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Modning og aldring

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  • af Louise Newson
    185,95 kr.

    The Sunday Times bestseller, 'The Definitive Guide to the Perimenopause and Menopause' by Dr Louise Newson is a comprehensive guide on the journey of women's health. Published in 2023 by Hodder & Stoughton, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the intricacies of these significant phases of a woman's life. Dr Newson, a renowned expert in the field, brilliantly navigates the reader through the myriad of changes and challenges that occur during perimenopause and menopause. This book is not just informative but empowering, enabling women to take control of their health and wellbeing. With its up-to-date research and practical advice, it has quickly become an essential resource in women's health literature. Published by Hodder & Stoughton, this book is a testament to their commitment to publishing works that inform, educate, and empower their readers.

  • - Hvordan vi genopbygger indbyrdes relationer og revolutionerer velfærdsstaten
    af Hilary Cottam
    317,95 - 387,95 kr.

    Velfærdsstaten var revolutionerende: Den løftede tusinder ud af fattigdom, gav anstændige hjem, god uddannelse og sikkerhed. Men i dag er den blevet til et omfattende og dyrt system til administrering af behov og risici. Velfærdsstaten er et industrielt system og dens institutioner og serviceydelser afspejler den æra, den blev udformet i. I dag står vi over for nye udfordringer. Global opvarmning, massemigration, demografiske forandringer, kroniske sygdomsepidemier, bekymringer for sikkerheden og voksende ulighed er problemer, som hører vor tid til, og de eksisterende systemer kan ikke håndtere og da slet ikke løse dem. Vores ressourcer er ændret. Denne bog handler om at gennemføre en radikal overgang, der opgiver det 20. århundredes besættelse af styring og administration og af at lappe folk sammen igen, når det er gået galt. I stedet skal fokus rettes mod at støtte den enkelte, familierne og lokalsamfundene i at udvikle deres egne kapabiliteter: lære, arbejde, leve sundt og tage kontakt med hinanden. Moderne velfærd er til for at kultivere sådanne kapabilitet, frem for at administrere menneskelig afhængighed. Bogen giver konkrete bud på, hvordan vi kan genforstå og re-designe velfærdsstaten til dette århundrede, ved at beskrive fem 'eksperimenter', der viser os et nyt design af familieliv, opvækst, arbejdsliv, sundhed og alderdom. Kernen i denne måde at arbejde på er menneskelige forbindelser. Radikal hjælp beskriver principperne bag tilgangen, designprocessen, som gør arbejdet muligt og udfordringerne ved overgangen. Det drejer sig om konkrete nye måder at organisere os på, der allerede har udviklet sig over hele Storbritannien. Radikal hjælp skaber en ny vision og en radikalt anderledes tilgang, der igen kan tage vare på os fra vugge til grav.

  • - Livets lyksaligheder efter de 50
    af René Foli
    176,95 - 177,95 kr.

    Livet som midaldrende mand er bestemt ikke for sarte sjæle. Udfordringer som nattepisseri, iskiassmerter, sportsskader, briller med glidende overgang og begyndende rejsningsproblemer kræver så absolut sin mand.Det må Elvis og hans tre trofaste venner, Kesse, Krølle og Bo, sande på deres rejse ind i de voksnes rækker. Heldigvis har Elvis Conny ved sin side. Med sin skarpe tunge og præcise udmeldinger er hun, som Elvis udtrykker det, den fjerde statsmagt, men også en klippefast støtte. I en tid, hvor skilsmisser er en helt naturlig løsning på forbigående kriser i forholdet, kommer vi tæt på et ægteskab, der stadig emmer af kærlighed, om end tonen til tider er kontant.En sølvrævs bekendelser er en humoristisk fortælling om kunsten at blive en midaldrende mand med værdighed, men også om at finde ro i nogle af livets store erkendelser som fx en indædt afsky for rucola, uvilje mod yoga og forundring over kvinders overdrevne brug af emojis. En bog skrevet af en mand om mænd, men i høj grad også om forholdet mellem mænd og kvinder. Forfatter René Foli, som selv er i 50’erne, tegner et kærligt billede af Elvis, som man ikke kan undgå at holde af.Om forfatterRené Foli har gennem de sidste 25 år været topleder i uddannelsesverdenen. I en hverdag bestående af strategi, budgetter, personaleledelse og kvalitetssikring, har den personlige kunstneriske nysgerrighed og skabertrang været gemt langt væk. Men med udgivelsen af denne bog springer René Foli ud af ledelsesskabet og ind i bøgernes verden.E-bogen er lavet i fixed format

  • af N. N.
    221,95 kr.

