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  • af Per Soelberg Sørensen, Olaf B. Paulson, Flemming Gjerris, mfl.
    627,95 kr.

    Ny gennemrevideret 7. udgaveDenne 7. udgave af Klinisk neurologi og neurokirurgi markerer 40 års jubilæum af den populære lærebog, der for længst er blevet en klassiker inden for det neurologiske speciale.Bogen er revideret på flere punkter, men bygger på samme velkendte principper som de tidligere udgaver med fokus på anamnese, klinisk undersøgelse, behandling og diagnostiske metoder. 7. udgave indeholder dog flere væsentlige nyskabelser. Udover at alle kapitler har gennemgået en væsentlig faglig opdatering, begynder alle kapitler med startresume med de væsentligste tematiske nedslag, og bagest i kapitlerne kan den studerende dels teste sin viden, dels blive klogere igennem sygehistorier.Bogen henvender sigtil medicinstuderende, der får en hensigtsmæssig introduktion til de neurologiske fag og en hjælp til indlæring af principperne ved de diagnostiske og terapeutiske overvejelser. Desuden tjener Klinisk neurologi og neurokirurgi som et væsentligt opslagsværk for studerende, men også for læger i ikke-neurologiske specialer og for læger under uddannelse i neurofagene.

  • af Vibeke Olsen
    313,94 kr.

    Med Neurologi og neurokirurgi får man et overblik over en lang række neurologiske sygdomme, samt behandling heraf.Vibeke Olsen står bag Neurologi og neurokirurgi, som indeholder en lang række afsnit om sygdomme som f.eks. apopeksi, epilepsi, parkinsons, demens, hovedpine, hovedtraumer, intrakranielle tumorer og diskusprolaps og meget mere. Afsnittene suppleres om et afsnit om akut opstået sygdom, hvordan man foretager en neurologisk undersøgelse, samt om neuropsykologi og rehabilitering i forbindelse med en neurologisk lidelse.Bogen her henvender sig især til sygeplejestuderende, men kan også bruges som opslagsværk af praktiserende sygeplejersker.

  • af Claus Ziegler Simonsen & Daniel Kondziella
    427,95 kr.

    Opslagsvenlig og vidensintensiv håndbog om akutte neurologiske tilstandeAKUTTE NEUROLOGISKE TILSTANDE er en praktisk hjælp til håndteringen af akutte neurologiske patienter. I de senere år har neurologien ændret karakter til også at rumme en stor akut og intensiv dimension. Derfor er der behov for en bog, som hjælper dig med vurdering og behandling af alle vigtige tilstande, man møder i den akutte neurologiske modtagelse. Størstedelen af de akutte neurologiske patienter er truet på liv eller førlighed, herunder ca. 12.000 patienter om året med stroke. Derfor er der i denne bog prioriteret et omfangsrigt kapitel om netop stroke. Derudover indeholder AKUTTE NEUROLOGISKE TILSTANDE kapitler om bl.a. akutte neuromuskulære og neuroinflammatoriske sygdomme, epilepsi, neuroinfektioner, neuroonkologiske tilstande, traumatisk hjerneskade, forgiftninger samt neuroprognosticering, hjernedød og organdonation. AKUTTE NEUROLOGISKE TILSTANDE præsenterer akut- og intensivneurologien kort og præcist, men tilstrækkeligt informativt til at adressere alle relevante problemstillinger ved dit møde med den akut syge neurologiske patient. Bogen henvender sig til medicinstuderende i klinik, yngre læger, neurologer med vagtbærende funktioner og andre med interesse for akut neurologi.

  • af Mark S. Greenberg
    1.109,95 kr.

