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  • af T.W. Sadler
    575,95 kr.

    Bogen er en oversættelse af den nyeste udgave af den klassiske Langman’s Medical Embryology. Bogen koncentrerer sig om de vigtigste og mest relevante kliniske aspekter af embryologien. Målet er at bibringe læseren en forståelse for principperne i fosterets udvikling, som kan anvendes i diagnose, behandling og forebyggelse af medfødte misdannelser. Bogen er forsynet med et enestående billedmateriale, og er fuldstændig opdateret mht. den nyeste viden om genetiske og miljømæssige faktorers betydning for udviklingen af misdannelser hos fosteret. Bogen er pensum i faget embryologi for de medicinstuderende ved alle tre universiteter samt for de veterinærstuderende. Denne 3. udgave indeholder en opdateret tekst samt forbedrede illustrationer. Ændringer i forhold til tidligere danske udgiver og oversættelser af de nye afsnit er lavet af professor Jørgen Tranum-Jensen, Panuminstituttet.

  • af Dr. T.W. Sadler
    580,95 kr.

  • af Markus Schmechel
    983,95 kr.

    Die Kryokonservierung ermöglicht es, Keimzellen, 2-PN-Zellen und Embryonen einzufrieren und über Jahrzehnte zu lagern. Ihre Bedeutung für die Kinderwunschbehandlung wächst stetig. Dennoch bedürfen viele Aspekte vor, während und nach der Kryokonservierung rechtlicher Klarheit. Dies betrifft neben dem rechtlichen Status des Kryogutes vor allem die Entscheidungsrechte der intendierten Eltern. Weitere Problemfelder bilden die zulässigen Handlungen im Umgang mit dem Kryogut, die fehlende zeitliche Höchstlagerungsdauer, die Kinderwunschbehandlung post mortem und der Umgang mit überzähligem Kryogut. Der Autor arbeitet die rechtlichen Grundlagen der Kryokonservierung heraus. Hierbei zeigt er auf, an welchen Stellen ein gesetzlicher Regelungsbedarf besteht und unterbreitet konkrete Regelungsvorschläge.

  • af Larry R Cochard
    590,95 kr.

    "Illustrated by the world-renowned Frank H. Netter, MD and artists working in his tradition, Netter's Atlas of Human Embryology, 2nd Edition, provides a rich pictorial overview of human prenatal development. For each stage of development and for each body system, you'll find a brief description of the developmental plan, with key concepts and terminology, followed by discussions of histological principles, the classification of congenital anomalies, and basic cellular, molecular, and genetic concepts. An emphasis on morphological patterns in the embryo and fetus makes it easy to understand the structure and function of the adult body and the embryonic basis of natural variation as well as birth anomalies." --

  • af Bruce M. Carlson
    1.055,95 kr.

    Bruce Carlson¿s Human Embryology and Developmental Biology is one of the most detailed texts available for those who want to truly understand both the morphological and molecular aspects of human embryological development. Fully updated in its seventh edition, the book provides a thorough grounding in all aspects of embryology. It presents in detail the molecular and cellular basis for embryological processes, from early development through to development of body systems. It covers examples of congenital malformations and their underlying mechanisms, and comes complete with clinical vignettes and review questions to support learning. This book will suit medical and science students taking embryology courses as well as scientists and clinicians who find themselves returning to this topic throughout their careers. Clear and consistent writing style ¿ highly readable and well-focused Extensively illustrated to demystify complex topics Good selection of original photographs of congenital anomalies to assist with identification Review questions and suggested readings for further learning Series of animations of complex embryological processes to accompany the text explanations Clinical correlation boxes, vignettes and summary boxes for quick revision An enhanced eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud Many new drawings and photographs Thoroughly updated with recent research to advance understanding Expanded treatment of newly understood molecular pathways. Major updates on gametes, body axis formation, placental pathology, adipose tissue, intestinal and facial development

  • - Optimizing Performance and Outcomes
    af Markus H. M. Montag
    843,95 kr.

