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Juridisk kompetence: advokater

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  • - Advokat på de svages side
    af Birgitte Vestermark & Mads Pramming
    227,95 - 230,95 kr.

    Mads Pramming er – med egne ord – Danmarks nok mest tabende advokat. Han tager sagerne, som andre advokater for alt i verden vil undgå, fordi de er tidskrævende og besværlige, og fordi succesraten er lav. Men han kan ikke lade være, drevet som han er af en god portion social indignation og en utæmmelig nysgerrighed efter at flytte juraens hegnspæle. Og når han vinder, rydder det forsider og får betydning for masser af hårdtprøvede mennesker.Mads Pramming igennem årene ført en stribe højtprofilerede sager, der har givet genlyd både i jurakredse og i medierne. Han har blandt andet ført sager mod myndighederne på vegne af:• Drengene fra børnehjemmet Godhavn• Flere hundrede danske krigsveteraner• De grønlandske eksperimentbørn• De forældreløse søstre Sapran, Nanna og Amal, som kommunen anbragte i familiepleje hos en pædofil• De mange syge borgere, der kan fremlægge læge­erklæringer på, at de ikke har nogen arbejdsevne, men alligevel tvinges i aktiveringSom advokat kæmper Mads Pramming utrætteligt for at afprøve lovgivningens grænser og for at sikre retfærdighed for en stribe udsatte borgere, som har fået deres helt rimelige krav tilsidesat af myndighederne. Dette er fortællingen om en utraditionel advokat og en række af de svære sager, han har ført – og som har været med til at gøre det danske retssystem en lille smule mere retfærdigt.

  • af Ginger Busby
    132,95 kr.

    When loves seems to fail, the system is broken, and all you have is faith. When love does not seem to be working, the system fails you, and all you have is faith. The battles keep coming and coming. You pray, worship, sacrifice. Lord where are you? Do you see whats happening, where is my help? As the battles roar and the system is not supporting you as a care giver. Feeling helpless while watching your family fall apart, friends seem to be full of advice, but not willing to help you carry this cross.

  • af M. Ed Cassandra Brooks
    227,95 kr.

    In the profound pages of "From Silence to Strength: Empowering Communities Through Advocacy," readers embark on a transformative journey of empowerment and enlightenment. This extraordinary book unlocks the secrets of passionate advocacy, offering a beacon of hope and guidance to those who seek to champion the rights of children, teachers, and families. Discover the Power Within: With captivating lessons that resonate deep within the soul, readers uncover the extraordinary ability to convert their fervor into actionable change. From the very first page, this book sets you on a path of self-discovery, igniting a spark that propels you towards purposeful advocacy. Crafting Success in Advocacy: Unveiling the blueprint for effective advocacy, this book goes beyond the superficial. It delves into the rich history and enduring principles of advocacy, providing invaluable insights into the intricacies of legal and political systems. As you turn each page, you'll find the keys to becoming a triumphant advocate, equipped with knowledge, strategy, and unwavering determination. Personal Narratives that Inspire: The author's personal journey is woven throughout the narrative, offering a poignant and relatable backdrop to the principles being taught. Her experiences, steeped in dedication and fueled by a commitment to her community, breathe life into the text, making it not just a guide but a heartfelt testimony to the power of advocacy. Nurturing Community through Understanding: In the heart of this book lies a profound understanding of the needs of children, teachers, and families. By immersing yourself in its wisdom, you'll gain the insight and wisdom required to create a palpable impact within your own community. This is your opportunity to effect real change, guided by the empathy and wisdom that this book imparts. Real-Life Triumphs and Tangible Wisdom: This book is a treasure trove of inspirational stories. It introduces you to real-world advocates who have triumphed against all odds, showcasing the incredible potential for positive change. The practical advice and hands-on examples empower you to embark on your own advocacy journey, fully prepared and inspired."From Silence to Strength" is not just a book; it's a call to action, a beacon of hope, and a guiding light for those who yearn to make a difference. Whether you're a seasoned activist or just beginning to find your voice, this book is your indispensable resource. It's the key to unlocking the doors of advocacy, enabling you to wield your voice and passion as instruments of transformative change. Join the ranks of those who have harnessed their silence and discovered their strength. Your journey begins here.

  • af Danish Ali Bajwa
    242,95 kr.