    The fundamental, one-stop global resource for neurosurgical practice in updated 10th editionUnlike traditional medical textbooks, the origins of the now legendary Handbook of Neurosurgery by Mark Greenberg took root in the late 1980's in the notes the author kept while taking care of his patients, from his weekly grand rounds presentations, and in the literature he read. Now in its 10th edition, the book that is often referred to as the "bible for neurosurgeons" has grown organically over the years to include more topics of importance to those who provide healthcare to patients with neurologic ailments, and to reflect advances in the understanding and management of the underlying conditions and diseases.Throughout 23 sections and 116 chapters, the generously illustrated text covers information ranging from pediatrics to geriatrics. The comprehensive, conveniently compact book provides detailed, high-value, and actionable information that can be quickly accessed to enhance patient management, thereby eliminating the need to wade through superfluous material. It is also a perfect study companion for board examination and preparation for the maintenance of certification.Key FeaturesUpdated classification and diagnostic criteria of central and peripheral nervous system tumors, based on the most recent WHO classificationsReworking of numerous sections, including current concepts in pseudotumor cerebri, seizure classification, and moreAddition of new chapters, including idiopathic scoliosis, LOVA, and tuberculosis of the CNSCurrent principles of nonsurgical and surgical management, including risk factors, indications, diagnostics, prognoses, contraindications, and differential diagnosesNearly 500 figures, including new summary flow charts, illustrations, and simplified diagrams for early learners, enhance understanding of material discussed in the textAs in prior editions, thousands of references for further studyThis unique book encompasses a wide breadth of neurosurgical topics in an easy digestible format, making it an indispensable daily reference for all neurosurgical residents, fellows, neurosurgeons, and allied health practitioners.This print book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

  • af Xiang'En Shi
    1.583,95 - 1.689,95 kr.

  • af Byron Stookey
    276,95 - 422,95 kr.

  • af Juerg Hodler
    443,95 kr.

    This open access book offers an essential overview of brain, head and neck, and spine imaging. Over the last few years, there have been considerable advances in this area, driven by both clinical and technological developments. Written by leading international experts and teachers, the chapters are disease-oriented and cover all relevant imaging modalities, with a focus on magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography.IDKD books are rewritten (not merely updated) every four years, which means they offer a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art in imaging. The book is clearly structured and features learning objectives, abstracts, subheadings, tables and take-home points, supported by design elements to help readers navigate the text. It will particularly appeal to general radiologists, radiology residents, and interventional radiologists who want to update their diagnostic expertise, as well as clinicians from other specialties who are interested in imaging for their patient care.

  • af Antonio A. F. De Salles
    2.337,95 - 3.047,95 kr.

  • af Jin Seo Park
    734,95 - 1.024,95 kr.

  • af Hyeun Sung Kim
    884,95 kr.

    This book is a superbly illustrated guide to the latest endoscopic approaches employed in surgery to the lumbar spine. In the past, spinal endoscopic surgeries have been performed mainly in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation, but indications have now expanded owing to breakthroughs in surgical methods and instruments. Furthermore, in addition to the traditional percutaneous transforaminal approach, various other approaches are now feasible, including the posterior, paraspinal, transpedicular, and contralateral. This book describes and illustrates the full array of approaches in indications including lumbar central stenosis, lumbar foraminal stenosis, and lumbar disc herniation. Detailed guidance is also provided on endoscopic lumbar interbody fusion, covering the oblique, uniportal, and biportal approaches. Supplementary surgical videos further facilitate understanding and execution of the described procedures. Written by expert spinal endoscopy surgeons with extensive practical experience and a record of academic achievement, the book will be an ideal aid for spine surgeons at all levels of experience.

  • af Philippe Demaerel
    1.357,95 kr.

    This richly illustrated book provides a comprehensive account of the imaging of scalp and calvarial lesions. It discusses essential facts such as the anatomy and pathology of the scalp and calvarium, imaging findings in CT and MRI, differential diagnosis, and selected references. The author presents the key information on the left and illustrations on the right side of the book. While the book shows the most common radiological examples, it also includes less typical cases.The uniform design and easy-to-use structure make the book a valuable reference guide for (neuro)radiology, neurosurgery, and dermatology specialists.

  • af Tommaso Scarabino
    1.191,95 kr.

