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OUR MOST NOTORIOUS CRIMINALS HAVE HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT. UNTIL NOW... 'Emily' is a devoted single mother. 'Jack' starts a new job in a new town. 'Russell' may be falling in love. They all share the same secret: none of them are who they say they are. They are among only nine criminals in the UK who have been granted lifelong anonymity, for their own safety, because of their terrible crimes. But what if someone exposed their true identities to the families of their victims, who are desperate for revenge? Probation officer Olivia Campbell is caught in the crossfire of this unprecedented crisis - and as the hunt for the mole behind it all intensifies, so too does the search for the vigilante killers let loose by the leaks...Everyone is a suspect. Anyone could be a killer.Who deserves justice? And who gets to decide? #EyeForAnEye'Horrifying, heartbreaking, deeply thought-provoking. A big, bold, twisting thriller.'CHRIS WHITAKER, author of We Begin At The End'A thought-provoking masterclass of a crime-thriller. This story will stay with you.'DANIEL COLE, author of Ragdoll'A propulsive thriller ... Fast-moving, disturbing and thought-provoking' GUARDIAN, Thrillers of the Month 'A stirring crime novel for the 21st century' DAILY MAIL'There are no easy answers in this thoughtful, harrowing thriller' THE SUN'Impressive and compassionate, Eye For An Eye should win prizes' LITERARY REVIEW* * * * *PRAISE FOR THE MILLION-COPY BESTSELLER M. J. ARLIDGE 'Chilling' THE TIMES 'Addictive' EXPRESS 'Truly excellent' THE SUN 'Nobody does chilling suspense quite like M.J. Arlidge' B.P. WALTER
Knud Waabens klassiske værk, der dækker strafferettens specielle del, udkommer nu i en 6. udgave, revideret af Lars Bo Langsted.Værket indgår i en serie på to bøger, som tilsammen giver et godt overblik over strafferetten. Strafferettens specielle del gennemgår emnerne:Forbrydelser mod liv og legemeForbrydelser mod den personlige frihedSeksualforbrydelserForbrydelser i familieforholdFormueforbrydelserAlmenfarlige forbrydelserFredskrænkelserÆrekrænkelserForbrydelser vedrørende dokumenter, mærker og pengeFalsk forklaring, erklæring, anklage m.v.Bogen er i 6.-udgaven ajourført i overensstemmelse med de ganske omfattende ændringer, der er sket på området såvel retligt som samfundsmæssigt, ikke mindst indenfor computerteknologien og udbredelsen af internettet, siden Knud Waabens udgave fra 1999 – med lovændringer, retspraksis og litteratur indtil januar 2014.MålgruppeBøgerne henvender sig primært til jurastuderende ved universiteter, men de er desuden velegnede for praktikere – f.eks. forsvarsadvokater og ansatte ved anklagemyndigheden, i ministerier og ved domstolene – som ønsker en grundlæggende og præcis gennemgang af strafferetten.Om forfatterneKnud Waaben var en af Danmarks store skikkelser inden for strafferet. Han var professor i retsvidenskab ved Københavns Universitet 1959-91 og formand for Straffelovsrådet 1971-95. Han skrev en række lærebøger og andre værker, fortrinsvis om strafferetlige emner. Inden sin død i 2008 bad han Lars Bo Langsted om at videreføre sine lærebøger i strafferet.Lars Bo Langsted er professor ved Juridisk Institut, Aalborg Universitet, hvor han har været ansat siden år 2000. Han har specialiseret sig i økonomisk kriminalitet, ledelsesansvar, rådgivningsansvar og regulering af de liberale erhverv. Han har et omfattende forfatterskab inden for især erstatnings- og strafferet og en årelang undervisningserfaring i bl.a. strafferet, erstatningsret, rådgivningsansvar og revisoransvar. Herudover har han bl.a. været medlem af Justitsministeriets udvalg om økonomisk kriminalitet og datakriminalitet, og af Procesbevillingsnævnet, afdelingen for appeltilladelser, ligesom han benyttes som voldgiftsdommer.