    Derrière des portes closes, une épidémie cachée sévit silencieusement dans la vie des personnes âgées du monde entier. "Blessures Invisibles: Comprendre et Lutter contre la Maltraitance des Personnes Âgées" est une exploration éclairante de ce problème omniprésent qui demande notre attention. Ce livre plonge dans les profondeurs de la maltraitance des personnes âgées, dévoilant ses différentes formes - physique, émotionnelle, financière et négligence - et l'impact profond qu'elle a sur la vie des personnes âgées.Dans "Blessures Invisibles", vous entreprendrez un voyage transformateur de compréhension. Avec des études de cas captivantes, des résultats de recherche et des insights d'experts convaincants, vous prendrez une profonde conscience de l'épidémie cachée qui touche notre population vieillissante. De l'exploration des causes profondes de la maltraitance des personnes âgées à la révélation des conséquences à long terme sur le bien-être physique et émotionnel, ce livre dévoile le réseau complexe de mauvais traitements que subissent les personnes âgées.Mais cela ne s'arrête pas à la sensibilisation. "Blessures Invisibles" vous équipe de puissantes stratégies pour faire face et prévenir la maltraitance des personnes âgées. Découvrez le rôle vital de la prévention, de l'intervention précoce et des services de soutien dans la construction d'une société qui chérit et protège sa population âgée. Grâce à l'exploration des soins basés sur la compréhension des traumatismes, de la thérapie et des réseaux de soutien complets, vous apprendrez à soutenir les survivants dans leur parcours vers la guérison et la récupération."Blessures Invisibles" adopte également une perspective globale, plongeant dans les perspectives interculturelles et les défis auxquels sont confrontées les sociétés diverses pour lutter contre la maltraitance des personnes âgées. En comprenant les subtilités culturelles qui façonnent la dynamique de la maltraitance, ce livre vous permet de développer des approches sensibles à la culture qui favorisent le changement au sein de votre propre communauté.Ce livre n'est pas seulement un appel à l'action; c'est un phare d'espoir. Il invite les individus, les communautés, les organisations et les décideurs à se joindre au mouvement vers un monde exempt de maltraitance des personnes âgées. En mettant en lumière les blessures invisibles infligées aux personnes âgées, nous pouvons favoriser une société qui valorise, respecte et protège les droits de notre population âgée."Blessures Invisibles: Comprendre et Lutter contre la Maltraitance des Personnes Âgées" est une ressource essentielle pour tous ceux qui sont passionnés par le changement. Que vous soyez un aidant naturel, un membre de la famille concerné, un professionnel de la santé ou un défenseur, ce livre vous donne les connaissances, les outils et l'inspiration nécessaires pour lutter contre la maltraitance des personnes âgées.Ensemble, dévoilons les blessures invisibles, brisons le silence et créons un avenir où les personnes âgées pourront vieillir avec dignité, sécurité et le soutien qu'elles méritent.

  • af Bogus¿aw Przywora
    508,95 kr.

    One of the constitutional obligations of states is the defence of human rights. Such state activities encompass providing free pre-litigation legal aid. In search for solutions allowing to improve Polish model, the authors employed a comparative method. As a result, they analysed solutions adopted in international law, Sweden, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.Swedish law is an example of a system with a rich legislative history in the area of free legal aid and contemporary solutions based on the model of legal aid with a ¿discount¿. The choice of Ukraine was based on the fact that its regulations are very modern, elastic and put to the ultimate test of war. The United Kingdom was chosen as an example of a country with a common law system, where pre-litigation-free legal aid has its unique form based on grant financing.In the summary of the book, the authors strive for presenting the proposal of a model of free pre-litigation legal aid for the polish legal system based on the experience of compared legal systems.

  • - Historien om advokatfirmaet Kirk Larsen & Ascanius' første 50 år
    af Lars Bo Kirk
    231,95 kr.

    Viljen & Vejen er en dokumentarisk fortælling om værdier, visioner og familiære bånd fortalt gennem det esbjergensiske advokatfirma Kirk Larsen & Ascanius.Virksomheden har siden grundlæggelsen i 1973 spillet en stor rolle for lokalområdet – i begyndelsen som juridiske forkæmpere for især fiskernes rettigheder, men i takt med at byen og verdensøkonomien ændrede sig, kom flere områder til. Bogen giver således også et indblik i samfundsudviklingen fra 1970’erne og frem til i dag.Historien er fyldt med stærke personligheder og går tæt på konkrete sager, hvor fiskerne kommer i klemme, sideløbende med at man følger Kirk Larsen & Ascanius’ voksende rolle og indflydelse i byen.Lars Bo Kirk har tidligere skrevet De sidste fiskere om fiskeriet i Esbjerg og Blåt blod i årerne om virksomheden Blue Water Shipping. Viljen & Vejen er dermed hans tredje bog om Esbjergs særlige erhvervshistorie. Den er skabt i samarbejde med Kirk Larsen & Ascanius i forbindelse med virksomhedens 50-års jubilæum.

