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  • af Bruce McClintock
    260,95 kr.

    As outer space becomes more congested, contested, and competitive, the risks to space safety, security, and sustainability heighten. Against this backdrop, the authors used a review of relevant literature and official documents, as well as interviews and workshops with subject-matter experts, to identify possible lessons for future space traffic management (STM) from past approaches to international traffic management and common resource management and offer recommendations to make progress in STM. Lessons from the history of the maritime and air domains and the development and implementation of international organizations within those domains help provide a pathway for the development of an international space traffic management organization (ISTMO). An ISTMO will need to achieve sufficient legitimacy and operational power to effectively manage the space domain.

  • af Willy Tadjudje
    1.306,95 kr.

    This book contributes to the development of literature on cooperative law while paying tribute to Hagen Henry's significant impact on this field at a global scale. Hagen Henry is one of the most influential scholars in the field of cooperative law. His primary contribution has been in the area of public international cooperative law. His other areas of scientific interest include development law and comparative law. This honorary volume is focused on two main axes -- the essence of cooperatives as well as their activities and their governance. The contributions throw light on how these two axes are addressed by cooperative legislation across countries, regions and continents. In the varied perspectives that the contributions put together, both a theoretical and practical approach, the authors address central, current and crucial issues for the development of cooperative law. The book is a great resource for researcher scholars, as well as policy makers and industry players interested in the topic.

  • af Alberto De Franceschi
    3.092,95 kr.

    Beck internationalFranceschi/SchulzeHarmonizing Digital Contract Law*The Impact of EU Directives 2019/770 and 2019/771 and the Regulation of Online PlatformsBy Prof. Dr. Alberto Franceschi and Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Reiner Schulze2023 Approx. 600 pages. Hardcover approx. Euro 240,-ISBN 9783406810916A copublication of C.H.BECK, Munich, Hart Publishing, Oxford, and Nomos, Baden-Baden.The Book"Harmonising Digital Law" has become a crucial task for European and national legislation in view of the challenges of the ?digital revolution" for the European Union and for its Member States. The implementation of the 2019 "Twin Directives" on the sale of goods and the supply of digital content and services represents one of the most important steps on this path so far. In addition to the harmonization of Member State law, the emergence of a uniform law of the EU is becoming more and more important with regard to the challenges of digitization, as recently shown in particular by the Internet Platform Regulations.

  • af Kirk N. Aurandt
    662,95 kr.

  • af Carl S. Bjerre
    537,95 kr.

    This primer provides a guide to the current version of Article 8 of the Uniform Commercial Code, which governs the ownership and transfer of securities and, to a limited extent, other financial assets. This book also discusses the portions of Article 9 that relate to security interests in these assets.Article 8 is concerned with the settlement of transactions in securities and with certain aspects of the relationships between issuers and investors, intermediaries and those for whom securities accounts are maintained, and sellers or pledgers and their purchasers.A re-release of The ABCs of the UCC Article 8 that first published in 2004.

  • af Andre Janssen
    2.052,95 kr.

    Until a few years ago, nothing seemed impossible in terms of the further development of European Private Law. Important projects such as the Common Frame of Reference and a Common European Sales Law were discussed, even a European Civil Code seemed to be within reach. With the failure of these ideas, however, the great visions for European Private Law have become silent, which does not take away from the fact that it is nevertheless developing steadily, only in a more small-scale and fragmentary manner than originally envisioned. This book aims on the one hand to show the state of development of European Private Law in all its facets, and on the other hand to answer the question of what the acquis communautaire of the future should look like.With contributions byEsther Arroyo Amayuelas | Wojciech Banczyk | Christian von Bar | Luigi Buonanno | Michel Cannarsa | Olha O. Cherednychenko | Mateja Durovic | Raphaël Gellert | Michele Graziadei | Helmut Heiss | Ewoud Hondius | Geraint Howells | André Janssen | Bernhard A. Koch | Matthias Lehmann | Marco B.M. Loos | Ulrich Magnus | Pascal Pichonnaz | Katarzyna Poludniak-Gierz | Cristina Poncibò | Barbara Pozzo | Hans Schulte-Nölke | Reiner Schulze | Pietro Sirena | Matthias E. Storme | Fryderyk Zoll

  • af Julia Brunner
    988,95 kr.

