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Medicinsk forskning

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  • af Deborah J. Bowen, Gerald V. Denis & Nathan A. Berger
    1.707,95 kr.

    ¿¿¿¿This volume reviews disparities in cancer genetics, etiology, treatment and survivorship that are associated with differences in energy balance and how those differences and disparities may be affected by geography, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, biology, behavior and others. State-of-the-art strategies are outlined to alter these problems at the individual, community and policy levels. The book provides a comprehensive assessment of the multiple contributions of disparities in energy balance and how they affect cancer. this volume should constitute a valuable resource to disparity focused investigators at all levels and serves an important guide to professionals that deal with these issues, especially those who determine and implement policy.

  • af George R. Baran
    1.040,95 kr.

    Healthcare and Biotechnology in the 21st Century: Concepts and Case Studies introduces students not pursuing degrees in science or engineering to the remarkable new applications of technology now available to physicians and their patients and discusses how these technologies are evolving to permit new treatments and procedures. The book also elucidates the societal and ethical impacts of advances in medical technology, such as extending life and end of life decisions, the role of genetic testing, confidentiality, costs of health care delivery, scrutiny of scientific claims, and provides background on the engineering approach in healthcare and the scientific method as a guiding principle. This concise, highly relevant text enables faculty to offer a substantive course for students from non-scientific backgrounds that will empower them to make more informed decisions about their healthcare by significantly enhancing their understanding of these technological advancements.

  • af Massimo Mabilia
    813,95 kr.

    Chemoinformaticä, o informatica chimica, si riferisce all¿uso di ¿metodi informatici per risolvere problemi chimici¿: ha come oggetto ¿strutture molecolari¿ e descrizioni, proprietà e dati ad esse collegate.Grazie a questo volume, pensato e scritto per docenti, studenti e professionisti che desiderino arricchire le proprie conoscenze in una o più aree di applicazione della ¿Chemoinformaticä, termini, sigle e acronimi come DOE, virtual docking and screening, QSAR, structure-based design, ADMET predictions e molti altri, non saranno più velati da un¿ombra di mistero e diventeranno accessibili. Senza bisogno di prerequisiti né di competenze o esperienze specifiche, al lettore è offerta, da una parte, una panoramica adeguatamente ampia del settore ¿Chemoinformaticö e, dall¿altra, sufficienti informazioni utili nella eventualità che desideri approfondire specifici argomenti di interesse incontrati nel volume.Agli inizi degli anni ¿80 del secolo scorso la grafica molecolare iniziava a diffondersi; il ¿computer-aided drug design¿ veniva utilizzato dalle prime aziende farmaceutiche negli USA ed era ancora perlopiù sconosciuto in Italia; la ¿Chemoinformaticä non esisteva nemmeno come termine; internet era di là a venire: esisteva in germe come rete di comunicazione gestita dal Dipartimento della Difesa statunitense. Dai calcolatori di seconda generazione che non utilizzavano i transistor ma ancora le schede perforate, a quelli di terza generazione caratterizzati dall¿avvento del terminale, ai ¿portatili¿ di oggi, dai primi centri di calcolo a quelli di super-calcolo, al ¿grid computing¿ e ¿cloud computing¿ di oggi, la gamma delle soluzioni software e la complessità dei calcoli, delle simulazioni e delle ricerche in database ora possibili, sono aumentate in modo entusiasmante nel settore della ¿Chemoinformaticä. Sempre più dati ¿ sperimentali, virtuali, testuali, numerici, chimico-strutturali,chimico-fisici, analitici, spettrali, biologici, farmacologici, biomedici, etc. ¿ vengono generati, e aumenta così la necessità di archiviarli, ricercarli, renderli facilmente fruibili, per trasformare i dati in informazione e l¿informazione in conoscenza.

  • af Bruno Picasso
    486,95 kr.

