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This book offers a thorough academic investigation on the importance of cultural heritage to sustainable development and cultural rights from an international law perspective.
The emergence of new and substantial human migration flows is one of the most important consequences of globalisation. While ascribable to widely differing social and economic causes, from the forced migration of refugees to upper-middle-class migration projects and the movement of highly skilled workers, what they have in common is the effect of contributing to a substantial global redefinition in terms of both identity and politics.This book contains contributions from scholars in the fields of law, social sciences, the sciences, and the liberal arts, brought together to delineate the features of the migration phenomena that will accompany us over the coming decades. The focus is on the multifaceted concept of 'border' as representing a useful stratagem for dealing with a topic like migration that requires analysis from several perspectives. The authors discuss the various factors and issues which must be understood in all their complexity so that they can be governed by all social stakeholders, free of manipulation and false consciousness. They bring an interdisciplinary and comparative perspective to the social phenomena such as human trafficking, unaccompanied foreign minors, or ethnic-based niches in the job market.The book will be a valuable guide for academics, students and policy-makers.
This book critically analyzes the criminalization of incitement to terrorism under the fundamental principles of legality, necessity, and proportionality with the aim of striking a fair balance between security and liberty on this complicated issue. The criminalization of incitement to terrorism has gained momentum, but no exact or generally accepted definition of this offense exists at the international level. What¿s more, given that the criminalization of incitement to terrorism results in restrictions on the exercise of citizens¿ freedom of expression, there should be certain limitations on those criminal measures to avoid unnecessary or disproportionate infringement of this fundamental human right. Nevertheless, there has not been a precise standard by which to determine how to draw the line between anti-terrorism and the protection of freedom of expression. Hence, it could be concluded that the criminalization of incitement to terrorism concerns how to balance security and liberty, and the safeguarding principles of legality, necessity, and proportionality should be fully observed in considering this issue.This book studies definitions of ¿incitement¿, ¿terrorism¿, and ¿incitement to terrorism¿ under the relevant international and national legislation, and points out the existing absence, ambiguousness, or substantive divergence in defining actus reus and mens rea regarding incitement to terrorism. It carefully considers the current need for and essential limitations on criminal measures against incitement to terrorism in accordance with the principles of necessity and proportionality, and particularly focuses on how to balance the protection of freedom of expression with the criminalization of incitement to terrorism. In considering how to draw a line between the two, the book formulates precise requirements for objective and subjective elements of this offense in accordance with the principle of legality.Given its scope, it will be of interest not only to academics, human rights lawyers and practitioners, but also to policymakers, as it offers an extensive evaluation of the effects and counter-effects of existing criminal measures.
Der ordre public-Vorbehalt im Schiedsverfahrensrecht ist eine abstrakte Materie, die erst durch eine Aufarbeitung der legislativen Vorbereitungen zu den entsprechenden Regelwerken auf internationaler und nationaler Ebene sowie durch die Analyse der Rechtsprechung an Konturen gewinnt. In diesem Werk werden die einzelnen Materien geschildert, in denen ordre public-Verstöße angenommen werden, aber auch die übergreifenden Zusammenhänge herausgearbeitet. Insofern verdient der Ansatz des Verfassers, ein abstraktes Anwendungsmuster zu finden, durchaus Zuspruch. Er ist für eine rechtsvergleichende Arbeit, die deutsches und russisches Recht vergleichend behandelt, ein wertvolles tertium comparationis.
The notion of academic freedom dates back to the creation of universities and has long been understood to be central to their vocation. This freedom has come under attack by different actors throughout its history. In the current context, rising threats to democracy and human liberties, the corporatization of research, concerns about diversity and increased societal polarization, are putting a considerable pressure on its exercise. However, academic freedom is also a concept that suffers from persistent ambiguities associated with the general notion of freedom as well as debates about the function of universities.This edited collection addresses the question of academic freedom by situating it in its broader global context. More conceptual treatments contribute to an understanding of academic freedom as distinct and separate from, although related to, freedom of expression, or student rights. These conceptual treatments are combined with studies of actual struggles over the scope of academic freedom in specific universities. The contributions come from a broad variety of sites seek to deprovincialize the conversation beyond North America or the English-speaking world.
