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  • af D. Pamanna
    768,95 kr.

    Jekologicheski chistaq sistema akwakul'tury pod nazwaniem "Bioflok-tehnologiq (BFT)" rassmatriwaetsq kak äffektiwnaq al'ternatiwa sowremennoj swerhintensiwnoj sisteme akwakul'tury, poskol'ku pitatel'nye weschestwa mogut postoqnno recirkulirowat' i powtorno ispol'zowat'sq. Ustojchiwyj podhod sistemy bioflok-tehnologii osnowan na roste poleznyh mikroorganizmow w kul'tural'noj srede pri minimal'nom ili nulewom wodoobmene. Jeti mikroorganizmy (bioflok) igraüt dwe osnownye roli: (i) podderzhanie kachestwa wody za schet pogloscheniq soedinenij azota s obrazowaniem mikrobnogo belka "in situ"; i (ii) pitanie, powyshaüschee celesoobraznost' kul'tury za schet snizheniq koäfficienta konwersii korma i umen'sheniq zatrat na korm.

  • af Alexandru Marius T¿tar
    415,95 kr.

    Accommodation units are part of the basic facilities of the tourist infrastructure, as they allow visitors to stay in the area visited. This work aims to locate all individual and collective accommodation units in the study region. The studied area is made up in the form of a Geographical Axis that includes the counties of Bistri¿a-N¿s¿ud-Mure¿-Suceava-Maramure¿ and Cluj because these counties belong to the most important areas for tourism in Romania. The concepts of accommodation units analysed are reviewed. The classification characteristics of the qualities offered by the accommodation units are also investigated. At the level of the main cities comprising the geographical axis, the five-star hotels in the location are analysed. SketchUp software and the program are used to create a model for the design of accommodation units. It is a central element in creating a complete guide to hotel architecture and design. Knowing how satisfied is far from enough: a comprehensive customer satisfaction analysis framework based on hybrid text mining techniques. Thus, a rating system based on tourist reviews is created. The modular evaluation system is called STAR Etiquette.

  • af Dan Lindner
    1.025,95 kr.

    The author draws on forty years of federal government experience in this completely updated edition of A Guide to Defense Contracting: Principles and Practices to provide a succinct yet thorough guide to federal contracting requirements and regulations.

  • af Rajaram Rathod
    494,95 kr.

    Bei der Ackerbohne wurden die maximale Pflanzenhöhe (34,53 cm), die maximale Pflanzenausbreitung (31,46 cm), die maximale Anzahl von Blättern pro Pflanze (15,73) und die maximale Anzahl von Zweigen (7,66) bei der Behandlung mit GA3 200 ppm (T4) erreicht, während die minimale Pflanzenhöhe (25,93 cm), die minimale Pflanzenausbreitung (24,70 cm), die minimale Anzahl von Blättern pro Pflanze (11,66) und die minimale Anzahl von Zweigen (5,20) pro Pflanze bei der Behandlung (T8) mit Cycocel 200 ppm beobachtet wurden. Die Behandlung T9 (35,93) Tage bis zur 50-prozentigen Blüte war die wirksamste Behandlung, um eine frühere 50-prozentige Blüte herbeizuführen, und sie war den übrigen Behandlungen deutlich überlegen. Längere grüne Hülsen (19,50 cm) wurden bei der Behandlung (T2) GA3 100 ppm geerntet, während die kürzesten grünen Hülsen (18,13 cm) bei der Behandlung (T8) CCC 200 ppm geerntet wurden. Die Behandlung (T2) GA3 100 ppm erbrachte die höchste Anzahl grüner Hülsen (44,57), den höchsten Ertrag (0,140 kg) pro Pflanze und den höchsten Ertrag (119,70 q) pro Hektar, während die niedrigste Anzahl grüner Hülsen (37,46), der niedrigste Ertrag (0,095 kg) pro Pflanze und der niedrigste Ertrag (81,29 q) pro Hektar bei der Behandlung (T8) CCC 200 ppm beobachtet wurden.

  • af Raqram Rathod
    494,95 kr.

