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Børn og unge i udsatte positioner, hvor risikofaktorer har forstærket hinanden over tid, og hvor beskyttelsesfaktorer ikke længere opvejer disse, mistrives. I Udviklingsstøttende samtaler med børn og unge i mistrivsel sætter Birthe Elholm, Maja Haack og Lisbeth Rask fokus på de samtaler, der kan støtte et barn eller en ung i at identificere egne tanker, følelser og behov samt at forstå sin situation og kende sine muligheder og rettigheder. Disse samtaler kan have afgørende indflydelse på barnets udvikling og kan i nogle tilfælde føre til et positivt vendepunkt i dets selvforståelse og forståelse af sig selv i forhold til andre. I bogen bliver den professionelle først introduceret til den udviklingsstøttende samtale, til hvad udviklingsstøtte er, og til den betydning, støtten har for barnet. Herefter følger en række metoder, som den professionelle kan trække på i en udviklingsstøttende samtale med et barn eller en ung. Udviklingsstøttende samtaler med børn og unge i mistrivsel er skrevet til professionelle inden for det pædagogiske, sundhedsfaglige og sociale område, som hver dag taler med børn og unge.
I denne rundrejse i børn og unges liv opdager du, at alt, vi gør (eller ikke gør), har afledte effekter. Anette Prehn viser, hvordan de talrige innovationer, vi hastigt integrerer i vores liv, reelt kan betyde tab. Særligt når mange mennesker træffer lignende valg samtidig. Tag skyklapperne af og se de markante følgevirkninger af algoritmer, hyppig fotografering, eliteidræt og en udbredt stempeltrang. Få også øjnene op for, hvad trykte ordbøger, fællessang, ordentlig sengetid, naturoplevelser, sociale færdselsregler og læsning kan gøre af godt for børn og unge. Få konkret inspiration til at træffe værdibaserede valg, der styrker livsmestringen. Bogen henvender sig til alle, der er forældre, eller som har med børn og unge at gøre. En ting er sikkert: Du provokeres til at forholde dig på nye måder til de ringe i vandet, der skabes af menneskers adfærdsvalg. Men åbn kun bogen, hvis du tør udvide dit synsfelt i verden. Der bliver nemlig et før og et efter.
Neuroaffektiv udviklingspsykologi er en brobygning mellem den nyeste hjerneforskning, tilknytningsteori og udviklingspsykologi. Neuroaffektiv psykoterapi med børn omsætter teorien til det psykoterapeutiske arbejde med spædbørn, børn og familier og præsenterer en variation af metoder, som alle har betydning for udvikling på forskellige niveauer i barnets nervesystem.Bogens røde tråd er at beskrive forskellige systematiserede metoder til børne- og familiebehandling ud fra den grundlæggende udviklingspsykologiske forståelse, at det er andres anerkendelse, som former selvet, og det er gennem andres anerkendelse, at man etablerer en bevidsthed om sig selv.Forskellige psykologiske behandlingsmetoder kan føre til psykisk udvikling hos barnet. Barnets udvikling skal stimuleres netop dér, hvor den nærmeste udviklingszone er, og det er vigtigt at vide, om barnets primære omsorgspersoner er i stand til at støtte udviklingen derfra. Udvikling af en moden personlighedsstruktur skabes i første omgang gennem samspillet med de nære tilknytningspersoner.Bogen samler udenlandske og danske forfatteres bidrag, der alle forholder sig til psykoterapi med børn og familier ud fra en kompleks forståelse af personlighedsudvikling som en gensidig proces mellem neurobiologi og relationel regulering. Bogen er inddelt i fire dele, Generelle principper for neuroaffektiv psykoterapi, Spædbarnsterapi, Børneterapi og Familiebehandling, og henvender sig til psykologer, psykiatere, psykoterapeuter, pædagoger og andre fagpersoner, der indgår i familiebehandling og relations- og miljøbehandling med børn. Susan Hart er psykolog og har tidligere udgivet bøgerne Dissociationsfænomener (2011), Den følsomme hjerne (2009), Hjerne, samhørighed, personlighed (2006), Betydningen af samhørighed (2006) og sammen med Rikke Schwartz Fra interaktion til relation (2008). Susan Hart har derudover skrevet artikler om neuroaffektiv udviklingspsykologi og afholder kurser i emnet. Bogens udenlandske bidrag er oversat fra engelsk og norsk af Dorte Herholdt Silver.
