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  • - den naturlige epidural
    af Heidi Meyer Vallentin & Eline Holm
    278,95 kr.

    ”Meyermetoden – den naturlige epidural” er en fødselsforberedende brugsbog for kommende forældre, baseret på Meyermetodens teknikker og redskaber. Den henvender sig især til de forældre, der gerne vil tage ejerskab over deres barns fødsel bl.a. ved brug af Meyermetodens vemestringsprincipper, såsom tryk (en slags akupressur), en verbal guiding, vejrtrækningsprincipper etc. Men den kan også bruges som en klassisk fødselsforberedende bog, hvor læseren får en overskuelig indsigt i fødslens mange faser, information om smertelindring generelt, og hvad man kan forvente ved en fødsel. De kommende forældre får brugbare værktøjer, som de kan bruge inden og under selve fødslen. Meyermetoden er i høj grad et partnerværktøj og har til hensigt at klæde forældrene på til at kunne yde deres bedste på dagen. Den er baseret på et tæt samarbejde mellem partner/faren, for det er her nøglen til en god fødsels og -smerteoplevelse ligger. Bogen er bygget op, så læserne ført får en baggrundsviden på plads, indenbrugen af de konkrete redskaber. Undervejs vil der være cases, som underbygger de forskellige emner, og som gør bogen let at gå til. Det kan anbefales at læse hele bogen og senere hen bruge den som opslagsværk. Bogen akkompagneres af enkelte illustrationer og foto.

  • Spar 17%
    af Hanne Dam
    248,95 kr.

    Alt for mange indgreb. Alt for meget kunstigt hormon og bedøvelse. Alt for mange sugekopper. Alt for få jordemødre. Alt for mange nybagte mødre uden lykkerus.  Alt for mange pressede og skæve nyfødte efter forcerede fødselsforløb. Jordemødre kræver tid og tillid til, at den fødende kan føde naturligt, og de fødende længes efter omsorg. Lægerne vil redde alle børn for nærmest enhver pris. Og politikerne? De vil bare spare – spare på livets begyndelse. Giv kvinderne fødslen tilbage viser, hvad de årelange besparelser på fødselsområdet og lægernes ”Sikkerhed for enhver pris” koster i kvalitet for kvinde og barn – diskuterer magtstrukturerne i fødselsverdenen. ”Vi kan ikke spare en fødsel 2 procent kortere”, som Rigshospitalets tidligere klinikchef, Morten Hedegaard, siger i bogen. Efter i fjorten år at have beskåret fødegangens budget med 2 procent årligt har den populære fødselslæge givet op. Foruden fødende, jordemødre og andre fødselslæger, bl.a. dr. med. Jacob A. Lykke og den prisvindende klinikchef i Horsens, Ole Kierkegaard, lægger også jordemødrenes formand, Lillian Bondo, filosoffen Jacob Birkler og jordemoderaktivisten Anne Ruby m.fl. argumenter ind i en ny debat om landets fødselspolitik.

  • Spar 17%
    af Camilla Gry Temmesen & Mette Radmer
    206,95 kr.

    Til dig, der drømmer om en fantastisk fødsel, kommer to erfarne jordemødres komplette guide til alt, hvad du skal vide om din fødsel – redskaber, fødeteknikker, fakta, træningsprogrammer, mental og fysisk forberedelse, så du trygt kan gå dit barns fødsel i møde. Fantastisk Fødsel Metoden bygger på fem forudsætninger: forberedelse, ansvar, kontrol, teknik og afspænding, der tilsammen giver det bedste grundlag for at blive parat til at føde med glæde, styrke og overskud.

  • - - for sundhedsprofessionelle
    af Bjarne Rittig-Rasmussen
    341,95 kr.

