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Epidemiologi og medicinsk statistik

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  • af John Brandt Brodersen & Alexandra Brandt Ryborg Jønsson
    341,95 kr.

    Er det ikke altid godt at ‘vide besked’?En tsunami af overdiagnostik er ved at oversvømme vores samfund. Den medicinske teknologi er i konstant udvikling og bliver hele tiden mere fintfølende, og det betyder at vi med selvtest og diverse undersøgelser i sundhedsvæsenet kan opfange selv de mindste afvigelser og unormale værdier i vores kroppe, som kan tolkes som sygdom. Samtidig udvides definitionerne af sygdomskategorier hele tiden, og behandlingsgrænser for, hvornår man er syg, sænkes. Dette kan alt sammen lede til overdiagnostik, som gør den enkelte unødigt til patient. Det er ikke alene dyrt for samfundet, men også spild af sundhedsvæsenets knappe ressourcer. I denne bog redegør forfatterne for, hvad overdiagnostik er, hvorfor det opstår, og hvordan det skader både individer og samfundet. De løfter bl.a. sløret for en række overraskende pointer:• Der er under 4 % raske tilbage, når risici for hjerte-kar-sygdomme undersøges i en almindelig befolkning.• Omkring hver femte patient med en kræftdiagnose er overdiagnosticeret.• Overdiagnostik trives i vores sundhedskultur, hvor den enkelte forventes at tage ansvar for egen sundhed.• Overdiagnostik er et usynligt problem i hverdagen, fordi det ikke kan ses hos den enkelte, men kun kan forstås på befolkningsniveau.Snart er vi alle patienter giver såvel studerende som forskere, undervisere, klinikere og beslutningstagere et solidt grundlag for at diskutere og forstå overdiagnostik.

  • Spar 30%
    af Lars Igum Rasmussen & Jens Lundgren
    208,95 kr.

    Virus har sat dagsordenen i Jens Lundgrens arbejdsliv, lige siden han som helt ung læge stod ved sygesengen hos dødsmærkede aidspatienter og forskede i at finde en effektiv medicinsk mehandling til dem. Resultatet kan alverdens hiv-patienter takke ham for i dag.Siden coronapandemiens start har han knoklet for at hjælpe livstruede patienter og udvikle nye behandlinger med videnskabeligt dokumenteret effekt. Han har rådgivet de danske sundhedsmyndigheder og regeringen, og han har arbejdet tæt sammen med toppen af det amerikanske sundhedsvæsen under pandemigeneralen Anthony Fauci.I Vild virus giver han et unikt indblik i, hvad der sker bag kulisserne, når en virus truer os på livet og vender op og ned på vores hverdag. Bogen giver den første samlede beretning om de to vilde pandemiår: forskernes kapløb med tiden og en virus, der er en mester i at mutere, håndteringen af alle de udfordringer, virus pludselig kastede os ud i – og hvad vi har lært, så vi kan være bedre forberedte, når den næste virus udfordrer vores eksistens. For det vil ske: Pandemiernes tid er langtfra forbi.Bogen er blevet til i tæt samarbejde med Lars Igum Rasmussen, der som sundhedsredaktør på Politiken har dækket coronapandemien med mere end 200 nyhedsartikler, interviews, reportager og analyser.

  • af Simon Francis Thomsen, Jesper Krog, Carsten Hjortshøj & mfl.
    498,95 kr.

    BIOSTATISTIK & EPIDEMIOLOGI yder læseren en forståelse af statistikken og epidemiologiens grundbegreber samt mulighed for at mestre basale værktøjer til beskrivelse af egne observationer. Første del af bogen er tilegnet statistiske begreber og analyser, f.eks. kategorisering af data og typer af tests, mens anden del af bogen beskæftiger sig med principperne bag forskning og studiedesigns.Undervejs kan læseren afprøve egne beregninger, teste sin viden, og bogens overskuelige struktur og grundige indeksikalisering gør den velegnet som opslagsværk og til støtte, når begreber fra videnskabelige artikler skal læses og forstås.Bogen henvender sig primært til medicinstuderende ved landets fire fakulteter i København, Odense, Aarhus og Aalborg, men andre faggrupper, såsom odontologi, farmaci, humanbiologi og folkesundhedsvidenskab, vil også finde de beskrevne principper anvendelige som introduktion til basal statistik og epidemiologi.Bogen er en del af MEDICINSK FORSKNING-serien, hvis formål er at udbrede forståelsen for teorier relateret til medicinsk forskning og bidrage med faglig viden af højeste kvalitet. Andre bøger i serien inkluderer 22 TEMATEORIER TIL KVALITATIV FORSKNING og FORSKNING I SUNDHED.

  • af Cedric Dark
    238,95 kr.

    A doctor's firsthand account of the devastating impacts of gun violence-and how we can end this epidemic.

