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  • af Amos Wesonga
    100,95 kr.

    Essay from the year 2015 in the subject Biology - Developmental Biology, Eastern Illinois University, language: English, abstract: Adolescence is the transition from childhood to adulthood. Every Child¿s social and emotional development is different. Kid's development is a product of his or her unique combination of development of the brain genes, environment, involvement with family and friends, influence from the community and culture. Mental health is vital during adolescent since it includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Also, it affects how a person thinks, feel, act, handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Adolescence involves many changes, both positive and negative. There is need to prevent the negative ones from occurring since they may cause adverse effects on one¿s life.

  • af Benaiah Mayabi
    100,95 kr.

    Polemic Paper from the year 2017 in the subject Environmental Sciences, , language: English, abstract: Currently, there is more human population than the available natural resources to sustain such rising numbers of people. The highest rates of population increase are in the developing countries which are also characterized by poverty among other social problems. It follows therefore that these countries need to move with speed to tame and regulate the surging populations because failure to do so may mean less or no survival in the few coming years. Third world countries need to come up with policies to regulate population as this would be the only way out of the problem we could be heading into because of large populations and less resources to sustain such populations. It is evident that while world populations keep on increasing, the natural resources we depend on keep on reducing which means that there is too much pressure on the environment to provide what it cannot. Biodiversity is now threatened and so is the human population because humans depend almost entirely on the environment.

  • af David A. Wise
    1.122,95 kr.

    In 1986, the National Bureau of Economic Research initiated a research project on the economics of aging under the direction of David A. Wise. The goal of the program is to further our understanding of both the determinants of the economic well-being and health of the elderly, and the consequences for the elderly and for the larger society of an increasingly older population. This third volume to result from the project contains nine essays addressing new issues, some of international scope, as well as research that continues work introduced in the previous volumes. Topics include retirement and saving for retirement; living arrangements and family support of the elderly; the aged in developing countries, including Thailand and Cote d'Ivoire; social security reform, with an analysis of the Japanese system; and the relation between the duration of nursing home stays and the source of payment for care. Each paper is accompanied by critical commentary. Robin L. Lumsdaine, James H. Stock, and David A. Wise find that although complex models are better predictors of actual retirement behavior, the most complex does not provide significantly more information. In a paper offering startling evidence likely to be of wide interest, Thomas E. MaCurdy and John B. Shoven report that the long-term rate of return on stocks is higher than that on bonds but, despite this difference in returns, fewer than twenty percent of TIAA-CREF participants choose to put more than half their retirement savings into stocks. Axel Borsch-Supan, Vassilis Hajivassiliou, Laurence J. Kotlikoff, and John N. Morris develop a model of living arrangements that promises easier implementation than past models, and confirm thatincreasing age and decreasing functional ability are the most important factors influencing the decision to enter a nursing home. Borsch-Supan, Jagadeesh Gokhale, Kotlikoff, and Morris consider the time that children spend with their parents, concluding that this time is determined primarily by demographic factors, with economic factors such as income and wealth playing an insignificant role. Using data from the Retirement History Survey, Michael D. Hurd argues that wealth, excluding housing, declines about three percent a year during retirement; average consumption expenditures also decrease by two to four percent a year, findings consistent with the life-cycle theory. Angus Deaton and Christina H. Paxson consider aging issues in less developed countries, finding that older people in Thailand and Cote d'Ivoire tend to live with younger relatives in multigenerational households and that economic status is less variable over the life cycle in these countries. The pay-as-you-go Japanese social security system is examined by Tatsuo Hatta and Noriyoshi Oguchi, as are the implications of changing from the current system to one that is actuarially fair. Alan M. Garber and Thomas E. MaCurdy explore the relation between the duration of nursing home stays and the source of payment for nursing home care. They conclude that the incentive effects of the subsidies of nursing home care may play an important role in what type of nursing home care is most often used. Finally, transitions in and out of nursing homes are considered by Edward C. Norton, who analyzes data from an experiment that tested the effects of performance-based reimbursement on the quality and cost of nursing home care.

  • af David A. Wise
    1.269,95 kr.

  • af David A. Wise
    1.183,95 kr.

