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  • af Swetlana Franken
    401,95 kr.

    In diesem Lehrbuch entwickeln die Autoren ein Konzept für ein ganzheitliches Management, das die Bereiche Wissensmanagement, Organisationales Lernen und Innovationsmanagement verbindet. Wissen, Lernen und Innovation bilden die Grundlage für die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und den Erfolg eines Unternehmens. Neben Basiswissen zu diesen drei grundlegenden Bereichen stehen die Anwendung im Unternehmen sowie neue Trends und Gestaltungsanforderungen im Rahmen der Digitalisierung und beim Einsatz von KI im Mittelpunkt dieses praxisorientierten Lehrbuchs. Die Besonderheiten kollektiven Wissens, digitales und spielbasiertes Lernen sowie Kreativitätstechniken und agile Methoden sind nur einige der Aspekte, die die Autoren beschreiben und hinsichtlich ihrer Anwendung in Unternehmen analysieren. Zahlreiche Fallstudien und Beispiele aus der Unternehmenspraxis veranschaulichen das Konzept. Verständnisfragen und Aufgaben zu jedem Kapitel sichern den Lernerfolg.Für die dritteAuflage wurden alle Quellen und Studien aktualisiert und neue Praxisbeispiele aufgenommen. Themen, die inzwischen noch größere Bedeutung gewonnen haben ¿ wie KI in der Arbeitswelt, digitale Geschäftsmodelle, Nachhaltigkeit und Sinnorientierung ¿, wurden ausgebaut. Zudem haben die Autoren Erfahrungen mit aktuellen Krisen wie der Corona-Pandemie, der Klima-Krise und den Auswirkungen des Ukraine-Krieges auf Unternehmen aufgenommen.

  • af Subhashini Srinivasan
    743,95 kr.

    Chennai, la ville indienne qui connaît la croissance la plus rapide, est l'une des cinq villes qui génèrent le plus de déchets municipaux et leur gestion reste un problème local, régional et mondial. L'étude a été réalisée pour comprendre la conscience et l'attitude des résidents de Chennai. Il semble que seules quelques personnes soient conscientes des termes recyclage et compostage, mais les déchets sauvages restent un problème persistant à Chennai. Il y a un manque de centres de recyclage, de campagnes de sensibilisation à long terme, de sources d'information sur les effets secondaires d'une élimination inappropriée des déchets. La jeune génération doit être sensibilisée à la gestion des déchets solides. Encourager et imprimer une conscience de la gestion des déchets solides dès le plus jeune âge apporterait certainement un changement dans un avenir proche. Il est de notre devoir de garantir un environnement vert et propre.

  • af Subhashini Srinivasan
    753,95 kr.

    Chennai, la città a più rapida crescita dell'India, è una delle prime cinque città a generare il maggior numero di rifiuti urbani e la loro gestione è ancora un problema affrontato a livello locale, regionale e globale. Lo studio è stato condotto per capire la consapevolezza e l'atteggiamento dei residenti di Chennai. Sembra che solo poche persone siano consapevoli dei termini riciclo e compostaggio, ma il littering è ancora un problema persistente a Chennai. Mancano centri di riciclaggio, campagne di sensibilizzazione a lungo termine e fonti di informazione sugli effetti collaterali dello smaltimento improprio dei rifiuti. Le giovani generazioni in crescita devono essere educate alla gestione dei rifiuti solidi. Incoraggiare e imprimere la consapevolezza della gestione dei rifiuti solidi fin dalla più tenera età porterebbe sicuramente a un cambiamento nel prossimo futuro. Garantire un ambiente verde e pulito è un nostro dovere.

  • af Subhashini Srinivasan
    753,95 kr.

    Chennai, a cidade com crescimento mais rápido na Índia, uma das cinco cidades com maior produção de resíduos urbanos e a sua gestão continua a ser um problema enfrentado também a nível local, regional e global. O estudo foi feito para compreender a consciência e a atitude dos residentes de Chennai. Parece que apenas algumas pessoas estão conscientes dos termos reciclagem e compostagem, mas o lixo continua a ser um problema persistente em Chennai. Há falta de centros de reciclagem, campanhas de sensibilização a longo prazo, fontes de informação sobre os efeitos secundários da eliminação inadequada de resíduos. A crescente geração mais jovem deve ser ensinada sobre a gestão de resíduos sólidos. Encorajar e imprimir uma consciência sobre a gestão de resíduos sólidos desde tenra idade traria definitivamente uma mudança num futuro próximo. Garantir um ambiente verde e limpo é o nosso dever.

  • af Subhashini Srinivasan
    743,95 kr.

