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  • af Andrew Scanameo
    212,95 kr.

    Living Longer & Better is a fantastic guide to thriving throughout your retired years (and hopefully before) instead of simply surviving. It escorts you through a paradigm shift in the definition of aging from a "number" associated with decline to that of a state of mobility, activity and functionality associated with improvement. Yes, even at 94 you can still bike, run and swim and complete a sprint triathlon! Living Longer & Better seeks to change the belief that age equals decline. It will cause people to shift from the subset of the population that is declining to the subset that is getting better with age. This guide will show you how to improve your body, mind, emotions and spiritual state to live longer and better. Dr. Scanameo skillfully combines the principles of anti-aging medicine as well as those of geriatric medicine to really take the aging myth "bull by the horns." It's your life. It's time that you direct it, take control of it and truly live in a way that helps you to really thrive. As Dr. Scanameo tells the patients in his clinic: "Let's give wine a little competition and not be the only thing that gets better with age!"

  • af Adolfo Perez Agusti
    197,95 kr.

    Hay un nuevo paradigma que quiero explicarles, justo ahora en que el promedio de vida se alarga, en que los ancianos son cada vez mayores pero menos ancianos y cuando el relevo generacional ya no es posible. Nacen menos niños, pero las personas viven más y mejor, y el número de habitantes en el mundo vuelve a estabilizarse logrando así, gracias a los mayores, el bienestar económico. Por eso, los economistas deberían pensar más en los ancianos, en los mayores, en aquellos a quienes yo denomino como Veteranos de la Vida.Sin importar dónde viva o su edad, es muy probable que quiera vivir durante más tiempo, pero desea hacerlo con plenitud y yo le estoy hablando de 120 años. En este libro encontrará todas las referencias sobre los longevos mundiales, sus costumbres y modos de vivir, así como todas las experiencias médicas fiables que ahora se están empleando en el mundo para lograr una buena y larga longevidad.No hemos excluido ningún sistema médico, ni ninguna terapia ancestral. Todo cuanto se sabe sobre longevidad, está reflejado en este libro.

  • af Louise Aronson
    178,95 kr.

    Finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in General NonfictionLonglisted for the Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in NonfictionWinner of the WSU AOS Bonner Book AwardThe New York Times bestseller from physician and award-winning writer Louise Aronson--an essential, empathetic look at a vital but often disparaged stage of life, as revelatory as Atul Gawande's Being Mortal. For more than 5,000 years, "old" has been defined as beginning between the ages of 60 and 70. That means most people alive today will spend more years in elderhood than in childhood, and many will be elders for 40 years or more. Yet at the very moment that humans are living longer than ever before, we've made old age into a disease, a condition to be dreaded, denigrated, neglected, and denied. Reminiscent of Oliver Sacks, noted Harvard-trained geriatrician Louise Aronson uses stories from her quarter century of caring for patients, and draws from history, science, literature, popular culture, and her own life to weave a vision of old age that's neither nightmare nor utopian fantasy--a vision full of joy, wonder, frustration, outrage, and hope about aging, medicine, and humanity itself. Elderhood is for anyone who is, in the author's own words, "an aging, i.e., still-breathing human being."

  • af Barbara F. Speedling
    237,95 kr.

    This resource guide is designed to assist the interdisciplinary team in understanding the full scope of responsibility under the regulations for Trauma-Informed Care and Behavioral Health Services. Each section offers an overview of the regulatory requirements, highlights on how to interpret the intent of the requirement, and the steps the team will want to focus on to evaluate compliance and identify areas in need of review and potential revision.

  • af George Tsatsu Tamakloe
    157,95 kr.

    Looking forward to another day in the office, George Tsatsu Tamakloe retired to bed. Earlier that evening he had been going through his usual paces, addressing his workload for the following morning. Little did he know that he would be leaving his office that evening for the very last time. Tsatsu, as he is called by his friends and family, woke up the following day in a hospital bed. After he regained consciousness, he was told that he had suffered a stroke during the night. This turn of events altered the trajectory of his life for good."There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." -Maya AngelouI worked out at the gym at least 3 times a week. Late night snacks were common. I had no idea that was an unhealthy habit. Laying on the floor in my bathroom, unable to get up, was my wakeup call. My mission is to let people know that there is life after stroke. This book is fulfilling my greatest dream to inspire others and to honor the people who have helped me along the road to recovery.

  • af S. Elia
    87,95 kr.