Gentagelsen er en rå og voldsom skildring af et ungt liv. En voksen kvinde ser tilbage på sig selv som 16-årig og undersøger en central begivenhed fra sin opvækst.Gentagelsen handler om at kysse for første gang, om at have sex for første gang – om at drikke og føle sig fuld til en fest med nogle drenge i et rækkehus. At løbe for at forberede sig til et maraton, at mærke en enorm sult og tørst.Og hele tiden våger mor over pigen som en høg. Far bliver i baggrunden. Fars afstand er til at tage og føle på, mors kontrol er uhørt. Der findes hemmeligheder i familiens hus. VIGDIS HJORTH er født i 1959. Hun voksede op i Oslo, men har siden boet i København, Bergen, Schweiz og Frankrig. Hun er cand.mag. med fagene idéhistorie, statsvidenskab og litteraturvidenskab. I 2016 udgav hun den anmelderroste roman Arv og miljø, som blev årets mest omtalte roman i Norge – og som hun vandt både Bokhandlerprisen og Kritikerprisen for, og som blev nomineret til Nordisk Råds litteraturpris. Siden har hun blandt andet skrevet Er mor død, der var indstillet til Nordisk Råds litteraturpris 2021.
Slip presset med øvelser i mindfulness.Generation Præstation er betegnelsen for de mange unge, der i dag suser af sted gennem skole og uddannelse – og livet – med øjnene stillet skarpt på den gode præstation. Det kunne også hedde Generation Pres, for kravene er tårnhøje, og tolerancen over for fejl og dårlig kampform er nærmest lig nul.Denne bog er skrevet til dig, der er vokset op med presset om at præstere, brande dig selv og altid lige gøre det hele lidt bedre – i skolen, på studiet, i sport, fritiden og det sociale liv med vennerne.Mindfulness har vist sig at være en særlig god måde at løsne det jerngreb af stress, præstationsangst og nedtrykthed, som en del unge befinder sig i. Med enkle mindfulness-øvelser kan du flytte fokus væk fra kravene om præstation, væk fra, hvor meget du yder, hvor flittig, målrettet og ambitiøs du er, og hen mod at være til stede i nuet, mærke dig selv, forstå og kende dine reaktioner og få et mere objektivt syn på dig selv.Du behøver ikke at tro på alt, hvad du tænker!Bogen kan også læses af forældre, lærere og andre professionelle tæt på nutidens pressede unge, som ser til med bekymring, men mangler inspiration til, hvilke tiltag der kan vende udviklingen for den enkelte.
Angst og bekymring hos børn er almindelige og sunde følelser. Men for mere end hvert tiende barn udvikler den naturlige angst sig til en overdreven tilstand, der rammer barnets trivsel og resten af familien. Monstermanualen henvender sig til familier med overbekymrede, ængstelige eller angste børn i alderen 7 – 12 år. For nogle børn kan denne bog betyde, at de overvinder angsten og får langt bedre trivsel. Der er mange grunde til, at et stigende antal børn bliver overbekymrede, og alt for mange forældre føler sig rådvilde og magtesløse over for denne usynlige lidelse. I en novelle møder I pigen Simone på ti år, som har angst, og hører, hvordan hun øver sig i at være mere modig. Derefter sender vi forældrene i Monsterskole, så I bedre kan forstå den lidelse, der plager jeres barn og får gode råd til, hvordan I kan hjælpe. I Monsterskolen for børn laver dit barn sin helt egen monstermanual, som bliver en slags skjold i kampene mod monsteret. Og gennem børnemeditation og mindfulness styrker vi dit barns tro på, at han eller hun har den indre styrke, der skal til for at bekæmpe sit mørke. Vi giver børnene poweren tilbage. Men husk på, at monstre skal bekæmpes i fællesskab!Bogen er skrevet af forfatter Gitte Winter Graugaard, som er kendt for sine bøger med børnemeditation, der får børn til at sove, herunder bestselleren Børnemeditationerne I mit hjerte, der sælger i tyve lande og psykolog Stine Hæk, som hver dag behandler børn med angst og overbekymring i sin klinik i Silkeborg. Bogen er opdateret til nyeste viden og erfaring i 2024.
