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Forlænget returret til d. 31. januar 2025

Byggeri, anlægsindustri og sværindustri

Her finder du spændende bøger om Byggeri, anlægsindustri og sværindustri. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 67 bøger om emnet. Det er også her du finder emner som Jernindustri, stålindustri og metalindustri.
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  • af Tage Kørner
    359,95 kr.

    Denne lærebog om byggestyring af større byggesager i udførelsesfasen er en unik beskrivelse af hvad der kræves for at undgå de katastrofale udviklinger som mange store byggesager gennemløber. Ingeniør Tage Kørner øser her af den kolossale erfaring han har opnået gennem et helt liv i branchen. 20 år ansat hos entreprenører og 25 år i eget regi med opgaver for både private og offentlige bygherrer.Bogen henvender sig til byggefolk, arkitekter eller ingeniører der allerede beskæftiger sig med byggestyring/ledelse eller ønsker at gøre det.

  • af Jørgen Christiansen, Kaj Ovesen, Finn Schmidt-Jørgensen & mfl.
    119,50 kr.

  • - Almindelige Bestemmelser for teknisk Rådgivning og bistand
    af Michael Gjedde-Nielsen & Hans Lykke Hansen
    1.058,95 kr.

    Bogen giver en detaljeret gennemgang af ABR 89 Almindelige Bestemmelser for teknisk Rådgivning og bistand, der er det juridiske grundlag for langt de fleste aftaler, der på bygge- og anlægsområdet indgås mellem arkitekter og ingeniører og deres klienter. Bogen indeholder henvisning til relevant litteratur samt praksis fra Voldgiftsretten for bygge- og anlægsvirksomhed og domstolene. Bogen gennemgår blandt andet: Rådgivningens former Ansvar for fejl og forsømmelser Honorarspørgsmål Reglerne om arkitekter og ingeniørers ophavsret Ansvar for forsinkelse Udskydelse og standsning af opgaven Tidsfrister Misligholdelse Tvisteløsning Nyt i 3. udgave 3. udgaven er udbygget med enkelte nye afsnit, ligesom der er sket en opdatering af litteratur og retspraksis. Målgruppe Bogen er nyttig for advokater, domstolsjurister, arkitekter, ingeniører og bygherrer. Om forfatterne Michael Gjedde-Nielsen og Hans Lykke Hansen er advokater og partnere i Viltoft, der er specialiseret inden for entreprise, udbud og proces.

  • Spar 11%
    af Mogens Rasmussen & Borris Pedersen
    533,95 kr.

    Grundbogen beskæftiger sig med de mest anvendte materialer i metalindustrien, og hvordan de bearbejdes og reagerer. Både gamle og nyere metaller og legeringer, støbeteknikker, hærdemetoder og anvendelsesformål beskrives. Bogen tager selvfølgelig højde for den stigende anvendelse af en lang række nye materialer som for eksempel plast, der har fået en omfattende beskrivelse med hensyn til struktur, bearbejdningsmuligheder og anvendelsesmuligheder. Desuden rummer bogen også en beskrivelse af keramiske materialer. Materialelære for Metalindustrien er skrevet til undervisningen på metaluddannelserne og inden for teknikerområdet. Den er også særdeles velegnet som håndbog og opslagsbog ude i virksomhederne.

  • af Mogens Hansen, Eric Boesgaard & Henrik Fausing
    978,95 kr.

    ABT 18 for praktikere er en juridisk kommentar til de Almindelige betingelser for totalentreprise i bygge- og anlægsvirksomhed (ABT 18), der blev vedtaget af byggeriets parter i 2018. Selvom der er en høj grad af identitet mellem bestemmelserne i ABT 18 og AB 18, er der meget afgørende forskelle mellem totalentreprise og de øvrige entrepriseformer. Bogen skal ses i dette lys og er et entrepriseretligt værktøj en juridisk ståbi - for bygherrer og entreprenører samt deres administrative funktioner. Forfatter-trekløveret har tværgående erfaring med og fra bygge- og anlægsbranchen og mange års indgående kendskab til byggeriets retsforhold.

  • - Kom igang
    af Poul Rythov-Andersen
    188,95 kr.

    Her er en bog som giver dig et indblik i de gamle malemetoder, hvordan man fremstillede farver og andre produkter og hvilke teknikker man brugte.Samtidig er det en beskrivelse af forskellige farvesystemer og nogle teknikker som kan bruges i forbindelse med de nye maleprodukter til kunstnere.

