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Voldgift, mediering og alternativ konfliktløsning

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  • af Marion Thorning
    241,95 - 267,95 kr.

    Hvorfor er nogle mennesker gode til at løse konflikter? Hvordan får man mod til at turde gå ind i en konflikt? Hvilke reskaber kan man med fordel anvende, når man står midt i kaos? »Lær at løse konflikter« definerer hvad en konflikt er og beskriver forskellige konflikttemaer og -modeller, desuden beskrives de forhold, der typisk ligger bag en konflikt. Hvad der er den typiske konfliktadfærd. Hvad det vil sige at være hjælper i andres konflikter og hvordan man kan bearbejde sin måde at møde konflikter på, således at det giver udviklingsmuligheder både på det personlige og det arbejdsmæssige plan.

  • af Marion Thorning
    244,95 kr.

    »God konfliktløsning handler både om at tage ansvar for at opnå den og om faglig viden om metoder – det giver bogen en supergod og klog hjælp til. Derfor er det klart en bog, der kan anbefales til alle, der lever i en familie og arbejder på at gøre den bedre«. Per Schultz Jørgensen, professor emeritus, dr.phil.Nogle familier er gode til at sætte sig sammen og få talt konflikter igennem, andre familier ønsker ’fred for enhver pris’, og i atter andre råber og skriger man ad hinanden. Det, man lærer i sit barndomshjem, vil man for det meste bringe videre med sig ud i livet. Selvom man har lyst til at prøve noget andet, end det man lærte i barndommen, er det svært at finde ud af, hvilken vej man så skal gå.LÆR AT LØSE KONFLIKTER – I FAMILIEN giver råd og vejledning til, hvad man kan gøre, når der opstår konflikter i en familie, og den giver indblik i, hvordan konflikter opstår og udvikler sig. Bogens grundtanke er, at man ikke skal forsøge at ændre modparten. Men man kan påvirke den anden og situationen ved selv at gøre noget klogt.Bogens råd giver svar på spørgsmål som: Hvad stiller jeg op med min vrede og frustration? Hvorfor skal jeg blive på min egen banehalvdel? Hvad gør man, når man helt har mistet tilliden til den anden? Hvilke strategier er hensigtsmæssige?Marion Thorning er selvstændig konsulent og master i Konfliktmægling (KU). Hun har arbejdet med konflikthåndtering og -mægling i over 20 år og har erfaring med mægling på arbejdspladser, i organisationer og familier. Hun er forfatter til flere artikler, kronikker og bøger om arbejdsliv, familie, vejledning og konflikthåndtering.

  • - En refleksiv model
    af Vibeke Vindeløv
    627,95 kr.

    "Konfliktmægling - en refleksiv model er en lærebog", som behandler konfliktforståelse og konfliktmægling i sammenhæng. Den praktiske fremgangsmåde, bogen anbefaler, bygger på centrale begreber som sandhed, retfærdighed, tillid, magt mm. Dette fundament giver et billede af den kobling mellem værdier, form og indhold, som er nødvendig, når mægling behandles som en seriøs profession, der fordrer, at mægleren løbende reflekterer over, hvorvidt der er sammenhæng mellem det underliggende værdigrundlag og den praktiske udøvelse. I forhold til tidligere udgaver af bogen er kapitlerne udbygget med mange relevante eksempler, og det er yderligere præciseret, hvori det refleksive består og forholdet mellem mægling og terapi. Kapitlet om internationale konflikter er meget omarbejdet, bl.a. med fokus på kønnenes rolle i disse konflikter. Bogen er herudover opdateret ift. retsmægling, konfliktråd og mægling i familiekonflikter. "Konfliktmægling" henvender sig til alle, der er interesserede i – eller har behov for at lære noget om mægling. Vibeke Vindeløv er professor, dr.jur. fra Det juridiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet og initiativtager til fakultetets masteruddannelse i konfliktmægling, der startede i 2002. Hun har såvel teoretisk som praktisk erfaring fra mægling og konfliktløsning i ind- og udland

  • - advokaters erfaring med mediation
    af Carsten Juul & Thomas Samsø Bloch
    294,95 kr.

