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Marvelous landscapes of human experience and emotion rendered through the magnification of our tears
Læsning med farverEn brik i puslespillet om overvindelseaf læse- og indlæringsvanskeligheder“Denne bog giver håb for mange børn og voksne,der oplever problemer med læsning og/eller indlæring”Helen Irlens bog er den første, der beskriver effekten af og løsningen på et udbredt og hårdnakket problem, der volder mange børn og voksne problemer med at lære at læse, eller læse let og ubesværet. Bogen punkterer også myten om, at vi alle ser tekst på samme måde.Problemet: IRLEN SYNDROM (IS)Irlen Syndrom er en perceptuel dysfunktion, der bevirker, at hjernen ikke kan bearbejde det visuelle input korrekt. IS skyldes ikke en defekt ved synet men en følsomhed over for fuldspektret lys, især ved visse belysningsforhold, hvorved hjernen modtager en for voldsom sansepåvirkning og udsættes for visuelt stress.Personer med IS kan opleve mange varianter af perceptionsforvrængninger (fx spejlvendte bogstaver) og fysisk ubehag i varierende styrkegrader samt problemer med fx afstandsbedømmelse. IS afsløres ikke via standardiserede prøver eller undersøgelser hos læge, synsspecialister, sundhedsplejerske og psykolog – kun ved en egentlig screening for Irlen Syndrom. Mange skoler er så småt begyndt at teste for IS men der er lang vej igen.Løsningen: IRLEN METODENVed brug af farver i form af farvede læsefolier (plasticark til at lægge henover teksten under læsning) eller individuelt farvede filterlinser (som brilleglas eller kontaktlinser) kan hjernens funktionsevne afbalanceres, så visuelle forstyrrelser og ubehag reduceres eller elimineres.Irlen Metoden er et af de mest bemærkelsesværdige bidrag til undervisningssystemet i vores tid og underbygget af mere end 10 års forskning.Bogen henvender sig til:Undervisere, læsevejledere, specialunder-visere, bibliotekarer, studerende, politikere m.fl.Synsspecialister, læger, sundhedsplejersker og psykologer.Forældre til børn med læse- og/eller indlærings-vanskeligheder m.m.Personer der selv oplever effekten af Irlen Syndrom i form af forvrænget tekst eller ubehag og ineffektivitet under læsning.I bogen kan du læse meget mere om bl.a.:Hvordan IS kan hæmme læsning og indlæring.Symptomerne rækker videre end læsning.IS i samspil med dysleksi og andre problemer.Effekten af IS på adfærd, selvtillid og familie.Personlige omkostninger for personer med IS.Hvorfor IS er lettere at afhjælpe end mange andre problemer.Hvordan skoler kan hjælpe elever med IS.Fejlbehandling/fejlfortolkning af læseproblemer.Screening for IS – hvordan og hvor tit.Hvordan omgivelserne bidrager til problemet.IS og standardiserede test.IS og arvelighed.Læseproblemer består ofte af mange lag.Hvordan perceptionsvanskeligheder begrænser fremskridt uanset anvendte læsemetoder.Hvad forældre kan holde øje med.Hvorfor indlæringsproblemer kan overses.Udiagnosticeret IS kan koste skolerne dyrt.Myter, fordomme, antagelser, manglende viden.Hvem kan ellers have glæde af Irlen Metoden.I bogen er der også:10 siders tekst på forskellige baggrundsfarverEn selvtest for Irlen SyndromEksempler på perceptionsforvrængningerFyldig indholdsfortegnelse og registerBrede marginer til notaterUdtalelser fra mange personer med IS
Dette kompendium giver indblik i og overblik over fagområdet basal humanbiologi.Kompendiet er udarbejdet primært til medicin- og tandlægestuderende, der er i gang med at gennemføre faget basal humanbiologi, men kan også med fordel bruges af studerende på 1. år af bacheloruddannelsen i molekylær biomedicin samt af 2. års studerende på folkesundhedsvidenskab.
