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  • af Zimfira Khafizova
    662,95 kr.

    "A Guide to Pediatric Primary Care," Students and residents learning how to provide primary care to children, as well as young physicians and nurses leaving formal training to begin a career in pediatrics.Discussions of developmental topics important to the primary care provider include the approach to the child with developmental delays, school issues, and theAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Finally, other chapters focus on telephone medicine, health informatics, cultural competency, and training in the primary care setting.

  • af Khurshida Nishonova
    277,95 kr.

    This brochure is intended for teachers of mother tongue and literature of general secondary schools, it describes the life and works of the great representative of Uzbek literature of the 20th century, Odil Yaqubov, and methods of teaching. In this pamphlet, the importance of using all the writer's works in the educational process and drawing them into artistic analysis is highlighted.

  • af Velk Annamária
    422,95 kr.

    A könyv f¿ célja a munkaer¿ közvetít¿ cégek szerepének körüljárása. Elemzi a magyar munkaer¿piac helyzetét és azt, hogyan látják ezeket a cégeket a munkavállalók. A világjárvány gazdasági következményei radikális változásokat hoztak a gazdaságban. Ennek nyomán a szerz¿ feltárja, hogy az ország milyen strukturális átalakulásokon ment keresztül, és milyen válságkezelési irányzatok alakultak ki a pandémia alatt és után. Ehhez egy munkaer¿ közvetítéssel foglalkozó cég vezet¿jével készült interjút és másodlagos kutatások eredményeit használja. A felgyorsult gazdasági folyamatok miatt teljesen megváltoztak a munkaer¿piaci trendek, így kiemelked¿ fontosságúvá váltak a munkaer¿ közvetít¿ cégek. A könyv négy f¿ kérdés mentén próbálja megérteni a COVID utáni változásokat. Az átalakulások közepette sok vállalkozás sajnos nem tudott lépést tartani a kihívásokkal, de azok, akik sikeresen adaptálódtak, mindent megtettek az alkalmazottaik támogatásáért és a vírus utáni id¿szak védelméért, ¿k fent tudtak maradni ebben az id¿szakban is. Ráadásul a járvány hatására megváltoztak a toborzás módszerei, melyre a szerz¿ részletesen kitér, és új, modern megközelítéseket ajánl a jöv¿re való tekintettel.

  • af Leuni Noralva Medina Preciado
    857,95 kr.

    Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit ist es, Social-Marketing-Strategien zu entwickeln, um das Bewusstsein für die Arbeit des Ecuadorianischen Roten Kreuzes zu erhöhen. Im Rahmen dieser Diplomarbeit werden Kommunikationsstrategien vorgeschlagen, die nicht nur Spender motivieren, sondern auch die Aufmerksamkeit potenzieller Sponsoren wecken. Es wurde eine Feldforschung in der Stadt Guayaquil durchgeführt, die zeigte, dass die Menschen nicht wissen, welche Vorteile das Rote Kreuz ihnen bietet, wenn sie Blut spenden. Auf der Grundlage der gewonnenen Informationen haben wir Sozialmarketingstrategien entwickelt, die dazu beitragen, das Verhalten der Bürger zu ändern.

  • af Aboubida Yousif
    952,95 kr.

    Le programme de conception optique ZEMAX a été utilisé pour concevoir, optimiser et répondre au critère ciblé du système optique IR qui consiste en 3 lentilles en germanium et une seule surface asphérique. L'alliage d'aluminium 6061 a été utilisé pour fabriquer le boîtier mécanique permettant d'assembler (transporter et aligner) le système optique avec le module de détection thermique et de construire une caméra thermique portable simple. Le logiciel MATLAB a été utilisé pour créer un programme de traitement des images thermiques sur PC afin de convertir les images thermiques (grises) en images couleur flash et de lire la température de l'objet à partir de son image.

  • af Leuni Noralva Medina Preciado
    662,95 kr.

    The objective of this thesis is to design social marketing strategies to raise awareness about the work done by the Ecuadorian Red Cross. This degree work proposes communication strategies that motivate not only donors, but also capture the attention of potential sponsors. A field research was conducted in the city of Guayaquil which resulted in the fact that people do not know about the benefits offered by the Red Cross for being a blood donor. With the information obtained, we proceeded to design social marketing strategies that contribute to change the behavior of citizens.

  • af Damon Stafford
    272,95 kr.

