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International ret: internationale konflikter og civil retspleje

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  • af Reece Wilkes
    230,95 kr.

    Master's Thesis from the year 2017 in the subject Law - European and International Law, Intellectual Properties, grade: Merit, , course: International Law, language: English, abstract: The issue of abortion has always remained a taboo, not only socially but many legal systems have different attitudes towards it. With the creation of the European Convention on Human Rights and a Court of last resort to deal with alleged breaches by the State came the expectation that it had to deal with this pertinent issue due to States refusing to legalise abortion or limiting access to it. This paper considers the extent to which the Courts jurisprudence has adopted a pro-life approach and if so, why. The paper reveals that there are competing interests, namely between three parties: The foetus, the woman and the State and that the Court has had to balance its judgements carefully, depending on the circumstances of each case, without intruding on a woman¿s right to privacy under Art 8. It concludes that the Court has tried to stay as neutral as possible when dealing with cases on abortion, presumably understanding the contentions that would be raised if it is overly eager to appease one party over the other. This necessitates a new legal theory which is necessary due to the competing interests of each party over the other. Contained within the paper, a new legal theory named "The Triad of Rights" is created which shows how women¿s rights, foetal rights and State rights are unable to be dissociated from each other on the issue of abortion, indicating why the Court tries to stay as neutral as possible.

  • af Lukas Vanhonnaeker
    341,95 kr.

    In recent years, investor-state tribunals have often permitted shareholders' claims for reflective loss despite the well-established principle of no reflective loss applied consistently in domestic regimes and in other fields of international law. Investment tribunals have justified their decisions by relying on definitions of 'investment' in investment agreements that often include 'shares', while the no-reflective-loss principle is generally justified on the basis of policy considerations pertaining to the preservation of the efficiency of the adjudicatory process and to the protection of other stakeholders, such as creditors. Although these policy considerations militating for the prohibition of shareholders' claims for reflective loss also apply in investor-state arbitration, they are curable in that context and must be balanced with policy considerations specific to the field of international investment law that weigh in favor of such claims: the protection of foreign investors in order to promote trade and investment liberalization.

  • af Richard Happ
    3.597,95 kr.

    The bookThe 2022 ICSID Rules and Regulations amendments mark the fourth amendment of these Rules and Regulations since 1968 and may be seen as the most extensive revision of them to date, especially since the significance of ICSID arbitration has been growing, as evidenced by the continuously increasing number of ICSID cases registered over the years. The main objectives of the revision was to modernise, simplify and streamline the legal framework of ICSID proceedings. ICSID and its Member States achieved this by filling existing gaps, codifying international standards and practices, and by addressing specific ISDS concerns. A team of renowned practitioners and rising stars in the field of International Arbitration have analysed these updated frameworks - i.e., the ICSID Arbitration Rules, the Conciliation Rules, the Institution Rules as well as the Administrative and Financial Regulations - provision by provision to offer practical and theoretical guidance for experienced lawyers, as well as beginners in the field alike. The Commentary also provides detailed background information on the amendment procedure of each provision and gives insight into whether, and if yes, which, existing case law remains relevant to the application of the new Rules and Regulations. The Commentary is rounded off with reflections on various perspectives of ICSID arbitration.The Advantages At A Glanceup-to-datecomprehensiblewith a practical focusThe Target GroupFor counsel, arbitrators and academics involved in international investment arbitration.

  • af Jörg Risse
    967,95 kr.

    The bookThe book explains 100 facts about arbitration proceedings that every in-house lawyer must know - and every outside counsel needs to communicate in a nutshell to his or her clients.The advantages at a glanceinternational Arbitration in a nutshellclear and concise adviceeasy access: Ten chapters outlining ten concepts eachThe target groupIn-house counsel and attorneys who need a straight-forward, no-frills explanation of core concepts in international arbitration.

  • af Magnus/Mankowski
    4.482,95 kr.

    Der Vorreiter unter den englischsprachigen "article-by article"-Kommentaren auf dem Gebiet des Internationalen Privatrechts erscheint mit der Kommentierung zur Brüssel Ia-Verordnung (= Brussels Ibis Regulation) in der zweiten Auflage.Die vorliegende Kommentierung dieser zentralen Verordnung des europäischen Zivilrechts beantwortet fundiert und konkret praxisrelevante Fragen, wie z.B. zu Gerichtsstandsvereinbarungen ("Dispute Resolution Clause"), die am Anfang jeder Gestaltung grenzüberschreitender B2B-Verträge stehen sollten.Das Autorenteam setzt sich aus renommierten Rechtsexperten aus ganz Europa zusammen, die EuGH-Rechtsprechung findet besondere Berücksichtigung. Für international tätige Anwälte mit Sitz in Deutschland bietet sich der besondere Vorteil, den Kommentar ohne Übersetzungsaufwände zitieren zu können. Hinweis: Der Band erscheint in englischer Sprache.

  • af Raphael Bossong
    382,95 kr.