    Since the first successful human in-vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment in 1978, IVF has transformed from an experimental procedure to an established standard of care that is practised throughout the world. As the proven methodologies become more established, patients and practitioners expect higher live birth rates and excellent quality controls. This practical book covers every stage in the life of an IVF laboratory, from designing and planning the laboratory to training the embryologists and ongoing management and troubleshooting, providing step-by-step protocols for today's best practice. Complex and specialized procedures are described by experts in the respective fields using a common structure, which allows the reader to translate into standard operating procedures. The editors bring together a portfolio of techniques that will work in almost every laboratory, providing a foundation of good working practice for both new and experienced embryologists.

  • af Catherine Racowsky
    509,95 kr.

    "When fertilization in vitro was developed by the pioneers, Dr. Robert G. (Bob) Edwards, Miss Jean Purdy, and Dr. Patrick Steptoe, their primary focus was to obtain oocytes that could be successfully fertilized in laboratory conditions. Embryo culture and embryo selection were just secondary aims at that time. In the early 1970s, the first attempts to obtain a pregnancy after IVF were in cycles in which ovarian stimulation was performed by administration of human menopausal gonadotropins (hMG)"--

  • af John L Merritt
    138,95 kr.

    The elusive answer for the question, "When does human life begin?" is one that has not been fully resolved. This book presents a remarkable discussion for all those who would like a fresh approach to this seemingly simple question.This book reviews the status of current medical thinking as well as the history and traditions of the beginning of human life. Startling scientific evidence shows that fertilization is not the final step in creating a new life and scripture never refers to fertilization. The scriptural evidence clearly states that life is in the blood. Ultimately, an inclusive analysis reveals how the implantation of the blastocyst into the wall of the uterus-eight days after fertilization-completes the requirements for a new individual life.

  • af Sivajith P R
    88,95 kr.

  • af Aliya Goodwin
    108,95 kr.

    Acupuncture is a homemade way of dealing with various diseases, disorders and pain. Do you want avoid the use of pharmacotherapy?. If you wish to take treatments naturally through acupuncture, which is used to treat many different diseases, disorders and pain conditions, then this books is for you, where you will understand: -What acupuncture is all about and how it works-Uses of Acupuncture-Benefits of Acupuncture-What To Expect on A Visit To A Practitioner Of Acupuncture-Risks involve in acupuncture-Side Effects Of acupuncture-How To Find An Acupuncture Practitioner-Interaction With Acupuncture

  • af Nancy Dyer
    138,95 kr.

    Fun Word Ladders Grade 1-2This book help Kids Boost Reading, Vocabulary, Spelling & Phonics Skills Read text or picture clues on each rung, then change letters to create words until they reach the top or bottom. Improve decision, logic and spelling skills, learn more vocabulary.This is daily vocabulary ladders grade 1 - 2, spelling workout puzzle book for kids ages 6-7Vocabulary Builder Workbook for Kids Building Spelling Skills>For example, we play from the top of the ladder. You guess the first word. May be "FISH"?Next step you see a hint "A hand with the fingers clenched in the palm". Can you guess? It's "FIST"!Just change one letter: )

  • af Michelle Lazarus
    663,95 kr.

  • af Skala Dehlair Kalid & Hannelouise Kissow
    229,50 kr.

    INDRE ORGANERS EMBRYOLOGI!Denne koncise og korte lærebog beskriver de indre organers embryologi i en detaljegrad og på et niveau, som forventes af medicinstuderende på landets fire medicinske fakulteter i København, Aarhus, Odense og Aalborg.Udover nyrerne, reproduktionsorganerne, hjerte, lunger og mavetarmsystemets embryologi, som dækker de indre organer, indeholder bogen også indledende kapitler om kønscellernes udvikling og fertilisation, kløvning og dannelse af blastocysten – i alt 7 illustrerede kapitler – som afsluttes med overskuelige bokse, så læseren kan repetere stoffet ved eksamenslæsning.Skala Dehlair, undervisningsassistentBiomedicinsk InstitutDet Sundhedsvidenskabelige FakultetKøbenhavns UniversitetHannelouise KissowLæge, ph.d., lektorBiomedicinsk InstitutDet Sundhedsvidenskabelige FakultetKøbenhavns Universitet

