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Managing Urban Logistics provides new insights based on the most recent research, theories, and developments in technological and ICT solutions, contemporary corporate trends, the re-evaluation of the role of authorities, and much more. The book shows how to manage these complex urban logistics issues using a long term, systemic perspective where urban freight distribution is an integral part of the entire urban mobility system. It examines the convergence points between mass and customized deliveries, thus modeling the decision processes, trade-offs and tolerances behind these processes to enable a more fluid sharing of urban space.Users will find an approach that tackles these issues from an empirical viewpoint that is based on analysis from a wide set of cases in urban environments around the world. A fresh and unique multidisciplinary approach that is based on solid theoretical background and a pragmatic management standpoint makes this book a must have for those involved in urban logistics.
"America Through Time is an imprint of Fonthill Media LLC. Published by Arcadia Publishing by arrangement with Fonthill Media LLC."--Title page verso.
Containing some of the most recent and original studies on parking regulation and management from different disciplines, this book offers rigorous analysis from top researchers with a clear intention to deliver policy implications and provide information to the public.The book is organized according to a variety of key topics. Among others, it covers the interaction of parking with other modes of transportation and its demand, its pricing and external effects, the role of information and digitalization, and the effects of regulation and its enforcement. Also, it includes the views of practitioners, who discuss present parking in cities and the future of its management.Written primarily for scholars interested in transportation, mobility, planning and urban affairs, this book is also directly relevant to practitioners and policymakers in government with responsibilities in mobility. Additionally, the book will be of interest to the private sector as it offers a practical link between rigorous academic analyses and the needs of practitioners.
This book indicates the shortcomings of the current international legal system and customary international norms that govern international aviation law to comply with contemporary air transport market realities. As the air transport market develops globally, the safety regime of civil aviation should also be governed and applied globally. In this book, the author departs from current international legal norms to examine the emerging legal field of global administrative law. Through that lens, the possibility of reconstructing the set of legal mechanisms that govern domestic and international administrative interaction in the global field of aviation safety is explored. This book demonstrates that a legal system is never complete but always develops in tandem with changing needs, i.e. the participation of the affected parties.Exploring the principles of GAL theory contributes to addressing the contemporary legal issues relating to state compliance with international aviation safety standards that would otherwise not be covered by customary international law. In particular, the principles of GAL theory regarding global governance and the 'public' character of global regulations, the role of individuals and states in global governance, and state sovereignty are considered valuable contributions to contemporary global aviation safety issues in practice.It is asserted in this book that proper checks and balances in global aviation safety can be improved by making these accessible to individuals by way of national courts. Finally, establishing public awareness of global aviation safety standards will eventually create greater pressure on states to implement and enforce them.This book is in an area increasing academic and research interest of practitioners of public international aviation law, global administrative law, global governance, and global aviation safety, global air transport market regulations.
Shipping is the world's oldest sharing economy and is conducted in a self-organizing manner. Shipping is capital, energy, and information intensive, and with the growing impact of digitalization and climate change, there is a need to rethink the management and operations of this critical global industry - assisted in no small way by maritime informatics.Building upon the recently published inaugural book Maritime Informatics by Springer, this book will address some of the most recent practical developments and experiences, particularly from a global perspective. The focus of the book is to address contemporary movements to tackle global concerns and to complement Maritime Informatics.
Autonomy is the story of the maverick engineers and computer experts who triggered the driverless car revolution. Longtime adviser to the Google self-driving car project (now Waymo) and former General Motors vice president of research, development, and planning Lawrence D. Burns provides the perfectly timed history, beginning at a 2004 off-road robot race across the Mojave Desert with a million-dollar purse and continuing through today's stampede to develop driverless technology. Autonomy is a page-turner that represents a chronicle of the past, diagnosis of the present, and prediction of the future?the ultimate guide to understanding the driverless car and navigating the revolution it sparks.
