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Sustainability and Toxicity of Building Materials: Manufacture, Use and Disposal Stages provides a review of toxicity impacts from building materials, including the consideration of the toxicity in the extraction and manufacture of the materials and eventual dismantling and disposal. This book also offers the potential to stimulate future developments in this area, both in terms of knowledge-building and methods for future research. With the increasing emphasis on sustainable construction, it has become important to better understand the impacts of common materials. Civil and structural engineers, postgraduates, researchers as well as architects will find this book to be useful in selecting sustainable building materials.While many building and furnishing materials are safe to use, in recent decades, some have had to be redesigned due to recognition that they contained problem chemicals like formaldehyde. Unfortunately, there is still limited understanding of the toxic impacts of many synthetic chemicals which means that the risks in this area are not well recognized. With increasing interest in using limited resources more sustainably, definitions of what is sustainable should be expanded to move from the focus on energy and carbon impacts to also include more explicit consideration of toxicity impacts.
Most business leaders trace their journeys on their balance sheet level, counting how their profits have grown under their business acumen and the speed with which they accumulate fame, fortune and sometimes a cult of personality. With ethics and social and environmental concern are at the core of their vision and mission, the Pennar group stands tall among manufacturing companies in India. The founder, Nrupendar Rao, never saw balance sheet as the right metrics to measure success and instead focused on building a conscious business, a rare practice in his industry. Forging Mettle is the story of how Nrupendar took a different approach to business and life and showed others that profits are possible without chasing numbers. Written by seasoned journalist Pavan Lall, the book presents a unique perspective on business and social responsibility.
"The construction trades once provided unionized craftsmen a route to the middle class and a sense of pride and dignity often denied other blue-collar workers. Today, union members still earn wages and benefits that compare favorably to those of college graduates. But as union strength has declined over the last fifty years, a growing non-union sector offers lower compensation and more hazardous conditions, undermining the earlier tradition of upward mobility. Revitalization of the industry depends on unions shedding past racial and gender discriminatory practices, embracing organizing, diversity, and the new immigrant workforce, and preparing for technological changes. Mark Erlich blends long-view history with his personal experience inside the building trades to explain one of our economy's least understood sectors. Erlich's multifaceted account includes the dynamics of the industry, the backdrop of union policies, and powerful stories of everyday life inside the trades. He offers a much-needed overview of construction's past and present while exploring roads to the future"--
A nation's construction industry is essentially home grown, a derivative of its culture, history, geography and economic circumstances with every building or road a unique product, always a prototype, unlike the honed prototypes set up for efficient production runs of other industries.In terms of what was built and the standards achieved, Construction Industry Advance and Change: Progress in Eight Asian Economies since 1995 describes construction industry progress between 1995 and 2019 in Hong Kong , India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. The 25-year accounts provide insight into the nature of these individual construction industries, their shared characteristics, and their differing priorities.The book will add knowledge and contextual reference for construction industry professionals, public policy makers and academic researchers studying the industry. New students in construction industry management courses, will find the information and context needed to appreciate the nature of construction industries and the factors affecting industry output performance.
Dichte, gemischte Städte gelten vielfach als Grundvoraussetzung, um bis Mitte dieses Jahrhunderts Klimaneutralität zu erreichen und in Zukunft in Einklang mit den Ressourcen dieses Planeten zu leben. Die zweite Ausgabe des Magazins Fast Forward geht dieser These genauer auf den Grund und diskutiert die Konsequenzen für das Bauen in Deutschland und international. Es geht um Reduzierung der Flächenversiegelung, vertikale Verdichtung durch Hochhäuser, Nachverdichtung und Erhalt von Bausubstanz, aber auch um Aspekte der Mobilität, Infrastruktur und Digitalisierung wie Smart City, Big Data und Datacenter. Wie viel Dichte verträgt überhaupt die lebenswerte Stadt? Wie viel brauchen wir zu einem guten Leben? Worauf sind wir bereit zu verzichten? Und gibt es Alternativen zu radikalem Verzicht, wenn wir nicht weiterhin auf Kosten zukünftiger Generationen leben wollen?