    Klinisk akupunktur for sundhedsprofessionelle har til formål at introducere akupunktur i et nutidigt lys, så behandlingsmetoden på et opdateret grundlag kan indgå som smertebehandling og symptomlindring. Akupunkturen tager udgangspunkt i nutidig viden og bygger direkte videre på de basalvidenskabelige fag, som der undervises i på de sundhedsfaglige uddannelser. Bogen er målrettet udredning og behandling af smerter, som er en stor udfordring på tværs af mange forskellige diagnoser.Målet med denne bog er, at akupunktur på et velargumenteret grundlag kan komme de borgere og patienter til gode, som har brug for hjælp til smertelindring og bedring af deres funktionsproblemer.Bogen er skrevet til både den kommende og den erfarne kliniker, som ønsker at lære at anvende akupunktur og få inspiration til klinisk kompetenceudvikling.

  • - Opgaver,organisation og regulering
    af Lisbeth Uhrenfeldt, Eva Just, Ulla Hybel, mfl.
    386,95 kr.

    Sundhedsvæsenet på tværs beskriver de faglige og menneskelige kompetencer, som er afgørende i et komplekst og specialiseret sundhedsvæsen. Hvis man som sundhedsprofessionel skal kunne agere selvstændigt, er det centralt, at man har fornødne tværfaglige og organisatoriske kompetencer. Det kræver et kendskab til de økonomiske vilkår og andre regulerende rammefaktorer i et sundhedsvæsen, som overvejende er offentligt finansieret og drevet. Bogens primære målgruppe er de sundhedsfaglige professionsbacheloruddannelser. Den kan bl.a. benyttes på fællesmodulet for sundhedsprofessionelle samt i undervisning i organisation og ledelse. Bogen henvender sig også til studerende på naturvidenskabelige, sociale og andre uddannelser, hvor de studerende efter afsluttet studium får arbejde inden for sundhedsvæsenet eller kommer til at indgå i et tæt samarbejde med professionelle i sundhedsvæsenet. Sundhedsvæsenet på tværs har fokus på sundhedsvæsenets aktører, opgaver, struktur, finansiering og regulering. Det samme gælder sundhedsvæsenets organisation og ledelse. Målet er at behandle sundhedsvæsenet på tværs, så læseren får en samlet helhedsforståelse. Dels på tværs af sundhedsvæsenets mange institutioner, dels på tværs af de mange forskellige sundhedsfaglige indsatser, hvor tværfaglighed er en kernekompetence. Dette er 2. udgave af Sundhedsvæsenet på tværs. Her er foretaget en generel opdatering, og flere kapitler er omskrevet, bl.a. kapitlet om sammenhængende og koordinerede patientforløb. Der er også kommet øget fokus på tværfaglighed, som nu beskrives i et selvstændigt kapitel.

  • af Helene Bovin
    224,95 kr.

    En fødsel er et af højdepunkterne i livet sammen som par – men hvordan kan du som mand bedst muligt være til stede og støtte din kvinde i processen? Og hvad er det egentlig, der foregår? Hvilke faser består en fødsel af, og hvad betyder de mange fagudtryk, læger og jordemødre bruger?Alt det får du besked om i denne bog. Den er skrevet af en erfaren jordemor, der i et ligefremt og letforståeligt sprog gennemgår fødslen fra A til Z. Du lærer alt om hormoner, om smerter og smertelindring, om komplikationer, og om det udstyr og de redskaber, du ser på fødegangen. Du kan også læse korte beretninger om, hvordan andre mænd har oplevet fødslens forskellige faser.Når du har læst denne bog, ved du kort sagt, hvordan du som mand bedst kan blive en aktiv og givende part af fødslen, så den bliver en fælles oplevelse, der styrker jeres parforhold.Helene Bovin er uddannet jordemoder, sundhedsantropolog og psykoterapeut.Hun har arbejdet på føde-, barsels og svangreafdelinger på både små og store fødesteder, og hun har i en årrække haft egen klinik i Aarhus. Senest har hun specialiseret sig i arbejdet med sårbare familier.I dag er hun selvstændig jordemoder.

  • Spar 10%
    af Bente Bassett, Jette Ammentorp, Marianne Engelbrecht Lau & mfl.
    284,50 kr.

