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  • - Når livet for altid er forandret
    af Tine Bay
    157,95 - 205,95 kr.

    OP IGEN er en beretning om en voldsom ulykke og gaseksplosion og er indtalt af forfatteren selv. En beretning om håb, afmagt, fight, kontroltab, viljestyrke og en helt ny virkelighed for en tidligere Miss World deltager, hjernetræner og Danmarksmester, som uforskyldt endte med voldsomme forbrændinger på begge ben, dropfod og PTSD, og som måtte gennemleve et lidelsesmarathon før tingene endte godt igen. I en søgen efter meningsfuldhed med ulykken, er bogen skrevet som den bog Tine Bay gerne selv ville have haft ved hånden undervejs på vej op igen, og er skrevet med både humor, styrke og autentisk ærlighed. Bogens kerne er en fortælling om ikke at give op, selv når det er svært og at holde fast i sig selv og sin integritet og finde sin egen vej, også når det brænder på. Den handler om at det umulige nogen gange kan blive muligt.Vi følger dramaet omkring selve ulykken, forløbet under den marathon lange komplicerede hospitalsindlæggelse, retfærdighedskampen og kampen om at komme tilbage til en form for hverdag. Fra Camilla Martins forord: “Jeg har grædt undervejs i bogen, fordi jeg har tænkt at det Tine går igennem, ville jeg aldrig nogensinde kunne have klaret. Men Tine stod det igennem, med en fuldstændig ufattelig og ukuelig vilje, og med en så fin og skrøbelig tilgang til sig selv og den Tine hun lærte at kende undervejs”. Tine Bay bruger i bogen højlydt alle mentale redskaber hun tidligere har brugt – særligt i kraft af sin funktion som mentaltræner. Det er også beskrivelsen af et menneskes møde medhospitalsvæsenet på godt og ondt. En oplevelse der undervejs er både fantastisk, fortvivlende og medrivende.

  • af Tonya Flory
    132,95 - 207,95 kr.

  • af Rikke Høgsted
    67,95 kr.

    Pixibog til "Digitalt Grundkursus i Belastningspsykologi" er et udvalg af modeller fra Grundbog i Belastningspsykologi - fx "Ringene i vandet", "IGLO-U-modellen", "Bæredygtighedsmodellen", "Rød-Grøn-Blå-modellen" og "Belastningsfirkanten". Pixibogen består hertil af en række råd om forebyggelse knyttet til et godt psykisk arbejdsmiljø. Tilgangen er helhedsorienteret og baseret på forståelse af, at forebyggelse er en holdsport. Pixibogen rummer også tjeklister over faresignaler på både individ- og gruppe-niveau. På stikords-niveau er der en række konkrete eksempler på, hvordan man sammen kan skabe en proaktiv og kollektiv forebyggelse, eksempler der bliver uddybet i "Grundbog i belastningspsykologi". Pixibogen er knyttet til Institut for Belastningspsykologis digitale grundkursus i belastningspsykologi - se Materialet retter sig mod mentale højrisikojobs, dvs. job, hvor man som fagperson regelmæssigt bliver konfronteret med sygdom, trusler, overgreb, ulykker eller død eller job, som på anden vis stiller høje følelsesmæssige krav til den ansatte om indlevelse og om at håndtere smertefulde følelser.

  • af Ditte R. Lose
    144,95 kr.

  • af Cheyenne Falat
    888,95 kr.

    In this issue of Emergency Medicine Clinics, guest editors Drs. C Cheyenne Falat and Stephanie Lareau bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Environmental and Wilderness Medicine. Emergency medicine physicians must be equipped with the knowledge to effectively care for patients who push the limits of this world and are exposed to the extremes of temperature, altitude, terrain, physical activity, flora and fauna-and even outer space. This issue addresses each of these topics with guidance from top experts in the field.Contains 15 relevant, practice-oriented topics including altitude related conditions; dive related illness and injury; desert medicine; endurance sporting events; tick borne diseases; climate change; space medicine; and more.Provides in-depth clinical reviews on environmental and wilderness medicine, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Vanessa Pezo
    180,95 kr.

