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  • af Terry F. Davies
    1.742,95 - 2.398,95 kr.

  • af Fred F. Ferri
    898,95 kr.

    For more than 25 years, Ferri's Clinical Advisor has provided immediate answers on the myriad medical diseases and disorders you're likely to encounter in a unique, easy-to-use format. A bestselling title year after year, this popular "5 books in 1" reference delivers vast amounts of information in a user-friendly manner. It is updated annually to provide current and clinically relevant answers on over 1,000 common medical conditions, including diseases and disorders, differential diagnoses, clinical algorithms, laboratory tests, and clinical practice guidelines?all carefully reviewed by experts in key clinical fields. Extensive algorithms, along with hundreds of high-quality photographs, illustrations, diagrams, and tables, ensure that you stay current with today's medical practice. Contains significant updates throughout all 5 sections, covering all aspects of diagnosis and treatment.  Features 26 all-new topics including monkeypox, occupational asthma, care of the transgender patient, infantile hypotonia, long-COVID, medical marijuana, cannabinoid use disorder, and abuse of performance enhancing hormones, among others.  Includes useful appendices covering palliative care, preoperative evaluation, nutrition, poison management, commonly used herbal products in integrated medicine, and much more.  Offers online access to Patient Teaching Guides in both English and Spanish.  An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.Â

  • af Rita Borg Xuereb & Julie Jomeen
    673,95 kr.

  • af Eleanor Weinstein, Lisa M. Rucker & Elana Sydney
    1.228,95 kr.

  • af Rebecca L. Carl
    1.228,95 kr.

    Primary care providers caring for newborns must be able to recognize orthopaedic disorders that affect infants, particularly when these conditions require early treatment or are part of an underlying syndrome. This book provides pediatricians, neonatologists, family medicine physicians and licensed independent practitioners with a useful framework for the diagnosis and management of common pediatric orthopaedic conditions that typically present during infancy. The text begins with an overview of orthopaedic embryology and relevant physical examination techniques. The second section details congenital and developmental conditions affecting the limbs and spine. The third section includes topics related to birth trauma. The final section focuses on orthopaedic manifestations of systemic diseases and syndromes. Each chapter has a consistent, intuitive layout including a brief overview and sections on clinical presentation, evaluationand management, as well as a detailed discussion of the condition being discussed. When relevant, clinical vignettes are included to illustrate practical application of the subject matter. The design of the sections allow providers to easily reference appropriate information in the clinic setting. Written by experts in the field, Orthopaedics for the Newborn and Young Child is a valuable resource for pediatric orthopaedic providers, primary care physicians and other specialists who treat children.

  • af Jasmin Harounian
    673,95 kr.

  • af Jasmine H. Harris
    673,95 kr.

    Hip pain is one of the most common reasons for patient visits to orthopedic, physiatrist, primary care and sports medicine offices. Most books that cover this topic review it as a chapter within a larger book on orthopedics as a whole, or they focus on one specific aspect of hip pathology, such as osteoarthritis. This practical text is an evidence-based, user-friendly review of the literature for the breadth of hip pathologies that present to the busy practitioner. Opening with a review of the relevant anatomy, subsequent chapters discuss bursitis and tendonitis, labral tears, impingement syndrome, and osteoarthritis. Additional chapters cover hip pain in the pediatric patient, sports trauma and fractures, and rheumatologic and infectious disease considerations. And while reviewing pathology and its diagnosis and treatment is important, proceeding through real case studies is extremely valuable in bringing the diagnosis and treatment of hip pathologies to life,hence an engaging section of clinical case material rounds out the presentation.Taken together, A Case-Based Approach to Hip Pain will be an ideal resource for musculoskeletal medicine practitioners of all types.

  • af Michelle Leong
    1.043,95 kr.

  • af Jacopo Demurtas & Nicola Veronese
    1.341,95 - 1.413,95 kr.

  • af Josef Kessler
    188,95 kr.

