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Medicinsk informatik og sundhedsfaglig informatik

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  • af Peter la Cour
    308,95 kr.

    DE VEDVARENDE HVA' FOR NOGEN!?De vedvarende uforklarede fysiske symptomer anslås at gælde for 10-20 % af den danske befolkning, men selvom prævalensen er høj, er sygdomsgruppen præget af et manglende forfæste i det danske sundhedssystem.Denne bog er et opgør med de mest sejlivede myter inden for feltet. Den giver et overblik over den opdaterede tilgængelige viden og placerer de uforklarede symptomer i en aktuel samfundsmæssig kontekst.De vedvarende uforklarede symptomer udgør en stor udfordring i sundheds- og socialsystemet, og evidensbaseret viden er nødvendigt for at imødekomme de mange patienter og familiers legitime behov. Det drejer sig blandt andet om:FibromyalgiIrritabel tyktarmME/postviralt træthedssyndromPost comootio-syndrom/whiplashMultipel kemisk intoleranceFunktionelle bevægeforstyrrelserSygdomsangstBogen er opbygget med en beskrivende del, en klinisk orienteret del, diagnostiske værktøjer samt en beskrivelse af, hvordan en opdateret helhedsorienteret sygdomsmodel kan forstås. Den præsenterer et nutidigt vidensgrundlag for alle sundhedsprofessioner, der har med denne patientgruppe at gøre, herunder især de praktiserende læger, samt til patienter og pårørende.

  • af Trine Ungermann Fredskild, Red: Anne Dichmann Sorknæs, Raymond Kolbæk & mfl.
    288,95 kr.

    I Sundhedsinformatik i sundhedsvæsnet foretages en rækkenedslag på, hvordan arbejdet med ny, avanceret teknologi kan tages i brug medhenblik på de markante forandringer, som det danske sundhedsvæsen gennemgår idisse år. Sundhedssektoren mærker effekterne af større demografiske,strukturelle og teknologiske bevægelser. Sundhedsinformatik skal ses som enintegreret del af professionsfagligheden og skal derfor understøtte desundhedsprofessionelles viden om, hvordan de skal agere i relation til deresprofession, når udgangspunktet er deling af data internt såvel som eksternt isundhedsvæsnet. Bogen bygger på forskellige typer af viden: erfarings‑,udviklings‑ og forskningsbaseret viden, indenfor den natur- human- ogsamfundsfaglige videnstradition. Formålet med inddragelse af disse forskelligevidenstraditioner er at give et nuanceret billede af nogle af de mange tiltag,der er på området, samt at skabe et grundlag for kritisk refleksion hos læserenift. anvendelsen af sundhedsinformatik i sundhedsvæsnet.

  • - Fra teori til sundhedsfaglig praksis
    af Jan Brødslev Olsen & Vibeke Graven
    248,95 kr.

    I løbet af et livsforløb kommer de fleste mennesker ud for kriser i forbindelse med fx alvorlig sygdom, ulykker eller tab af deres nærmeste. Ofte mødes disse mennesker af professionelle i sundhedsvæsnet, for hvem det bliver naturligt at ville vække håb. Skal det lykkes, må den professionelle have et nuanceret blik for håbets betydning og være opmærksom på, hvad der kan styrke det enkelte menneskes håb. Helt grundlæggende må man også vide, hvad håb egentlig er.Denne bog samler og diskuterer en række centrale teorier om håb fra filosofi, psykologi og samfundsvidenskab. Undervejs sættes teorierne i relation til praksis, og da håb også har væsentlig betydning for den sundhedsprofessionelle selv, bliver bogens tema også belyst ud fra en aktuel samfundsmæssig sammenhæng. Bogen er med dens systematiske teoretiske fremstilling den første af sin art på dansk og er et tiltrængt bidrag til at nuancere forståelsen af håb som andet og mere end hverdagens håb om, at dette eller hint vil ske i fremtiden.Bogen retter sig i kraft af dens eksempelmateriale primært mod sundhedsprofessionerne men er relevant for alle fagprofessionelle, som beskæftiger sig med mennesker i sårbare situationer. Endelig kan bogen læses af alle, som ønsker at få en større forståelse for håbets mange nuancer.