    Die Abschaffung der Verfallsperre im Zuge der Reform des Rechts der Vermögensabschöpfung zum 1. Juli 2017 hat die Anwendbarkeit der Einziehungsvorschriften für das Steuerstrafrecht zur Folge. Mehrere Nachjustierungen des Gesetzgebers lassen vermuten, dass die Eigenheiten des Steuerstrafrechts bei der Reform nur unzureichend berücksichtigt worden sind. Die dadurch entstandene Schnittmenge zwischen neuem Einziehungsrecht und Steuerstrafrecht ist Gegenstand dieser Arbeit, da neben die klassische Steuereintreibung durch die Finanzämter nun auch Einziehungsentscheidungen durch Strafgerichte treten können.

  • af Ilan Greenfield
    472,95 kr.

    My Israel is a work of love. Here, seventy prominent Israelis put down into moving words what they see in their own special corners of the Land of Israel.

  • af Penelope L. Christophorou
    2.507,95 kr.

    Based on a questionnaire that provided a common framework, this survey focuses on the choice-of-law complexities and substantive similarities and differences involved in international secured transactions. Covering more than 40 jurisdictions, this resource reveals the richness and complexity of commercial law in respect of security interests in financial collateral for international transactions.

  • af Lesley Jane Smith
    2.470,95 kr.

    The Routledge Handbook of Commercial Space Law provides a definitive survey of of the transitions and adjustments across the stakeholder community contributing to outer space activities.

  • af Asli (University of Copenhagen Arda
    2.972,95 kr.

    This is the first book to focus on the legal question of the incorporation of arbitration clauses, even though this issue constitutes a common problem that arises frequently in practice. This book will be of interest to lawyers and professionals in arbitration, reinsurance, construction, and shipping, as well as to relevant academic courses.

  • af John Lok
    162,95 kr.

    This book explains what are tort and criminal and contract law basic elements and indicates some case studies questions and suggests answers to let readers to know whether what are the tort and contract and competition law and criminal law contract law. It is suitable to any professionals to study , e.g. accountant, lawyer, doctor, architects , student. Readers can learn the basic law conept whether how any one citizen ought how to do to avoid any wrongdoing behavior in order to avoid to compensate any tort liability or criminal behavior. Also, any law students and professionals read this book can provide any basic tort and criminal and contract elements knowledge to let them to know.

  • af Andrew Linzey
    1.223,95 kr.

    This is the first multidisciplinary book that addresses the ethics of fur. Whatever might have been true of the past, the production of fur is now morally problematic in terms of both necessity and suffering. There is no necessity in killing animals for nonessential purposes, such as adornment, fashion, or vanity. The argument for utility simply doesn't hold up. Alternative clothing is now readily available, enduring, and less costly. Worse still, since we know that the animals exploited are sentient, causing them suffering or making animals liable to suffering is arguably intrinsically wrong.The purpose of this volume is to open up and advance further the ethical, political, and specifically legislative endeavors now moving at pace and to encourage the anti-fur movement. That said, there is much to learn from this book about the history, culture, and political arguments for and against fur that should interest scholars and students, as well as those engaged on either side of the debate. It is not common for academics to engage with pressing and contentious moral issues, and we pay tribute to our eighteen contributors for leading the way.

  • af Eckart J. Brödermann
    2.942,95 kr.