    Nel presente volume vengono presentati in forma estesa e rigorosa i principi della Meccanica dei corpi rigidi, il cui apprendimento richiede solo le conoscenze di base della Fisica, studiata nella Scuola Superiore. La quasi totalità delle applicazioni, degli esempi e degli esercizi presentati si riferisce all'analisi del movimento e degli stati di sforzo nel corpo umano. Le applicazioni svolte con Matlab e Simulink richiedono una conoscenza elementare di programmazione in questi ambienti. Nel testo si privilegia l'approccio applicativo, perché la materia rimanga viva nella successiva vita professionale del lettore.Il testo si rivolge principalmente agli studenti dei Corsi di Biomeccanica, professati nei Corsi di Studio di base in Bioingegneria, in Scienze Motorie e nelle Scuole di Specializzazione in Ortopedia. Per l'estensione della materia trattata e per le applicazioni, il testo può essere utilmente adottato anche nei Corsi di Laurea specialistica in Bioingegneria.

  • af Donald Martin
    1.108,95 kr.

    About the Series:Fundamental Biomedical Technologies features titles in multidisciplinary, technology-driven areas, providing the foundations for breakthrough advances in medicine and biology. The term technology refers, in a vigorously unrestrictive sense, to a broad array of engineering disciplines, the sciences of computation and informatics, mathematical models exploiting and advancing methods of mathematical physics, and the development of novel, experimental discovery devices. Titles in this series are designed and selected to provide high-level visionary input for specialists, while presenting overviews of emerging fields for those in related areas. Volumes in this series aim to provide technologists with the material to gain competent entry into biomedical research and biomedical researchers to understand and embrace novel technological foundations and tools. About the Series Editor:Mauro Ferrari is a professor in the Brown Institute of Molecular Medicine, a professor of internal medicine in the division of cardiology, and the chairman of the department of biomedical engineering at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston, Texas. He holds concurrent professor appointments at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center as professor of experimental therapeutics, and at Rice University in bioengineering. Dr. Ferrari is the current President of the Alliance for NanoHealth and he has spearheaded the development of the National Cancer Institute's nanotechnology programs. Dr. Ferrari is also the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Springer's archival journal Biomedical Microdevices. Nanobiotechnology of Biomimetic MembranesDonald Martin, EditorNanobiotechnology of Biomimetic Membranes focuses on biomimetic membranes, one of the fundamental building blocks ofnanobiotechnology. The application of nanotechnology principles and methodology to problems in biotechnology provides an exciting new discipline that will generate a revolution of novel applications, across many disciplines. This valuable new title offers an international perspective on the development of biotechnology applications. Key topics:The Significance of Biomimetic Membrane Nanobiotechnology to Biomedical ApplicationsLangmuir-Blodgett technique for Synthesis of Biomimetic Lipid MembranesLiposome techniques for Synthesis of Biomimetic Lipid MembranesCharacterization and Analysis of Biomimetic Lipid MembranesBiomimetic Membranes in Biosensor ApplicationsNanobiotechnology of Biomimetic Membranes will serve as a useful resource on the fundamental science of membranes in their interactions with macromolecules, providing a research platform for producing novel nanobiotechnology applications. About the Editor: Donald Martin is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Technology, Sydney. He was the first Australian recipient of the Bausch & Lomb International Travel Award.

  • af José Luis Oliveira, Victor Maojo, Fernando Martin-Sanchez & mfl.
    587,95 kr.

    The sequencing of the genomes of humans and other organisms is inspiring the developmentofnew statisticalandbioinformatics tools that we hope canmodify the current understanding of human diseases and therapies. As our knowledge about the human genome increases so does our belief that to fully grasp the mechanisms of diseases we need to understand their genetic basis and the p- teomicsbehind them and to integratethe knowledgegeneratedin thelaboratory in clinical settings. The new genetic and proteomic data has brought forth the possibility of developing new targets and therapies based on these ?ndings, of implementing newly developed preventive measures, and also of discovering new research approaches to old problems. To fully enhance our understanding of disease processes, to develop more and better therapies to combat and cure diseases, and to develop strategies to prevent them, there is a need for synergy of the disciplines involved, medicine, molecular biology, biochemistry and computer science, leading to more recent ?elds such as bioinformatics and biomedical informatics. The 6th International Symposium on Biological and Medical Data Analysis aimed to become a place where researchersinvolved in these diversebut incre- ingly complementary areas could meet to present and discuss their scienti?c results. The papers in this volume discuss issues from statistical models to arc- tectures and applications to bioinformatics and biomedicine. They cover both practical experience and novel research ideas and concepts.

