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Idrætsskader og idrætsmedicin

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  • af Alessandro Frigiola
    1.601,95 kr.

    The coronaries are the first branches of the ascending aorta. They arise from their respective sinuses of Valsalva, and gradually branch distally to the myocardium. Abnormalities of the coronary arteries, either congenital or acquired, can be characterized as a lack of origin, abnormal origin, anomalous course, lack of patency, abnormal connections, and/or abnormal drainage of the coronary vessels. Interruptions to or lack of flow can cause significant morbidity and mortality due to ischemia, infarction and fistulous connections, which can lead to cardiac failure, endocarditis and ischemia. Coronary artery anomalies are rare in general populations. Although they can be benign and asymptomatic, they can also be malignant due to their origin and course and can cause sudden cardiac death. As such, an understanding of how to analyze, diagnose and treat them is vital. This book presents the latest advances in congenital anomalies of coronary arteries. It offers a comprehensive overview of the field, including illustrative angiograms and diagrams that demonstrate all possible anomalies and clarify what is abnormal, and also provides practical insights to guide practitioners in their everyday practice.

  • af Mark F. Sherman
    609,95 kr.

    This handbook presents a concise, practical approach to the physical examination and diagnosis of acute injuries of the knee. While radiological diagnostic tools like CT and MRI are important tools for orthopedic and sports medicine injuries, the skills of history taking and an accurate physical exam are no less important in educated decision-making when it comes to injury management. The goal of this book is to make it easier for a beginning knee practitioner to take an educated history and then perform a thorough physical examination. This will invariably steer them to the course of the correct diagnosis. The focus here is on a consistent and thorough examination, including taking a full history of the injury, utilizing common physical tests, and limiting differential diagnoses. To this end, the book opens with a review of these general considerations. Subsequent chapters discuss these considerations across a number of acute knee injuries tothe patella, ACL, MCL, PCL, meniscus, and multiligamentous and extensor mechanism injuries and conditions. Additional chapters describe osteochondral injuries and mimickers such as PVNS and tumors. Video clips demonstrating examination techniques are included throughout the text. While The Acute Knee is aimed primarily at younger practitioners, it is an excellent resource for any orthopedic surgeon or sports medicine physicians looking to refamiliarize themselves with the "lost art" of physical examination for the acute knee.

  • af Alexandre Hohl
    1.689,95 kr.

  • af Giuseppe Milano, Roman Brzóska, Andrea Grasso & mfl.
    2.377,95 kr.

    This comprehensive textbook, published in collaboration with ESSKA, now in a revised and updated second edition, covers all major shoulder problems and related arthroscopic treatments. Introductory sections on basic science and the principles of shoulder arthroscopy provide essential information with the aim of enhancing understanding of a wide range of key issues. Shoulder conditions and their treatments are then described according to a learning pathway that will allow readers to improve their knowledge and skills in shoulder arthroscopy, from simple, standardized techniques to more complex and advanced procedures. The new edition includes additional chapters and offers attractive recent surgical solutions to challenging shoulder conditions, such as severe bone loss in shoulder instability and massive and irreparable rotator cuff tears. All chapters are written by expert arthroscopic surgeons who present decision-making algorithms for diagnosis and treatment, provide step-by-step instructions on arthroscopic techniques, identify pitfalls, and describe their personal tips and pearls. A dedicated section on outcomes measurements and experimental models explains the principles of outcome research on the topics addressed in the book.

  • af Livio Luzi
    858,95 kr.

    This new edition discusses classical aspects of cellular physiology and the metabolism of physical exercise, as well as novel topics like exercise in transplantation and exercise in beta-cell failure, which mark the frontiers of research in sport-related sciences and research. The team of authors together with the editor are world-renowned experts in the field of physiology and metabolism applied to sport sciences. In order to make the book answering also to current pandemic clinical issue, this second edition includes new chapters, specifically dealing with COVID-related issues.Exercise physiologists, biologists and physicians will benefit from this book. However, the comprehensive nature of the content makes this publication suitable also for university classes of graduate and undergraduate student.

  • af Steven James, Mark Davies & Rajesh Botchu
    1.689,95 kr.

