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  • af Claus Rohde, Martin Birk & Marianne Kjær Stolt
    2.312,95 kr.

    Indtil denne udgivelse af Lejeloven med kommentarer, udkom det seneste eksemplar af en lejelovskommentar i 1980 med et tillæg i 1984. Denne, derfor, tiltrængte lovkommentar til lejeloven angriber emnet på en anderledes måde end de, på området, mange lærebøger og andre opslagsværker. Lejelovgivningen er meget kompleks og formalistisk, og det kan være vanskeligt for især udlejer at manøvrere sig gennem regeljunglen uden at have professionel bistand. Denne traditionelt opbyggede lovkommentar gennemgår systematisk lovteksten og giver en udførlig fremstilling af de enkelte paragraffer. I 2015 er der indført ny lovgivning på området, som har medført en gennemgribende forenkling og modernisering af lejelovgivningen. For de professionelle udlejere er de største ændringer bl.a. overholdelse af de obligatoriske regler om indflytnings- og udflytningssyn, hvor udlejeren risikerer at tabe sit krav på istandsættelse helt eller delvist, hvis reglerne ikke overholdes samt afskaffelse af muligheden for at aftale nyistandsættelse, herunder hvem der skal betale for maling af lejligheden, når lejeren flytter efter kort tid. Kommentaren er ajourført med retspraksis og artikler, der er udgivet frem til 1. august 2014. Senere materiale er kun undtagelsesvis medtaget. Indholdsoversigt Forord Lejeloven Kapitel 1. Lovens anvendelsesområde Kapitel 2. Lejeaftalen Kapitel 3. Mangler ved det lejede Kapitel 4. Vedligeholdelse Kapitel 5. Lejerens brug af det lejede Kapitel 6. Betaling af leje mv. Kapitel 7. Betaling for temperaturregulering, vand og el Kapitel 7 A. Lejerens betaling til fællesantenne og adgang til elektroniske kommunikationstjenester mv. Kapitel 8. Ændring af lejevilkår Kapitel 8 A. Lejefastsættelse for indeksfinansieret boligbyggeri Kapitel 9. Udlejerens adgang til det lejede Kapitel 10. Forbedringer mv. Kapitel 10 A. Konto for forbedringer i Grundejernes Investeringsfond Kapitel 11. Beboerrepræsentation Kapitel 12. Brugsrettens overgang til andre (Fremleje, bytte mv.) Kapitel 12 A. Behandling af sager ved Huslejenævnene om lejerens tilsidesættelse af god skik og orden Kapitel 13. Opsigelse Kapitel 14. Udlejerens ret til at hæve lejeaftalen Kapitel 15. Udlejerens ret til at hæve lejeaftalen Kapitel 16. Tilbudspligt Kapitel 17. Om mellemmænd ved udlejning − ophævet Kapitel 18. Huslejenævn og boligret Kapitel 18 A. Frakendelse af retten til at administrere udlejningsejendomme Kapitel 19. Lovens ikrafttræden mv. Domsregister Stikordsregister

  • af Stephen Fishman
    423,95 kr.

    Maximize your tax deductionsRental real estate provides more tax benefits than almost any other investment. Whether you own a ten-unit rental apartment building or rent a room in your home through Airbnb, you need to know about all the valuable deductions you are entitled to take as a landlord. Every Landlord's Tax Deduction Guide is the only book that focuses exclusively on IRS rules and deductions for landlords. With this book, you will learn about: depreciation, casualty and theft losses, start-up expenses, and other common landlord deductions IRS rules on deducting repairs and improvements vacation home tax rules, andproper record keeping and accounting, and much more. The book also covers landlord tax classifications, reporting rental income, hiring workers, and deducting rental losses. Filled with practical advice and real-world examples, Every Landlord's Tax Deduction Guide will save you money by making sure you owe less to the IRS at tax time. This edition is updated and revised to cover tax rules for Airbnb-type rentals.

  • af Daniel Gatty
    713,95 kr.

