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  • - Spis dig sund og stærk - helt enkelt
    af Martin Kreutzer & Simon Weisdorf
    207,95 kr.

    Anti-inflammatorisk topform på 4 uger er en bemærkelsesværdig bog skrevet af den talentfulde forfatter, Martin Kreutzer. Udgivet i 2020, dykker denne bog ned i en verden af sundhed og velvære, og giver læserne en dybdegående forståelse af, hvordan de kan opnå en anti-inflammatorisk topform på bare fire uger. Genren for denne bog kan bedst beskrives som sundhed og fitness, men det er meget mere end det. Det er en guide til at forstå, hvordan din krop fungerer, og hvordan du kan hjælpe den med at fungere bedst muligt. Udgivet af Politikens Forlag, er Anti-inflammatorisk topform på 4 uger en bog, der vil ændre din måde at tænke om sundhed og velvære på. Hvis du er klar til at tage dit helbred til det næste niveau, er dette bogen for dig.

  • - Spis dig fra gigt, skader og andre plager i dine led
    af Martin Kreutzer & Simon Weisdorf
    187,95 - 206,95 kr.

    Denne bog er godt nyt for 1,5 millioner danskere, der hver dag står med valget: smerter eller medicin. Nemlig de 700.000 danskere, der plages af gigt, og de ca. 800.000, der døjer med skader i deres led. Bogen er Danmarks første anti-inflammatoriske manual til, hvordan man holder sine led velsmurte og smertefri med helt naturlige midler. Især nem og lækker mad, der virkelig kan mærkes i leddene. Bag bogen står kost- og livstilsvejleder Martin Kreutzer, der tidligere har skrevet to bestsellere om anti- inflammatorisk kost. I årenes løb har Martin hjulpet hundredvis af mennesker med gigtsygdomme, der udspringer af inflammation, dvs. en kronisk betændelsestilstand, der giver ømme og stive led. Han har også fået skadede atleter på alle ambitionsniveauer tilbage på sporet igen med anti-inflammatorisk kost i kraftige doser. Gigt påvirker hver anden 40-årig og stort set alle over 60 år. Skader kan ramme i alle aldre, men bliver sværere at få bugt med, når man kommer op i årene. Men ny forskning viser, at mange ledproblemer kan dæmpes og holdes i bero, hvis man spiser en række helt bestemte madvarer – og skruer ned for andre. Bogen giver klar besked om, hvilke madvarer der mest effektivt sikrer kroppens frie bevægelighed og gør det let for læseren at nå op på de rette doser med nemme madopskrifter, der har den helt perfekte sammensætning. Opskrifterne, der har større anti-inflammatorisk helingskraft end alle tidligere bøger om inflammation, er komponeret af Simon Weisdorf, mad- og sundhedsentusiasten bag det nye, succes-site, der når ud til flere hundrede tusind danskere. Bogen giver også gode råd om, hvordan man gavner leddene maksimalt med forskellige former for træning og ved at tage hånd om udfordringer som stress og søvn.

  • af Martin Kreutzer & Simon Weisdorf
    187,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Den antiinflammatoriske kost har vist sit værd mod talrige livsstilssygdomme. Nu kommer den i en ny version, der sætter kurs mod hjernen. Hvordan giver man sin hjerne det optimale brændstof? Hvilke mad- og drikkevarer kan være udslagsgivende for, at man får energi, overskud, glæde og gode ideer og kan holde koncentrationen og huske – selv når man har lynende travlt og er under pres? Nøglen til at frigive hjernens positive kræfter og opbygge et solidt bolværk over for alt det negative som fx stress hedder i høj grad antiinflammatorisk kost, her i en ny og lidt anderledes version med ekstra fokus på særlige råvarer og måltidsstrategier, der specifikt påvirker hjernen. Stadig flere mennesker rammes af sygdomme som stress, depression og demens, og der forskes i disse år intenst på området. Hvordan man bedst muligt forebygger disse sygdomme og omsætter den nyeste viden på området til helt almindelig hverdagsmad, er omdrejningspunktet i denne nye bog fra Martin Kreutzer og Simon Weisdorf, der er en opfølger til sidste års bestseller Velsmurt. Heldigvis behøver man ikke gå på jagt efter sjældne råvarer og ingredienser for at booste sin mentale sundhed. Langt de fleste hjernevenlige madvarer kan fås i et helt almindeligt supermarked. Bogen gennemgår de koststrategier og næringsstoffer, som forskerne anser for særlig vigtige i forhold til hjernen og er en lettilgængelig guide til de antiinflammatoriske kostprincipper. 68 fristende opskrifter, der rummer de rette mængder af alt det, en sund hjerne kan drømme om, gør det ekstra nemt at kaste sig ud i den sunde, hjernestyrkende kost.