    U francuzskoj fasoli maximal'naq wysota rasteniq (34,53 sm), razmah rastenij (31,46 sm), kolichestwo list'ew na rastenii (15,73) i kolichestwo wetwej (7,66) nablüdalis' pri obrabotke GA3 200 ppm (T4), w to wremq kak minimal'naq wysota rasteniq (25,93 sm), razmah rastenij (24,70 sm), kolichestwo list'ew na rastenii (11,66) i kolichestwo wetwej (5,20) na rastenie sootwetstwenno nablüdalis' pri obrabotke (T8) Cikocelom 200 ppm. Obrabotka T9 (35,93) dnej do 50-procentnogo cweteniq byla naibolee äffektiwnoj dlq stimulirowaniq bolee rannego 50-procentnogo cweteniq i znachitel'no prewoshodila ostal'nye obrabotki. Bolee dlinnye zelenye struchki (19,50 sm) byli sobrany pri obrabotke (T2) GA3 100 ppm, w to wremq kak samye korotkie zelenye struchki (18,13 sm) byli sobrany pri obrabotke (T8) CCC 200 ppm. Obrabotka (T2) GA3 100 ppm dala maximal'noe kolichestwo zelenyh struchkow (44,57), urozhaj (0,140 kg) s rasteniq i urozhajnost' (119,70 c) s gektara, w to wremq kak naimen'shee kolichestwo zelenyh struchkow (37,46), urozhaj (0,095 kg) s rasteniq i urozhajnost' (81,29 c) s gektara nablüdalis' pri obrabotke (T8) CCC 200 ppm.

  • af Gaspard Mujyambere
    931,95 kr.

    The Person and Freedom explores the different facets of human freedom, in relation to the person, being, God and society. It draws on theological, etymological, biblical and philosophical sources to show how freedom is an essential attribute of the human person, created in the image and likeness of God, and called to share in his divine life. The book analyzes the different conceptions of freedom held by modern philosophers such as Kant, Descartes, Sartre, Schopenhauer, Bergson, Allul and Camus, and compares them with the Christian vision of freedom, based on obedience, grace, faith and charity. The book also examines the issues of freedom in political life, the fear of death, and slavery. It offers a critical approach to these issues, and argues that human freedom reaches its fullness when ordered to goodness, truth and beatitude. The book concludes by inviting the reader to live according to the freedom of God's children, which is a joyful, generous and responsible freedom.

  • af Jordan E. Philips
    201,95 kr.

    In "The Multiproject Manager's Playbook: Strategies for Simultaneous Success," Jordan E. Philips delves into the foundational strategies essential for managing multiple projects. Philips outlines the critical importance of prioritization, strategic planning, and effective delegation, setting the stage for a successful multiproject management journey.The book further explores the practical applications of these strategies, highlighting innovative tools and methodologies that facilitate seamless project execution. Philips emphasizes agile practices and technological solutions that enhance team collaboration and stakeholder engagement, ensuring projects remain on track and within scope.Concluding with real-world case studies, Philips showcases the tangible outcomes of applying the playbook's principles. These narratives offer invaluable insights into overcoming common challenges in multiproject management, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of how to navigate the complexities of handling multiple projects simultaneously, achieving success through informed decision-making and strategic foresight.

  • af Fatma Ibrahim Abdel-latif Megahed
    494,95 kr.

    One of the most pressing issues facing humanity today is climate change, which is mostly caused by rising greenhouse gas emissions. Sea levels are rising, there are already more extreme weather occurrences, and ecosystems are changing as a result of global warming. If nothing is done, these impacts will only worsen, putting our planet and way of life in jeopardy.Given the gravity of the situation, collaboration and quick action are needed. Fortunately, there are many solutions and recommendations available to reduce the negative consequences of climate change.

  • af Elisa Francioli Ximenes
    626,95 kr.

