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Bogen Anatomi og fysiologi - Indlæringsopgaver indeholder beskrivende og forklarende tekstafsnit, som veksler med spørgsmål og svar. Der er i denne 2. udgave også suppleret med mange enkle og instruktive illustrationer.Illustrationerne kan "affotograferes" og derved lette indlæringen. De er i nogle tilfælde udformet som opgaver.Svarene er gemt bag et rødt mønster, der forsvinder, når det medfølgende røde folie lægges over teksten, hvorved de korrekte svar kan læses. Man kan altså læse bogen som en opgavebog med skjulte svar, når foliet ikke lægges over teksten, men ved en hurtig repetition også som en fortløbende tekst, når foliet bruges.Denne bog supplerer fagets lærebøger, og dens formål er: at gøre den første indlæring af anatomi og fysiologi mindre vanskelig. at gøre eksamenslæsningen hurtig og rationel, samt gøre det muligt at kontrollere, om indlæringen har fundet sted. at trække det vigtigste stof frem, således at det danner en god baggrund for den senere forståelse af patologien og farmakologien. at gøre det hurtigt og let at repetere anatomi og fysiologi for færdiguddannede sygeplejersker.Bogen henvender sig især til sygeplejestuderende, men kan også være en hjælp for andre, der lærer anatomi og fysiologi for første gang, f.eks. medicin-, fysioterapeut- og ergoterapeutstuderende. Også færdiguddannede, der trænger til at få genopfrisket gammel viden, kan have glæde af bogen.Lær anatomi og fysiologi med glæde - og få et godt overblik over faget på en spændende og inspirerende måde!
Get under your skin with this access-all-areas guide to the human body. Now available in ebook(PDF) format.Discover a breathtaking portrait of the human body as it's never been seen before, using the latest medical and microscopic imaging. The Complete Human Body covers the development, form, function and disorders of the human body, all brought to life by incredible state-of-the-art 3D computer-generated artworks. Take a detailed look at how your respiratory system works, discover the anatomy up-close and learn about over 200 diseases and how they afflict the human body. Perfect for students, families and health professionals.
Bevægeapparatet og hoved-halsens anatomi – et kompendium giver en enkel og overskuelig tilgang til pensum i bevægeapparatets, hovedets og halsens anatomi på medicinstudiet. Dertil også det perifere nervesystems anatomi. Formålet med kompendiet er at lette repetition og eksamenslæsningen af faget. Konceptet er kortfattet tekst i punktform og i et enkelt layout, som er let at finde rundt i.Kompendiet er skrevet af tre medicinstuderende og er et supplement til de anbefalede lærebøger, der stadig er uundværlige for den dybere forståelse og grundige indlæring af anatomien.Bogens primære målgruppe er medicinstuderende ved de danske universiteter, men kompendiet kan også med fordel benyttes af andre sundhedsfaglige studerende, der har behov for en indføring i anatomien.
Forkert brug af ryggen med deraf følgende deformeringer, smerter og invaliditet er et at de store problemer, det moderne samfunds mennesker må slås med, og som opmærksomheden i de senere år da også i stigende omfang er blevet rettet imod.Med denne bog foreligger der på dansk et hovedværk om denne problematik. Overlæge Flemming Vestberg, Amtsygehuset i Gentofte, der er specialist i fysiurgiske sygdomme, har gennem en årrækkeindsamlet et omfattende materiale, der hermed udgives i bogform.Værket er opbygget som en anatomsik gennemgang af ryggen og bevægeapparatet med tilhørende beskrivelse af alle forekommende ryglidelser. Desuden gives en oversigt over de faktoreri dagligdagen som især har indflydelse på ryggens tilstand, med speciel vægt på fodtøj, arbejds- og løfteteknik, siddestillinger og - møbler. Endelig opstilles et rigt varieret system af øvelser til styrkelse og udspænding af rygmuskulaturen med det formål at forhindre ryglidelsers opståen eller genoptræne en allerede invalideret ryg.Bogen hovedtema er på visningen af den fejlholdning, som karakteriserer så store dele af civilisationenes mennesker, og denne modsætning, den ledbeskyttende og aflastende holdning, samt metoden til at opnå denne både stående og siddende.Bogen henvender sig i første række til de persongrupper, som er fortrolige med den medicinske fagtermonologi dvs. læger, fysioterapeuter etc., men for at også andre interesserede skal have mulighed for at tilegne sig indholdet, er den forsynet med en meget omfattende ordliste indeholdende en kortfattet sproglig og betydningsmæssig forklaring af over 400 lægevidenskabelige termer benytte i bogen.