'A truly fascinating account - of a voyage, but also of an idea that is counter-intuitive in a world based on speed, but revelatory for a planet that is going to have to start taking real care of itself. There's a bit of romance here, and a lot of reality.'>'Trade winds is an absorbing account of a voyage that starts off as an effort to prove the continuing viability of sail, but becomes far more challenging than expected when the COVID-19 pandemic shuts off all access to the shore. It is also a thoughtful analysis of practical ways to shrink the carbon footprint of one of the world's most polluting industries - shipping.'> 'This book is both important and beautiful: important, in that it describes one of the best ways we can move into a post-fossil fuels civilisation; and beautiful, because it shows on every page how this bursting out of the cocoon of heavy oil that we have been living in will return us to a life in the real world, with the wind felt in the hands and on one's face, and every day an adventure.'>'This is a book that should change the world. Beautifully written and brimming with bold yet careful analysis, Christiaan De Beukelaer has given the world a tremendous gift.'>In 2020, Christiaan De Beukelaer spent 150 days covering 14,000 nautical miles aboard the schooner Avontuur, a hundred-year-old sailing vessel that transports cargo across the Atlantic Ocean. Embarking in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, he wanted to understand the realities of a little-known alternative to the shipping industry on which our global economy relies, and which contributes more carbon emissions than aviation. What started as a three-week stint of fieldwork aboard the ship turned into a five-month journey, as the COVID-19 pandemic forced all borders shut while crossing the ocean, preventing the crew from stepping ashore for months on end. Trade winds engagingly recounts De Beukelaer's life-changing personal odyssey and the complex journey the shipping industry is on to cut its carbon emissions. The Avontuur's mission remains crucial as ever: the shipping industry urgently needs to stop using fossil fuels, starting today. If we can't swiftly decarbonise shipping, we can't solve the climate crisis.
Comprehensive Textbook Resource for Understanding Transport ModellingModelling Transport provides unrivalled depth and breadth of coverage on the topic of transport modelling. Each topic is approached as a modelling exercise with discussion of the roles of theory, data, model specification, estimation, validation, and application. The authors present the state of the art and its practical application in a pedagogic manner, easily understandable to both students and practitioners. An accompanying website hosts a solutions manual.Sample topics and learning resources included in the work are as follows:* State-of-the-art developments in the field of transport modelling, including new research and examples* Factors to consider for better modelling and forecasting* Information and analysis on dynamic assignment and micro-simulation and model design and specification* Agent and Activity Based Modelling* Modelling new modes and servicesGraduate students in transportation engineering and planning, transport economics, urban studies, and geography programs along with researchers and practitioners in the transportation and urban planning industry can use Modelling Transport as a comprehensive reference work for a wide array of topics pertaining to this field.
Transportation Management Concepts especially under the COVID circumstances.
SYNOPSISThis book is dedicated to the many people involved in the day to day planning and performance of track maintenance activities. Providing a practical approach to everyday challenges in mechanised track maintenance, it is not intended as a theoretical approach to the track system. RAMS and railwaysRailways aim at transporting people and freight safely, rapidly, regularly, comfortably and on time from one place to another. This book is directed to track infrastructure departments contributing to the above objective by ensuring the track infrastructure's reliability, availability, maintainability and safety - denoted by the acronym RAMS. Regular, effective and affordable track maintenance enable RAMS to be achieved.
Da Kalvehavebanen åbnede i 1897, stiftede en kreds af mønboer Møns Dampskibsselskab, der sejlede fra Stege til Kalvehave med dampskibet "Stege". For mønboerne var det vigtigt, at forbindelsen blev stabil - også når farvandene frøs til. Og at forbindelsen blev styret fra Møn - og absolut ikke fra Sjælland. I begyndelsen var det primære at få post og gods frem. Passagertrafik spillede en sekundær rolle - at rejse var ikke en dagligdags begivenhed. Men uanset hvad der blev transporteret, var ruten Møns livsnerve igennem mange år. Vi følger selskabet fra den første tur over en årrække med fremgang og til de sidste år, hvor konkurrencen fra bilerne prægede selskabets dagligdag. I 1934 måtte det give op og realisere sine aktiver. I de godt 37 år selskabet sejlede, nåede det at anskaffe tre dampskibe, en motorbåd, et motorskib og en pram. Det var nok det sidst anskaffede dampskib "Codan", som de fleste forbinder med Møns Dampskibsselskab. Skibet var efter forholdene et stort og godt skib, men også meget dyrt at sejle med. Selskabet forbindes også med Steges - nu nedrevne - karakteristiske havnebygning kaldet Havneslottet. Det var ud for denne bygning skibene lagde til. I bogen omtales også diverse havneforhold i Stege og i Kalvehave. Denne bog gør ikke krav på at være en skibsteknisk redegørelse, men er en gennemgang af dagligdagen og milepælene i dampskibsselskabets historie.