    This one-of-a-kind guide explores the impact of systematic oppression, colonisation, generational trauma, and individual trauma for people in the Latinx community. It guides the reader on a journey of understanding, healing, and empowerment for them and their communities, and includes reflective questions and healing exercises.

  • af James Ip
    976,95 kr.

    "A comprehensive and user-friendly guide to paediatric anaesthesia written by practising experts. Thoroughly updated to reflect current clinical practice and now covering advances in interventional practice, neonatal anaesthesia, and the effects of anaesthesia on the developing brain. An ideal resource for both trainees and practitioners"--

  • af Kevin Grange
    182,95 kr.

  • af Kimberley J. Haines
    858,95 kr.

    This book provides a comprehensive overview of improving critical care survivorship. Comprised of four sections, the text presents interventions that can be used to improve patient outcomes and reduce the burden of post-intensive care syndrome across the arc of care, from the ICU to returning home. The first section of the text focuses on preventing adverse outcomes in the ICU, with an emphasis on implementing early mobilization, engaging and supporting families, and employing various forms of therapy. The second section revolves around enhancing recovery post-ICU, focusing on physical and neurocognitive rehabilitation programs, peer support, and poly-pharmacy management. Community reintegration is the subject of the third section, with emphasis on socioeconomic reintegration, healthcare utilization, and volunteerism in ICU recovery. The book concludes with a section on future considerations, specifically spotlighting preliminary ideas that address long-term sequelae and international collaboration to solve critical care challenges. Written by experts in the field, Improving Critical Care Survivorship: A Guide for Prevention, Recovery, and Reintegration is a valuable resource for critical care clinicians and researchers interested in improving the quality of patient survival after ICU admission.

  • af Antonio M. Esquinas
    1.689,95 kr.

    This book presents the best practice, indications and drugs most used in the practice of noninvasive ventilation (NIV). In the last two decades NIV has made a lot of progress in different scenarios and etiologies of respiratory failure. The treatment of these patients frequently involves the use of drugs to control patient's symptoms such as dyspnea, discomfort and some of them can have direct or indirect effects on lung function. The volume is organized into various sections - dedicated both to adults as well as pediatrics - where the most frequent clinical conditions requiring for the use of a pharmacological support are described. Furthermore, this book is conceived as a quick reference guide including an analysis of the indications of drugs dosage and the pharmacological interactions that can be observed in lung function in patients undergoing NIV. Thanks to its contents, readers can quickly consult indications, contraindications, doses, the most suitable treatments to achieve the maximum NIV as well as the most important side effects reported by clinicians.In this book specialists in critical care and pharmacology, managing both adult and pediatric population, shed a light to the proper medication management and best drugs choice in patients with indications for NIV

  • af Raveendra Shankaranarayana Ubaradka
    792,95 - 1.207,95 kr.

  • af Marc-David Munk
    247,95 - 342,95 kr.

  • af David N Hager
    667,95 kr.

    In this issue of Critical Care Clinics, guest editors Drs. David N. Hager, Kyle Gunnerson, and Stephen Macdonald bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Critical Illness Outside the ICU. Top experts cover key topics such as flight transport of the critically ill; models of critical care in the emergency department; in-hospital triage; rapid response teams; early warning systems; ICU without walls; and more.Contains 14 relevant, practice-oriented topics the role of intermediate care; PACU care; critical care in rural settings; critical care in austere settings; tele-ICU support; alternate care pathways for the patient with multimorbidity; and more.Provides in-depth clinical reviews on critical illness outside the ICU, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Diane Bruessow
    416,95 kr.