  • af Per Hellung Larsen, Jens Dilling Lundgren, Lars Helleberg & mfl.
    64,95 kr.

    Brug for hjælp til biokemien?Nu kan FADL’s Forlag præsentere en planche med et samlet overblik over kroppens metaboliske reaktionsveje. Herunder citratcyklussen, som er helt central for kroppens anaboliske og kataboliske reaktioner. Kortet er overskueligt opbygget med forskellige farver – og er nem at have med og opbevare, da den er lamineret på begge sider. Så planchen holder også til kaffepletter i de travle eksamensperioder.

  • af Nina Skavlan Godtfredsen, Christina Rostrup Kruuse, Andreas Munk Petersen Jacob Tfelt-Hansen, mfl.
    398,95 kr.

    AKUTTE MEDICINSKE TILSTANDE14. UDGAVEI over 45 år har AKUTTE MEDICINSKE TILSTANDE været den foretrukne kittelbog, og nu foreligger klassikeren i en helt ny og gennemrevideret 14. udgave.Siden seneste udgave udkom, har et nyt speciale i akut medicin set dagens lys, og i forbindelse med omstrukturering af akutområdet på landets afdelinger er bogen blevet endnu mere relevant. Alle bogens kapitler er opdaterede med nyeste nationale og internationale guidelines for akut diagnostik, monitorering og behandling. Derudover får du også FADL’s Forlags populære journalkoncept, psykiatrikoncept og kommunikationskoncept med.AKUTTE MEDICINSKE TILSTANDE er uundværlig for den medicinstuderende i klinik, ligesom den er velegnet til personalet på landets skadestuer, modtagecentre og intensivafdelinger.

  • - Årsagerne til 20.000 Sygdomme
    af Birger Feldt
    404,95 kr.

    Medicinens verden er aldrig beskrevet så Enkelt og Logisk. Dette skal vi alle lære, inkl. selvbehandling af Autoimmune Sygdomme og Kræft. Ingen Rygsmerter eller Hovedpiner mere. Behandlingerne beskrevet helt i detaljer, også akut selvbehandling af kræft og for eksempel behandling af Nakkeskader og Piskesmældsskader. Læs evt. forordet på

  • Spar 10%
    af Jean-Christophe P.G. Debost, Simon Hjerrild, Morten Kjølbye & mfl.
    539,95 kr.

    PSYKIATRI – EN LÆREBOG OM VOKSNES PSYKISKE SYGDOMME gennemgår den diagnostiske og behandlingsmæssige praksis, der i dag karakteriserer lægelig og psykologisk behandling af psykiske sygdomme i almen praksis, i psykiatrisk speciallægepraksis, i de psykiatriske ambulatorier og på hospitaler samt i socialpsykiatriske institutioner.Denne 7. udgave er revideret med nyeste lovgivning og opdaterede behandlingsforskrifter i overensstemmelse med nye referenceprogrammer og kliniske vejledninger fra Sundhedsstyrelsen og speciallægeselskaber.Værket fungerer som pensumnær lærebog og opslagsværk til medicinstuderende og læger samt alle, der uddanner sig i sundheds- og socialfag, hvor kendskab til psykiske sygdomme er nødvendigt. Bogen giver gennem ICD-10 en velkondenseret og systematisk indføring i de forskellige sygdomme og behandlingsmuligheder.

  • af Mark P Khurana
    403,95 kr.

    "Exploring the forces that determine the rate and direction of medical progress, this book brings together the worlds of scientific policy, economics, sociology, and innovation to describe the medical research landscape. Covers how issues, including incentive structures and lack of novelty in drug development, influence and impede progress"--

  • - Den professionelle læge
    af Louise Binow Kjær
    188,95 - 328,95 kr.