En grundbog af høj kvalitet, som dækker alle nødvendige basiskundskaber i biokemi og genetik. Bogen giver dig de bedste rammer for læring, så du kan klare dig godt på studiet og i klinisk praksis.Med denne bog får du: 22 OPDATEREDE KAPITLER om grundlæggende biokemi og genetik PÆDAGOGISKE FORKLARINGER som skaber forståelse og sammenhæng VISUEL FORMIDLING med mange illustrationer, tabeller og modeller FAGSPROG som matcher klinisk praksis 1:1 LÆRINGSBOKSE som fremhæver det vigtigste og giver kliniske eksempler TJEKLISTER med overblik over centrale fagbegreber TEST DIG SELV med afvekslende opgaver og forståelsesspørgsmål KLAR STRUKTUR med præcise overskrifter og fremhævede nøgleord KRYDSHENVISNINGER på tværs af bøgerne og de enkelte fagområder ORDLISTE med alle de vigtigste begreber
Hvad er det vigtigste at vide om cellens fysiologi? Det får du svaret på i denne danske fremstilling af den humane celles fysiologi.Bogen er skrevet til medicinstuderende, der søger en dansksproget og lettilgængelig gennemgang af cellefysiologien. Den kan dog også bruges af studerende i blandt andet odontologi, molekylær biomedicin, klinisk biomekanik samt medicin med industriel specialisering.Cellefysiologi indeholder den centrale viden om cellens struktur og funktion, herunder DNA og proteinsyntese, organeller, receptorer og cellekontakter samt neuronal signalering og muskelfysiologi. I bogen gennemgås derfor den excitable celle, og der gives en integreret forståelse for cellens fysiologi, der i andre lærebøger er opdelt. På denne måde får læseren en helhedsforståelse for den humane celles mekanismer.Bogen kan læses fra ende til anden, men også bruges som opslagsværk, semester efter semester, da kapitlerne kan tilegnes uafhængigt af hinanden. For eksempel er den nyttig ved en lang række kurser i organspecifik fysiologi, da cellefysiologi udgør fundamentet for forståelsen af organsystemernes funktion.Cellefysiologi dækker studiemålene på de medicinske fakulteter i København, Aarhus, Odense og Aalborg. Den er fortalt i et letforståeligt sprog, er yderst velillustreret og indeholder en lang række kliniske bokse, der sætter fysiologien i medicinsk perspektiv.Kristine Svinning Valeur og Thomas Tursø-Finnich er læger med tilsammen 10 års undervisererfaring ved de medicinske studieretninger på Københavns Universitet.
Drug Delivery Systems for Wound Healing explores the different delivery systems and drugs used in wound healing, outlining the many pharmaceutical approaches in wound healing and management. Bringing together interdisciplinary research on wound healing and management, this book offers the theory behind wound healing, but also has a strong focus on the practical approach where scientists involved in medication development can find suggestions. Where appropriate, clinical outcomes are given so the book can be useful as a guide for the choice by medication prescription or use. Topics in the book include types of drugs used in wound healing; types of carriers used in wound healing; clinical outcomes; biocompatibility and toxicity problems, and pipeline products. Researchers working in the pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical sciences and engineering fields will find this a useful resource.
Quick Guide to Endocrinology, The Pediatric Version, Second Edition, continues to be an essential resource which focuses on the physiology, diagnostics, and laboratory testing of endocrine (hormone-mediated) disorders encountered in the field of endocrinology with expanded coverage of pediatric endocrinology. The guide is for laboratory scientists and technicians, as well as trainees and clinicians in the field of pediatrics and pediatric endocrinology including fellows, residents, medical students, nursing students, and advance practice providers and students. It is presented in an easy to read, quick format, the physiology and method of measurement for hormones essential to many bodily processes and how their dysregulation results in disease. The characteristics of such diseases and diagnostic testing including up-to-date molecular testing is addressed.