    The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts provide an excellent and practice proven tool for cross-border contracts:They constitute a neutral and pragmatic business-oriented contractual regime for cross-border contractsThey contain multiple solutions to typical contractual questions regarding the life of a contract, often by way of a compromise between civil and common lawThey have been referenced in hundreds of decisions of arbitral tribunals or national state courtsThey have been endorsed inter alia by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (last in 2021) and the Union Internationale des Avocats (2020) bringing together through its bar association and individual members approximately two million lawyers in more than 110 countriesThirty years after their first publication, it is arguably malpractice to ignore them.In this fully revised and enlarged 2nd edition, the commentary continues to analyse the UNIDROIT Principles article by article from a practical perspective, while always discussing alternative courses of action, where they apply. The commentary includes proposals for choice of the UNIDROIT Principles' clauses and practical guidance for their use as template, or to supplement the CISG or national law. In addition to arbitral and state court decisions and recent literature, the 2nd edition includes an in-depth analysis of extensive legislative material.The author is a German practitioner with international training and familiarity with both common and civil law. He has been admitted to the New York Bar and also teaches at the University of Hamburg as a Professor of Law. The author is using the UNIDROIT Principles for more than 20 years in his commercial and arbitration practice, in recent years on a daily basis in multiple industries. As he shares his experience under the UNIDROIT Principles, the commentary can also be used as a practical guide and checklist of issues to consider in international contracting.

  • af Wenjing Sun
    492,95 kr.

    Das Vertriebsrecht ist in der chinesischen Rechtswissenschaft lange vernachlässigt worden. In dieser Arbeit wird versucht, das systematische und dogmatische chinesische Vertriebsrecht zu skizzieren, insbesondere das Vertriebsvertrags- und Vertriebskartellrecht. Als Ausgangspunkt wird eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung zu drei klassischen Arten von Vertriebsverträgen durchgeführt ¿ nämlich zum Handelsvertretervertrag, zum Kommissionär- und Kommissionsagentenvertrag und zum Handelsmaklervertrag. Anschließend werden Verbesserungsvorschläge für drei Arten von Vertriebsverträgen ¿ basierend auf deutschem Recht ¿ gegeben. Schließlich werden Perspektiven für ein künftiges modernes Absatzmittlungsrecht in China entwickelt.

  • af Mathias Habersack
    1.287,95 kr.

    Die 6. Auflage des Großkommentars Staub HGB beginnt 2021 und erscheint in 17 Bänden. Band 7 umfasst mit der Kommentierung der §§ 316-324a HGB die ergänzenden Vorschriften für Kapital- und bestimmte Personenhandelsgesellschaften zur Prüfung. Neben aktueller Rechtsprechung und Schrifttum wurden die zahlreichen Änderungen - insbesondere durch FISG und AReG - berücksichtigt.

  • af Ruth Nielsen
    727,95 kr.

    Denne bog handler om privat e-handel med varer, tjenesteydelser og informationer. De hovedspørgsmål, der undersøges er, hvad er gældende ret om emnet, og hvilke ændringer er der sket i reguleringen heraf igennem de sidste ca. 30 år.Reglerne om e-handel hviler især på retsakter vedtaget på EU-niveau, dels direktiver, dels forordninger. E-handelsdirektivet har til formål at bidrage til et velfungerende indre marked ved at sikre fri bevægelighed for e-handelstjenester. Forordningen om onlineformidlingstjenester fastsætter regler, der sikrer, at erhvervsbrugere af onlineformidlingstjenester og virksomhedswebstedsbrugere af online-søgemaskiner får passende gennemsigtighed og effektive klagemuligheder.Bogen henvender sig til praktikere og studerende, som ønsker et mere indgående kendskab til e-handelsret. Bogen er skrevet af professor, dr.jur. Ruth Nielsen, CBS LAW, Copenhagen Business School.

  • af Masako Wakui, Akira Negishi & Naoko Mariyama
    1.568,95 kr.