    This book is an entirely revised second edition of "Imaging of the Knee", published in 2003, and provides an up-to-date comprehensive review of imaging and pathologies of the knee. In the first part of the book, the various techniques employed when imaging the knee are discussed in detail. Individual chapters are devoted to radiography, arthrography, computed tomography and CT arthrography, magnetic resonance imaging and MR arthrography, and ultrasonography. The second part then documents the application of these techniques to the diverse clinical problems and diseases encountered in the knee. Among the many topics addressed are congenital and developmental abnormalities, trauma, meniscal pathology, the cruciate and collateral ligaments, the postoperative knee, infection, arthritis, osteochondritis, osteonecrosis and tumors. Each chapter is written by an acknowledged expert in the field, and a wealth of illustrative material is included. This book will be of great value to radiologists and orthopaedic surgeons.

  • af Melissa A. Christino
    1.274,95 kr.

    This book provides a broad and multidisciplinary review of psychological aspects of sport participation that are important to consider in young athletes. It discusses the many psychosocial benefits of sports, describes common mental health and body image issues pediatric athletes may suffer from, explains the psychological effects of injury and surgery on young athletes and the importance of mind-body connection, and advocates for safe sport participation and a multidisciplinary approach to the care of young athletes. This is the first text to discuss the psychological implications of sport participation in young athletes ¿ a critical topic in today¿s sport landscape that is often underappreciated and understudied. Bringing together contributions from prominent sports psychologists, sports medicine physicians and surgeons, coaches, and pain management specialists, Psychological Considerations in the Young Athlete combines the mostup-to-date research, and serves as a valuable resource for clinicians, therapists, and athletic trainers who serve pediatric and adolescent athletes and sports teams.

  • af Josef Niebauer
    797,95 kr.

    In der Sportmedizin und Kardiologie gewinnt die Sportkardiologie zunehmend an Bedeutung mit den Bestrebungen eine Subspezialisierung zu etablieren. Derzeit ist sie in Lehre und Klinik jedoch unterrepräsentiert und Sportmedizinern und Kardiologen, die Sportler betreuen, stellen sich häufig sportkardiologische Fragen, auf die sie bisher keine Antworten finden. Dieses Buch will diese Lücke schließen, in dem es umfassend die Methoden der sportkardiologischen Untersuchungen vom EKG über die Spiroergometrie bis hin zum MRT beschreibt und unter anderem die Frage beanwortet, was Sportler mit kardiovaskulären Problemen tun dürfen. Der inhaltliche Bogen reicht von der Prävention kardialer Erkrankungen bis hin zu speziellen sportkardiologischen Aspekten im Rehabilitations-, Breiten- und Leistungssport. Geschrieben wurde es von Mitgliedern der Deutschen, Österreichischen. Schweizerischen und Europäischen Gesellschaften für Kardiologie und Sportmedizin.

  • af Albert Solano
    1.024,95 kr.

    In this book recognized world-renowned expert authors expose the state of the art on musculoskeletal ultrasound elastography.Low cost, wide dissemination and accuracy in the evaluation of the musculoskeletal structures, nerves, periosseous soft parts, vascular structures, together with the possibility of performing real time dynamic studies, made the ultrasound technique widely spread among sonographers and musculoskeletal radiologists.Each chapter presents a description of the elastographic semiotics of the main pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and soft tissue, images that represent both routine and more complex clinical cases in a practical and schematic way and summary tables on the characteristics in terms of elasticity found in the main pathologies.A wealth of color images as well as dynamic images and tables complete the book, that will be a useful tool for sonographers , radiologists, orthopedists, sports medicine specialists wishing to expand their knowledge on ultrasound elastography.

  • af John G. Lane
    2.224,95 kr.

    This book is an invaluable resource for all those seeking to enhance their proficiency in physical examination. Emphasizing its importance for thorough assessments and accurate diagnoses, it equips practitioners with comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge. With seven sections devoted to different orthopedic structures, the book meticulously examines their underlying anatomy, pathological conditions, and diagnostic methodologies. Each author presents joint-specific tests, and detailed anatomical insights, enabling accurate assessments and identification of underlying conditions.Written and edited by members of ISAKOS, this collaboration draws upon the expertise of leading international experts. Appealing to a broad readership, it is an invaluable tool for orthopedists, sports medicine physicians, physical therapists, athletic trainers and students.

  • af Wolfgang Laube
    1.044,95 kr.