An exciting and supportive storybook for daydreamy children and their parentsIt's not easy being a 10-year-old rabbit girl. Charlie's parents and her strict teacher, Mrs. Lynx, are constantly finding fault with her: "Pay attention! Stop daydreaming!" Just as well she has a second life as a famous pirate that she can escape to when things get too much. In her fantasy world, she experiences amazing adventures and fights against her enemy (who looks surprisingly similar to her teacher).Luckily, Charlie has her best friends at her side: the hardworking and slightly shy duck Muriel and the cuddly bear Frida, who would love to be a ballerina.Charlie is struggling with endless homework, exams, bad grades and her forgetfulness. But then one day in the Lost Forest she meets an unusual forest dweller who knows the value of daydreaming and lets her in on an ancient secret ...A book to be read by or to daydreamy elementary school children who would like to learn:how to concentrate better when learning at home and at school,why dreaming is also valuable,how to discover their own strengths,how to be better organized and forget less.A story about school, friendship, and family relationships that is thought provoking and invites conversations between children and parents.The book is also ideal for reading in class.
Up-to-date information on successfully assessing children and adolescents in clinical settingsThis book showcases state-of-the-art assessment methods, instruments, and processes in the clinical assessment of children and adolescents. Written by leading experts, the book highlights skills and specific procedures that are relevant and distinctive for the assessment of different age groups and in different contexts so that professionals can plan interventions effectively.After an introduction to the basic concepts and approaches to the clinical assessment of children and adolescents, four further sections explore the diagnosis of psychological problems, the conceptualization of clinical problems and interventions, the assessment of intervention progress and outcomes, and the assessment of specific groups and in special contexts. The contributions are full of practical examples to address issues such as clinical judgement and bias, results integration, multi-informant data collection, and incremental validity.
This book explores the profound impact of sound and music on our well-being, cognitive function, and overall health. Drawing on the latest research in neuroscience, the authors delve into how auditory experiences can influence the brain and body.The book covers a range of topics, including the therapeutic use of music, the effects of sound on stress reduction, and the potential for harnessing the power of sound to enhance learning and cognitive abilities. Also this book is recommended for children, adolescents and adults living with all forms of mental health diseases and disorders. Highly recommended for people living with Autism too. "Healing at the Speed of Sound" offers practical guidance on how individuals can incorporate sound and music into their lives for various therapeutic purposes, such as stress management, relaxation, and cognitive enhancement. The authors share real-life examples and case studies to illustrate the positive impact of intentional sound experiences on individuals of all ages. This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the intersection of music, sound, and well-being, providing a comprehensive exploration of the healing potential in our auditory aspects.
Children are born into a social context that is not of their choosing. From early childhood, this context is made up of diverse group experiences that play a crucial role in shaping a person's social life and desire to learn. This makes the group context an ideal setting for therapeutic and educational work, especially with children and adolescents. This volume offers numerous practical suggestions for using the group as a helpful and supportive medium, e.g., in parent-infant/toddler groups, parent/caregiver groups, groups with children or adolescents, and in preventive group work in schools. The contributions provide insights into the diversity and complexity of conceptual, group analytic work with children's, youth and parents' groups, and show how this work can be successful in outpatient settings, clinics, youth services, counseling centers, or schools. The combination of basic and applied knowledge makes this anthology an indispensable reference for any practitioner.With contributions by Andreas Opitz, Anke Mühle, Birgitt Ballhausen-Scharf, Dietrich Winzer, Hans Georg Lehle, Christoph Müller, Beate Schnabel, Anja Khalil, Carla Weber, Christoph Radaj, Dietlind, Köhncke, Franziska Schöpfer, Furi Kharbirpour, Gerhild Ohrnberger, Harald Weilnböck, Horst Wenzel, Kadir Kaynak, Matthias Wenck, Thomas Schneider, Tilman Sprondel, Ursula Pröbsting.
