I shall indicate what the differences or similiarities between Asian and Western education systems or policies, e.g. US , UK , Hong Kong , China etc. countries. Also I shall compare what themselves countries' possible benefits or positive or negative of education behavioral influences to encourage or persuade themselves countries' students to build right or wrong whole -person long minds or attitudes.

  • af Dirk Lippold
    297,95 kr.

    Vor dem Hintergrund des digitalen Wandels haben sich auch die Markt- und Wettbewerbsbedingungen der Beratungsunternehmen verändert. Eine Branche, deren Wurzeln zumeist bei Technikern und Tüftlern zu suchen sind, steht vor der Herausforderung, unter den veränderten Rahmenbedingungen erfolgversprechende und schlüssige Marketing-Konzepte zu entwickeln. Das Buch verfolgt das Ziel, ein Vorgehensmodell für den Vermarktungsprozess von Beratungsleistungen zu entwerfen. Es liefert eine phasenbezogene Darstellung der Vermarktung, die dem Management von Unternehmensberatungen Ansatzpunkte bietet, um die einzelnen Elemente der Marketing-Gleichung zu optimieren.

  • af Emma Olsen
    282,95 kr.

    In today's digital era, the role of technology in education has become increasingly significant. One of the most powerful tools that educational institutions can leverage is Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. This subchapter titled "Understanding CRM in Education" aims to enlighten students on the importance and benefits of CRM in the context of education.Customer Relationship Management, commonly referred to as CRM, is a strategy that educational institutions adopt to effectively manage their interactions with students and potential students throughout their educational journey. CRM systems enable educational institutions to streamline their processes, enhance communication, and ultimately provide a better experience for all stakeholders involved.For students, CRM in education offers numerous advantages and opportunities. Firstly, CRM systems facilitate personalized communication between students and educational institutions. By capturing and analyzing data such as academic performance, course preferences, and extracurricular interests, CRMs enable institutions to tailor their communication and support to individual students. This personalized approach ensures that students receive relevant information, guidance, and support, leading to increased student satisfaction and engagement.Furthermore, CRM systems also provide students with a centralized platform to access various resources and services offered by educational institutions. From course registration and timetable management to career counseling and academic support, CRM systems act as a one-stop-shop for students, simplifying their educational journey and saving valuable time.Moreover, CRM in education can also assist students in making informed decisions about their academic and career paths. By analyzing data on student performance, interests, and goals, educational institutions can provide personalized recommendations for courses, majors, and career opportunities. This empowers students to make well-informed decisions aligned with their aspirations and strengths.

  • af Princewill Lagang
    467,95 kr.

    Book Title: "Edu-preneurs: Revolutionizing Education through Entrepreneurship"Book Description:"Edu-preneurs: Revolutionizing Education through Entrepreneurship" is a compelling exploration of the transformative impact of entrepreneurship on education. This book unveils a dynamic world where innovative thinkers are reshaping the way we learn and teach. From EdTech pioneers who harness technology to redefine classrooms to visionary educators creating alternative schools, social enterprises, and open educational resources, this book is a comprehensive journey through the diverse landscape of Edu-preneurship. It sheds light on the challenges, ethical considerations, and global collaborations that shape the future of education. "Edu-preneurs" is a vital read for those passionate about revolutionizing education and making it more inclusive, accessible, and student-centric.

  • af Nirmala Singh Rathore
    347,95 kr.

