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  • af Vaishali Khare
    445,95 kr.

    Cabra na Índia, criada por agricultores marginais e sem terra pobres. Sendo um animal prolífico, a criação de caprinos é muito adequada em condições indianas com entrada zero. A abordagem do gene candidato, empregada na identificação dos polimorfismos nos genes susceptíveis de causar variação fenotípica baseada em provas fisiológicas e bioquímicas, poderia acelerar a melhoria dos traços de crescimento das cabras. por conseguinte, o presente livro cobre o estudo polimórfico do gene de crescimento e factor de diferenciação 9 e a associação de variantes polimórficas do gene GDF9 com parâmetros de crescimento em raças de cabras indianas.

  • af Mahalakshmi L
    926,95 kr.

    In the ever-evolving world of technology, Python has emerged as one of the most versatile and popular programming languages. Its simplicity, readability, and powerful libraries make it an ideal choice for both beginners and experienced programmers. This book sets the stage for a comprehensive exploration of Python, covering a wide range of fundamental topics that are essential for anyone looking to master this dynamic language. The journey begins with an introduction to the basics of Python. From variables and data types to operators and control structures, you'll gain a solid understanding of the core elements of Python. Continues with Data Structures, Functions, Packages, File Handling, Exception Handling, Object-Oriented Programming in Python and Web Operations in Python

  • af Marcela de Lacerda Valença Queiroz
    537,95 kr.

    Serological tests for HIV and HCV are based on the detection of antibodies present in the donor's blood. This is what is known as the immunological window, a period in which, even if infected, the individual's serology is negative. The aim was to carry out a comparative study with a critical analysis of the screening methodologies for HIV and HCV testing in donors at the Hematology and Hemotherapy Center of the State of Piauí - HEMOPI. The comparison between the methodologies showed that although the agreement between the HIV tests was 99.7% and that between the HCV tests was 99.8%, the two methodologies are complementary, since the Kappa coefficients were 0.25 (fair) and 0.50 (moderate) respectively. In this way, it can be inferred that, as there are still no serological tests on the world market with 100% sensitivity and specificity, an alternative proposed to guarantee transfusion safety is the association between complementary methodologies, as is currently suggested by the Ministry of Health, through Health Surveillance.Keywords: Hemotherapy, HIV, HCV, Serology, NAT test.

  • af Pedro Augusto Rodrigues Ferreira
    482,95 kr.

    Obtaining acceleration data for the Northeast of Brazil was not possible until recently. With the installation of RSISNE (Petrobras/UFRN/FUNPEC), this panorama has changed. It is now possible to acquire accelerometry data for the entire region. This work made use of these types of seismological records in order to obtain an equation that models how acceleration decays with distance, both in the vertical and horizontal components for the southern part of the Borborema Province. Secondly, it is also part of the objectives to establish relationships between acceleration and magnitude for the region. It was possible to establish an attenuation equation for the state of Pernambuco. While, for the state of Alagoas, it was possible to obtain a relationship between magnitude and acceleration for two new epicentral areas in the region.

  • af Rita de Cássia Santa Cruz Monteiro
    442,95 kr.

    The awakening of civil society and the active participation of citizens in the process of social development are remarkable phenomena in our current history, which has helped to solidify democratic practices and processes, where citizens start to act, monitor and take initiatives through channels that are open to them in the public sphere. It is essential for public administration to be able to effectively guarantee popular participation and social control in public activities in Brazil. Through participation in public management, citizens can intervene in administrative decision-making, guiding the Administration to adopt measures that really serve the public interest and, at the same time, exercise control over the actions of the State, demanding that public managers account for their actions. In this context, the Ombudsman's Office represents a channel for serving citizens, a kind of invitation for society to participate in the administrative life of public entities, offering criticism or praise, through which the Public Administration can build a feedback system to improve the course of its actions.

  • af Nilce Mara Silva
    662,95 kr.

    The new configuration of the role of hospitals, from the perspective of building health care networks, has implications for the work of nurses in managerial positions in terms of their administrative, care and teaching actions/decisions. With this in mind, the aim of this study was to identify the aspects that facilitate and hinder the work of nurses in managerial positions in a public emergency hospital in the interior of São Paulo. To this end, a descriptive study was carried out with a quantitative approach to qualitative data, using the Critical Incident Technique to survey perceptions and attitudes towards the object of investigation. The study was carried out in a public, tertiary-level teaching hospital in the northeast of the state of São Paulo.

  • af Guilherme Ferreira
    747,95 kr.