  • - kom igang
    af Poul Rythov-Andersen
    158,95 kr.

    En håndbog i serien for gør det selv maleren, denne gang om nye malemetoder og farvesammensætning.Læs også første bind: "Gamle malemetoder og farvelære"

    af Jane Slaughter, MARK BRENNER & Alexandra Bradbury
    166,95 kr.

    Bogen koger det grundlæggende ved organisering ned til 48 hemmeligheder og arrangeret dem i otte lektioner. Hver HEMMELIGHED indleder et nyt kapitel i organiseringsprocessen. Undervejs er der VIRKELIGHEDENS EKSEMPLER, der viser, hvordan organisatorer har brugt HEMMELIGHEDERNE i virkelige kampe. Bogen indeholder også vigtige TIPS, til organiseringsprocessen og ØVELSER.Bogen er skrevet til almindelige arbejdere, der vil kaste sig ud i at organisere deres arbejdsplads, men du kan bruge de grundlæggende metoder til alle typer organisering, uanset om du vil organisere et fag, en branche eller noget helt andet.Bogen indeholder en rækker øvelser som bla. Kan ses på

  • - - træhus på skruefundament
    af Tom Thinggaard Pedersen
    268,95 kr.

    TOM THINGGAARD PEDERSEN er endriftig forfatter og temaerne for hans for-fatterskab spænder vidt. Den røde tråder dog tydelig. Hans budskab handlerom ikke at være bange for at prøve no-get nyt og måske endda turde at være“first-mover”. Det gælder også dennebog, der på en spændende og illustrativmåde fortæller om byggeriet af familiensnye træhus - fra køb af byggegrund tildet færdige hus - placeret med udsigtud over Randers fjord. Huset blev byg-get på et skruefundament, et innovativtfundamentsystem, som fjerner behovetfor støbning med traditionelt CO2 klima-belastende beton.

  • - (Tidligere titel ABR 89) . Almindelige Bestemmelser for Rådgivning og bistand i bygge- og anlægsvirksomhed med kommentarer
    af Michael Gjedde-Nielsen, Peter Fauerholdt Thommesen, Morten Ruben Brage, mfl.
    1.508,95 kr.

    Bogen indeholder udførlige kommentarer til ABR 18 ¨Den 1. januar 2019 trådte Almindelige betingelser for rådgivning og bistand i bygge- og anlægsvirksomhed (ABR 18) i kraft, og dette standarddokument anvendes i dag som grundlag for langt de fleste aftaler med arkitekter, ingeniører og andre tekniske rådgivere inden for bygge- og anlægssektoren. ABR 18 afløser ABR 89 og er en total omskrivning og betydelig udbygning af dette dokument.Bogen indeholder en grundig gennemgang af hver enkel af de i alt 63 paragraffer med inddragelse af AB-udvalgets betænkning og relevant litteratur samt med udførlige referencer til relevant retspraksis såvel ved Voldgiftsretten for bygge- og anlægsvirksomhed som ved de almindelige domstole.Af områder, bogen beskæftiger sig med, kan især nævnes:Opbygning af rådgiveraftalenRådgiverens udførelse af opgaven, herunder bl.a. rådgivningens faser, ændringer i opgaven samt projektgennemgangBetaling af rådgiverens arbejdeReglerne om arkitekters og ingeniørers ophavsretBygherrens sanktioner ved mangelfuld rådgivning, herunder afhjælpning, afslag i rådgiverhonoraret, erstatning samt konventionalbodAnsvarsbegrænsningerne i ABR 18Parternes ansvar for at overholde tidsplanen, herunder erstatning eller dagbod ved forsinkelseUdskydelse og standsning af opgaven samt ophævelseTvistløsningssystemet MålgruppeBogen henvender sig især til advokater, dommere, arkitekter, ingeniører, bygherrer og totalentreprenører. Bogen gennemgår blandt andet: Rådgivningens former Ansvar for fejl og forsømmelser Honorarspørgsmål Reglerne om arkitekter og ingeniørers ophavsret Ansvar for forsinkelse Udskydelse og standsning af opgaven Tidsfrister Misligholdelse Tvisteløsning

  • af Afzal Husain Khan
    1.853,95 kr.

    Recent Developments and Innovations in the Sustainable Production of Concrete covers the various aspects of sources, materials, and waste products in concrete production, innovation in materials-new technological developments, and the upgradation of existing concrete production systems. Importantly, it covers the so-called EEE aspects (Economy, Energy, and Environment), not touched by other books. The books also highlights the sustainability aspects of concrete production when recycled materials are added. Case studies are used to demonstrate the practical aspect of concrete production, including the machine learning approach.