    Floods in Brazil are becoming increasingly frequent and intense, posing a challenge to populations and government officials who are facing environmental, social and technical obstacles in an attempt to reduce their impact. Many people in Brazil are exposed to conditions of vulnerability that increase the impact of floods, combining social, environmental, political, economic and cultural aspects. This characteristic of floods in vulnerable contexts makes it difficult to separate what is natural from what is social in this type of event. I dedicate this work to all the families, men and women, children and young people who have lost their relatives, their homes, their belongings and their well-being, both psychological and material, due to the floods. I hope that all the suffering they have experienced will serve as an incentive for a worldwide mobilization to rescue solidarity, human ethics and the eco-sustainable development of our planet.

  • af Asad-ur Rehman
    208,95 kr.

    The heart is a vital organ in the circulatory system, responsible for pumping blood throughout the body. It is a muscular organ located in the chest, slightly left of center. The primary function of the heart is to ensure the circulation of oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to various tissues and organs, while simultaneously removing waste products. Comprised of four chambers - the left and right atria and ventricles - the heart operates in a coordinated rhythmic pattern known as the cardiac cycle. This intricate process involves the contraction and relaxation of the heart muscle, facilitating the flow of blood through the arteries, veins, and capillaries. The heart plays a crucial role in maintaining homeostasis and sustaining life by supporting the delivery of essential elements required for cellular function and overall physiological well-being.

  • af Tabu Abdallah Manirakiza
    476,95 kr.

    En rekke tilfeldigheter som ved første øyekast ikke hadde noen årsakssammenheng, fikk meg til å stille meg selv spørsmål om meningen med min eksistens på jorden. Blant annet oppdaget jeg mine oversanselige evner og mine helbredende energier. I tillegg kom en sterk følelse av beskyttelse som jeg har følt gjennom hele livet, samt åndelige lærdommer som kom til meg "som ved en tilfeldighet". Alt dette har ført til at jeg har oppdaget at det ikke finnes noe slikt som tilfeldigheter, og at det kun er kjærligheten som bør styre våre forhold til våre medmennesker.Hon. Tabu Abdallah Manirakiza

  • af Frank F. Schrempp
    195,95 kr.

    In "Lean Startup im Großunternehmen: Von traditionellen Strukturen zu agilen Innovatoren" führt Frank Schrempp Sie durch die transformative Reise, auf der etablierte Unternehmen agil und innovativ werden. Dieses bahnbrechende Buch deckt auf, wie Großkonzerne die revolutionären Lean-Startup-Methoden nutzen können, um schneller auf Marktanforderungen zu reagieren, Innovation zu beschleunigen und eine Kultur des kontinuierlichen Lernens zu fördern. Mit praxisnahen Einblicken, Fallstudien erfolgreicher Unternehmen und erprobten Strategien ist dieses Buch ein unverzichtbarer Leitfaden für Führungskräfte, die ihre Organisationen zukunftsfähig machen wollen. Schrempps Ansatz zeigt, wie man interne Widerstände überwindet, agile Teams fördert und eine Umgebung schafft, in der Innovation gedeiht. Machen Sie Ihr Unternehmen mit "Lean Startup im Großunternehmen" zum agilen Riesen, der in der heutigen schnelllebigen Welt nicht nur überlebt, sondern floriert.

  • af Rakhshinda Perveen
    938,95 kr.

    "FeminisTea" embodies a compilation of the Author's published works centered around diverse yet interrelated themes encompassing human development, discrimination, biases, gender equality, society, culture, diversity, and inclusion. While she is still on the path to authoring the book that she feels compelled to write, and despite her concerns about potential adverse consequences, she proudly identifies as a free thinker. As a resilient dreamer, she has embraced betrayals and weathered failures on many occasions. Through founding several social enterprises aimed at driving societal change, she has come to recognize that such endeavors may not yield financial wealth. However, they undeniably foster qualitative impact, carving pathways for numerous individuals. It is important to note that the measure of public recognition and the accumulation of awards should not be the sole yardstick for evaluating such endeavors.

  • af Hansley Rampineli Pereira
    556,95 kr.