    This work is situated in the area of Computer-Assisted Composition, CAC. More specifically, in the generation of pre-compositional material at a symbolic level. Our use and appropriation of this technological resource was, however, influenced by the philosophy of Vilém Flusser, especially his work Black Box Philosophy. The aims of this research were both to contribute (via Flusser) to the debate on the current compositional environment, and to use the computational resource that is notably characteristic of this environment to solve a problem of organizing pitches and ordering musical events. The treatment given to pitch space in post-tonal music favors, in its generality and abstraction, more analytical than practical approaches. In this way, we introduced the concept of the Table of Interval Differences, TDI, as a photograph of the interval relationships in a temporal sequence that incorporates both intervals between successive events and intervals between non-adjacent events, in a way taking up a proposal by Ernest Ansermet (1987).

  • af Georges Hathry
    732,95 kr.

    Have you ever gone beyond your capacity? Have you experienced surprising mental strength to carry out a project or achieve an accomplishment of which you were proud? What did this achievement enable you to discover about yourself?The aim of this book, published at the start of 2024, is to introduce you to an experience-filled process that can inspire and propel you to unexpected heights and extraordinary achievements.Perhaps you'll realize that you can push your limits to an extreme level thanks to your mental strength? You can push your intellectual limits! You can push back your spiritual limits! You can push back your emotional limits! You can push your mental limits! You can push back your physical limits! You can push your creative limits! You can push back your financial limits! You can push back the limits that have been holding you back, so that you can create magnificent works of art that will have meaning and inestimable value in your life!

  • af Cristiano Jayme
    482,95 kr.

    This paper presents the results of the preparation, characterization and application of DNA and DNA-PEDOT:PSS membranes as hole transport material (HTM) in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC). UV-Vis analysis of the samples revealed 80% transparency at 600 nm for the isolated DNA and decreasing to 62% at 550 nm for the 2% PEDOT:PSS DNA. FTIR analysis of the samples revealed the characteristic peaks of both DNA and PEDOT:PSS, confirming the incorporation of the latter into the membranes. The results of the DSC thermal analysis showed the presence of Tg at -67oC and its disappearance with the addition of PEDOT:PSS to the HTM formulation. The TGA analyses showed that the stability of the samples increased with the addition of PEDOT:PSS, reaching 200 oC. All the samples showed 19% residue at 900 oC.

  • af Nilce Mara Silva
    842,95 kr.

    Die neue Konfiguration der Rolle der Krankenhäuser unter dem Gesichtspunkt des Aufbaus von Gesundheitsnetzwerken hat Auswirkungen auf die Arbeit von Krankenschwestern in Führungspositionen in Bezug auf ihre administrativen, pflegerischen und pädagogischen Maßnahmen/Entscheidungen. Vor diesem Hintergrund bestand das Ziel dieser Studie darin, die Aspekte zu ermitteln, die die Arbeit von Krankenschwestern und Krankenpflegern in Führungspositionen in einem öffentlichen Notfallkrankenhaus im Landesinneren von São Paulo erleichtern und behindern. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine deskriptive Studie mit einem quantitativen Ansatz zu qualitativen Daten durchgeführt, wobei die Critical Incident Technique verwendet wurde, um die Wahrnehmungen und Einstellungen gegenüber dem Untersuchungsgegenstand zu erheben. Die Studie wurde in einem öffentlichen Lehrkrankenhaus der Tertiärstufe im Nordosten des Bundesstaates São Paulo durchgeführt.

  • af Stephane Le Piniec
    677,95 kr.

    Stéphane LE PINIEC à commencé à boire très jeune pour fuir le quotidien de violence physique, psychologique et les abus sexuelle dans la famille. A 16 ans il est viré d'un stage d'animateur, il boira jusqu'à l'âge de 38 ans jusqu'à 11 litres de rosé par jours. Après le suicide de son jeune frère en 2001 il se rend compte que la vie ne tient qu'à un fils et fait une cure de sevrage directement en psychiatrie. Cette ouvrage vous raconte ma vie d'une manière cru est sans tabou.

  • af Roman Kmenta
    247,95 kr.

  • af Gauraw Paliwal
    562,95 kr.