    Chennai, die am schnellsten wachsende Stadt Indiens, gehört zu den fünf Städten mit dem höchsten Aufkommen an Siedlungsabfällen, deren Bewirtschaftung nach wie vor ein lokales, regionales und auch globales Problem darstellt. Die Studie wurde durchgeführt, um das Bewusstsein und die Einstellung der Einwohner von Chennai zu verstehen. Es scheint, dass nur wenige Menschen sich der Begriffe Recycling und Kompostierung bewusst sind, aber die Vermüllung ist immer noch ein anhaltendes Problem in Chennai. Es fehlt an Recycling-Zentren, langfristigen Sensibilisierungskampagnen und Informationsquellen über die Nebenwirkungen unsachgemäßer Abfallentsorgung. Die heranwachsende jüngere Generation muss über die Bewirtschaftung fester Abfälle aufgeklärt werden. Die Förderung des Bewusstseins für die Bewirtschaftung fester Abfälle von einem frühen Alter an würde in naher Zukunft definitiv eine Veränderung bewirken. Die Sicherung einer grünen und sauberen Umwelt ist unsere Pflicht.

  • af Elena Dinu Andreea Mitan
    500,95 kr.

    This book merges a number of research topics developed by several researchers during their doctoral studies in Management. The convergence point for all the studies here is represented by the role of various intangible organisational resources in achieving competitive advantage and growth in a context of global uncertainty, fed by economic, social, political, cultural and environmental changes, that has been further affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The texts are primarily concerned with the importance of intellectual capital management for enabling technological innovation, a prerequisite for performance and success in the digital economy. Despite the many socioeconomic effects associated with the pandemic, one of its unintended developments was accelerating the digital transformation of companies and public services, which offers the canvas for future growth and development.

  • af Amel Nehdi
    458,95 kr.

    This study aims to assess the links between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) perceived by employees oriented (customer, environment, employee), and organizational commitment in its three dimensions (affective, normative, calculated), incorporating the moderating role of ethical competence to better understand this relationship. To do this, a quantitative study has focused on 80 employees in Tunisian companies certified Label CSR 2019, who responded to a questionnaire in face to face and by email. This work was based on three measurement scales, namely CSR (Igalens and Tahri 2012), organizational commitment (Allen and Meyer, 1990) and ethical competence (Begin (2014); Bandrias (2003)). The results of the statistical analysis show that workers are more engaged under all three dimensions (affective, normative and calculated) as long as their perception of CSR is high. This perception is positively related to organizational commitment. The moderating effect of ethical competence could not be demonstrated.Keywords: CSR, Organizational Commitment, Affective Commitment, Normative Commitment, Calculated Commitment, Ethical Competence, party

  • af Hannes Omasreiter
    393,95 kr.

    Wir alle leben in und mit Organisationen, z.B. Firmen, Projektgruppen, Behörden, Schulen, Vereinen, Kirchen, politischen Parteien oder dem Staat. Wenn Organisationen nicht optimal funktionieren, dann kann es dafür viele Gründe geben, die aber häufig eine gemeinsame Ursache haben: Organisationsmitglieder nutzen ihre Macht zu stark für eigennützige Zwecke auf Kosten anderer aus. Auch wenn diese Ursache oft prinzipiell bekannt ist, fehlt es an konkreten, wirksamen und praxistauglichen Abhilfemaßnahmen. Fairness-Design bietet hierfür eine systematische Lösung an, die an der Wurzel ansetzt. Damit eine Organisation besser - zum Wohl aller Mitglieder - funktionieren kann, hilft Fairness-Design insbesondere durch die Etablierung fairerer Organisationsstrukturen, von mehr Wettbewerb und demokratischeren Entscheidungen. Dadurch können sich z.B. gute Ideen, die dem Wohl der Organisation dienen, einfacher durchsetzen. Organisationsmitglieder können ihre Fähigkeiten besser entfalten, sind zufriedener und die Organisation agiert erfolgreicher.

  • af Vincent Stanley
    198,95 kr.

    Simple but powerful advice on how and why to rethink your business structure in a time when traditional capitalism is no longer working for people or the planet.

  • af Guerschom Kimpinde
    458,95 kr.

    It was question in this study to analyze the determinants of the remuneration in a mining company by taking the case of the general of careers and mines. Thus, we have, through a qualitative approach, conducted an interview and collected secondary data to achieve this objective.The determinants of remuneration within this company have thus been grouped into several variables based on the data collected and analyzed The results of the study reveal that the managerial factors and the effects of the environment generally justify the difficulties of remuneration that this company knows. This lack has a considerable impact on the performance of the latter.At the end of this work, we proposed the renewal of production equipment as well as the renewal of staff through rejuvenation.

  • af Carine Vinardi
    419,50 kr.

