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  • af Kim Ruff-Moore
    255,95 kr.

    The story of my family's battle with cancer was at one time a heavy burden I carried. My mother, grandmother, and aunt all fell victim to this dreadful disease called cancer. Breast and ovarian cancer to be exact and they leave behind a legacy of uncertainty. According to science, I am at a higher risk of facing the same fate. The numbers don't lie, painting a grim picture of my future. Yet, I refuse to let statistics define my destiny. Instead, I cling to hope and faith, believing in something greater than the odds stacked against me. I find comfort in the words of Jeremiah 29:11, trusting in God's plan for my life and holding onto the promise of a brighter tomorrow.I turn to God as my source of healing and strength. I know that true healing can only come from Him.

  • af Michel Tibayrenc
    1.675,95 kr.

    Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases, Second Edition, discusses the constantly evolving field of infectious diseases and their continued impact on the health of populations, especially in resource-limited areas of the world. Students in public health, biomedical professionals, clinicians, public health practitioners, and decisions-makers will find valuable information in this book that is relevant to the control and prevention of neglected and emerging worldwide diseases that are a major cause of global morbidity, disability, and mortality. Although substantial gains have been made in public health interventions for the treatment, prevention, and control of infectious diseases during the last century, in recent decades the world has witnessed a worldwide human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) pandemic, increasing antimicrobial resistance, and the emergence of many new bacterial, fungal, parasitic, and viral pathogens. The economic, social, and political burden of infectious diseases is most evident in developing countries which must confront the dual burden of death and disability due to infectious and chronic illnesses. Takes an integrated approach to infectious diseases Includes contributions from leading authorities Provides the latest developments in the field of infectious disease

  • af Hans C. Bayer
    343,95 kr.

    Have you ever given any attention to the role that nature can play in the battle against cancer? This book will challenge your way of thinking as it delves into the interesting world of vitamin B17 and apricot kernels. Learn about cancer therapy approaches that aren't traditional to broaden your treatment options. Do not pass up the opportunity to participate in this interesting voyage through history, theory, case studies, and dispute. The most essential thing you can do is educate yourself about the progression of cancer treatment and give yourself the tools to make educated choices about your health. For those of you who are just starting off, this book is for you. Anyone who is willing to take advantage of the opportunities, knowledge, and hope that we provide can do so.

  • af Louise Bangsgaard Antonsen & Joy Christina Hult Mikkelsen
    208,95 kr.

    GUIDE TIL KOORDINERING OG UDFØRELSE AF INTRAVENØS HJEMMEBEHANDLINGMed HÅNDBOG I SYGEPLEJE: INTRAVENØS HJEMMEBEHANDLING får du en grundig og praksisnær indføring i den komplekse opgave, det er at yde sygepleje til patienter, som får intravenøs behandling i hjemmet. Bogen indeholder blandt andet kapitler om intravenøse adgange, organisering af kort- og langvarig intravenøs hjemmebehandling, patientundervisning, lukkede systemer og utensilier, intravenøs behandling af børn og unge samt ledelse af intravenøs hjemmebehandling.Patienter, som behandles intravenøst i hjemmet, kan modtage både bl.a. antibiotika, parenteral ernæring og væske- og kemoterapi. Sygeplejerskens opgaver er derfor mangesidige og må udføres i et tværsektorielt samarbejde mellem hospitaler, ambulatorier, primærsektor, apoteker og eventuelle leverandører. Undervisning af patienter og pårørende i håndtering af intravenøs medicin tager udgangspunkt i sundhedspædagogiske principper og metoder, som også introduceres. Hjemmesygeplejersken har en vigtig rolle ved intravenøs hjemmebehandling, og denne bogguider i de sygeplejefaglige overvejelser og opgaver, der er relevante i patientens egen bolig.

  • af Anthea Peries
    138,95 kr.

    Caring For A Loved One With Cancer & Chemotherapy Treatment: An Easy Guide for CaregiversAs a caregiver, you help your loved one through chemotherapy.This treatment can be physically and emotionally draining, making it difficult to care for your loved one and yourself.This book will help you effectively and gracefully follow this path.Get this book now.

  • af Savio P. Clemente
    388,95 kr.

  • af Colleen Hofstadter Hlavac
    93,95 kr.

    Will she have the strength to persevere? Ivy Wells is the happiest she has ever been in her life.Having recently graduated from the University of Maine, her wedding to the man of her dreams is just five months away.>Find out in the Young Adult Fiction Novelette, I Don't!

