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Her finder du spændende bøger om Immunologi. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 490 bøger om emnet.
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  • af Tim Spector
    126,95 - 166,95 kr.

  • af Ralf Agger, Graham Leslie, Bent Aasted & mfl.
    611,95 kr.

    Denne lærebog i immunologi henvender sig til universitetsstuderende i biologiske discipliner, især lægestuderende, tand- og dyrlægestuderende, biokemikere og biologer. Første halvdel af bogen gennemgår den basale immunologi, herunder et stort afsnit om medfødt immunitet, medens anden halvdel beskriver klinisk immunologiske forhold såsom infektions-immunologi, allergi, autoimmune sygdomme, transplantation, transfusion, tumor-immunologi, blodtypeserologi og medfødte immun-deficiente tilstande. Bogen er rigt illustreret.

  • af Christian Kanstrup Holm
    448,95 kr.

    IMMUNOLGI 2. udgaveImmunologi er fagets autoritative standardværk, og nu foreligger det i denne gennemreviderede 2. udgave.Bogen dækker den basale immunologi og fokuserer på de immunologiske komponenter og mekanismer, der er særligt vigtige for sygdom. Til 2. udgaven er bogen opdateret med 6 nye kapitler, som adresserer immunologien i centrale organer, herunder centralnervesystemet, fordøjelseskanalen, luftvejene og huden, for at afdække og forstå årsag og patogenesen. Desuden er tilføjet kapitler om hukommelse, autoimmunitet og transfusionsimmunologi.Immunologi 2. udgave er fuldt pensumdækkende for faget immunologi ved landets medicinske fakulteter, men er også relevant for andre sundhedsfaglige grupper, såsom tandlæger, dyrlæger og sygeplejersker.Christian Kanstrup Holm er lektor, ph.d., cand.scient på Institut for Biomedicin ved Aarhus Universitet.

  • - Helt uden mælk og gluten
    af Karina Villumsen
    168,95 kr.

    Vafler til morgenmad, frokost, aftensmad og dessert? Det er lettere, end man kan forestille sig. I dag kan man få vaffelforme til ovnen. Det gør vaffelbagning meget nemmere og med mindre rengøring og ventetid.Alle opskrifterne i denne bog er mælkefri og glutenfri.Gør det let for dig selv, når du er på en glutenfri og mælkefri diæt. Opskrifterne kan også laves uden æg.Velbekomme!Bogen indeholder 32 opskrifter på vafler med flotte farvefotos og nemme løsninger.

  • - Hvordan allergi opstår, hvordan behandling sker, og hvad du selv kan gøre!
    af Ole Larsen & Torben Frank Andersen
    287,95 kr.

    ”Min videnskabelige nysgerrighed er i den grad pirret! Både min datter, flere andre familiemedlemmer og venner har prøvet det med gode resultater. Alle store nye opdagelser udfordrer vores menneskelige intellekt og skepsis. Metoden, som er beskrevet her, er en klar kandidat til en større videnskabelig undersøgelse. Det ville være fantastisk, hvis vi står over for et gennembrud i forståelsen af allergi – og samtidig en enkel og effektiv behandlingsmetode til at fjerne allergien.” Jan Utzon, Speciallæge i Samfunds- og Miljømedicin”Torben Frank Andersen og Ole Larsen har skrevet en meget udførlig bog om allergi, der i den grad inddrager et helhedsperspektiv, som allergibehandling har brug for. WHO har forudsagt, at 70 % af alle sygdomme i 2020 vil være stressrelaterede. Bogen illustrerer på udmærket vis sammenhængen mellem stress, allergi og sygdom. At allergi er psykosomatisk/en programmeringsfejl, er helt i tråd med, hvordan vi forstår hjernens tolkning af sensoriske inputs fra omgivelserne – og endnu et spændende perspektiv på chok/traume-behandling. Jeg hilser bogen velkommen og håber, at mange flere vil tage det forebyggende og helhedsorienterede perspektiv til sig.” Jesper Peter Rasmussen, Stressambassadøren og Københavns Gestalt Institut

  • - En selvhjælpsbog
    af Karina Villumsen
    178,95 kr.

