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Med høj feber og knuder over hele kroppen bliver to mænd indlagt på Hvidovre Hospital i maj 1981. Ingen ved, hvad der har ramt det unge par, og mens lægerne famler i blinde, får stadigt flere unge mænd samme symptomer. Snart begynder de at dø.I 1981 ramte aids Danmark. Sygdommen kaldes i begyndelsen ”bøssekræft”, men i 1983 står det klart, at aids bliver forårsaget af det smitsomme hiv-virus. De følgende år bliver sex livsfarligt, og 1970’ernes fri kærlighed erstattes med frygt, mistænksomhed og kondomer. Aids og død kommer til at præge sex og kærlighed i de 15 år, der går, før der kommer en behandling, som ændrer sygdommen fra dødelig til kronisk.Aids-krisens Danmarkshistorie er historien om bøsserne, der skulle finde sig selv, mens de begravede deres venner og kærester og selv blev syge. Det er historien om bløderne, som i meget store procenttal blev smittet med aids. Det er historien om sexarbejderne og stofbrugerne, hvis barske liv blev om muligt hårdere. Men det er også historien om aktivisme, sammenhold og håb. Om sexpositive og frække oplysningskampagner, der forargede mange, men også lærte en hel generation at bruge kondom og tale om sikker sex.
Cytomegalovirus er den franske fotograf og forfatter Hervé Guiberts bidende og forpinte dagbog fra en indlæggelse på et parisisk hospital i 1991. På et tidspunkt, hvor han er ved at miste synet og bliver bevidst om sin forestående død, bliver dagbogen et stærkt vidnesbyrd om, hvordan hverdagen med en terminal sygdom opleves med al dens smerte, frygt og øjeblikke af fryd og klarsyn. Hvordan opretholder man sin værdighed, når kroppen sætter ud? Guibert insisterer på at være mere end patient i mødet med de forskellige plejere og nægter at gå til operationsstuen i hospitalets kittel. Cytomegalovirus er et vigtigt dokument fra aids-epidemiens historie og en rørende og original læseoplevelse.Hervé Guibert (1955-1991) var fotograf, journalist og forfatter. Han var hiv-smittet og døde som 36-årig efter et selvmordsforsøg. Han efterlod sig mere end tredive værker. På dansk er tidligere udkommet Til den ven der ikke reddede mit liv (1993) og Vild med Vincent (2023).Bogen har efterord af C.Y. Frostholm.
Vinder af Prix Première PlumeVinder af Prix WeplerLonglistet til Prix du roman FnacLonglistet til Prix DécembreSovende børn er en sand historie. Et indlevende vidnesbyrd om aids-epidemien i 80’ernes Frankrig. En familietragedie. Og et eklatant spændende indblik i forskning som prestigefyldt kapløb, dengang hiv-virussen skulle kortlægges.Désiré vokser op i en slagterfamilie i Sydfrankrig. Da han i starten af 80'erne smittes med hiv via en heroinkanyle, står såvel familie som samfund magtesløse over for den altfortærende sygdoms hærgen.Fyrre år efter sin onkel Désirés død beslutter Anthony Passeron sig for at genåbne det gamle familiesår. Han har et ønske om at forstå sin onkels ensomhed og den påførte skam i en tid, hvor smittede blev behandlet som pariaer, og troen på en kur var ikke-eksisterende.Men det, der åbenbarer sig, er mere end blot en familiehistorie. Det er også en afslørende undersøgelse af den udbredte brug af hårde stoffer i 80’ernes Sydfrankrig, hvor unge misbrugere lå som sovende børn, bedøvede på gaden. Det er historien om det intense forskningskapløb for at finde en kur og det anspændte forhold mellem det franske hold af læger, der var de første til at opdage hiv, og de amerikanske forskere, der var overbevist om, at franskmændene tog fejl.Sovende børn er en roman til pandemiens tidsalder. Et rørende portræt af ofrene, heltene og de magtesløse i et mørkt kapitel i Frankrigs og verdens historie, hvor virussens natur var en gåde for alle.
Led by black women living in the UK, this pivotal book commemorates 40 years of the African community's resilience, strength, and leadership in the HIV response. The work stands as a testament to the often overlooked contribution of Africans living with HIV in the UK, providing a voice and celebration of their journey through this epidemic.In the UK, despite considerable data on Africans affected by HIV, their lived experiences and contributions remained largely undocumented. Addressing this void, a steering group of African women-recognised HIV activists-sought to capture these essential narratives. Their aim was to compile 40 stories, marking the 40th anniversary of HIV. Through regular meetings and interviews, they gathered personal stories, poetry, and evocative photographs. The resulting book is more than a collection; it's a testament to an often-unseen community's resilience and impact in the HIV journey.This book offers a rare and intimate perspective into the African community's experiences with HIV in the UK. Purchase a copy to support the voices that have been resilient through time and demand to be heard.