    This atlas illustrates the characteristics of imaging after surgical spine treatment. The previous edition has been thoroughly updated and new surgical treatment options are presented. Furthermore, all clinical cases feature new images with the new sequences available from the manufacturers of Magnetic Resonance scanners. The imaging methods presented in the book are MRI, involving the use of routine basic sequences and advanced study techniques, and CT with and without administration of contrast medium. The modifications of the spine, both healthy and pathological, that can occur immediately after surgical treatment and in the long term, are described in detail.Atlas contents are organized in a general part, with the classification of spine pathology and the surgical treatment options, and a part with clinical cases enriched by a wealth of images.This easy-to-consult publication addresses neuroradiologists who wish to gain an adequate expertise in post-treatment examinations reporting in order to be able to perform an effective differential diagnosis.

  • af Ali Akhaddar
    3.577,95 kr.

    This atlas is the first reference covering exclusively all aspects of sciatic pain. It is designed to serve as a brief and easy-to-comprehend review of the knowledge of spinal sciatica, with emphasis on classification, epidemiology, clinical presentations, neuroimaging, and treatment options. Sections on extraspinal sciatica and differential diagnosis of this multifaceted topic are also included. This atlas delivers more information in less space than traditional texts, allowing for a quick review of the essential facts of this clinical entity through plentiful images and tables. Pertinent imaging is combined with intraoperative photographs and hand-drawn illustrations to help readers visualize variable presentations and enhance their management. The comprehensive content of this richly-illustrated book covers different etiologies of sciatic pain seen in spinal, neurosurgical, neurologic, rheumatologic and emergency practices, divided into five thematic sections. After general considerations about sciatica and their differential diagnosis, the second section focuses on lumbosacral discogenic sciatica. The third section includes spinal non-discogenic sciatica. The fourth section focuses on extraspinal intrapelvic sciatica, and the fifth provides a description of the most important etiologies of extraspinal extrapelvic sciatica. Comprehensive and unique, Atlas of Sciatica is an excellent pictorial resource for neurosurgeons, spinal surgeons, neurologists, rheumatologists, and many other clinicians worldwide. It is a ¿one of a kind¿ book that stands head and shoulders above any other book on this subject (from the foreword of Professor Edward C. Benzel, MD, Founder of the World Spinal Column Society).

  • af John P. Deveikis
    2.083,95 kr.

    This fourth edition offers a practical guide to endovascular treatment of cerebrovascular disease and provides a comprehensive reference for the related neurovascular anatomy and the various disorders that affect the vascular system. Chapters cover fundamental principles underlying cerebral and spinal angiography; interventional techniques, devices, and practice guidelines; and commonly encountered cerebrovascular disorders for which interventional and endovascular methods are appropriateBuilding on the previous edition, the text is presented similarly in style and scope to emphasize accessibility and ease of reading. All chapters are fully updated to include more recent data, and obsolete products and techniques are replaced with the most current technology. Some key updates include:A greater emphasis on the use of radial artery access for the discussed endovascular techniques.The associations of COVID-19 with ischemic stroke and the implicationsof providing care for cerebrovascular patients during a pandemic.An extensive update to the acute ischemic stroke chapter with new references and format to more closely follow the format of other chapters in that section.Expansion of the pediatric sections of disease chapters, including discussions of genetic associations with disease. This is an ideal guide for clinicians and trainees in neurology, neurosurgery and neuroradiology, as well as practicing clinicians in related fields caring for patients with cerebrovascular disease.

  • af Nicholas C. Bambakidis
    1.024,95 - 1.538,95 kr.

  • af James L. Bernat
    1.315,95 - 2.342,95 kr.

  • af Michael H. Brisman
    858,95 kr.