    This is the first book published that focuses on competition law and policy in the Japanese pharmaceutical sector. It consists of chapters written and edited by academics who research the industry from various perspectives, including economics, competition law, pharmaceutical regulations, and intellectual property law. Competition policies involving pharmaceutical products attract attention from academics and policymakers worldwide. The pharmaceutical industry is regulated by drug laws that vary from country to country and are affected by differing practices and industrial structures. The book begins by examining drug regulations and trade practices in the industry that are peculiar to Japan and its healthcare system. It then presents the Japanese Antimonopoly Act and cases involving it, and discussions of current competition law issues in the Japanese pharmaceutical industry. The book also discusses innovation and intellectual property and economic analyses of pharmaceutical regulations and drug discovery. The chapters include comparative studies on Japanese regulations vs. those in the European Union and the United States.Japan is one of the biggest pharmaceutical markets in the world. With this in mind, the book provides "one-stop shopping" for anyone interested in pharmaceutical regulations in the country. Covering the basics but extending to in-depth explorations of complex problems, this book appeals not only to students and academics, pharmaceutical companies and regulators, but also to those dealing with real-world policy issues that encompass competition policy, intellectual property, and pharmaceutical regulation.Chapter 11 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

  • af Kristina Schreiber
    1.677,95 kr.

    Zum WerkThe Data Governance Act (DGA) creates a legal framework for access to (industrial) data (e.g. mobility and health data) and its reuse.This Practitioner's Guide offers those involved a practice-related introduction to the new and complex provisions of the DGA. It shows how companies can use the new law to their advantage and what obligations it also imposes on public sector bodies. The introductory book provides information on which requirements must be met to offer and use the respective data intermediation services.Practical approachComprehensible explanation of recurring terms, including protected data, proportionality of reuse, data altruism, data cooperatives, public registers, objectives of general interest (public policy)Relation to data protection and trade secret rulesPrecise guidance on how companies and public sector bodies can design and use the new rules and how they must or may provide or use the dataThe target groupData intermediation services, data altruism organisations, data protection supervisors, public authorities, lawyers, inhouse counsel, companies, trade associations, research institutions, European institutions.

  • af Jens Peter Schmidt
    1.677,95 kr.

    The bookThe Digital Markets Act (DMA) is an ex ante regulation of large digital platforms that act as gatekeepers. It not only contains many new rules for gatekeepers but also has a direct impact on all users of these platforms.The Practitioner's Guide is an easyto-use introduction to this highly complex subject. It makes the new law accessible and offers answers to the most important questions, including:How are gatekeepers identified?What are the specific duties of conduct imposed on gatekeepers?What powers do the EU Commission and national authorities have over gatekeepers?To what extent do business users (especially in manufacturing, retail, advertising, publishing and software or app development) benefit from the new rules?How can users enforce their new rights?What rights do third parties have before public authorities and national courts?What procedural issues need to be considered?Questions on private enforcement of the DMA are answered from the perspective of different EU jurisdictions.The target groupInhouse counsel, companies, lawyers, competition authorities, supervisory authorities, business and consumer associations, research institutions, non-governmental organisations, European institutions.

  • af Jingyuan Ma
    1.568,95 kr.

  • af Connor Gleim
    77,95 kr.

    Do you love the sea? Are you a fan of the ocean? Whether you're a Maritime Law student / researcher or just an observer of the big blue water on our planet, this is the book for you! With five incredible chapters, this book takes you through the history of Maritime Law, the features of Nautical Issues, and much more. It even features a comprehensive list of the primary higher education institutions in the world where you can obtain a degree in Maritime Law / Studies! Brought to you by three major sea-lovers, this book is certain to make a nice addition to your maritime bookshelf. And if this is your first maritime book, then we thank you for starting off strong with your collection! All proceeds from the sales of this book will be donated straight to Lonely Whale Foundation, a nonprofit organization based in the United States dedicated to bringing people closer to the world's oceans through education and awareness, inspiring empathy and action for ocean health and the wellbeing of marine wildlife. Learn more about Lonely Whale Foundation here: [NOTE: While this book is satire in execution, the content provided is factual and true to Maritime Law. It is outlined clearly in the Quick Look feature that this book is not recommended for those who want a more academic study into Maritime Law. I mean, it's literally called 'The Sea Section' - be sure to read the negative reviews for a preview of what will happen if you fail to understand the joke.]