    Sundhedsstyrelsens beskrivelse af de 7 lægeroller har i høj grad præget opfattelsen af, hvad en professionel læge skal kunne i Danmark. Men hvordan træner man de forskellige lægeroller som studerende? Og hvilke elementer er vigtige i overgangen til lægerollen? "Lægens roller" giver både et overblik over og en guide til, hvordan man som studerende, yngre læge eller underviser arbejder målrettet med lægefaglig professionalisme. Bogen er ideel som lærebog i professionskurser ved medicinstudiet i København, Aarhus, Odense og Aalborg,men vil også være nyttig for nyuddannede læger, som ønsker at genopfriske viden og færdigheder indenfor f.eks. lovgivning, kommunikationsredskaber, ledelse og forskning. Bogen har fokus på rollerne som professionel, sundhedsfremmer, kommunikator, leder, samarbejder og akademiker, der støtter og supplerer rollen som medicinsk ekspert. I én bog får du en samlet guide til de vigtigste elementer i lægelig professionalisme. Derudover er bogen velegnet som inspirationskilde i forbindelse med jobstart og karrierevalg.

  • af Anne Voss, Dženan Mašić, Finn Johannsen & mfl.
    748,95 kr.

    Reumatologiens danske standardværkNyklassikeren Reumatologi foreligger nu i 5. udgave og har været igennem endnu en revision. Foruden en ajourføring med den nyeste viden inden for feltet er bogen blevet udvidet med tilføjelsen af yderligere nye kapitler, somDer er fortsat faktabokse til at give et hurtigt overblik over de vigtigste elementer inden for hvert emne samt cases, der illustrerer de forskellige sygdommes typiske kliniske billeder og danner bro mellem teori og praksis. Som noget nyt indeholder denne 5. udgave nu QR-koder, hvorfra man kan tilgå videomateriale om den pågældende øvelse eller metode, som beskrives i pågældende kapitel.Reumatologi 5. udgave henvender sig til læger og medicinstuderende, kiropraktorer, fysioterapeuter og andre faggrupper med interesse for reumatologi. Bogen anvendes i forbindelse med den reumatologiske speciallægeuddannelse og fungerer som opslagsværk for speciallæger i reumatologi, ortopædkirurgi og almen medicin.

  • - Vi skal videre!
    af Michelle Guldborg Hagelberg, Lisa Drevsholt & Maren Betty Alne Derrous
    379,94 kr.

    Udforsk og styrk dine kompetencer inden for sundhedsadministration. Denne bog er din guide til at mestre projekter, styrke sammenhængen i patientforløb og skabe værdi gennem innovation og bæredygtighed. Den er en uvurderlig ressource for alle, der ønsker at forstå og påvirke sundhedsvæsenet i fremtiden, og er skrevet til studerende, sundhedsprofessionelle og ledere.Med inspiration fra aktuelle erfaringer, forskning og konkrete cases tilbyder bogen en dyb forståelse af, hvordan innovation og samarbejde kan skabe bedre patientforløb, styrke kvaliteten og sikre et bæredygtigt sundhedsvæsen.Gennem fem spændende overordnede temaer dykker bogen ned i det sammenhængende patientforløb, kvalitet i praksis, moderne styringsmetoder, projektarbejde og bæredygtighed. Hvert kapitel kombinerer teori, praksis og relevante eksempler for at give en omfattende forståelse af sundhedsadministrationens dynamik og udvikling.

  • af Jackie Koesterman
    927,95 kr.