    Forveksler du mediation med meditation? Tror du, at mediationer en blød og hippieagtig måde at løse konflikter på? Noget medindisk musik, stearinlys og hjemmebagte småkager.Så tro hurtigt om igen. Mediation er en kontant og effektiv metode, som flere og flere advokater har fået øje på og bruger som alternativ til sure og dyre retssager. I Løsningens labyrint fortæller en række garvede advokater om deres erfaringer med mediation og om, hvorfor metoden er en gave til erhvervslivet.Der er skrevet mange teoretiske bøger om alternativ konfliktmægling, men intet taler så klart som eksempler, intet er så lærerigt som at høre om folks praktiske erfaringer. Om hvordan det lader sig gøre at få hidsige, stridende parter til at tale sammen igen. Finde en løsning og måske bevare et samarbejde. Og modsat: hvad der sker, når det hele kikser for dem og mediatoren. Løsningens Labyrint handler om fordomme, faldgruber, fantastiske forsoninger og forlig.

  • af Johannes Tefo
    151,95 kr.

    Overcome workplace challenges with faith and strength in "The Workplace You Need: Warfare Prayers That Silence Evil Powers At Your Workplace " Discover hidden battles impacting your career, and learn practical strategies to protect your mind, heart, and spirit from negativity.Tap into divine resources, embrace spiritual discernment, and unlock the art of powerful prayer. Rise above challenges, and step into a future filled with success, peace, and prosperity. Conquer spiritual warfare at your workplace today and unleash your true power within.

  • af Elisabeth Catherine Wöhrle
    588,95 kr.

    Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der seit jeher umstrittenen Frage nach der Zulässigkeit der Vergleiche im Steuerrecht; dies im Schwerpunkt mit der gänzlich unbeantworteten Frage nach der Zulässigkeit von Vergleichen vor der Finanzgerichtsbarkeit. Das Feld für den finanzgerichtlichen Prozessvergleich ist weit. Die Möglichkeiten zur konsensualen Streitbeilegung innerhalb der Finanzgerichtsbarkeit sind, trotz der, im Vergleich zur allgemeinen Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit überproportional konsensual erledigten Fälle, unterausgeprägt. Unter empirischen Gesichtspunkten zeigt sich, dass einvernehmliche Verfahrensbeendigungen im finanzgerichtlichen Verfahren die Mehrheit der erledigten Fälle bilden, obschon deren rechtliche Möglichkeiten unter verfahrensvergleichenden Gesichtspunkten eingeschränkt sind. Diese Arbeit macht es sich unter anderem zum Gegenstand zu prüfen, welche nationalen und internationalen Auswirkungen die Einführung eines finanzgerichtlichen Prozessvergleichs mit sich bringt.

  • af Daniel Zatorski
    1.125,95 - 1.207,95 kr.

  • af William E. Simkin
    692,95 - 1.127,95 kr.

    This book is a volume in the Penn Press Anniversary Collection. To mark its 125th anniversary in 2015, the University of Pennsylvania Press rereleased more than 1,100 titles from Penn Press's distinguished backlist from 1899-1999 that had fallen out of print. Spanning an entire century, the Anniversary Collection offers peer-reviewed scholarship in a wide range of subject areas.

  • af Philipp Kastner
    273,95 - 1.092,95 kr.

    This book provides a critical introduction to the complex relationship between law and peace.

  • af Hugo Luz Dos Santos
    1.392,95 - 1.538,95 kr.

  • af Lin Liu
    588,95 kr.

    Mit der Entwicklung der chinesischen Wirtschaft besteht ein immer größerer Bedarf, die chinesische Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit als ein Streitbeilegungsmittel zu internationalisieren. Die Beiträge zeigen die grundlegenden Rechtsfragen in Bezug auf die chinesische Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit, insbesondere die Rolle des staatlichen Gerichts im Schiedsverfahren, die nicht zu übersehen ist. Die Autorin forscht nicht nur die vielfältigen geltenden Rechtsgrundlagen, sondern auch zahlreiche praktischen Entscheidungen der chinesischen Gerichte. Daher dienen die Beiträge nicht nur dem akademischen Zweck, sondern haben auch eine praktische Relevanz.

  • af Bing Xiao
    1.775,95 kr.