    A book for men and women from middle age to advanced years who have suddenly and unexpectedly become confronted with the huge effects that the male prostate can have on the body. It is a tale of what can happen to both men and women when the prostate transforms over time as the body changes, free of any of the minor or major taboos surrounding those involved.The book presents both a subjective and an objective account, from a female and a male perspective, of what the prostate is and of the physical, psychological and social effects that changes to the prostate can bring as one ages or reaches old age. The latest medical, psychotherapeutic and social measures available to help men with prostate issues and their partners are discussed. It also addresses the therapeutic taboos that have previously prevented us from attempting a systemic approach to the physical, psychological and social transformation that men and women undergo when they reach middle age and beyond.

  • af Jake Harwood
    1.022,95 - 2.797,95 kr.

  • af N. N.
    545,95 - 667,95 kr.

  • af Jan Brierton
    92,95 kr.

    Following the success of her lockdown collection What Day Is It? Who Gives a F*ck, Jan Brierton returns with a new collection of 52 poems that riff on menopause, midlife, the mental load, friendships, relationships, loss and self-acceptance.

  • af Elisabeth Brooke
    242,95 kr.

    Using the latest research combined with traditional herb lore, this book sets out how to stay healthy and happy into old age and beyond

  • af S. Surendran
    287,95 kr.

  • af Chau Trinh-Shevrin
    635,95 kr.

    A thorough overview of research on aging-related cognitive conditions, with helpful resources for students, clinicians, and practitioners Population science addresses health from a community-based perspective, informing our understanding of the social determinants of health in diverse populations, with the goal of increasing health equity for all. Population Science Methods and Approaches to Aging and Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias Research aims to introduce readers to population health and health equity in the context of aging-related research. With an emphasis on minoritized, limited English proficient, and low-income communities, this book covers the conditions that lead to disparities in cognitive health as we age--and how those disparities might be addressed at a community level. Each of this book's edited chapters includes learning objectives and discussion questions to facilitate active learning. Readers will gain a foundational knowledge of the population science framework, as well as a newfound compassion and an understanding of meaningful next steps toward equity. Researchers and practitioners alike will discover new directions for reducing health disparities among older people and engaging in prevention for aging-related conditions.

  • af Dr Morgan Elyse Levine
    127,95 - 178,95 kr.

  • af Enrico Borrelli
    1.489,95 kr.

    Ocular Aging: Impact on the Eye provides an integrated description of the latest research findings on aging affecting ocular structures, discussing clinical characteristics of several sight-threatening disorders with detailed descriptions of clinical features and therapeutic options. Written by experts, each chapter covers the impacts of aging on specific ocular structures and integrates this information with the most common ocular disorders that are significantly dependent on age. This unique approach makes this book an invaluable source of reference for researchers interested on the latest research findings and ophthalmologists looking for a description of clinical features and therapeutic options for several age-related disorders.

  • af Maureen N. McLane
    105,95 kr.

    'McLane is a Romantic poet out of time' Ange Mlinko'Passionate, erudite, sensuous . . . McLane probes the minutest currents of human feeling' Sarah Howe'My favourite living poet . . . [her work] bristles with life, feeling, argument' Parul SeghalThe witty, searching new collection by National Book Award finalist Maureen N. McLane, musing on the sea, ageing, love and the climate crisisIn her first book of poems since What I'm Looking For: Selected Poems 2005-2017, Maureen N. McLane offers a bravura collection of perceptive poetic meditations. What You Want is a book of landscapes, mindscapes, and shifting moods. Here are poems filled with gulls and harbours, blinking red lights and empty lobster traps, beach roses and rumoured sharks, eels and crows, wind turbines and superhighways. Sensitive, lyrical, alert to seasons and pressures on our shared life, McLane registers and gives form to an ambient unease. From Sappho to Constable, from constellations to microplastics, What You Want is a collection as alive to the cosmos as it is to our moment. This is McLane's cloudy-sky book: a voyage through lambent autumns and shining winters, in which an eye looks out on what it longs for, what it loves, and asks: will it survive the coming heat?

    424,95 kr.

    This book brings together global perspectives on the MIPAA and focusses on and assesses the success and failures of governments to implement its recommendations.

  • af Berit Lewis
    172,95 kr.

    Congratulations! You have been given about 20 more years to live than your grandparents. But does that just mean a longer decline?Berit Lewis shows that the story we so often tell ourselves about ageing - that it's all downhill from 50 - is simply wrong. In fact, research reveals we are at our happiest aged 80! Combining her extensive experience in teaching mindfulness with her knowledge of how to live and age well, she reveals a simple framework that can help you make the most out of those extra years of living. Rather than wait for society to solve the challenges of longevity, she invites us to explore what each of us can do to take responsibility for our own life and ageing process.Ageing Upwards will help you navigate life after 50 with acceptance, self-compassion and mental flexibility. It's also invaluable to leaders who wants overcome unconscious beliefs, limitations and discriminations related to age to create more diverse organizations.