    In this issue of Physician Assistant Clinics, guest editor Diane Bruessow of Yale School of Medicine brings her considerable expertise to the topic of Gender Minority Medicine. Filling a knowledge gap in transgender health in primary care, this issue features articles by top experts that focus on up-to-date standards regarding clinical care, hormone therapy, inclusion, hormone therapy and surgery, and more.Contains 12 relevant, practice-oriented topics including interpreting gendered lab results; deferring puberty in transgender adolescents and associated clinical care; administrative considerations (or creating a welcoming environment) for transgender inclusion; navigating transgender health in the uniformed services; and more.Provides in-depth clinical reviews on gender minority medicine, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • - Teoretisk og lavpraktisk
    af Stefan Koust Hansen & Thomas Egesborg Pedersen
    137,95 kr.

    At være førstehjælpsinstruktør er et multidisciplinært "håndværk", som inddrager viden inden for mange forskellige fagområder – blandt andre pædagogik, didaktik, planlægning, videnskab og kommunikation. Samtidig findes der ingen eller meget få bøger, som binder alt dette sammen og skaber rammen om virket som førstehjælpsinstruktør. Håndværket som førstehjælpsinstruktør beror sig med andre ord på de mere uskrevne regler, eller hvad der kunne kaldes tavs viden. Som udøvende eller kommende førstehjælpsinstruktør kan det være svært at søge viden, der målretter sig til førstehjælpsundervisningen. Det er håbet med denne bog, at du kan få konkrete værktøjer, men også en dybere forståelse og baggrundsviden, der får dig til at stå endnu stærkere og troværdig som underviser.I bogen kan du blandt andet læse om, hvordan guidelines bliver til, og hvad en god relation til dine kursister har af indflydelse på din undervisning. Bogen forklarer teorien ud fra fiktive, men realistiske eksempler og inddrager højaktuelle emner fra det omkringliggende samfund.

  • af Sasha Murray
    377,95 kr.

    Ever felt trapped in a cycle of depression, anxiety, or self-doubt? Are you tired of chasing the elusive promise of 'unwavering happiness'?"Embracing Imperfection" is not just a book; it's a journey of transformation. Authored by a therapist who has navigated the tumultuous waters of mental health challenges, this guide is a beacon of hope for those seeking to find peace within themselves.Key Points to Discover:Beyond Positive Thinking: Learn how true change comes from embracing both your successes and your messes, not just positive thinking.Permission to be Flawed: Discover how accepting your flaws can lay the foundation for genuine healing and growth.The Illusion of Constant Happiness: Uncover the myth of unwavering happiness, perpetuated by media and marketing, and learn to find contentment in reality.Emotional Resilience: Gain insights into how to become resilient to life's emotional discomforts, rather than avoiding them.Dismantling Shame: Learn how understanding and addressing shame can lead you closer to the life you deserve.Balancing Growth with Self-Acceptance: Find out how to desire change while accepting your current self and circumstances.Your Personal Journey with This Book: Engage with the book in your own way, creating your unique path to self-discovery.This book is an appetizer to the comprehensive confidence-and-resilience manual still in the works. Consider it your first step in a transformative journey.Are you ready to embrace your imperfections and find peace with who you are?Dive into "Embracing Imperfection" and begin your journey towards a more contented, resilient life. ¿Get your copy today!

  • af Sasha Murray
    322,95 kr.

    Rediscover Your True Self: A Journey of Healing and TransformationAre you struggling to overcome the shadows of your past? Do you feel trapped in patterns established in your childhood?Our latest book, "Rediscover Your True Self," offers a transformative guide to help you reconnect with the joy and innocence of your inner child, overcome emotional and psychological traumas, and break free from negative childhood patterns.Key Highlights:Finding and Reconnecting with Your Inner Child: Learn how to unearth and nurture the most authentic part of yourself.Emotional and Psychological Trauma: Gain insights into recognizing and healing from deep-seated emotional wounds.Breaking Free from Negative Childhood Patterns and Reparenting Yourself: Discover strategies to rewrite your life script and reparent yourself for a brighter future.Phases of the Healing Process: Understand the stages of healing and how to navigate each phase effectively.Letting Go of The Past: Master the art of releasing past hurts and moving forward with grace and strength.Feeling Worthy, Authentic, and Playful: Becoming Your Best Self: Embrace a life of authenticity, self-worth, and playfulness.Extra Healing Practices: Explore additional practices and techniques to aid your healing journey.In the final chapter, the book wraps up with a powerful conclusion, offering a path forward filled with hope and newfound strength.Are you ready to embark on a life-changing journey towards healing and self-discovery? Take the first step today. Order your copy of "Rediscover Your True Self" and start transforming your life!