  • af Paul O Awoyera
    2.508,95 kr.

    Construction Materials and Their Properties for Fire Resistance and Insulation covers the properties of novel types of concrete and other more conventional building materials in fire scenarios. The volume also stands out as an invaluable reference resource for its relevance to varied audiences both in academia and industry, spanning materials science, civil and structural engineering, and fire safety engineering. Ensuring buildings are fire safe starts at the very beginning of planning new builds or renovations. Hence, it's essential, in fact, that the right materials are chosen not only according to their load-bearing capabilities but also their susceptibility to decay and fire resistance.

  • af P. D. Mason
    193,95 kr.

    Dive into the dynamic world of construction project management with the 2024 Student Edition of "Construction Project Management 101: For Beginners & New Graduates." The essential guide to navigating the intricacies of this highly lucrative and fast-paced field is finally here! Unlock the secrets of success as a new construction project manager, gaining insights into the daily duties that shape the industry. Authored by vocational career expert and 26-year construction veteran P.D. Mason, in collaboration with the Construction Education Alliance, this edition is tailored to enhance the futures of the next generation of construction project managers. What sets this book apart? It's not just a manual; it's your job site companion. From understanding the expectations placed on construction project managers to gaining insider perspectives on various construction management sectors, this book is your ticket to a successful career launch.Safety is paramount, and we guide you through navigating OSHA standards. We explain the intricacies of the Critical Path Method (CPM), resource leveling, and time/cost relationships. You'll gain invaluable information about master project budgeting and cost control strategies and insights into construction contracts and risk management. Learn about distinct differences of means and methods in construction as we explore three different projects, offering a practical understanding of the field. Look into the technological future of the construction industry, equipping you with the knowledge needed in today's digital landscape.We've also compiled over 250 of the most common construction terms and definitions to enhance your knowledge!This 2024 Student Edition readies you to enter the construction field with a working knowledge of best practices in construction. Let "Construction Project Management 101" be your guidebook to success in the fast-paced construction project management world. It's more than a book; it's your comprehensive toolkit for construction project management success!

  • af United States Information and Educat
    248,95 kr.

  • af Blanca Tejedor Herrán
    1.954,95 kr.

    Besides their notable historical and cultural significance, heritage buildings crucially contribute to the economy of those countries that rely heavily on the tourism industry. Investigation and monitoring of the origins of deterioration and damage are therefore key to the preservation of architectural heritage. Diagnosis of Heritage Buildings by Non-Destructive Techniques offers an up-to-date overview of state-of-the-art knowledge by collating specialized studies written by an international group of experts in the field, while also examining the value of these non-intrusive methods through a number of real-life case studies which prove NDT techniques’ global relevance. The volume is an invaluable reference resource for students, researchers, and practitioners alike.

  • af Ayodeji Emmanuel (Federal University of Technology Akure Oke
    800,95 - 1.894,95 kr.

  • af Wayne Dowridge
    153,95 kr.

    a step by step guide for wall and wood for the beginning and exprecince builder

  • af Moosa Mazloom
    2.264,95 kr.

    Impressive engineering advances have occurred that can curb the impact of seismic events on residential properties, commercial edifices, architectural heritage, and infrastructure. Written by a university professor with decades of on-site experience, Construction of Earthquake-Resistant Concrete and Steel Structures offers up-to-date information and technical competence with the aim of supporting an understanding of fundamental concepts for concrete and steel structures, shell elements, and reinforcement detailing. The volume is an invaluable resource for students, researchers, and early-career practicing professionals to also learn about construction issues and how to solve practical challenges while ensuring that building codes (ACI, AISC, ANSI, ASCE, RCSC, and many more) and design standards' requirements are upheld.

  • af Samuel Adekunle
    2.009,95 kr.

    This book provides a reference point for the development of Building Information Modelling (BIM) maturity in the developing country context. Developing countries have been observed to have low BIM maturity and are struggling to adopt the technology amidst no clearly defined pathways for achieving BIM capability maturity. The research presented in this book provides construction industry stakeholders in developing countries with a framework and nomological map to aid in the advancement of BIM implementation. This work provides a pathway for overcoming the challenges inhibiting BIM maturity in developing countries and ultimately its diffusion in order to harness the benefits. The authors provide critical theoretical insights on BIM maturity in the developing country context, a comparative analysis of BIM maturity in both developing and developed countries, and finally, a conceptualisation of BIM maturity for developing countries. The book is unique as its construct is rooted in the state-of-the-art information management standards in the digitalisation era in the construction industry (ISO 19650). The book delivers a theoretical reference point to the academic and research community and for the industry stakeholder, an essential guide to achieving BIM maturity at macro and micro levels.