    V ätom desqtiletii nablüdaetsq nelinejnyj rost dannyh, dostupnyh wo Vsemirnoj pautine, i w swqzi s ätim rostom woznikaet potrebnost' w poiske i analize poleznyh dannyh, dostupnyh w Seti. Powedenie web-stranic i to, kak pol'zowateli ispol'zuüt Internet, mozhno najti w web-zhurnale. Process izwlecheniq znanij iz web-zhurnala nazywaetsq "dobycha informacii iz web-zhurnala". Jeti izwlechennye znaniq mogut byt' ispol'zowany dlq powysheniq kachestwa informacii, rasprostranqemoj w Internete. Veb-zhurnaly obychno zashumleny i neodnoznachny, poätomu predwaritel'naq obrabotka dannyh qwlqetsq ochen' wazhnym shagom w Data Mining. V dannom otchete o proekte predstawlen obzor dobychi dannyh iz web-zhurnala s ispol'zowaniem derewa reshenij, rassmotreny woprosy konfidencial'nosti i razlichnye oblasti primeneniq dobychi dannyh iz web-zhurnala.

  • af José Hugo Simplicio de Sousa
    457,95 kr.

    This study looked at the importance of suitable facilities for goats and sheep, considering various aspects that influence the productivity and well-being of these animals. A literature review was conducted with a descriptive qualitative approach, including the analysis of research articles, reviews, course completion papers, master's dissertations, doctoral theses and publications in book format. Facilities play a fundamental role in the efficient management of ruminant farming, directly impacting on health, management and the quality of the products obtained. It has become clear throughout this research that the choice and planning of facilities must take into account factors such as the climate of the region, the specific needs of the species, the type of production (milk, meat, reproduction, etc.) and the availability of financial resources. In addition, it is essential to consider aspects related to hygiene, thermal comfort, ease of handling and the safety of animals and farm workers.

  • af Ravi Prakash Mahobia
    672,95 kr.

    The analysis of a coordinated design approach that combines a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller and a unified power flow controller (UPFC)-based stabilizer.The book could explore how this approach can improve power system stability, enhance power quality, and optimize power flow control. It may also discuss the challenges associated with implementing this coordinated design approach and how these challenges can be addressed. Overall, the book could provide insights into the effectiveness of this approach in practical power systems and how it can be applied to enhance the overall performance of the power system.

  • af Manjunath C
    484,95 kr.

    Strontium silicate (Sr2SiO4) nanophosphors were prepared by solution combustion synthesis method were characterised by X-ray diffraction, SEM and TEM. Structural optimisation of Sr2SiO4 nanophosphors were done by variation in temperature, fuel and calcination temperature and for the synthesis was obtained. The optimal condition for phosphor synthesised using glycine as a fuel calcinated at 900° C for the duration of 3 hours exhibited better crystallinity. The optimal condition was used further in synthesising of Sr2SiO4:Sm3+, Sr2SiO4:Eu3+ and Sr2SiO4:Dy3+ phosphors. XRD of all the synthesised phosphors were well indexed with JCPDS card No.39-1256 that corresponds to orthorhombic structure. Scherrer and WH-plots were used to determine the average crystallite size and were found to be around 40 nm, 43 nm and 38 nm for Sm3+, Eu3+ and Dy3+ doped Sr2SiO4 respectively. Detailed structural analysis of Dy3+ doped Sr2SiO4 was studied.

  • af Elamvaluthi M
    876,95 kr.

    Orthodontic bio-materials are made up of metal alloys, polymers, and composites. Each materials have their own advantages and disadvantages over the other. Interestingly none of the materials have all the ideal properties together. To overcome the disadvantages, a marked improvement in science and technology and materials helped to improve the material properties. Thus as long as humans thrives for excellence their search and betterment towards bio-materials will continue forever.

  • af Prabhjot Singh
    486,95 kr.

    Zinc oxide is an inorganic compound with the formula ZnO. It usually appears as a white powder, nearly insoluble in water. The powder is widely used as an additive into numerous materials and products including plastics, ceramics, glass, cement, rubber (e.g., car tires), lubricants, paints, ointments, adhesives, sealants, pigments, foods (source of Zn nutrient), batteries, ferrites, fire retardants, first aid tapes, etc. ZnO is present in the Earth's crust as the mineral zincite; however, most ZnO used commercially is produced synthetically.In materials science, ZnO is often called a II-VI semiconductor because zinc and oxygen belong to the 2nd and 6th groups of the periodic table, respectively. This semiconductor has several favorable properties: good transparency, high electron mobility, wide band gap, strong room-temperature luminescence, etc. Those properties are already used in emerging applications for transparent electrodes in liquid crystal displays and in energy-saving or heat-protecting windows, and electronic applications of ZnO as thin-film transistors and light-emitting diodes.