  • af Martin Kreutzer
    187,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Makkerparret bag flere bestsellere om anti-inflammatorisk kost viser i deres nye bog vejen til, hvordan man én gang for alle kan opnå et vægttab og svælge i lækker mad.Den anti-inflammatoriske kost er med god grund berømmet for sine mange gode virkninger mod en lang række helbredsproblemer, f.eks. gigtsmerter, overbelastningsskader og hjerte-kar-syg[1]domme. Kombinationen af fede fisk, planteolier, nødder, grøntsager, frugt og andre råvarer går i et nærmest magisk samspil ind og understøtter kroppens immunforsvar og dæmper den tilstand af kronisk inflammation, som kan få mange skavanker til at blusse op.Derimod vil det være nyt for mange, at den anti-inflammatoriske kost også har et andet vigtigt potentiale: Den kan reducere ens fedtdepoter på sundeste vis. Især hvis man har et livmål i den høje ende, kan der ligge en kæmpestor anti-inflammatorisk gevinst i at smide nogle kilo, da mavefedt fungerer som en rugekasse for inflammation, der kan sprede sig til resten af kroppen.Tab sig sundere med anti-inflammatorisk kost forklarer, hvordan man får fuld glæde af de gode madvarers slankende egenskaber – uden at give køb på sundhed, mæthed og ikke mindst velsmag. Som læser bliver man klædt godt på til projektet med nogle få, vigtige retningslinjer for, hvordan måltiderne skal skrues sammen, et forslag til en kostplan – og 55 lækre opskrifter, der ikke bare giver anti-inflammatoriske superkræfter, men også en god og langvarig mæthed mellem måltiderne.Bogen indeholder desuden en udførlig guide til, hvordan man kan skrue endnu mere op for vægttabet og den anti-inflammatoriske virkning i kroppen ved at dyrke motion, ikke mindst ved at gå.

  • af Finn Elkjær Johannsen, Claus Manniche, Anne Voss, mfl.
    787,95 kr.

    Reumatologiens danske standardværkNyklassikeren Reumatologi foreligger nu i 4. udgave og har været igennem en omfattende revision. Foruden en ajourføring med den nyeste viden inden for feltet er bogen blevet endnu mere klinisk anvendelig med tilføjelse af: Fem nye tværgående kapitler, som hjælper læseren i den praktiske diagnostiske proces. De er opbygget ud fra fem kliniske problemstillinger: patienten med smerter i ét led, patienten med smerter i flere led, patienten med rygsmerter, patienten med bløddelssmerter og patienten med tegn på systemisk bindevævssygdom. Der er også tilføjet flere faktabokse til at give hurtigt overblik over de vigtigste elementer inden for hvert emne. Derudover er der tilføjet cases, der illustrerer de forskellige sygdommes typiske kliniske billeder og danner bro mellem teori og praksis.Reumatologi - 4. udgave henvender sig til læger og medicinstuderende, kiropraktorer, fysioterapeuter og andre faggrupper med interesse for reumatologi. Bogen anvendes i forbindelse med den reumatologiske speciallægeuddannelse og fungerer som opslagsværk for speciallæger i reumatologi, ortopædkirurgi og almen medicin.

  • af Martin Kreitzer & Isabella Amorøe
    229,95 kr.