    Book description.Alzheimer's is a degenerating and progressive brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills, and eventually the ability to carry out the simplest tasks. The patients afflicted with this condition eventually become completely incapacitated .This book describes the risk factors of Alzheimer's and how to avoid those risks.In this book you will find how the lifestyle of some people in certain countries affect their life positively and they have no health issues or dementia and they live well over 100 years old.In this book, you will find the recommendations of many experts how to delay or even stave off dementia.If you want to know how to prepare for your golden years and have a good chance to avoid the worst type of dementia, Alzheimer's, this book is for you.If you want to know how to care for your loved ones when they are afflicted with dementia, you will find useful suggestions in this book.

  • af Philip Scheltens, Frederik Barkhof, Jaap Valk & mfl.
    858,95 kr.

  • af Source: Wikipedia
    173,95 kr.

  • af Ira B. Lamster & Mary E. Northridge
    927,95 kr.

  • af Nancy D. Pearce
    212,95 kr.

  • af Pere Clave´
    1.286,95 kr.

    A Multidisciplinary Approach to Managing Swallowing Dysfunction in Older People provides comprehensive coverage on oropharyngeal dysphagia (OD), focusing on older patient phenotypes. The book  provides the knowledge needed for translational researchers and professionals to aid in the detection, diagnosis, treatment and management of OD, ultimately improving patient quality of life. OD has been recently considered a geriatric syndrome because of its high prevalence, the increase of life-expectancy and the need to be managed by a multidisciplinary approach. This reference takes a novel approach to OD, covering all aspects as a geriatric syndrome, examining a complicated and multi-level topic in a succinct way. Contents include the most innovative information available in current literature combined with practical applications to improve the diagnosis and treatments of OD as a geriatric syndrome. This is the perfect reference for translational researchers, physicians and healthcare professionals dealing with OD.

  • af Gustavo Duque
    1.307,95 kr.

    This edited work presents the most current evidence on osteosarcopenia from bench to bedside, which is expected to facilitate the understanding of this syndrome and to develop preventive and therapeutic strategies.With our aging population, chronic diseases such as osteoporosis and sarcopenia are becoming highly prevalent. Fortunately, our understanding of the bone and muscle interactions has increased in recent years. This has allowed to the coining of the term osteosarcopenia to describe a syndrome in which these two diseases overlap. This overlap between osteoporosis and sarcopenia has major negative effects not only on our older adults but also on health systems worldwide. Readers will find a highly translational approach that starts with a summary of recent discoveries on stem cells biology, muscle and bone interactions - including the role of local bone and muscle fat -  followed by comprehensive reviews on myokines (i.e. myostatin), osteokines (i.e. osteocalcin) and adipokines (i.e. interleukins) as major players and determinants of bone and muscle loss with aging. In addition, the role of sex steroids (i.e. estrogens, androgens), and calciotropic hormones (i.e. parathyroid hormone, vitamin D) in the pathogenesis of this syndrome is also reviewed. Moreover, using practical diagnostic and therapeutic tips, this book summarizes the clinical characteristics of osteosarcopenic patients thus facilitating the diagnosis and treatment of this syndrome in clinical practice. Finally, the book presents the case for the Falls and Fractures Clinic as the optimal model of care for this syndrome, aimed to avoid fragmentation and optimize osteosarcopenia care, and simultaneously prevent falls and fractures in older persons.This book offers relevant information on the mechanisms of osteosarcopenia, and a practical guide on how to identify and treat this geriatric syndrome and its adverse outcomes, which are dramatically affecting our aging population.The work is written by leaders in the field and is especially suited not only to any researcher in the musculoskeletal arena but also to medical specialists and allied health professionals involved in the care of older persons.

  • af Giacinto Libertini, Graziamaria Corbi, Valeria Conti, mfl.
    1.319,95 kr.

  • af Elspeth Cameron Ritchie & Maria D. Llorente
    858,95 kr.

  • af Seyed Mohammad Nabavi
    1.978,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the nutrients and nutraceuticals that promote active and healthy ageing - recently defined by the WHO as the process of development and maintenance of functional capacity that allows well-being at an advanced stage of life. There has been a rapid rise in the use of nutritional interventions as well as specific nutraceuticals in the management of multifactorial aspects of clinical health outcomes. Written by leading experts this book comprehensively discusses the various ageing phenotypes and age-related diseases. It also assesses the nutritional status of the elderly and the various epidemiological factors that influence it. It reviews the role of dietary fiber in disease-free and fully functional ageing. Further, the book explores the benefits of polyphenols, which are secondary plant metabolites, in protecting against cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and various neurodegenerative diseases.

  • af Sue Halpern
    197,95 kr.

  • af Vincent J. Cristofalo
    1.087,95 kr.

    "This volume presents a clear, concise overview of the current state of knowledge about the biology of aging ? serving as both an invaluable graduate-level text and a key reference for practicing professionals. Over a dozen distinguished contributors probe the latest developments in our knowledge of why people age and how the process works. These authoritative chapters are not just written for biologists ? but for gerontologists in general. Marks the tenth anniversary of the Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics. "

  • af Gerald A Larue
    209,95 kr.