    Studies in the Economics of Aging is the fourth book in a series from the National Bureau of Economic Research that addresses economic issues of aging and retirement. Building on the research in The Economics of Aging (1989), Issues in the Economics of Aging (1990), and Topics in the Economics of Aging (1992), this volume examines issues related to population aging and the health and well-being of the elderly. Chapters cover population aging and government spending, life expectancy and health, saving for retirement and the role of 401(k) plans, demographic transition and housing values, aging in Germany and Taiwan, and the utilization of nursing homes and other long-term care. Economists, policymakers, and professionals in gerontology will find this book a useful reference for understanding the demographic and economic trends that affect the elderly.

  • af David A. Wise
    755,95 kr.

  • af Erich Blechschmidt
    717,95 kr.

    In seinen Schriften griff Blechschmidt das Thema der menschlichen Embryologie unter dem Gesichtspunkt biodynamischer Stoffwechselfelder konsequent auf und beschrieb es. Seine Aufmerksamkeit gilt der Frage: Wie entsteht die menschliche Form?Blechschmidt schrieb und veröffentlichte ausschließlich in deutscher Sprache. Dies geschah größtenteils durch einen zweisprachigen deutsch-englischen Band, der von Karger ("Die Entwicklungsstufen des Menschen vor der Geburt", 1960) herausgegeben wurde, und durch eine außergewöhnliche Zusammenarbeit mit seinem Mitautor RF Gasser ("Biokinetik und Biodynamik der menschlichen Differenzierung", 1978) ), dass seine Arbeit teilweise einem international englischsprachigen Publikum zugänglich gemacht wurde. "Die Anfänge des menschlichen Lebens" (1977) wurde in erster Linie für die breite Öffentlichkeit geschrieben, ist aber nicht mehr gedruckt.Die Veröffentlichung von Brian Freemans Übersetzung von "Die Ontogenetische Basis der menschlichen Anatomie" (2004) trug zu einem wachsenden Interesse an Blechschmidts Ideen bei. Langsam begannen Osteopathen, Strukturintegratoren, Schädelpraktiker und andere Therapeuten, seine Arbeit zu schätzen.Die oben genannten Bücher bieten sowohl einen allgemeinen als auch einen umfassenden Zugang zum von Blechschmidt beschriebenen morphologischen Kosmos, sind aber derzeit leider nur teilweise verfügbar. Es gibt jedoch eine Reihe unbemerkter wissenschaftlicher Artikel, die bereits ins Englische übersetzt wurden und einen detaillierteren und tieferen, spezifischen Einblick in dieses durchdachte Universum von Form und Gestalt bieten. Das Buch, das Sie hier haben, ist eine Zusammenstellung einiger dieser einzelnen Artikel.

  • af Evelyn Franke
    428,95 kr.

    Anders leben - anders sterbenDie Themen Sterben und Tod betreffen jeden Menschen im Laufe des Lebens, auch Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung. Diese Menschen haben jedoch, je nach individueller Situation, andere Bedürfnisse im Umgang mit diesen schwierigen Themen als andere. Ihr Zugang und Wissensstand unterscheiden sich oft deutlich von denen anderer Menschen, was im Betreuungsalltag oft zu Unsicherheiten auch auf Seiten der Betreuer führt. Hier setzt dieses Buch an: Eine Einführung skizziert Todes- und Lebenskonzepte von Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung. Zentraler Bestandteil ist ein Gesprächs- und Fortbildungsprogramm für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung zu wichtigen Aspekten rund um Lebensphasen, Palliative Care, Sterben, Tod und Trauer. Der umfangreiche Praxisteil enthält methodische Hinweise und Praxistipps für Fördereinheiten zu diesen Themenkomplexen. Die 2. Auflage berücksichtigt die gesetzlichen Änderungen zur Stärkung der Hospiz- und Palliativbetreuung undgibt Hilfestellung zu den Themen Vorausverfügung, Patientenverfügung und Vorsorgevollmacht.Das Buch ermutigt Angehörige, gesetzliche Betreuer, Mitarbeitende in Einrichtungen der Behindertenhilfe und Begleiter von Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung, mit diesen offen und einfühlsam über Krankheit, Sterben und Tod zu sprechen.  Der InhaltPalliative Care in der Begleitung von Menschen mit geistiger BehinderungAnders leben - anders sterben?Das Wissen von Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung über den TodMiteinander redenGespräche im Themenkreis Palliative CareCurriculum Palliative Care für Menschen mit geistiger BehinderungDie AutorinEvelyn Franke, Dipl.-Lehrerin, Dipl.-Rehabilitationspädagogin, Ausbildung in Palliative Care, Ethikberaterin im Gesundheitswesen, seit 1980 in der Arbeit mit Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung mit unterschiedlichen Arbeitsschwerpunkten

  • af M. Rocha de Olivera Carrilho
    1.792,95 kr.