    Hver dag vokser vores viden om, hvordan vi ved at spise naturens kraftfulde råvarer kan blive sundere og stærkere og beskytte os mod de mange livsstilsstilssygdomme, som udspringer af inflammation i kroppen. Derfor er der brug for en ny, opdateret grundbog om, hvordan man målrettet kan få glæde af den nyeste viden og lykkes med antiinflammatorisk kost.Den nye bog har også en anden vigtig mission: I de senere år er der opstået et hav af myter og misforståelser om, hvad man kan spise og ikke spise på en antiinflammatorisk kost. Resultatet er, at mange mennesker begynder at spise unødvendigt restriktivt og forsage råvarer, som kunne gavne dem – eller opgiver. Bogen rydder grundigt op i myterne med en enkel koststrategi, som gør det let og lystbetonet at leve efter antiinflammatorisk – år efter år.Bogens 77 opskrifter sprudler af både velsmag og antiinflammatorisk styrke. Råvarerne kan fås i helt almindelige supermarkeder, og retterne er så lette at tilberede, at alle kan være med.

  • - En lommebog for børnelæger og andre interesserede
    af Martin Lehmann Boesen, Charlotte Myrup & Marek Zak
    157,95 kr.

    Formålet med denne bog er at give en kortfattet oversigt over klassifikation og behandling af pædiatriske reumatologiske sygdomme. Den indeholder udredningsforslag, et indblik i diagnostiske kriteriersamt simple monitoreringsredskaber. Herudover indeholder bogen en liste over de hyppigst anvendte lægemidler. Bogen er tænkt som et redskab i det daglige kliniske arbejde og vil forhåbentlig tjene som kilde til inspiration i forbindelse med udredning af patienter med bindevævslidelser.

  • af Balan Louis Gaspar
    896,95 - 1.190,95 kr.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    172,95 kr.

    Delve into the complexities of Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) with "Antiphospholipid Syndrome Demystified: Doctor's Secret Guide." Unraveling the science behind APS, this comprehensive guide provides a step-by-step approach to understanding symptoms, diagnosis, and the psychological impact of APS. Navigating through the patient's journey, the book explores holistic management, encompassing physical activity, stress management, and the vital role of social support. From pregnancy considerations to lifestyle changes, vaccinations, and hormonal factors, readers gain insights into prevention strategies and early detection. The biopsychosocial model takes center stage, addressing biological aspects, psychological factors, and social dynamics in APS care. Personal stories offer a glimpse into living with APS, while practical advice covers coping mechanisms, resilience building, and mental health strategies. From work and relationships to sexual health and travel, this guide empowers readers with tools to navigate daily challenges. With a focus on self-care, nutrition, exercise, and complementary therapies, the book provides a roadmap to enhance the quality of life for those living with APS. Beyond personal well-being, it delves into healthcare systems, advocacy, and community engagement, making it an indispensable resource for patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals.

  • af Gaafar Ragab
    1.295,95 - 1.356,95 kr.

    This book presents paraproteinemia and the highly complex scientific information behind it to clinicians in a way they can understand and, ultimately, apply to their diagnostic and treatment practices. Paraproteinemia or dysproteinemia is characterized by the overproduction of an immunoglobulin by clonal expansion of cells from the B cells lineage which includes the plasma cells. The resultant monoclonal protein can be composed of the entire immunoglobulin or of its components. The identification and categorization of the different representatives of this group of disorders have traveled a long distance, but despite its high prevalence there is surprisingly limited evidence, in some areas, to guide the best clinical practice both at the time of diagnosis and during follow up. This book seeks to fill that gap.  The book is divided into three sections, introductory chapters, disease entities and experimental therapies. The text guides clinicians through these diseases and disorders. The group of renal diseases attributed to deposition of monoclonal immunoglobulins or their components are arranged as one disease category in order to simplify the understanding of these complicated diseases in plasma cell dysplasia. In emulation of this practical approach, at a larger scale, the volume editors and chapter authors attempt to encompass the whole spectrum of the paraproteinemias in this text. This will have the dual benefit of offering the audience a panoramic view of this group of disorders and simultaneously keeping them focused on its individual representatives. There have been many recent advances in diagnosis, risk stratifications, and management of many members of this group of diseases and they are explored in depth here.  This is an ideal guide for rheumatologists, hematologists, nephrologists, immunologists, oncologists, and relevant trainees caring for patients with paraproteinemia and related disorders.

