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  • - Naturens lægeurter
    af Anemette Olesen
    97,95 kr.

    En populær titel i vor serie af små hvide bøger med stort indhold.En lægeurt er en plante, der kan lindre, forebygge eller måske endda kurere småskavanker i hverdagen, fx, hovedpine, forkølelse, gigt, småsår, el. lign. Mange planter indeholder vitaminer og stoffer, der kan gavne i det daglige. Den erfarne urteskribent Anemette Olesen øser her af sin viden om, hvad man kan bruge lægerurter til i dag. De urter, der er medtaget, kan med held dyrkes indendørs, i haven eller indsamles i naturen. Nogle af dem er også krydderurter, der samtidig kan give ekstra smag til maden. Kirsten Tind er mester for de smukke akvareller.

  • - Det gode kvindeliv med naturens medicin
    af Rikke Goerlich
    227,95 kr.

  • - i naturen, i haven, i køkkenet og på marken
    af Per Mølgaard
    157,95 kr.

    Mere end 100 nordiske plantearter er giftige. De indeholder stoffer, der kan skade ved hudkontakt eller hvis de spises af mennesker og husdyr. Giftige planter og plantestoffer findes overalt omkring os – og undertiden i den mad, vi spiser. Det er ”in” at spise naturens vilde planter og dermed vigtigt at sikre sig, at det man indsamler, ikke er giftigt. Heldigvis er dødelige forgiftninger sjældne, men giftige planter er til stor bekymring for mange. Derfor er det nødvendigt at kende planterne, så forveksling kan undgås. Mange planteforgiftninger er heldigvis ”falsk alarm” – men ét fejltrin er ét for meget. I denne grundbog er der i tegning og tekst lagt vægt på identifikation af de giftige planter. Bogen omtaler også, hvilke giftstoffer planterne indeholder, hvordan stofferne virker og forgiftningens symptomer. Desuden vejledes i, hvornår man skal søge hjælp hos læge eller på skadestue - samt giver anvisning på eventuel selvbehandling. Teksten krydres af interessante forgiftningshistorier ”fra det virkelige liv”: Hvad er giftig honning? Hvorfor dør heste af at græsse på strandengen? Kan man begå selvmord med stormhat? Hvad er krysantemum-allergi? Kan man overdosere med naturlægemidler? Findes ”det perfekte giftmord”? Forfatteren Per Mølgaard, botaniker, lektor, ph.d. ved det tidligere Farmaceutiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet, har i mange år forsket og undervist i læge- og giftplanters indholdsstoffer. Botanisk tegner Kirsten Tind er mester for alle de vellignende og smukke plantetegninger. Bogen er udarbejdet i samarbejde med GIFTLINJEN. GIFTIGE PLANTER henvender sig til alle, der indsamler planter eller har småbørn. Den er også en uundværlig hjælp til dem, der professionelt har brug for viden om de giftige planter: læger, sygeplejersker, landmænd, kokke, dyrlæger, konsulenter, hesteejere, medarbejdere i daginstitutioner, skoler, grønne afdelinger, naturforvaltninger m.fl. Ca. 350 sider i stort format, indbundet, rigt illustreret Udkommer 29. august 2014

  • - dyrkning - anvendelse - have - helse
    af Anemette Olesen
    206,95 kr.

    De gamle lægeurter har længe været museumsobjekter, der fremvises i offentlige urte-anlæg, men i dag kan du også dyrke dem i din have, inddrage dem i din husholdning, anvende dem som naturmedicin uden at behøve at tænke for meget over bivirkninger. Gamle lægeurter er en bog, der fortæller om de første urter dyrket til lægebrug i Danmark. Bogen gennemgår dyrkning, høst og medicinhistorie på hver plante. Med Gamle lægeurter i hånden kan du lave din egen lille urtehave, og få indblik i en tid, der bliver ved at være nærværende i besindige betragtninger om et godt helbred. Anemette Olesen er forfatter til ca. 30 bøger om køkkenhave og brug af grøntsager og urter i køkkenet. Bl.a. Køkkenhave-Kogebogen og Marias planter. Hun er tidligere restauratør på sommerrestauranten Den Gamle Pavillon i Spøttrup. På baggrund af sin store erfaring med at dyrke og bruge havens krydderurter og de gamle grøntsagstyper, holder Anemette Olsen hvert år foredrag om urter og grønsager i hele landet, og er med mellemrum også vært for kombinerede have- og madkurser i sin egen have.