  • af Sylvain Lehmann & Jacques Grassi
    2.378,95 kr.

    -There is an acceleration in prion disease research because of the spread of mad cow disease.-This book covers in vitro, cellular, and animal models adapted for the study of TSEs.-Includes bio-saftey procedures.

  • af Peter Lange
    218,95 - 308,95 kr.

    Hvad er KOL? Hvordan virker sygdommen?KOL er én af de hyppigste kroniske sygdomme i Danmark, og det estimeres, at ca. 300.000 danskere lider af sygdommen. Denne bog om en af de store folkesygdomme er skrevet til alle, der har KOL inde på livet og ønsker at blive klogere på sygdommens væsen.Som patient og pårørende kan det være svært at håndtere den påvirkning, som KOL har på hverdagen.I HVAD ER KOL? oplyser professor og lungemedicinsk overlæge Peter Lange om al den viden, vi har om KOL i dag på en måde, så både fagpersoner og den almene læser kan være med. Bogen behandler i 19 selvstændige kapitler bl.a. følgende områder:– Symptomer– Diagnostik– Udvikling og forløb– Årsager, herunder rygning og ydre påvirkning– Konsekvenser– Sværhedsgrad og prognose– Behandlingsformer og -strategierBogen kan læses fra ende til anden for en grundig indføring, og den kan fungere som opslagsværk for specifik viden, ligesom sygehistorier og nøglereferencer undervejs giver læseren mulighed for at dykke yderligere ned i den KOL-ramtes udfordringer og muligheder.Om Peter LangePeter Lange arbejder som lungemedicinsk overlæge på Herlev og Gentofte Hospital og i sin speciallægepraksis i Kongens Lyngby. Han har i mange år været med til at formidle viden om lungesygdomme gennem ansættelser i Ugeskrift for Læger, Læge- og Patienthåndbogen og Dansk Lægemiddelinformation ( og Siden han blev uddannet som læge i 1985, har han været involveret i lungemedicinsk forskning, blandt andet som forskningsprofessor ved Københavns Universitet. Peter Lange er medforfatter til flere hundrede lægevidenskabelige artikler, herunder nogle af de mest citerede artikler om udvikling og forløb af KOL og astma. I løbet af hans kliniske virke har han været med til at udbrede lungerehabilitering i Danmark og til at etablere Dansk Register for KOL.

  • af Susanne Reventlow, Kirsti Malterud & Ann Dorrit Guassora
    308,95 kr.

    En introduktion til teoretiske perspektiver i kvalitativ forskning22 TEMATEORIER TIL KVALITATIV FORSKNING sigter efter at bidrage til en stærkere teoretisk orientering blandt almenmedicinske forskere, som bruger kvalitative metoder. Andre sundhedsprofessionelle forskere, som er nysgerrige på dynamikkerne i mødet med patienter og de systemer, de arbejder i, kan også have glæde af bogen.I bogen præsenteres 22 temateorier, der har et specifikt match til konkrete spørgsmål og analyser i udvalgte forskningsprojekter inden for det almenmedicinske område. Hver temateori rammesættes af en case fra almen praksis for at illustrere koblingen mellem den medicinske problemstilling og den teori, som er i fokus. Læseren får også en grundlæggende indføring i, hvilken rolle teori spiller i den kvalitative forskning, og hvordan man kan bruge den.Forfatterne er almenmedicinske forskere medlang erfaring fra udvikling, undervisning og anvendelse af forskellige kvalitative metoder og frainterdisciplinært samarbejde.

  • - 2nd Edition
    af Ian McDonald
    2.941,95 kr.

