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Politilovgivning og politiarbejde

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  • af Søren Baastrup & Johnny Robin Jørgensen
    197,95 - 230,95 kr.

    PÅ GRÆNSEN er en øjenåbnende, forargende og underholdende historie om et utraditionelt politiliv bag kulisserne i KØBENHAVNS LUFTHAVN. Som veteran fra den navnkundige Uropatrulje mavelandede JOHNNY ROBIN JØRGENSEN i lufthavnen i 1992, på nederste hylde i politiets hierarki. Men han fandt ud af, at man kan gøre den største forskel, der hvor ingen andre gider at være. Han blev en del af den SPECIALENHED I POLITIET, som forvaltede den stramme danske udlændingepolitik i et pivåbent EU. Han blev ekspert i at profilere illegale immigranter og MENNESKESMUGLERE. Han spottede falske pas og papirer. Og fik dyb indsigt i de ofte groteske forhold bag de tonede ruder på DANMARKS MÅSKE VIGTIGSTE POLITISTATION. Bogen er skrevet i samarbejde med journalist Søren Baastrup, der står bag flere true crime-bestsellere.

  • - Fra Uro til 18. maj
    af Flemming Sloth Andersen
    197,95 - 230,95 kr.

    Flemming Sloth Andersen var indbegrebet af jysk politimand.Med moderigtigt overskæg og stonewashed jeans slog han sit navn fast som ”Betjenten” i Københavns Politis Uropatrulje og blev kendt for sit dedikerede politiarbejde. Flemming Sloth Andersen var landet på rette hylde i dansk politi. Men den 18. maj 1993 forandrede alt.For 30 år siden udbrød de værste uroligheder, der havde ramt Danmark siden krigens tid. I en regulær gadekamp endte desperate betjente med at affyre 113 skud mod demonstranter og ballademagere ved Sankt Hans Torv på Nørrebro, og siden fulgte hele seks officielle undersøgelser, som skulle afdække forløbet og ikke mindst den famøse skydeordre, som siden er gået over i Danmarkshistorien: "Skyd efter benene."En af dem, der trak sit tjenestevåben – og brugte det – var Flemming Sloth Andersen. Han kom på avisernes forsider i cowboyjakke og med pistolen hævet. Han blev selve symbolet på 18. maj 1993. Som manden, der havde startet det hele.I denne bog fortæller Flemming Sloth Andersen sin version. Hvad der gik forud for den dag, og hvad der gjorde ham til den, han er i dag. Om efterspillet, eksponeringen i pressen og de mange voldsomme hændelser, som i sidste ende gjorde, at han gik ned med PTSD – og fandt ud af, at man også kan have et meningsfuldt liv uden for dansk politi.

  • af Michael Molin & Signe Mølgaard
    197,95 - 230,95 kr.

    I sin ærlige og bramfri erindringsbog tegner tidligere beredskabs- og narkobetjent Michael Molin et nærportræt af hverdagens politiarbejde og det psykiske pres og intense arbejdsmiljø på Danmarks bedste og værste arbejdsplads.Michael Molin skabte sig et navn i politiets frontlinje.Han var Knogleknuseren fra Vestegnen. Han blev Pac-Man i Pusher Street.Han delte vandene med sin kontante stil på gadeplan, og han fik bunker af klager. Ikke én gang gik han længere, end loven tillader. Men under terrornatten den 15. februar 2015 slog hans panser revner efter tretten år i tjeneste.Michael Molin lærte, hvad alle politifolk godt ved inderst inde:En dag bliver rygsækken for tung, når man hver dag balancerer på en tynd blå linje.PANSER er historien om en rodløs knægt fra betonblokkene i Brøndbyøster, der blev betjent og brød sit sociale mønster. En praktiker i uniform, der var bedre til at slås end til at skrive på maskine. En holdspiller, der higede efter anerkendelse og fandt sin flok i politiet – men glemte undervejs, at man ikke kan passe på andre, hvis man ikke passer på sig selv.I dag arbejder Michael Molin ikke længere i politiet efter at være diagnosticeret med PTSD. Han har siden uddannet sig som psykoterapeut med speciale i bl.a. traumeterapi og arbejder med behandling af mennesker, der er kommet til skade på deres arbejde i velfærdssamfundets frontlinje. Han er desuden aktiv som projektleder i politiets veteranforening Thin Blue Line.

  • - for politifolk
    af Jesper Kiwi Hirtsgaard
    286,95 kr.