Construction Coach Elinor Moshe brings us Young Guns.
This third book from editors Rick Best and Jim Meikle brings together and presents insights into a number of key concepts in the study of construction firms, projects and the group of activities that loosely define the construction industry. The value for readers comes from the collection of a variety of topics in a single volume, which provide a basic understanding of the complexities of construction as more than a set of practical concerns such as labour management and materials handling. Instead, the focus is on analysis of the industry and its component parts from the viewpoints of construction economists and others seeking to understand the drivers and challenges that shape an area of economic activity that is a major contributor in all economies.The aim of this book is to provide an overview and discussion of several aspects of what makes construction tick. It is unlike other industry sectors in many ways, being project-based with often intense competition for work. Where the first book, Measuring Construction, focused on particular areas associated with quantifying various aspects of construction activity and the second, Accounting for Construction, looked more at how we record and report on construction activity, Describing Construction gives readers the views of experts in the field of how the construction industry is described, what its make-up is, it even asks the question: is construction a single industry? This book will change the way most readers understand the 'construction industry', whatever that may be, not from the point of view of visible on-site activities, but through a scientific approach to analysis and understanding of how projects, firms and various sectors of the industry work and how things are changing and may continue to change in future. It is essential reading for students and researchers in construction management, quantity surveying, architecture and engineering.
This book presents a state-of-the-art account of the recent developments and needs for project management in developing countries. It adds to the current state of knowledge on project management in general by capturing current trends, how they widen the content and scope of the field, and why there is a need for a specialist body of knowledge for developing countries. Eminent experts in this domain address the specific nature and demands of project management in developing countries, in the context of its scope and priorities, and discuss the relationships between this emerging field and established bodies of knowledge. The book also addresses the future of project management in developing countries and how this might influence mainstream project management. This important book will be an essential reference for practitioners, students, researchers and policymakers engaged in how to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of project management in developing countries.
The textbook presents the experiences and techniques of industrial refrigeration and transfers them to commercial refrigeration applications. The general conditions and legal requirements for the use of natural refrigerants, as well as the economic efficiency of the refrigeration systems are also considered and necessary additional knowledge for handling them is imparted. Tables, pictures and plant diagrams are used to show examples of practical implementation.
Bogen handler om arbejdserfaring og ser på byggeriets faser fra start til slut. Det vigtigste er, at fagfolk skal undgå unødvendige problemer, ligesom der skal være bedre kommunikation mellem fagfolk og bygherre. Det handler om forståelsen i byggeprocessen, hvor byggemødet skal føre til, at der er styr på processen.
Danskerne er vilde med at renovere og bygge om for tiden. Desværre ender byggeprojekter ofte med dårlige løsninger, skuffede forventninger og tidsplaner, der skrider. Mange skælder ud på håndværkerne, men ofte skyldes problemerne husejerne selv, fordi de ikke forbereder sig godt nok på mødet med byggebranchens processer og kompleksitet. Med denne bog ved hånden er alle hus- og sommerhusejere sikret et godt byggeforløb, uanset om de skal renovere huset eller sommerhuset eller de skal bygge om eller bygge til.Bogen kommer omkring emner som byggelovgivning, økonomi, arkitektur, funktionalitet, proces, tidsplaner, ansvar og meget mere. Selvom bogen henvender sig til hus- og sommerhusejeren, så er den også relevant for håndværkere på private projekter.Håndbogen omhandler projekter i enfamiliehuse, rækkehuse, dobbelthuse og sommerhuse: • Tilbygning • Ny førstesal • Udestue/orangeri • Inddrage loft eller altaner til beboelse • Større ombygning eller renovering • Arkitekttegnet hus
Drømme og støv starter med at fortælle om en faglig blokade på en byggeplads ved Den kongelige Mønt. Konflikten mellem de danske bygningsarbejdere, der blokerede pladsen, og de polske bygningsarbejdere inde på pladsen blev hurtigt bitter og personlig. Den økonomiske krise havde netop ramt verden, og for bygningsarbejderne på hver side af belejringen handler kampen ikke om teoretiske begreber som ‘arbejdskraftens frie bevægelighed’ og ‘den danske model’, men om hvem der fremover ville kunne forsørge sin familie ved at arbejde som bygningsarbejdere i Danmark. Forfatteren ender med at stå med våben i hænderne over for en lige så velbevæbnet polsk kollega. Det er bl.a. den oplevelse, der har fået forfatteren til at lede efter nye og mere globale strategier, der vil gøre det muligt for den danske og den polske håndværker at stå side om side ved den næste blokade.