    En dysbiose er en overvægt af skadelige mikroorganismer, svampe og sygdomsfremkaldende bakterier, hvor svampe, bakterier eller parasitter har svært ved at indgå i det harmoniske fællesskab, der findes i kroppen. Det kan ødelægge tarmfloraen og forårsage inflammation, øget tarmgennemtrængelighed og medvirke til udviklingen at fødevareallergier, fødevareintolerancer og sensitivitet over for fødevarer.Bogen giver en god indsigt i, hvordan du kan bringe kroppen i balance, på et sprog, som er let at forstå med mange gode forklaringer og lækre opskrifter.

  • af Jesper Brandt Andersen
    98,95 kr.

    Ifølge Astma-Allergi Danmark har hver femte dansker allergi. Mange mennesker lever hver dag med gener og belastninger, som kan forringe livskvaliteten. Flere er ramt af gentagen nysen, eksem, kløe, tilstoppet næse, tør hud etc. Allergi er en overreaktion i immunsystemet på ellers normalt uskadelige stoffer, og både voksne og børn rammes af sygdommen. Med en så stor gruppe af mennesker, der er berørt af allergi, er det kun naturligt, at myter om sygdommen florerer. Derfor laver vi nu bogen 100 myter om allergi for at finde hoved og hale i de ofte modstridende udsagn om sygdommen. Myterne er f.eks.: OPVÆKST I ET HJEM MED PELSDYR ØGER RISIKOEN FOR UDVIKLING AF ASTMA OG ALLERGI ALLERGI KAN UDLØSES AF STRESSALLERGI ER LIGESÅ ALMINDELIGT PÅ LANDET SOM I BYEN. 100 myter om allergi er den tiende bog i myteserien fra FADL’s Forlag. Den går mere ind i det sundhedsfaglige felt end de seneste udgivelser om mad, sex og kærlighed. Forfatteren bag bogen er børnelæge Jesper Brandt Andersen, der tidligere har skrevet bøgerne Børnelægens store bog om barnets sygdomme og biografien om den danske anatom Thomas Bartholin.

  • af Wolfgang Windmann
    153,95 kr.

  • - Forebyg allergi og allergisymptomer hos dig og din familie
    af Joan Tønder Grønning
    168,95 kr.

    "Bogen om Allergi" er for danskere, der har allergi – eller som gerne vil undgå at få allergi hos dem selv eller deres børn.Bogen er en opslagsbog og dens særlige, brugervenlige opbygning gør sammen med over 250 fotos og letforståelige tekster, at alle – uanset allergi’erfaring’ og læselyst – nemt og hurtigt finder frem til præcis den information, de mangler. Her er både grundlæggende fakta til dem uden allergi, mere uddybende til dem, der lige har fået konstateret allergi, men også særlige fif til dem, der har haft allergi i mange år."Bogen om Allergi" beskriver alle allergityper, er målrettet 'forebyggelse' og dens faglige indhold er gennemgået af 10 førende allergieksperter. Den kombination er aldrig set før, og derfor er "Bogen om Allergi" helt unik og uundværlig i den moderne danske familie.Forfatteren har også skrevet "Bogen om Tvillinger 0-10 år" og "Uge-for-uge-kalender - til dig, der venter tvillinger".

  • af Bleuler Eugen
    153,95 - 308,95 kr.

  • - Min rejse med hudsygdommen Rosacea
    af Karina Villumsen
    178,95 kr.

    Dette er en meget personlig beskrivelse af en ung kvindes rejse, hvis fysiske reaktion på svære oplevelser især kommer til udtryk via hudens reaktion og både bliver en udfordring, men også anledning til selvhealing.De, der aldrig har været generet af hudproblemer, uanset om det er pletter, bumser, pigmentpletter, eksem, akne, dermatitis eller rosacea, kan måske have svært ved at sætte sig ind i, hvor meget det kan fylde i én. Nogle gange ser folk det slet ikke så meget, som man selv tror, men det kan fylde i ens opmærksomhed og dominere i en grad, at det tager fokus fra, hvad man ellers gør.Rosacea er en tricky hudreaktion og to helt identiske udgaver findes ikke, men der er mange fællesnævnere, som på en let og overskuelig måde bliver introduceret i bogen.Må denne bog blive en inspiration til dig, uanset om det handler om at finde løsninger til samme udfordring eller selve det at få inspiration til ikke at give op og blive ved med at søge livsglæde og livskraft – og få opmærksomhed på vores organisme som en helhed og ikke adskilt.Alene det at kunne spejle sig i Karinas modige deling af sin historie og ikke føle sig alene om det.

  • af Sebastian Boegel
    2.213,95 kr.