  • - Myndighedernes og medicinalindustriens attentater mod dit liv og helbred
    af Robby Curdorf
    207,95 kr.

  • af Anton Pottegård & Tore Bjerregaard Stage
    127,95 kr.

    En præcis og opslagsvenlig guide til brug af lægemidler i praksis – i ny og forbedret 2. udgave. "Praktisk farmakologi" henvender sig til den sundhedsprofessionelle, der har brug for et overblik over den praktiske brug af receptpligtige lægemidler og håndkøbslægemidler – særligt farmaceutstuderende og farmakonomer, men også hjemmesygeplejersker, medicinstuderende og læger. Denne 2. udgave er blevet grundigt opdateret og væsentlig forbedret med den nyeste viden og et væld af erfaringer fra klinisk praksis. Bogen indeholder kort og præcis information om de 100 mest solgte lægemiddelgrupper i Danmark. Bogen giver dig: lægemidlernes navne, hvilke sygdomme de bruges til at behandle, hvordan de virker, de vigtigste bivirkninger, særlige oplysninger. Bogen gennemgår desuden de 25 hyppigste problemer, som kan løses ved brug af håndkøbslægemidler, samt de vigtigste fakta om naturlægemidler, lægemiddelinteraktioner, receptlovgivningen og reglerne for tilskud til medicin.

  • af Professor David Nutt
    185,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af Anton Pottegård & Tore Bjerregaard Stage
    377,95 kr.

    En præcis og opslagsvenlig guide til brug af lægemidler i praksis – nu i 3. udgave."Praktisk farmakologi" henvender sig til den sundhedsprofessionelle, der har brug for et overblik over den praktiske brug af receptpligtige lægemidler og håndkøbslægemidler – særligt farmaceutstuderende og farmakonomer, men også hjemmesygeplejersker, medicinstuderende og læger.Denne 3. udgave er blevet grundigt opdateret og væsentlig forbedret med den nyeste viden og et væld af erfaringer fra klinisk praksis. Bogen indeholder kort og præcis information om de 100 mest solgte lægemiddelgrupper i Danmark. Bogen giver dig: lægemidlernes navne, hvilke sygdomme de bruges til at behandle, hvordan de virker, de vigtigste bivirkninger, særlige oplysninger.Bogen gennemgår desuden de 25 hyppigste problemer, som kan løses ved brug af håndkøbslægemidler, samt de vigtigste fakta om naturlægemidler, lægemiddelinteraktioner, receptlovgivningen og reglerne for tilskud til medicin.

  • af Michael Heinrich
    509,95 kr.

    Pharmacognosy, the science of nature-derived drugs, pharmaceuticals, and poisons, played a crucial role in the development of modern medicine, and now has an equally important place in healthcare all over the world. This wide scope ranges from traditional medicine systems and herbal and nutritional therapies, the preparation and use of highly standardised and clinically tested herbal medicines, to the production of potent drugs used only in a purified form. Natural sources mainly focus on plants, fungi and algae, but drug discovery of novel compounds and structures includes bacteria and even marine animals. Fundamentals of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy is a landmark textbook that covers this spectrum of medicinal plant use. Written by leading experts in this field, this book takes the reader through the history, identification, and quality assurance of plant-based medicines to their therapeutic properties, safety, and compatibility and interaction with prescribed drugs. Aimed at students of all healthcare professions, including pharmacy, medicine, nursing and complementary therapies, the comprehensively updated information in this textbook is also relevant to those companies and organisations concerned with the regulation and testing of herbal medicines (phytomedicines), other natural health products, nutraceuticals and dietary supplements. Introduces the concepts and scope of pharmacognosy Examines the scientific evidence of plant-based medicines for a range of health conditions Extended and updated referencing includes recent reviews, WHO and official documents (open access where available) for quick access to further scientific literature New to this edition Antimicrobial natural products: as antibiotics and antiseptics, and their potential as bacterial resistance modifiers Anticancer natural products: scope now includes their role in chemoprevention and associated anti-inflammatory mechanisms New chapter on pharmacovigilance for herbal medicines and related products Quality assurance and pharmacopoeial methods extended, with many new figures and examples Plant medicines of recent scientific interest (popularity, or notoriety) added throughout An enhanced eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customise your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud Antimicrobial natural products: as antibiotics and antiseptics, and their potential as bacterial resistance modifiers Anticancer natural products: scope now includes their role in chemoprevention and associated anti-inflammatory mechanisms New chapter on pharmacovigilance for herbal medicines and related products Quality assurance and pharmacopoeial methods extended, with many new figures and examples Plant medicines of recent scientific interest (popularity, or notoriety) added throughout

  • af Rachel Nuwer
    287,95 kr.