  • af R. Sakthi Prabha
    483,95 kr.

    The management of car parking systems using wireless sensor networks involves the integration of wireless sensors to efficiently monitor and control parking spaces. These sensors detect the presence or absence of vehicles and transmit real-time data to a central system. This enables dynamic and automated management of parking spaces, optimizing utilization and providing valuable information to drivers. Through wireless communication, the system can relay parking availability to users, reduce congestion, and enhance overall parking efficiency. This technology contributes to a more streamlined and convenient parking experience, offering a smart solution for urban mobility challenges.

  • af Diego José Araújo Bandeira
    522,95 kr.

    The environmental impacts caused during the storage process of agricultural products increases as production increases, some mechanisms have been developed to mitigate this. This study demonstrates the operational mechanisms of a soybean storage unit, examining the potential environmental (positive and negative) and socioeconomic effects in all post-harvest stages, from grain transportation to shipping, as well as mitigating measures. In addition to the certifications required for the installation of a storage unit.

  • af Landry Adjakpon
    522,95 kr.

    The methodological approach was predominantly qualitative, involving direct observation and semi-structured interviews, with purposive and snowball sampling. The analytical model used was Herbert Blumer's symbolic interactionist model (1937). d¿gbe' children perceive illness as a dysfunction of the human body caused by a pathogenic agent, the source of which they are sometimes unaware. Key words:street children,d¿gbe children's health,Dant¿kpa market.

  • af Elshimaa Gomaa
    882,95 kr.

    Diese Studie konzentriert sich auf die umweltfreundliche Synthese von AgNPs und CuNPs unter Verwendung umweltfreundlicher Reagenzien in kürzester Zeit und ebnet den Weg für zukünftige Studien zur Toxizität von AgNPs und CuNPs, ohne das Risiko einer Beeinträchtigung durch toxische Reagenzien und Verkappungsmittel einzugehen. Die Verwendung dieser Technologie zur Verarbeitung von Nylongewebe kann zu neuen Färbetechnologien und anderen funktionalen Verbesserungen führen. Unsere Methode ist ein völlig umweltfreundlicher Ansatz zur schnellen Synthese und ein immergrünes Protokoll für die umweltfreundliche Synthese von AgNPs aus einer wässrigen Silbernitratlösung unter Verwendung verfügbarer Zucker als Reduktionsmittel in einem Topf in Gegenwart von Sonnenlicht. Kupferoxid-Nanopartikel (CuNPs) wurden auf einem einfachen und umweltfreundlichen grünen Weg unter Verwendung von Schwarztee-Extrakt synthetisiert. Die synthetisierten grünen AgNPs und CuNPs wurden durch Rasterelektronenmikroskopie (SEM), Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie (TEM), energiedispersive Spektroskopie (EDS), Fourier-Transformations-Infrarotanalyse (FTIR) und Röntgenbeugungsanalyse (XRD) charakterisiert. Das Färbeverhalten von mit AgNPs und CUNPs behandeltem grünem Stoff wurde mit Acid Black 172 (AB 172) untersucht und die Farbstoffanreicherung wurde als Erschöpfungsprozentsatz (E%) gemessen.

  • af Luis Juanicó
    897,95 kr.

    Como poupar energia em nossa casa? Este é um manual divertido para rever a ciência e a tecnologia aplicadas, explorando os diferentes electrodomésticos. Destina-se a todos, pois está organizado em quatro níveis: para alunos do ensino básico, secundário, superior e adultos.Através da aprendizagem de casos práticos do quotidiano doméstico, procura despertar no leitor o espírito crítico que caracteriza o cientista curioso que existe em todos nós.

  • af Luis Juanicó
    732,95 kr.

    How to save energy in our home? It is an enjoyable manual to review applied science and technology by exploring the different household appliances. It is aimed at everyone, as it is organized in four levels: for primary, secondary, tertiary and adult students.Through the learning of practical household cases, it seeks to awaken in the reader the critical spirit that characterizes the curious scientist in all of us.

  • af Vinod Kumar
    877,95 kr.