    Selecting diagnosis codes is faster and easier with Buck's 2025 ICD-10-CM for Physicians. Designed by coders for coders, this full-color manual includes all the ICD-10 codes that you need to code medical services provided in physicians’ offices and outpatient settings. As coders need extensive knowledge to code with ICD-10-CM - and to choose from the thousands of possible codes - this edition makes it easier with colorful anatomy plates (including Netter’s Anatomy illustrations) to help you understand anatomy and how it can affect your code choices. In addition, it comes with durable spiral binding, and includes a companion website with the latest coding updates.NEW! Updated 2025 Official Code set reflects the latest ICD-10 codes needed for diagnosis coding.At-a-glance Guide to the 2025 ICD-10-CM Updates in the front of the book lists all new, revised, and deleted codes, providing quick lookup of the coding changes.Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting (OGCRs) are listed in full in the Introduction, at the beginning of each chapter, and integrated within the code set, providing easier reference to coding rules when they are needed most.Unique! Full-color anatomy plates (including Netter’s Anatomy art) are included in a separate section for easy reference and cross-referenced within the Tabular List of Diseases and Injuries, to help you understand anatomy and how it may affect choosing codes.Full-color design includes consistent color-coded symbols and text, providing easier access to codes and coding information.American Hospital Association's Coding Clinic® citations include official ICD-10-CM coding advice relating to specific codes and their usage.More than 190 illustrations provide visual orientation and enhance understanding of specific coding situations.Items are included throughout the Tabular List to ensure accurate coding, providing additional information on common diseases and conditions.Additional elements within specific codes define terms and add coding instructions relating to difficult terminology, diseases and conditions, or coding in a specific category.Symbols and highlights draw attention to codes that may require special consideration before coding, including: New, Revised, and DeletedUnacceptable Principal DiagnosisCodes that Call for the Use of Additional Character(s)Includes, Excludes 1, and Excludes 2Use AdditionalCode First and Code AlsoPlaceholder X symbol reminds users to assign placeholder X for codes less than 6 characters that require a 7th character.Manifestation code symbol identifies conditions for which it is important to record both the etiology and the symptom of the disease.HCC symbol indicates diagnoses in the Tabular List associated with Hierarchical Condition Categories.Age and Sex edits from the Definition of Medicare Code Edits help to ensure accuracy by denoting codes that are used only with patients of a specific age or sex.

  • af Elsevier Inc
    872,95 kr.

    Learn facility-based coding by actually working with codes. ICD-10-CM/PCS Coding: Theory and Practice provides an in-depth understanding of inpatient diagnosis and procedure coding to those who are just learning to code, as well as to experienced professionals who need to solidify and expand their knowledge. Featuring basic coding principles, clear examples, and challenging exercises, this text helps explain why coding is necessary for reimbursement, the basics of the health record, and rules, guidelines, and functions of ICD-10-CM/PCS coding. NEW! Revisions to ICD-10 codes and coding guidelines ensure you have the most up-to-date information available. 30-day access to TruCode® Encoder Essentials gives you experience with using an encoder, plus access to additional encoder practice exercises on the Evolve website. ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting provide fast, easy access to instructions on proper application of codes. Coverage of both common and complex procedures prepares you for inpatient procedural coding using ICD-10-PCS. Numerous and varied examples and exercises within each chapter break the material into manageable segments and help reinforce important concepts. Illustrations and examples of key diseases help in understanding how commonly encountered conditions relate to ICD-10-CM coding. Strong coverage of medical records provides a context for coding and familiarizes you with documents you will encounter on the job. Illustrated, full-color design emphasizes important content such as anatomy and physiology and visually reinforces key concepts. Evolve website offers online access to additional practice exercises, coding guidelines, answer keys, coding updates, and more.

  • af Almudena Nevado Llopis
    783,95 kr.

    «This comprehensive, insightful and well-researched work is an essential and timely contribution to sustaining the training of healthcare interpreters. It provides an important foundation for trainers, researchers and practitioners, based on a thorough and up-to-date reflection on the challenges and needs of healthcare interpreting today, and on the development of training materials for interpreter trainers carried out by the European project ReACTMe. It is a rich, powerful, compelling and much needed book in the field of healthcare interpreting studies.»(Dora Sales, Senior Lecturer, Department of Translation and Communication, Jaume I University, Spain)«This volume breaks new ground by examining health inequities through a pedagogical and justice-oriented lens in the context of healthcare interpreting in Spain, Italy and Romania. By foregrounding specialized training that targets both emerging interpreters as well as trainers, the authors offer a fresh look at teaching and learning for healthcare interpreters by offering authentic, creative resources that can be adapted for any national context.»(Melissa Wallace, Associate Professor of Translation and Interpreting Studies and Director of the Graduate Certificate in Translation & Interpreting Studies, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA)Medical Interpreting: Training the Professionals presents the results of the project Research & Action and Training in Medical Interpreting (ReACTMe) funded by the European Commission, which analysed the interpreting services offered in healthcare settings in Spain, Italy and Romania. This edited collection provides the reader not only with an update on the current situation regarding medical interpreting from different perspectives (decision makers, trainers, professional interpreters, healthcare providers and patients) but also with training resources and a proposal for an academic programme to teach medical interpreters. It is therefore ideal reading for medical interpreting trainers, researchers and practitioners. The book is also of interest to healthcare professionals as it includes a decalogue on how to work with interpreters in five languages.