    I Feel Love: MDMA and the Quest for Connection in a Fractured World is a captivating and thought-provoking book by Rachel Nuwer. Published by Bloomsbury in 2023, this book delves into a contemporary topic that resonates with many in today's society. Nuwer, an accomplished author, takes readers on an enlightening journey, exploring the use of MDMA as a means of establishing deeper connections in our increasingly disconnected world. This book, falling under the genre of non-fiction, provides a unique perspective on the quest for connection and the role of substances like MDMA in this journey. Nuwer's insightful writing and thorough research make this a must-read. Published by the renowned publishing house, Bloomsbury, this book is a testament to the quality and depth of contemporary literature.

  • af Andrew (Reader in Clinical Pharmacology Hitchings
    223,95 kr.

    "The Top 100 Drugs combines the best elements of a students' textbook with those of a prescribers' manual. It gives equal weight to essential information on the science of pharmacology as well as the real-world practicalities of prescribing, all in an accessible and clear format. Written by leaders in the field of clinical pharmacology, this popular book has been fully revised and updated to include the drugs used today, including monoclonal antibodies and antiviral drugs for COVID-19. With common indications, mechanism of action, adverse effects, important interactions and a clinical tip for each drug as well as questions to test knowledge, this book is key to helping students understand everything they need to know about the drugs they are likely to use in practice."--Publisher marketing

  • - Et kompendium
    af Thea Saabye & Sofie Voss Hastrup
    377,95 kr.

    Bogens fokus er at give det bedste overblik over det store farmakologiske fagområde til den medicinstuderende. Den egner sig især til eksamenslæsning, og giver en oversigt over de vigtigste og hyppigst anvendte farmaka, som man skal kunne forstå og beskrive til eksamen i farmakologi på medicinstudiet i Danmark. To studerende har samlet den mest nødvendige viden i kompendiet og præsenterer den med en lang række tabeller og illustrationer. For at sikre det faglige niveau har en fagspecialist reviewet bogen. Farmakologi – et kompendium er et kompendium i serien StudMed+  … skrevet af studerende, studenterundervisere eller yngre læger i øjenhøjde med målgruppen … reviewet af en eller flere fagspecialister … retter sig mod overblik, eksamenslæsning og repetition som et supplement til egentlige lærebøger … har et stærkt fokus på det visuelle aspekt af læring … kan benyttes på medicinstudiet i både København, Aarhus, Odense og Aalborg

  • af Rajeev Jain
    2.010,95 kr.

    Green Analytical Methods and Miniaturized Sample Preparation techniques for Forensic Drug Analysis provides a comprehensive overview of GAMs in forensic drug analysis, including green sample preparation techniques, in-situ analytical platforms (such as DIC and µPADs), and on-site sample preparation. The book discusses not only eco-friendly GAM’s, but also methods which provide high sample throughput and cost-effective analysis, and are therefore of immense use in resource limited laboratories of developing countries. This is a comprehensive source of literature for analytical scientists in this developing area of sustainable and affordable analytical methods.

  • af Terry P Kenakin
    752,95 kr.

    Pharmacology in Drug Discovery and Development: Understanding Drug Response, Third Edition is an introductory resource that illustrates how pharmacology can be used to furnish the tools necessary to analyze different drug behavior and trace this behavior to its root cause or molecular mechanism of action. Chapters logically build upon one another to show how to characterize the pharmacology of any given molecule and allow for more informed predictions of drug effects in all biological systems. New chapters are dedicated to the interdisciplinary drug discovery environment in both industry and academia, and special techniques involved in new drug screening and lead optimization. The updates to the Third Edition include a new section converting "descriptive" data into "predictive" data through comparison to mathematical models, expansion on enzymes, drug metabolites and drug-drug interactions, and two new chapters. The newly developed companion website hosts further educational resources to complement the book. As in previous editions, this new edition includes numerous valuable chapter summaries, detailed references, practical examples, and case studies throughout.