"Alternative approach to understanding and balancing the most important skeletal muscle in the body, aimed at the layperson as well as the professional body practitioner concerned with core strengthening and psoas-related back, hip, knee, and pelvic tension issues"--Provided by publisher.
In 1644 the University of Copenhagen established its first anatomical theatre. In addition to the instruction of students, research was also carried out in the Anatomy House. Here Thomas Bartholin, the Professor of Anatomy, demonstrated the thoraic duct and later the lymphatic vessels in a human being, an achievement that has brought him fame. In 1662 Thomas Bartholin published A Short Description of the Anatomy House in Copenhagen, which meticulously describes the layout of the Anatomy House alongside the first eighteen years of its history. This volume presents Bartholin's book for the first time in English, as well as the original Latin text, enabling a broader audience to draw on its various and detailed accounts. A commentary and an introduction as well as rich body of illustrations make this edition a valuable resource for historians of medicine.Niels W. Bruun is a Senior Research Fellow at the Royal Library Copenhagen.
Regionær anatomi er en håndbog, der i kortfattet form gennemgår anatomien i kroppens forskellige regioner. Regionsbeskrivelse af hver legemsdel giver overskuelighed, fuldstændighed og systematik. Bogen er en af grundpillerne i de medicinstuderendes anatomiundervisning, og den er uundværlig i forbindelse med dissektionskursus. Denne 5. udgave indeholder 56 nytegnede illustrationer, der alle gengives i farver og med benævnelser på de relevante strukturer. Teksten er gennemrevideret i overensstemmelse med de gældende nomenklaturregler, og bogen fremstår som en moderne lærebog, der i kraft af de mange og detaljerede illustrationer er uundværlig på de medicinstuderendes kurser i dissektion.
General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System; Internal Organs; Head, Neck and Neuroanatomy; Muscles Tables; Poster Collection MORE THAN AN ATLAS Studying anatomy is fun! Recognising the structures on the dissection, understanding their relationships and gaining an overview of how they work together assures confident study and transition into clinical practice. The Sobotta Atlas shows authentic illustrations of the highest quality, drawn from genuine specimens, guaranteeing the best preparation for the gross anatomy class and attestation. Sobotta focuses on the basics, making it totally comprehensive. Every tiny structure has been addressed according to current scientific knowledge and can be found in this atlas. Themes relevant to exams and sample questions from oral anatomy exams help to focus the study process. The Sobotta Atlas is the optimal learning atlas for studying, from the first semester till the clinical semester. Case studies present examples and teach clinical understanding. Clinical themes and digressions into functional anatomy are motivating and impart valuable information for prospective medical practice. With over 100 years of experience in 17 editions and thousands of unique anatomical illustrations, Sobotta achieves ongoing success. The volume General Anatomy and Muscoloskeletal System contains the chapters: General Anatomy Anatomical planes and positions - Surface anatomy - Development - Musculoskeletal system - Neurovascular pathways - Imaging methods - Skin and its derivatives Trunk Surface - Development - Skeleton -¿ Imaging methods - Musculature - Neurovascular pathways - Topography, dorsal trunk wall - Female breast - Topography, ventral trunk wall Upper Limb Surface - Development - Skeleton - Musculature - Neurovascular pathways - Topography - Cross-sectional images Lower Limb Surface - Skeleton - Musculature - Neurovascular pathways - Topography - Cross-sectional images The volume Inner Organs contains the chapters: Organs of the thoracic cavity Topography - Heart - Lung - Oesophagus - Cross-sectional images Organs of the abdominal cavity Development - Topography - Stomach - Intestines - Liver and gallbladder Pancreas - Neurovascular pathways - Cross-sectional images Retroperitoneal space and pelvic cavity Topography - Kidney and adrenal gland - Efferent urinary tracts - Rectum and anal canal - Male genitalia - Female genitalia - Cross-sectional images The volume Head, Neck and Neuroanatomy contains the chapters: Head Overview - Skeleton and joints - Adipose tissue and scalp - Musculture ?? Topography - Neurovascular pathways - Nose - Mouth and oral cavity - Salivary glands Eye Development - Skeleton - Eyelids - Lacrimal gland and lacrimal apparatus - Muscles of the eye - Topography - Eyeball - Visual pathway Ear Overview - Outer ear - Middle ear - Auditory tube - Inner ear - Hearing and equilibrium Neck Overview - Musculature - Pharynx - Larynx - Thyroid gland - Topography Brain and spinal cord Development - General principles - Brain ?? Meninges and blood supply - Cerebral areas - Cranial nerves - Spinal cord - Sections Sobotta - learning tables for muscles, joints and nerves The most important facts about muscles, joints and nerves are summarised in 62 tables, helping you to revise methodically and efficiently! The origin, insertion, innervation and function of all muscles in the human body are presented in tabular form. The relevant muscle is shown in situ each time. The tables for branches and innervation areas of the Plexus cervicalis, brachialis and lumbosacralis give a good overview for a clinical diagnosis. The most important joints of the upper and lower limbs are shown in tables and additionally in schematic illustrations. The tables for neuroanatomy give the cranial nerves, cortical areas and nuclei of the thalamus. Tables for the cranial nerves identify and compare the pathways, supply areas and fibre qualities. Compatible to the 17th edition of the Sobotta Atlas!