    Der Kampf gegen den internationalen Terrorismus ist seit über fünfzehn Jahren ein zentraler Fokus der europäischen Sicherheitspolitik. Dabei stellt sich jedoch die Frage, ob die Vielzahl an Sicherheitsmaßnahmen und -gesetzen, die auf verschiedenen politischen Ebenen verabschiedet wurden, den Standards der Effektivität und Verhältnismäßigkeit gerecht werden. Dieser Band bietet eine entsprechende kritische Bestandsaufnahme. Raphael Bossong gibt einen Überblick zu den strategischen Trends der EU-Antiterrorismuspolitik seit 2015, während Oldrich Bures die europäischen Maßnahmen zur Kontrolle sog. ausländischer Kämpfer evaluiert. Martin Kahl entwickelt eine grundsätzliche Kritik der Effektivität der EU-Terrorismusbekämpfung. Tim Krieger und Daniel Meierrieks kondensieren die wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Debatte zur Kosten- und Folgeabschätzung des Terrorismus. Anja Jacobi und Janina Kandt analysieren die transnationale Governance zur Eindämmung der Terrorismusfinanzierung. Mit Beiträgen vonDr. Raphael Bossong, Prof. Oldrich Bures, Dr. Martin Kahl, Prof. Tim Krieger, Dr. Daniel Meierrieks, Prof. Anja Jacobi, Janina Kandt

  • af Aksel V. Carlsen
    163,95 kr.

    Hvad er baggrunden for de folkelige protester i Belarus / Hviderusland i 2020? Hvem er deltagerne og hvilke forandringer stræber de efter? Bygger mon præsident -Lukashenkos 26 år ved magten udelukkende på undertrykkelse, vold og valgsvindel? Denne bog handler om det moderne Hviderusland, dets styre og befolkning som et produkt af et kompliceret historisk forløb og dets plads i en aktuel storpolitisk kontekst. Fremstillingen gennemgår hele forløbet med folkelige protester siden valget 9. august 2020; præsenterer protesternes deltagere og deres aktionsformer. Den skildrer en broget opposition, der både består af kræfter på den politiske venstre- og højrefløj og sætter lys på arbejdspladsernes rolle. Der sættes spørgsmål ved vestlige mediers fremhævelse af den hviderussiske husmor Svjatlana Tsikhanovskaja som “oppositionsleder”, og deres overfladiske brug af begrebet “revolution”. Forfatteren tager afstand fra vores opinionsdanneres trang til simple forklaringer, især når det drejer sig om gådefulde lande som eksempelvis Hviderusland, hvor flere millioner mennesker ser sig som en del af den russisk-talende verden. Baggrundsviden er dog en forudsætning for at forstå, både hvorfor der protesteres, men også hvorfor mange andre undlader at protestere. Bogen er et forsøg på at præsentere et forholdsvis ukendt land for læseren og bygger især på lokale kilder og på forfatterens egne indtryk fra besøg i dette land.

  • af Clyde Croft, Christopher Kee & Jeff Waincymer
    2.543,95 kr.

    The first version of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules was endorsed by the General Assembly of the United Nations in December 1976. Now considered one of UNCITRAL's greatest successes, the rules have had an extraordinary impact on international arbitration as both instruments in their own right and as guides for others. The Iran-US Claims Tribunal, for example, employs a barely modified version of the rules for all claims, and many multilateral and bilateral foreign investment treaties adopt the UNCITRAL Rules as an arbitral procedure. The Rules are so pervasive and the consequences of the new version potentially so significant that they cannot be ignored. This commentary on the Rules brings the official documents together in one volume and includes the insights and experiences of the Working Group that are not included in the official reports.

  • af Line Herman Langkjær
    1.437,95 kr.

    Bogen indeholder en omfattende gennemgang af gældende dansk ret på det konkursretlige område set i lyset af EU’s insolvensforordning Når en virksomhed har grænseoverskridende aktiviteter, medvirker disse til, at der opstår nogle særlige insolvensprocesretlige spørgsmål, hvis skyldneren går konkurs. Først må det overvejes, i hvilket land skyldnerens konkurs skal behandles, og eventuelt i hvor mange forskellige lande skyldneren kan tages under konkursbehandling på samme tid. Undervejs i konkursbehandlingen kan der opstå en række konflikter mellem konkursboet og skyldnerens medkontrahenter, kreditorer, samarbejdspartnere, ejere mv. Har disse bopæl udenfor Danmark, opstår spørgsmålet, i hvilket omfang konkursboet kan anlægge sagen i Danmark.Disse spørgsmål er genstand for behandling i denne bog, der indeholder en omfattende gennemgang af gældende dansk ret, samtidig med at denne vurderes op imod den EU-retslige regulering, som Danmark ikke er bundet af som følge af det danske retsforbehold. Det forsøges besvaret, om dansk ret er i overensstemmelse med EU-retten, og i benægtende fald, om den bør være det.Målgruppe Bogen er relevant for alle, der beskæftiger sig med insolvens- og procesret, men er særligt relevant for advokater og dommere, der beskæftiger sig med anlæggelse af sager med forbindelse til en skyldners konkurs.Om forfatteren Line Herman Langkjær er adjunkt, ph.d. ved Juridisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet, og har tidligere arbejdet som advokat med speciale i insolvensret. Bogen er hendes ph.d.-afhandling i en lettere opdateret og bearbejdet udgave.

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