    This book explains how to deploy an efficient and robust business strategies using the Hoshin Kanri process. Being able to design and execute a strategy that allows it to achieve the most challenging and sustainable objectives is the heart of any organization¿s development. In this book, the author, who faced this challenge, highlights step-by-step how to make it happen, the pitfalls to avoid, the conditions of success. The book uses her experience and includes the testimonies of other talented CEOs and senior executive leaders, as well as last scientific references. Throughout, the book proposes concrete solutions, tips and advice. This book has three objectives: · To provide an update of the practices of strategy deployment for leaders; · To help those who want to feel more comfortable in deploying their strategy to understand and test different paths and documents; and · To help those who want to be more efficient in deploying strategy to find new models and inspiration.

  • af Clemens Engelhardt
    196,95 kr.

  • af Monia Ben Larbi
    313,95 kr.

    Das wichtigste Lernen findet nicht in Fortbildungen statt, sondern mitten im Arbeitsalltag. Jede Entscheidung, jeder Konflikt, jede Produktentwicklung, jedes Kund:innengespräch ist ein:e mächtige Lehrer:in. Lernen findet hierbei immer auf einer individuellen und einer kollektiven Ebene statt, soweit das System auf Lernen ausgerichtet ist. Lernende Organisationen ermöglichen es daher nicht nur Menschen, sich kontinuierlich zu entwickeln, sondern auch Produkten, Stellen, Strukturen und Kulturen.Den kostenlosen Zugang zum Online-Kurs finden Sie direkt im Buch.

  • af Rajagopal & Ramesh Behl
    1.704,95 kr.

  • af Bob Turner
    238,95 kr.

    Whether it is forced or initiated, change strikes at our core. Most of us resist change because we assume that change can only lead to chaos. However, it doesn't have to be that way. Change can produce positive transformation. Zone Leader: 7 Tactics for Leading in the Zones is a field guide to help every leader navigate the challenges associated with change. In this book, you will learn how to lead through conflict that arises when change is introduced and navigate your organization to real success. "The challenges ahead of you can only be measured by the ability inside of you. The more you put into developing your leadership, the greater your ability to deal with the challenges you face."

  • af Mark Kingsley
    275,95 kr.

    Universal Principles of Branding is a concise, visual introduction to 100 of the most fundamental elements of branding.

  • af Mario Reis
    373,95 kr.

    What keeps teams from working together with full energy and enthusiasm? How is role clarity created, especially in critical cooperation situations? What really defines high performance in the workplace and how can it ultimately be achieved?Today, around 80 per cent of activity in companies happens in teams. Yet teams are nowhere near as effective as they could be. The numbers on engagement, productivity, and satisfaction have been clear for years ¿ so how can you build, support, and manage a team that¿s high-functioning, effective and successful? Building High-Performance Teams uses principles from top-class sport to answer this question for the business world.Full of easy-to-understand and easy-to-implement solutions, and fascinating examples and case studies drawn from the world of sports, Building High-Performance Teams will help your team to benefit from the authors¿ specialist knowledge and personal experience to reach new heights of effectiveness and performance.This book...Helps leaders and organizations to develop well-functioning, high-performing teams for business success. Uses principles and real-life case studies from high-performance sport that you can apply to the corporate world.Draws from the authors¿ experience in both business and high-level sport.

  • af Demetris Vrontis, Alkis Thrassou, Yaakov Weber, mfl.
    1.792,95 kr.

  • af Vincent P. Barabba
    665,95 kr.

    This book illustrates how to access the right information for making the best decisions during turbulent times. It is written from an experienced-based perspective that is beneficial for those looking for the development and improvement of the decision-making process. The approach is centered on the author's experience in developing and implementing effective and efficient approaches to decision-making in business and government. Based on those experiences, this book provides insights into how to improve the decision making process of your organization, whether it be large or small.For decision makers and those providing market information for making decisions, this book provide guidelines for a framework which includes systems thinking. For those interested in change management and corporate governance, the book presents examples where it was done well and some examples where it was not and the ensuring consequences.

  • af Rene Schmidpeter, Nayan Mitra & Jayati Talapatra
    1.589,95 kr.

  • af Raghda El Ebrashi
    1.239,95 kr.

    Industry clusters promote innovation in the Arab World, through collaboration among businesses, research institutions, and governments. Benefits include the creation and sharing of knowledge, professional networking, access to spill-over knowledge, and specialized talent pools.

  • af Kaliko Bolden
    263,95 kr.

  • af Andreas Michael Schuhly
    1.412,95 kr.

  • af Gerald C. Kane
    174,95 kr.

    "A practical guide for business leaders to learn from moments of crisis and advance their digital capabilities"--

  • af Sarah Jarvis, Tim Mason & Miya Knights
    303,95 - 1.058,95 kr.

  • af Annemieke Roobeek, Jacques de Swart & Myrthe van der Plas
    398,95 - 1.518,95 kr.

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