  • af Jason Prall
    145,95 kr.

  • af Gary Kenyon
    182,95 kr.

    Through the lenses of three time-honored metaphors for thinking about life - life as story, life as journey, and life as adventure - William Randall and Gary Kenyon see wisdom not as an unattainable ideal nor as the sole province of experts or educators, geniuses, therapists, or saints. Rather, the see it as potentially within reach of everyone, not as a commodity but as a quality of life; as a matter of being, not of having. Insofar as everyone of us is on a journey and has (or is) a story, everyone of us has access to a type of wisdom that can be called "ordinary wisdom", and that it behooves us to explore and express. Besides being of great relevance to thoughtful older adults themselves, seeking to age as positively and wisely as they can, this book will be of particular interest to theorists, researchers, and students of the process of aging, working in a variety of disciplines and fields, including gerontology and psychology, psychotherapy and theology, philosophy and education.

  • af David W. Wood
    197,95 kr.

    Within our collective grasp dwells the remarkable possibility of the abolition of biological aging. It's a big "if", but if we decide as a species to make this project a priority, there's around a 50% chance that practical rejuvenation therapies resulting in the comprehensive reversal of aging will be widely available as early as 2040. People everywhere, on the application of these treatments, will, if they wish, stop becoming biologically older. Instead, again if they wish, they'll start to become biologically younger, in both body and mind, as rejuvenation therapies take hold. In short, everyone will have the option to become ageless. The viewpoint just described is a position the author has reached following extensive research, carried out over more than ten years. His research has led him to become a strong supporter of what can be called "the rejuveneering project": a multi-decade cross-disciplinary endeavour to engineer human rejuvenation and thereby enable the choice to abolish aging. But this viewpoint frequently encounters one of two adverse reactions. First, people say that it's not possible that such treatments are going to exist in any meaningful timescale any time soon. In other words, they insist that human rejuvenation can't be done. It's wishful thinking to suppose otherwise, they say. It's bad science. It's naively over-optimistic. It's ignorant of the long history of failures in this field. The technical challenges remain overwhelmingly difficult. Second, people say that any such treatments would be socially destructive and morally indefensible. In other words, they insist that human rejuvenation shouldn't be done. It's essentially a selfish idea, they say - an idea with all kinds of undesirable consequences for societal harmony or planetary well-being. It's an arrogant idea, from immature minds. It's an idea that deserves to be strangled. Can't; shouldn't - this books argues that both these objections are profoundly wrong. It argues instead that rejuvenation is a noble, highly desirable, eminently practical destiny for our species - a "Humanity+" destiny that could be achieved within just one human generation from now. In the author's view, the abolition of aging is set to take its place on the upward arc of human social progress, echoing developments such as the abolition of slavery, the abolition of racism, and the abolition of poverty. This is a discussion with enormous consequences. Changes in the public mood regarding the desirability of rejuveneering could trigger large reallocations of both public and private research expenditure. In turn, these reallocations are likely to have major implications in many areas of public well-being. Clearly, these decisions need to be taken wisely - with decisions being guided by a better understanding of the rich landscape of rejuveneering possibilities. Due to complexities and unknowns, no one can be sure of the outcome of this project. Despite what some rejuvenation enthusiasts may suggest, there's nothing inevitable about the pace of future medical progress. That's why the author gives the probability of success as only around 50%. Although the end outcome remains unclear, the sense of discovery is increasing. The underlying scientific context is changing rapidly. Every day brings its own fresh firehose of news of potential breakthrough medical approaches. In the midst of so much innovation, it behoves us to seek clarity on the bigger picture. To the extent that this book can provide that bigger picture, it will have met at least some of its goals. Armed with that bigger picture, readers of this book will, hopefully, be better placed to find the aspect of the overall rejuveneering project where they can make their best contributions. Together, we can tilt that 50% success probability upwards. The sooner, the better. Note: For advance feedback on this book, see https: //

  • af Harry J. Getzov
    222,95 kr.

    What if growing old didn't have to mean being obsolete or over the hill? What if, instead, it meant being classic, venerable and wise? What if it meant writing the novel you've always wanted to write, or painting, or singing, or teaching, or traveling to a place you've always dreamed of? In gOld, Harry J. Getzov introduces us to many of the extraordinary senior citizens he has interviewed from all walks of life as part of the Eldercation project he created to promote the concept of positive aging. These folks talk freely about lessons learned and wisdom gained and share their feelings about aging, demonstrating that life after 65 can, indeed, be passionate and beautiful. A precious treasure lies hidden within our older population waiting to be revealed. gOld opens the door to its revelation and suggests that it is time to change the way we think about aging and about our elder citizens.