    Hvordan kan sundhedsprofessionelle planlægge og udføre forskellige typer af patientsamtaler i dagligdagen? Med afsæt i cases får du præsenteret de kommunikative udfordringer, man typisk oplever i mødet med patienter og pårørende. Desuden får du mange konkrete bud på, hvordan man som sundhedsprofessionel kan forbedre sin egen praksis.Den henvender sig til alle fagpersoner, der fører samtaler i sundhedsvæsenet. Den kan bruges til efter- og videreuddannelse, og den er velegnet som lærebog på medicinstudiet, på de sundhedsfaglige professionsbacheloruddannelser og på de erhvervsfaglige sundhedsuddannelser. Bogen kan bruges som opslagsbog, og samlet giver den et godt overblik over de mest relevante færdigheder, man har brug for, når man skal kommunikere professionelt med patienter og pårørende.I bogens kapitler er der gennemgående fokus på færdigheder. Først beskrives Calgary-Cambridge-Guiden, som udgør bogens videnskabelige grundlag. Herefter følger kapitler om forskellige typer af samtaler, der afspejler varierende kliniske situationer og patienttyper. De sidste kapitler beskriver, hvad man kan gøre for at opøve og træne praktiske kompetencer, og hvordan man kan arbejde med kollegial feedback. Det afsluttende kapitel redegør for bogens evidensgrundlag.

  • af Christoph C. Lees
    1.320,95 - 1.369,95 kr.

  • af Rita Santos-Rocha
    1.006,95 - 1.228,95 kr.

    This is the second edition of a well-received, practice oriented, multidisciplinary book filling the gap between evidence-based knowledge on the benefits of physical activity and exercise during pregnancy and postpartum and the implementation of exercise programs and related health promotion measures in pregnant women.Readers will find up-to-date evidence on the psychological, social, physiological, body composition, musculoskeletal, and biomechanical changes that occur during pregnancy and their implications for physical activity and exercise. Further, the authors equip the reader with the latest guidelines and detailed description of exercise testing, prescription, selection and adaptation for pregnant and postpartum women, including those with clinical conditions.This new edition has been thoroughly updated, and includes additional chapters focused on the pedagogical intervention in pre and postnatal exercise programs, exercise prescription and adaptation during postpartum and diet recommendations for the pregnant exerciser and athlete.  Written by recognized experts in the field, the book aims to allay undue fears regarding the consequences of exercising during pregnancy. Moreover, it provides medical, sports, and fitness professionals both with the knowledge and the practical expertise needed to offer an optimal guidance on exercising to pregnant exercisers and athletes. 

  • af Smaranda Belciug
    1.413,95 - 2.012,95 kr.

    This book aims to provide a refreshing, friendly and exciting manner artificial intelligence (AI) theoretical concepts and practical methods applied in obstetrics and gynaecology. The book follows the nine and a half months journey from preconception till birth alongside with AI. It discusses topics such as the poignant role of AI in improving the change of women getting pregnant; AI methods for detecting congenital anomalies in first and second trimester foetal sonography; how AI aids physicians in determining what type of birth should be deployed (vaginal versus caesarean); how AI can predict pre-eclampsia, preterm birth, mortality, birth weight, miscarriage, postpartum depression, etc. Additionally, it provides information on AI used for perinatal depression, for the evaluation of the relationship between pollutants and pregnancy outcome and even how AI tools can improve physician training in labour and delivery. The book is designed for bioinformaticians, obstetric and gynaecology researchers and physicians, and all those who wish to learn how to explore, analyse, find novel potential solutions for the challenging domains: obstetrics and gynaecology. Likewise, this book will be useful for application engineers who wish to use AI paradigms in areas such as engineering and science too.

  • af Kathleen Kendall-Tackett
    462,95 kr.

    Depression in New Mothers, Volume 1: Causes, Consequences, and Risk Factors provides a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to understanding symptoms and risk factors of depression, anxiety, and PTSD in perinatal women.

  • af Laura Briggs Drew
    678,95 - 988,95 kr.

  • af Mary Ellen (Western Connecticut State University Doherty
    478,95 - 1.914,95 kr.

  • af Kathleen M. Heide
    2.877,95 kr.