    Urban mobility is a key planning issue in Brazilian cities and is demanded by the Ministry of Cities. However, the development of Historical Heritage areas leads to slow development and, with it, the degradation of these areas, creating problems of Mobility, Accessibility, Tourism and valorization of the listed area and its surroundings. This book deals with the Historic Heritage area in the city of São Mateus-ES in order to create solutions for Urban Mobility and Accessibility.

  • af Frank Aguiar Rodrigues
    445,95 kr.

    Healthy working relationships are the result of environments in which respect and ethics are part of everyday work, conceived as central and organizing people's lives. Although these values are fundamental, a number of factors in the contemporary context due to numerous changes have contributed to the increase in violence at work, given that this situation has been manifesting itself in institutional relations for a long time. However, its forms of manifestation have changed, in line with the configuration of economic and socio-political relations, as we will see in the chapters. According to the Ministry of Health (2014), bullying is abusive, frequent and repetitive conduct that manifests itself through words, acts, gestures, behavior or writing, which humiliates, embarrasses and disqualifies a person or group, affecting their dignity and physical and mental health. They are present in the organization of work in both the public and private spheres and are characterized by actions that take away the worker's capacity for creation and satisfaction, causing pain and suffering.

  • af Chéri Thibaut Gaël Dzanvoula
    484,95 kr.

    Among the missions assigned to man, "educate and train" occupy a place of choice. The school is one of the notorious moulds for the positive development of human attitudes and aptitudes, with a view to personal fulfillment and social integration. In opting for this ideal, we must remember that an educational philosophy reflects a social philosophy. And social philosophy is seen as a blueprint for guiding the educational process, suggesting appropriate objectives based on life's diversities, while helping to prepare the younger generation to face the challenges of the modern age. It is in this context that this study, divided into three essential sections, has devoted itself to a concise and precise examination of the main problems of education, with concomitantly suggested attempts at solutions, under the semantic coding of remaking "the philosophy of education in Congo-Brazzaville". To intelligibly address some of the major challenges facing the Congolese education system, following the approach of a socio-philosophical ethic circumscribed to the context of the Congo; such is the problematic evoked in this work.

  • af Manel Jellouli
    483,95 kr.

    Growth is a central objective in the management of children with chronic kidney disease (CKD). This book reviews the growth patterns observed in children with CKD, as well as the causes of growth disorders and the signs and causes of protein energy loss in pediatric CKD.Methods of assessing growth and nutritional status, and the limitations of these measures in CKD, will also be reviewed.Management strategies to optimize growth and nutrition in children with CKD, including the use of recombinant growth hormone. Finally, the chapter concludes with information on the neurological development of the child with CKD.

  • af Chéri Thibaut Gaël Dzanvoula
    486,95 kr.

    Parmi les missions assignées à l¿homme, « éduquer et former » occupent une place de choix. L¿école est l¿un des moules notoires pour le développement positif des attitudes et aptitudes de l¿être humain en vue de son épanouissement et de son insertion sociale. En optant pour cet idéal, force est de retenir qu'une philosophie éducative reflète une philosophie sociale. Et la philosophie sociale est considérée comme un plan pour orienter le processus éducatif en suggérant des objectifs appropriés à partir des diversités de la vie, tout en aidant à préparer les jeunes générations à faire face aux défis de cette époque moderne. C¿est dans ce contexte que cette étude, répartie en trois sections essentielles, s¿est consacrée à examiner de façon concise et précise les principaux problèmes de l¿éducation, avec les tentatives de solutions concomitamment suggérées, sous le codage sémantique de refaire « la philosophie de l¿éducation au Congo-Brazzaville ». Aborder intelligiblement certains défis majeurs du système éducatif Congolais, suivant l¿approche d¿une éthique socio-philosophique circoncise au contexte du Congo ; telle est la problématique évoquée dans cet ouvrage.

  • af Daniel M. Giel
    467,95 kr.