    Modern adult brain surgery is a very new discipline. While many would consider the fathers of modern neurosurgery to be people like Victor Horsley, Harvey Cushing, and Walter Dandy, they all worked in the early 20th century, in an era before the creation of equipment now considered to be ¿game-changers¿ in the field of neurosurgery. Only towards the end of the 20th century did we see such critical advances as the operating microscope, the wide availability of CT and MRI imaging, neuro-endoscopy, stereotactic neuro-navigation, stereotactic radiosurgery, interventional neuro-endovascular techniques, and intra-operative neuromonitoring. It is not just that these advances occurred only recently, but it is even more recently that they have become accessible to many neurosurgeons. Furthermore, the scientific evidence for adult brain surgery in this new era is itself extremely new and a work in progress.There is certainly both an ¿art¿ and a ¿science¿ to the practice of medicine andalso to the practice of adult brain surgery. Furthermore, there is also a wide range of acceptable practices in regards to adult brain surgery, ranging from the most conservative/minimally invasive options to the most aggressive approaches. The author of Put Down the Knife, neurosurgeon Dr. Michael Brisman, is of the belief that the pendulum in medicine has swung way too far to the ¿art¿ side and away from the ¿science.¿ Furthermore, given the very high risks associated with adult brain surgery, the default choice of treatment should be the more conservative/minimally invasive options when possible. This book explores adult brain surgery from a more conservative vantage point, highlighting potential errors in thought related to decision-making and rationales for brain surgery as well as interpretation of the surgical literature. Focused chapters then dive into considerations of less invasive and even non-invasive approaches for various conditions of the brain, including tumors,cysts, hematomas, pain and movement disorders, skull base disorders, and much more.

  • af Mehmet Turgut
    1.191,95 kr.

    Written and edited by leading international authorities in the field, this book provides an in-depth review of knowledge of the incidental findings of the nervous system, with emphasis on asymptomatic brain and spinal lesions that have the potential to cause illness. It includes very informative chapters, organized into four main groups: first, incidental findings of the brain and cranium, including intracranial, intraventricular and skull base lesions, infarcts and calcification; secondly, incidental findings of the spine and spinal cord, including spinal cord tumors, syringomyelia, arteriovenous malformations and craniovertebral junction anomalies; thirdly, incidental findings of the spinal nerves and peripheral nerves, including tumors of the plexi and peripheral nerves; and fourthly, other lesions, including acquired incidental lesions of the brain and spine as well as the medicolegal and psychiatric aspects related to these lesions. The uniqueness of this compilation lies in the fact that several abnormalities exist in the nervous system that have the potential to cause life threatening illness; yet because they are asymptomatic and incidental, this leads to major management dilemmas related to whether or not to surgically the lesion. The proponents of an early surgical management subscribe to the philosophy that getting rid of an entity earlier on when it is asymptomatic, leads to an early cure and obviates any risk of it becoming aggressive and incurable later on; those opting for a ¿wait and watch¿ policy subscribe to the view that no intervention (as well as subjecting the patient to the risk of surgery) is mandated until the lesion becomes symptomatic. This may subject a person to a lifetime of anxiety related to how that lesion is going to evolve, when in all likelihood, the subject may remain asymptomatic throughout his/her life. The psychological aspects of the patient who is extremely disturbed by the presence of this incidental lesion; and, who cannot adjust to the reality that the treating doctor actually does not have a well-defined plan for it, are issues that are adequately addressed with clinical illustrations and examples. This comprehensive reference book will be an ideal source for neuroscientists at all levels, from graduate students to researchers in specific disciplines studying this region, including neurosurgeons, neurologists, neuroradiologists, neuropathologists and psychiatrists, who seek both basic and more advanced information regarding the incidental findings of the nervous system.

  • af Javier Quillo-Olvera
    983,95 - 1.428,95 kr.

    Endoscopic spinal surgery has become popular due its procedure-related benefits. The biportal endoscopic surgery is a recent technique, which has gained popularity in Asia, Europe, and Latin America since it can be applied to treat many diseases of the whole spine as cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral.Divided into thirty-four chapters, this first-ever book on unilateral biportal endoscopic spine surgery presents the technique history review and its current applications; the currently available technology and basic principles of this surgery: anesthesia, position, and operative room setup; endoscopic instruments, hydrostatic pressure, and intraoperative radiology; as well as anatomical considerations of basic approaches. It also details the techniques to resolve lumbar, cervical and thoracic spine diseases.Written by the world's most influential groups that perform the method, Unilateral Biportal Endoscopy of the Spine: An Atlas of Surgical Techniques will certainly be widely accepted by all surgeons interested to improve their daily practice in minimally invasive spine surgery.

  • af Theodore H Schwartz
    342,95 kr.