    Fit nach der Geburt und ein zufriedenes Baby - das wünschen sich Mütter, Väter und Großeltern. Keine Zeit für das Fitnessstudio, keine Geräte zuhause? Das Kind will geknuddelt, bewegt oder beruhigt werden? Lassen Sie sich ein auf Übungen, mit denen Sie selbst mobil und stark bleiben und die Sie zusammen mit dem Baby ganz einfach durchführen können.Das Buch bietet mithilfe von Illustrationen Anleitungen für kurze Trainingseinheiten, die Sie spielerisch in den Alltag einstreuen können. Inklusive Aufwärmübungen, Muskeltraining und Dehnungen. Nebenbei erklären der Neuropsychologe und die Psychologin, wie sich das Kind nach der Geburt geistig und körperlich entwickelt und wie Sie fit bleiben, gemeinsam mit dem Baby viel Spaß haben und gleichzeitig dessen Motorik und Sinne ansprechen.

  • af Michael Harbus
    673,95 kr.

  • af Jeanne Marrazzo
    999,95 kr.

    In this issue of Infectious Disease Clinics of North America, guest editor Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo brings her considerable expertise to the topic of Sexually Transmitted Infections. The CDC approximates that 20% of Americans have experienced a sexually transmitted infection (STI), and the World Health Organization has estimated that over 340 million people live with STIs worldwide every year. In this issue, top experts  provide important updates in this area, with goals to provide the relevant clinical information to aid physicians in prevention, diagnosis, and management. Contains 14 practice-oriented topics including syphilis: a modern resurgence; update in management and prevention of chlamydial infections; non-herpes and non-syphilis causes of genital ulcer disease (including monkeypox, LGV, chancroid); diagnostic advances in sexually transmitted infections; immunizations for sexually transmitted infections; and more.  Provides in-depth clinical reviews on sexually transmitted infections, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.  Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Christoph Herrmann-Lingen
    1.236,95 kr.

    Psychosomatic diagnostics and therapy are of increasing importance in the acute treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of cardiovascular diseases. The connection between heart disease and the psyche as well as the psychosocial concomitant symptoms is well documented. Basics of cardiology and psychosomatic medicine Doctor-patient relationship Ethical issues, gender effects, psychocardiology along the lifespan Psychosomatic problem areas and comorbidities Causes and consequences: Personality factors, risk behaviors, depression, anxiety disorders Specific diagnostics and treatment concepts - outpatient and inpatient Interdisciplinary cooperationAcute Cardiology, Heart Failure Units and Rehabilitation  In accordance with German and European recommendations and guidelines, among others Position Paper on the Importance of Psychosocial Factors in Cardiology from the DGK (German Society of Cardiology) National Health Care Guideline Chronic CHD ESC Guidelines on CVD Prevention in Clinical Practice Suitable for the courses according to the curricula "e;Basic Psychocardiological Care"e; (D) and "e;Cardiological Psychosomatics"e; (A). For deepening the corresponding contents of the courses "e;Basic Psychosomatic Care"e;.  The book offers cardiologists, internists, general practitioners, psychotherapists and psychologists all practice-relevant basics to be able to treat their patients in the best possible way.

  • af Kyle P. Meyer
    1.135,95 kr.

    This practical, insightful title is a must read for anyone interested in or recently appointed to a leadership role in an academic medical center. Taking the Lead: A Guide for Emerging Leaders in Academic Medical Centers represents the highly accomplished authors' more than 60 years of collective insights about leadership and leading effectively in an academic medical center environment.   The authors present creative and highly applicable themes synthesized from their knowledge, career experiences, unique reflections, practice, mistakes, and observations of successful (and not so successful) leaders. The result is a book of leadership wisdom - a wealth of ideas, concepts, and insights to inform the reader's career journey and to become the best leader they can be. Organized in five parts, this work examines the successful leadership transition in the unique (and sometimes perplexing) academic medical center environment. Informal, conversational in tone, and often engagingly humorous, Taking the Lead: A Guide for Emerging Leaders in Academic Medical Centers represents a concise and invaluable introductory read for the next generation of leaders, as well as a helpful resource for experienced healthcare leaders.

