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A massive disconnect exists between consumers and providers today. Consumers have a greater selection of higher quality goods to choose from and can obtain these items from a growing number of sources. Computers, cars, and even big-box retail sites promise to solve our every need. So why aren't consumers any happier? Because everything surrounding the process of obtaining and using all these products causes us frustration and disappointment. Why is it that, when our computers or our cell phones fail to satisfy our needs, virtually every interaction with help lines, support centers, or any organization providing service is marked with wasted time and extra hassle? And who among us hasn't spent countless hours in the waiting room at the doctor's office, or driven away from the mechanic only to have the "fix engine" light go on? In their bestselling business classic Lean Thinking, James Womack and Daniel Jones introduced the world to the principles of lean production -- principles for eliminating waste during production. Now, in Lean Solutions, the authors establish the groundbreaking principles of lean consumption, showing companies how to eliminate inefficiency during consumption. The problem is neither that companies don't care nor that the people trying to fix our broken products are inept. Rather, it's that few companies today see consumption as a process -- a series of linked goods and services, all of which must occur seamlessly for the consumer to be satisfied. Buying a home computer, for example, involves researching, purchasing, integrating, maintaining, upgrading, and, ultimately, replacing it. Across all industries, companies that apply the principles of lean consumption will learn how to provide the full value consumers desire from products without wasting time or effort -- theirs or the consumers' -- and as a result these companies will be more profitable and competitive. Lean Solutions is full of surprising success stories: Fujitsu, a leading service company for technology, has transformed the way call centers solve problems -- learning how to eliminate the underlying cause of current problems rather than fixing them again and again. An extremely successful car dealership has adopted lean principles to streamline its business, making for dramatically reduced wait time, fewer return trips, and greater satisfaction for customers -- and a far more lucrative enterprise. Lean Solutions will inspire managers to take the first steps toward perfecting their company's process of giving consumers what they really want.
On the manufacturing shop floor, the principle of "value comes from the production of parts rather than charts" crucially applies when using practical statistical process control (SPC). The production worker should need to enter only a sample's measurements to get immediately actionable information as to whether corrective action (e.g., as defined by a control plan's reaction plan) is necessary for an out-of-control situation, and should not have to perform any calculations, draw control charts, or use sophisticated statistical software. This book's key benefit for readers consists of spreadsheet-deployable solutions with all the mathematical precision of a vernier along with the simplicity of a stone ax.Traditional SPC relies on the assumption that sufficient data are available with which to estimate the process parameters and set suitable control limits. Many practical applications involve, however, short production runs for which no process history is available. There are nonetheless tested and practical control methods such as PRE-Control and short-run SPC that use the product specifications to set appropriate limits. PRE-Control relies solely on the specification limits while short-run SPC starts with the assumption that the process is capable-that is, at least a 4-sigma process, and works from there to set control limits. Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) and exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) charts also can be used for this purpose. Specialized charts can also track multiple part characteristics, and parts with different specifications, simultaneously. This is often useful, for example, where the same tool is engaged in mixed-model production.Readers will be able to deploy practical and simple control charts for production runs for which no prior history is available and control the processes until enough data accumulate to enable the traditional methods (assuming it ever does). They will be able to track multiple product features with different specifications and also control mixed-model applications in which a tool generates very short runs of parts with different specifications. The methods will not require software beyond readily available spreadsheets, nor will they require specialized tables that are not widely available. Process owners and quality engineers will be able to perform all supporting calculations in Microsoft Excel, and without the need for advanced software.
Readers will be able to deploy practical and simple control charts for production runs for which no prior history is available and control the processes until enough data accumulate to enable the traditional methods (assuming it ever does).
Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2013 im Fachbereich BWL - Unternehmensführung, Management, Organisation, Note: 2,0, FOM Essen, Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management gemeinnützige GmbH, Hochschulleitung Essen früher Fachhochschule, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Der Faktor Qualität hat die industrielle Entwicklung sowie auch die Dienstleistungsbranche in den letzten Jahren nachhaltig beeinflusst und ist bedeutend für den Markterfolg geworden. Seit der gesetzlichen Verpflichtung zur Einführung eines praxisinternen Qualitätsmanagements in der Humanmedizin ist das Interesse unter den Ärzten sprunghaft angestiegen. Die Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Thema Qualitätsmanagement in der tierärztlichen Praxis.In der veterinärmedizinischen Praxis hat das Thema Qualitätsmanagement unter den meisten Praxisinhabern bis heute kaum Interesse geweckt. Zum einen verbinden Praxis- oder Klinikleiter mit dem Begriff vor allem Gesetze, Richtlinien und Vorschriften, zum anderen wird es als abstrakt, starr, praxisfern und unflexibel erachtet.In dieser Arbeit soll jedoch aufgezeigt werden, dass es sich zweifellos lohnen kann, ein praxisspezifisches Qualitätsmanagement einzuführen. Zuvor werden nicht nur relevante Begriffe diskutiert, es wird auch auf das umfangreiche Thema der Prozessoptimierung eingegangen und warum diese wichtig ist für ein funktionierendes Qualitätsmanagement. Anschließend erfolgt die Darlegung der Einführung, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Zertifizierung von Qualitätsmanagementsystemen. Das Thema Total Quality Management bildet den Abschluss dieses theoretischen Abschnitts.Anschließend erhält der Leser einen Einblick in das Berufsbild des Tierarztes. Weiterhin erfolgt eine Übersicht der verschiedenen tiermedizinischen Praxisformen. Die Arbeit setzt sich damit auseinander, wie ein Qualitätsmanagementsystem im täglichen Handeln der Tierarztpraxis implementiert werden kann. Dabei dient ein praxisorientierter Leitfaden, entwickelt vom Bundesverband praktizierender Tierärzte e.V. zur Unterstützung. Den Abschluss dieser Arbeit bilden ein Erfahrungsbericht sowie ein geführtes Interview mit der Praxisleitung, aus einem Hospitationstag in einer nach einem Qualitätsmanagementsystem arbeitenden Tierarztpraxis.
Fachbuch aus dem Jahr 2017 im Fachbereich BWL - Unternehmensführung, Management, Organisation, Note: 1,0, AKAD University, ehem. AKAD Fachhochschule Stuttgart, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, ein Mystery-Shopping-Projekt in einem Restaurant zu planen und durchzuführen. Die Ergebnisse sollen dazu genutzt werden, die Servicequalität des Restaurants zu validieren. Des Weiteren sollen Stärken und Verbesserungspotentiale aufgedeckt werden, um daraus Maßnahmen zur Steigerung der Servicequalität aufzeigen zu können. Die Auswertung der Daten und in Folge dessen die Erarbeitung der gegebenenfalls notwendigen Maßnahmen sind nicht Teil dieser Ausarbeitung.Zunächst werden die theoretischen Hintergründe erläutert und die Begriffe Servicequalität und Mystery Shopping definiert, danach folgen die Vor- und Nachteile des Mystery Shoppings. Anschließend folgt die methodische Vorgehensweise zur Bestandsaufnahme der Servicequalität von einem Restaurant. Dies erfolgt durch die Erarbeitung eines geeigneten Forschungsdesigns. Daraufhin wird die Forschungsdurchführung erläutert.Um als Restaurant nachhaltig erfolgreich am Markt bestehen zu können, muss sich das Unternehmen von der Konkurrenz abheben. Dies kann beispielsweise durchQualität, Verkaufspreis oder Zusatzleistungen erfolgen. Die Servicequalität gilt heutzutage als wichtiger Erfolgsfaktor für ein Restaurant, weil sie sich stark auf die Kundenzufriedenheit auswirkt, welche wiederum Einfluss auf den nachhaltigen Unternehmenserfolg hat. Kundenunzufriedenheit führt unter anderem zu negativer Mundpropaganda und zur Abwanderung der Kunden. Daher muss kontinuierlich überprüft werden, ob die Servicequalität den gesetzten Anforderungen entspricht.Nur wie lässt sich der Grad der Servicequalität möglichst objektiv, valide und reliabelermitteln? Zur Validierung der Servicequalität am Point of Sales, wird in der Fachliteratur die Methode des Mystery Shoppings mehrfach empfohlen. Die klassische Kundenbefragung wird hingegen als weniger gut geeignete Methode zur Erhebung der Servicequalität aufgeführt. Dies liegt unter anderem an der Subjektivität des Beobachters. Aus diesem Grund soll im Rahmen dieser Ausarbeitung die Servicequalität in einem Restaurant mittels Mystery Shopping eruiert werden.