  • af Pedro Fonte
    1.167,95 kr.

    Drug Delivery Systems for Wound Healing explores the different delivery systems and drugs used in wound healing, outlining the many pharmaceutical approaches in wound healing and management. Bringing together interdisciplinary research on wound healing and management, this book offers the theory behind wound healing, but also has a strong focus on the practical approach where scientists involved in medication development can find suggestions. Where appropriate, clinical outcomes are given so the book can be useful as a guide for the choice by medication prescription or use. Topics in the book include types of drugs used in wound healing; types of carriers used in wound healing; clinical outcomes; biocompatibility and toxicity problems, and pipeline products. Researchers working in the pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical sciences and engineering fields will find this a useful resource.

  • af Patrick Lenehan
    1.239,95 kr.

    Anabolic steroids have traditionally been controversial in the sporting arena. Today, research indicates a dramatic increase in the use of anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs outside of competitive sports. With evidence of widespread steroid abuse among the general population, health professionals are citing the emergence of an

  • af Alberto Pais
    1.563,95 kr.

    Artificial Intelligence for Drug Product Lifecycle Applications explains the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in drug discovery and development paths, including the clinical and postapproval phases. This book gives methods for each of the drug development steps, from the fundamentals to postapproval drug product. AI is a synergistic assembly of enhanced optimization strategies with particular applications in pharmaceutical development and advanced tools for promoting cost-effectiveness throughout the drug lifecycle. Specifically, AI brings together the potential to improve drug approval rates, reduce development costs, get medications to patients faster, and help patients comply with their treatments.Accelerated pharmaceutical development and drug product approval rates will enable larger profits from patent-protected market exclusivity. This book offers the tools and knowledge to create the right AI strategy to extend the landscape of AI applications across the drug lifecycle. It is especially useful for pharmaceutical scientists, health care professionals, and regulatory scientists, as well as advanced students and postgraduates actively involved in pharmaceutical product and process development involving the use of artificial intelligence in drug delivery applications.

  • af Genís Ona
    190,95 kr.

    A detailed look at the neural and biological mechanisms of psychedelic use

  • af Pooja A Chawla
    1.563,95 kr.

    Novel Drug Delivery Systems in the Management of CNS Disorders offers a comprehensive source of information on delivering drugs to the central nervous system to treat various diseases and conditions. The book covers a wide range of CNS disorders, including epilepsy, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Huntington's, multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, cerebral palsy, autism, ALS, and others. The book begins by presenting the foundations of drug delivery to the brain and addressing the associated challenges. It then delves into clinical trials and explores the future potential of the presented technologies. This reference is designed for drug delivery researchers in academia and corporations, providing them with the essential knowledge about overcoming the Brain-Blood Barrier and achieving targeted drug delivery to the central nervous system.

  • af Anya Hillery
    1.236,95 kr.

    mRNA Therapeutics: Foundations, Innovations and Clinical Applications aims to provide a comprehensive text that covers all aspects of mRNA therapeutics, from the foundational science that underpins this disruptive new drug class, through the scientific and technological breakthroughs crucial for therapeutic success, to the current clinical applications and the innovative advances driving future directions. The book begins with foundational knowledge covering mRNA biology, the immune system, and vaccines. The second section addresses the major challenges associated with mRNA as a therapeutic modality, and the molecular engineering innovations and delivery technologies that have allowed these hurdles to be largely overcome. The third section describes the current and future clinical applications of mRNA therapeutics that are transforming, or are poised to transform, medicine and health. This includes the use of mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 and other infectious diseases, as well as mRNA's role in revolutionizing cancer immunotherapy, covering immunostimulants, cancer vaccines including personalized neoantigen vaccines, and CAR T cell technologies. Additional chapters describe the use of mRNA therapeutics for protein replacement therapy and gene-editing, as well as newer mRNA constructs, including self-amplifying mRNA. The final section addresses the safety and regulatory considerations of mRNA therapeutics, along with broader cultural issues including vaccine hesitancy, global vaccine inequality, and pandemic preparedness. Currently, mRNA texts either provide personal accounts from key players involved in COVID-19 vaccine development, with limited scientific depth, or focus on highly specialized, more esoteric applications of mRNA in advanced molecular biology. This book aims to bridge this gap by providing a scientifically rigorous and wide-ranging exploration of mRNA's role in therapeutics. This pioneering textbook serves as a vital addition to the academic canon, providing an essential tool for the current and next generation of students, scientists, researchers and professionals in a wide variety of related disciplines including molecular biology, biomedical engineering, pharmaceutical science, oncology, and the health sciences.