  • af Danish Ali Bajwa
    187,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • af Jonah Stewart
    1.772,95 kr.

    Child abuse is defined as any action that hurts a child. It can occur in a variety of ways such as emotional, physical and sexual abuse as well as exploitation and neglect. The abuser is frequently someone the child knows. It could be a relative, parent, a close family friend or caregiver. However, children are sometimes also abused by other adults on whom they are dependent such as day care workers, sports trainers and teachers. Child abuse assessment is performed to either assess claims of physical abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect in order to aid in legal decision making. The long-term impacts of child abuse can be lessened with proper mental and physical health care. This book presents the complex subject of child abuse in the most comprehensible and easy to understand language. Coherent flow of topics, student-friendly language and extensive use of examples make this book an invaluable source of knowledge.

  • af Massachusetts Society for the Prevent
    187,95 - 337,95 kr.

  • af Emily Horowitz
    787,95 kr.

    Analyzing sex-offense laws and false claims, this book shows that laws based on vengeance rather than justice or evidence create new forms of harm while failing to address the real and pervasive problem of sexual violence.In this timely and extensively researched book, sociologist Emily Horowitz shows how current sex-offense policies in the United States create new forms of harm and prevent those who have caused harm from the process of constructive repentance or contributing to society after punishment. Horowitz also illustrates the failure of criminal justice responses to social problems. Sharing detailed narratives from the experiences of those on registries and their loved ones, Horowitz reveals the social impact and cycle of violence that results from dehumanizing and banishing those who have already been held accountable.From Rage to Reason offers a new perspective on how and why false claims about sex offenses became so pervasive and how these myths fostered ineffective policies that have little to do with the reality of most sexual abuse. It argues that to truly prevent sexual abuse, we must unearth the sources of these misunderstandings, debunk these claims in a systematic way, and have frank and genuine discussions about the limits of legal responses to complex social problems.

  • af Jill Jones-Soderman
    207,95 - 282,95 kr.

  • af Woodger Faugas
    957,95 kr.

    In this work, peer-reviewed by a diverse and international team of practicing and licensed attorneys, I deal with the community reentry of young people of African-American origin who have experienced incarceration and are navigating sociophysiological challenges. In particular, I address some of the challenges that these youth have faced -by investigating an array of issues relating to their transitioning from youth correctional facilities back to general society. As a first step, I provide background information. As a second step, I accentuate transitional barriers, while offering systems-level solutions. As a third and final step, I argue in favor of select legal reforms. In writing this peer-reviewed book, I drew on information gathered through evidence-based research, case studies, and anecdotes stemming from my lived experiences working at an advocacy organization and mentoring African-American youth.

  • af Elizabeth Bose O. Bien-Aime
    192,95 kr.

    As the world faces a plethora of turmoil from conflicts, civil war, and other calamities, causing people to flee for their lives, the homeless and vulnerable persons from Syria, Libya, Palestine and many sub-Saharan African countries seek a haven for their survival. Migrant minors separated from their immediate family members during these perilous journeys are susceptible to danger, are at risk of child trafficking, and are faced with immigration restrictions at the border of every country they run into. Thus, Italy's new legislation, The Zampa Law for 'Provision of Protection Measures', is a boon to the children fleeing for their lives without being accompanied by any family or guardian into Italy. The author analyses the gap that the new Italian Zampa Law filled, the challenges in applying the new law and other aspects of the Italian immigration system related to unaccompanied migrant minors.

  • af Enakshi Ganguly
    197,95 kr.

    DeScriPtionThe past decade has seen an insidious and unforgiving position take root on thepurpose of juvenile justice in India, seen as it is-especially in the aftermath ofthe Nirbhaya case in 2012-as an instrument of punishment and not of reform.The desire to make the law retributive and not compassionate stems from whatone of the authors calls 'the blindness of privilege'. This book offers a muchneeded critique of such a skewed understanding of the law, pulling us out of ourcomfort zone, and confronting us with the grim reality of India's juvenile justicesystem.The authors write from long years of experience of working with 'Children inConflict with Law', or CICL, as the Juvenile Justice Act terms offending minors.In the first part of the book, noted child rights activist Enakshi Ganguly discussesnot only the history and evolution of the law in India-from the colonial periodto the present-but also its pitfalls and the often overwhelming problems indealing with the system. The second part of the book contains two poignantfirst-person accounts of working among the CICL by Kalpana Purushothaman,a trained psychologist and a member of a Juvenile Justice Board in Karnataka,and Puneeta Roy, who translates her skills in expressive arts into offering toolsto interned children for self-empowerment and healing. The personal anecdotesand case studies they share, and the sheer resilience of their optimism, challengethe deeply biased assumptions that prevent us from seeing the child behind theoffender and which perpetuate injustice against this most vulnerable of groups.