    Bewegungsmangel gilt als wichtiger Risiko- und Realisationsfaktor für die Entwicklung von de facto fast allen chronischen Erkrankungen, wie z.B. Adipositas, Diabetes, Arteriosklerose, Arthrose oder auch neurodegenerativen Veränderungen. Zur Hauptursache - der physischen Inaktivität - kommt häufig noch eine kalorische Über- und Fehlernährung hinzu. Als gemeinsamer Ausgangspunkt für die Entstehung solcher Erkrankungen wird die Dekonditionierung gesehen, die bei längerem Bestehen über Funktionsstörungen zu Änderungen in der Struktur führt. Das Buch geht den Ursachen der Krankheitsentstehung auf den Grund und zeigt auf, welche physiologischen bzw. pathophysiologischen Vorgänge im Organismus ablaufen, wenn er längerfristig aufgrund eines sedentären Lebensstils nicht ausreichend bewegt wird. Es diskutiert dabei die wichtige Rolle der Muskulatur und des sensomotorischen Systems, die mit Querverbindungen zu fast allen Organen vernetzt sind. Neue Erkenntnisse zu den Reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) und den Myokinen unterstreichen die Bedeutung einer ausreichenden körperlichen Aktivität zur Erhaltung der Gesundheit. Präventive und therapeutische Konsequenzen werden ständig abgeleitet! Das Buch richtet sich an alle Berufsgruppen, die degenerative Erkrankungen aufgrund mangelnder Bewegung behandeln und mehr über den physiologischen Zusammenhang der Krankheitsentstehung und die aktiven Konsequenzen erfahren möchten.

  • af Anthony C. Hackney
    1.357,95 kr.

  • af Michael J. Alaia
    941,95 - 1.274,95 kr.

    Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is one of the most common procedures performed in sports medicine centers. However, these procedures can carry a long-term failure rate as high as 5-15%%, and when these procedures fail, revision is significantly more complex. Considerable factors need to be assessed in patients that are indicated for surgery, as revisions carry a higher failure rate and potentially less optimal outcomes and return to sport and activity. These factors include, but are not limited to, the status of the meniscus, overall alignment, graft options, placement of prior implants or tunnels, collateral ligament quality, and whether or not the revision must be staged into two procedures.  This text provides a comprehensive, case-based presentation of the most efficient and practical treatment algorithms for patients in need of revision ACL repair and reconstruction. Opening chapters discuss the initial patient work-up, radiography, surgical indications, graft options, and pre-operative considerations and preparations. The main portion of the book then describes both common factors leading to revision surgery as well as the surgical techniques themselves, illustrated via plentiful operative photos and vivid clinical case material. The management of osteolysis, ligamentous laxity, extra-articular tenodesis, plane correction, and meniscus deficiency, among others, are discussed in detail. Special populations, such as the pediatric patient, the elite athlete and the female athlete, are discussed as well. Shedding light on this challenging surgical repair, Revision Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction is the go-to resource for sports medicine and orthopedic surgeons, knee specialists and residents and fellows in these areas. 

  • af Lisa Wächter
    428,95 kr.

    Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich Sport - Sportmedizin, Therapie, Ernährung, Note: 1,7, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Diese Bachelorarbeit ist in acht Hauptkapitel untergliedert. Diese Einleitung bildet das erste Kapitel; die Problemstellung und die Zielsetzung erfolgen im zweiten Kapitel. Ihnen folgt im dritten Kapitel eine kurze und fokussierte Darstellung des Themas Adipositas. Hier werden typische Merkmale und Begleiterscheinungen, Ursachen und Folgen dargestellt. Das vierte Kapitel dient der Darstellung der Fragestellung. Im fünften Kapitel folgt die systematische Literaturanalyse. Als Erstes wird auf das Untersuchungsdesign, also die systematische Literaturanalyse, eingegangen. Weiterführend werden die Instrumente und Messgeräte beschrieben. Es folgt die Stichprobenkonstruktion, die die Ein- und Ausschlusskriterien einbezieht. Zum Schluss gehe ich auf die Untersuchungsdurchführung genauer ein. Hierbei geht es um die genauen Schlagwörter und Kombinationen bei der Recherche. Im sechsten Kapitel werden die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung dargestellt und ausgewählte Studien näher beschrieben. Unter Berücksichtigung der Fragestellung werden diese zueinander in Bezug gesetzt und voneinander abgegrenzt. Das siebte Kapitel dient der Diskussion, bei der die Fragestellung beantwortet werden soll. Es werden die wichtigsten Ergebnisse zusammengefasst und dann die Schlussfolgerungen genannt. Das achte Kapitel bildet den inhaltlichen Abschluss dieser Bachelorarbeit. Es beinhaltet eine Schlussfolgerung und einen Ausblick.