  • af James Parkinson
    337,95 kr.

    Gain valuable insights into the treatment and prevention of gout, rheumatism and gravel with this definitive guide. Discover practical advice on diet, exercise and lifestyle, extracted from the latest medical research and set within the context of a comprehensive theoretical framework. This is an essential read for anyone looking to improve their health and well-being.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    132,95 kr.

    In "Ankylosing Spondylitis Demystified: Doctor's Secret Guide," you'll embark on a comprehensive journey through the intricacies of ankylosing spondylitis, a challenging autoimmune condition that affects the spine. This guide offers a holistic approach to prevention and management, empowering both patients and healthcare professionals. From understanding the anatomy of the spine and the role of genetics to exploring lifestyle modifications, psychological support, and various medical interventions, this book provides valuable insights into combating the disease. Discover a wealth of information on nutrition, alternative therapies, and coping strategies. With patient-centric guidance and expert advice, this book equips you with the tools to live a fulfilling life with ankylosing spondylitis. Whether you're a patient, caregiver, or healthcare practitioner, this resource is your secret weapon in the battle against ankylosing spondylitis.

  • af Haralampos M. Moutsopoulos
    847,95 - 856,95 kr.

    This autobiography chronicles the life and career of Haralampos M. Moutsopoulos, an internationally renowned professor of medicine and prolific researcher on Sjogren's syndrome and autoimmune rheumatic diseases. In language that is simple and direct, he takes us on a fascinating journey from the days of his first scientific awakenings at a hospital in his native town of Ioannina, Greece, through his university years in Athens and training in the U.S., to his eventual return to his homeland. In Greece, he developed two centers of excellence in his field, first at the newly founded University of Ioannina Medical School Department of Internal Medicine and, second, at the Athens University Medical School, Department of Pathophysiology, where he taught until his retirement in 2011. Along the way, he introduces us to his teachers and mentors, and to the colleagues and students he mentored in turn, many of whom went on to assume high-ranking positions in Greece and abroad. A major theme throughout the book is his impassioned struggle for excellence, meritocracy, and transparency in universities and in the National Health System in Greece. Peppered with both amusing and unsettling incidents from this lifelong crusade to raise professional standards and against misconduct, the book is a must-read for anyone interested in learning about or entering the medical profession.

  • af Jeimylo de Castro
    941,95 - 1.273,95 kr.

    This book is an in depth guide to chronic and neuropathic pain. The issue of chronic and neuropathic pain is very prevalent, yet only a fraction of the symptoms and root causes, as well as potential treatment plans, are properly understood. Additionally, less than half of cases are accurately identified and properly treated. The existing drugs, although classified as very strong and powerful, cannot provide lasting relief to chronic and neuropathic pain. Thus, with all the unique features of this condition, this book presents a systematic way of diagnosing and approaching this condition so every practitioner can appropriately treat their patients. In addition to introducing key concepts, like classification of chronic pain and the challenges patients and practitioners face when dealing with and treating chronic and neuropathic pain, this book also covers different syndromes that can lead to neuropathic pains. It discusses how to monitor progress by using outcome measures, the presence of chronic and neuropathic pain in children and young adults, and the pathophysiology of neuropathic pain as it relates to the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Interestingly, the latter is not presently addressed except with the usual pain drugs for general pain-this book aims to revolutionize the approach to chronic and neuropathic pain by exploring it separately from the clinical approach to general pain. It is interesting to note that these cytokines require a specific mode of action if we want to neutralize them in our system, and this concept will be discussed in the regenerative intervention sections. Since it is so necessary to address the many factors to chronic and neuropathic pain as laid out in the proposed table of contents, it is also critical include as varied authors as possible to address this condition from all areas being covered. The team assembled to author the chapters included in this text come from diverse backgrounds of practice and clinical and research interests, from physical medicine and rehabilitation to anesthesiology to radiology and interventional pain medicine. This is an ideal guide for all clinicians caring for patients with chronic and neuropathic pain.