Denne dybdegående indføring i folkeretten og menneskerettigheder udkommer nu i en ny og opdateret 2. udgave!Folkeret og Menneskerettigheder giver en indføring i folkeretten og de internationale menneskerettigheder med fokus på Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedskonvention og EU’s Charter om Grundlæggende Rettigheder.Bogen er opdelt i følgende to dele: Del I: Folkeretten Del II: Menneskerettigheder Nyt i 2. udgaveDenne nye, reviderede 2. udgave er ført ajour med nye domme m.v., og kapitlerne om menneskerettigheder er flere steder gennemskrevet på ny. Bogens første del (kapitel 1-7) om folkeretten er skrevet af Ole Terkelsen, og bogens anden del (kapiel 8-14) om menneskerettigheder er skrevet af Louise Halleskov. MålgruppeBogen er først og fremmest skrevet til brug i undervisningen på jurastudiets bacheloruddannelse, men den kan også være til nytte for praktikere og andre, som har behov for viden om folkeret og den internationale beskyttelse af menneskerettigheder.Om forfatterneOle Terkelsen er lektor ved Juridisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet, hvor han bl.a. underviser i folkeret. Louise Halleskov er professor ved Juridisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet, hvor hun bl.a. underviser i menneskeret.
In light of the third-generation concept of 'inclusive sustainability', the volume explores the architecture of global disability governance and its degree of harmonisation. The book integrates socio-cultural, economic, political and legal analyses from an international and comparative perspective. The first part of the volume outlines a tripartite systematisation of disability rights for States and non-state persons. In light of essential economic considerations, the second part explores the relationship between disability and specific fundamental rights and regimes, particularly the rights to life, health, education, work and participation. The third part takes an institutional approach and focuses on the way in which the UN and regional organisations regulate disability (rectius, different ability).
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, einen Überblick über das Verhältnis von Antidiskriminierungsrecht und Kündigungsschutzrecht zu geben und hierbei vor allem das deutsche das türkische Recht in den Blick zu nehmen. Dazu werden zunächst die theoretischen Grundlagen dargestellt, indem die Entwicklung, Ziele und Kritikpunkte des Antidiskriminierungs- und des Kündigungsschutzrechts analysiert werden. Es folgt eine Untersuchung des internationalen und supranationalen Arbeitsrechts im Hinblick auf den Schutz vor diskriminierenden Arbeitgeberkündigungen. Den Schwerpunkt der Arbeit bilden der Vergleich der Rechtsordnungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Republik der Türkei in Bezug auf das Antidiskriminierungs- und das Kündigungsschutzrecht sowie die spannungsreiche Wechselbeziehung der beiden Rechtsgebiiete, zu der es bei diskriminierenden Kündigungen kommt.
This book aims to prospectively conjecture about what the coming decades may hold for human rights. The authors in this volume discern where current trends are likely to lead and try to make sense of the future they herald. The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of Nordic Journal of Human Rights.
Current advancements in civil rights and environmental activism emphasize the crucial importance of making environmental information widely available to the public, regardless of whether it is in the hands of the government or of corporations.
This book grapples with the challenges inherent in an uncertain period for global human rights and explores the future of international human rights law and practice. It was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Human Rights.
This book reflects on constitutional balancing from the perspective of fundamental labour rights. It reviews the theoretical debates on judicial balancing and the approaches adopted by the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights, to proceed with a closer assessment of Italian and Spanish judicial traditions.
This collection presents a unique and diverse range of contributions on challenges faced by criminal justice in England and Wales in the wake of the Covid-19 global pandemic.The book brings together leading experts to examine the impact of the pandemic on policing and criminal procedure, prisons, and the post-conviction stage of the system. The work further explores the lessons that may be learned and explores the relevance of these lessons for the wider criminal justice system. The reader will gain substantial insight into contemporary challenges in these areas, through original analysis and argument. The experience of England and Wales during the pandemic will also be of interest to the wider international community who will have encountered many of the issues raised in this collection.The book will be essential reading for researchers, academics, and policymakers involved in criminal justice.