    This thoughtful collection based on a highly successful conference held in Calgary, Alberta, combines the views of professional gerontologists, educators, health-care specialists, and policy makers to confront the issues affecting health care for older adults in both Canada and the United States. The contributors seek not only to inform but to inspire innovative reponses from the private as well as the public sector. Experts in government, aging, medicine, public administration, social service, counseling, and consulting focus their attention on vital areas of concern to elders who are in need of assistance, to the providers of these services, and to a public who seeks assurance that its resources are cost-effectively allocated to meet present and future demand. Included are essays on the current status of health-care policy in the United States and Canada, daily money management, caring for the noncompliant elder, long-term care as an emerging women's issue, lobbying government agencies and political leaders, the role of gerontology in resolving the crisis of long-term care, and "geroethics."

  • af Ernestine Leutgeb
    197,95 kr.

    Demenzprävention ist in aller Munde. Von allen Seiten werden wir heute mit dem Begriff ,geistige Aktivierung' bestürmt. Dabei sehen wir diesen meist viel zu eng und stürzen uns etwa auf das Erlernen einer Fremdsprache oder anderes, was unser Gedächtnis isoliert trainiert. Wir vergessen dabei aber auf das "symphonische" Ganze! Zur "geistigen Aktivierung" gehört vieles - wie etwa das Koordinieren von Bewegung, die Orientierung im Raum, das Lesen der Mimik eines Mitmenschen. Geistige Aktivierung bedeutet also viel, viel mehr als nur "Gehirnjogging"&Co - und das lebenslang, nicht erst im hohen Alter!Dieses Sachbuch präsentiert sehr anschaulich Wissen rund um die bereits wissenschaftlich erwiesenen, aber trotzdem noch viel zu wenig beachteten Demenz-Risikofaktoren "Bewegungsmangel" und "mangelnde Sozialkontakte". Es zeigt auf, warum unser Gehirn ausreichend körperliche Bewegung und vielfältige Sozialkontakte braucht, um "fit" zu bleiben, und warum man diese daher als "Schutzfaktoren" verstehen kann. Denn ausreichend Bewegung und vielfältige Kontakte spielen eine lebenslange Rolle bei der Erhaltung unserer kognitiven Fähigkeiten und Funktionen! Das Buch richtet sich an alle Leser, die sich nicht passiv dem "Schicksal Demenz" ergeben, sondern frühzeitig aktiv werden und "miteinander" und "mobil" der Demenz die Stirn bieten möchten.

  • af Evelyn Franke
    422,95 kr.

    Anders leben - anders sterbenDie Themen Sterben und Tod betreffen jeden Menschen im Laufe des Lebens, auch Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung. Diese Menschen haben jedoch, je nach individueller Situation, andere Bedürfnisse im Umgang mit diesen schwierigen Themen als andere. Ihr Zugang und Wissensstand unterscheiden sich oft deutlich von denen anderer Menschen, was im Betreuungsalltag oft zu Unsicherheiten auch auf Seiten der Betreuer führt. Hier setzt dieses Buch an: Eine Einführung skizziert Todes- und Lebenskonzepte von Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung. Zentraler Bestandteil ist ein Gesprächs- und Fortbildungsprogramm für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung zu wichtigen Aspekten rund um Lebensphasen, Palliative Care, Sterben, Tod und Trauer. Der umfangreiche Praxisteil enthält methodische Hinweise und Praxistipps für Fördereinheiten zu diesen Themenkomplexen. Die 2. Auflage berücksichtigt die gesetzlichen Änderungen zur Stärkung der Hospiz- und Palliativbetreuung undgibt Hilfestellung zu den Themen Vorausverfügung, Patientenverfügung und Vorsorgevollmacht.Das Buch ermutigt Angehörige, gesetzliche Betreuer, Mitarbeitende in Einrichtungen der Behindertenhilfe und Begleiter von Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung, mit diesen offen und einfühlsam über Krankheit, Sterben und Tod zu sprechen.  Der InhaltPalliative Care in der Begleitung von Menschen mit geistiger BehinderungAnders leben - anders sterben?Das Wissen von Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung über den TodMiteinander redenGespräche im Themenkreis Palliative CareCurriculum Palliative Care für Menschen mit geistiger BehinderungDie AutorinEvelyn Franke, Dipl.-Lehrerin, Dipl.-Rehabilitationspädagogin, Ausbildung in Palliative Care, Ethikberaterin im Gesundheitswesen, seit 1980 in der Arbeit mit Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung mit unterschiedlichen Arbeitsschwerpunkten

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