  • af Volker Schöffl
    941,95 - 1.274,95 kr.

    This book comprehensively discusses the medical aspects of sports climbing, a still young but emerging sport, which will be one of the disciplines at the Tokyo Olympics.  Its rapid development from niche to popular sport has been accompanied by an increase in the number of climbing-sports-specific injuries and has attracted growing interest within the sports medicine community.Gathering expertise from around the globe, the book covers all aspects related to this discipline - from physiology, biomechanics and anatomy through upper and lower extremity injuries to cardiology, gynecology, pediatric and adolescent conditions. Following a coherent structure, each chapter equips readers with evidence-based diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines.Enriched by a wealth of pictures, this manual offers a timely and up-to-date resource for sports physicians, orthopedic surgeons and traumatologists, as well as trainers, physiotherapists and other health professionals involved in climbing.

  • af Katherine J. Coyner
    1.077,95 kr.

    In this issue, guest editors bring their considerable expertise to this important topic.Provides in-depth reviews on the latest updates in the field, providing actionable insights for clinical practice. Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create these timely topic-based reviews.

  • af Timothy L. Miller
    1.440,95 kr.

  • af Brian C. Werner
    2.377,95 - 3.062,95 kr.

    Integrating MRI findings associated with the spectrum of problems seen in the most commonly treated joints in sports medicine with the diagnostic findings seen during arthroscopy of the same joint in the same patient, this unique text correlates this pathology and applies these findings to the clinic, the radiology reading room and the operating suite. Representing a microcosm of daily patient care, this atlas of interactive correlation is an exceedingly effective tool for education and continued learning, an impetus for interdisciplinary research collaboration, and a critical part of an approach to optimum patient care. Furthermore, this case-based correlation between MRI imaging and arthroscopic findings and treatment has been a well-received and effective method for teaching and discussion at meetings and instructional courses.The second edition of this popular case atlas is organized into five sections highlighting the major joints in which MRI and arthroscopy are most commonly used in sports medicine: knee, shoulder, elbow, hip, and a brand new section on the ankle. Chapters have been reformatted to a consistent presentation, beginning with an overview of the specific disease entity and followed by selected cases chosen by the chapter authors that best illustrate common or noteworthy disease entities or pathology, with an emphasis on the parallel MRI imaging and arthroscopic findings. Throughout the text, updated arthroscopy images reflect current surgical techniques, many of which have changed significantly since the original edition was published. Authors and section editors, many new to this edition, are nationally recognized experts, teachers and pioneers in their respective areas of sports medicine and have covered the gamut of topics in each of their sections.Taken together, this will be an invaluable resource for sports medicine specialists, orthopedic surgeons and musculoskeletal radiologists alike, promoting increasingly accurate diagnoses of pathology and advanced treatment options to aid in the optimization of patient care and recovery.

  • af Irvin Muchnick
    217,95 kr.

    Without Helmets or Shoulder Pads takes the conversation about football and public health to a new level with investigations of the sport's underreported worst tragedies and their cover-ups at major universities, obscure junior colleges, and high schools.

  • af S. Ali Mostoufi, Alfred J. Tria Jr. & Tony K. George
    1.024,95 - 1.440,95 kr.

    This unique clinical guide will explore specific evidence-based literature supporting physical therapist guided exercises and interventional treatments for commonly prevalent orthopedic spine and extremity presentations. Using this book, the sports medicine and interventional pain physician will be better able to coordinate therapy exercises after interventional treatments with their physical therapy colleagues. This will include a treatment course that will monitor progress in restoring and accelerating patients¿ function. A myriad of musculoskeletal conditions affecting the spine, joints and extremities will be presented, including tendinopathies, bursopathies, arthritis, fractures and dislocations - everything a clinician can expect to see in a thriving practice. Each chapter, co-authored by a physician and a physical therapist, will follow a consistent format for ease of accessibility and reference ¿ introduction to the topic; diagnosis; medical, interventional, and surgical management ¿ and will be accompanied by relevant radiographis, figures and illustrations. Additional topics include osteoarthritis, rheumatic disorders, entrapment syndromes, the use of orthobiologics, and more. Comprehensive enough to function as a learning tool, but practical and user-friendly enough for quick reference, Clinical Guide to Musculoskeletal Medicine will be an essential resource for sports medicine physicians, interventional and physical therapists.