  • af Linda Schönfelder
    423,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich Jura - Andere Rechtssysteme, Rechtsvergleichung, Note: 12,00, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät), Veranstaltung: Universitäre Schwerpunktbereichsprüfung, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Bioethische Diskussionen sind in Deutschland schon immer von besonderer Intensität gewesen. Das verdeutlichen sowohl die Debatten um den Schwangerschaftsabbruch als auch der Konflikt um die Embryonen- und Stammzellforschung, der in dieser Arbeit im Mittelpunkt steht. Dieses Thema hat weltweit noch nicht den Status eines ausdrücklichen Verfassungsthemas gewonnen. In den meisten Ländern wird die Problematik der Embryonen- und embryonalen Stammzellforschung im Rahmen der Verfassungsbestimmungen über die Menschenwürde und über das Recht auf Leben behandelt. In dieser Arbeit geht es vor allem um die Menschenwürde, die für die Teilnehmer der deutschen Stammzelldebatte als ¿ethikgeprägtes Konzept¿ und ¿tragendes Konstitutionsprinzip¿ des Grundgesetzes für den Schutz früher Embryonen von elementarer Bedeutung ist. Da dazu aber keine konkrete Würdeschutzregelung existiert, müssen Ableitungen aus dem abstrakten Satz des Art. 1 Abs. 1 S. 1 GG ¿Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar¿ im Wege der Verfassungsinterpretation vorgenommen werden. Es stellt sich die Frage, ob bei der Interpretation der Menschenwürdegarantie zugunsten früher Embryonen von der Rechtsvergleichung als Rationalitätskriterium Gebrauch gemacht wurde.

  • af Nadine Henke
    318,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2015 im Fachbereich Ethik, Note: 1,0, Universität Bielefeld, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Diese Arbeit untersucht Rettungsgeschwister und die damit einhergehende Embryonenselektion. Dabei teilt sich die Arbeit in zwei einzeln zu betrachtende Abschnitte auf: Der erste Abschnitt besteht aus der Frage, inwieweit die benötigte Präimplantationsdiagnostik ethisch vertretbar ist, obwohl hier potentielles Leben vernichtet und der Wert eines Menschenlebens anhand spezieller Kriterien bemessen wird. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit behandelt schließlich die ethischen Bedenken nach der Zeugung und Geburt des Rettungsgeschwisterkindes, das häufig schmerzhafte Eingriffe in Kauf nehmen muss, um seinem Geschwisterkind zu helfen.Dabei sind die Betroffenen häufig viel zu jung, um diese Entscheidung selbst zu treffen, weshalb ihre Eltern über den Körper des Rettungsgeschwisterkindes entscheiden. Fragen nach dem Recht auf Unversehrtheit des eigenen Körpers sowie nach der Instrumentalisierung eines Menschen werden hier diskutiert.Das Konzept der Rettungsgeschwister ist vielen wohl vor allem durch den Film "Beim Leben meiner Schwester" bekannt. In diesem Film ist die 15-jährige Kate an Leukämie erkrankt und befindet sich bereits im Endstadium. Dass Kate überhaupt 15 Jahre alt geworden ist, hat sie ihrer jüngeren Schwester zu verdanken, die als einzige Knochenmark-Spenderin für Kate infrage kommt. Denn Kates Eltern haben schon früh eine Entscheidung getroffen, um das Leben ihrer Tochter zu verlängern ¿ sie haben mittels der In-vitro-Fertilisation, also der Zeugung im Reagenzglas, mehrere Eizellen befruchten lassen und dann anhand der Präimplantationsdiagnostik, kurz PID genannt, den Embryo ausgewählt, der genetisch am besten zu Kate passt. Aus dem durch diesen Prozess ausgewählten Embryo entstand schließlich Kates jüngere Schwester Anna. Sie muss nun immer wieder Knochenmark, Blut und schließlich sogar eine Niere an ihre Schwester spenden. In dieser Arbeit soll nun thematisiert werden, inwieweit solche künstlich gezeugten Rettungsgeschwister ethisch zu vertreten sind.

  • af Lizzie Stark
    245,95 kr.