  • af Claudia Ferreira
    950,95 kr.

    This book analyzes the factors that have sparked pandemics over the past 2000 years, from the Antonine Plague to COVID-19.It is noteworthy that the frequency of pandemics has increased over the past 2000 years. The authors identify three main drivers for the development of pandemics: transportation, human development, and changes in natural ecosystems. It is important to note that with the advent of the industrial age, the length of time it takes for a pandemic to develop has decreased. COVID-19 is certainly not the last pandemic we will face. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to learn from the past 2000 years to help educate general community and public health officials about pandemic risks and help governments prepare for the next pandemic.The book is also very useful in low and middle-income countries where, in the last several decades, viruses with potential for pandemics have originated. It's comprehensiveness and didactic style make this book a valuable read for government health agencies, private organizations, health care professionals and students.

  • af Igor Grabovac
    858,95 - 1.043,95 kr.

  • af Andreas Sönnichsen
    373,95 kr.

  • af Peter J Schulz
    250,95 - 721,95 kr.

  • af Adriano Oprandi
    778,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch beschreibt aus rein epidemiologischer Sicht, die Entstehung und Entwicklung einer Epidemie mit Hilfe von Differentialgleichungssystemen. Dabei wird die Bevölkerung in die bekannten Kompartimente oder Klassen aufgeteilt. Ausgehend vom einfachsten Modell werden in nachvollziehbaren kleinen Schritten die bestehenden Modelle erweitert, um Phänomene wie Rückfall oder Immunitätsverlust zu modellieren. Zudem werden in weiteren Schritten Kompartimente hinzugefügt, die mit der Berücksichtigung von Quarantäne und Impfung einhergehen. Jedes Modell wird vollständig analysiert und die Ergebnisse festgehalten. Danach folgt für jedes Modell mindestens ein vollständig gelöstes Zahlenbeispiel inklusive einer Darstellung für den jeweiligen Epidemieverlauf. Kern dieses Buches bilden die Simulationen und Prognosen für vier verschiedene Covid-Pandemiewellen in Zentraleuropa der letzten Jahre mit den erfassten Daten und unter Verwendung von 6 Modellen. Darüber hinaus werden Möglichkeiten zur Schätzung von Raten und Anfangswerten präsentiert, die für eine Vorhersage eines Epidemieverlaufs unerlässlich sind. Dieses Buch ist wegweisend für den Einstieg in die Modellierung von Pandemien und eignet sich auch als Nachschlagewerk.

  • af Ian Hembrow
    628,95 kr.

    Medical treatments designed to help people can also be harmful or fatal. Around 2.5 million people die this way each year. So if any kind of medicine makes someone unwell, they or their doctor should report it. Those reports, from nearly every country in the world, go to the Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) in Sweden. As the Centre¿s first director, Professor Ivor Ralph Edwards transformed it from a tiny operation with limited horizons into an internationally acclaimed scientific organization at the heart of the World Health Organization¿s Programme for International Drug Monitoring. He was then succeeded by his wife, Dr Marie Lindquist.This is the story of how a new science developed and a passionate and dedicated pursuit of worldwide medicines safety, with an unerring focus on the welfare of patients. The pioneering work of Ralph, Marie and their collaborators on every continent protected the lives of millions of people. It may yet improve the lives of billions more.

  • af Daniel Zelterman
    748,95 - 1.152,95 kr.

  • af Indranil Samanta
    1.193,95 kr.

    Neglected Zoonoses and Antimicrobial Resistance: Impact on One Health and Sustainable Development Goals provides a thorough examination of how neglected zoonoses and antimicrobial resistance together hinder the achievement of sustainable development goals declared by the United Nations in the pursuit of a disease-free world. Neglected zoonotic diseases, as defined by the World Health Organization, are diseases likely to impact the livelihoods of livestock keepers and those living in periurban communities in developing countries. This book examines how such zoonoses affect the health of vulnerable farming populations and reduce the production capacity of their livestock. Written by internationally recognized experts in the field of livestock and poultry zoonoses, this book provides the reader with a comprehensive description of modern sustainable development goals and defines neglected zoonotic diseases and their impacts on human physical, mental, social, and economic health. Subsequent chapters systematically describe the epidemiology, hosts and transmission, disease process, economic significance, and prevention and treatment protocols of key neglected zoonotic diseases, including echinococcosis, leishmaniasis, zoonotic tuberculosis, anthrax, brucellosis, leptospirosis, borreliosis, rickettsioses, and rabies. The book concludes with an assessment of the obstacles to achieving Sustainable Development Goals and possible mitigation strategies for veterinary researchers and policymakers alike.

  • af Günter Kämpf
    268,95 kr.