    “If you are at all curious about the brain or the surgeons who operate on it, Gray Matters is a must read and Dr. Theodore Schwartz is the perfect guide, a master brain surgeon and superbly talented writer. I have not read a better biography of our shared profession, and in Schwartz's talented hands, the most enigmatic 3 1/2 pounds of tissue in the known universe comes to light in remarkable and revelatory ways.”—Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN Chief Medical Correspondent, and New York Times and #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Keep Sharp: Build a Better Brain at Any AgeA popular biography of brain surgery, by one of its preeminent practitionersWe’ve all heard the phrase “it’s not brain surgery.” But what exactly is brain surgery? It’s a profession that is barely a hundred years old and profoundly connects two human beings, but few know how it works, or its history. How did early neurosurgeons come to understand the human brain—an extraordinarily complex organ that controls everything we do, and yet at only three pounds is so fragile? And how did this incredibly challenging and lifesaving specialty emerge?   In this warm, rigorous, and deeply insightful book, Dr. Theodore H. Schwartz explores what it’s like to hold the scalpel, wield the drill, extract a tumor, fix a bullet hole, and remove a blood clot—when every second can mean life or death. Drawing from the author’s own cases, plus media, sports, and government archives, this seminal work delves into all the brain-related topics that have long-consumed public curiosity, like what really happened to JFK, President Biden’s brain surgery, and the NFL’s management of CTE. Dr. Schwartz also surveys the field’s latest incredible advances and discusses the philosophical questions of the unity of the self and the existence of free will.     A neurosurgeon as well as a professor of neurosurgery at Weill Cornell Medicine, one of the busiest and most highly ranked neurosurgery centers in the world, Dr. Schwartz tells this story like no one else could. Told through anecdote and clear explanation, this is the ultimate cultural and scientific history of a literally mind-blowing human endeavor, one that cuts to the core of who we are.

  • af Yuping Wang
    1.440,95 kr.

    This book mainly focuses on diversity of brain diseases, such as sleep disorders, major depression disorder, anxiety disorders, epilepsy, cognitive disorders, etc. It introduces the current pathological mechanisms of various diseases from the perspective of basic theories and research; it introduces the clinical evaluation and treatment of the above diseases from the clinical perspective. In addition, the current frontier research on therapeutics of neural stimulation for the above brain disorder was introduced, such as Transcranial electrical stimulation, magnetic stimulation, ultrasonic stimulation, etc., and the therapeutic strategy and stimuli parameters for reference were proposed.This book is aimed at clinical students, doctors and researchers in the field of neurology. Based on major brain diseases, this book systematically proposed the maneuverability, safety and effectiveness of neural stimulation technologies in the treatment of major brain diseases.

  • af Wolfgang Grisold
    1.191,95 kr.

    This book presents a complete summary about the 12 pairs of cranial nerves (CN). They control much of the motor and sensory functions of the head and neck such as smell, sight, eye movement, and feeling in the face. The CN also control balance, hearing, and swallowing.The examination of the CN is an important part of the clinical neurological examination. Additionally, to the anatomy, extensive knowledge about further diagnostic tools are necessary such as neuroimaging, and electrophysiology. The book is divided into three parts: a general part with anatomy and imaging, a systematic part grouping the 12 pairs of cranial nerves, and a part describing cranial nerve functions in specific conditions and diseases.

  • af Gunhild Waldemar
    941,95 kr.

    Neurologists, perhaps more so than any other physicians, take pride in their bedside skills. Good clinical mentorship is mandatory in order to develop such skills; however, due to an ever-increasing need for more efficient working structures, the time and dedication that mentorship requires may not always be available. Neurology at the Bedside was written to fill this gap. Neurology at the Bedside addresses neurology residents looking for a personal clinical mentor. It takes them by the hand and guides them through the whole patient encounter¿from an efficient neurological history according to neuroanatomical key features and the bedside examination to differential diagnosis, diagnostic procedures and lastly, the treatment. At each step Neurology at the Bedside points out what is essential and what is not. One of the most innovative areas in medicine, neurology is under rapid development with ever-increasing diagnostic and therapeutic opportunities. This exciting progress called for an update of the text. All chapters are thoroughly revised and reflect the essential state-of-the-art knowledge neurologists need to acquire during their training.