Never before has an exhibition moved the public as profoundly and changed the view of personal corporeality as strongly as has Gunther von Hagens BODY WORLDS. Through the aesthetic presentation of real, anatomically prepared human bodies, the exhibition uses death to convey descriptive knowledge about life and lets it become a deeply impressive encounter with ones bodily interior. About 45 million people worldwide have experienced this encounter. This catalog shows the extraordinary: anatomical specimens that have been prepared and preserved with a special technique invented by Gunther von Hagens. In addition to the medical-anatomical description of the human body, the catalog contains contributions to the topics of anatomy and plastination, posed specimens, and mandatory interment, as well as articles written by renowned scientists from the fields of anatomy and medical history, philosophy, aesthetics and art history, biology, and religious studies. The chapter about the anatomy and function of the human body is divided into the following sub-chapters: 1. The Locomotive System 2. The Nervous System 3. The Respiratory System 4. The Cardiovascular System 5. The Digestive System 6. The Urinary Tract 7. Reproductive Organs 8. Prenatal Development 9. Whole-Body Plastinates. New, revised edition with attractive design and color illustrations. A bestseller and standard work!
2nd edition 2013. This handy set of Latin flash cards helps perfect understanding of anatomy. Featuring the exquisite illustrations from Gilroy/Atlas of Anatomy, these flash cards are a valuable tool for studying, memorizing, and reviewing the moset important concepts in human anatomy. Each card features a full-color illustration with key structures labeled numerically. The reverse side of the card lists the labels. With latin nomenclature.More than 450 full-color illustrations help you master key conceptsQuestions and answers, comments, and clinical applications, where appropriate, help you apply information for real-life practiceEnclosed ring makes cards conveniently portablePage numbers on each card enable easy cross-referencing to Atlas of Anatomy.
Virkelig indbydende og smuk billedbog om en af kroppens meget vigtige funktioner, der tager dig med ind i din spændende krop. Der foregår nemlig en hel masse uventet – det er nemlig en slags fabrik, hvor de mange enheder skal arbejde sammen, så kroppen fungerer..PROFESSOR TARMFLORA laver både store og små prutter og slimede og tørre prutter og bombeprutter og gigantiske hørmere hver eneste dag nede i sit prutte-laboratorie.Og hun er virkelig god til det. Der er bare et problem … for selv når FLORA gør sit allerbedste for at lave rigtig gode, stinkende prutter, så siger ingen af hendes venner i kroppen nogensinde noget pænt om dem. Og det gør menneskene uden for kroppen heller ikke.Det kan da ikke være rigtig. For FLORA er et geni, når det kommer til at lave prutter!En dag får FLORA nok og forlader sit prutte-laboratorium – men uden nogen til at lave prutter, opstår der for alvor kaos i kroppen!Nu må alle FLORAS venner tage ud for at lede efter hende, før hjernebosserne sætter gang i den helt store udskylning …Billedbog fra 4 år.Debutanten Line Meyers har både skrevet og illustreret.
Genesers histologi præsenterer læseren for en letforståelig og meget grundig fremstilling af både cellebiologi og den almene og specielle histologi. Stoffet gennemgår sammenhængen mellem struktur og funktion og relaterer dette til sygdomsprocesser og den kliniske hverdag. Bogen er særdeles pædagogisk opbygget, og hvert kapitel indeholder bokse med kliniske eksempler eller uddybende viden og afsluttes med testspørgsmål til det pågældende kapitel. Det omfattende illustrationsmateriale indeholder både lys- og elektronmikroskopiske fotos og stregtegninger.I 2. udgave er opbygningen bevaret, mens stoffet er gennemarbejdet og opdateret. Bogen er fortsat pensumdækkende ved medicinstudiet på alle fire universiteter i Danmark.