State-of-the-art guidance on the effective assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with ADHDNew updated editionProvides guidance on multimodal care and diversity issuesIncludes downloadable handoutsThe updated new edition of this popular text integrates the latest research and practices to give practitioners concise and readable guidance on the assessment and effective treatment of children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This common childhood condition can have serious consequences for academic, emotional, social, and occupational functioning. When properly identified and diagnosed, however, there are many interventions that have established benefits.This volume is both a compact "how to" reference, for use by professionals in their daily work, and an ideal educational reference for students. It has a similar structure to other books in the Advances in Psychotherapy series, and informs the reader of all aspects involved in the assessment and management of ADHD. Practitioners will particularly appreciate new information on the best approaches to the ideal sequencing of treatments in multimodal care, and the important diversity considerations. Suggestions for further reading, support groups, and educational organizations are also provided.A companion volume Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Adults is also available.
Supporting anxious kids means empowering anxious parents. Clinical psychologist Dr. Steve O'Brien knows firsthand how challenging, even overpowering, it can be when a child presents with anxiety. So often, their struggles send a ripple effect that disrupts the entire family system. In The Essential Guide to Treating Child and Adolescent Anxiety, clinicians will find an integrative, whole-family approach for treating the most common anxiety-related issues in childhood, including school fears, social anxiety, excessive worry, separation anxiety, and more. Drawing from cognitive behavioral, family systems, and client-centered therapies, this book provides over 75 handouts, worksheets, scripts, and tips to help you navigate the most common treatment obstacles so you can empower anxious children and their parents to live healthier, happier lives. You'll learn how to: - Navigate the initial session and build rapport with parents - Provide child-friendly psychoeducation on anxiety - Assist families in developing healthier habits to decrease household stress - Provide intensive parent consultation - Break the anxiety-reassurance-repeat cycle - Use the 3 R's (recognize, relax, redirect) of anxiety management - Reframe how parents and teachers think about "misbehavior" - And more!
In the DBT, CBT, and Play Therapy Toolbox, you'll find over 200 ready-to-use worksheets and activities designed to help kids and adolescents build social-emotional skills, develop greater insight, and process their struggles in a playful yet therapeutic manner. Drawing from the best of DBT, CBT, and play therapy, it includes step-by-step instructions and variation options based on age and developmental level, allowing you to flexibly and creatively address the often unpredictable challenges that kids face today. Whether you're a therapist, teacher, social worker, school counselor, or parent, this all-in-one resource will allow you to navigate a range of issues, from the common to the not-so-common, including: - Anxiety and worry - Uncomfortable thoughts and feelings - Loss, trauma, and grief - Anger, impulsivity, and self-harm - Lack of motivation, disorganization, and distractibility - Questions about sexuality, body image, and consent - Low self-esteem - Difficult life transitions, family dynamics, and divorce - Boundaries and healthy relationships - Technology and social media - Injustice and inequality - And more!
The Art Therapy Card Deck for Children and Adolescents features 50 creative, hands-on interventions to help kids work through difficult emotions, develop a growth mindset, and strengthen their communication skills so they can reach their goals. Each card features directions, a list of materials, a sample picture of a finished creation, and questions for discovery and discussion. The cards were designed to assist children and adolescents who have: - Anxiety - Trauma - Mood disorders - ODD - Autism - ADHD When words alone aren't enough, these activities will help your young clients explore mastery, self-concept, and self-worth through art.