  • af Finley Cooper
    1.527,95 kr.

    Rheumatology is a medical specialty that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system, especially the conditions related to the joints, muscles, and connective tissues. Some of the rheumatic diseases which are treated within this field are inflammatory arthritis (such as rheumatoid arthritis), osteoarthritis, lupus, gout, fibromyalgia and vasculitis. These conditions can significantly impact a person's quality of life by causing pain, stiffness, swelling and limiting joint mobility. Treatment approaches in rheumatology may involve a combination of medications, lifestyle modifications, physical therapy and patient education. It also offers ongoing support and monitoring to optimize treatment outcomes and minimize the impact of rheumatic diseases on daily life. This book explores all the important aspects of rheumatology in the present day scenario. It will serve as a reference to a broad spectrum of readers.

  • af Alfred Pulford
    264,95 - 322,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a selection from Kessinger Publishing's Legacy Reprint Series. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment to protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature. Kessinger Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of rare and hard-to-find books with something of interest for everyone!

  • af John Ridlon
    337,95 kr.

  • af Gilbert a. (Alexander) Bannatyne
    352,95 kr.

  • af Thomas John Maclagan
    257,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Michael H Weisman
    975,95 kr.

    In this special issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics, guest editor Dr. Michael H. Weisman oversees a unique and celebratory collection of articles honoring The Giants of Rheumatology. Hand-chosen authors in the field celebrate the most influential rheumatologists throughout the years, in commemoration of the 50th volume of Rheumatic Disease Clinics.Contains 18 inspiring and informative articles on Naomi Rothfield, Nathan Zvaifler, Dan McCarty, Morris Ziff, Gerald Rodnan, Carl Pearson, Walter Bauer and Marian Ropes, Barbara Ansell and Eric Bywaters; and many more.Provides in-depth clinical reviews on psychiatric and behavioral emergencies, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Marylin Harter
    1.577,95 kr.

    Rheumatology is a field of internal medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic diseases. These diseases are usually autoimmune or inflammatory disorders associated with arthritis, dermatomyositis, gout, lupus erythematosus, Lyme disease, mixed connective tissue disease, polychondritis, polymyositis, and vasculitis. Rheumatology focuses on diseases and conditions that affect joints, soft tissues, or connective tissues. Disorders of bones such as fluorosis, osteoporosis, osteomalacia, renal osteodystrophy, and rickets are also treated by rheumatologists. Treatment of rheumatic conditions may involve the use of one or more methods such as administering drugs, physical and occupational therapy, rehabilitation, and surgery, depending on the specifics of the case. Commonly prescribed drugs include anti-inflammatory medications, opioids and antidepressants. This textbook provides comprehensive insights into the basic concepts as well as recent developments in field of rheumatology. It is appropriate for students seeking detailed information in this area as well as for experts.

  • af Marylin Harter
    1.597,95 kr.

    Rheumatology is a field of internal medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic diseases. These diseases are usually autoimmune or inflammatory disorders associated with arthritis, dermatomyositis, gout, lupus erythematosus, Lyme disease, mixed connective tissue disease, polychondritis, polymyositis, and vasculitis. Rheumatology focuses on diseases and conditions that affect joints, soft tissues, or connective tissues. Disorders of bones such as fluorosis, osteoporosis, osteomalacia, renal osteodystrophy, and rickets are also treated by rheumatologists. Treatment of rheumatic conditions may involve the use of one or more methods such as administering drugs, physical and occupational therapy, rehabilitation, and surgery, depending on the specifics of the case. Commonly prescribed drugs include anti-inflammatory medications, opioids and antidepressants. This textbook provides comprehensive insights into the basic concepts as well as recent developments in field of rheumatology. It is appropriate for students seeking detailed information in this area as well as for experts.