Need to Learn Anatomy and Physiology Terms Quickly? Read on for a Proven Method That Gets You There Half the Time.If you're a student or practitioner in the medical field, you know how critical a firm grasp of anatomy and physiology terminology is. And yet, if you're studying these concepts and vocabulary, you also know how daunting the task can be.There's no denying the size of the task. With over 200 bones and 600 muscles in the body, you must assimilate thousands of terms into your working vocabulary. Therefore, it's essential to understand more meaningful concepts to practice and communicate in the field.The good news is that once you have a solid foundation, you will not only ace your upcoming exams and have more fruitful conversations with colleagues, but your learning will take off.Learning new terms requires understanding their relationship with other terms and concepts.After learning the language of bones, your understanding of the overall subject matter also increases, leading to the fast acquisition of new knowledge.Yet, the biggest problem is the outdated teaching method most professors use to hammer the terms in your brain.With our updated approach, you will memorize the terms twice as fast and more effectively.A traditional textbook presents overwhelming information, making it hard to focus on the essentials alone.Think about it. The average reading speed of most adults is around 200 to 250 words per minute. That's half a page, unfortunately, often filled with empty fluff.What if there is a study guide that effectively organizes essential information while stripping out whatever isn't fundamental?Anatomy and Physiology cover all the necessary terminology and are organized to eliminate the obstacles to learning. You'll discover:Q&As answering beginner's and expert's questions, reinforcing your learning from another angle.Grouped terminology by category to keep the context consistent and allow you to work with related words to concentrate your effort.Study tips specialized for memorizing anatomy and physiology concepts and terminology. (A few minor tweaks make all the difference!)A primer in Greek and Latin that demystifies why a term was named as it was (helping your understanding and memorization!)Listing of prefixes and suffixes necessary for understanding a term's function and its relationship to other vocabularies.Specialized sections on the skeletal system and regions of the body.Conceptual primers to help you see how everything fits together.Even specific music to make your study even more effective.And much more.Many nursing and medical students resist adding a study guide to their learning regimen, reasoning that they already cover the content in the core materials.But you don't get bogged down in secondary information by extracting only the most essential part (i.e., the terminology, which establishes the foundation for learning everything else), meaning you get what you need most, fast.If you want to learn the necessary anatomy and physiology terminology faster than you thought to reap profound learning benefits, scroll up and click the Add to Cart button.
"Third Ear braids together personal narrative with scholarly inquiry to examine the power of listening to build interpersonal empathy and social transformation. A child of Holocaust survivors, Rosner shares stories from growing up in a home where six languages were spoken to interrogate how diverse areas of scholarship such as psychotherapy, neurolinguistics, and creativity can illuminate the complex ways we are impacted by the sounds and silences of others"--
The book presents an in-depth exploration of adrenal anatomy, physiology, and pathology, authored by a multidisciplinary team of international experts, providing an exposition of the current state of knowledge in the field of adrenal diseases and offering insights into the evolution of their management. The addressed pathologies are intricate and diverse, encompassing conditions such as Cushing¿s disease, primary aldosteronism, pheochromocytoma, and congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Each pathology chapter delves into etiopathogenic aspects, clinical evidence, and therapeutic recommendations. This publication caters equally to endocrinologists and professionals from various medical disciplines, serving as a valuable resource for information on the adrenal gland from both a physiological and pathological perspective.
Welchen Einfluss hat Vitamin D auf die Entstehung von Krebserkrankungen, Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen, Stoffwechsel- und Autoimmunerkrankungen? Wie gelingt die Balance zwischen notwendiger Sonneneinstrahlung und Vermeidung des Hautkrebsrisikos? Antworten auf diese und viele weitere Fragen zu diesem wichtigen Vitamin sowie der Vitamin D Mangelerkrankung Rachitis liefert das vorliegende Werk. Es räumt dabei mit häufigen Irrtümern über Aufbau, Funktion und Wirkung von Vitamin D auf und liefert darüber hinaus zahlreiche, praxisrelevante Fakten für eine optimale Versorgung. Der Autor ist ausgewiesener Experte auf dem Gebiet und seit über drei Jahrzehnten in der Forschung zu Vitamin D tätig. Das Buch wendet sich an Ärztinnen und Ärzte, die ihre Patientinnen und Patienten auf Basis neuester wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse rund um das Thema Vitamin D bestmöglich versorgen und informieren möchten.Der AutorProfessor Dr. med. Jörg Reichrath ist leitender Oberarzt der Klinik für Dermatologie und Leiter des Zentrums für klinische und experimentelle Photodermatologie am Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes.
Una guía completa para abordar la creciente epidemia de enfermedades de la tiroides desde la perspectiva de la tradición ayurvédica
"How the groundbreaking science of circadian rhythms can help you sleep better, feel happier, and improve your overall health"--
Welcome to the world of Oxytocin and Social Function, an in-depth exploration of the powerful role of this neuropeptide in shaping our social behaviors and interactions. The book delves into the rich and complex relationship between oxytocin and our social functions. Featuring contributions from leading experts in the field, this book offers a comprehensive understanding of oxytocin¿s role in our social lives. It goes beyond the laboratory to explore the hormone¿s potential in real-world applications. The book also highlights recent research on oxytocin¿s role in enhancing empathy, reducing stress, and promoting overall well-being. With this book, readers will gain a deeper understanding of the intricate workings of oxytocin and how it shapes our social behaviors and relationships. Oxytocin and Social Function is a must-read for anyone interested in human behavior, psychology, neuroscience, or the ever-growing field of oxytocin research. Turn the page and embark on a captivating journey into the hidden potentials of oxytocin and its transformative effects on our social function.