  • af Gianluca Villa
    858,95 kr.

    This book provides easy consultation and guidance for an appropriate understanding and management of endotoxic shock. Endotoxic shock results from a severe, generalized inflammatory response induced by bloodstream infection with gram-negative bacteria. However, endotoxin-induced inflammatory activation may be disconnected by Gram-Negative threats (e.g. Gram-Positive and yeast infections) as well as occur in multiple clinical scenarios like post-cardiac arrest syndrome and trauma, possibly due to gut barrier dysfunction and consequent endotoxin translocation.The clinical management is structured focusing and dedicating a chapter for antibiotics, corticosteroids, volume support, vasoactive and cardiostimulating drug, coagulopathy and nutritional support. In addition, this book is remarkable because describing polymixin b hemoperfusion points out molecular interactions, and hydrodynamics of Sorption.Each section includes ¿) brief pathophysiology; ¿) principles of management; ¿) key messages. Readers can find updated tips related to the diagnosis and management of endotoxic shock with a multidisciplinary approach drawing a pathway from endotoxin structure and source and the related pathophysiology of endotoxic shock underling the specific clinical aspect and focusing on medical clinical management of endotoxemia and extracorporeal removal.The book ¿ written by international opinion leaders of this field ¿ is addressed to healthcare providers working in intensive care and represents a point of reference for intensivists, infectious disease physicians, nephrologists and critical care nurses involved in the management of endotoxic shock and enriched with useful downloadable material.

  • af Banning Lyon
    307,95 kr.

    An incredible memoir about one man's journey to heal from trauma through chosen family, friendship, and nature.AN OPEN FIELD PUBLICATION FROM MARIA SHRIVERBanning Lyon was an average 15-year-old, living in Dallas, TX. He enjoyed skateboarding, listening to punk rock, and even had a part-time job. But in January 1987 his life quickly changed after a school guidance counselor falsely believed he was suicidal after giving away his skateboard. Days later he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital, and what he was told would be a two-week stay turned into 353 days that would change his life forever.Banning takes readers through his fraught relationship with his family, the mistreatment he suffered at the hospital, the lawsuit against the owners of the facility, and his desire to make sense of what happened to him. We witness Banning navigate the difficult landscape of trauma and his daily battle to live a normal life. After years of highs and lows that include being adopted by his attorney and mentor, falling in love and grieving the death of his fiancée, and being sued by the same doctors who mistreated him, Banning decides to take control of his life and finds hope in the backcountry of Yosemite National Park, where he discovers new purpose in being a backpacking guide. Through friendship, nature, and eventually giving therapy another chance, Banning summons the courage to keep moving forward.The Chair and The Valley is a raw, gut-wrenching, and amazing story about healing from trauma and starting over. It is a exploration of the importance of chosen family, the restorative power of nature, and the strength it takes to build a new life in the face of fear and doubt.

  • af Levi Bassin
    858,95 - 1.191,95 kr.

  • af Vijay Vohra
    734,95 - 1.024,95 kr.