    A practical and concise but thorough survey of the many legal issues affecting airspace and subsoil. The areas covered by the book includes freehold and leasehold ownership, easements, manorial rights, conveyancing and land registration, leasehold enfranchisement, adverse possession, minerals and developing above and below existing buildings.This second edition updates the book to cover developments in the law over the 4 years since publication of the first edition, including the decisions of the Supreme Court in Fearn v Board of Trustees of Tate Gallery and of the Court of Appeal in LM Homes v Queen Court Freehold Company Ltd, Alford House Freehold Ltd v Grosvenor (Mayfair) Estate and Wynne-Finch v Natural Resources Body for Wales. The second edition also expands the discussion of a number of topics within the book.ABOUT THE AUTHORDaniel Gatty is a barrister at Gatehouse Chambers. He specialises in disputes about property, especially real property and commercial landlord and tenant, secured lending and property-related professional liability. He is recommended as a leading property litigation barrister in the major legal directories. In addition to practising at the Bar, he is an experienced mediator and sits as a part-time Judge of the First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber, Land Registration).CONTENTSChapter One - Freehold Ownership of Airspace and SubsoilChapter Two - Leasehold Ownership of Airspace and SubsoilChapter Three - Conveyancing and Land RegistrationChapter Four - Easements Affecting Airspace and SubsoilChapter Five - Leasehold Enfranchisement and Statutory Rights of First RefusalChapter Six - Mines, Minerals and Manorial RightsChapter Seven - FrackingChapter Eight - Adverse PossessionChapter Nine - Building Above and Below Existing Buildings

  • af Albert L. Kelley
    248,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Bastian Kühn
    971,95 kr.

    Das vorliegende Werk beschäftigt sich mit der Definition und der Prozessgestaltung des Sozialen Forderungsmanagements in der Wohnungswirtschaft. Synergien zwischen der Zielsetzung der Wohnraumerhaltung und der Realisierung des Mieterlöses stellen die Grundlage dar. Es wird ein ganzheitlicher Konzeptansatz sowie vertieftes Anwenderwissen vermittelt. Die Erläuterung und rechtliche Würdigung wesentlicher Rechtsgrundlagen werden durch praxisnahe Vorschläge zur Rechtsgestaltung ergänzt. Erstmalig wird eine wissenschaftliche Verbindung zwischen der Psychologie und der Entstehung von Mietschulden hergestellt. Dieses umsetzbare Managementkonzept richtet sich insbesondere an Führungskräfte als auch an Mitarbeitende im Bereich des Forderungsmanagements eines Wohnungsunternehmens.

  • af P. A. Diepenhorst
    168,95 - 323,95 kr.

  • af Joscelyn Augustus Demorgan
    178,95 kr.

  • af John Neilson Taylor
    353,95 kr.

  • af Marius Bergermann
    498,95 kr.

    Der Autor entwickelt acht Thesen zur Anwendung des Verbraucherschutzes im sozialen Mietrecht. Mieter sind in aller Regel Verbraucher. Eine Unterscheidung zwischen Kleinvermietern und Großvermietern ist möglich. Die Unternehmereigenschaft einer Hausverwaltung ist dem Vermieter zuzurechnen. Einschränkungen des Verbraucherschutzes durch § 314 Abs. 4 BGB und den Ausschluss bestimmter Schutzinstrumente nach vorheriger Besichtigung der Wohnung sind abzulehnen. Die teleologische Reduktion des Widerrufsrechts bei Mieterhöhungen durch den BGH überzeugt nicht. Der Verbraucherschutz im Wohnungsmietrecht sollte vertragsbezogen sein. Mieter sollten informierte Entscheidungen auf Basis eines Produktinformationsblatts treffen können, die Nichtbeachtung von Informationspflichten muss sanktioniert sein.

  • af Andreas Nobitschek
    714,95 kr.