  • af Mary Grossman
    580,95 kr.

    This is the first Nursing book on cancer care designed around a conceptual model of whole person care.  Key concepts are stress, healing, resilience and health. As a clinical model, nursing goals, desired outcomes, key concepts and proposed psychosocial interventions with patients and family caregivers,  advance the practice of clinical nursing toward a more comprehensive understanding  of the whole person with cancer and their loved ones. As a model for teaching nursing students about chronic illness, it provides a scientific basis for students to learn how to assess and care for the whole person   and his loved one. As a model for clinical research in the field of cancer care, it serves as a predicate for the development, evaluation and interpretation of clinical interventions. The model is a dynamic framework that both informs and is informed by research findings. It is hoped that future research findings will reveal the optimal combination of interventions to provide comprehensive care across clinical contexts. With a patient-centred humanistic focus anchored by the quality of the nurse patient and family caregiver relationships, it is hoped that the nurse's technical, procedural and medical expertise may complement rather than define the nurse's approach to the whole patient and family.   The book is structured to facilitate the reader's easy access to needed information. Each chapter examines a key concept of the model, and is organized around an introduction, learning objectives, definitions, and relevant research findings that serve as the scientific predicate for suggested interventions discussed in Part 4, Nursing approaches. Clinical and personal anecdotes, tables and figures illustrate the concepts under discussion.   Nurse practitioners, clinic nurse specialists, nursing professors, graduate students, and nurse researchers may find this book a useful reference for conceptualizing whole person care, and for determining relevant interventions that promote healing, resilience and health. But it is also relevant for family doctors and fourth year students learning to care for the whole person with a chronic illness.

  • af Elisabeth Schartner
    159,50 kr.

    Viele Patientinnen mit wiederkehrenden Bauch- und Darmbeschwerden haben unzählige Arztbesuche, Magen- und Darmspiegelungen hinter sich, jedoch ohne Befund und Diagnose. Die Beschwerden haben sie weiterhin und eine Therapie wird Ihnen nicht angeboten. Genau für diese Frauen und Männer ist dieses Buch. Sie erhalten hier Zuspruch, denn ihre Beschwerden sind nicht ¿eingebildet¿.Dieser PatientInnenratgeber klärt über Entstehung, Diagnose und Therapiemöglichkeiten unklarer, wiederkehrender Verdauungsbeschwerden auf. Die Vielfalt an Behandlungsmöglichkeiten - von Ernährung über Medikamente bis hin zur Bauchhypnose werden vorgestellt. Außerdem gibt die Magen-Darm-Spezialistin Anregungen zu kurzen, praktischen Übungen. Leserinnen werden angeregt Ihre Sicht auf die Beschwerden zu ändern. Wahrnehmungen aus dem Bauch sind nicht nur zermürbend und belastend und sollen ¿weggemacht¿ werden. Sondern das Bauchgefühl - in milderer Form - istganz wesentlich für unsere Entscheidungsfindung und es leitet uns durch das Leben. Ähnlich einer Akkuanzeige am Handy: auch dort ist es lästig, wenn der Ladestand nur 7% beträgt. Doch niemand würde auf die Idee kommen, einfach auf diese Ecke des Handydisplays einen Sticker zu kleben und diese Info zu ignorieren, sondern im Idealfall wird rechtzeitig das Handy mit der Steckdose verbunden.Ein verständlicher und unterhaltsamer Ratgeber für Menschen mit wiederkehrenden Verdauungsbeschwerden aber auch für ÄrztInnen, die mit diesen PatientInnen im Gespräch sind.

  • af Sarah Barbara Zwingelberg
    200,95 kr.