  • af Kimberly Fraser
    163,95 kr.

    An invaluable resource for everyone concerned for vulnerable people in their lives and communities.Information sourcing, tracking, and organizing are daunting chores for many family caregivers. In this timely and urgently needed book, Dr. Kimberly Fraser, author of The Accidental Caregiver, provides you with a one-stop resource to delineate tasks and treatments and keep track of who's who in your caregiving world. She offers instructions on equipment and supplies, as well as advice on note-keeping, the gathering and storage of necessary documentation, and the logging of pertinent information related to the health and social needs of care recipients.Information management is a challenge for all caregivers. The Care Book is the convenient, user-friendly tool you need to stay organized and focused, and best look after the ones you love.

  • af Spencer Zimmerman
    248,95 kr.

    Unlock the power of your brain with Brain Reset: 7 Steps to a Healthier Brain and discover the path to a healthier and happier life. This book will help you take control of your life and eliminate the symptoms of an unhealthy brain, such as chronic fatigue, light/sound sensitivity, brain fog, depression, poor concentration, and more. With simple steps and easy-to-understand language, this book will show you how to take control of your life and reset your brain for a happier and healthier future.

  • af Julie Crenshaw
    173,95 kr.

    In "Bringing a Loved One Home From the Hospital," physical therapist and geriatric specialist, Julie Crenshaw, presents a comprehensive guide for caregivers of aging loved ones. This empowering book offers practical solutions and uplifting advice to address the top 10 issues caregivers commonly face when taking on a caregiving role.Empowerment Through Communication: Discover effective strategies for communicating with medical professionals about appointments, symptoms, medications, and medical equipment needs.Medication Management: Step-by-step guidance on creating an organized and efficient medication management system, avoiding medication errors, and what to do when you have questions or need help.Medical Equipment and Supplies: Learn the ins and outs of getting the medical equipment and supplies your loved one needs, with or without insurance.Preventing Falls and Managing Dizziness: Expert advice on fall prevention, home modifications, and which doctor to call for help based on the specific symptoms your loved one is having.Keeping Your Loved One Out of the Hospital: How to manage your loved one's care so that they come home and stay home! Learn how to detect early signs of a problem so that it can be addressed BEFORE it becomes an emergency.Filled with practical tips and encouraging advice, "Bringing a Loved One Home From the Hospital" is more than just a guide; it is a comforting companion that will uplift your spirits and fill you with confidence and peace of mind.From financial assistance to stress management techniques, this book is a wealth of resources and your guiding light, reminding you that you are never alone on your caregiving journey.

  • af Darius M Dziuda
    790,95 kr.

    "This concise book for scientists and students interested in bioinformatics and data science covers all aspects of predictive modeling for biomarker discovery based on high-dimensional data, as well as modern data science methods for identification of parsimonious and robust multivariate biomarkers for medical diagnosis and personalized medicine"--

  • af Agbotiname Lucky Imoize
    1.788,95 kr.

    This edited book discusses the technical considerations, potential opportunities and critical challenges of AI and blockchain in telehealth systems and presents case studies and critical lessons to consider when designing future AI and blockchain-based telehealth systems which have privacy and security in mind.

  • af Sadhna Kumawat
    298,95 kr.

  • af Palle Høy Jakobsen
    269,95 kr.

    Vi ser ind i en fremtid af ubegrænsede muligheder, hvor menneskers helbred og teknologien smelter sammen. Sundhedsteknologien udvikler sig i rivende hast og fremtidens muligheder på sundhedsfronten har et utroligt potentiale, men de rejser også vigtige etiske dilemmaer. FREMTIDENS SUNDHEDSTEKNOLOGIER er en tankevækkende og inspirerende bog, som udforsker de teknologiske fremskridt inden for sundhedsområdet. Bogen giver indblik i de mest vitale aspekter af fremtidens sundhedsteknologi, herunder vores individuelle genetiske kode, udviklingen af nye lægemidler same gennembrud inden for genterapi og monoklonale antistoffer. I fremtiden vil medicin blive skræddersyet til den enkelte, og immunbehandling kan måske gøre kræftsygdomme til fortid. Vi vil kunne tage kontrol over vores sundhedstilstand gennem brug af stamceller, kloning, nanoteknologi og digital medicin. Træd med ind i en fremtid, hvor sygdom bekæmpes med hidtil uset præcision og effektivitet.