  • af Jeffrey Cain
    1.562,95 kr.

    Rheumatology is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic diseases. There are more than hundred types of rheumatic diseases. Some of the common ones include osteoarthritis, tendinitis, capsulitis, palindromic rheumatism, Sjögren syndrome, dermatomyositis, and systemic lupus erythematosus. Rheumatic diseases can cause severe damage to essential organs including lungs, heart, nervous system, kidneys, skin and eyes. These diseases may even lead to difficulty in performing simple routine activities including bathing, dressing and walking. The intake of analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is considered to be effective in treating rheumatic diseases. Rheumasurgery refers to surgical methods for the treatment of rheumatic diseases, and includes synovectomies and corrective interventions such as joint replacement. The study of such conditions and the development of therapeutic interventions for these disorders falls under the scope of rheumatology. This book is a compilation of chapters that discuss the most vital concepts and emerging trends in the field of rheumatology. Various advancements in this domain related to clinical principles and practice have been looked at in detail. This book includes contributions of experts and doctors, which will provide innovative insights to the readers.

  • af Sullivan Princeton
    1.552,95 kr.

    Rheumatology refers to a subspecialty of pediatrics and internal medicine that focuses on the joints, soft tissues and heritable connective tissue disorders. This discipline is also concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of systemic autoimmune diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, gout, polymyositis, Sjogren's syndrome, polychondritis and polymyalgia rheumatica. Physical examination including multiple joint examination and musculoskeletal inspection along with specialized tests such as general musculoskeletal exam (GMSE) and screening musculoskeletal exam (SMSE) can be utilized for diagnosing rheumatic diseases. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), analgesics, methotrexate, steroids, as well as monoclonal antibodies like adalimumab and infliximab are used to treat the majority of rheumatic diseases. This book explores all the important aspects of clinical rheumatology in the modern day. It strives to provide a fair idea about rheumatic diseases and to help develop a better understanding of the latest advances in their clinical management. Those in search of information to further their knowledge will be greatly assisted by this book.

  • af Travis Reagan
    1.307,95 kr.

    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) refers to an autoimmune disorder that affects the joints. It usually causes painful, swollen and warm joints. The joints of knees, hands and wrists are affected by RA. In addition to damaging the joint tissues, RA can also affect other organs, including the eyes, heart and lungs as well as other tissues all over the body. There are various signs and symptoms of RA, which includes fever, stiffness in several joints, weight loss, tiredness or fatigue. Smoking, aging, obesity and genetics are its major risk factors. The diagnosis of this disorder is done through assessing symptoms, physical examination and by performing lab tests and X-rays. The objectives of treatment are to reduce inflammation, alleviate pain and enhance overall functioning. Self-management techniques as well as medications can effectively manage and treat RA. This book unravels the recent studies on rheumatoid arthritis. It elucidates the diagnosis, pathophysiology and treatment of this disease. The readers would gain knowledge that would broaden their perspective in this area.

  • af Nicholas Greyson
    1.562,95 kr.

    Rheumatic diseases or rheumatism are disorders that cause inflammation of the joints or connective tissue. The main cause of rheumatic disease is the malfunctioning of the immune system that attacks body's own tissues, affecting the joints, tendons, ligaments, muscles, bones and organs. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, capsulitis, palindromic rheumatism, etc. are among the most common types of rheumatic disorders. Osteoarthritis is a type of degenerative joint disease that results from the breakdown of joint cartilage and underlying bone. The major factors that lead to it are previous joint injury and abnormal joint or limb development. The diagnosis of rheumatic disorders is done through physical examination and specialized laboratory and imaging tests. These include blood test, urine test, creatinine level test, uric acid test, and the ESR and CRP tests. This book provides significant information to help the readers develop a good understanding of the clinical perspectives of rheumatic diseases. It is a collective contribution of a renowned group of international experts. Those with an interest in the treatment and study of rheumatic diseases would find this book helpful.

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