    This book thoroughly reviews Chinäs participation in the WTO dispute settlement system with a focus on the interaction between Chinäs distinctive institutional characters and international legal regime and an aim of not only revealing the Chinese phenomenon but also identifying the Chinese mode and the rationale that lies behind Chinäs mode change. It further analyzes two fundamental issues China is confronted with. One is the distinctive member status issue of China due to the concurrence of its multiple member status as member state, accessing member state and developing member state. The other is the issue of invoking and applying the special rules of The Protocol on the Accession of China in the WTO dispute settlement. In-depth examination of assorted cases that involve China and representative individual cases thereof, is also provided. Upon the insight into Chinese phenomenon and Chinese issues in the WTO dispute settlement, the book tries to respond to the imminentneed of reforming the WTO dispute settlement regime by providing directions that accord with the regular pattern of evolution of international economic law system and pragmatic suggestions that stem from Chinäs strategic position.This book serves for academics, policymakers, and business practitioners by providing useful insights into the legal, regulatory, and economic issues raised by distinctive character of China in WTO dispute settlement.

  • af R. V. Vaidyanatha Ayyar
    567,95 - 877,95 kr.

  • af Vladimir Samoylov
    1.221,95 - 1.225,95 kr.

  • af Charles J Moxley
    1.157,95 - 1.242,95 kr.

  • af Stephen Rocco
    192,95 kr.

    "Have a disagreement with a family member? Involved in a squabble at work? Are you in the midst of court litigation? You can find no better advice than Steve Rocco's four "R"s - Restructure the Interpersonal Momentum, Read the Conflict, Redefine the Conflict, and make Reasoned not Regretful Decisions - presented in his book, "Moving from Conflict to Cooperation." Steve's writing style is approachable and full of helpful examples. His strategies can be applied to a wide variety of types of conflicts. His book is built on common sense, wisdom, and broad experience and is written by an author who obviously is gifted with a keen sense of human nature."--Hon. John M. Smoot (Ret.), Boston Area Mediation "In my practice areas, as a Parenting Coordinator, I negotiate co-parenting disputes and try to educate parents on ways to engage in self-determined conflict resolution. In that regard, "Conflict to Cooperation" is a perfect fit as a reference in my own practice and as a resource that I would recommend to my clients as a road map to guide them along their journey."--Anne Cremonini, LICSW

  • af Helen Leah Lightstone
    172,95 - 307,95 kr.

  • af Kenneth Cloke
    367,95 kr.

    Anyone who has mediated is likely to have experienced the magic of mediation and would very much like to do so again. But if asked where this magic came from, how it happened, what it consisted of, and how they might replicate it, most would be hard pressed to answer. To identify the sources of magic in mediation, we need to learn by metaphor from other disciplines and professions and search for ways of translating successful small-scale techniques into scale-free methodologies that can be applied to mid- and large-scale conflicts. We are actively creating wars, pandemics, and environmental conflicts that cannot be resolved or prevented except globally, collaboratively, and meditatively, using scaled-up, higher order dispute resolution skills. This is the core mission and calling of conflict resolvers around the world. And as these problems and conflicts have no borders, neither should our efforts to resolve them.Magic happens not only because of what we do, but who we are; in spite of everything the parties have said and done to each other, all their anguish and pain and trauma and loss, all their failed efforts and hopelessness. Why? Because we know, in our minds and hearts that magic is possible, and are ready to step into their hatred and fear and darkness and uncertainty, to search for it there. In mediation, we allow ourselves, for a moment, to become the magic they are seeking, merely because they do not yet understand that the magic is already inside and between them.

  • af Quynh Anh Tran
    1.392,95 - 1.538,95 kr.