  • af David A. Wise
    1.122,95 kr.

    In 1986, the National Bureau of Economic Research initiated a research project on the economics of aging under the direction of David A. Wise. The goal of the program is to further our understanding of both the determinants of the economic well-being and health of the elderly, and the consequences for the elderly and for the larger society of an increasingly older population. This third volume to result from the project contains nine essays addressing new issues, some of international scope, as well as research that continues work introduced in the previous volumes. Topics include retirement and saving for retirement; living arrangements and family support of the elderly; the aged in developing countries, including Thailand and Cote d'Ivoire; social security reform, with an analysis of the Japanese system; and the relation between the duration of nursing home stays and the source of payment for care. Each paper is accompanied by critical commentary. Robin L. Lumsdaine, James H. Stock, and David A. Wise find that although complex models are better predictors of actual retirement behavior, the most complex does not provide significantly more information. In a paper offering startling evidence likely to be of wide interest, Thomas E. MaCurdy and John B. Shoven report that the long-term rate of return on stocks is higher than that on bonds but, despite this difference in returns, fewer than twenty percent of TIAA-CREF participants choose to put more than half their retirement savings into stocks. Axel Borsch-Supan, Vassilis Hajivassiliou, Laurence J. Kotlikoff, and John N. Morris develop a model of living arrangements that promises easier implementation than past models, and confirm thatincreasing age and decreasing functional ability are the most important factors influencing the decision to enter a nursing home. Borsch-Supan, Jagadeesh Gokhale, Kotlikoff, and Morris consider the time that children spend with their parents, concluding that this time is determined primarily by demographic factors, with economic factors such as income and wealth playing an insignificant role. Using data from the Retirement History Survey, Michael D. Hurd argues that wealth, excluding housing, declines about three percent a year during retirement; average consumption expenditures also decrease by two to four percent a year, findings consistent with the life-cycle theory. Angus Deaton and Christina H. Paxson consider aging issues in less developed countries, finding that older people in Thailand and Cote d'Ivoire tend to live with younger relatives in multigenerational households and that economic status is less variable over the life cycle in these countries. The pay-as-you-go Japanese social security system is examined by Tatsuo Hatta and Noriyoshi Oguchi, as are the implications of changing from the current system to one that is actuarially fair. Alan M. Garber and Thomas E. MaCurdy explore the relation between the duration of nursing home stays and the source of payment for nursing home care. They conclude that the incentive effects of the subsidies of nursing home care may play an important role in what type of nursing home care is most often used. Finally, transitions in and out of nursing homes are considered by Edward C. Norton, who analyzes data from an experiment that tested the effects of performance-based reimbursement on the quality and cost of nursing home care.

  • af David A. Wise
    1.269,95 kr.

  • af David A. Wise
    1.183,95 kr.

    Studies in the Economics of Aging is the fourth book in a series from the National Bureau of Economic Research that addresses economic issues of aging and retirement. Building on the research in The Economics of Aging (1989), Issues in the Economics of Aging (1990), and Topics in the Economics of Aging (1992), this volume examines issues related to population aging and the health and well-being of the elderly. Chapters cover population aging and government spending, life expectancy and health, saving for retirement and the role of 401(k) plans, demographic transition and housing values, aging in Germany and Taiwan, and the utilization of nursing homes and other long-term care. Economists, policymakers, and professionals in gerontology will find this book a useful reference for understanding the demographic and economic trends that affect the elderly.

  • af David A. Wise
    755,95 kr.

  • af M. Rocha de Olivera Carrilho
    1.792,95 kr.

    Case reports and clinical trials conducted in various countries show, more and more frequently, a positive correlation between the presence of original teeth and prevalence of root caries in older age. Because this is a global trend, it is likely that the predicted increase in the worldwide elderly population may soon cause a significant increase in the number of people requiring effective means of preventing and treating root surface caries. In response to this development, a team of outstanding contributors has reviewed the most important aspects of root caries. This new volume presents their findings along with discussions of how to deal with this health issue that progressively affects the oral health balance. The chapters in this book are divided in four core parts: Epidemiology, Biological Determinants, Lesion Assessment and Features and Preventive and Operative Therapies. The collection of state-of-the-art articles provides a broad overview and will serve as a reference for clinicians as well as scientists and, hopefully, will encourage new research.

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