    To succeed in business-in anything really-you need to become obsessed with being better. How can I be a better leader? How can we offer better customer service? How can we sell better? How can we work better as a team? How can we have better transparency as a company? How can we embrace change better?The obsession with being better hit Damon right between the eyes when one of his first customers threatened the entire business model he built on the first day that he was officially self-employed. That phone call was a brutal awakening. But it was also a blessing in disguise. It underscored the ever-pressing need to not just be good, but to be better. In all departments. At all times.That's where this book comes in. Believe in Better includes the ten key areas within the realm of business that will drive unprecedented success and growth when you simply focus on being better.Because being the best is fleeting. Being better is forever.

  • af Markus Mensch
    287,95 kr.

    "Social Media Revolution" ist das neuste Werk von Markus Mensch, das sich an alle richtet, die im Bereich Social Media Marketing Fuß fassen oder ihre ersten Kenntnisse gewinnen möchten. Der Autor, Markus Mensch, ein anerkannter Experte in diesem Bereich, teilt in diesem Buch seine wertvollen Einsichten und Erfahrungen.Das Buch beginnt mit einer Einführung in die Welt des Social Media Marketings, wobei Mensch die Bedeutung von Social Media in der heutigen digitalen Landschaft hervorhebt. Er betont, wie entscheidend es für Unternehmen und Einzelpersonen ist, eine starke Präsenz in sozialen Netzwerken aufzubauen, um erfolgreich zu sein.Ein zentraler Aspekt des Buches ist die Sammlung von Ideen und Strategien für effektives Social Media Marketing. Mensch bietet praktische Tipps und kreative Ansätze, die Leser direkt umsetzen können. Diese reichen von der Erstellung ansprechender Inhalte bis hin zur Nutzung spezifischer Funktionen verschiedener Plattformen, um die Reichweite und das Engagement zu maximieren.Besonders wertvoll sind die persönlichen Geschichten und Erfahrungen, die Mensch teilt. Er gibt Einblicke in seinen eigenen Weg zum Erfolg, von den Anfängen als Blogger und Influencer bis hin zu seiner etablierten Position als Marketingexperte. Diese persönlichen Erzählungen verleihen dem Buch eine authentische und inspirierende Note.Abschließend bietet "Social Media Revolution" eine Fülle von Ressourcen und Anleitungen für jeden, der im Bereich Social Media Marketing erfolgreich sein möchte. Durch die Kombination von praktischen Tipps, persönlichen Geschichten und professionellen Einblicken ist dieses Buch eine unverzichtbare Ressource für alle, die ihre Präsenz in sozialen Medien verbessern und ihre Marke effektiv aufbauen möchten.

  • af Eloge Kambale Muhesi
    622,95 kr.

    AbstractAgrosystems combining Cinchona ledgeriana with plant cover based on Prunus africana, Maesopsis eminii and other agroforestry species suffer from a lack of convincing scientific arguments for their evaluation. Among the questions still unanswered is that of the efficiency of the improvement in soil physicochemical properties, in particular changes in fertility and soil organic carbon storage.Investigations were carried out on four types of agrosystems on the Pharmakina agroforestry farm at Kagheri in the Lubero region, in order to assess the contribution of agrosystems to improving the fertility of sandy loam soils, sequestering soil organic carbon and improving the yield of Cinchona ledgeriana in the Lubero region.Soil samples were taken from the top 30 cm of the soil for granulometry and physicochemical parameters. Observations were made on dendrometric parameters (thickness and circumference).

  • af Eman Refaat Youness
    527,95 kr.

    Topoisomerase inhibitors constitute a type of chemotherapy utilized in treating specific forms of lung cancer. They function by obstructing enzymes responsible for DNA replication, thereby impeding cell division and inducing the death of cancer cells. DNA-topoisomerases, crucial for numerous biological functions, have garnered increased interest in recent years due to their pivotal role in facilitating DNA replication and transcription processes. Additionally, these enzymes serve as the target for various active components. The potential to develop a novel class of anticancer drugs lies in inhibiting the activity of these enzymes post-DNA damage and repair failure, leading to the therapeutic utilization of causing tumor cells to die. The blockade of topoisomerases hinders cell division, ultimately resulting in cell death. This mechanism explains why topoisomerase inhibitors are effective in killing cells that undergo faster division, such as cancer cells.

  • af Nivea Verma
    606,95 kr.