  • af Alfredo C. Robles Jr.
    1.225,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the decision of the Tribunal in the South China Sea Arbitration that China had operated its law enforcement vessels in ways that created risks of collision with Philippine official vessels at Scarborough Shoal in April and May 2012. The book explains the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS) and the incidents in layperson¿s terms. It analyzes Chinäs violations of the COLREGS on the basis of confidential Philippine documents declassified for the Arbitration, technical works by professional mariners, and the reports submitted by the navigational safety experts to the Tribunal. It pays attention to Chinese post-arbitration critiques of the Tribunal ¿s decision, which it characterizes as rationalizations of collisions as instruments of Chinese foreign policy. It contrasts Chinäs conduct with the practice of the US and Western European States, which mandate compliance with collision regulations even during law enforcement operations. The book draws on sources in five languages (English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish), and helps the reader understand the pattern of Chinäs harassment of vessels from littoral and non-littoral States in the South China Sea as well as the absence of legal foundations for Chinäs rationalizations of its behavior.Alfredo C. Robles, Jr. is a University Fellow at De La Salle University, Philippines. He holds doctorate degrees from the Université Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne), France, and Syracuse University, USA. He is the author of French Theories of Regulation and Conceptions of the International Division of Labour (1994), The Political Economy of Interregional Relations: ASEAN and the EU (2004), The Asia-Europe Meeting: The Theory and Practice of Interregionalism (2008), The South China Sea Arbitration: Understanding the Awards and Debating with China (2018), and Endangered Species and Fragile Ecosystems in the South China Sea: The Philippines v. China Arbitration (2020).

  • af Calliope Makedon Sudborough
    1.166,95 kr.

    This book provides a fresh perspective on resolving sovereign debt disputes within the investor-state mediation framework. In response to the limitations of traditional approaches to adjudicating public debt issues and the resulting gaps in international law concerning sovereign defaults, creditors have increasingly turned to investor-state treaty arbitrations to recover unpaid debts. However, this shift has raised numerous criticisms and concerns.Accordingly, this book explores the uncharted territory of utilizing mediation as a means to settle sovereign debt claims. It sheds light on the distinctive characteristics of mediation as a process, setting it apart from judicial litigation and private arbitration, and emphasizing the unique outcomes it can generate. The central argument of this book is that mediation should be seriously considered as a viable option for resolving sovereign debt disputes. Not only does it offer a more cost-effective and expeditious approach, but it also has the potential to facilitate economic recovery and sustain continued investment.

  • af Andrés Eduardo Alvarado-Garzón
    1.392,95 kr.

    This book critically analyses the availability of environmental counterclaims in investment arbitration presented by the respondent host state against the claimant investor. It starts from the premise that the conflicting relation between investment law and environmental protection cannot always be avoided. Yet, the instrument of environmental counterclaims in investment arbitration might alleviate such relation. Throughout its chapters, this book addresses the questions about the societal and practical relevance of seeking redress for environmental damage in investment arbitration, the functioning of such instrument both in contract-based and treaty-based investment arbitration, the suitability of arbitral tribunals to rule upon environmental issues, and the kind of environmental damages that could be redressed. Most importantly, by deconstructing the requirements of jurisdiction, connection between main claim and counterclaim, and cause of action, this book provides the tools for there-conceptualisation of the instrument of counterclaims with the hope of harnessing its utility to achieve appropriate redress for environmental damages caused by foreign investors.

  • af Jianli Song
    1.967,95 kr.

    Combining the author's many years of legal practice experience, this book examines the current hot and difficult issues arising in the legal practice of foreign-related commercial disputes in China. The book focuses on the application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (¿CISG¿) in Chinese courts, judicial review of foreign-related arbitral awards, judicial cooperation in cross-border insolvency, and legal relationships in legal disputes over electronic commerce. The book pays close attention to the latest legislative achievements of the international community and their impact on Chinese judicial practice, thus helping to strengthen exchanges and cooperation among countries along the ¿Belt and Road¿ and providing more effective rule of law protection for Chinese enterprises ¿going global¿.

  • af Arbinger Institute
    167,95 kr.

    "With almost 3 million copies sold worldwide, this new edition of a leadership classic brings a refreshing perspective on healing our professional and personal relationships. Updated throughout with 25% new material. Over two decades since first being published, Leadership and Self-Deception continues to inspire readers with its central insight-that the key to leadership lies not in what we do but in who we are. This engaging story reveals how, as leaders, we all too often blame others to justify our own self-worth. We fall into this trap of self-deception and self-betrayal which makes us see others as barriers to our own success. The vicious cycle of in-the-box thinking then spreads to those in both our professional and personal lives. So how do we get out? The answer lies in thinking outside the box and not resisting the humanity in the people around us. With over 25% new material, the fourth edition is the biggest revamp yet and features: A second, younger, female protagonist relevant for a broader and more diverse audience; Updated stories and perspectives with the removal of outdated examples; Individual and group study guides with guided discussion questions; And practical advice for applying these lessons on a personal, team, and organization-wide level. Learn how this time-tested story has helped millions of people and thousands of organizations achieve less objectifying and more compassionate results"--

  • af Bianca Oliveira de Farias
    142,95 kr.