Gait, Balance, and Mobility Analysis: Theoretical, Technical, and Clinical Applications provides a comprehensive overview of gait and movement analysis techniques, from traditional motion capture to modern wearable technologies. The book contains both a technical element that focuses on biomechanics and engineering concepts for gait analysis and the application of gait analysis with clinical populations. Beginning with a comprehensive background on the underlying neural control of gait and mobility in humans and physiological control of balance, the book then covers analysis methods and techniques for laboratory, clinic or remote patient assessment. It then examines how gait, mobility and balance are impacted by musculoskeletal, neurological, and cardio-respiratory conditions. Lastly, it discusses future directions and provides recommendations for future studies. Combining the expertise of engineers and clinicians, this book takes a multidisciplinary approach to show how and why gait, balance and mobility can be used to tackle important clinical questions for various conditions.
Drug Delivery Systems for Wound Healing explores the different delivery systems and drugs used in wound healing, outlining the many pharmaceutical approaches in wound healing and management. Bringing together interdisciplinary research on wound healing and management, this book offers the theory behind wound healing, but also has a strong focus on the practical approach where scientists involved in medication development can find suggestions. Where appropriate, clinical outcomes are given so the book can be useful as a guide for the choice by medication prescription or use. Topics in the book include types of drugs used in wound healing; types of carriers used in wound healing; clinical outcomes; biocompatibility and toxicity problems, and pipeline products. Researchers working in the pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical sciences and engineering fields will find this a useful resource.
Need to Learn Anatomy and Physiology Terms Quickly? Read on for a Proven Method That Gets You There Half the Time.If you're a student or practitioner in the medical field, you know how critical a firm grasp of anatomy and physiology terminology is. And yet, if you're studying these concepts and vocabulary, you also know how daunting the task can be.There's no denying the size of the task. With over 200 bones and 600 muscles in the body, you must assimilate thousands of terms into your working vocabulary. Therefore, it's essential to understand more meaningful concepts to practice and communicate in the field.The good news is that once you have a solid foundation, you will not only ace your upcoming exams and have more fruitful conversations with colleagues, but your learning will take off.Learning new terms requires understanding their relationship with other terms and concepts.After learning the language of bones, your understanding of the overall subject matter also increases, leading to the fast acquisition of new knowledge.Yet, the biggest problem is the outdated teaching method most professors use to hammer the terms in your brain.With our updated approach, you will memorize the terms twice as fast and more effectively.A traditional textbook presents overwhelming information, making it hard to focus on the essentials alone.Think about it. The average reading speed of most adults is around 200 to 250 words per minute. That's half a page, unfortunately, often filled with empty fluff.What if there is a study guide that effectively organizes essential information while stripping out whatever isn't fundamental?Anatomy and Physiology cover all the necessary terminology and are organized to eliminate the obstacles to learning. You'll discover:Q&As answering beginner's and expert's questions, reinforcing your learning from another angle.Grouped terminology by category to keep the context consistent and allow you to work with related words to concentrate your effort.Study tips specialized for memorizing anatomy and physiology concepts and terminology. (A few minor tweaks make all the difference!)A primer in Greek and Latin that demystifies why a term was named as it was (helping your understanding and memorization!)Listing of prefixes and suffixes necessary for understanding a term's function and its relationship to other vocabularies.Specialized sections on the skeletal system and regions of the body.Conceptual primers to help you see how everything fits together.Even specific music to make your study even more effective.And much more.Many nursing and medical students resist adding a study guide to their learning regimen, reasoning that they already cover the content in the core materials.But you don't get bogged down in secondary information by extracting only the most essential part (i.e., the terminology, which establishes the foundation for learning everything else), meaning you get what you need most, fast.If you want to learn the necessary anatomy and physiology terminology faster than you thought to reap profound learning benefits, scroll up and click the Add to Cart button.
"Third Ear braids together personal narrative with scholarly inquiry to examine the power of listening to build interpersonal empathy and social transformation. A child of Holocaust survivors, Rosner shares stories from growing up in a home where six languages were spoken to interrogate how diverse areas of scholarship such as psychotherapy, neurolinguistics, and creativity can illuminate the complex ways we are impacted by the sounds and silences of others"--
Sex and Gender Differences in Cardiovascular-Renal-Metabolic Physiology and Pathophysiology: Sex, Gender and Function, the latest release in the Fundamentals of Physiology series, provides a fundamental overview on sex and gender differences in all aspects of physiology. The book shares information on sex and gender differences in a variety of topics in a single comprehensive volume. This book, published in association with the International Union of Physiological Sciences acts as a primer of information scientists can build upon with their own research in sex and gender-based research.