    A comprehensive psychological evaluation in the context of positive education is a multifaceted process that encompasses a wide range of assessments and interventions aimed at promoting the holistic well-being and positive development of individuals, particularly students. Positive education, an approach that combines traditional academic learning with the cultivation of character strengths, emotional intelligence, and overall mental health, places a strong emphasis on assessing and enhancing psychological factors that contribute to flourishing. In this process, various psychological assessments, such as personality assessments, emotional intelligence tests, well-being scales, and strengths-based inventories, are utilized to gain a deep understanding of an individual's psychological profile. These evaluations are instrumental in identifying areas of strength and areas in need of development, with the overarching goal of fostering resilience, happiness, and personal growth. Within the realm of positive education, comprehensive psychological evaluations serve several critical purposes. Firstly, they assist in the early identification of psychological and emotional challenges that students may be facing, allowing educators, counselors, and parents to intervene proactively. By recognizing and addressing issues like anxiety, depression, or learning difficulties, students can receive timely support, preventing the escalation of problems that may hinder their overall well-being and academic success. Furthermore, these evaluations play a pivotal role in helping individuals understand and leverage their unique strengths and talents. By identifying their character strengths, emotional intelligence competencies, and areas of interest, students can be guided towards activities and pathways that align with their intrinsic motivation and passion, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life. Comprehensive psychological evaluations also contribute to the development of tailored interventions and positive education programs. The data collected through these assessments informs the creation of targeted strategies to enhance well-being and character development. Educators and mental health professionals can design interventions that focus on fostering optimism, resilience, gratitude, empathy, and other positive traits that are integral to a flourishing life. Moreover, these assessments enable the tracking of an individual's progress over time, offering valuable feedback on the effectiveness of interventions and positive education initiatives. By regularly assessing and reevaluating students' psychological well-being and character development, schools and educational institutions can refine their programs and ensure that they are truly promoting the flourishing of their students.Comprehensive psychological evaluations are not limited to students; they can also benefit educators, parents, and the broader school community. Educators can undergo assessments to better understand their own strengths and areas of growth, which can enhance their teaching and mentoring abilities. Parents can gain insights into their children's psychological well-being and character development, allowing them to provide more effective support and guidance. As a result, a collaborative and holistic approach to positive education can be fostered, involving all stakeholders in creating an environment that prioritizes the well-being of students and the entire educational community.

  • af James Louttit
    257,95 kr.

    When was the last time you felt stressed and exhausted at work? Chances are your answer to that question is "not too long ago". As the author realized from first-hand experience, even well-prepared, hard-working, intelligent people can feel the strain of project management. This book presents a comprehensive set of approaches, tips and techniques that enable you to make projects more effective, successful and enjoyable. Leading Impactful Teams is a lively exploration of the "lenses" of project management - Scope, Prioritisation, Time, Cost, Quality, Risks, Team and Stakeholders - that will enable the reader to develop a "sixth sense" for potential issues that could derail their project. Replete with over 50 imaginative illustrations to explain the insights and practices that are packed into every page, the stories and ideas in this book go way past the theories and bring the reality of projects to life. It will help you understand how to make your project a success and avoid unnecessary complications. This is a powerful book for anyone involved in project management, be it at work or outside of it. James Louttit shares his refreshing, engaging and human approach, to provide you with a practical toolkit to help you and your team deliver great project outcomes with minimum stress and maximum fun.

  • af Donald Asher
    287,95 kr.

    "The fully updated fifth edition of the go-to guide for crafting winning essays for any type of graduate program or scholarship, including PhD, master's, MD, JD, Rhodes, and postdocs, with brand new essays"--

  • af Callie Katz
    212,95 kr.

    A group of today's world visionaries share their lessons in becoming self-made multimillionaires. Their entrepreneurial crusades combined, are a testament to their multi-billion-dollar fortunes and philanthropic causes.

  • af Clayton Davies
    987,95 kr.

    This book is a demonstration of how the interpretive phenomenology and hermeneutics of Hans Georg Gadamer can be applied to the study and practice of business pedagogy.

  • af Jean-Jacques Taylor
    284,95 kr.

  • af Asian Development Bank
    377,95 kr.

    Introducing a data-driven framework aimed at closing the digital education gap, this report assesses 10 developing member countries and illuminates how a multi-stakeholder, systemic approach-including engagement with the private sector-can enhance the delivery of digital education.Utilizing five overarching categories of the framework-infrastructure, government policy, educators, students, and service providers-as lenses to examine each country's unique landscape, the report identifies tailored pathways for incremental and staged development. The report envisages adopting sustainable, scalable solutions that contribute to a more cohesive and inclusive digital education ecosystem.

  • af Lean Network Academy
    207,95 kr.

    "Gana Dinero Creando Audiolibros" de Lean Network Academy te invita a explorar un emocionante mundo donde la narración y la creatividad se fusionan con el potencial de ingresos ilimitados. En la era digital actual, los audiolibros están en constante demanda, brindando a los amantes de la lectura una forma accesible y conveniente de sumergirse en historias fascinantes. Este libro es tu puerta de entrada a convertirte en un creador de audiolibros, un mercado en crecimiento que ofrece oportunidades infinitas.Lean Network Academy comparte sus conocimientos y experiencia en la creación de audiolibros en esta guía completa. Aprenderás a seleccionar contenido de calidad, grabar y editar narraciones profesionales, y publicar tus audiolibros en plataformas populares. Ya sea que seas un narrador nato o un apasionado por la literatura, este libro te brinda los recursos y estrategias para ganar dinero mientras haces lo que amas.Lo que distingue a esta guía es su enfoque práctico y su potencial para transformar tu pasión en ganancias. No necesitas un estudio de grabación costoso o equipos avanzados; Lean Network Academy te muestra cómo comenzar con lo que ya tienes a tu disposición. ¿Te preguntas por dónde comenzar? Este libro te llevará paso a paso a través del proceso, desde la elección de libros hasta la publicación de tus audiolibros.Con "Gana Dinero Creando Audiolibros," puedes forjar tu camino en la industria de los audiolibros, ya sea como un emprendedor independiente o como parte de una estrategia de crecimiento para tu carrera actual. ¿Estás listo para fusionar tu amor por la literatura con la oportunidad de ganar dinero? Únete a la revolución de los audiolibros y comienza a convertir páginas en ganancias, palabra por palabra.