    Bogen tager udgangspunkt i modellen "den operative politibetjent", som berører emnerne teknik, taktik, magtanvendelse og mental parathed. At håndtere en farlig situation kræver en sådan helhedsforståelse af situationen.Ingen træning kan gøre politibetjente immune over for den stresspåvirkning, de udsættes for i situationen. Men de kan uddannes i at træffe de rette beslutninger under pres og vurdere, om og hvordan der skal anvendes magt. Det stiller krav til, at politibetjenten ud over et højt fagligt niveau også skal besidde personlige egenskaber som fx empati, situationsfornemmelse og psykisk balance.Bogen sigter til at gøre politibetjenten i stand til på den professionsetisk bedste måde at håndtere den farlige situation.

  • - Med kommentarer
    af Ib Henricson
    349,95 kr.

    I forbindelse med politireformen skete der en revision af politilovgivningen med henblik på at luge de bestemmelser ud, der ikke hørte til politiets naturlige opgaveportefølje, eller ikke blev anvendt i praksis. Dette arbejde udmøntede sig i ordensbekendtgørelsen fra 2005. Efter revisionen indeholder ordensbekendtgørelsen nu kun ganske få bestemmelser, der ikke direkte henviser til orden og sikkerhed. Hertil kommer, at hovedsigtet med revisionen har været at luge ud i de bestemmelser fra normalPVT, der ikke burde videreføres i ordensbekendtgørelsen. Nærværende værk indeholder kommentarer til ordensbekendtgørelsen og er et effektivt og nyttigt opslagsværk. Om forfatteren Ib Henricson er tidligere vicepolitimester og politiadvokat og nuværende lektor i politiret på Aarhus Universitet. Han har tidligere bl.a. udgivet Politiloven med kommentarer, Politiret og International Politiret.

  • af Michael Connelly
    95,95 kr.

    Desert Star, eng, Michael Connelly, 2023-04-27, Orion Publishing Group

  • af Jan Jordan
    570,95 - 1.776,95 kr.

    2.742,95 kr.

    The Routledge International Handbook of Homicide Investigation brings together research and personal insights from detectives, practitioners, academics and experts internationally on investigation of homicides.

  • af Guy (Stellenbosch University Lamb
    568,95 - 1.776,95 kr.

  • af Christopher Nathan
    284,95 - 549,95 kr.

  • af Abi Dymond
    563,95 - 1.776,95 kr.

  • af USA) Kanovitz & Jacqueline R. (Emeritus Professor of Brandeis School of Law
    1.653,95 - 2.712,95 kr.

  • af Satyajit Mohanty
    1.779,95 kr.

    This book is the first empirical study of police discretion in India. Going beyond anecdotal accounts, it addresses the issues and concerns of arrest discretion behaviour of police with analysis of available literature internationally, testing the validity in the context of police in India.

  • af André R Giamberardino
    1.774,95 kr.

    Penal Abolitionism and Transformative Justice in Brazil discusses how penal abolitionism provides fundamental theoretical bases and practical references for the construction of a transformative justice in Brazil, supporting the claim that justice is a socially constructed conception and that victims do not unanimously stand for punishment.The book explores how the active participation of the protagonists of a conflict in a face-to-face negotiation of symbolic reparation, can produce a sense of justice without the need to punish or impose suffering on anyone. Mapping the ways that restorative justice in Brazil has distanced itself from the potential of transformative justice, to the extent that it fails to politicize the conflict and give voice to victims, the book shows how it has resulted in becoming just a new version of penal alternatives with correctionalist content. Moving away from traditional criminal justice language and also from conservative approaches to restorative justice, the author argues that the communicative potential of the transformative kind of redress can be dissociated from the unproved assumption that legal punishment is essential or even likely to achieve justice or deterrence. The arguments are grounded in the Brazilian reality, where life is marked by deep social inequalities and a high level of police violence. By providing a review of the literature on restorative justice, transformative justice, and abolitionism, the book contextualizes the abolitionist debate in Brazil and its history in the 19th century.Penal Abolitionism and Transformative Justice in Brazil is important reading for students and scholars who study punishment and penal abolitionism, to think about what it is possible to do in societies so deeply marked by social injustice and a history of oppression.

  • af Benjamin Gross & Samantha M. Gavin
    508,95 - 1.772,95 kr.

  • af José A Brandariz
    1.778,95 kr.