    The book covers all aspects of peri-operative anesthetic management of liver transplant patients. It provides a comprehensive coverage of the relevant history, surgeons¿, hepatologists¿, intensivists¿ and pediatricians¿ perspective of the disease, its pathogenesis, clinical presentation and indication for transplant. It discusses the practical aspects like fluid management and use of vasopressors. The book is divided into sections for a better and comprehensive delivery of information. Individual sections provide up to date information on the pre-operative issues and optimisation, intra-operative care and management and post-operative critical care issues and management of all transplant patients with special emphasis on recent advances. Separate sections cover ICU care of these patients in great detail and anesthetic management of pediatric liver transplant. The book includes anesthetic techniques involved in conducting multiorgan transplant. It discusses clinical approach to a patient with acute liver failure, brain death criteria and laws and organ donor management. It also presents newer techniques and methodologies adopted in the field of liver transplant. It includes ample illustrations, flowcharts, key points in each chapter, figures and photographs. The book contains chapters focusing on post-transplant patients presenting for non-transplant surgery. The book fills the gap in the literature for a comprehensive guide for the anesthetist performing or pursuing liver transplant, students/trainees/examinees who have a keen interest in this field and doctors dealing with such patients in critical care, donor management, pursuing general anesthesia. It is also helpful for hepatologists, intensivists and surgeons associated with liver transplant.

  • - Om at overvinde sine traumer gennem tro
    af Anemone Auora
    297,95 kr.

    En bog, som tager dig med ind bag murene i et tibetansk buddhistiskmunkekloster under corona pandemien i 2020, hvor Anemone sad i isolation i 6 måneder. Uden at vide hvornår eller hvordan hun kunne komme hjem, blev hun ramt af sineværste fortrængte traumer. Bogen tager dig med på en indre rejse i et sind i opløsning, og beskriver hvordan Anemone sejrede over sin indre frygt gennem tro. Glæd dig til hudløst ærlige beskrivelser af hverdagen i et tibetansk buddhistisk munkekloster, og til at blive dybt inspireret til at finde din egen tro til at overkomme svære ting i livet. Anemone deler sin fortælling som et fyrtårn for alle der går igennem indre mørke, angst og traumer. Hun er eksemplet på at alle mennesker, uden undtagelse, kan finde vejen til lyset.

  • af Frédéric Vidal
    192,95 kr.

    Perte de confiance en soi, Surmenage, Déséquilibre émotionnel : Comment retrouver le contrôle de votre vie Vous sentez-vous souvent submergé par le stress? Aspirez-vous à une vie plus sereine, plus équilibrée, où chaque jour est vécu avec confiance et joie? Si c'est le cas, ce livre est pour vous. Découvrez les clés pour reprendre le contrôle de votre vie en déchiffrant les mystères du stress. Dans ce guide révolutionnaire, Frédéric Vidal, psychologue renommé, vous emmène dans un voyage de transformation :Décoder le Stress : Comprenez sa nature, ses mécanismes et ses différentes facettes.La Confiance Brisée : Découvrez comment le stress érode votre confiance et comment la restaurer.Déséquilibre Émotionnel : Naviguez à travers les tempêtes émotionnelles et trouvez l'équilibre parfait entre raison et émotion.Le Surmenage : Apprenez à reconnaître les signes et à prévenir ce fléau silencieux.Imaginez une vie où chaque défi est abordé avec calme, assurance et équilibre. Où chaque moment est une occasion de croissance, et non une source d'anxiété. Avec les outils, les techniques et les conseils de ce livre, cette vie est à portée de main.Ne laissez pas le stress dominer votre vie. Prenez le contrôle dès aujourd'hui. Plongez dans ce guide et découvrez comment transformer le stress en une force puissante pour une vie plus épanouie.

  • af Scott Eberhart
    197,95 kr.

    Scott Eberhart has worked 911 emergency services for over thirty-eight years. Come inside his ambulance and experience the exhaustion, raw emotion, fall off the chair humor and desperation that comes with the job. This is what it's like as a paramedic over the long haul."In this business, you do learn degrees of dead. There is almost dead, sorta dead, and kinda dead. Those you can do something about.""Rescue workers are not immune to human suffering; they just have to wait until the horror is finished.""In the ambulance, he beat back death, standing up, without a seatbelt, at seventy miles an hour.""Heroism is showing up for the person who has no one."