    This edition provides a collection of state-of-art methods and tools for human leukocyte antigen (HLA) and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) research. The book explores updated as well as novel in silico tools, resources, and wet lab protocols for HLA typing, including determination of the HLA class I and class II type of an individual in clinical work and research, such as in transplantation medicine and vaccine development in the context of infectious diseases or cancer immunotherapies. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include the kind of detailed information and implementation advice that leads to best results. Up-to-date and practical, HLA Typing: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition serves as a valuable resource for any researcher interested in learning more about this vital field.

  • af Robert S. Matson
    1.043,95 - 2.224,95 kr.

    This volume provides an understanding of how an immunoassay works, detailing the strengths, weaknesses, pitfalls. Chapters guide readers on how and when to appropriately utilize this powerful tool, examples of where the ELISA or similar immunoassay formats are currently being used, and newer techniques that may have a significant impact on future applications. Written in the format of the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, each chapter includes an introduction to the topic, lists necessary materials and reagents, includes tips on troubleshooting and known pitfalls, and step-by-step, readily reproducible protocols. Authoritative and cutting-edge, ELISA: Methods and Protocols is a valuable resource for both novice and expert scientists in this developing field.

  • af Budhaditya Mukherjee
    2.008,95 - 2.017,95 kr.

    This book illustrates the importance and significance of the systems approach in deciphering diverse aspects of host-parasite interactions in infection dynamics. It describes the complex issues and state-of-the-art progress in the infection biology of parasitic protozoa. The book explores the current concepts and paradigms of gene expression, metabolome, and immune remodeling in these diseases. The chapters encompass updates on the parasitic tropism, co-evolution, systemic responses in hosts, and translational approaches. It provides an overview of the parasite's efficient ways of exploiting host molecules and describes pathways for their survival, differentiation, and replication within the host cells. The book also delineates the role of inflammasomes and their activation in response to the protozoan parasite. The book discusses technological progress and machine learning-based modeling approaches to revisit parasitic infection from a non-conventional perspective. Collectively this book offers a comprehensive purview of concepts and paradigms in parasitic infection in the form of an updated yet discernible elucidation.

  • af Andrew Lutzkanin
    768,95 kr.

    In this issue of Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice, guest editors Drs. Andrew Lutzkanin and Kristen M. Lutzkanin bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Allergy and Immunology. Top experts in the field cover updated treatment strategies for common allergies encountered in primary care, including asthma, food and drug allergies, immunodeficiency, eosinophilic esophagitis, and more.Contains 12 practice-oriented topics including atopic dermatitis; drug allergy; acute and chronic urticaria and angioedema; venom hypersensitivity; contact dermatitis; and more.Provides in-depth clinical reviews on allergy and immunology, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Joni Brown
    158,95 kr.

    Joni Brown's life was turned upside down when her daughter, out of nowhere, began having epileptic seizures at sixteen months and was diagnosed with autism at age five. Two books in one; first part memoir of raising her child with special needs with stories from medical mayhem heartaches to overcoming challenges with humor. Second part has parenting tips, offering first-hand practical advice and invaluable suggestions.You'll learn¿ First-hand stories from a mom who lives it¿ What new parents can expect in this special life¿ How to be your child's strongest advocateDon't Sing Happy Birthday is a beacon of hope, encouraging parents to shift their mindsets, become strong advocates, and find the support they need to be the best possible caregivers and cheerleaders for their children living with extra needs. Joni Brown's heartfelt message is clear: You're not alone on this journey, and together, we can conquer the challenges and celebrate the beauty in our special lives.

  • af Masaharu Shinkai
    1.320,95 kr.

    For over 50 years, clinicians have known that macrolide antibiotics have effects on inflammation and the immune system that are not related to their antimicrobial properties. These immunomodulatory properties, best described for treating inflammatory airway diseases, protect the lung and the host and improve clinical status. This book summarizes our current knowledge regarding proposed mechanisms for these properties, established clinical results, and what the future may hold with emphasis on novel clinical applications and the fascinating development of non-antimicrobial macrolides with preserved and enhanced immunomodulatory properties.

  • af Benjamin Petsch
    1.711,95 - 1.720,95 kr.

  • af Francesco Marotta
    1.228,95 - 1.731,95 kr.

  • af Nima Rezaei
    2.033,95 kr.