    Die Ausbreitung des Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 und der damit einhergehende Verlauf der COVID-19-Pandemie hat weltweit Auswirkungen auf unser gesellschaftliches Leben. Die notwendigen staatlichen Eingriffe zur Eindämmung der Pandemie bewirken eine Verlangsamung der Globalisierung und führen zu wirtschaftlichen Verwerfungen in den nationalen und internationalen Volkswirtschaften. Zu einem der bedeutendsten Wirtschaftssektoren zählt der Tourismus und die Gastronomie, der durch die einschneidenden öffentlich-rechtlichen Maßnahmen der Betriebsschließungen, Betretungsverbote und Auflagen von und innerhalb der Betriebsstätten besonders betroffen ist. Daraus resultierend, ergeben sich eine Vielzahl von juristischen Fragestellungen in Bezug auf das Bestandsrecht und die Geschäftstätigkeit vieler Unternehmen, um krisenbedingte Umsatzrückgänge, die zu Liquiditätsengpässen und Zahlungsschwierigkeiten führen, zu vermeiden. Die österreichische Bundesregierung hat umfangreiche finanzielle Hilfen in Form von direkten und indirekten Fördermaßnahmen bereitgestellt, um die langfristigen negativen wirtschaftlichen Folgen für Unternehmer abzufedern und diese zu entlasten. Die Betretungsverbote für Betriebsstätten sämtlicher Betriebsarten der Gastgewerbe und deren Folgewirkungen im Zuge der COVID-19-Maßnahmengesetze und Verordnungen führen zu kontroversen Auseinandersetzungen von Mieter und Vermieter, darüber ob diese Maßnahmen zur partiellen oder gänzlichen Unbrauchbarkeit des Bestandsobjektes führen und somit eine Mietzinsminderung gegeben ist. Ferner beschäftigt Bestandgeber und Bestandnehmer die Frage ob, eine allfällige Mietzinsminderung einer Geschäftsräumlichkeit aus pandemiebedingten Umsatzrückgängen infolge eines Rückganges der Kundenfrequenz zulässig ist bzw. ob ein Erlass des Mietzinses bei der Möglichkeit das Geschäftslokal zu Lieferservices und zur Abholung von zubereiteten Speisen und Getränken zu nutzen, besteht. Das COVID-19-Virus stellt als anzeigepflichtige Krankheit unstrittig den Tatbestand einer Seuche dar und ist iSd § 1104 ABGB als außerordentlicher Zufall zu werten. Die Rechtsfolge des § 1104 ABGB sieht daher bei der Unbenutzbarkeit der Sache ausdrücklich einen Erlass des Mietzinses vor. Die Brauchbarkeit der Bestandsache orientiert sich nach dem Verkehrszweck oder nach der Verkehrssitte.

  • af David Bennett
    573,95 kr.

    Knowledge of the law, and litigation of the cases, are two very different concepts. This book is not a legal textbook in the conventional sense as that already exists in an excellent work by HHJ Luba KC, Catherine O'Donnell, and Giles Peaker. This work concentrates exclusively on how to litigate housing conditions cases successfully so as to achieve the best result for the tenant in the shortest reasonable timescale. In all areas of practice, efficient and cost-effective conduct of litigation is essential. This work aims to achieve that important objective.As the title of the book suggests, it is aimed at solicitors, barristers and surveyors - the main professionals involved in this area of practice. It deals with many, if not all, of the areas likely to be encountered on a daily basis in housing conditions cases, and answers many of the questions frequently asked about day-to-day conduct. It is essential reading for those practising in this very important area of the law, and should make the work involved a lot more straightforward for both experienced professionals, as well as newcomers.ABOUT THE AUTHORDavid Bennett is a senior barrister and head of chambers at Liverpool Civil Law, 1 Old Hall Street, Liverpool.During his long career at the Bar he has practised in many different areas of law, including housing conditions litigation, but for the last 10 years he has concentrated solely on housing conditions work in which he has a very busy practice.His decision to write this practical guide was motivated by two factors.First, he considers this to be a very important area of law in which the lay clients are heavily reliant on the expertise of all the professionals concerned, namely solicitors, barristers and surveyors. In many cases the lives of tenants and their families are often badly affected by their housing conditions, causing discomfort, inconvenience, frustration, and not infrequently ill-health. He regards the work therefore as very important, and for many tenants, life changing.Secondly, he has acquired a great deal of knowledge and expertise in housing conditions work over many years and feels that he needs to pass on this expertise to the relevant professionals - some of whom may be new to this area of law, so that the work done at all levels by the experts involved, is of the highest quality to ensure the best result for the lay client.CONTENTSPART ONE - THE WORK OF THE SOLICITORThe Correct PartiesTaking InstructionsThe Correspondence PhasePre-Action Disclosure / Subject Access RequestUse of the Landlord's Internal Complaints ProcedureThe Landlord's Obligations Under the ProtocolThe Requirement for the Tenant to Provide Access to the LandlordPersonal InjuryThe Protocol Requirements for Personal Injury ClaimsLimitationHuman RightsJudgement in DefaultBreach ProceedingsInstructing a SurveyorInstructing CounselPART TWO - COUNSELThe Role of CounselOther Points Commonly Raised in the DefenceAllocation HearingsBirmingham City Council v Avril Lee [2008] EWCA Civ 891DamagesPART THREE - SURVEYORSThe Function of the Surveyor in Housing Conditions CasesPART FOUR - MISCELLANEOUSThe Housing Ombudsman ServiceConclusion

  • af Stephanie Lovegrove
    573,95 kr.