    The Routledge International Handbook of Juvenile Homicide is the definitive work on juvenile homicide. This volume provides an up-to-date, comprehensive, and in-depth exploration of what is known about juveniles involved in murder.

  • af Cecilia Tomori
    666,95 kr.

    This book is a comprehensive overview of the topics, approaches, and trajectories in the anthropological study of human reproduction.

  • af Jean Rankin
    449,95 kr.

    With its straightforward writing style and extraordinary breadth of content, Physiology in Childbearing is an ideal textbook for students of midwifery wanting to master the physiology of pregnancy, childbirth, the neonate and breastfeeding. This popular book has been fully updated to incorporate new knowledge and guidelines, and has a stronger focus on diversity. It covers basic biochemistry, cellular biology, genetics and fertility, as well as embryology and fetal growth, the physiology of pregnancy, and complications of labour. It then goes on to examine the neonate, infant feeding and bio-behavioural aspects of parenting. The complexities of this fundamental topic area are explained with boxes of key points, full colour diagrams and images, and tips on applying content to practice, making this book a must-have for students and practising midwives alike. Covers everything midwives need to know about physiology - comprehensive content suitable for both training and practising midwives Easy to read with straightforward language - ideal for students to master difficult concepts Clear, full-colour diagrams and images bring theory to life Demystifies basic biochemistry, cellular biology and genetics for those who have no prior knowledge of these subject areas Evidence-based approach to improve safety and quality of care for mothers and babies, both in the developed world and those countries where the provision of adequate care remains limited Helps the reader apply theory to practice, including how to recognise pathology and help prevent morbidity and mortality 'Main Points' boxes and online question bank with downloadable image collection to support learning Full colour artwork program Expanded information and clinical application boxes covering the diverse populations and cultures using maternity care The RCOG PROMPT manual, current NMC and NICE guidelines integrated throughout Key issues highlighted the current MBRRACE report are emphasised Self-assessment multiple choice question bank on Evolve platform

  • af Julio Gimenez
    192,95 - 228,95 kr.

    Combining a theoretical approach with practical activities, this book is invaluable for nursing and midwifery students and will help them to master the basics of writing at university. It equips students with the skills needed to examine cognitive processes such as reflection and critical thinking and includes essential information on referencing correctly and avoiding plagiarism. Going beyond the traditional essay, it provides support and guidance on producing care critiques, action plans, portfolios and journal article reviews alongside complex argumentative writing and undergraduate dissertation proposals. Written in an engaging and accessible style, this is a comprehensive writing toolkit for students of nursing, midwifery, health and social care. Suitable for students of all levels, it is ideal for use in class or for independent study.

  • af Benjamin Greenberg
    868,95 - 1.228,95 kr.

    Disorders of the spinal cord are diverse and potentially devastating. They can present as acute, subacute and chronic disorders causing a variety of symptoms. Patients can present to pediatricians, internists, OBGYNs, emergency room physicians and neurologists requiring a diversity of clinicians to be familiar with the signs, symptoms, recommended testing and treatment options.  This book comprehensively addresses myelopathies, the broad spectrum of potential pathologies. Chapters cover approaches to acute, subacute and chronic myelopathies; individual myelopathic disorders; the pathobiology, epidemiology, signs, and symptoms of the disorder; diagnostic approach, and therapeutic options.  This comprehensive review is beneficial to any clinician, with special emphasis for neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuroradiologists and physiatrists. 

  • af Joseph Truglio
    1.132,95 - 1.135,95 kr.

    This book is a point-of-care resource for effective sexual and reproductive healthcare for patients of all ages, sexual orientations, gender identities and medical backgrounds in the primary care setting. This useful guide is divided into three parts, and other than part three, which deals exclusively with transgender and gender diverse patients, all content will relate to patients of all gender identities.   Part one presents sexual and reproductive health (SRH) using a lifespan approach, including chapters on pediatrics, adolescents and young adults, adults, and older adult patients. Part two presents an approach to common SRH issues that span multiple age groups, including contraception and family planning, sexually transmitted infections and cancer screenings as well as sexual and reproductive health in the setting of common medical conditions.  Part three is dedicated to sexual and reproductive health for transgender and gender non-binary patients, including psychosocial, medical, surgical and legal aspects of health.   This book provides primary care clinicians with a framework for providing effective sexual and reproductive healthcare to patients of all ages, sexual orientations and gender identities in a way that is inclusive, focuses on health, and addresses the needs unique to specific populations.