    Gastrointestinal cancers are among the most prevalent malignancies worldwide, with high rate of global cancer incidence and cancer-related death. Gastrointestinal cancers include esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, and liver cancer, which all, except the last one, are covered in this volume. The fourth volume of the ¿Interdisciplinary Cancer Research¿ series, entitled ¿Gastrointestinal Cancers: An Interdisciplinary Approach¿ publishes comprehensive volumes on mechanisms of gastrointestinal cancers and novel immunotherapy opportunities and presents the most updated and peer-reviewed chapters on gastrointestinal cancers therapy. This interdisciplinary series is of special value to researchers working on cell biology, immunology, biochemistry, genetics, and practitioners working on oncology and gastroenterology. This is the main concept of Cancer Immunology Project (CIP), which is a part of Universal Scientific Education and Research Network (USERN). This interdisciplinary book will be of special value for researchers, oncologists, and gastroenterologists who wish to extend their knowledge on gastrointestinal cancers.

  • af Nima Rezaei
    2.035,95 kr.

    Cancer treatment is a challenging issue, while the treatment modalities have extended from traditional surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy to new therapeutic approaches, including targeted therapy, immunotherapy, stem cell transplantation, and hormone therapy. Therefore, an interdisciplinary approach is needed to find a better therapeutic protocols in order to increase the prognosis and quality of life of patients with cancer.The second volume of the ¿Interdisciplinary Cancer Research¿ series, entitled ¿Cancer Treatment: An Interdisciplinary Approach¿ publishes comprehensive volumes on different cancer treatment modalities and presents the most updated and peer-reviewed articles on cancer therapy. This interdisciplinary series is of special value to researchers and practitioners working on cell biology, immunology, hematology, biochemistry, genetics, oncology and related fields. This is the main concept of Cancer Immunology Project (CIP), which is a part of Universal Scientific Education and Research Network (USERN). This interdisciplinary book will be of special value for researchers and clinicians who wish to extend their knowledge on cancer treatment.

  • af Thomas Kramps
    2.413,95 kr.

    This second edition volume expands on the previous edition with discussions of the latest technology and advancements in the development of RNA vaccines and proposed solutions on how to tackle currently unmet medical needs. The chapters in this book are organized into four parts and cover topics such as replication and non-replicating RNA vectors, formulation and delivery of RNA vaccines, and clinical and nonclinical development of RNA vaccines. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.Practical and comprehensive, RNA Vaccines: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition is a valuable resource for any researcher interested in learning more about this important and developing field.

  • af Sam Loray
    278,95 kr.

    Exploring Insusceptible Skylines: An Aide" is an edifying investigation into the perplexing and interesting universe of the invulnerable framework. In this extensive aide, perusers are welcomed on an excursion through the tremendous and dynamic scene of resistance, disentangling its secrets and understanding its urgent job in keeping up with wellbeing and prosperity.The book starts by establishing a strong groundwork, offering perusers a reasonable comprehension of the resistant framework's design and capability. From the cell level to the complicated collaborations between different parts, "Exploring Invulnerable Skylines" separates the intricacies into available and connecting with clarifications. The language is painstakingly decided to make the complicated science behind invulnerability both congenial and entrancing.As perusers dive further into the parts, the aide takes them on a dazzling investigation of the invulnerable framework's capacity to adjust and develop. The book reveals insight into how the insusceptible framework perceives and recalls dangers, giving priceless experiences into the components that empower the body to mount powerful guards against microbes. Through striking depictions and certifiable models, perusers gain a significant appreciation for the refinement and flexibility of the safe framework.A particular element of "Exploring Resistant Skylines" is its accentuation on down to earth direction for enhancing safe wellbeing. The aide gives proof based techniques and way of life proposals that enable perusers to help their insusceptible frameworks effectively. From nourishment and exercise to pressure the board and rest cleanliness, the book gives a comprehensive way to deal with improving generally prosperity through resistant framework support.One of the champion parts of the aide is its investigation of the insusceptible framework's job past microorganism guard. Perusers are acquainted with the intriguing associations among invulnerability and different parts of wellbeing, including aggravation, immune system conditions, and, surprisingly, mental prosperity. By introducing an all encompassing viewpoint, "Exploring Resistant Skylines" furnishes perusers with a balanced comprehension of the insusceptible framework's diverse capabilities.The account is improved with convincing accounts of people who have explored wellbeing challenges, representing the flexibility of the safe framework and the potential for change through informed decisions. Contextual investigations and tributes give a human touch to the logical investigation, making the aide instructive as well as profoundly engaging.