    'A Practical Guide to Succession to Social Housing Tenancies' by Stephanie Lovegrove examines the law surrounding succession on death to tenancies granted by social housing providers. The area is complex, with the statutory schemes under the Housing Acts 1985 and 1988 and Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 operating alongside established principles under Intestacy, Landlord and Tenant and Contract law.This book provides a comprehensive practical guide to navigating issues of and relating to succession faced by social housing providers, their tenants, and those advising them, from ensuring tenancy agreements and policies properly reflect a provider's desired succession entitlement to defending possession proceedings where it is said no entitlement to succeed exists.ABOUT THE AUTHORStephanie Lovegrove is a barrister at 4-5 Gray's Inn Square specialising in Housing, Landlord and Tenant and related Local Government and Property law. She has over 19 years of experience acting for and advising both landlords and tenants in housing-related matters, including succession-related policy development, procedures and possession claims.Stephanie is ranked in both Chambers and Partners and the Legal 500 where she has been described as "demonstrating prowess across all areas of landlord and tenant law", "absolutely excellent: clients and solicitors love her alike", and it said that "her intelligence and her knowledge of housing law will blow anyone away".CONTENTSChapter One - IntroductionChapter Two - What Is Tenancy Succession?Chapter Three - Secure TenanciesChapter Four - Assured TenanciesChapter Five - Limited Security of TenureChapter Six - Secure Tenancies Under Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016Chapter Seven - Succession and Children Under 18 Years OldChapter Eight - Possession ProceedingsChapter Nine - Conclusion

  • af Daniel Bacon
    998,95 kr.

    'Court Duty: A Reference Guide to Defending Tenants in the Possession Lists' by Daniel Bacon will be a comprehensive but easy-reference guide to the defences that may be available to common possession proceedings encountered on Court Duty, with references to legislation, case law and CPR provisions. It will also deal with matters of the court's discretion and addresses other matters that always arise but can sometimes seem remote or opaque - such as the applicability of the fixed costs regime, the exceptional hardship test, and calculating deemed dates of service.Developed from the notes the author uses in his own Court Duty practice, this guide is designed to maximise utility when time is short but thoroughness is still required.Designed for the often-junior solicitors who carry out Court Duty, it is hoped that this guide will be of assistance to all duty advisers, the court itself, and even, perhaps, those acting for the claimants!ABOUT THE AUTHORDaniel Bacon is a solicitor at Duncan Lewis Solicitors in the City of London who specialises in housing law. He regularly acts as Court Duty adviser defending tenants on the possession lists. He also acts for landlords on a private basis. He holds a Master of Laws (LLM) from the University of Law.CONTENTSChapter One - General Discretion of the Court and Possible OrdersChapter Two - Security of TenureChapter Three - Reasonableness of Making a Possession OrderChapter Four - Deemed Date of Service of the NOSPChapter Five - Actual Service of the NOSPChapter Six - Personal Service of the NOSPChapter Seven - Raising a Defence of Set Off Against ArrearsChapter Eight - Gas Safety Records and the Validity of a Section 21 NoticeChapter Nine - The Exceptional Hardship TestChapter Ten - CostsChapter Eleven - Introduction to DefencesChapter Twelve - General Defences- Standing- Conduct of the Litigation and Rights of Audience- Particularisation of the Claim- Court Forms Used- Verification by Statement of Truth- Covid Notice- Service of the Nosp- Limitation- Form and Substance of the Nosp- Notice Period- Lack of Capacity- Equality Act DefencesChapter Thirteen - Section 21 Specific Defences- Service of the NOSP in the First 4 Months of the AST- Expiry of the NOSP and / or Issue of Proceedings Within the Contractual Period- The How to Rent Guide- Gas Safety Record- Energy Performance Certificate- Deposit Protection and Prescribed Information- Improvement Notice From the Local Authority- Licensing Requirements (Selective Licensing for Rental Properties)- Licensing Requirements (Houses in Multiple Occupation)- Prohibited FeesChapter Fourteen - Section 8 (The Rent Arrears Grounds) Specific Defences- Making Out Grounds 8, 10, and 11- Section 48 Notice- Defence of Set-Off by Way of a Counterclaim: Disrepair / Housing Conditions- Begin Here if You Are Short of Time- Defence of Set-Off by Way of a Counterclaim: Deposit Protection / Service of Prescribed Information- Defence of Set-Off by Way of a Counterclaim: Breaches of the Equality Act (Discrimination and Harassment)

  • af Kevin Clancy
    998,95 kr.