    Advanced digital technology is rapidly changing the world, as well as transforming the dental profession. It is a misnomer to call it CAD/CAM technology. Digital dentistry is the involvement of computer-based tools during the diagnosis and treatment of patients.The advancement in digital dentistry ranges from the first operational phase which includes digital scanners and CBCT to digital photography for treatment planning. The processing software is then used for converting the analog data into digital data and for designing/planning the restorations. The models designed are then physically produced with different manufacturing and prototyping tools such as milling machines and 3D printers.

  • af John Haughton
    422,95 kr.

    This is a short story about three of this writer's heroes, Steve Biko, Ken Saro-Wiwa and Chris Anyanwu. The three were natives of Africa, Biko from South Africa, Saro-Wiwa and Chris Anyanwu from Nigeria. Sadly, the men, Biko and Saro-Wiwa were tortured and murdered by the authorities in their countries, because they tried to bring about change, campaigned for human rights for their people, using what this writer regards as legitimate democratic means. The story is about their lives and legacies. The key to understanding what both Ken Saro-Wiwa and Steve Biko were aiming for is best explained in Steve Biko¿s Black Consciousness initiative, the detailed explanation of which is provided towards the end of this short story. The film ¿Cry Freedom¿ dramatically portrayed the story of Steve Biko. Ken Saro-Wiwäs mission is explained in his poems and other writings, some of which are discussed in this short story.The cover image: Steve Biko depicted in a stained-glass window in the Saint Anna Church in Heerlen, the Netherlands.

  • af Chiheb Dghim
    622,95 kr.

    This book is devoted to the analysis of the foreign as space, and is divided into three chapters. In the first, we analyze the space of the Other, in the second the space of the Self, before comparing the specificities of each of the two spaces in the third chapter. In this context, it's worth noting that some narratives extend the space of the Other, adding Third World countries to the West. Africa and Latin America become symbols of the malaise of globalization, with texts focusing on the slums that characterize them and the impoverishment and criminality that are their consequences. In this second part, we also set out to show how our novels describe foreign and Eastern space, the influence that the discovery of Western space has on the Arab character, and to answer the following questions: what cultural and linguistic boundaries separate the two spaces? What is the relationship between space and identity? Finally, what is the Arab character's relationship with his own space and the space of the other?

  • af N U M Akramul Kabir Khan
    1.637,95 kr.

    Holy Republic is a book of Social Engineering which has included incredible applicable models & ideas based on theistic worldview. The author has successfully shown that only theistic world-view oriented social philosophy can properly flourish all people (including theistic, agnostics, atheistic, anti-theistic, anarchists, nihilists, physically/mentally ill etc.) better than secular &/or any other ideology based social philosophy. Government structure & political system envisaged in this book has embraced true letter & spirit of morality, universal human rights, cooperation & democracy in a way to surpass all relevant human experience during over the last millennium. It is mainly a design synthesis & has harnessed together all relevant configurations, theories, religions & creeds by safeguarding the identity of the respective communities to assure true check & balance at individual & every level. The model is meant to be agreeable for the entire mankind to protect state sovereignty & individual liberty. Almost every aspect of a state, from social to natural, has been integrated within a unified education system to gear up a continuous sustainable progressive system.

  • af N U M Akramul Kabir Khan
    1.842,95 kr.

    Holy Republic is a book of Social Engineering which has included incredible applicable models & ideas based on theistic worldview. The author has successfully shown that only theistic world-view oriented social philosophy can properly flourish all people (including theistic, agnostics, atheistic, anti-theistic, anarchists, nihilists, physically/mentally ill etc.) better than secular &/or any other ideology based social philosophy. Government structure & political system envisaged in this book has embraced true letter & spirit of morality, universal human rights, cooperation & democracy in a way to surpass all relevant human experience during over the last millennium. It is mainly a design synthesis & has harnessed together all relevant configurations, theories, religions & creeds by safeguarding the identity of the respective communities to assure true check & balance at individual & every level. The model is meant to be agreeable for the entire mankind to protect state sovereignty & individual liberty. Almost every aspect of a state, from social to natural, has been integrated within a unified education system to gear up a continuous sustainable progressive system.

  • af Abhilash Wakale
    527,95 kr.