  • af Barry Brandt
    217,95 kr.

    A poorly trained, seventy-five-year-old driver illegally parked his big-rig tractor-trailer on the side of the highway. On a pitch black November morning, a family SUV slammed into and under the rear of the parked truck. The father/driver and one son, sitting behind him, were killed on impact. Two other young children exited through a rear window.The mother was trapped in the front passenger seat, and a fire began under the hood of the car. The two surviving children alternately tried to extricate their mother and tried to flag down passing vehicles. Their mother was slowly incinerated as she called her son to help her.The defendant trucking company refused to pay the paltry One Million Dollar policy, forcing a trial. Attorney Brian Brandt took on the case.Brandt went to trial, representing Kylie, the nine-year-old sole survivor, as well as the interests of Blaine, the other original survivor. The jury awarded One-Hundred-Forty Million Dollars, plus interest and costs. It was and remains the largest wrongful-death verdict amount in the history of California. The case was not over, however, as the trial judge made a stunning decision, leaving much more to be told.

  • af Anne Maree Payne
    340,95 - 879,95 kr.

    The removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families gained national attention in Australia following the Bringing Them Home Report in 1997. However, the voices of Indigenous parents were largely missing from the Report. The Inquiry attributed their lack of testimony to the impact of trauma and the silencing impact of parents' overwhelming sense of guilt and despair; a submission by Link-Up NSW commented on Aboriginal mothers being ';unwilling and unable to speak about the immense pain, grief and anguish that losing their children had caused them.'This book explores what happened to Aboriginal mothers who had children removed and why they have overwhelmingly remained silent about their experiences. Identifying the structural barriers to Aboriginal mothering in the Stolen Generations era, the author examines how contemporary laws, policies and practices increased the likelihood of Aboriginal child removal and argues that negative perceptions of Aboriginal mothering underpinned removal processes, with tragic consequences. This book makes an important contribution to understanding the history of the Stolen Generations and highlights the importance of designing inclusive truth-telling processes that enable a diversity of perspectives to be shared.

  • af Catherine Magodo-Mutukwa
    192,95 kr.

    SILENT CRIES: The Violated Speak, is the beginning of a series of books on TRUE stories of abused young girls in society, their changes and the possible steps to eradicate the evil called Gender Based Abuse and Violence....In partnership with SHAMWARI YEMWANASIKANA

  • af Karen Heise
    182,95 kr.

    Happily Divorced is a story 20 years in the making. Unlike other books on co-parenting, this book is not written by a psychologist or social worker. It is a first-hand account of co-parenting from a family who took the journey and triumphed. When their son was only six-years-old, Teresa and Bob divorced. But rather than giving up on their family, they fought for its survival. Through a series of intentional choices and consistently honoring the Golden Rule in dealing with one another, the Harlow family not only survived but thrived.Happily Divorced is not a handbook. It offers experiences both good and bad that the divorced couple faced as they raised their son. The book is written by the mom, Teresa, with the father, Bob, and son, Ian, contributing their perspectives as well. Take the journey with the Harlows as they navigate the circumstances of divorce and co-parenting. You'll learn how they handled the breakup, school matters, discipline, extra-curricular activities, career choices, extended family, shared friendships, new romantic interests, stepparenting, and much more.Recommended reading for divorced parents, those contemplating divorce, their children, their families, their friends, and the professionals who support them. Also an excellent read for blended families and those seeking to improve every relationship - from the former spouse, to a co-worker, child, parent, or even an adversary.

  • af Alicia M. Crowe
    242,95 kr.

    Every year thousands of parents like you go into custody and/or child support proceedings in family court. When they know what to do, they can get through it successfully. When they don't, the consequences can be brutal. You can maneuver the system. Yes, it is possible. This easy to read guide takes you through every step of the child support and child custody process. Whether you are a single father or mother you will benefit from this book. Book is great for lawyers too!

  • af Marie Fahnert
    932,95 kr.

    This clearly written guide provides family law practitioners with the practical knowledge and tools they need to analyze the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) and the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act (PKPA).

  • af Kenisha E. Anthony
    207,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af Craig Key
    182,95 kr.

    Kelsey was a bubbly ray of sunshine. It is impossible to comprehend how anyone could harm a child, much less have something happen when so many were watching so closely. The lesson from Kelseys death is not only a cry to stop child abuse, but a reminder to cherish the little ones in our lives, and a warning to those embroiled in custody battles to take the focus off themselves and put it where it belongs, on the innocent children who did not ask to be a pawn in someones game.

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