  • af Fereidoun Azizi
    868,95 - 1.228,95 kr.

    This book provides a comprehensive overview of various thyroid disorders in pregnancy. Merging clinical evidence with their own professional experience, international experts in the field report on novel research and share insights on a broad range of topics, from addressing the normal physiology of the thyroid in pregnancy, to the safe treatment of disorders during pregnancy.Given its scope, the book is chiefly intended for internists, obstetricians, gynecologists, endocrinologists and related sub-specialists; however, it will also benefit general physicians.

  • af Antonio Malvasi, Gilda Cinnella & Renata Beck
    2.653,95 kr.

    In this book the use of hybrid simulation in delivery room emergencies is described and shown. The use of a patient actor combined with a task trainer within the same session substantially improve the training for practical management of intrapartum emergencies in real life, reducing the risk of failure of operative vaginal delivery and of related adverse events, including perinatal or maternal complications. Furthermore, simulation with high reality computerized mannequin and scenography of emergency situation can improve technical and manual skills of the participants.For this book and the related videos, a new generation of mannequins suitable for both clinical manoeuvres and ultrasound examination is used to simulate all clinical scenarios of emergency that can happen in the delivery room for both the mother and the child.This unique book is a useful tool for medical students, residents, practicing pediatricians, anesthetists, obstetricians and all health care professionals working in the delivery room in their ability to deal with critical and emergency situations with safety and good medical practice.

  • af Dimitrios G. Goulis
    1.240,95 - 1.747,95 kr.

    This book comprehensively discusses both gestational diabetes and diabetes that pre-exists pregnancy (type 1 or type 2), highlighting conditions and complications that are expected to occur during and after pregnancy. The book focuses on clinical problems encountered in everyday practice, but also covers topics that contribute to a better understanding of the clinical issues (genetics, epigenetics, pathophysiology).Written by leading experts in various disciplines, the chapters draw on the authors' experience to critically evaluate relevant data on diagnosing and treating the disease and provide guidance on the optimal approach in each specific situation as well as on how to decide between alternatives. A series of learning objectives, tables, figures, algorithms and illustrations increase the book's readability and help readers improve their understanding of the material. This book serves as a practical and useful tool for general obstetricians, fetal-maternal specialists, endocrinologists, diabetologists, neonatologists, midwives and for anyone involved in the management of pregnant women with this condition.

  • af Barbara A. Anderson & Lisa R. Roberts
    1.229,95 kr.

    This book uniquely explores American cultural values as a factor in maternal health. It looks beyond the social determinants of health as primarily contributing to the escalating maternal morbidity and mortality in the United States. The United States is an outlier with poor maternal health outcomes and high morbidity/mortality in comparison to other high-resource and many mid-level resource nations. While the social determinants of health identify social and environmental conditions affecting maternal health, they do not answer the broader underlying question of why many American women, in a high-resource environment, experience poor maternal health outcomes. Frequent near-misses, high levels of severe childbearing-related morbidity, and high maternal mortality are comparable to those of lower-resource nations. This book includes contributions from recognized medical and cultural anthropologists, and diverse clinical and public health professionals. The authors examine American patterns of decision-making from the perspectives of intersecting social, cultural, and medical values influencing maternal health outcomes. Using an interdisciplinary critical analysis approach, the work draws upon decision-making theory and life course theory. Topics explored include:Cultural values as a basis for decision-makingSocial regard for motherhoodImmigrants, refugees and undocumented mothersCultural conflicts and maternal autonomyHealth outcomes among justice-involved mothersMaternal Health and American Cultural Values: Beyond the Social Determinants is an essential resource for clinical and public health practitioners and their students, providing a framework for graduate-level courses in public health, the health sciences, women¿s studies, and the social sciences. The book also targets anthropologists, sociologists, and women studies scholars seeking to explain the links between American cultural decision-making and health outcomes. Policy-makers, ethicists, journalists, and advocates for reproductive health justice also would find the text a useful resource.