    Friction stir welding (FSW) is a relatively new solid-state joining process. This joining technique is energy efficient, environment friendly, and versatile. In particular, it can be used to join high-strength aerospace aluminum alloys and other metallic alloys that are hard to weld by conventional fusion welding. FSW is considered to be the most significant development in metal joining in a decade. Recently, friction stir processing (FSP) was developed for microstructural modification of metallic materials. In this review article, the current state of understanding and development of the FSW and FSP are addressed. Particular emphasis has been given to: mechanisms responsible for the formation of welds and microstructural refinement, and effects of FSW/FSP parameters on resultant microstructure and final mechanical properties. While the bulk of the information is related to aluminum alloys, important results are now available for other metals and alloys. At this stage, the technology diffusion has significantly outpaced the fundamental understanding of microstructural evolution and microstructure¿property relationships.

  • af Nielvis Deisy Padron Acosta
    422,95 kr.

    Hemorrhoids are a disease that generates a great deal of concern and discomfort in those who suffer from them. According to recent international studies, hemorrhoids or piles, as they are called by both terms, are suffered by about half of the adult population of the planet. The subject is of great interest for a population that, like the Cuban one, reaches life expectancy of more than 75 years and the use of this rubber band ligation method would be another alternative treatment for this type of pathology. Ligation of hemorrhoids with rubber bands is a safe and effective method. This technique offers great social and economic advantages for the patient and the institution.

  • af Neelam Pandey
    411,95 kr.

    In this insightful book, the author delves into the intricate relationship between prolonged mobile phone use and its potential consequences on reproductive health. The focus is on the unprecedented levels of radiofrequency (RF) radiation, ranging from 900 to 1800MHz, to which the modern population is exposed. The narrative unfolds the mechanisms through which oscillating currents and energy transfer from RF electric fields may adversely affect fertility, particularly in terms of sperm quality.The book provides a comprehensive account of the changes occurring in mitochondria, cellular biomolecules, antioxidant systems, and the cell cycle as a result of this exposure. The study goes beyond immediate effects, addressing potential transgenerational impacts and elucidating the underlying molecular mechanisms.An important aspect discussed is the role of natural antioxidants in offering complete protection against the observed radiation-induced changes.As research in this field continues to evolve, the book serves as a valuable resource, emphasizing the need for ongoing exploration and awareness in the face of advancing technology.

  • af Javier Jesús Solarte Portilla
    632,95 kr.

    The main cities of the world face traffic congestion as one of their biggest problems for their operation and development; it is increasingly difficult to move from one place to another. The aim is to determine the degree of future improvement in mobility in an area of high traffic congestion for any city. The research provides a methodology to determine the variation of the Level of Service (LS) from the speed of circulation of vehicles on urban roads in a congested area with the implementation of a congestion fee and was applied to the downtown area of the city of Medellin. The results obtained indicated for the hypothetical charging scenario a 15% increase in the average speed of circulation in the internal roads and a 5% decrease in the average speed for the surrounding ring roads; regarding the NS of the roads, in the internal zone approximately 2.5 km (14%) of roads improve the NS going from a less favorable level of service to a more favorable one, despite this variation, 40% of roads (7.4 km) continue in unfavorable NS (D, E and F).

  • af Álvaro Capalo
    622,95 kr.

    Palliative care in Angola is still in the early stages of development, reflected in the lack of preparation of nurses in their technical training to intervene in palliative care.The aim of this study was to assess the perception of nursing students regarding the inclusion of palliative care in their undergraduate curricula, as well as to determine the importance they attach to this training and preparation for caring for patients in palliative care.109 nursing students (55.3% female) from the Instituto Superior de Ciências de Saúde and the Escola Superior Politécnica do Moxico answered a questionnaire on attitudes towards palliative care. The results revealed that the majority of students had not had contact with essential topics related to palliative care throughout their training.The students emphasized the importance of including palliative care in the compulsory curriculum of the nursing course. Based on the perceptions of Angolan nursing students, we conclude that training in palliative care during the course is not adequate to develop the necessary skills in this area.

  • af Chiheb Dghim
    457,95 kr.

    The figure of the foreign woman forms a central core of a mythologized West, and is the most common imported character. It has served, in turn, as a pretext for tackling the Western adventure, approaching the foreign woman and giving vent to the reveries and imaginings of the Arab character and his visions of an unknown feminine universe. Almost all Arab writers have used this female figure to express their opinions, impressions and fantasies about the West and its women. Moreover, as we shall see, her representation is varied, not static.

  • af Mehmet Ça¿r¿ K¿z¿lta¿
    692,95 kr.