    This book is an account of criticism and controversy surrounding modern medicine. Chapter One provides an overview of the contents. Chapter Four explains the contribution of the concept of paradigm'' to the analysis provided. The argument is that, for all its fine accomplishments in medicine, the science has also damaged the art. This view is an echo of views expressed by eminent physicians early in the last Century, including William Osler and Francis Peabody. Concrete evidence of an ailing doctor-patient relationship is manifest in the form of some serious clinical problems. These include patient dissatisfaction, failure to take prescribed medication, failure of a doctor''s reassurance of normality to allay anxiety, resort to alternative medicine, use of patient advocates and defection'' to alternative medicine. These we see as, not only damaging to treatment and health outcome, and very expensive, but indicators of a basic lack of trust. To compound the problem, the clinical process is essentially hermeneutic; an interpretive exercise. Hence it cannot be studied without interview and qualitative data analysis. Such methods are also indispensable for the understanding of the doctor''s management decisions, particularly the social context. The science of medicine is well served by biomedical research and education which has recently been reinforced by the rise of clinical epidemiology and evidence-based medicine. Of great concern is that the skills of sociology and the humanities have been spurned, even denigrated as journalistic'' or unscientific''. Not only has this prevented physicians from fully understanding the patient''s medical views and social predicament, but has robbed us of the humanistic'' research methods needed to research the problems. These problems cannot be explained simply as side-effects of the impact of science. Rather there are much deeper currents. In Thomas Kuhn''s terms, medicine shifted paradigm from superstition to rationality in Ancient Greece, and again to scientific modern medicine at the time of the French Revolution. Medicine, it seems, is on the cusp of a further paradigm shift to a postmodern paradigm. The goal is that this brings the necessary balance between the already revitalised science and the ancient art of medicine. To achieve this, the establishment of centres for the study of clinical practice'' to train reflective physicians'', who will lead clinical practice research'', with multidisciplinary studies of the process of clinical care is needed. This will mean applying research methods of empirical science, clinical epidemiology, biostatistics and evidence-based medicine, already in progress and, in cooperation with relevant academics hosted by the centre, interview techniques involving qualitative analysis or any other appropriate methods. An important function is to act as a catalyst to inject social science and humanities into the current modern medical curriculum.

  • af Johann Hari
    238,95 - 288,95 kr.

    Vi står over for en sundhedsmæssig global katastrofe. Aldrig har så mange mennesker været deprimerede eller oplevet angst: WHO forudsiger, at depression i 2030 vil udgøre den største sundhedsfaglige byrde globalt set – og det er blandt alle sygdomme.Videnskabsjournalist Johann Hari har selv kæmpet med depression og været på antidepressiva. Bogen her er en personligt drevet, grundresearchet, indigneret og velskrevet undersøgelse af, hvad vi tror, vi ved om depression og behandlingen af den, og hvorfor det er så fejlbehæftet. Vi har vænnet os til at betragte depression som en kemisk ubalance i den enkelte hjerne, der behandles bedst med medicin – men når vi ser på de egentlige resultater af de studier, der findes af medicinens effekt, er den påfaldende lille, og når vi ser nærmere på, hvordan depression udvikler sig i vores samfund i dag, forekommer det dybt usandsynligt, at det udelukkende kan forklares som afvigelser i individers hjerner. I bogen rejser Hari verden rundt og taler med de forskere, der ved mest – og han kommer frem til ni årsager til depression. Nogle er biologiske, resten samfundsmæssige. Ni årsager, der samtidig kan være svaret på, hvordan vi redder vores samfund fra at blive fuldt ud defineret af depression i det 21. århundrede.

  • - Illustrerede medicinske cases
    af Lærke Smidt Gasbjerg, Peder Kjær Gasbjerg, Laura Smidt Hansen & mfl.
    112,95 - 258,95 kr.