  • af Zsolt J. Balogh
    950,95 - 1.228,95 kr.

    This book on post-injury multiple organ failure (MOF) offers a comprehensive overview and clinically focused practical guide to treating the condition. MOF is arguably the most difficult complication to manage in polytrauma patients and is responsible for the majority of trauma deaths among patients who survived the first 24 hours after injury. Beyond mortality, it has a major impact on healthcare resource utilization and a persistent negative effect on patients' long-term reported outcomes. This book is edited by surgeons who are passionate about the topic, and about optimizing the outcomes for polytrauma patients. Grasping the fascinating pathophysiology of MOF is essential for providing patients with quality early care. Each chapter highlights key learning objectives, historical perspectives, diagnostic and therapeutic pearls, and includes a must-know summary, additional reading suggestions and future research directions. Flowcharts, decision-making guides, summary tables, graphics and clinical photographs help to maximize the learning experience and to ensure readers retain what they've learned. The book fills a unique niche area for many specialties dedicated to critical care of polytrauma patients and to their management before and beyond intensive care.  

  • af Ekkehard Schleußner
    1.135,95 kr.

    This book is a comprehensive work that spans the gap between basic knowledge and clinical significance of the placenta. Starting from normal development, it deals with the histopathology of the placenta, leads the reader on to functional disorders and insufficiencies and explains their effects on mother and child.Based on this, the authors convey in a practical and user-friendly manner everything worth knowing about diagnostics and therapy and provide valuable information for the optimal care of the pregnant patient.

  • af Roshan Fernando, Sioned Phillips & Pervez Sultan
    1.244,95 kr.

  • af Tania Staras
    355,95 kr.

    Kind, honest and open communication is at the heart of midwifery care and maternity practice, and is vital in providing safe, person-centred care. This new book explores communication in midwifery from a range of perspectives and across different settings. It considers the theoretical and practical dimensions of communication, including how and why we communicate and who we communicate with. It uses case studies and practical examples to put ideas into real-world context and to explore topic areas in ways which are thought-provoking, accessible and useful to practitioners. Above all, Communication in Midwifery supports midwives in developing their theoretical understanding around communication and building a practical toolkit of ideas and strategies for use in a range of settings and with diverse groups of people. It helps midwives and other caregivers in navigating the nuanced and complex situations they encounter every day where clear, honest and collaborative communication is vital. Covers communication in pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period; the use of written, verbal and non-verbal approaches; and complex scenarios where communication may be challenging, such as diverse groups, trauma and loss Explores new methods of communicating, including the use of the internet and social media, and their benefits and challenges Highlights the importance of communication between professions and ways this can be enhanced Covers contemporary issues of consent, risk and safety in maternity care Useful at all stages of a midwife's career from undergraduate to qualified midwife

  • af Kate Greenstock
    178,95 kr.

    Flourish aims to support you as a midwife to do two things: to name what's going on around you and within you, then to find and claim your distinctive place in the midwifery world. You might be a newly qualified or early career midwife facing the challenges of finding your voice as well as your feet. Maybe you're an established midwife but feel as though you have lost your way - and with it the impetus to reshape either yourself or the environment you work in. Perhaps you're a team leader seeking to find the vocabulary to connect with your team, acknowledge what they might be feeling and reach out for resources and tools to support them to thrive, reflect and grow.As a guidebook, Flourish is a tour of discovery that reveals how 'standard' maternity environments and practices might be impacting you personally, and then invites you to reconnect with the core of your personality, purpose and passion. We'll tackle trauma, moral injury, burnout and compassion fatigue, then employ array of exercises to find a way back 'home', to a place where your sense of motivation for being a midwife is rekindled. A place where you can reconnect to your values, strengths, the world you want to live in and your unique voice. Once you're there, you will be able to make real, rich choices about your life and your career.

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