  • af Nathalie Milian
    257,95 kr.

    The post-pandemic world has witnessed seismic shifts in the business environment. Businesses, large and small, are tackling digital transformation; we face irregular economic recovery, a rising cost of living, the energy transition impasse and uneven wealth distribution. Add to this an increased call for action on diversity and inclusion amidst a backdrop that is, in some countries, resentful of privilege, geopolitical power alignment, and democratic vs. autocratic leadership. The leaders of today and tomorrow must evolve. Notwithstanding the hard skills they need in a workforce transformed by technology, what soft skills must they acquire in a world of continuous uncertainty and change? Relational Skills Development for Next-Generation Leaders is a practical compilation of crucial relational skills for post-graduate students, future executives, and mentors in the corporate world. Packed with modern research, frameworks and scenarios, the author draws upon over twenty years of experience leading teams and projects with global transformational impact in the blue-chip luxury fashion industry to show executives how to observe, reflect, develop, practice and improve their leadership skills to succeed in the future.

  • af Acacia I Wilson
    857,95 kr.

    The ORELA Business Education book includes more than 250 exam-specific test questions. It presents practice exam questions that directly relate to the topics covered in the actual exam. Additionally, the ORELA Business Education guide furnishes detailed explanations for each question. This ORELA Business Education book incorporates new exam questions to allows excellent preparation.

  • af Acacia I Wilson
    772,95 kr.

    The AEPA Business Education book contains over 250 test questions aligned to the exam. The AEPA Business Education practice exam questions reflect topics that are covered on the actual exam. In addition, detailed explanations are provided for each question in the AEPA Business Education guide. This AEPA Business Education book is updated with new exam questions that will ensure full readiness.

  • af Acacia I Wilson
    857,95 kr.

    The GACE Business Education book contains over 250 test questions specifically designed for the exam. It features practice exam questions that closely align with the topics covered on the actual exam. Additionally, the GACE Business Education guide offers detailed explanations for each question. This GACE Business Education book is updated to ensure complete readiness.

  • af Acacia I Wilson
    857,95 kr.

    The OAE 008 Business Education book contains over 250 test questions specifically designed for the exam. It features practice exam questions that closely align with the topics covered on the actual exam. Additionally, the OAE 008 Business Education guide offers detailed explanations for each question. This OAE 008 Business Education book is updated to new exam questions.

  • af Acacia I Wilson
    857,95 kr.

    The TEXES 276 Business and Finance 6-12 book offers more than 250 test questions specifically designed for the exam. It provides practice exam questions that closely align with the topics covered on the actual exam. Additionally, the TEXES 276 Business and Finance 6-12 guide gives detailed explanations for each question. This TEXES 276 Business and Finance 6-12 book incorporates new exam questions to ensure complete readiness.

  • af Acacia I Wilson
    857,95 kr.

    The NYSTCE 168 Business and Marketing book features over 250 exam-aligned test questions. It encompasses practice exam questions that accurately represent the topics covered in the actual exam. Furthermore, it provides detailed explanations for each question in the NYSTCE 168 Business and Marketing guide. This NYSTCE 168 Business and Marketing book is updated with new exam questions to ensure comprehensive readiness.

  • af Acacia I Wilson
    857,95 kr.

    The NES 309 Business Education book contains over 250 test questions specifically designed for the exam. It features practice exam questions that closely align with the topics covered on the actual exam. Additionally, the NES 309 Business Education guide offers detailed explanations for each question.

  • af Acacia I Wilson
    857,95 kr.

    The CSET Business book includes more than 250 exam-specific test questions. It presents practice exam questions that directly relate to the topics covered in the actual exam. Additionally, the CSET Business guide furnishes detailed explanations for each question. This CSET Business book consistently incorporates new exam questions to guarantee thorough preparation.

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