    COVID-19 wurde zu Beginn der Pandemie als dramatisch, sehr schlimm und historisch einmalig beschrieben. Aber war das SARS-Coronavirus-2 tatsächlich gefährlicher als Influenzaviren oder andere Coronaviren, die seit jeher in den Wintermonaten Infektionen verursachen? Die Gesamtzahl der weltweiten Fälle war für COVID-19 sehr hoch, jedoch immer noch niedriger als die von der WHO geschätzte Zahl der Influenzainfektionen. Eine vergleichende Auswertung zahlreicher Studien und offizieller Fallzahlen zeigt, dass bei allen diesen viralen Atemwegsinfektionen die fallbezogenen Anteile asymptomatischer Verläufe und kritischer Verläufe mit intensivmedizinischer Behandlung etwa gleich hoch waren. Milde und moderate Verläufe waren bei COVID-19 sogar häufiger, während schwere Verläufe mit stationärer Behandlung seltener waren. Die fallbezogene Sterberate war für COVID-19 nur in den Jahren 2020 und 2021 höher als für Influenzavirus-Infektionen. Historisch einmalig war jedoch das anlasslose Testen, die mediale Darstellung der Pandemie und die teilweise unmenschlichen Maßnahmen. Der Autor plädiert dafür, bei zukünftigen Pandemien die Falldefinition auf Personen mit den typischen Symptomen einer Atemwegsinfektion zu beschränken und die Häufigkeit schwerer und kritischer Verläufe als offiziellen Indikator zu verwenden. Mit einem Vorwort von Dr. Ellis Huber, ehemaliger Präsident der Ärztekammer Berlin.

  • af Filip Petrov
    263,95 kr.

    Welcome to the world of infectious diseases! This subchapter will serve as a solid foundation for all aspiring student infectious disease epidemiologists. Understanding the basics is crucial to effectively combatting the spread of infectious diseases and safeguarding public health. So, let's dive in!Definition: Infectious diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, or fungi. They can be transmitted from one person to another, either directly or indirectly, leading to illness or death in the affected individual.Transmission: Infectious diseases can spread through various routes. Direct transmission occurs when an infected person comes into direct contact with a susceptible individual, such as through respiratory droplets or physical touch. Indirect transmission occurs when the pathogen is transmitted via contaminated surfaces, objects, food, or water.Types of Infectious Diseases: Infectious diseases can be categorized into several types. Some common types include respiratory infections (such as influenza and tuberculosis), gastrointestinal infections (such as norovirus and salmonella), sexually transmitted infections (such as HIV and gonorrhea), and vector-borne diseases (such as malaria and dengue fever).Epidemiology's Role: Epidemiology is the study of how diseases spread and impact populations. Student infectious disease epidemiologists play a crucial role in investigating and controlling infectious disease outbreaks. They collect data, analyze patterns of transmission, identify risk factors, and develop strategies to prevent further spread.Prevention and Control: Prevention is always better than cure. Implementing preventive measures is vital in controlling infectious diseases. These include practicing good personal hygiene, such as handwashing, proper sanitation, vaccination, and isolation or quarantine of infected individuals. It is also essential to raise awareness about proper disease prevention and control measures within communities.Challenges and Emerging Threats: The field of infectious disease epidemiology is constantly evolving. New pathogens can emerge, and existing ones can mutate or develop resistance to treatment. Climate change, globalization, and antimicrobial resistance pose significant challenges to infectious disease control. Student epidemiologists must stay updated on the latest research and technologies to tackle these emerging threats effectively.

  • af Niklas Lidströmer
    868,95 - 1.735,95 kr.

    This book deals with the advantages of using artificial intelligence (AI) in the fight against the COVID-19 and against future pandemics that could threat humanity and our environment. This book is a practical, scientific and clinically relevant example of how medicine and mathematics will fuse in the 2020s, out of external pandemic pressure and out of scientific evolutionary necessity. This book contains a unique blend of the world's leading researchers, both in medicine, mathematics, computer science, clinical and preclinical medicine, and presents the research front of the usage of AI against pandemics.Equipped with this book the reader will learn about the latest AI advances against COVID-19, and how mathematics and algorithms can aid in preventing its spreading course, treatments, diagnostics, vaccines, clinical management and future evolution.

  • af Francis Bisset Hawkins
    243,95 - 363,95 kr.

  • af Marino Gatto
    442,95 kr.

    This textbook provides basic quantitative models allowing researchers and decision makers to a) assess viability of threatened populations and evaluate the success of species reintroductions, b) estimate invasion abilities of alien species, c) evaluate the persistence of metapopulations subjected to habitat destruction and fragmentation, d) analyze policies and strategies for the sustainable harvesting of biological resources, and e) assess the course of human and nonhuman diseases and the possible containment measures. Air and water pollution, overexploitation of renewable resources (e.g. marine fish stocks and forests), massive land-use change together with climate change impact the Earth biodiversity and impair the functioning of ecosystems. Globalization increases the risk of diffusion of alien species and new pathogens.A panoply of numerical problems mainly based on real data from the ecological literature enables the reader to practice the presented modelling tools.presented modelling tools.  