    Forced Mobility of EU Citizens is a critical evaluation from an empirical perspective of existing practices of the use of transnational criminal justice instruments within the European Union. Such instruments include the European Arrest Warrant (EAW), prisoner transfer procedures and criminal law-related deportations.The voices and experiences of people transferred across internal borders of the European Union are brought to the fore in this book. Another area explored is the scope and value of EU citizenship rights in light of cooperation not just between judicial authorities of EU Member States, but criminal justice systems in general, including penitentiary institutions. The novelty of the book lays not only in the fact that it brings to the fore a topic that so far has been under-researched, but it also brings together academics and studies from different parts of Europe - from the west (i.e. the expelling countries) and the east (the receiving countries, with a special focus on two of the jurisdictions most affected by these processes - Poland and Romania). It therefore exposes processes that have so far been hidden, shows the links between sending and receiving countries, and elaborates on the harms caused by those instruments and the very idea of 'justice' behind them. This book also introduces a new element to deportation studies as it links to them the institution of the European Arrest Warrant and EU law transfers targeting prisoners and sentenced individuals.With a combination of legal, criminological, and sociological perspectives, this book will be of great interest to scholars and students with an interest in EU law, criminal law, transnational criminal justice, migration/immigration, and citizenship.

    1.779,95 kr.

    This collection presents a unique and diverse range of contributions on challenges faced by criminal justice in England and Wales in the wake of the Covid-19 global pandemic.The book brings together leading experts to examine the impact of the pandemic on policing and criminal procedure, prisons, and the post-conviction stage of the system. The work further explores the lessons that may be learned and explores the relevance of these lessons for the wider criminal justice system. The reader will gain substantial insight into contemporary challenges in these areas, through original analysis and argument. The experience of England and Wales during the pandemic will also be of interest to the wider international community who will have encountered many of the issues raised in this collection.The book will be essential reading for researchers, academics, and policymakers involved in criminal justice.

  • af Alan K. Chen & Justin Marceau
    356,95 - 975,95 kr.

  • af David Weisburd
    1.149,95 kr.

    Evidence-based policing (EBP) has become a key perspective for practitioners and researchers concerned with the future of policing. This volume provides both a review of where evidence-based policing stands today and a consideration of emerging trends and ideas likely to be important in the future. It includes comparative and international contributions, as well as researcher and practitioner perspectives. While emphasizing traditional evidence-based methods and approaches, the book also identifies barriers to the advancement of evidence-based policing and expands the vision of evidence-based policing by critically examining ethical and moral concerns and questions. The book's main focus is not on what has to happen in police agencies to advance EBP, but rather on an issue that has received far less attention - the science that is necessary to produce for EBP to be successfully integrated into policing.

  • af Bent Isager-Nielsen
    138,95 - 235,95 kr.

    Bent Isager-Nielsen svarer på danskernes mange spørgsmål om lov, orden og kriminalsager til foredrag og i ugebladet Ude og Hjemme. I denne bog har han samlet nogle af de bedste spørgsmål og sine svar under en række temaer, som han herefter uddyber. Bent Isager-Nielsen trækker på sine egne erfaringer som efterforsker, drabs- og Rejseholdschef samt politiinspektør og fortæller om sager, han har været med til at opklare, eller som han har fulgt fra sidelinjen helt op til i dag."Engang var det altid mig, der stillede spørgsmålene. Men jeg skal love for, at rollerne i dag er byttet rundt ... Jeg tror, det hænger sammen med det basalt menneskelige i, at vi alle både frygter og fascineres af det menneskelige mørke. Men grundlæggende hersker der bare en dyb interesse for faget."

  • af Jens Rennstam
    1.526,95 kr.

    Sexuality in the Swedish Police is based on the experiences of lesbian, gay and bisexual police officers and the author's observations of police work. The book analyses how processes of exclusion and inclusion of LGB sexuality coexist in the Swedish police.

  • af Bernard J., USA) McCarthy, USA) Braswell, mfl.
    914,95 - 2.527,95 kr.

  • af Ed Johnston
    558,95 kr.

    This edited collection explores the topic of disclosure of evidence and information in the criminal justice process.¿The book critically analyses the major issues driving the long-standing problem of dysfunctional disclosure practice, with contributions from academics, lawyers, former police officers, and current police policymakers. The ultimate objective is to review the key problems at the investigative, trial and post-conviction stages of criminal proceedings, and to suggest a way forward through potential routes of reform, both legal and cultural. The collection represents a significant and novel contribution to the policy debate regarding disclosure, and advances thought on resolving this issue in a fair and sustainable manner.¿The book provides a valuable resource for academics, practitioners and policymakers working on this vital aspect of criminal procedure.

  • af Jenny Fleming
    2.632,95 kr.