  • af Xianli Lv
    1.024,95 - 1.357,95 kr.

    The book introduces techniques, devices, device structures and therapeutic in dural arteriovenous fistulas. During past 4 decades, neurovascular or endovasuclar surgery developed fast and provide effective and minimally invasive treatment of dural arteriovenous fistulas. The treatment of dural arteriovenous fistulas has also seen substantial evolution, increasing the number of dural arteriovenous fistulas that can be treated successfully with minimally invasive therapy. Authors introduces the great advances in the techniques, devices and treatment concepts, which shows striking therapeutic benefit for dural arteriovenous fistulas. In each technique, authors introduce methods, cases, result, discussion and conclusion. The CT scan, MR imaging, angiography and surgical figures are provided in each chapter.Attending physicians, fellows, residents, medical students will benefit from reading this text.

  • af Manuel Menéndez González
    858,95 kr.

    This book provides an overview of emerging CSF management systems that filter or clear cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) as a therapeutic approach for several CNS conditions. While the term "liquorpheresis" most accurately refers to extracorporeal procedures that filter CSF (similar to plasmapheresis), this book covers any method based on devices that -either alone or in combination with drugs- can clear CSF or enhance its turnover, which in turn dilutes toxins.The book begins with an overview of CSF anatomy and physiology, followed by a discussion of the role of CSF clearance and flow dysfunction in various CNS conditions. The next section describes the different CSF management systems and procedures that are currently available or under development. The book then reviews the potential applications of these systems for treating subarachnoid hemorrhage, CNS infections, meningeal carcinomatosis, autoimmune encephalitis, polyradiculomyelitis, and neurodegenerative diseases. Finally, a chapter discusses future advances in liquorpheresis systems and applications. This book is intended for clinicians, neuro-researchers, academics, and students who are interested in the development and application of CSF management systems. It is also relevant to the medical device industry, particularly those that develop apheresis and CSF management devices, and the drug-delivery industry.

  • af Ahmed Ammar
    858,95 kr.

    The neurosurgical, surgical and medical training and practice models have to keep up with the technological revolution in the 21st Century as our lives changed on a swift base. Making bioethics and metacognition a cornerstone in medical education and practice will flourish our humane societies.Metacognition is thinking about one's thinking, to plan, monitor and assess one's understanding and performance. By adherence to medical ethics and Values-Based Medicine (VsBM) as guiding principles, we can develop benevolent medical practice. To enhance knowledge application, skills, and character qualities in realms beyond the immediate context in which they were learned. In this book, we developed a framework on how to evolve medical education and training by utilizing hi-tech. We divided the book into five principal components; Current and traditional root analysis of the learning process, Ethics and metacognition of education, learning and career development, Obstacles, difficulties and setbacks in learning and career development process, Learning in the digital era, and Mentorship.The author believes we are entering a new era of information technology, which will have a significant impact on the education, sciences, strategies and philosophy. Therefore, in preparation for this colossal transformation, the author brings together the best brains in the neurosurgical field from around the globe. Twenty distinguished Professors of Neurosurgery and educators from Canada, the USA, Colombia, the UK, Italy, the Netherland, India, Japan, China, Rwanda, Egypt and Saudi Arabia gathered their experiences and thoughts in this book to shade light on an evolving world that will be the norm in near future.

  • af Entong Wang
    941,95 kr.

    This book includes 35 vertigo cases, which covers typical cases, difficult cases and rare cases from the department of otorhinolaryngology, neurology, emergency department, geriatrics, ophthalmology, and other disciplines. In each case, it has uniform structure, which includes summary of medical records, case study and case view.This book starts from peripheral vertigo, which is the most common vertigo disease, and belong to vestibular vertigo. It also covers non-vestibular vertigo, which is rare and might be ignored to get timely diagnosis and treatment. In addition, it introduces the patient who have multiple vertigo diseases, which are difficult to diagnosis and treatment, but also easy to be missed or misdiagnosed.This book will be helpful to deeply understand vertigo diseases and improve the diagnosis and treatment of vertigo diseases.The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content.

  • af Moritz Ferdinand Trautmann
    382,95 kr.

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