  • af Michael R. Shurin
    1.138,95 - 1.640,95 kr.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    198,95 kr.

    "The Myasthenia Gravis Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Myasthenia Gravis Management" is an empowering and comprehensive guide for individuals navigating the challenges of Myasthenia Gravis (MG) and their caregivers. From understanding the nuances of MG to decoding symptoms and exploring diagnosis, this book covers the biological mechanisms and types of MG. It delves into conventional and emerging medical treatments, offering insights into medications, thymectomy, and crisis management. The guide takes a holistic approach, incorporating physical therapy, nutritional strategies, and stress management. With a focus on personalized wellness plans and daily living techniques, readers will discover valuable information on adapting to changing needs, advocacy, and the psychological journey. From the psychological impact of MG to special considerations, lifestyle modifications, and the future of MG, this blueprint provides practical advice, resources, and hope for those on the MG journey.

  • af Effie Koliopoulos
    433,95 - 443,95 kr.

  • af Gérard Lizard
    2.543,95 kr.

    This book provides basic knowledge of the biology, chemistry, and function of oxysterols and its derivatives as well as of phytosterols in numerous human diseases.The book is divided into six sections and begins with an introduction to the biological and chemical properties of oxysterols and its derivatives as well as phytosterols, their synthesis, and the methods currently used for their detection in various biospecimens. The following section discusses in detail the various effects of oxysterols on numerous human diseases, including infectious diseases, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, atherosclerosis, and cancer, as well as neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders. Importantly, the potential of oxysterols as biomarkers for some of these diseases is also highlighted. The book concludes with an outlook on the pharmacological and nutritional effects of oxysterols and phytosterols and their potential use by the food, and pharmaceutical industries.Aiming to provide an in-depth overview of the biological and the chemical properties of oxysterols and phytosterols and their implications for human health, this book will be of interest to basic and clinical scientists, as well as to anyone working in the food or pharmaceutical industry who is exploring the potential of oxysterols and phytosterols.

  • af Melissa Urban
    343,95 kr.

    "Since its evolution in 2009, the Whole30 program has helped millions of people lose weight and successfully transform their health in just 30 days. Through the years though, the Whole30 philosophy has been modified and improved upon as the nutritional landscape has changed. In The Essential Whole30, co-creater of the plan Melissa Urban has revised the original program and created new recipes to help more readers than ever reduce inflammation, rebalance hormones, control cravings and break unhealthy eating patterns to find food freedom. The upgrades to the original program will include new food freedom rules that have been refined over the years based on current science and the everchanging food landscape, as well as 100 all-new recipes: 50 Whole30 recipes, 50 plant-based. The book will also include a new Plant-Based Whole30 program, which launched in 2022, after years of research, planning and beta testing. This book will be the ultimate guide, rendering the original book obsolete, with straightforward instructions on how to start and stick to the program to achieve the best results. With no-nonsense tips, Melissa establishes the revised, essential foundation for planning, preparing, and cooking delicious meals to curb cravings, lose weight and be healthy. It is sure to be the health bible for the millions of Whole30 enthusiasts, as well as those who are new to the popular plan"--

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    128,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey towards conquering Graves' Disease with "The Graves Disease Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Graves Disease Management." In this comprehensive guide, delve into the intricacies of Graves' Disease, from understanding its physiological underpinnings to debunking common misconceptions. Uncover the early warning signs, explore diagnostic methods, and identify risk factors that may trigger this autoimmune disorder. The book meticulously dissects medical management options, from antithyroid medications to thyroid surgery, offering insights into managing associated eye complications and utilizing beta-blockers for symptom control. Beyond conventional treatments, discover lifestyle modifications crucial for holistic well-being, including the impact of diet, exercise, stress management, and sleep on Graves' Disease.Navigate through alternative therapies such as herbal remedies, acupuncture, homeopathy, and Ayurveda, unlocking a spectrum of holistic health perspectives. Tailor your management plan with customizable strategies, assessing your condition, setting health goals, and crafting dietary and exercise plans. Dive into the psychological aspects, understanding the emotional toll of living with Graves' Disease, and exploring coping mechanisms, counseling, and support groups. Explore advanced topics in Graves' Disease research, from genetic studies to innovations in autoimmune therapy, the microbiome's role, and the future of personalized medicine. This guide not only educates but empowers readers to take control of their health, providing the knowledge and tools needed for a well-rounded, personalized approach to Graves' Disease management.

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