    1.126,95 kr.

    In the era of 'Algorithmic Medicine,' the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare holds immense potential to address critical challenges faced by the industry. This textbook goes beyond theoretical discussions to outline practical steps for transitioning

    1.622,95 kr.

    This book provides examination of applications of soft computing techniques related to healthcare systems and can be used as a reference guide for assessing the roles that various techniques, such as machine learning, fuzzy logic, and statistical mathematics, play in the advancements of smart healthcare systems.

  • af Rebecca Gibson
    283,95 - 1.028,95 kr.

  • af Utku Kose
    3.898,95 kr.

    In today's world, smart healthcare supports the out-of-hospital concept, which transforms and offers higher care standards. This is accomplished with individual requirements with the help of public opinion. Moreover, smart healthcare systems are generally designed to sense individual health status data, which can be forwarded to clinical professionals for interpretation. Swarm intelligence analysis is a valuable tool for categorizing public opinion into different sentiments. Dynamics of Swarm Intelligence Health Analysis for the Next Generation discusses the role of behavioral activity in the evolution of traditional medical systems to intelligent systems. It further focuses on the economic, social, and environmental impacts of swarm intelligence smart healthcare systems. Covering topics such as healthcare data analytics, clustering algorithms, and the internet of medical things, this premier reference source is an excellent resource for healthcare professionals, hospital administrators, IT managers, policymakers, educators and students of higher education, researchers, and academicians.

  • af Karthik Ramamurthy
    1.498,95 kr.

    This edited book discusses the challenges in handling medical data to provide effective healthcare services in real-time and outlines the approaches and the impact of, AI, IOT, cloud, big data, and blockchain technologies for building intelligent Healthcare 4.0 systems.

  • af Jackie Koesterman
    1.398,95 kr.

    For fast, accurate, and efficient coding, pick this practical HCPCS reference! Buck’s 2025 HCPCS Level II provides an easy-to-use guide to the latest HCPCS codes. It helps you locate specific codes, comply with coding regulations, manage reimbursement for medical supplies, report patient data, code Medicare cases, and more. Spiral bound, this full-color reference simplifies coding with anatomy plates (including Netter’s Anatomy illustrations) and ASC (Ambulatory Surgical Center) payment and status indicators. In addition, it includes a companion website with the latest coding updates.NEW! Updated HCPCS code set ensures fast and accurate coding, with the latest Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System codes to comply with current HCPCS standards.Current Dental Terminology (CDT) codes from the American Dental Association (ADA) offer one-step access to all dental codes.UNIQUE! Full-color anatomy plates (including Netter’s Anatomy illustrations) enhance your understanding of specific coding situations by helping you understand anatomy and physiology.Easy-to-use format optimizes reimbursement through quick, accurate, and efficient coding.At-a-glance code listings and distinctive symbols make it easy to identify new, revised, and deleted codes.Full-color design with color tables helps you locate and identify codes with speed and accuracy.Jurisdiction symbols show the appropriate contractor to be billed when submitting claims to Medicare carriers and Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs).Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) payment and status indicators show which codes are payable in the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System to ensure accurate reporting and appropriate reimbursement.Durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies (DMEPOS) indicators address reimbursement for durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies.Drug code annotations identify brand-name drugs, as well as drugs that appear on the National Drug Class (NDC) directory and other Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved drugs.Age/sex edits identify codes for use only with patients of a specific age or sex.Quantity symbol indicates the maximum allowable units per day per patient in physician and outpatient hospital settings, as listed in the Medically Unlikely Edits (MUEs) for enhanced accuracy on claims.The American Hospital Association Coding Clinic® for HCPCS citations provide a reference point for information about specific codes and their usage.Physician Quality Reporting System icon identifies codes that are specific to PQRS measures.

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