  • af Malinda M. Hansen Do Caqsm
    827,95 kr.

    Introduction To my primary care physicians, PA's, NP's, physical therapists, medical residents, and medical student friends, this is for you! This book is a clinical reference guide of musculoskeletal exams and algorithms for workup. The initial flow charts are designed for the common clinical presentations to help navigate which pathologies may be most likely, or, the table of contents to get you to the clinical information you need: differential diagnoses, provocative exams, workup, and non-operative and operative considerations. This clinical reference is 100% evidence based. If there was no significant evidence for an exam or treatment modality, it was not listed. The content in this text has no opinion, only information and algorithms found in the literature. There is plenty of room for your autonomy in decision making with solid references to back the management necessary for each clinical presentation. I know you will find this a helpful resource! Dr. Malinda Hansen has always had an enthusiasm for sports and competition. Starting out as a multi-sport athlete, playing Division I basketball, and running her own business for 15 years, she realized a gap in her training. That was rectified with a masters degree in exercise physiology which led to a pursuit of Osteopathic medicine as a career. Graduating from A.T. Still University School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona, she completed her dual residency in Family medicine and Osteopathic Neuromusculoskeletal medicine in Fort Worth Texas. That opened a door to completing a sports medicine fellowship in Louisville, Kentucky. Dr. Hansen is triple boarded in family medicine, sports medicine, and Osteopathic neuromusculoskeletal medicine. In her own words "This book is for all of my primary care friends that get lost in the co-morbid conditions and may have gotten a little rusty in their musculoskeletal exams and management."

  • af Patricia Thoreux, Gian Luigi Canata, Henrique Jones, mfl.
    881,95 - 1.166,95 kr.

  • af Leonard T. Buller
    1.274,95 kr.

    Outpatient surgery and early discharge is the hottest topic in hip and knee arthroplasty and will continue to be in the coming years: It is expected that over 50% of all hip and knee arthroplasties will be performed in the outpatient setting by 2026. Currently, a central text that encompasses all of the unique aspects of performing hip and knee arthroplasty in the outpatient setting does not exist. Furthermore, as surgeons across the US and abroad are incentivized and encouraged by government and commercial payors, as well as patients, to perform these surgical procedures in the outpatient setting, the educational material must be available to disseminate the unique perioperative and surgical strategies and techniques accordingly. This book is unique in that it will address all the essential elements and considerations to promote surgeon success in this endeavor and enhance patient safety through the transition of hip and knee arthroplasty into the outpatient setting, as well as how to implement such a program into practice. Topics discussed include patient selection, medical optimization and risk management, anesthetic surgical techniques, pain management protocols, and postoperative physical therapy. Later chapters cover practical issues surrounding outcome metrics, discharge criteria, minimizing patient readmissions, financial considerations, and additional implications for hospitals, ASCs and payers.Filling a glaring gap in the literature on this popular new topic, Outpatient Joint Replacement is an ideal resource for orthopedic surgeons, notably hip and knee specialists, as well as residents, fellows and supporting clinical staff.

  • af Andrea Celli & Luigi Celli
    2.357,95 - 3.062,95 kr.

  • af Gian Luigi Canata & Henrique Jones
    691,95 - 941,95 kr.

    This concise yet comprehensive book covers epidemiology of injuries in 24 different sports ranging from football, volleyball, athletics, to less explored ones, like archery and Formula 1. For each discipline the authors present and analyze the sport's main characteristics, physiological and biomechanical demands on athletes, epidemiology of injuries, prevention strategies, rehabilitation and return to play.Based on an updated overview of sport specific data, this book equips the reader with a solid understanding of sports injury epidemiology and its importance for the implementation of preventive measures. Written in collaboration with ESSKA by almost 100 international experts, sharing the belief that prevention is the first mission of sports medicine, this book is an excellent source of knowledge for sports physicians, researchers, residents, fellows and trainers alike.