En erhvervshistorisk bog om SAS' udvikling med udgangspunkt i 2001-2005, der var vigtige og turbulente år for virksomheden, hvor virksomheden udviklingsmæssigt lavede et såkaldt "turnaround". Et managementbegreb, der kan defineres sådan: "Turnaround omfatter for en virksomhed, at dens ledelse ved at bruge sine ressourcer og sit potentiale strategisk og proaktivt sikrer virksomhedens eksistens og fremtid i en ny dimension". Bogen trækker erhvervshistoriske linjer helt tilbage fra starten på Scandinavian Airlines Systems i 1946, og beretter om både heldig og fremsynet ledelse og mindre heldig ledelse helt frem til årsskiftet 2005, hvor en tilsyneladende heldig "turnaround" er en realitet. Som inspiration for nok især topledere redegør bogen også for praktiske værktøjer til en sådan "turnaround". Der har de seneste år været en del medieomtale af SAS som virksomhed. Her er chancen for et unikt indblik i og en analyse af SAS' erhvervshistoriske udvikling. Jeg kender ingen tilsvarende bøger. - Fra lektørudtalelse. Læs mere: www.peterhorn.dk .
Bogens 12 samtaler og kapitler giver læseren et levende og nuanceret indtryk af det dedikerede, magtfulde og ansvarsfulde, men også indlevende og humoristiske menneske. "Han er ikke kun det pligtopfyldende, strenge, ordentlige ansvarsfulde menneske," siger Ane Mærsk Mc-Kinney Uggla om faderen. Læseren får ny viden om virksomheden A.P. Møller – Mærsk. Gennem hele sit liv har Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller været sig yderst bevidst om forvalte den mægtige arv fra sin far, A.P. Møller, bedst muligt, og han har i årevis kæmpet med at få generationsskiftet på plads. Læseren får indblik i de overvejelser, der har ligget bag udpegelsen af de personer, der i dag tegner A.P. Møller – Mærsk samt et indblik i rederens håb om, at en ny generation i familien Møller vil nå til tops i det danske verdensforetagende. I bogen opridser nøglepersoner som Poul Svanholm, Jan Leschly og Michael Pram Rasmussen de centrale udfordringer for virksomheden fremover. "Måske kan han engang imellem have en vis lyst til at bande over mig, men når dagen er omme, respekterer han, at vi i den nye ledelse må gøre det på vores måde. Han ved godt, at jeg ikke bare siger javel! Men det kræver meget – efter et langt liv – at se andre gøre tingene anderledes. Det forstår jeg inderligt godt. Han har tilført denne virksomhed så meget, og nu skal han tro på, at vi andre også kan," siger Michael Pram Rasmussen. Endelig giver bogen et indblik i de dramatiske omvæltninger, som også har præget Esplanaden. I bogen bryder tidligere topchef Jess Søderberg tavsheden om sit brud med hr. Møller, som han har denne karakteristik af: "En af de ting, hr. Møller har lært mig, er, at noget altid kan gøres bedre. Det er fuldstændig rigtigt. Men i modsætning til ham, tillader jeg mig en gang imellem at være tilfreds, selv om noget kunne være gjort bedre. Det skulle hr. Møller også. Han er for hård ved sig selv." Tilbage står billedet af en ener med usædvanlige evner og benhårde krav til sig selv og sine medarbejdere om altid at levere det ypperste. Som det udtrykkes af en af Mærsks nære rådgivere, tidligere IBM-topchef Kaspar Cassani: "Det er næsten for banalt at sige, at Mærsk er en helt enestående og usædvanlig person. Han har klasse, og han er ædel. Men han er også en ekstremt krævende person." "Thomas Larsen og Finn Mortensen har begået et gribende, helstøbt portræt som skiller sig positivt ud fra mængden af tidligere A.P. Møller Mærsk bøger. Bogen er en ægte page turner. Primært fordi der bag deltagernes agtelse og hengivenhed anes kritiske og dermed menneskelige, nuancer." Berlingske Tidende (23.10.08) Læs hele anmeldelsen her . Jyllands-Posten skrev: "Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller er blandt de bedste bøger om Danmarks største erhvervsmand." (22.10.08)
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