Strafferettens almindelige del. Det strafferetlige ansvar er en systematisk fremstilling af ansvarsbetingelserne efter dansk ret. De strafferetlige ansvarsbetingelser er på en gang grundfæstet og samtidig under konstant udvikling. De enkelte emner og problemstillinger er følgelig perspektiveret i forhold til nyeste retspraksis, teori og samfundsudvikling. Det gælder ikke mindst i forhold til de senere års internationale retsudvikling og de deraf afledte EU-retlige og menneskeretlige krav. Bogen giver på samme tid et overblik over feltet og grundtrækkene ved strafansvaret, og samtidigt en mere dybtgående behandling af en række problemstillinger, der er særligt relevante i teori og praksis. Bogen kan således bruges af både jurastuderende, universitetsforskere og praktikere.Forfatterne er ansat som professorer i strafferet ved Det Juridiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet
Nødværge, også kaldet selvforsvar, er en hyppig undskyldning i drabssager. Dette værk analyserer ikke blot gældende ret, men følger nødværge i hele historien fra Platon, Cicero (der anerkender nødværge) og bjergprædikenen (der forkaster det) indtil aktuelle, til dels endnu verserende sager fra New Yorks tunnelbane. Ud over den tiltaltes håb om frififindelse, når nødværge ikke kan modbevises, diskuteres også statsnødværge, hvor selv angrebskrige eller massemord som i de lange knives nat i 1934 under Hitler undskyldes som nødværge. Værket følger ikke kun nødværge teoretisk og praktisk gennem historien, men beskriver også nødværge i dansk ret og vores nærmeste nabolande. Reglerne er næsten ens overalt, men praksis varierer, som f.eks. i Tyskland, hvor knivdrab kan undskyldes ved blot en trussel om vold med bare næver, eller i det vilde Vesten, hvor nødværge anerkendes selv efter den blodigste skudduel. Norden er mere forsigtig.Værket er en værdifuld håndbog for dommere, praktikere og andre med interesse for nødværge i retssystemet. Peter Garde, forfatteren (født 1938), har været anklager, vicepolitimester og kriminaldommer i Hillerød i 25 år. Han har skrevet utallige artikler om straffeproces, juridisk kulturhistorie og var senest aktuel med trebindsværket Verdenslitteraturens jura (Djøf Forlag), der var nomineret til Weekendavisens litteraturpris. Han er gift med cand.theol., ph.d. Kristine Garde.
This book deals with consensual mechanisms in criminal proceedings analyzed comparatively. In the first place, it addresses the common systemic foundations of consensual mechanisms and the observation of most up-to-date supranational trends in their development. In the second place, it presents phenomenon of negotiated justice outside the common law systems through examples of Poland, Germany and Brazil. The combination of these two approaches provides a good basis for observation on the general advantages and disadvantages of negotiated justice. It also helps for balancing the optimal extensiveness of its use in the contemporary criminal proceedings.
Life is a series of choices. And sometimes, those choiceslead to consequences of life-changing proportions. For Jeffrey Abramowitz,choices and consequences led to a five-year sentence in a cinder-block buildingcalled Justice. Tracing his journey that took an unexpected detour, Abramowitzgives readers an unfiltered glimpse into the realities of life in a US federalprison-the struggle to adapt, survive, and most importantly, find purposedespite deep regret and pain. This search for purpose led him to theintersection of justice, education, and workforce development and forced him toevaluate just how effective (or ineffective) the systems for reentry are. Shedding the visible shackles worn inside prison, Abramowitz faced theinvisible but tangible shackles of reintegrating into society as a convictedfelon-a challenge that fuels the ever-revolving doors of US prisons. A Matterof Time is a call for educators, criminal justice administrators, returningcitizens, legislators, and employers to recognize the innate humansusceptibility to make poor choices-and the immense capacity to learn fromthose mistakes. Having dedicated his life to empowering those within thejustice system, Abramowitz shares his path from pain and remorse to creating alife of meaning and happiness.
Women's Criminalisation and Offending in Australia and New Zealand offers new research and analysis of women's offending and criminalisation in Australia and New Zealand from British settlement through to the late-twentieth/early twenty-first century.
This book gives voice to justice-involved Canadian youth and young adults by sharing their views on their journey toward desistance from crime and social and community (re)integration.
Trusting Recovery and Desistance synthesises and presents research on the social influences of recovery and desistance.