  • af Prashant Kesharwani
    1.583,95 kr.

    Theranostics Nanomaterials in Drug Delivery presents the most recent advances in the development of theranostic nanomaterials for drug delivery. This book compiles reports and studies on the latest changes and improvements of theranostic nanocarriers such as nanoemulsions, liposomes, exosomes, polymeric micelles, PLGA nanoparticles, chitosan nanoparticles, dendrimer, quantum dots, silica nanoparticles, gold nanoparticles, silver nanoparticles, magnetic nanoparticles, and many more, all of which can help in the sensitive diagnosis, precise targeting, and efficient and controlled delivery of nanomaterials to control various diseases at different clinical stages. Theranostics nanomaterials in drug delivery will serve as a solid foundation and reference for pharmaceutical scientists, undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers, and experts in the medical field involved in the development of advanced drug delivery systems.

  • af Bin Yu
    1.643,95 kr.

    Drug Discovery Stories: From Bench to Bedside presents a collection of cases on the development of highly successful pharmaceuticals. It delves into the realm of drug discovery, exploring the structural biology and biological functions of the sought-after targets. The book covers the identification of promising compounds, their transformation from hits to leads through meticulous optimization, and the elucidation of how key compounds interact with the target (in essence, providing invaluable insights for drug design). Additionally, it covers essential information such as the pivotal biological and PK data of lead compounds, any noteworthy clinical results, and a comprehensive overview of other candidate compounds. The field of drug discovery and development has experienced rapid evolution, with numerous new drugs receiving approval each year. While several books have been published on this subject, there is a pressing need for a new book series that accurately reflects the current advancements in drug discovery. This book aims to not only cater to the drug discovery community but also engage other communities involved in chemical biology, synthetic chemistry, and pharmacology.

  • af Anilkumar Parambath
    2.010,95 kr.

    Polymers for Oral Drug Delivery Technologies covers the fundamentals of oral drug delivery and various aspects of polymer technology in oral drug delivery, from classification and synthesis, to applications and regulatory factors. It presents the oral delivery?of therapeutics for treating a number of diseases, along with the challenges of oral drug administration to assure a predictive and reproducible pharmacokinetic profile of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API).Polymers play an important role to achieve the targeted release profile consistently of an API in vivo by various functionalities like drug protection from gastric juice, fast release and supersaturation or release within a targeted area of the GI tract.

  • af Viral Patel
    1.643,95 kr.

    Targeted Therapy for the Central Nervous System: Formulation, Clinical Challenges, and Regulatory Strategies presents research on various delivery methods of drugs to the central nervous system and brain. This volume examines targeted therapies for neurodegenerative disorders and succinctly outlines the future of drug delivery systems, highlighting significant advancements specifically relating to central nervous system delivery. This book will be of great interest to researchers working in the field of neuroscience and pharmacology as well as clinicians (pharmacists, radiologists, psychiatrists).

  • af Dessi McEntee
    162,95 kr.

    Thank An Animal pays tribute to the animals who sacrificed their lives in the name of science. Covering the most impactful medicines in history, Thank An Animal offers insights to the animals that were used to develop and bring them to market.All proceeds of Thank An Animal go to helping rehome laboratory beagles used in animal research.

  • af William Pao
    210,95 kr.

    An insider view of the surprising innovations, collaborations and human stories behind our most vital medicines.

  • af Mohammad Hadi Dehghani
    1.111,95 kr.

    Health and Environmental Effects of Ambient Air Pollution is part of a series of three volumes for Air Pollution, Human Health, and the Environment. Volume 1 discusses the adverse consequences of ambient air pollutants on human health, animals, plants, and structures. This book examines the production of ambient air pollutants in the environment. It begins with an overview of the classifications, sources, and occurrences of outdoor air pollutants. This book covers meteorological, climate, and topographical factors affecting air pollution, discusses how urbanization and industrialization affect air quality, and explores how climate conditions like global warming, acid rain, and airborne particulate matter impact human health. It also looks at epidemiology studies and socioeconomic aspects of outdoor air pollution, estimating health and cost effects, air quality indices, guidelines, standards, and information networks of ambient air pollutants. With contributors from experts in the field, this book is a valuable reference for academicians, researchers, and students in environmental health, public health, and occupational health, as well as environmental engineers, meteorologists, epidemiologists, medical researchers, and environmental toxicologists.