Exposure of patients to a high oxygen environment is a standard treatment in a select group of patients. The development of oxygen toxicity must be avoided in those patients. This book describes the effects of normobaric and hyperbaric oxygen treatment of animal models on brain biochemical and physiological responses. This book provides a summary of our knowledge on the effects of hyperbaric oxygenation on mitochondrial activity in vivo, and other functions of the brain. A chapter covering the use of hyperbaric hyperoxia in patients¿ brain pathology and care is also included. This is an ideal book for students, research groups, and clinicians studying hyperbaric oxygen and its connection to mitochondrial activity and brain physiological functions.
Diabetes Digital Health, Telehealth, and Artificial Intelligence explains how to develop and use the emerging technologies of digital health, telehealth, and artificial intelligence to address this important public health problem to deliver new hardware, software, and processes. The book explores trends in developing and deploying the three most important emerging technologies for diabetes: digital health, telehealth, and artificial intelligence. This book is essential to clinicians, scientists, engineers, industry professionals, regulators, and investors, offering the tools that will be used to create the next generation products to support a precision medicine approach to manage diabetes. According to the CDC, in the US there are 37 million people with diabetes and 96 million people with prediabetes. Diabetes triples the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke and is the leading cause of blindness, end stage renal failure, and amputations. The management of diabetes is becoming increasingly dominated by digital health tools consisting of wearable sensors, mobile applications providing decision support software, and wireless communication tools. Digital health provides new data streams that can be combined to create unique approaches for diabetes based on a precision medicine paradigm.
Insect Ecomorphology: Linking Functional Insect Morphology to Ecology and Evolution offers up-to-date knowledge and understanding of the morphology of insects and the functional basis of their diversity. This book covers the form and function of insect body structures in relation to their physiological performance capabilities, biological roles, and evolutionary histories. Written by international experts, the book explores the ecomorphology of functional systems such as insect feeding, locomotion, sensing, and egg laying. The combination of conceptual and review chapters, methodological approaches, and case studies enables readers to delve into active research fields and to gain an understanding of the form-function-performance paradigm. This book uncovers key structures of the various regions of the insect body, elucidates their function, and investigates their ecological and evolutionary implications. Insect Ecomorphology is thus a vital resource for entomologists, biologists, and zoologists, especially those seeking to understand more fully the morphology and physiological impacts of insects in correlation to their environments and to evolution.
Endocrinology is one of the most fascinating fields of physiology thatis playing an important role in human health and welfare. The bookwill stimulate the interest of young students and kindle in them adesire to read more intensively since it contains every aspect ofhormonal coordination in the human body. The integration of cellsignalling pathways, involvement of receptors in signal transduction,every aspect of endocrine glands with their dysfunctions, feedbackloops and role of hormones in pharmaceutical industry-all these factsof endocrinology are incorporated in a comprehensive form.The book has been presented in a simple form with appropriatefigures that would appeal to the undergraduate and postgraduatestudents of life sciences including Zoology, Biochemistry, Pharmacy,Health Science, Nursing and Medical Science. It is hoped that thebook will meet the need of students who desire to learn clear, up-todate,and complete instances of endocrine glands that are elaboratedin ten chapters. The presentation of every hormonal disorder with itslaboratory evaluation, related symptoms, and illustrations based on acombination of quality and adequacy are significant markers of thisbook.
This book provides an overview on recent progress in anion channels and transporters. It covers multiple scales of analysis ranging from studying the molecular basis of function at atomic resolution to cellular consequences to channel/transporter dysfunction and approaches to correct such processes by pharmacological intervention. Similar anion channels and transporters are expressed in multiple tissues ¿ often fulfilling similar cellular tasks, but also clearly distinct functions. The aim is to combine work on multiple cell and organ systems.
This book summarizes the design of drought-tolerant crops through CRISPR/Cas-mediated genome editing, focusing on reprogramming gene expression patterns that regulate the balance of plant hormones. The organic farming system is presented to highlight the potential role of alleviating changing climate-related abiotic stress. The current knowledge of artificial photosynthesis systems and cellular processes related to photosynthetic biochemistry was illustrated. Additionally, it explores intriguing subtopics of plant physiology, including an alternative natural rubber source and plant reproductive strategies, contributing to advancements in agricultural biotechnology. Recommended for students, teachers, and researchers interested in applied plant physiology, plant biochemistry, and crop breeding.