The Routledge International Handbook of Juvenile Homicide is the definitive work on juvenile homicide. This volume provides an up-to-date, comprehensive, and in-depth exploration of what is known about juveniles involved in murder.
Routledge International Handbook of Critical Gang Studies is rooted in the instability, inequality and liquidity of the post-industrial era. It understands the gang as a complex and contradictory phenomenon; a socio-historical agent that reflects, responds to and creates a certain structured environment in spaces which are always in flux. International in scope and drawing on a range of sociological, criminological and anthropological traditions, it looks beyond pathological, ahistorical and non-transformative approaches, and considers other important factors that produce the phenomenon, whether the historically entrenched racialized power structure and segregation in Chicago; the unconstrained state-abandoned development of favelas in Brazil; or the colonization, displacement and dependency of people in Central America. This handbook reflects and defines the new theoretical and empirical traditions of critical gang studies. It offers a variety of perspectives, including:A view of gangs that takes into consideration the global context and appearance of the "gang" in its various forms and stages of development;An appreciation of the gang as a socio-cultural formation;A race-ethnic and class analysis of the gang that problematizes domain assumptions such as the "underclass";Gender variations of the gang phenomenon with a particular emphasis on their intersectional properties;Relations between gangs and the political economy that address the dominant mode of production and exchange;Treatments that demonstrate the historically contingent nature of gangs and their changes across time;The contradictory impact of gang repressive policies, institutions and practices as part of a broader discussion on the nature of the state in specific societies; andCritical methodologies on gangs that involve discussions of visual and textual representations and the problematics of data collection and analysis.Authoritative, multi-disciplinary and international, this book will be of interest to criminologists, sociologists and anthropologists alike, particularly those engaged with critical criminology/sociology, youth crime, delinquency and global social inequality. The Handbook will also be of interest to policy makers and those in the peacebuilding field.
This book presents a synthesis of selected trends in the dynamics and structure of crime in Poland in context of ongoing social transformations. It explores the impact of the deep systemic transformation of the late 1980s and early 1990s on the phenomenon of crime, its structure and dynamics, and the policy of its control in the following decades.
This collection grapples with how affect, imagination, and embodiment can operate to either constrain or enable the justice of institutions and the experiences of specific social identities.
Despite being Africa's largest economy and most populous country, with abundant natural resources, Nigeria still faces substantial development challenges. This book argues that corruption lies at the heart of many of the country's problems.Drawing on a range of different disciplinary perspectives, this volume explores the relationship between corruption and development, investigating the causes, contexts, and consequences of corruption, and the pathways for addressing it. As well as covering the wider background and theory surrounding corruption in the country, the book will investigate different sectors: the media, the judiciary, the health sector, industry, the criminal justice system, and of course politics and governance. The book concludes by considering attitudes and perceptions to corruption within Nigeria, current approaches to countering corruption, and future pathways to addressing the problem.This book's critical investigation of the links between corruption and development in Nigeria will be of interest to researchers of corruption, development and African Studies, as well as to policy makers, practitioners, and local stakeholders.
This edited collection offers the first system-wide account of the impact of COVID-19 on crime and justice in England and Wales. It provides a critical discussion of the challenges faced by criminal justice agencies (prison, probation, youth justice, courts, police), professionals and service users in adapting to the extraordinary pressures of the pandemic on policy, practice and lived experience. The text integrates first-hand narrative and artistic accounts from a variety of key stakeholders experiencing the criminal justice system (CJS). The editors recommend a range of evidence-based policy and practice improvements, not only in terms of planning for future pandemics, but also those that will benefit the CJS and its stakeholders in the longer term.
This thought-provoking collection brings together academics from a range of disciplines to examine modern slavery. It illustrates how different disciplinary positions, methodologies and perspectives form and clash together through a kaleidoscopic view to contribute a unique insight into critical modern slavery studies. Providing a platform to critique the legal, ideological and political responses to the issue, experts interrogate the construct of modern slavery and the anti-trafficking discourse which have dominated contemporary responses to and understandings of exploitation. Drawing on a range of global real-world examples, this is a vital contribution to the study of modern slavery.
"Using an historical and theoretical approach, Richard Clements explores why global justice and management have become so intimately connected within the International Criminal Court. Mapping the ICC's management ideas and practices onto an accessible model, Clements highlights the impact of management on the global justice project"--
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