    Die kindliche Hornhauttrubung gehort weltweit zu den Hauptursachen fur Blindheit oder eine schwere Sehbehinderung bei Kindern. Die Ursachen sind hierbei vielfaltig und komplex und besitzen ein enges therapeutisches Fenster aufgrund des erhohten Risikos der Entwicklung einer Amblyopie. Dieses Essential gibt einen komprimierten Uberblick zur Diagnostik, Klinik, Genetik und den aktuellen Behandlungsmoglichkeiten von angeborenen Hornhauttrubungen und Dysgenesie des vorderen Augenabschnitts.

  • af Katherine C. McKenzie
    1.124,95 kr.

  • af Ondrej Dolezal
    474,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch stellt eine Auswahl neurologischer klinischer Fälle vor und unterstützt den Leser darin, klinisches Selbstvertrauen bei der Herangehensweise an einen Fall zu erlangen, aber auch bei der Anforderung von Untersuchungen (in Absprache mit angrenzenden Disziplinen, z.B. der Radiologie) sowie bei der Überweisung an andere Fachbereiche. Das Fallbuch untersucht eine Reihe verschiedener klinischer Szenarien und neurologischer Erkrankungen, von Multipler Sklerose und degenerativen Erkrankungen bis hin zu Epilepsie und Kopfschmerzen.Das Werk kann als Hilfe für in der Lehre dienen, bei denen Dozierende den Fall vorstellen ("Erzählen der Geschichte", neurologische Untersuchung) und die Kursteilnehmenden dann Differentialdiagnosen und weitere Untersuchungen vorschlagen. Der Lehrende präsentiert gegebenenfalls repräsentative Untersuchungsergebnisse und erwartet, dass die Kursteilnehmenden diese interpretieren und schließlich den Fall abschließen, weitere Überweisungen vorschlagen und die Prognose besprechen. Zielgruppe sind Neurologen und Neurologinnen in der Weiterbildung und alle Nicht-Neurologen, die in der Klinik mit neurologischen Fällen konfrontiert werden könnten, und eignet sich für den Unterricht am Krankenbett, insbesondere wenn nicht genügend Patienten auf der Station zur Verfügung stehen.Dieses Buch stellt eine Übersetzung einer ursprünglich englischsprachigen Ausgabe dar. Die Übersetzung wurde mithilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz vorgenommen (maschinelle Übersetzung durch Eine anschließende menschliche Überarbeitung wurde vorwiegend im Hinblick auf den Inhalt durchgeführt, sodass sich das Buch sich stilistisch von einer herkömmlichen Übersetzung unterscheidet.

  • af George A. Cioffi & Daniel S. Casper
    858,95 kr.

  • af Jürgen Ordemann
    238,95 kr.

    Soll ich mich wegen meines Übergewichts operieren lassen?Die Fragen, die sich dazu stellen, werden in dem Ratgeber von einem erfahrenen Chirurgen umfassend beantwortet: - was ist Übergewicht und was ist Adipositas?- warum ist eine konservative Therapie so schwierig?- welche Operationsverfahren gibt es, und wie wirken sie?- wann ist eine adipositaschirurgische Operation überhaupt sinnvoll?- wie verläuft der Krankenhausaufenthalt?- wie verläuft der Kostaufbau?- was muss ich nach der Operation beachten?- wenn das Gewicht wieder ansteigt, was dann?Ein adipositaschirurgischer Eingriff kann Gesundheit und Lebensqualität nachhaltig verbessern; neben der Gewichtsreduktion kann die bariatrische Operation zahlreiche Begleiterkrankungen beeinflussen oder sogar ganz zum Verschwinden bringen, darunter Diabetes mellitus Typ II, Bluthochdruck und Fettleber.Es lohnt sich, sich zu informieren!

  • af Tim Cross
    733,95 kr.

  • af Mustapha El Alaoui-Faris
    950,95 kr.