Til den ven jeg aldrig har kendt, der er tilegnet den franske forfatter og fotograf Hervé Guibert, er både en roman, et alternativt kunstnerportræt og en øm og kritisk selvransagelse. I parallelle spor udforskes emner som venskab og kønsidentitet, det økologiske kollaps, invasive arter, kærlighed, ensomhed og livet med litteraturen, samt fortællingen om den romerske kejser Hadrian og hans unge elsker Antinoos.
I vaccini mRNA COVID-19 stanno inducendo un'immunosoppressione temporanea di breve durata che consente al citomegalovirus (CMV) di riattivarsi in alcune persone. Questa riattivazione del citomegalovirus può causare miocardite e sindrome di Guillain-Barré e una miriade di altri disturbi. Il citomegalovirus è altamente ubiquitario in natura e comune nelle persone di tutte le età e fa parte di una famiglia di herpesvirus che causano la varicella e la mononucleosi negli adolescenti. Dopo l'infezione, il CMV rimane dormiente nel corpo della maggior parte degli esseri umani per tutta la vita, ma può riattivarsi durante la soppressione immunitaria. Una ridotta suscettibilità al CMV negli uomini di età superiore ai 45 anni potrebbe essere la ragione per cui si verificano rari casi di miocardite nei giovani che hanno assunto il vaccino a mRNA. La suscettibilità al CMV aumenta tra i 16 ei 45 anni. Trattamenti, farmaci e persino vaccini possono sopprimere temporaneamente il sistema immunitario e causare la riattivazione del CMV. Questo dovrebbe essere considerato come una possibile causa di casi di miocardite e Guillain-Barré in coloro che hanno assunto il vaccino mRNA COVID-19.
Drawing on international perspectives and research, this book explores the experiences of sex and sexuality in individuals and groups living with HIV in later life (50+).
Szczepionki mRNA COVID-19 mog¿ wywo¿ywä krótkotrwä¿ tymczasow¿ immunosupresj¿, umo¿liwiaj¿c reaktywacj¿ wirusa cytomegalii (CMV) u niektórych osób w bardzo rzadkich przypadkach. Ta reaktywacja wirusa cytomegalii mo¿e w rzadkich przypadkach powodowä zapalenie mi¿¿nia sercowego i zespó¿ Guillain-Barré oraz wiele innych dolegliwo¿ci. Wirus cytomegalii jest wysoce wszechobecny w przyrodzie i powszechny u osób w kädym wieku i nale¿y do rodziny wirusów opryszczki, które powoduj¿ osp¿ wietrzn¿ i mononukleoz¿ u nastolatków. Po zakäeniu CMV pozostaje u¿piony w organizmie wi¿kszo¿ci ludzi przez cäe ¿ycie, ale mo¿e zostä reaktywowany podczas supresji immunologicznej. Zmniejszaj¿ca si¿ podatno¿¿ na CMV u m¿¿czyzn w wieku powy¿ej 45 lat mo¿e by¿ przyczyn¿ rzadkich przypadków zapalenia mi¿¿nia sercowego u m¿odszych osób, które przyj¿¿y szczepionk¿ mRNA. Podatno¿¿ na CMV wzrasta w wieku od 16 do 45 lat. Leczenie, leki, a nawet szczepionki mog¿ tymczasowo t¿umi¿ uk¿ad odporno¿ciowy i powodowä reaktywacj¿ CMV. Jest to jednak bardzo rzadkie, ale nale¿y je rozwäy¿ jako mo¿liw¿ przyczyn¿ rzadkich przypadków zapalenia mi¿¿nia sercowego i Guillain-Barré u osób, które przyj¿¿y szczepionk¿ mRNA COVID-19.
Dominik Mattes examines the implementation of antiretroviral HIV-treatment (ART) in Tanzania, exploring the manifold infrastructural and social fragilities of treatment provision in public HIV clinics as well as patients' multi-layered struggles of coming to terms with ART in their everyday lives.