This book offers insights into the legal mechanisms that are adopted in multilevel constitutional orders to accommodate the tension between contrasting interests of diversity and unity and the converging or diverging effects they may have on the functioning of a multilevel constitutional order.
EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. In recent years, climate litigation has become an important subject of global scholarly and policy interest. However, developments within the Global South, particularly in Africa, have been largely neglected. This volume brings together an international team of contributors to provide a much-needed examination of climate litigation in Africa. The book outlines how climate litigation in Africa is distinct as well as pinpointing where it connects with the global conversation. Chapters engage with crucial themes such as human rights approaches to climate governance, corporate liability and the role of gender in climate litigation. Spanning a range of approaches and jurisdictions, the book challenges universal concepts around climate and the role of activism (including litigation) in seeking to advance climate governance.
In dieser Schrift wird aufbauend auf den Erkenntnissen der Climate Change Litigation und dem Phänomen der sog. Klimaklagen die Justitiabilität von Klimaschutz in Deutschland untersucht. Dabei wird der Untersuchungsgegenstand auf Klimaschutzklagen, d.h. auf vertikale Klagen von Privaten gegen den Staat mit dem Begehren auf verbesserte oder sonst adäquate Klimaschutzmaßnahmen, beschränkt. Nach einer Auseinandersetzung mit dem meist diffusen Begriff der Justitiabilität wird eine eigenständige Definition mit anschließendem Prüfungskanon entwickelt, der danach fragt, ob und inwieweit Klimaschutz vor deutschen Gerichten einklagbar ist; aber auch fragt, ob und inwieweit einschlägige Streitigkeiten zur gerichtlichen Klärung geeignet sind. Im Rahmen der Prüfung von Einklagbarkeit und Eignung werden die wesentlichen Herausforderungen der Klimaklagen identifiziert und ¿ unter Berücksichtigung einschlägigen internationalen und europäischen Rechts ¿ nach prozessualen und materiellen Verfassungsrecht geprüft. Unter Begründung eines subjektiven Rechts auf Klimaschutz im Sinne eines Schutzes der Freiheitsvoraussetzungen sowie unter Anwendung einer Abwägungsfehlerlehre als gerichtlicher Kontrollmaßstab wird die Justitiabilität von Klimaschutz in Deutschland bejaht. Dabei erfolgt ¿ im deutschsprachigen Raum erstmals ¿ eine monografische Auseinandersetzung mit dem sog. Klima-Beschluss des Bundesverfassungsgerichts.
This contributed volume examines the trend whereby the EU resorts ever more often to informal arrangements and deals with third countries in an effort to curb and manage migration flows towards the EU and facilitate the return of irregular migrants to their countries of origin or transit. The perceived success of the EU-Turkey deal provided a strong impetus for the continuation of this trend. The contributions collected and presented in this book aim to shed light on the implications of this trend for the EU constitutional order, the human rights of those affected by these deals, the third countries with which the EU cooperates, and the global refugee protection regime. They demonstrate how these deals raise more issues than they solve; by, for instance, sidestepping established Treaty rules and procedures, violating the human rights of those affected, and overburdening the nascent migration and asylum systems of third country partners. This book, the first volume to appear in the Global Europe Series, will be of great interest to researchers and policy makers working in the field of migration and asylum.Eva Kassoti and Narin Idriz work in the Research Department of the T.M.C. Asser Institute in The Hague.
"Employing an interdisciplinary, comparative approach, this book explores the inconsistent treatment of victims of involuntary sterilisation and castration in three Nordic countries over the last century. Using a vast range of primary and secondary sources, it investigates the development of rights and state responsibility"--
This book focuses on the analysis of coercive measures that sports federations are permitted to use as part of their investigations to investigate rule violations.
This edited volume represents a joint effort by international experts to analyze the prevalence and nature of gender-based domestic violence across the globe and how it is dealt with at both national and international levels.
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