    Lizzie Stark takes readers on a witty, revealing and delightful journey through the natural and cultural history of the egg, exploring its deep symbolism, innumerable uses and metabolic importance in twelve dazzling specimens. From Mali to Finland, Stark looks at cultures that find the world's origins in an egg. Decorated by Ukrainians, an oracle for Greeks, the impetus behind gang wars and flown into space, the egg-whether of chickens, murres or ostriches-has taken on mythic proportions, all the while serving as a humble ingredient in fancy dishes. Stark even writes Jacques Pépin's biography through the lens of the egg dishes he served. Egg is also about Stark's fascination with this delicate ovoid-both her myriad attempts to create a perfect omelette and her fraught relationship to the ova in her body. Filled with colourful characters and fascinating morsels, Egg is a playful, informative and surprising history that guarantees you'll never take the egg for granted again.

  • af Jamie Wikenheiser
    1.418,95 kr.

    A beautifully illustrated, one-stop resource that bridges all four anatomical sciencesClinical Anatomy, Histology, Embryology and Neuroanatomy: An Integrated Textbook by Jamie Wikenheiser bridges all four anatomical sciences in one volume with clinically focused anatomical text and exceptional illustrations. The book fills a gap in the literature, serving as a one-stop resource for multiple courses and board-review preparation, and also provides an invaluable reference for professional practice. The primary goals of integrating the four sciences into one book are to enhance students' understating of the subject matter, better prepare them for national exams, and most importantly-enable them to deliver optimal care to their future patients.The introductory chapter includes clear explanations of anatomic terminology and an overview describing all systems of the body. The rest of the textbook is organized by region to better align with how most professional schools organize their curriculums, while also providing flexibility to fit alternate curriculums. Chapters on the Back, Thorax, Abdomen, Pelvis and Perineum, Lower Extremity, Upper Extremity, and Head and Neck regions are followed by multiple chapters focused on Neuroanatomy. Region-based chapters with multiple organs begin with an introduction to gross anatomy, followed by descriptions of the associated neurovasculature and lymphatic drainage. Development and the histology of organs is presented alongside the neurovasculature.Key HighlightsOver 350 surgical, nonsurgical, and developmental clinical correlates prepare readers for potential issues encountered during rotations, residency, or private practiceNearly 250 USMLE(R) Step 1 board review questions facilitate learningPlain and contrast radiographs, CTs, MRIs, and ultrasonography studies enhance understanding of normal

  • af Katharina Vestre
    208,95 kr.

    This enlightening and irresistible book for adults explains how we were made--not with the standard euphemisms told to us as children, but with vivid, exacting prose that unveils all the complex processes we never knew produced human

  • af Mohammad Al-Mahdi Al-Karagholi & Verbeka Kalatharan
    215,95 kr.

    Kompendium i Embryologi er udarbejdet til alle sundhedsfaglige studerende, der ønsker et basalt kendskab til emnet. Kompendiet tilstræber at skabe et overblik og en pædagogisk gennemgang af de vigtigste begivenheder og perioder inden for den embryonale udvikling. Kompendiet transformerer flere års undervisningserfaring til tekst, som er fordøjelig for den førstegangslæsende. Forfatterne har lagt stor fokus på at inddrage illustrative figurer, skemaer og flowcharts for at give den bedste læringsoplevelse. Til hvert kapitel knyttes et klinisk relevant afsnit, der afspejler embryologiens anvendelse og kendskab i dagligdagen.

  • af Avroy A. Fanaroff
    1.264,95 kr.

    The Year Book of Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine brings you abstracts of the articles that reported the year''s breakthrough developments in neonatal and perinatal medicine, carefully selected from more than 500 journals worldwide. Expert commentaries evaluate the clinical importance of each article and discuss its application to your practice. There''s no faster or easier way to stay informed! Chapters in this annual cover the most current information on all aspects of neonatal and perinatal medicine from genetics to labor and delivery to issues related to many key bodily systems (heart, respiratory, nervous system, etc.) of newborns. Other topics for 2004 include neurology, gastroenterology and nutrition, medical disorders of pregnancy, fetal evaluation, and neonatal behavior.

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