"Candace Pert stood at the dawn of three revolutions: the women's movement, integrative health, and psychopharmacology. A scientific prodigy, she was 30 years ahead of her time, preaching a holistic, interdisciplinary approach to healthcare and medicine long before yoga hit the mainstream and 'wellness' took root in our vernacular. Her bestselling book Molecules of Emotion made her the mother of the Mind/ Body Revolution, launching a paradigm shift in medicine. Deepak Chopra credits her with creating his career, and he said as much in his eulogy at her funeral. Candace began her career as an unbridled maverick. In 1972, as a 26-year-old graduate student at Johns Hopkins, she discovered the opiate receptor, revolutionizing her field and enabling pharmacologists to design new classifications of drugs from Prozac to Viagra to Percocet and OxyContin. The tragic irony of her breakthrough, touted as the first step to end heroin addiction, is that it helped spawn a virulent epidemic of drug dependence. Facing the largest public health crisis of the 21st century, Candace was incensed that the Hippocratic oath-'first, do no harm'-would succumb to greed, and as witness to this abuse of power, she was one of few scientists courageous enough to protest. Later, as Chief of Brain Biochemistry at the National Institutes of Health, Candace created Peptide T, the non-toxic treatment for HIV featured in Dallas Buyers Club. As the AIDS pandemic raged, triggering panic across Reagan-era America, the U.S. government poured massive amounts of money into finding a cure, sparking a battle among scientists for funding and power. Bested by rivals with competing drugs yet desperate to help, Candace went rogue, becoming a lynchpin in the black market for Peptide T. After a scandalous departure from her tenured position at the NIH, Candace launched a series of private companies with Michael Ruff, her second husband and collaborator. Naèive to the world of business, she was manipulated by investors keen to wrest control of her discoveries. But Candace too became tainted, believing that her noble ends would justify devious means. Like a mythic hero, she succumbed to a fatal flaw, and her greatest strengths-singularity of purpose and blind faith in her own virtuosity-would prove to be her undoing"--
""Farber [is] a lucid and courageous witness to the power-play behind the first 'scamdemic,' . . . [Her] work is journalism at its best-solid, lucid, and humane, attacking wrongs that few dare touch, and thereby helping right them." -Mark Crispin Miller, bestselling author and professor of media studies at NYU On April 23, 1984, in a packed press conference room in Washington, DC, the secretary of health and human services declared, "The probable cause of AIDS has been found." By the next day, "probable" had fallen away, and the novel retrovirus later named HIV became forever lodged in global consciousness as "the AIDS virus." Celia Farber, then an intrepid young reporter for SPIN magazine, was the only journalist to question the official narrative and dig into the science of AIDS. She reported on the "evidence" that was being continually cited and repeated by health officials and the press, the deadliness of AZT, and Dr. Fauci's trials on children, infants, and pregnant mothers. Throughout, Faber's reportage was largely ignored. She was maligned, maliciously attacked, and ultimately canceled. Now, forty years after her original reporting, Farber's Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS is reissued with a new foreword by Mark Crispin Miller, shining much-needed light on her groundbreaking work once again. More relevant than ever, this book serves as an essential foundation to understanding its catastrophic sequel: COVID-19. Serious Adverse Events makes clear that the tactics employed at the height of HIV/AIDS-the fearmongering, cancel culture, and "woke" takeover of science, medicine, and journalism-persist today. The response to COVID-19 isn't new: it is a well-trod and dangerous path in the social landscape. "Groundbreaking work."-Bob Guccione, Jr., founder of SPIN magazine"
Four decades after And the Band Played On created an image of the AIDS epidemic that has survived in the public consciousness to this very day, mathematician Rebecca Culshaw is sounding the alarm that everything that iconic book told us about AIDS is demonstrably wrong. And that mistaken understanding of AIDS and its cause has the potential to affect all of us, not just certain so-called risk groups. In The Real AIDS Epidemic, Rebecca Culshaw describes her slow uncovering of these reasons over her years researching HIV for her work constructing mathematical models of its interaction with the immune system. It is rare that a researcher, having studied HIV, ever expresses any doubt in the paradigm, and an even rarer event still when she abandons the field altogether. Culshaw's book, updated from its original edition, which was titled Science Sold Out, is one of the great insider-turned-whistleblower stories of our time. The Real AIDS Epidemic focuses on the politics of the changing definition of AIDS and the flaws in all HIV testing. In a much broader sense, it explains how the current, government-based structure of scientific research has corrupted science as the search for truth. It offers not only scientific reasons for HIV/AIDS being untenable, but also sociological explanations as to how the theory was accepted by the media and the world so quickly. In particular, this book offers a scathing criticism of the outrageous discriminatory measures that have been leveled at HIV-positives from the inception. She also warns that the toxic drugs being foisted on the Black and gay communities constitute one of the worst medical violations of human rights since the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment. The compelling case she makes that the AIDS establishment has led us into a biomedical disaster through incompetence, fraud, and deceit will have many readers throwing their hands up and feeling helpless and hopeless. But she does something no other book that is critical about HIV and AIDS has done. She suggests a series of strategic actions the scientific community, Congress, the media, and the public can take to undo the damage that the powerful AIDS establishment has done since the epidemic began in 1981.