    Os urbanos são a parte mais importante da civilização. A civilização é a acumulação total da humanidade. O mundo antigo continua a ser o centro do mundo atual também em termos de mente, sociedade, civilização e valores morais. A Turquia é um país vizinho e fronteiriço na ala sudeste da UE. Mais uma vez, a UE não é interrompida por estradas para o Extremo Oriente com a rota do Norte da Europa. A UE abastece-se de grandes quantidades de mercadorias provenientes do Extremo Oriente. A Turquia deve criar uma estrutura alternativa de sub-rotas para este fluxo de mercadorias. A este respeito, o sistema de transportes da UE é muito importante para a Turquia. A posição histórica do Mediterrâneo no eixo do comércio mundial é um facto. A UE desenvolve uma política intensiva de transportes terrestres na Europa Ocidental e marítimos no Mediterrâneo.

  • af Jorge Vega Berrio
    277,95 kr.

    En este libro, que trata cuentos y recuerdos, puedes compartir y sentir tuyo un recuerdo y ser cómplice del protagonista. El autor apuesta con esperanza que su obra llegue a agradar con algo de emoción. Quiere entregar al lector una historia que no puede ser de otra forma, pero también desea que el lector se convierta en un cómplice idealista. El autor, en "Cuentos de mi abuela" y "Nitrógeno mutante", busca crear un ambiente y hacer sentir algo agradable al lector al experimentar las diferentes evocaciones y referencias, algunas del mundo de la música. Crea una dimensión para perderse en un laberinto de ideas de la juventud y la edad adulta, haciendo sutil referencia a lo que pudo ser la aventura del lector y del protagonista en uno solo, hipotéticamente, en situaciones en las que no puede uno solo encontrarse. El alter ego, como pseudoautor, que él mismo odiaría, un plano de una casa imaginaria donde habitan los fantasmas de la mente del autor.

  • af Nate Kelly
    172,95 kr.

    Unleash Your Voice, Build Your Tribe and Monetize Your Message! Ever dreamed of hosting your own podcast, reaching millions with your unique voice, and making a living doing it? The wait is over! You've got a powerful message and a voice eager to share it, but you feel sti¿ed by the limited reach and engagement of traditional platforms. Opportunities for revenue and wider in¿uence seem just out of grasp, leaving you frustrated and underutilized. The thought of starting your own podcast excites you, yet the technical complexities and the daunting task of attracting and retaining listeners overwhelm you, keeping your potential untapped and your story unheard. "The Podcast Revolution - Unleash Your Voice With a Simple Framework to Launch & Monetize Your Podcast, Ignite Your In¿uence & Dominate Your Niche." Go from Start-Up to Stand-Out with this de¿nitive guide to transforming your podcast dreams into a prötable reality. This isn't just another "how to start a podcast" book. It's a roadmap to creating impactful content, cultivating a loyal audience, and turning your passion into pröt. Authored by a renowned expert and podcasting prodigy Nate Kelly, he demysti¿es the process and shares proven strategies and industry secrets. His easy, practical tips are transformed into actionable steps to ensure your podcasting success. Discover how to:Craft a compelling podcast concept that resonates with your audience.Master the technical aspects, from recording quality sound to publishing your podcast.Develop an effective monetization strategy, making your podcast more than just a hobby. Born and bred in Ohio, Nate Kelly took his passion for storytelling and conversation and turned it into a top 3% global podcast - all within 90 days of its launch! Inspired by the success of his ¿rst podcast, "The Sobriety Diaries," he left the corporate world to dedicate himself fully to helping others ¿nd their voice and share their story. Now, he's here to help you do the same. Don't let fear or uncertainty hold you back. You have a message that the world needs to hear, and there's no better time than now to start sharing it! It's time to step into the spotlight, amplify your voice, and make an impact. But don't just read this book-live it. Implement its wisdom, reap the rewards, and embrace the journey of podcasting with "The Podcast Revolution." Order your copy today and let your podcasting

  • af Mingboyeva Muborak
    672,95 kr.

    Current manual is addressed as a course book for the 2nd course students of Philology of Higher education on the discipline ¿Language aspects practice". It focuses mainly on enhancing the vocabulary range of learners which further helps to maintain other language skills. The manual has two key objectives of providing formal, subject-based education and of encouraging students¿ personal development in a wider social and cultural context. Formal education involves the acquisition of knowledge and understanding, concepts and skills within each subject area. Personal development takes place in a range of spiritual, moral, social and cultural contexts. It involves an awareness of appropriate behavior, understanding of the environment in which students work and live, and a development of their individual identity.

  • af Pallavi Ammu Thomas
    674,95 kr.