    ”Naturvidenskabelig førstehjælp” er den første danske naturvidenskabelige grundbog fra FADL’s Forlag suppleret af tegneserier efter stilen graphic medicine. Bogen indeholder 28 spændende kapitler, der kommer omkring alt fra videnskabsteori, cellulær transport og buffersystemer til logaritmer, genetik, iontransport og billeddiagnostik. Hele vejen igennem understøttes hvert kapitel af en tegneserie, hvor læseren kan følge Caroline, der starter i den kliniske basisuddannelse (KBU) og undervejs får mange faglige og personlige udfordringer.Medicinske problemstillinger suppleret af naturvidenskabelige fagtekster gør, at ”Naturvidenskabelig førstehjælp” bygger bro mellem det gymnasiale niveau og begyndelsen af lægevidenskabelige uddannelser på universitetet. Hvert kapitel af tegneserien er efterfulgt af et naturvidenskabeligt emne, som kort og præcist genopfrisker og perspektiverer emnet for den kommende/nuværende/tidligere medicinstuderende eller anden naturvidenskabeligt interesserede læser. Bogen kan læses fra start til slut, men kan også sagtens bruges som opslagsværk for at genopfriske store dele af lægevidenskabens naturvidenskabelige grundlag.Bag bogen står et dygtigt forfatterteam af både læger og biologer, der sikrer, at bogens høje videnskabelig niveau gøres lettilgængeligt for de studerende.

  • - Biochemistry, Function and Clinical Significance
    af Reshma Rani
    1.517,95 kr.

    The book entitled "Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH): Biochemistry, Functions and Clinical Significance" provides a broad and authoritative review of the lactate dehydrogenase enzyme, including its isoforms, catalytic functions, distribution in various tissues, involvement in cancer cell metabolism and tumorigenesis, involvement in the plasmodium enzyme, various small molecule inhibitors of hLDHA and pfLDH, and clinical significance. Recent research and review articles are included to improve the book''s significance in the area of research, particularly in cancer treatment, diagnosis, and drug discovery. Although the chapters can be read independently from one another, the whole book is arranged in seven chapters for the convenience of the reader. The first chapter covers the importance of the hot topic, LDH targets, and the second chapter provides an overview of LDH and its involvement in cancer cell metabolism. The third chapter provides the various isoforms of LDH and the basics of catalytic functions of LDHA. All three chapters can serve as an introduction for those who are new to the research area of LDH. Chapters four and five deliver an overview of various small molecules as inhibitors of hLDHA and pfLDHA, respectively. These two chapters are useful to the researcher working in the fields of drug design and drug discovery in the areas of cancer and malaria research. The last two chapters focus on the importance of LDH as a biomarker, and its importance in disease diagnosis and prognosis in clinical settings. All of the chapters discuss the latest research findings that have occurred over the last few years. Bringing all the information together in one major reference, the authors systematically reviewed and summarized these recent research findings, providing an in depth understanding of the role of LDH and its applications in research and clinical practice. Readership: Overall, this book is a complete package for graduates, students, and researchers providing basic information about LDH, and its importance in research and clinical settings. This book is helpful to the researcher engaged in the fields of LDH, drug design and drug discovery, the development of biomarkers, disease diagnosis, and prognosis, etc.

  • af Vivienne Becker, Patricia Bayer & Helen Crave
    742,95 kr.

    Other jewelers were invited to work at the reign rulers, and visiting ladies took advantage of their time in Paris to have their jewels rt'set. It was from Paris, too, that the pioneers of Art Nouveau and An Deco emerged to generate the ideas which the great jewelers then tr~msf(>nned into r:tshionahle jewels.

  • af John Eargle
    742,95 - 2.428,95 kr.

    The second edition of Loudspeaker Handbook follows the same general outlines as the highly successful first edition and has been augmented and updated in many areas of technology.

  • af Alan Gregg
    868,95 kr.

    The Director for the Medical Sciences at the Rockefeller Foundation tells in this book what medical research is, what the universities and foundations have done and should do about it, and of the kind of man who works at the frontiers of the unknown in order to push back the curtains of darkness at least a little in the endless search for truth. Dr. Gregg candidly discusses some of the shortcomings of the foundations and their methods, the obstacles to their and the universities' doing their job properly, the booby traps and temptations that like in their way. But here at firsthand is an account of the men of good will, with none of the sanctimoniousness that has often characterized philanthropic endeavors, of men who critically, earnestly, doggedly, and intelligently have labored in the heat of the day and from whose minds will come the advances of the future. "This short book is addressed to the entire medical profession, to the medical student, to the student who contemplates entering medicine, and to many in the allied and basic sciences. It should be read by any who evince or profess an interest in medical research."-Journal of the American Medical Association

  • - Prevalence, Treatment Options & Research Insights
    1.046,95 kr.

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