A perfect book for psychology students and professionals interested in serious games and autism.Autistic children struggle with several areas of life, like communication, play and social skills, so they can need help in everyday life. Serious games and the gamification of autism offers great potential and tools for autistic people. Yet there are fascinating benefits and problems with the field.By the end of this great, easy-to-understand book, you'll know:What is gamification and serious games?What are the benefits of serious games for autistic people?What Are the Methodological and literature issues?How Do we fix these problems?Psychology students and professionals will love this great, conversational and engaging book.BUY NOW!Gamification Of Autism Content Includes:IntroductionHow Did This Book Come About And Why Is This Important To Look At?Introduction To The Gamification Of AutismUnderlying Theory of Gamification ResearchThe Benefits And Promising Results Of GamificationThe Issues With GamificationMore Problems With GamificationHowe Could We Fix These Problems?Conclusion
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) expert Seth Gillihan is back with even more mindful CBT practices, this time for your smallest clients. CBT Flip Chart for Kids is an interactive way for therapists to introduce the kid-friendly "Think Act Be" model of CBT to help kids discover: - How to work with their thoughts (Think) - How to do things that lead them toward their goals (Act) - How to be present and open to what's happening (Be) With the skills inside, your young clients will learn how to build the practice of mindfulness and CBT so they can tackle the big problems that kids face today, including: - Depression - School anxiety - Fear of the dark - ADHD - Worry - Homework - Perfectionism - Stress management - Boredom - Separation anxiety Intended for use in session, this simple, user-friendly format includes: - 31 full-color, interactive, and kid-friendly client-facing pages - Additional explanations and supplemental prompts on each corresponding therapist-facing page - Dry-erase client pages for easy markup, customization, and reuse
Practitioners need to know the evidence behind using digital mental health approaches and tools, including telemental health visits. This accessible book provides that help, as the authors guide the reader through the rationale, options, and strategies for incorporating digital tools into children's mental health care, drawing on their extensive knowledge of both current research and clinical practice. They outline the leading theoretical approaches that highlight mechanisms involved in digital tools increasing access to, engagement in, and outcomes of evidence-based mental health services for children and families. Through clinical vignettes and hands-on exercises included in this Advances in Psychotherapy series volume, mental health providers will gain insight into how to select a digital tool and identify its various uses. The reader is also given the opportunity to explore their own attitudes and comfort with incorporating digital tools into practice with their young clients and their families. Numerous downloadable handouts and forms for clinical use are provided in the appendix.
This child psychiatrist has observed a considerable increase in the number of children who no longer want to go to school over the last three years. This book is for parents and teachers, to help them understand and resolve such situations.
"I'm going to do the opposite of everything my parents did." Your childhood memories can have a profound impact on how you interact with, parent, and bond with your children. And while your actions may come from a loving place, when you parent through your past, you unknowingly make parenting decisions that attempt to satisfy your own unmet childhood needs, rather than tuning into what your child needs right now. In Parent the Child You Have, Not the Child You Were, expert family therapist Dr. Brie Turns-Coe introduces the tools you need to begin parenting in the present - allowing you to rebuild the parent-child relationship and develop a deeper connection with your child that allows them to thrive. Whether you're raising a defiant teenager, a moody adolescent, or a tantrum-prone toddler, this book will help you: · Heal from childhood wounds that dictate how you parent · Break free from toxic parenting styles · Communicate effectively with your child in times of distress · Parent with greater intention · Adjust unrealistic parenting expectations · Grieve the child (or childhood) you wish you had
Successful Sons Psychotherapeutic Guide for ParentsA guide that will teach us in a simple way how to educate and raise our children in a balanced and integral way. This book is the definitive guide for parents who want to learn how to teach their children in a positive environment for their full development and formation. It provides step-by-step instructions and practical advice on how to establish a healthy environment for homeschooling centered on principles and values.In addition, it provides simple and effective strategies, as well as a variety of psychotherapeutic tools parents will need to create a nurturing and supportive environment that will help them raise and educate their children more effectively. "Successful Children" is an invaluable psychotherapeutic guide for parents that provides simple and effective strategies for raising and educating children in a healthy and positive way. It is an essential resource for