    2.000 Euro je LKW, bis zu 33.000 Euro nicht rückzahlbare Zuschüsse je Unternehmen. Das sind die Eckdaten des Förderprogramms Umweltschutz und Sicherheit 2024, ehemals De-Minimis, des BALM für Unternehmen, die im gewerblichen Güterkraftverkehr tätig sind oder Werkverkehr betreiben und mindestens ein mautpflichtiges, schweres Nutzfahrzeug ab 7,5t zulässiger Gesamtmasse einsetzen. Das De-Minimis Handbuch 2024 gibt in mehreren hundert aktuellen Stichwörtern wieder Anregungen für in der Förderperiode 2024 mögliche Maßnahmen und ordnet diese Kategorien zu: Vom Ablagetisch, über fest verbaute Sicherheitseinrichtungen oder der Ausstattung der Fahrerkabine bis hin zur Telematik. Mit den neuen Maßnahmennummern - plus Fördermittelratgeber Reifenkauf.

  • af Kellen Borges
    445,95 kr.

    Soderzhanie ätoj knigi qwlqetsq rezul'tatom issledowatel'skogo proekta, cel' kotorogo - ponqt', kakim obrazom iskusstwo chteniq po ruke priswaiwaetsq w sowremennoj Brazilii. Dlq ätogo neobhodimo bylo predstawit' narratiwy i personalii, sostawlqüschie traektoriü chteniq ruk, proanalizirowat' profil' teh, kto obladaet znaniqmi w oblasti iskusstwa chteniq ruk, i, nakonec, ponqt', kak proishodqt formy priswoeniq ätoj temy. Na perwom ätape issledowaniq, s pomosch'ü bibliograficheskogo obzora, my rassmotreli nekotorye momenty, swqzannye so wselennoj iskusstwa chteniq po ruke, priznawaq, chto äto maloizwestnaq tema, kotoraq takzhe rassmatriwalas' w akademicheskoj sfere. Vo-wtoryh, chtoby ponqt', kakim obrazom znaniq ob iskusstwe chitaüschih ruk woznikaüt w sowremennoj Brazilii, q predstawlqü issledowanie w ego kachestwennom haraktere dlq razrabotki i zawersheniq ätoj raboty. Rezul'taty pokazywaüt, chto znaniq i obuchenie ätomu iskusstwu mozhno poluchit' cherez semejnuü tradiciü, cherez kursy i dazhe cherez koncepcii, pronizywaüschie religioznyj fenomen.

  • af Kellen Borges
    445,95 kr.

    The content of this book comes from a research project that seeks to understand the ways in which the art of reading hands is appropriated in contemporary Brazil. To do this, it was necessary to present the narratives and personalities that make up the trajectory of hand reading, analyze the profile of those who have knowledge in the Art of Hand Reading and, finally, understand how the forms of appropriation of this theme occur. At the first stage of the research, through a bibliographical survey, we looked at some of the points made about the universe of the Art of Reading Hands, recognizing that it is a little-known subject and also one that has been addressed in the academic sphere. In the second moment, in order to understand how knowledge about the Art of Reading Hands occurs in contemporary Brazil, I present the research in its qualitative nature for the development and finalization of this work. The results show that it is possible to obtain knowledge and learning for this Art through family tradition, through courses, and even through conceptions that permeate the religious phenomenon.

  • af Gilson Santos
    601,95 kr.

    The Eucalyptus genus is increasingly being used in the wood manufacturing industry, particularly in higher value-added products such as furniture and flooring. However, this raw material requires slow drying, which implies an increase in the cost of the process, proportional to the length of time the wood remains in the dryer. Combining natural drying with conventional drying has been indicated as an alternative to reduce the duration of the artificial process; this hypothesis was evaluated in this study for 40 mm thick Eucalyptus grandis wood. The characteristic drying curve for the material and the basic program for conventional drying were determined in the laboratory. It was proved that conventional drying is slow and that the transition from air drying to artificial drying should be made when the moisture content of the wood is between 35% and 40%. Next, a 60 m³ load of wood was dried on an industrial scale, combining air drying with subsequent conventional drying.

  • af Janete Gouveia de Souza
    603,95 kr.