  • af Roland Becker, Michael T. Hirschmann & Nanne P. Kort
    1.452,95 - 2.352,95 kr.

  • af Tom A. Schweizer
    1.097,95 - 1.274,95 kr.

    This state-of-the-art book brings together the full range of issues that can inform care for patients experiencing the effects of concussion.    Written by an international panel of experts and edited by a critical care physician and by a cognitive neuroscientist, the book serves as a primer of the various domains of study and application, while providing clinical insights and evidence to bring towards treatment. Chapters span the basic mechanics and pathophysiology of concussion, through its assessment, management, and complications.   Comprehensive and timely, this book is accessible to healthcare professionals, and researchers eager to learn something about this field. 

  • af Irene Spirgi-Gantert, Gerold Mohr, Salah Bacha, mfl.
    540,95 - 541,95 kr.

    Die vier bewährten Lehr- und Praxisbücher der Funktionellen Bewegungslehre zu Grundlagen, therapeutischen Übungen, Ballübungen und Behandlungstechniken kompakt in zwei Bänden zusammengefasst! Mit Band 1 ¿Untersuchen und Behandeln¿ und Band 2 ¿Hands on ¿ Hands off¿ sind Sie perfekt gerüstet! Physiotherapeuten finden in Band 2 die Prinzipien zu allen wesentlichen Techniken und Übungen der Funktionellen Bewegungslehre, über 40 Übungen und neue funktionelle Tests für das Überprüfen von Mobilität, Elastizität, Stabilität, Bewegungsdissoziation und Koordination. Wie sieht der klinische Denk- und Entscheidungsprozess von Hands-on zu Hands-off aus? Wie muss das funktionelle Training aufgebaut werden, damit ein müheloser Transfer in den Alltag gelingt? Welche Bewegungschoreografien fördern die Interaktion der Körperabschnitte untereinander optimal? Erfahrene FBL-Instruktoren beantworten Ihnen diese Fragen! Aus dem Inhalt· Grundparameter der Bewegungsökonomie· Neurofunktionelle Tests· Mobilisierende Massage, hubfreie und widerlagernde Mobilisation und funktionelle Übungen mit und ohne Ball· Training von Bewegungskontrolle und Geschicklichkeit aller Körperabschnitte Plus: Videos und Handouts veranschaulichen die praktische Umsetzung optimal! Nutzen Sie die bewährten und ständig weiterentwickelten Methoden der FBL und lernen Sie, die körperlichen Ressourcen Ihrer Patienten optimal zu fordern und zu fördern.

  • af Yves Stiglitz
    1.648,95 kr.

    This book on percutaneous and minimally invasive foot surgery comprehensively covers one of the most innovative topics in orthopedic surgery, discussing decision-making based on foot biomechanics and presenting step-by-step descriptions of each surgical procedure. The chapters are divided into four sections, the first of which lays the groundwork for further reading by providing a comprehensive overview of the biomechanical approach. The second part then guides readers through making appropriate choices in order to ensure stable corrections and allow immediate full weight-bearing and fast rehabilitation without compromising patient outcomes. In the third part, leading surgeons in the field describe each procedure step-by-step with the help of operative pictures, while the last part addresses technical postoperative issues, such as postoperative dressing and cast management, as well as complications and how to reduce them. All chapters are richly illustrated andclearly highlight the key points for successful surgery and minimized risks. Unique in its focus on percutaneous and minimally invasive foot surgery, this book offers an invaluable resource for postgraduate students, residents, orthopedists wanting to specialize in foot surgery, as well as practicing orthopedic surgeons and podiatrists.

  • af Kursad Turksen
    1.538,95 kr.

    Much research has focused on the basic cellular and molecular biological aspects of stem cells. Much of this research has been fueled by their potential for use in regenerative medicine applications, which has in turn spurred growing numbers of translational and clinical studies. However, more work is needed if the potential is to be realized for improvement of the lives and well-being of patients with numerous diseases and conditions.This book series 'Cell Biology and Translational Medicine (CBTMED)' as part of Springer Nature¿s longstanding and very successful Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology book series, has the goal to accelerate advances by timely information exchange. Emerging areas of regenerative medicine and translational aspects of stem cells are covered in each volume. Outstanding researchers are recruited to highlight developments and remaining challenges in both the basic research and clinical arenas. This current book is the 19th volume of a continuing series.

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