    This book is the result of reflections and work of the Specialty group on neurology in migrants of the World Federation of Neurology. The volume provides a synthesis of migrants' health in relation to the sustainable development goals and the 2030 agenda, and an up-to-date overview on neurological diseases among migrants, refugees and ethnic minorities.The book is composed of both general chapters dealing with the history of migration, the relationship between climate change and migration flows, the migration and neurosciences research and the barriers to migrant's health. Other chapters deal with the migrants' particularities of the common neurological diseases such as cerebrovascular diseases, epilepsy, dementia, movement disorders, multiple sclerosis, headache, functional and mental disorders. In addition, also neurological manifestation of COVID-19 in ethnic minorities and palliative care in migrants are discussed.Neurology in Migrants and Refugees will be useful to neurologists worldwide who can find appropriate knowledge for diagnosis and treatment when facing migrants with neurological disorders which are sometimes difficult to assess in the absence of clinical experience with the migrant population. It will also be very useful for international organizations, policymakers and non-governmental organizations working in the field of health and migration.This book will certainly find an indispensable place in neurological departments libraries and will constitute a basic textbook for teaching neurology taking into account ethnicity, culture and health inequalities in the care of neurological disorders.

  • - Causes and prevention
    af Pietro Delise
    1.217,95 kr.

    Sudden death in athletes is a global problem. Although it is a relatively rare phenomenon (1/100,000 persons), when it does occur, it is often as an incomprehensible event. In fact, it strikes subjects who presumably should be much healthier than the general population. In the previous 20 years, many authors have studied this problem in an attempt to understand the causes and prevent these events, and it has been determined that, in the vast majority of cases, athletes who die suddenly have an underlying heart disease (arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, coronary anomalies, channelopathies, etc.).In most cases these diseases do not produce major symptoms and do not preclude sports activity even at the highest levels, although they do increase the incidence of sudden death. How to discover these diseases in asymptomatic athletes is a hotly debated issue. In particular, there is controversy as to whether all athletes should undergo detailed medical screening, including electrocardiogram, or whether the costs of this screening are too high in relation to the event incidence. The purpose of this book is to accurately analyze the causes of sudden death in athletes and to provide cardiologists and sports physicians with useful tips on how to identify at-risk individuals. 

  • af Tina M. Slusher
    1.043,95 kr.

    Despite global advancements in pediatric medicine, technologies which have become standard-of-care in high-resource settings are unavailable in low-and middle-income countries due to cost, availability, or challenges maintaining equipment. This book compiles evidence-based and expert clinical procedural adaptations in an approachable, case-based, step-by-step guide, aimed to provide educational support for healthcare providers practicing in resource-limited settings. This responds to both the high demand for this content and the importance of gathering experts across continents and pediatric disciplines. Each chapter provides both a theoretical framework and practical discussion of high-yield procedural adaptations. Leading international researchers and seasoned clinicians with expertise using these adaptations were selected by the editors as authors. Chapters include an example case with adaptation use and detailed instructions including supplies, indications, risks, and benefits. Content is grounded in current best practice recommendations and evidence-based research.  Highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic, a mature understanding of pathophysiology and device design/safety is required when providing care in low-resource settings or in crisis times. In-person instruction is not always feasible. Written and virtual platforms remain critical in disseminating high-yield, practical content. This book is not a substitute for appropriate procedural training, though is easily modified to meet the educational needs of diverse learner groups. It is a valuable resource for appropriately trained practitioners practicing in accordance with local guidelines. Knowledge and fluency with pediatric procedural adaptations is critical in efforts to reduce global inequities and pediatric morbidity/mortality in low-resource settings.

  • af Vanessa Machin
    391,95 kr.