    Case reports and clinical trials conducted in various countries show, more and more frequently, a positive correlation between the presence of original teeth and prevalence of root caries in older age. Because this is a global trend, it is likely that the predicted increase in the worldwide elderly population may soon cause a significant increase in the number of people requiring effective means of preventing and treating root surface caries. In response to this development, a team of outstanding contributors has reviewed the most important aspects of root caries. This new volume presents their findings along with discussions of how to deal with this health issue that progressively affects the oral health balance. The chapters in this book are divided in four core parts: Epidemiology, Biological Determinants, Lesion Assessment and Features and Preventive and Operative Therapies. The collection of state-of-the-art articles provides a broad overview and will serve as a reference for clinicians as well as scientists and, hopefully, will encourage new research.

  • af Filip Granlie
    148,35 kr.

    Med humor og tyngde dissekerer prosaværket Originalen det sælsomme, almindelige menneske med næsetip og navle, med forplantningskløe, landvindinger og en solblind stræbsomhed. Originalen er et satirisk portræt af menneskearten. Bogen skildrer menneskets status som jordens dominerende art i en tid, hvor planeten og de øvrige arter bliver presset i stadig højere grad. Originalen er antropologi, biologi og poesi sløjfet sammen.Originalen er Filip Granlies tredje bog. Han dobbeltdebuterede i 2010 med Børnebog Eske og Fugle om digte, hvor Kamilla Löfstrøm i Information blandt andet skrev: "legende let og fuld af tyngde"– og det gælder i den grad også for Originalen.

  • - hvorfor? hvordan? - sådan!
    af Gudrun Gjesing, Lene Hummelshøj Qvist & Tine Ørskov Dall
    326,95 kr.

    Krop og læring i indskolingen - hvorfor? hvordan? - sådan! med CD Denne bog erstatter bogen Kroppens muligheder og kropumulige unger - i indskoling, fritid og derhjemme, skrevet af Gudrun Gjesing for Dafolo. Siden den bog udkom første gang i 2004 er der sket en stor udvikling i vores tilgang til børn, trivsel, læring og udvikling. Derfor har denne nye bog et meget anderledes fokus.Det er overvejende en praksisbog, der tager udgangspunkt i at gøre læring i indskolingen og i SFO aktiv og mere konkret med kroppen i spil og i bevægelse. Tankerne bag den undervisningsform er ikke noget, vi har fundet på. »Liv uden bevægelse kan være godt nok for Gulerødder og Kaalhoveder, som ikke er bedre vant«, skrev Grundtvig allerede i 1834. Vores bog er - i al beskedenhed - at omsætte hans tanker til praksis.Kapitel 1 er fyldt med praktiske eksempler på undervisningsemner inden for skolens forskellige læringsområder, herunder sociale kompetencer, idræt, naturfag, dansk og matematik. Aktiviteterne er velegnede både i klasseundervisning og i SFO, og mange af dem kan foregå i skolens uderum. Vi bruger det samme aktivitetsanalyseskema, som vi har udviklet til de andre bøger i serien. Vi beskriver hver aktivitet inden for fire områder. Først hvordan aktiviteten er, og hvordan du instruerer den. Dernæst hvilke materialer du skal bruge. Så analyserer vi, hvordan du kan graduere hver aktivitet, så alle kan være med. Til sidst hvad hver aktivitet blandt andet også stimulerer.Kapitel 2 handler i teori og praksis om at screene børns kropskompetencer. Vi har udviklet en screeningsmodel til brug i indskolingen. I den medfølgende cd viser vi i praksis, hvordan vi screener elever.Kapitel 3 handler om vores nyeste og bedste viden om børns naturlige, kulturlige og dynamiske udvikling af kropskompetencer. Derudover skriver vi om børn i belastninger i deres hverdagsliv. Så dette er en bog for pædagoger, lærere, ergoterapeuter, fysioterapeuter m.fl., samt for studerende inden for disse fagområder.Bogen er én i en serie fra Dafolo. Tidligere er udkommet Den daglige dosis i skolegården - sådan!, Gøgl i hverdagen - sådan! og Matematik i skolens uderum - sådan!. Det er bøger skrevet af Gudrun Gjesing sammen med kyndige praktikere inden for de forskellige områder, bøgerne omhandler.

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