    Ethnography has a long history in the humanities and social sciences and has provided the base line in the field of police studies for over 60 years. We have recently witnessed a resurgence in ethnographic practice among police scholars, and this Handbook is a response to that revival. Students and academics are returning to the ethnography arena and the study of police in situ to explain the evocative worlds of the police. The list of ethnographic sites is vast and all have fed the rejuvenation of ethnographic endeavour. Together they suggest innovation, theoretical depth, broad geographical boundaries, multi-site experiments, and multi-disciplinarity, all of which are central to the exploration of police and policing in the twenty-first century.This Handbook encapsulates the revival of police ethnography by exploring its multidisciplinary field and cataloguing the ongoing ethnographic work. It offers an original and international contribution to the field of police studies and research methods, providing a comprehensive and overarching guide to police ethnography. We see the previous classics in every page and still note the influence of the early ethnographers. At the same time, we see the innovative breadth and diversity of these narratives. The aim of this Handbook is to highlight the mosaic that is police ethnography at a point in time and note with pleasure its contribution to the field once more. Ethnography may be messy, difficult, and at times uncooperative, but its results offer a unique insight into the perspectives of people and organisations that can hide in plain sight.An accessible and compelling read, this Handbook will provide a sound and essential reference source for academics, researchers, students, and practitioners engaged in police and criminal justice studies.

  • af Michael Smith
    514,95 - 1.466,95 kr.

  • af Melissa Jardine
    504,95 - 1.582,95 kr.

  • af Jerry H. (Temple University Ratcliffe
    477,95 kr.

  • af Jack Spicer
    517,95 kr.

    The policing of drugs is an intriguing, complex, and contentious domain that brings into sharp focus the multifaceted nature of the police role and has farreaching consequences for health, crime, and justice. While research on drugs policing has historically been surprisingly sparse, fragmented, and underdeveloped, the field has recently become a burgeoning area of academic study, influenced by contemporary trends in policing practices, changes in drug policy, and wider social movements. This book makes a much-needed interdisciplinary and international contribution that engages with established and emerging areas of scholarship, advances cutting-edge debates, and sets an agenda for future directions in drugs policing.Drug Law Enforcement, Policing and Harm Reduction is the first edited collection to devote its attention exclusively to drugs policing. It brings together a range of leading scholars to provide a deep and thorough account of the current state of knowledge. In addition to academic analysis, authors also include serving police officers and policymakers, who have influenced how drugs policing is framed and carried out. Together, the contributors draw on a diverse set of empirical studies and theoretical perspectives, with the thread running throughout the book being the concept of harm reduction policing. With accounts from various countries, localities, and contexts, topics covered include the (in)effectiveness and (un)intended consequences of the 'war on drugs', attempts to reform drugs policing, and the role of partnerships and policy networks. The broader theme of inequality lies at the heart of this collection.An accessible and compelling read, this book will be of interest to academics and students of criminology, public health, and social policy, especially those researching policing, drug policy, and harm reduction. It also offers valuable insights and practical guidance for professionals working in the drugs field.

  • af Andrew McInnes
    513,95 kr.

    Crime, Criminal Justice and Religion: A Critical Appraisal seeks to bridge a gap in the examination of crime and criminal justice by taking both a historical and a contemporary lens to explore the influence of religion. Offering unique perspectives that consider the impact on modern-day policy and practice, the book scrutinises a range of issues such as abortion, hate crime and desistance as well as reflecting upon the influence religion can have on criminal justice professions.The book acts to renew the importance of, and recognise, the influence and impact religion has in terms of how we view and ultimately address crime and deliver criminal justice. One of the first books to cover the area of crime, criminal justice and religion, the book is split into three parts, with part 1 - 'Contextualising Crime, Criminal Justice and Religion' - providing an introduction to crime, criminal justice and religion, and reflections on the role religion has had, and continues to have, in how crime is understood and how we respond to it. Part 2 - 'Appraisal of Institutions and Professional Practice' - considers the issue of religion through institutions and professions of criminal justice, such as the police and legal profession, while part 3 - 'Appraisal of Contemporary Issues' - explores a range of crime and criminal justice issues in on which religion has had an impact, such as the death penalty and terrorism.Crime, Criminal Justice and Religion will be of primary interest to academics, researchers and students in criminology, law, sociology, psychology, social policy and related Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences disciplines. It will also be of interest to theologians, both as scholars and practitioners. The book is a body of work that will appeal at an international level and will also be a key resource for a range of practitioners across the globe working on issues concerning crime and criminal justice.

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