"A galvanizing look at life on the margins of society by a crowning figure of Latin America's queer counterculture who celebrated "melodrama, kitsch, extravagance, and vulgarity of all kinds" (Garth Greenwell) in playful, performative, linguistically inventive essays, now available in English for the first time"--
Dispatches from the AIDS Pandemic is a unique firsthand account of the AIDS pandemic from three public health authorities who galvanized the AIDS pandemic response in the United States and abroad.
Drawing on international perspectives and research, this book explores the experiences of sex and sexuality in individuals and groups living with HIV in later life (50+).
Since 2004, the U.S. government has supported the global response to HIV/AIDS through the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). The Republic of Rwanda, a PEPFAR partner country since the initiative began, has made gains in its HIV response, including increased access to and coverage of antiretroviral therapy and decreased HIV prevalence. However, a persistent shortage in human resources for health (HRH) affects the health of people living with HIV and the entire Rwandan population. Recognizing HRH capabilities as a foundational challenge for the health system and the response to HIV, the Government of Rwanda worked with PEPFAR and other partners to develop a program to strengthen institutional capacity in health professional education and thereby increase the production of high-quality health workers. The Program was fully managed by the Government of Rwanda and was designed to run from 2011 through 2019. PEPFAR initiated funding in 2012. In 2015, PEPFAR adopted a new strategy focused on high-burden geographic areas and key populations, resulting in a reconfiguration of its HIV portfolio in Rwanda and a decision to cease funding the Program, which was determined no longer core to its programming strategy. The last disbursement for the Program from PEPFAR was in 2017. Evaluation of PEPFAR's Contribution (2012-2017) to Rwanda's Human Resources for Health Program describes PEPFAR-supported HRH activities in Rwanda in relation to programmatic priorities, outputs, and outcomes and examines, to the extent feasible, the impact on HRH and HIV-related outcomes. The HRH Program more than tripled the country's physician specialist workforce and produced major increases in the numbers and qualifications of nurses and midwives. Partnerships between U.S. institutions and the University of Rwanda introduced new programs, upgraded curricula, and improved the quality of teaching and training for health professionals. Growing the number, skills, and competencies of health workers contributed to direct and indirect improvements in the quality of HIV care. Based on the successes and challenges of the HRH program, the report recommends that future investments in health professional education be designed within a more comprehensive approach to human resources for health and institutional capacity building, which would strengthen the health system to meet both HIV-specific and more general health needs. The recommendations offer an aspirational framework to reimagine how partnerships are formed, how investments are made, and how the effects of those investments are documented.
This book explores the various psychosocial, sociocultural, and contextual factors that affect the sexual health of Black students who attend Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), and how this environment can help develop strategies to improve sexual health outcomes for its students.The college environment provides young people with a new sense of independence, self-determination, and peer pressure to engage in risky sexual behaviors, and research has shown that Black students at HBCUs bear a disproportionate burden of poorer sexual health outcomes than students at predominately white institutions (PWIs). Uniquely focusing on the sexual milieu of Black students, Hall-Byers explains why a better understanding of these settings is needed to guide successful interventions that benefit and support the sexual health of Black students. Chapters compare data and research on sexual health outcomes of young Black men and women in comparison to those at predominately white institutions, as well as looking at the role of HBCU campus contexts and cultures, the potential psychosocial and sociocultural influences, what culturally responsive approaches may look like, and recommendations on how HBCU campuses can increase positive sexual health, such as through access, collaborative efforts among administrative offices, and reallocating resources.Sexual Health and Black College Students aims to advance the translation of culturally grounded research into effective practice and is essential reading for researchers and practitioners in sex therapy, public health, and social science as well as for college health staff, including nurses, student affairs, and campus wellness centers.
This book presents the history of HIV/AIDS in China, which over the last three decades has been a gripping tale of exclusion and fear, and then, by turns, involuntary tragedy, cautious experimentation, and finally vigorous response. It discusses the occurrence, development, and epidemic studies and also introduces China's policies and measures to conquer this epidemic, offering readers valuable insights into China's approach to prevention in this field.
Neuropsychiatric Complications of HIV: A Challenging Health Concern examines these neuropsychiatric complications prevalent in those who are HIV positive, providing clinical correlation, translational significance, and details guides to neurocognitive assessment, brain imaging, and related neuropharmacology. Written for clinicians, researchers, and students working with HIV and AIDS, the book begins with the biology of HIV, a complete look at available ARTs and antibodies, as well as diagnostics tools for HIV.It continues on to the epidemiology of NeuroAIDs and the manifestations of it-cognitive deficits, dementia, depression, agitation, psychosis, and cognitive slowing.
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