    Churchill's Guide to UK Medicolegal Essentials provides a no-nonsense guide to managing those everyday clinical scenarios that have potential or obvious legal implications. With a clear, practical and easy-to-read style, it takes you through everything that you need to know including the UK legal systems, complaints handling, clinical governance and risk management, disciplinary procedures, and how the law relates to alcohol, drugs, mental health and end of life. This is an ideal book for medical, nursing, dental and paramedic students preparing for exams or interviews, all grades of healthcare professionals, police staff, and anyone needing a brief overview of the legal intricacies of medical practice. Defines the law of England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland Provides tips on preparing a police statement, appearing in court and obtaining forensic samples Scenarios and questions to bring the law to life Filled with practical advice to help you understand and minimise risks to your practice Covers risk management, which is central to Government health policies An enhanced eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud Comprehensive update of all areas of medical law New chapter on the Sexual Offences Act 2003 New questions and scenarios to test your knowledge and understanding

  • - A Guide for Primary Care Providers and Non-Nephrologists
    af Jerry Mccauley
    1.141,95 kr.

    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major global public health problem, affecting nearly one in seven adults in the United States alone. It is a disease that integrates chronic illness at several levels, and the progressive condition is associated with high rates of co-morbidity. This text provides a comprehensive, current state-of-the art review of this field, serving as a valuable resource for primary care providers and non-nephrology clinicians that treat patients with CKD. It is comprised of 24 chapters focused on specific aspects of the disease. The first 2 chapters provide a bit of background on the disease, describing the anatomy and physiology of the kidney as well as the definition and epidemiology of the disease. The following 3 chapters discuss the detection, prevention and progression of the disease. The next 6 chapters describe the relationship of the disease with other conditions and most common co-morbidities such as diabetes and hypertension. The chapters, that follow focus on the CKD associated complications and the CKD within special populations such as the elderly and minorities as well as dietary restrictions and drug dosing. The book concludes with discussion on preparation for renal replacement therapy and preemptive organ transplantation as an alternative to dialysis in the management of the advanced CKD. Written by experts in the field, Approach to Chronic Kidney Disease is a comprehensive guide for clinicians, especially primary care providers including residents and fellows in training, who take care of chronic kidney disease patients. It is also a useful tool for researchers dealing with this challenging field. 

  • af Janelle V. Baptiste
    442,95 kr.

    Lung cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer and remains the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States. The high mortality is largely the consequence of late diagnosis; lung cancer is typically asymptomatic in early stages when a surgical cure is most likely.  As a result, there has been great interest in and research on early detection of lung cancer through screening.nbsp;   There is evidence for reduced disease-specific mortality through screening for lung cancer. However, creating an integrated, systematic approach to lung cancer screening remains a challenge for providers. A successful lung cancer screening program weighs the benefits and harms of screening, clearly defines the target population and the screening process, and does not exclude eligible patient populations based on race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status, In addition it should promote shared decision-making and address risk reduction.  Lung Cancer Screening: Essentials for Primary Care provides a comprehensive and pragmatic guide to screening for lung cancer in real world clinical practice. The first two chapters summarize the epidemiology, risk factors and disparities in lung cancer, and provide the evidence base for screening for lung cancer. The disparities in lung cancer among different groups within the US population are well known. This text highlights how health disparities in lung cancer affect screening and have led to modification of lung cancer screening guidelines. Subsequent chapters provide a guide to implementing a successful lung cancer screening program and address the barriers that arise during implementation. The book concludes withreal-world solutions to overcoming barriers in lung cancer screening.nbsp; This pocket guide is an essential read and bookshelf reference for providers who do not have the specialized knowledge of screening for lung cancer. It also appeals to pulmonologists, fellows in Pulmonary Medicine, chest radiologists, and advanced practice providers with an interest in setting up lung cancer screening in any clinical practice.nbsp;

  • af Daniel M. Goodenberger
    811,95 kr.

    In this issue of Medical Clinics, guest editor Daniel M. Goodenberger brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Pulmonary Diseases. Provides in-depth reviews on the latest updates in Pulmonary Diseases, providing actionable insights for clinical practice. Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field; Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create these timely topic-based reviews.

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