    In an era where precision and immediacy are paramount, biosensors stand as silent sentinels revolutionizing healthcare, industry, and our everyday lives. "Biosensors: Unveiling the Silent Revolution in Health and Technology" explores the profound significance of these miniature marvels, illuminating their pivotal role in diagnostics, environmental monitoring, and cutting-edge research.This book delves into the fundamental principles underlying biosensors, unraveling their intricate mechanisms that enable real-time detection of biological and chemical substances with unparalleled accuracy. From glucose monitoring for diabetes management to detecting pathogens swiftly during outbreaks, biosensors emerge as catalysts for proactive healthcare interventions, enhancing both patient outcomes and the efficiency of medical practices.Beyond healthcare, the book navigates the expansive landscape where biosensors intersect with environmental sustainability and industrial optimization. Highlighting their application in monitoring pollutants, ensuring food safety, and enabling precision agriculture, it unveils how biosensors are instrumental in shaping a safer and more sustainable future.

  • af Snehal Kotak
    947,95 kr.

    Consumers are progressively blending their digital and physical realms, engaging in multifaceted business networks. The association between banks and the retail ecosystem is poised to strengthen, offering customers a diverse array of products. Distinctions between financial and non-financial service providers will blur, giving rise to an interconnected and collaborative ecosystem of service providers. Banks will integrate financial services, wallets, payments, shopping services, etc., to enhance the customer experience through strategic partnerships and acquisitions. Future banks must be dynamic, aligning with technology to support a sustainable and scalable business model. The Indian banking landscape is expected to witness the emergence of both regional and national players. A successful bank in the future will eschew "one-size-fits-all products," function as a knowledge banker, cater to all financial needs seamlessly, demonstrate fundamental strength, manage risks, adhere to global regulations, and fully leverage IOS and Android platforms. Such a bank, with enhanced design and faster, convenient delivery channels, will undoubtedly be deemed successful.

  • af Andrea Liebross
    137,95 kr.

    You're stuck... and you're frustrated.You want growth, but the next step isn't clear. Your inner voice nudges you to do more, but you aren't sure what or how. Or maybe your priorities constantly fight for your attention, and you always feel behind.What you want most is movement - toward more time, money, energy, brain power, or simply the enjoyment that's supposed to come from having your own business. You've tried everything, but nothing seems to work.Andrea Liebross has discovered and shares in her book She Thinks Big: The Entrepreneurial Woman's Guide to Moving Past the Messy Middle and Into the Extraordinary that regardless of where you are in your business, the secret to getting unstuck is not in what you do: It's in how you think.It's time to stop playing small and start Thinking Big.Using this workbook alongside Andrea's book She Thinks Big will help you:Get to the heart of your "stuck stress" and move forward with ease.Create a plan, a new mindset, and improved systems that support all your priorities.Embrace the challenges that come from your success.If you're ready to take charge of the mess and move forward in your entrepreneurial adventure, this workbook/book combo is for you.

  • af J. A. M. Lagrene
    537,95 kr.

    La mejora continua, cuando se arraiga en los cimientos del mundo empresarial y personal, emerge como el catalizador definitivo para el progreso. En el ámbito empresarial, su implementación sistemática desencadena una revolución, donde la excelencia se convierte en norma y la innovación, en el motor impulsor. La adaptación constante a los cambios, la optimización de procesos y la búsqueda incesante de la calidad se convierten en pilares que aseguran la relevancia y competitividad. A nivel personal, la mejora continua se traduce en un camino hacia el crecimiento constante y la autorrealización. Al abrazar este enfoque, se fomenta la capacidad de aprendizaje, se cultivan habilidades, se superan limitaciones y se nutre una mentalidad resiliente y orientada hacia el éxito. Además, impulsa una actitud proactiva, inspirando la innovación y la ambición de alcanzar niveles más altos de logro y bienestar.

  • af Elham Kasaeipour
    277,95 kr.

    The book is a collection of social and family short stories and cultural problems.He sometimes lifted his rough, wrinkled hands from his ears, and the sound of the hustle and bustle of the crowd and the cars left in traffic resonated in his head. He preferred to drown in a silent and obscure world where he could only hear the sound of his heavy breathing. His face full of pain and sad look told of the hard times time in his life. These damn days must pass so that may be an excruciating death that will come to him and take his revenge on life. His white hair, which extended to his side-whiskers, was reminiscent of the boring and irritating days he had gone through. There is no evidence better than white hair to show pain.

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