  • af Roger Lines
    133,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Gruber
    173,95 kr.

    Finding the way forward after a diagnosis of GlioblastomaA must-read guide for you and your loved ones on this journeyGlioblastoma. The word is intimidating, scary, confusing, and instantly will make you feel helpless. Multiple doctor appointments, strange medical terms, difficult decisions, confusing terminology, and confusing technology all combine to frighten you and make you wonder how you'll ever navigate this impossible new world and still feel like you're doing everything possible for your own health or the health of your loved one. This book is designed to clear the fog of Glioblastoma. To help you as the patient and your loved ones understand the diagnosis in plain, comfortable language. To help understand the pluses and minuses of the treatment options. To help make sense of all the testing. To help you understand what to expect at important junctions during treatment. To give you the information you need to make crucial decisions about your care. In this book, Dr. Gruber uses his fifteen-plus years of knowledge, experience, and training as a Board - Certified Neurosurgeon to guide and shepherd Glioblastoma patients and their loved ones through this difficult diagnosis.

  • af Rosamund Dean
    166,95 kr.

    The complete guide to what to expect when you're expecting the worst.

  • af Atta Ur Rehman
    873,95 kr.

    Frontiers in Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery is a book series devoted to publishing the latest advances in anti-cancer drug design and discovery. In each volume, eminent scientists contribute reviews relevant to all areas of rational drug design and drug discovery including medicinal chemistry, in-silico drug design, combinatorial chemistry, high-throughput screening, drug targets, recent important patents, and structure-activity relationships. The book series should prove to be of interest to all pharmaceutical scientists involved in research in anti-cancer drug design and discovery. The book series is essential reading to all scientists involved in drug design and discovery who wish to keep abreast of rapid and important developments in the field. The eleventh volume of the series focuses on reviews on targeted therapies and drug delivery systems. This volume covers the following topics: - PI3K/Akt/mTOR Pathway in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Targeted Therapies - Polymeric Nanomedicines in Treatment of Breast Cancer: Review of Contemporary Research - Treatment of Lung Cancer in the New Era - Oral Administration of Cancer Chemotherapeutics Exploiting Self-Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System: Recent Progress and Application - Targeting Approaches for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer

  • af Vincent T. DeVita
    3.008,95 kr.

    Selected as a Doody’s Core Title for 2023! The standard-setting text in oncology for 40 years, DeVita, Hellman and Rosenberg’s Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology, 12th Edition, provides authoritative guidance and strategies for managing every type of cancer by stage and presentation. Drs. Vincent T. DeVita, Jr., Theodore S. Lawrence, and Steven A. Rosenberg oversee an outstanding team of expert contributing authors who keep you up to date and fully informed in this fast-changing field. This award-winning reference is also continually updated on Health Library and VitalSource platforms for the life of the edition.

  • af Saif Ul Islam
    1.316,95 kr.

    Infectious Diseases: Smart Study Guide for Medical Students, Residents, Physicians and Clinical Pharmacists attempts to consolidate knowledge and information into a step-by-step process that would be easy to understand, remember, and apply in a clinical setting. High-yield information presented in this book is necessary for medical students and residents. This book has provided information for all disciplines working in infectious diseases, whether students, residents, physicians, pharmacists, or nurses. The book is organized for quick and easy to retrieve information for all professionals.

  • af Thelma Lansberry
    236,95 - 357,95 kr.

  • af Affan T. Shaikh
    1.098,95 kr.

    Modernizing Global Health Security to Prevent, Detect, and Respond explores-through thoughtful, thorough, and diverse scientific review and analyses-factors that have led to recent public health emergencies and offers a vision for a better protected global environment. The authors consider the history of global health security, governance, and legal structures with an eye toward novel approaches for the present and future. The book presents a vision for a more protected and safer global public health future (with the actions needed to achieve it) to prevent, detect, and respond to (re)emerging threats. Its aim is to chart a way forward with the understanding that future pandemics must and can be prevented. Major topics examined from a public health perspective include global health security; the growing concept of One Health; epidemic and pandemic prevention, detection, and response; reviews of past (e.g., Ebola, MERS-CoV, Zika, and COVID-19) public health emergencies of international concern; roles of information and communication technology; humanmade public health threats; and legal and ethical issues (e.g., viral sovereignty, trust, and transparency). Modernizing Global Health Security to Prevent, Detect, and Respond provides the academic substance and quality for researchers and practitioners to deeply understand the why of health emergencies, and most importantly-what we can and should do now to prepare.

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