    Disaster management is a collective term encompassing all aspects of planning for and responding to disasters, including both pre-post disasters activities. The purpose of this book is to highlight nature and cause of natural and man made disasters in Himachal Pradesh and primary emphasis is to analyze the role of Disaster Management in Himachal Pradesh. The conceptual frame work of this book have been divided into 8 Chapters. 1st Chapter is Introduction. 2nd Chapter deals with the Disasters in Himachal Pradesh. 3rd Chapter Concerned with Prevention Mitigation and Risk Reduction Strategies for Disasters. 4th Chapter related to Policy Framework and Organization Disaster Management in Himachal Pradesh. 5th Chapter analyses the role of NGOs, CBOs and VOs in Disaster Management. 6th Chapter emphasis the Role of Media in Disaster Management. 7th Chapter highlight the role of Information, Education ,Communication and Training in Disaster Management. Last but not least 8 Chapter examine with the Problems and Challenges in the Disaster Management System.This book will be helpful to Administration, NGOs, CBOs, VOs, arm force, Police and other concerned departments.

  • af Walter Pardavé Livia
    717,95 kr.

    There are several technological options to reduce GHG emissions: reduction of energy consumption, efficient use of energy (both in energy use and conversion), use of fuels with lower carbon content (such as natural gas versus coal), promotion of natural CO2 sinks (such as forests, soils or oceans), use of energy sources with low CO2 emission levels (such as renewable or nuclear energy) and CO2 Capture and Geological Storage (CCS). According to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, CO2 Capture and Storage would contribute between 15 and 55% to the global cumulative mitigation effort until 2100, thus presenting itself as a transition technology that will contribute to mitigating climate change.

  • af Sumit Kumar
    692,95 kr.

    O tipo mais prevalente de demência senil, a doença de Alzheimer (DA), afecta 10% das pessoas com mais de 65 anos e mais de 50% das pessoas com mais de 85 anos. Nos próximos 50 anos, prevê-se que o número de americanos com DA aumente de 4,5 milhões para 13,2 milhões, segundo as estimativas actuais. Embora a investigação fundamental sobre a doença de Alzheimer tenha avançado significativamente nos últimos 20 anos, não existe atualmente nenhum tratamento que possa parar, inverter ou mesmo atrasar o inevitável processo neurodegenerativo. Em vez disso, os medicamentos atualmente disponíveis apenas podem aliviar temporariamente os sintomas cognitivos. Existem vários elementos diferentes relacionados com a fisiopatologia da doença de Alzheimer. A doença de Alzheimer (DA) pré-clínica é um termo que só recentemente foi utilizado para descrever uma doença que tem um biomarcador fisiopatológico presente, caraterístico da DA, na ausência de sintomas clínicos específicos.

  • af Fouad Soliman
    877,95 kr.

    Les trésors du sous-sol ou de la terre sont la renaissance de l'humanité dans le monde entier. L'éditeur s'est intéressé à plusieurs de ces sources, telles que le sable, la roche, la géothermie, le pétrole, le captage et le stockage du carbone, les eaux souterraines, les matières radioactives et les trésors historiques. Le livre a été écrit en huit chapitres, où un examen détaillé des différents trésors a été discuté, et comment tirer parti de ces trésors dans tous les aspects de la vie.

  • af Francis Bent Mboyo Ndombo
    732,95 kr.

    In this book, the author will discuss ethics and integrity in science as the core of research, thus also preparing the future generation around education and its working environment. As we are all aware, the essence of science is the pursuit, generation and transmission of knowledge and ethical standards so as to empower our generation. Thus, the practical requirements of these activities define an intrinsically moral social contract between students, professional agencies, private organizations, non-governmental organizations, government, academics and researchers, in which honesty, objectivity and mutual trust are the standards of integrity and professional honor. There is no one in this multicultural world who does not depend on others to conduct research. As scientists, we all depend on the validity of previous work, whether as a foundation for new questions or as a conceptual framework within which new explanations are tested.

  • af Elshimaa Gomaa
    673,95 kr.

    This study focuses on the green synthesis of AgNPs and CuNPs using environmentally benign reagents in minimal time, paving the way for future studies on the toxicity of AgNPs and CuNPs without risking interference from toxic reagents and capping agents. Using this technology to process nylon fabric may lead to new coloring technology and other functional improvements. Our method is a completely green approach towards rapid synthesis and an evergreen protocol for the green synthesis of AgNPs from an aqueous solution of silver nitrate using available sugars as reducing agents in one pot, in the presence of sunlight. Copper oxide nanoparticles (CuNPs) were synthesized through a simple and environmentally friendly green route using black tea extract. The synthesized green AgNPs and CuNPs were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis, and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. The dyeing behavior of green fabric treated with AgNPs and CUNPs were studied using Acid Black 172 (AB 172) and dye accumulation was measured as exhaustion percentage (E%).

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