Contributing around 10 per cent of world GDP, the construction sector is one of the biggest industries in the world. Stephen Gruneberg and Noble Francis, two of the UK's leading construction economists, present an up-to-date analysis of the construction industry's business model and the risks and challenges the industry faces in the twenty-first century.
Spring de indledende byggemøder over og læs denne bog, før du ansætter byggesagkyndige rådgivere og håndværkere! Forudsætningen for at benytte professionelle vil altid være, at de er i stand til at præstere indsatser og resultater, som tilfører kundernes byggeopgaver værdi. Vi åbner for Pandoras æske og giver her læserne et indblik i, hvor galt det kan gå i et formørket univers, hvor intet bliver som aftalt og intet er som oplyst. Vores eget byggeforløb viser med stor tydelighed, at skriftlige aftaler efter byggebranchens egne standarder og byggemødereferater langt fra er en sikkerhed mod at blive overlistet af et fagligt og organisatorisk fordærv, der indeholder alle ingredienser af dramatik og bedrag. Læg dertil en lovgivning, der på ingen måde er private kunder venligt stemt. Tværtimod. Sidste halvdel af bogen giver et perspektiv på, hvad byggebranchen kan gøre for at opkvalificere både håndværkere og byggesagkyndige, så private kunder kan foretage deres valg på et langt mere oplyst grundlag. Henrik Hjort har et indgående kendskab til, hvordan der skabes relationer til beslutningstagere i såvel private- som offentlige virksomheder. Mange års træning og erfaring med strategisk salg. Fra forberedelse til eksekvering.
Violen har en duft, der i hvert fald for mig er forfriskende behagelig og sødmefuld. Så når der nu er særdeles mange violer i Baltisk Have (måske fremprovokeret af den lange vinter og det sene forår), skal forsøget på at fastholde duften naturligvis gøres. Kort sagt, det drejer sig om fremstilling af parfume. Hjemmelavet, vodka-baseret. Øvrige emner:PåskeliljeJuleroseBlå anemoneGul anemone - EranthisVorterodHulkravet KodriverKejserkroneForsythiaEffektiv fjerner af skovflåtStøbning af gulvGrønbroget tudseBekæmpelse af Japansk PileurtGinkgo Biloba
Forårsjævndøgn, hvor dag og nat er lige lange, faldt - med sneen - tirsdag den 19. marts. Ifølge almanakken bevæger vi os nu ind i sommerhalvåret. Lærken lod sine triller høre i slutningen af februar. Et sted ude ved stranden, der nu ligger badet i sne.Alt dette sætter unægtelig sit præg på marts-udgaven af "Baltisk Have". Ikke uinteressant at tænke tilbage på, når sommeren (forhåbentlig) om nogle måneder indfinder sig. Bl.a. vil vi nok kunne aflæse den hårde frost i marts på vores udbytte af Hasselnød. Jævnfør foto af hasselbuskens hanrakler, der netop nu spreder deres pollen.Øvrige temaer:Drivedannelser på godt og ondtFrost forsinker støbning af gulvJapansk Pileurt tåler temperaturer ned til minus 35°C. I denne udgave er der fotos af en have, totalt invaderet af denne destruktive hunplante - vor tids HYDRA.
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