Maintaining an ideal weight throughout life is the most beneficial thing someone can do for their body. A healthy body and ideal weight can be achieved with proper nutrition and lifestyle, starting from childhood and even infancy. Therefore, it is important for those raising children to be conscious of this issue and to be good role models and guides for their children by exhibiting the healthiest lifestyle habits. We know that it is almost impossible to remove excess fat tissue acquired during childhood from the body at later ages. Body fat accumulation is usually evaluated by body mass index (BMI), which is calculated using weight and height proportions. BMI is an effective and useful tool for both people and healthcare professionals to track body fat percentage. However, when monitoring body fat with BMI special adjustments need to be made in children, the elderly, different genders, and individuals with high muscle mass. This book provides a comprehensive overview of BMI as a screening measure.
Embark on an exhilarating journey through the intricate choreography of life itself with "Dancing with DNA: A Revolution Unveiled." In this captivating exploration, the pages come alive with the rhythm of scientific discovery, unravelling the secrets encoded within the double helix. From the iconic revelation of the DNA structure to the cutting-edge technologies shaping the genetic landscape, this book unveils the revolutions that have transformed our understanding of the dance of genes.Discover the Dance of Discovery: Join us on the dance floor of scientific exploration as we traverse the milestones that have defined the genetic waltz. From the ground-breaking elucidation of the double helix by Watson and Crick to the awe-inspiring precision of CRISPR-Cas9, each chapter unfolds as a movement in the symphony of genetic revelation.Explore the Genetic Ballet: The narrative extends beyond the traditional focus on protein-coding genes, inviting readers to explore the captivating dance of non-coding DNA. Witness the elegance of epigenetics, where environmental factors influence gene expression without altering the genetic code. Engage with the dynamic interplay of genes and environment, and understand the complexities that shape the rich tapestry of life.Envision the Genetic Future: As the story unfolds, gaze into the horizon of possibilities in the genetic future. Tailor treatments to individual genetic scores with precision medicine, navigate the uncharted territories of synthetic genomics, and ponder the ethical and societal dimensions of the genetic frontier. The finale of the revolution dance leaves readers with a sense of wonder and anticipation for the continuous discoveries and unfolding narratives in the ever-evolving genetic saga.Key Features:Scientific Revelations: Delve into the pivotal moments in genetics, from the discovery of the double helix to the gene-editing renaissance.Holistic Exploration: Move beyond the known to explore non-coding DNA, epigenetics, and the intricate dance between genes and environment.Future Perspectives: Envision the future of genetics with insights into precision medicine, synthetic genomics, and ethical considerations in the genetic frontier.Accessible Language: Written in an engaging and accessible style, the book caters to both the curious reader and those with a scientific background."Dancing with DNA: A Revolution Unveiled" is not just a book; it's an invitation to partake in the grand dance of discovery, where the language of genes unfolds as a symphony waiting to be heard. Join us in this revelatory journey, as we waltz through the pages, unveiling the revolutions that have shaped our understanding of DNA and embracing the genetic future with awe and anticipation.
"Angelfish Research: Translating Findings for Human Health" is a pioneering exploration into the world of scientific inquiry, where the delicate and vibrant angelfish serves as a key protagonist in unraveling secrets that may have profound implications for human well-being. This illuminating journey delves into the research endeavors focused on these aquatic angels and the potential crossover of their findings into the realm of human health.Within the pages of this interdisciplinary narrative, readers embark on a quest through laboratories and marine environments, witnessing scientists meticulously studying angelfish behavior, genetics, and physiological responses. The metaphorical angelfish becomes a symbol of biological inquiry, offering insights into the intricacies of life processes that may hold valuable lessons for improving human health.The book goes beyond the traditional boundaries of marine biology, weaving together the threads of research findings and their potential applications in medicine. From understanding the angelfish's immune system to deciphering genetic clues, each chapter unfolds as a bridge between the aquatic and human domains, where scientific discoveries in one realm inform and inspire progress in the other.This narrative doesn't merely showcase the fascinating aspects of angelfish research but emphasizes the translational journey, exploring how insights gained from these studies can be harnessed to address human health challenges. It highlights the interconnectedness of scientific disciplines and the potential for groundbreaking discoveries when lessons from the natural world are applied to medical research."Angelfish Research" is a testament to the collaborative spirit of scientific exploration, where marine biology converges with medical science to create a narrative that resonates with both researchers and the general audience. Whether you're a scientist at the forefront of research or an intrigued reader, this book offers a compelling perspective on the symbiotic relationship between the aquatic realm and advancements in human health.
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