  • af Sterling Test Prep
    272,95 kr.

    Thousands of students use our study aids to prepare for law school exams and to pass the bar! Passing the bar is essential for admission to practice law and launching your legal career. This preparation guide describes the principles of substantive law governing the correct answers to secured transactions questions. It was developed by legal professionals and law instructors who possess extensive credentials and have been admitted to practice law in several jurisdictions. The content is clearly presented and systematically organized for targeted preparation. The performance on individual questions has been correlated with success or failure on the bar. By analyzing previously administered exams, the authors identified these predictive items and assembled the rules of law that govern the answers to questions tested. Learn the essential governing law to make fine-line distinctions among related principles and decide between tough choices on the exam. This knowledge is vital to excel in law school finals and pass the bar exam.

  • af W. Mitchell
    192,95 - 337,95 kr.

  • af Walter Ashburner
    322,95 - 482,95 kr.

  • - Cross-border Perspectives
    af Xin Zhang
    1.098,95 kr.

    This book provides updated, full-picture analysis of the laws and practices of cross-border debt finance in the PRC. It is featured by the first-handed experiences of the author's academic research and legal practice in this field over two decades. The author discusses legal and regulatory issues, transaction structures and documentation in relation to two debt finance products: loan and bond, covering the inbound structure (Chinese debtors' raising funds from the international market) and the outbound structure (Chinese creditors' supplying funds to the international market). For cross-border loans, this book thoroughly illustrates the foreign debt regulatory regime in the PRC and approaches the lending by Chinese banks to support exports and overseas investments under the "e;Belt and Road Initiative"e; (BRI). For cross-border bonds, it discusses how Chinese issuers, by designing various transaction structures, enter into the international bond market, and then researches the "e;opening-up"e; of Chinese bond market to both international issuers (for issuing "e;Panda Bonds"e;) and investors (for purchasing Chinese bonds). This book is used as an authoritative source for not only students and researchers, but also bankers and legal practitioners, who are interested in the Chinese debt finance market.

  • af Dagmar Gesmann-Nuissl
    557,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch vermittelt die Grundlagen des Wirtschaftsprivatrechts klar strukturiert, kompakt, praxisbezogen und fallorientiert. Es richtet sich in erster Linie an Studierende der Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Studierende, die Recht im Nebenfach belegen, unterstutzt aber auch angehende Juristen optimal bei der Klausur- und Prufungsvorbereitung. Neben Abbildungen, die den Lernstoff visualisieren, finden sich darin zahlreiche Aufgaben zur Selbstkontrolle. Beispielsfalle mit Losungshinweisen sowie die begleitend angebotene SN Flashcards Lern App erhohen den Lernerfolg zusatzlich.  

  • af Joseph Story
    362,95 - 467,95 kr.

  • af Leonie Wittershagen
    1.137,95 kr.

    The transfer of personal data to the UK raises a multitude of data protection law issues and opens up the view of the key challenges of global data exchange. The study contains an overall view of the regulations on third country transfers under the GDPR and the current state of regulation in the UK. It provides an assessment as to whether and to what extent the UK provides an adequate level of protection within the meaning of the GDPR for personal data transferred from the EU and whether the EU Commission's adequacy decision under the GDPR is compliant with the CJEU's relevant case law. The examination of the UK's data protection law as well as the regulations of the Investigatory Power Act and the extensive onward transfer practice to the USA form a main focus of the study. The alternative data transfer mechanisms and bases (Articles 46, 47 and 49 GDPR) are (also) examined with regard to their practicability for companies. The study also looks at relevant emerging developments and the wider context of the third country regimes of the EU's data protection regime.

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