  • af Linda Skidmore-Roth
    408,95 kr.

    Choose the drug handbook trusted by nurses for over 35 years! Mosby's 2025 Nursing Drug Reference makes it easy to find the most vital information on the drugs you administer most frequently. More than 5,000 drugs are profiled - including more than 25 new entries for drugs recently approved by the FDA. And no other drug guide places a higher emphasis on patient safety, with Black Box Warnings for dangerous adverse reactions, High Alerts for drugs with the greatest risk, and a focus on both common and life-threatening side effects. From nursing pharmacology expert Linda Skidmore-Roth, this perennial bestseller proves there is a difference in drug guides.NEW! Drug monographs for more than 25 newly released, FDA-approved medications equip you with the latest drug information including generic names, trade names, pronunciations, do-not-confuse drugs, action, uses, contraindications, precautions, dosages and routes, side effects, pharmacokinetics, interactions (including drug/herb, drug/food and drug/lab test), nursing considerations, treatment of overdose, patient/family teaching, and more.NEW! Several online-only drug monographs are added to the companion Evolve website, creating an overall total of more than 100 Evolve-only drug monographs for lesser-used medications.NEW! Combinations heading for selected monographs highlight common combinations.More than 5,000 generic and trade-name drugs are profiled, covering almost every drug you will administer in practice or in clinicals.Alphabetical organization by generic name provides quick and easy access to specific drugs, with both trade and generic names listed in the index.Bolded coverage of IV drug administration highlights dosage and IV administration instructions, including safety considerations and Y-site, syringe, and additive compatibilities.Nursing Process steps are used as the framework for organizing all nursing care information.Complete pharmacokinetic information is summarized in a table and includes the mechanism and absorption of the drug as well as its action, duration, and excretion.Side effects information is organized by body system and identified as common or life threatening, showing signs to watch for during assessments.High Alert headers highlight drugs that pose the greatest risk if administered improperly.Black Box Warnings provide alerts to FDA warnings of dangerous or life-threatening drug reactions.Overview of drug categories explains the safe administration of common classes of drugs, as well as their common side effects and interactions.Flexible, water-resistant cover provides durability in the clinical setting.

  • af Joaquín M. Campos Rosa
    727,95 kr.

    Pharmaceutical chemistry (PC) represents a dynamic field of research that plays a pivotal role in the development of life-saving pharmaceuticals. PC is a precise science: One needs to rely on the accuracy of previous discoveries that have provided massive amount of precious information and databases as a solid foundation to move forward. PC is also an art where the artist uses a subtle mixture of knowledge, experimental learning, creativity, intuition, boldness, and serendipity to paint the right canvas. Nature often serves as a stimulus for pharmaceutical chemists. Many drugs are derived from natural compounds found in plants, fungi, or microorganisms. Chemists study these natural sources, seeking inspiration to design synthetic molecules that mimic the therapeutic properties of the originals while optimizing their characteristics. Francis Collins, geneticist and expert in the pharmaceutical industry, explains that the molecular cause of 4,000 diseases is no longer a secret to humanity, but there are only treatments available for 250 of them. Therefore, the world requires more professionals who can produce better medicines and solve more needs. For this reason, it is urgent to discover a new system, new drugs, better industrial processes and faster responses for rare and complex diseases. That is the importance and need for more students in love with PC. It is the author's wish that volumes 1 and 2 of this series may serve as motivation for students who intend to get started in the exciting world of drug design, synthesis and development. There is no nobler objective than improving health and quality of life of the human race. The unprecedented increase in human life expectancy, which has almost doubled in a hundred years, is mainly due to drugs and to those who discovered them. It is more important to create awareness in the student that he/she is responsible for his own learning and not simply a passive consumer of information. In this way we will be able to train versatile professionals with an attitude of transformative social change. Drug Design and Action is trated in a separate volume ISBN 978-3-11-131654-3.

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