  • af Ryan J. Petteway
    858,95 - 1.115,95 kr.

    This book draws on the author's ten years of participatory work to examine core themes of (mis)representation, re-presentation, and resistance within place-health research and practice. The book includes practice- and research-based projects with implications and applications for practitioners (e.g. local health department epidemiologists) and academics, introducing readers to an array of new and mixed-methods within place-health research. It also introduces new conceptual and analytical place-health frameworks that more explicitly account for power-both within place making, unmaking, and remaking processes, and within the (re)production of place-health knowledges. Across six chapters, the author reports and reflects on a selection of research projects, raising key considerations in regard to place-health (mis)representation, and highlighting the value of participatory methods and processes in re-presenting-and decolonizing-spatial narratives of health. This includes an emphasis on the integration of community-based participatory research (CBPR) principles with the technological and procedural affordances of information and communication technologies (ICTs). With each chapter drawing from CBPR, decolonizing, social epidemiology, health geography, Black feminist, and critical theory orientations, the book offers an integrated call and framing for a critical examination of how geographies of "e;place"e; and health-and narratives/stories therein-are constructed, and perhaps might be de/re-constructed through inclusive and equitable research practices that center community and offer a mode of resistance for the production of place-health counternarratives. The book is intended for academic researchers and practitioners in public health and health geography fields, particularly those whose work engages social epidemiology, urban planning, and aspects of community development, and will also appeal to researchers and practitioners who use participatory, community-inclusive methods and processes in their work, especially as related to community mapping.

  • af Nina Geiger
    668,95 kr.

    ¿Die auftretenden Varianten von SARS-CoV-2 beschleunigen durch ihre höheren Übertragungsraten die globale COVID-19-Pandemie, wodurch dringend neue therapeutische Angriffsziele benötigt werden. Hierbei wurde die antivirale Wirkung von Fluoxetin - einem Antidepressivum - gegen SARS-CoV-2 entdeckt. Mithilfe biochemischer und bildgebenden Methoden wurde der antivirale Wirkmechanismus von Fluoxetin näher analysiert und die saure Ceramidase als SARS-CoV-2 Wirtsfaktor charakterisiert. Veröffentlichte Studien zeigten, dass auch Aspirin eine antivirale Wirkung gegen Erkältungsviren, wie Rhinoviren und Influenzaviren zeigt. Diese antivirale Wirkung wurde in Bezug auf SARS-CoV-2 in Zellkultur und einem patienten-nahen 3D-Infektionsmodell untersucht und bestätigt. Um die Pathologie einer SARS-CoV-2-Infektion zu verstehen, wurde der Eintrittsweg des Virus in das Gehirn untersucht. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Viren überwindet SARS-CoV-2 die Blut-Hirnschranke ohne T-Zellen oder Makrophagen. Ebenso wurdeder Einbau eines lipophilen Fluoreszenzfarbstoffs in die Virusmembran etabliert, womit die direkte Markierung verschiedener Viren trotz ihrer unterschiedlicher Membranzusammensetzung möglich ist. Mit superauflösender Mikroskopie (SIM) wurde der virale Eintritt verschiedener umhüllter Viren visualisiert.

  • af Darius M Dziuda
    789,95 kr.

    "This concise book for scientists and students interested in bioinformatics and data science covers all aspects of predictive modeling for biomarker discovery based on high-dimensional data, as well as modern data science methods for identification of parsimonious and robust multivariate biomarkers for medical diagnosis and personalized medicine"--

  • af Victor Clarence Vaughan
    363,95 - 468,95 kr.

  • af Anonymous
    178,95 - 323,95 kr.

  • af Abraham Wolff
    193,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • af Thirimachos Bourlai
    950,95 - 1.134,95 kr.

    This book examines modern paradigms of disease control based on social network surveillance applications, including electronic sentinel surveillance and wireless application-based surveillance science. It also highlights topics that integrate statistical and epidemiological sciences with surveillance practice and, in order to reflect the evolution of social networking practices, discusses topics concerning the challenges for surveillance theory and practice.In turn, the book goes a step further by providing insights on how we need to analyse epidemiological trends by following best practices on distinguishing useful information from noise, namely fake news, false reporting of disease incidents and events, etc. At the same time, we need to be able to protect health-focused applications and communication tools via cybersecurity technologies and to ensure that anonymity of reporting and privacy are preserved. In closing, the book discusses the role and impact of social media on disease surveillance, as well as the current role of communities in infectious disease surveillance and control.

  • af G. Emerson
    153,95 - 313,95 kr.

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