  • af Graham Ford
    208,95 kr.

    The Total Environment Masterplan provides proven strategies and principles to avoid problems and ensure your construction project runs smoothly, with an end product that is sustainable, efficient and beautifully designed.

  • af Vawn Jeddry
    208,95 kr.

    We've come a long way promoting industrial and construction safety, but that does not mean there isn't room to improve - and lots of it.Vawn Jeddry, who has developed safety policies, processes, and procedures for industrial and mining professionals throughout the world, examines how to reduce incidents in this book.She proposes that finding the balance between safety and productivity starts with each and every member of the team being self-aware. That means understanding how choices and behavior are influenced and how to make better decisions.In clear language, she explains how to:¿ engage people on a personal level and lead them to successful outcomes;¿ identify safety traps that trip up individuals and organizations;¿ understand what motivates people to take risks.With graphs and analysis, the author also explores how workplace incidents and injuries have gone down over time and whether it's possible to achieve zero loss, which means no loss of people, equipment, the environment or reputation as the result of an incident.

  • af Sasha Apfel
    183,95 kr.

    Construction Management Project Logbook, Help you To Record Construction Project Name,Visitors, Schedule, Problems, Safety Issues, Summary of Work, Employee and many more ... The Log Book designed for Foremen, Construction Site Managers, or supervisors to provides a clear, consistent, complete format to make record-keeping easier. Ideal to keep everything recorded in one place: Construction Management Project Logbook:¿ 120 Pages¿ Good quality paper with glossy cover¿ Double-sided pages, to improve thinness and handling¿ Size 6 x 9 inches

  • af Sam Coryell
    193,95 kr.

  • af Josephine Lowes
    183,95 kr.

    Daily Construction Management Log Help you To Record Construction Project Name,Visitors, Schedule, Problems, Safety Issues, Summary of Work, Employee and more ... The Log Book designed for Foremen, Construction Site Managers, or supervisors to provides a clear, consistent, complete format to make record-keeping easier. Ideal to keep everything recorded in one place: Daily Construction Management Log:¿ 120 Pages¿ Good quality paper with glossy cover¿ Double-sided pages, to improve thinness and handling¿ Size 6 x 9 inches

  • af Natalya (The Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management Sergeeva & Johan (Civil Engineering Ninan
    611,95 - 1.615,95 kr.

  • af H Y Sohn
    1.923,95 kr.

    This book addresses the two major issues faced by the modern steel industry: CO2 emissions and energy consumption. The steel industry accounts for 6.7% of the anthropogenic CO2 emissions and consumes 6% of the total energy consumed in manufacturing. In response to these critical issues, a new technology called flash ironmaking has been developed, aimed at producing iron directly from iron ore concentrate using gaseous reductants/fuels such as natural gas or hydrogen. This ironmaking technology takes advantage of the rapid reaction rate of fine particles and bypasses the palletization process. This book discusses the principles of flash ironmaking, laboratory experiments, and design and operation of a prototype flash reactor.Provides theories and principles of ironmaking and a novel ironmaking technologyIncludes laboratory experiments to establish the kinetic feasibility of flash ironmakingCovers the design and operation of a prototype flash reactor as well as the design of industrial-size flash ironmaking reactorsDescribes various cases of flow sheet development, which forms the basis for process analysis and simulationPresents economic analysis case studiesPresenting a novel technology that addresses contemporary issues facing one of the largest manufacturing industries, this book is aimed at professionals and researchers in metallurgy, materials engineering, manufacturing engineering, and related disciplines.

  • af Apfel
    168,95 kr.

    Daily Construction Management Log Help you To Record Construction Project Name,Visitors, Schedule, Problems, Safety Issues, Summary of Work, Employee and more ... The Log Book designed for Foremen, Construction Site Managers, or supervisors to provides a clear, consistent, complete format to make record-keeping easier. Ideal to keep everything recorded in one place: Daily Construction Management Log:¿ 120 Pages¿ Good quality paper with glossy cover¿ Double-sided pages, to improve thinness and handling¿ Size 6 x 9 inches

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