The extraordinary breakthrough management program--heralded by GE, Motorola, and AlliedSignal--that is sweeping corporate America with its unprecedented ability to achieve superior financial results.Six Sigma is the most powerful breakthrough management tool ever devised, promising increased market share, cost reductions, and dramatic improvements in bottom-line profitability for companies of any size. The darling of Wall Street, it has become the mantra of Fortune 500 boardrooms around the world because it works.What is Six Sigma? It is first and foremost a business process that enables companies to increase profits dramatically by streamlining operations, improving quality, and eliminating defects or mistakes in everything a company does, from filling out purchase orders to manufacturing airplane engines. While traditional quality programs have focused on detecting and correcting defects, Six Sigma encompasses something broader: It provides specific methods to re-create the process itself so that defects are never produced in the first place.Most companies operate at a three- to four-sigma level, where the cost of defects is roughly 20 to 30 percent of revenues. By approaching Six Sigma--fewer than one defect per 3.4 million opportunities--the cost of quality drops to less than 1 percent of sales.This is because the highest quality also results in the lowest costs. When GE reduced its costs from 20 percent to less than 10 percent, it saved a billion dollars in just two years--money that goes directly to the bottom line. This is the reason Wall Street and corporations as diverse as Sony, Ford, Nokia, Texas Instruments, Canon, Hitachi, Lockheed Martin, American Express, Toshiba, DuPont, and Polaroid have embarked on corporate-wide Six Sigma programs.Six Sigma should be of paramount importance to every forward-thinking executive and manager determined to make their company world-class in their industry.
A product''s design is based on what customers want and how much they are willing to pay for it determines its quality. The production process is supposed to achieve the required quality. Due to the natural process variation the quality of a product or service varies. Thus, quality can be defined as fitness for intended use or, in other words, how well the product performs its intended function. It is a written or unwritten commitment to a known or unknown consumer in the market. Quality management ensures that a product or service is fit for its purpose. It has three main components: quality planning, quality control and quality improvement. Quality management is focused not only on product and service quality, but also on the means to maintain it. Quality management, therefore, uses quality control tools to achieve more consistent quality.This book aims to provide the readers with the essential practical knowledge and understanding of quality-related issues to make correct decisions faster. Hence, they can effectively contribute to a modern dynamic production environment.The book covers the essential tools used in quality control and quality management. There are a lot of practical questions and answers on quality.
Kvalitetsstyring er et opslagsværk til brug i industrien og til undervisningen på mellemlange og videregående uddannelser. Bogen giver en grundig indføring i kvalitetsbegrebet og gennemgår, hvordan man leder og udfører kvalitetsstyring efter TQM-principper. Den dækker alle firmaets aktiviteter fra produktudvikling og produktion efter lean- og Industri 4.0-principper til distribution, service og vedligehold. Desuden behandler den udvikling af software, servicefag og internethandel ud fra kvalitetsstyringsperspektivet.De teoretiske kapitler er beriget med eksempler fra både offentligt kendte sager og forfatterens eget virke som auditor og kvalitetsmedarbejder.
Er friheden til at ytre sig også en frihed til at ytre sig usandt eller mod bedre vidende?Bogens forfattere er anerkendte professorer inden for pædagogik og uddannelse. Men de måtte selv stå skoleret, da beskyldninger om nazimetoder mødte dem på universitetet, mens kritik spredte sig med journalistisk hast. Alle anklager endte siden med at blive tilbagevist af Nævnet for Videnskabelig Uredelighed.Processen efter de seneste folkeskolereformer i Danmark har udviklet sig til et kafkask forløb. Det forelægges her som et lærestykke i ansvarsfordelingen mellem forskere, myndigheder og medier.
Explains how to use the tools that many companies already have - internal audits, preventive and corrective action reporting systems and management reviews-to make their systems save money and make money.
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