any parent seeking to generate a loving and supportive environment. This book provides an easy-to-follow guide on how to raise, educate and teach children. It offers practical advice on how to foster healthy and successful relationships with your children. It also provides an overview of the most effective psychotherapeutic approaches to parenting in the 21st century. Keep in mind that parenting can be a difficult and challenging task. However, by understanding the basic principles and values of parenting, parents can not only create a loving home environment, but also help their children become successful adults. With the right tools and guidance, parents can learn to more effectively guide their children to make choices that will benefit them in the long run. By practicing these psychotherapeutic tips, parents can ensure that their children will become strong, independent individuals with a healthy set of values.This work is addressed to responsible parents and, to all those who are thinking of becoming parents of future generations, those children, youth, and adolescents who will be integrated as potential drivers of tomorrow's society and world. It is important to emphasize that: No one studies to be a parent and, when we take on this vital challenge, sometimes, we must do it with what we know so far and have within reach. And even, sometimes, we must update ourselves in the face of new online trends and digital technologies. And thus, give our children a more comprehensive education that prepares them to take on the challenges of tomorrow. This information is based not only on ethical, moral, and spiritual principles centered within the home, which is the first school of life. It also focuses on teaching our children to learn to socialize and interact responsibly and respectfully with all people. Likewise, this guide to raising successful children has the primary objective of encouraging parents to become aware of what they have in their hands: extraordinary human beings, offspring of their lineage, ready to be shapers of the new world. So, mothers and fathers together, let's make our children become the best versions of themselves that they can BE.
Mannie and her Mooooody, Disorderly Day follows Mannie the cow as she navigates a somewhat surprising and chaotic day on the weather pasture with her bipolar disorder. After beginning her morning with an abnormally bright sun and vivacious disposition, Mannie's mood quickly shifts to cloudy thoughts and extreme misery, forcing her to leave school. With parental guidance (from Mootilda and Sir Loin), Mannie attempts to take the S.S.R.I. train to get her sun back, and, when her symptoms worsen, she does not succumb to failure. Instead, Mannie finds her way home with a beautiful rainbow and regulated emotions.This unparalleled tale follows the special case of a cow experiencing strange shifts, yet persevering and maintaining hope in the face of mental distress, despite the fact that events do not begin in her favor. It aims to shine an unprecedented, yet accurate, light on mood disorders and treatment for children, using punny characters and sayings, while also providing an underlying moral about the power of fierce aspirations.
With virtual therapy becoming ever more ubiquitous, how can you keep young clients engaged while providing them with the effective, evidence-based treatment they need? Look no further! Dr. Amy Marschall is back with even more teletherapy interventions for your practice in her newest book, Telemental Health with Kids Toolbox, Volume 2. As with the first volume, you'll find over 125 ready-to-use telehealth games, exercises, and activities tailored to each client's unique interests, treatment goals, and developmental level. As an added bonus, this volume also features a directory of activities based on what telehealth features are available to your client so you can find an activity that works regardless of the device, WiFi restrictions, and platform options available. Designed to fit with any therapeutic orientation, this toolbox targets the same skills as the first volume, including: · Frustration tolerance · Perspective taking · Problem-solving · Cognitive flexibility · Perfectionism · Empathy building · Winning and losing well · Impulse control · Decision-making · Emotion regulation · Following directions · And more!
"Backed by the most up-to-date scientific research, The Science of Parenting, 2nd Edition provides evidence-based parenting advice about how you should care for your child, with practical strategies from birth to 12 years of age. Child psychotherapist Dr. Margot Sunderland has more than 30 years' experience that she brings to this internationally-acclaimed guide, and she provides numerous case studies to relate the science to real life. From separations and time apart to forms of discipline to the latest thinking on screen time, this guide traces the direct effect of different parenting practices on your child's brain. Summaries at the end of every chapter provide key takeaways and make action points simple and clear so you can begin to implement them immediately. As a professional who works with families, Dr. Sunderland is attuned to the struggle of parents juggling lives at work and at home. This second edition of The Science of Parenting provides newly added, invaluable advice on making the most of your time with your child, so that you can forge a strong bond and have a positive relationship."--Provided by publisher.
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