    Drawing on over a decade of experience advising on civic licensing in Scotland, and specifically advising clients over the last two years in relation to the new short-term lets licensing scheme, this practical guide looks at the historical context leading to the new licensing scheme, what it means to have a short-term let licence, how to apply for a licence, the interaction between planning law and licensing law, what the regulatory implications of holding a licence are, and what alternative options there might be if you only want to licence a short-term let for a brief (temporary) period of time.This practical guide brings together in one place the relevant provisions of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982, Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (Licensing of Short-term Lets) Order 2022, non-statutory guidance, and other relevant information so as to be a helpful aide for operators, applicants, practitioners and licensing officers alike. It provides a timeline as to how the Scottish Government reached the stage of requiring short-term lets to be licensed, while also drawing on examples to consider complex issues Kevin has already seen arise as operators and hosts grapple with the new statutory regime.ABOUT THE AUTHORKevin Clancy is a partner and solicitor-advocate at Shepherd and Wedderburn. For over a decade, he has advised and represented clients at Licensing Boards and Licensing Committees throughout Scotland.A trusted adviser to his clients, Kevin has experience of dealing with routine and contentious hearings in relation to liquor licences, taxi and private hire licences, public entertainment licences, houses in multiple occupation licences, and late hours catering licences.For the past two years Kevin has been advising clients regarding the consultation, legislation, and implementation stages of the new Short-term Lets Licensing Scheme.CONTENTSChapter One - Historical ContextChapter Two - Short-Term Lets: Basic PrinciplesChapter Three - Rules of the Game for Making an ApplicationChapter Four - The Interaction Between Planning Law and Licensing LawChapter Five - The Mandatory Conditions (And Additional Conditions)Chapter Six - Can I Let Out Short-Term Properties on a Temporary Basis?Chapter Seven - The Application ProcessChapter Eight - ComplianceChapter Nine - Looking to the Future

  • af David Smith
    718,95 kr.

    The Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 has been a long time in coming to fruition. However, as from 1 December 2022 this Act has radically reshaped the residential rented sector, both private and social, in Wales.This book, by a respected author who advised the Welsh Assembly during the passing of the Act, is the first detailed treatment of the legislation. It is a must read for anyone interested in renting property in Wales.ABOUT THE AUTHORDavid Smith is a solicitor specialising in residential property, agency, and regulatory law. He is a partner at JMW Solicitors LLP in London. He is well known for his work in the residential property and agency field, especially in property licensing and consumer law and has advised local and national governments, large and small landlords and tenants and letting and estate agents across the sector.CONTENTSChapter One - IntroductionChapter Two - Law in WalesChapter Three - Renting Homes: An OverviewChapter Four - Who, What and Where?Chapter Five - InformationChapter Six - DepositsChapter Seven - RepairsChapter Eight - RentChapter Nine - Term and PossessionChapter Ten - AbandonmentChapter Eleven - The RHWA and the CourtsChapter Twelve - ConclusionAppendix One - List of RHWA Forms and Their PurposeAppendix Two - List of Regulations Made Under the RHWA

  • af Stephen Fishman
    408,95 kr.

  • af Janet Portman & Ann O'Connell
    318,95 kr.

  • af Ilona Bray
    288,95 kr.

    "This book is for first-time landlords of single-family homes. It explains how to rent out property lawfully and safely, and discusses the legal obligations of landlords, estimating costs and profits, choosing good tenants and avoiding problem ones, making the most of tax deductions, and handling repairs and property management tasks. Helpful checklists and budget worksheets are included"--

  • - Tipps und Tools fur Vermieter und Rechtsanwalte
    af Michael Fritzsche
    1.213,95 kr.

    Das Handbuch deckt alle praxisrelevanten Themenbereiche im Gewerberaummietrecht ab, von der Vorbereitung und der Anbahnung des Vertragsverhaltnisses uber Verhandlungs- und Gesprachsstrategien sowie den Vertragsabschluss uber Storungen im Vertragsverhaltnis wahrend der Mietzeit bis hin zur Abwicklung eines beendeten Mietverhaltnisses. Bezuge zu technischen Vorgaben bzw. anderen Rechtsgebieten werden griffig und anschaulich dargestellt (z.B. EneV; offentlich-rechtliche Genehmigungen, technische Vorschriften, Arbeitstattenrichtlinie). Auch die differenzierte Darstellung von Vermietungsstrategienist Bestandteil des Werkes.

  • af Volker Emmerich & Jürgen Sonnenschein
    1.418,95 - 3.838,95 kr.

  • af Nico R. Skusa
    1.398,95 kr.

  • af Mike Jones
    293,95 kr.

    For beginners and seasoned landlords alike, Better An Empty House... is a one-stop guide for landlords and investors, containing true tales of landlords/tenants and dealing with regulation, compliance and Government proposals.

  • af Bryan M. Chavis
    186,95 kr.

    Updated edition of Buy it, rent it, profit!, 2009.

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