    The aim of this study was to evaluate the zootechnical performance, quality and fatty acid profile of eggs from commercial layers fed diets containing 2% of two lipid sources (linseed and soy) and a combination of the two. The experimental procedure involved 194 commercial layers aged 129 weeks, divided into 5 cycles of 28 days, during which data was collected for the study. The statistical design was entirely randomized, with 6 treatments, the experimental unit being represented by a plot with 8 birds and 4 repetitions per treatment. The treatments consisted of a control diet (no vegetable oil) and diets including 2% vegetable oil (2,800 kcal ME/kg and 18% CP), with linseed oil substituted for soybean oil at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%, making up levels of 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0% linseed oil in the diet.

  • af Jovani Taveira de Souza
    444,95 kr.

    The overall aim of this study is to build a model for assessing customer satisfaction in different diagnostic imaging clinics. In order to achieve the objectives, a questionnaire was applied with two surveys that enabled the relationships between the determinants of satisfaction to be identified and the most important quality attributes to be identified. This study was carried out in a diagnostic imaging clinic in Ponta Grossa - Paraná. The results obtained indicate a strong relationship between customer satisfaction, disconfirmation of expectations and perceived quality and it can be seen that Customer Service (29.5%) is considered the most important factor in terms of the importance of attributes, followed by Radiological Service (25.8%), Administrative Aspects (23.1%) and lastly Environment, furniture and equipment (21.6%). The main contribution of this work is the proposal of a model that can help radiology service managers to improve customer satisfaction, collaborating with the development and growth of the company.

  • af Maria Rita Pereira Moura Rita
    444,95 kr.

    Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are epitheliotropic viruses that infect cutaneous or mucous tissue and are related to the development of lesions which, in the genital tract, range from warts to invasive cervical cancer. It is known that women who are seropositive for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are more affected by HPV infection and are more prone to developing cervical cancer. Given this context, this study aimed to estimate the prevalence of HPV in HIV-positive women followed up at the STD/AIDS reference center in the municipality of Caxias (MA). This is a documentary, descriptive-exploratory and retrospective study with a quantitative approach. Data was collected using medical records and a pre-coded and pre-tested semi-structured form.

  • af Gilson Santos
    601,95 kr.

    Le genre Eucalyptus est de plus en plus utilisé dans l'industrie de transformation du bois, en particulier dans les produits à plus forte valeur ajoutée tels que les meubles et les parquets. Cependant, cette matière première nécessite un séchage lent, ce qui implique une augmentation du coût du processus, proportionnelle à la durée pendant laquelle le bois reste dans le séchoir. La combinaison du séchage naturel avec le séchage conventionnel a été indiquée comme une alternative pour réduire la durée du processus artificiel ; cette hypothèse a été évaluée dans cette étude pour le bois d'Eucalyptus grandis de 40 mm d'épaisseur. La courbe de séchage caractéristique du matériau et le programme de base du séchage conventionnel ont été déterminés en laboratoire. Il a été prouvé que le séchage conventionnel est lent et que le passage du séchage à l'air au séchage artificiel doit se faire lorsque le taux d'humidité du bois est compris entre 35 et 40 %. Un séchage à l'échelle industrielle d'un chargement de bois de 60 m³ a ensuite été réalisé, en combinant le séchage à l'air avec un séchage conventionnel ultérieur.

  • af Jagdish Kakadiya
    484,95 kr.

    A doença hepática gorda não alcoólica (NAFLD) inclui tudo, desde a esteatose simples até à esteatose mais avançada com hepatite, fibrose, cirrose, e até o cancro hepatocelular em certos casos. A obesidade e a resistência à insulina levam a uma acumulação de triglicéridos e ácidos gordos livres no fígado, o que causa a propagação da NAFLD não só nos Estados Unidos mas em todo o mundo. O objectivo deste estudo era ver como a glicirrizina e a sua combinação com a UDCA afectavam a doença hepática gorda não alcoólica em ratos wistar. De acordo com os resultados desta investigação, a formulação da combinação teve um efeito hepatoprotector considerável em ratos com PCM+, doença do fígado gordo induzida por uma dieta rica em gordura, como evidenciado por marcadores físicos, bioquímicos, histológicos e funcionais. Após a revisão dos dados pré-clínicos, a formulação da combinação formada encontra-se dentro da gama de segurança, é extremamente segura, e é também rentável, tornando-a acessível a uma grande variedade de pessoas. Em comparação com os medicamentos típicos de escolha, a formulação da combinação criada é tão eficaz como o tratamento padrão na gestão da progressão do fígado gordo, sendo ao mesmo tempo económica e rentável.