Physiologists, Biomedical Scientists and Clinicians: Bridging the Intellectual and Communication Gap with the Public and Decisionmakers, the latest release in the Fundamentals of Physiology series, provides valuable information to inform researchers and clinicians and better train students on the broader aspects of the scientific process and how to best counteract mis- and disinformation. This book is published in concert with the International Union of Physiological Sciences and is a useful resource for lecturers when training physiologists, biomedical scientists, medical and allied health students. Faculty, students, researchers, and clinicians are struggling how to deal with the post-truth world as the broader public lacks an understanding of the complexity of the scientific research process. This has resulted in the dissemination of mis- and disinformation that is increasingly used to shape public opinion in medical-related matters. For example, the rise of anti-vaxxers and resistance to Covid-19 pandemic social isolation protocols. In addition, the relatively limited role physiologists and scientists play when engaging the broader public in this regard.
"How the groundbreaking science of circadian rhythms can help you sleep better, feel happier, and improve your overall health"--
On Oxygen: From Air to Tissues, the latest release in the Fundamentals of Physiology series, provides a fundamental overview of the entire oxygen pathway, sharing key mechanistic insights into the alternating conductive and diffusive steps of O2 transport. The book describes specific aspects along each stage of the oxygen route through the body, from the transfer of air to the alveoli, through the lungs, to the ultimate fate of O2 in the mitochondria. Additionally, the effect of specific disease states, aging, and developmental aspects are considered. This book, published in association with the International Union of Physiological Sciences, acts is a valuable introduction to the full biological journey of oxygen, and is a beneficial guide for students and researchers in physiology, sport science, pulmonology, and related fields.
The Cardiac Conduction System: Evolution, Development, and Therapeutic Potential, the latest release in the Hot Topics in Physiology series, provides the reader a thorough and comprehensive review of this intricate system. The book covers conventional topics: anatomy, electrophysiology, and key cellular characteristics, as well as emerging topics: patient specific computer modelling, induced pluripotent stem cells, and in vivo editing as state-of-the-art treatment strategy. Given the exhaustive coverage of topics, this book is "go-to reference" for the cardiac conduction system for years to come. This volume was published in association with the International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS). It is an ideal reference for academics and researchers in anatomy, physiology, cardiology, electrophysiology, biomedical engineering and medical education at Undergrad, Masters, PhD, and Post-Doc levels.
This comprehensive, highly didactic book on ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia (peripheral, neuraxial and perineuraxial nerve blocks) presents meticulously labelled images, diagrams and picture-in-picture samples and includes high-quality, vignetted illustrations that are consistent in style. The ultrasound images are outstanding and carefully selected to demonstrate the most clinically relevant situations. Importantly, they have a real-world appearance, including actual needle paths and desired disposition of injectate during nerve block procedures; most are from the original database of Dr. Eisenberg. All the supplementary material is authoritative and presented as an artful balance of years of clinical experience and a summary of the peer reviewed literature.Ultrasound in Peripheral, Neuraxial and Perineuraxial Regional Anaesthesia, accompanied by richly illustrated material and videos of state-of-the-art techniques, is of interest to anyone interested in learning, furthering their existing knowledge of, or teaching ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia.
"Learn anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the human body with this fun and student-focused learning and coloring workbook-includes study tips and 100+ images"--
Insect Ecomorphology: Linking Functional Insect Morphology to Ecology and Evolution offers up-to-date knowledge and understanding of the morphology of insects and the functional basis of their diversity. This book covers the form and function of insect body structures in relation to their physiological performance capabilities, biological roles, and evolutionary histories. Written by international experts, the book explores the ecomorphology of functional systems such as insect feeding, locomotion, sensing, and egg laying. The combination of conceptual and review chapters, methodological approaches, and case studies enables readers to delve into active research fields and to gain an understanding of the form-function-performance paradigm. This book uncovers key structures of the various regions of the insect body, elucidates their function, and investigates their ecological and evolutionary implications. Insect Ecomorphology is thus a vital resource for entomologists, biologists, and zoologists, especially those seeking to understand more fully the morphology and physiological impacts of insects in correlation to their environments and to evolution.
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