  • af Peter F. Mahoney, Anthony M. J. Bull & Jon Clasper
    1.191,95 - 1.689,95 kr.

  • af Alfred P. Kennedy Jr
    1.315,95 - 2.357,95 kr.

  • af E. M. Falgout
    357,95 kr.

    Introducing our CCRN Study Guide 2024-2025: 2 Practice Tests and Review Book for the Adult Critical Care Registered Nurse Exam [2nd Edition]! Ascencia Test Prep's CCRN Study Guide 2024-2025 includes everything you need to pass the Critical Care Registered Nurse exam the first time.Quick review of the concepts covered on the CCRN exam2 full practice tests with detailed answer explanationsTips and tricks from experienced critical care nursesAscencia Test Prep's CCRN Study Guide 2024-2025 is aligned with the official CCRN exam framework. Topics covered include: Cardiovascular ReviewRespiratory ReviewEndocrine ReviewHematology and Immunology ReviewGastrointestinal ReviewRenal and Genitourinary ReviewIntegumentary ReviewMusculoskeletal ReviewNeurology ReviewBehavioral and Psychosocial ReviewMultisystem ReviewProfessional Caring and Ethical Practice Review The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) was not involved in the creation or production of this product, is not in any way affiliated with Ascencia Test Prep, and does not sponsor or endorse this product. About Ascencia Test PrepAt Ascencia Test Prep, we understand that healthcare professionals need high-quality educational resources. That's why our test prep materials are developed by credentialed experts with years of experience who are excited to share their knowledge with you. Whether you're just starting your career or ready to climb higher, we're here to help you feel ready on test day.

  • af Jeremy Downs
    262,95 kr.

    Introducing our EMT Study Guide 2024-2025: 2 Practice Tests and NREMT Exam Prep Book [6th Edition]! Ascencia Test Prep's EMT Study Guide 2024-2025 includes everything you need to pass the NREMT exam the first time.Quick review of the concepts covered on the NREMT exam2 practice tests with detailed answer explanationsTips and tricks from experienced EMTs & EMT EducatorsAccess to online flash cards, cheat sheets, and moreAscencia Test Prep's EMT Study Guide 2024-2025 is aligned with the official NREMT exam framework. Topics covered include: Human Anatomy and PhysiologyPatient Assessment and transferRespiratory EmergenciesCardiovascular EmergenciesMedical EmergenciesEnvironmental EmergenciesPsychiatric EmergenciesTraumaObstetrical EmergenciesPharmacology and ToxicologySpecial PopulationsEMS OperationsThe Psychomotor Exam The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) was not involved in the creation or production of this product, is not in any way affiliated with Ascencia Test Prep, and does not sponsor or endorse this product.

  • af Anika Das
    282,95 kr.

    The definition of inner peace: beyond the absence of stress In our fast-paced world, the thought of inner peace is more relevant than ever. However, it is a challenge to define this state precisely. It is not simply the absence of stress, but rather something we achieve through a deep and personal journey. A glimpse of inner peace When we think about inner peace, we can consider a few key aspects: Self-acceptance: The state of accepting and loving ourselves, our strengths and weaknesses.The connection between mind and body: Recognizing the connection between physical and mental health, and striving to balance the two.Grounding in the present moment: The ability to live in the present moment without guilt about the past or anxiety about the future.Compassion and kindness: The ability to show compassion and kindness to ourselves and others.Acceptance of the ups and downs of life: The understanding that life is full of both pleasant experiences and challenges, and the willingness to embrace them.The benefits of inner peace Inner peace has many benefits, both for our individual well-being and for the world around us. Some of the benefits include: Increased happiness and satisfactionImproved relationshipsReduced stress and anxietyIncreased resilienceGreater creativity and productivity

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