  • af Zhilson Santos
    601,95 kr.

    Drewesina roda Eucalyptus nahodit wse bol'shee primenenie w derewoobrabatywaüschej promyshlennosti, osobenno w proizwodstwe produkcii s wysokoj dobawlennoj stoimost'ü, takoj kak mebel' i napol'nye pokrytiq. Odnako äto syr'e trebuet medlennoj sushki, chto wlechet za soboj uwelichenie stoimosti processa, proporcional'noe dlitel'nosti prebywaniq drewesiny w sushilke. Sochetanie estestwennoj i obychnoj sushki bylo nazwano al'ternatiwoj dlq sokrascheniq prodolzhitel'nosti iskusstwennogo processa; äta gipoteza byla ocenena w dannom issledowanii dlq drewesiny Eucalyptus grandis tolschinoj 40 mm. V laboratorii byli opredeleny harakternaq kriwaq sushki materiala i bazowaq programma obychnoj sushki. Bylo dokazano, chto obychnaq sushka proishodit medlenno i chto perehod ot wozdushnoj sushki k iskusstwennoj dolzhen osuschestwlqt'sq pri wlazhnosti drewesiny ot 35 do 40 %. Zatem byla prowedena promyshlennaq sushka 60 m³ drewesiny, sochetaüschaq wozdushnuü sushku s posleduüschej tradicionnoj sushkoj.

  • af Janete Gouveia de Souza
    603,95 kr.

    Ziel dieser Studie war es, die zootechnische Leistung, die Qualität und das Fettsäureprofil von Eiern kommerzieller Legehennen zu bewerten, die mit einem Futter gefüttert wurden, das 2 % von zwei Lipidquellen (Leinsamen und Soja) sowie eine Kombination aus beiden enthielt. An dem Versuch nahmen 194 kommerzielle Legehennen im Alter von 129 Wochen teil, die in 5 Zyklen von 28 Tagen unterteilt waren, in denen Daten für die Studie gesammelt wurden. Der statistische Aufbau war vollständig randomisiert und umfasste 6 Behandlungen, wobei die Versuchseinheit durch eine Parzelle mit 8 Tieren und 4 Wiederholungen pro Behandlung dargestellt wurde. Die Behandlungen bestanden aus einer Kontrolldiät (ohne Pflanzenöl) und einer Diät mit 2 % Pflanzenöl (2.800 kcal ME/kg und 18 % CP), wobei Sojaöl durch Leinöl zu 0, 25, 50, 75 und 100 % ersetzt wurde, was insgesamt 0,0, 0,5, 1,0, 1,5 und 2,0 % Leinöl in der Diät ergab.

  • af Mark Heller
    195,95 kr.

    Embark on a journey to agile excellence with "SAFe Agile Release Train: Scaling Agile Practices with SAFe." Authored by Mark Heller, this pivotal guide is indispensable for anyone seeking to implement the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) within large organizations. Delving deep into the significance of the Agile Release Train (ART), Heller not only explicates the theoretical underpinnings of SAFe but also its practical applications, providing a roadmap to accelerate your agile transformation.Whether you are at the inception of your agile journey or seeking to enhance your existing practices, this book equips you with the tools and insights necessary for successful scaling of agile methodologies in your enterprise. Through real-world examples, strategic advice, and step-by-step instructions, Heller demystifies the complexities of agile scaling, making it accessible for all levels of expertise.Prepare to elevate the agility, efficiency, and customer satisfaction of your business to unprecedented heights. "SAFe Agile Release Train: Scaling Agile Practices with SAFe" promises to be a transformative resource, guiding you through the intricacies of agile implementation and beyond. Embrace the opportunity to reshape your organization's future with agility at its core.

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