    Conhecer as diferentes possibilidades de resolução de conflitos com eficácia, é determinante para todos que pretendem trabalhar com essa desafiadora atividade, desafio muitas vezes multiplicado pelo número excessivo de demandas que, diariamente, têm início nas diversas partes do mundo.É preciso dominar o arcabouço teórico e, por vezes complexo, que instrumentaliza institutos que, não raras vezes e de forma incorreta, são tomados por sinônimos.Conhecer os pilares fundamentais sobre os quais apoiam-se os institutos da mediação, da conciliação e da negociação, é determinante para que se compreenda, diante da hipótese proposta, qual é o melhor caminho para a rápida e satisfatória solução de conflitos, consideradas, em todas as ocasiões, as peculiaridades que marcam as partes envolvidas na celeuma e a natureza do assunto debatido.Convidamos os leitores a desvendar nas páginas deste livro os conceitos, premissas e características, de ordem conceitual e prática, que evidenciam a importância desses institutos e justificam o fascínio crescente de tantos estudiosos em torno do tema.

  • af Merle Wilm
    754,95 kr.

    Virtuelle Sitzungen und Beschlussfassungen haben für das Betriebsverfassungsrecht in den letzten Jahren immer mehr an Bedeutung gewonnen. Die hierdurch entfachte Diskussion über die Zulässigkeit und Umsetzung virtueller Beschlussfassungen mündete 2021 in der Aufnahme neuer Regelungen durch das BRModG. Die Autorin arbeitet zunächst die alte Rechtslage hinsichtlich der Zulässigkeit virtueller Beschlussfassungen im Betriebsverfassungsrecht auf, bevor sie auf die Umsetzung der neu aufgenommenen Regelungen eingeht. Ausgangspunkt ist die virtuelle Beschlussfassung des Betriebsrats nach den neuen Regelungen in § 30 II, III BetrVG. Ausgehend davon erörtert die Autorin zudem die Möglichkeit anderer betriebsverfassungsrechtlicher Organe, virtuelle Sitzungen und Beschlussfassungen wirksam durchzuführen. Dabei stehen insbesondere solche Organe im Fokus, die der Gesetzgeber bei der Aufnahme neuer Regelungen durch das BRModG außer Acht gelassen hat.

  • af Christa Kordy
    265,95 kr.

    Mastering Conflict Resolution: Transform Challenges into OpportunitiesDiscover the art of transforming conflicts into opportunities with Christa Kordy's insightful book, "Creative Conflict Resolution in Private and Professional Life." This guide delves into the complexities of conflicts in both personal and professional settings, providing effective strategies for constructive resolution. Kordy demonstrates that conflicts, often seen as obstacles, are actually catalysts for growth, innovation, and deeper understanding.Learn to navigate disagreements with finesse, turning them into constructive dialogues. This book is not just a manual; it's a transformative journey towards empowerment, teaching you to harness conflicts for personal and professional development.Join Christa Kordy in redefining conflict resolution and turn every challenge into a stepping stone towards a harmonious and fulfilling life.

  • af Edward Beltran
    190,95 kr.

    Discover the science-based secrets to reducing workplace stress, building unwavering resilience, and achieving success through the power of conversation.Technology, isolation, and increasing demands for productivity are making the workplace a hotbed for stress—it's no surprise employees are abandoning traumatic workplaces in unprecedented numbers.Ed Beltran, the  CEO of a powerhouse leadership communication company, believes the antidote to stressed-out workplaces starts with conversation.Beltran has developed a science-based model to reduce stress and help people build what he calls fierce resilience. By leveraging the power of conversations, individuals discover:their unique stressorsmaster skills to neutralize stressorsbuild unwavering resilience that elevates their emotional well-being.This is no ordinary self-help book. The transformative process of fierce resilience goes well beyond developing mere coping skills.  It helps people take control of their emotional health, become more resilient, and build organizations with resilience as a core part of their DNA.

  • af Benjamin Barton
    1.091,95 - 1.097,95 kr.

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